Without recourse.
All Rights Reserved. Tree of Life©
of belief: “Sanctify
them through thy truth: thy word is truth.” (John 17:17 KJV)
5940(?) 05 10 2026 [2010-07-23]
Updated 5925[(*??*)] 01 24 2029 [2013-05-05] – re v. XI.0.4
Updated 5925[(*??*)]
01 27 2029 [2013-05-08] – re v. XI.0.5
Updated 5925[(*??*)] 02 08 2029 [2013-05-19] – re v. XI.0.6
Updated 5925[(*??*)] 02 11 2029 [2013-05-22] – re v. XI.0.7
04 27 2033 [2017-07-22]– re v. XII.0.0
Updated 5936[2016-12-14-21:32] 05 21 2033 [2017-08-15] – re v. XII.0.1
Updated 5936[2016-12-14-21:32] 05 23 2033 [2017-08-17] – Hebrew text of Jasher 66:2 conferred.
Updated 5938[v2016-12-14-21:32] 13 11 2035 [2019-03-19] – re v. XII.0.2
5938[v2016-12-14-21:32] 03 25 2035 [2019-05-31] – re v. XII.0.3
5938[v2016-12-14-21:32] 06 14 2035 [2019-08-16] – re v. XIII.0.0
5938[v2016-12-14-21:32] 06 14 2035 [2019-08-16] – re v. XIV.0.0
5938[v2016-12-14-21:32] 06 15 2035 [2019-08-17] – re v. XV.0.0
5938[v2016-12-14-21:32] 06 17 2035
[2019-08-19] – re v. XVI.0.0, XVII.0.0, XVIII.0.0, and XIX.0.0.
5938[v2016-12-14-21:32] 06 19 2035 [2019-08-21] – re v. XX.0.0, XXI.0.0.
5938[v2016-12-14-21:32] 06 19 2035 [2019-08-21] – re test results from
versions XIII.0.0-XXI.0.0, and adding the Exodus 16:1, 22-26 text to that test.
5953[v2020-12-11] 12 11 2035 [2020-01-07] – re test versions
XIII.0.0-XXII.0.22, culminating in v. XXIII.0.0
begun 5953[v2020-12-11] 12 16 2035 [2020-01-12] – re test versions in support of the last table
needing the JD minus one week day correction for all pre-Joshua’s Long Day
events! Cf. last
prior version!
begun 5887[v2020-01-19] 12 27 2035 [2020-01-19] concluded on 5887[v2020-01-19] 12 23 2035 [2020-01-23]– re test versions in
support of the last table needing the JD minus one week day correction for all
pre-Joshua’s Long Day events! Cf. last
prior version!
5887[v2020-01-19] 13 02 2035 [2020-01-28]– re test versions
XXII.0.00.1, XXII.0.00.2, XXII.0.00.3, XXII.0.01.3, and XXII.0.19.3, correcting
an error in version XXII.0.00, and verifying reliability of versions XXII.0.01
through XXII.0.22. Cf. last
prior version!
5904[v2020-01-28] 13 02 thru 13 18 2035 [2020-01-28 thru
2020-02-13] - serving as the basis for the most current dating within The Sacred
Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XXVI.0.0.)
5904[v2020-01-28] 13 19 thru… 2035 [2020-02-14 thru…] – yet
another series of test versions after removing a prior non-existent 1st
year after the Exodus reckoning (versions XXVI.1.01-XXVI.1.22.) Cf. last
prior version!
5942[v2016-12-14-21:32] 07 13 2039 [Sun 2023-10-29] – Adding version
update 5967[v2023-12-04] 08 20 2039 [Mon 2023-12-04] – New datestamp
reckoning of mine: “[v2023-12-04]” & Renaming version XXVII.0 to
version XXIX.0 after finding significant weaknesses with version XXVIII.0.
revision 5968[v2023-12-04] 10
26 – 11
01 2040 [Sun 2025-01-26 – Thu eve 2025-01-30] – Seeking harmony between my prior findings and the
reigns of the Assyrian and Babylonian kings as recorded upon the Stele of -g-Guppi.
Choose Your
of Entry into…
Various Versions of my Excel file:
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress…©
Study in Progress:
(Therefore, please forgive me for any errors, whether
words remaining from past thinking and not yet corrected or thoughts of mine
that are still suffering from being in error until somehow
I am given additional rays of light!)
As I keep studying ever deeper and widely into ancient chronology as
based primarily upon the Scriptures, I keep discovering things I didn’t know of
before, some of which discoveries may require more or less extensive revisions
and updates of former work. This is very exciting indeed!
It is making reality of the concept of building upon the shoulders of
giants… Perhaps, to some people, such changes and corrections may feel
disturbing or unsettling, but to me they are more of an adventurous journey
into such areas of life as were previously unknown or forgotten. What could be
more exciting and meaningful than bringing important treasures to the surface
again… such that any and all may gain access to such ancient treasures of time?
The most current version of The Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress:
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XXIX.3).xls – Created beginning 5967[v2023-12-04] 10
26 2039 [Sun 2025-01-26]
§ This
version XXIX.3 is built upon version XXIX.2, and is created in an attempt to
harmonize my prior findings as of version XXIX.2 with the record of regnal
years discovered upon the Adad-Guppi Stele.
Moved DY3259-DY3271 to
DY3267-DY3279, i.e. Esarhaddon’s years of reign were
moved such as Esarhaddon’s death in his 12th year concur with the year
of Ashurbanipal’s accession to the throne.
Copied cell DX3265 into cells
DX3265-DX3270, i.e. extending the number of Sennacherib’s years of reign
from 18 to 23. Amazingly to me, by so doing I find perfect agreement with “[111] Sennacherib… 704-681” as quoted from the Livius.org Assyrian King List, i.e. both the length of Sennacherib’s reign and the actual
years agree! [However, cf. item 29) below!]
Cell ES3271. After first re-reading
the entire Book of Tobit for purposes of correctly modifying this version
XXIX.3 as required, I found these passages being the most relevant passages, as
copied below:
”Chapter 1
“11 Then the king [Sennacherib/TOL©] said, I will slay my
two sons for the Lord’s sake, peradventure I may obtain by them God’s favour,
and he will help me. And the saying came to Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons,
and they laid in wait for him, and killed him with the sword, at the hour when
he went in to pray before his idol Dagon, as it is said, ‘And Adrammelech and
Sharezer his sons smote him with the sword, and they escaped into the land of
Ararat.’ And it came to pass when Sennacherib, king of
Assyria, was dead, that Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead. And
Esarhaddon appointed Akikar, the son of my brother Hananel, over all that he
had, and he ruled over all the land of Assyria. And
Akikar spake kind words for me to the king, so that he brought me back
to Nineveh, for Akikar was my friend and kinsman. And
they restored me my wife Hannah and my son Tobiyyah, for the king of
Assyria had commanded them to be seized in his rage against me.
”Chapter 2
”1 Now the same year at the feast of weeks I prepared in my house a great feast, and I sat at my table to eat. Then I said to my son Tobiyyah, Go and bring one of our poor brethren to eat with us, and I and all who sit with me will not eat until thou comest.
עור ארבע שנים… 5
”5 … Then I went
and laid down by the wall, and my face was uncovered, and I knew not that there
were birds above me on the wall. And their dung fell upon mine eyes, and there came a whiteness in mine eyes. And I went in the
morning to the physicians to heal me, but they could not, and I was blind four years. [Probably a reference to Esarhaddon’s
4th year of reign/TOL©]
”6 Now at that time my wife Hannah did work for women, and weaved curtains for others, and received her wages. And there was a day when they gave her a kid for her wages. And I heard the voice of the kid crying out. Then I said to her, Whence cometh this kid? Beware lest it be stolen.
”Chapter 3
“3 And on that
same day it happened to Sarah, the daughter of Reuel, who lived at
Agbatanis, a city in the land of Media, that her father’s maidservants were
reproaching her and mocking her…
“4 At that time
the prayer of them both was heard before the throne of glory, the prayer
of Tobi concerning his blindness, and the prayer of Sarah concerning the
humiliation of her parents. And the Lord sent the angel Raphael, the prince who
is appointed over healing, to heal them twain, to heal Tobi, the father of
Tobiyyah, of the disease in his eyes, and to give Sarah, the daughter of Reuel,
to Tobiyyah, the son of Tobi, to wife, and to take away from her Asmodeus, the
king of the demons.
”Chapter 4
”2 At that time
Tobi remembered the money which he had committed to the hand of Gabael
in the city Rages in the land of Media. And he said in his heart, Behold I ask
every day to die; now therefore I will call my son
Tobiyyah, and will signify him of the matter of the money before I die.
”Chapter 5
“3 Then Tobi answered
and said to Tobiyyah, This is the sign that thou shalt
give him. He gave me his bag, and took from my hand mine, when I put the money in his hand this day twenty years ago.
”Chapter 13
At that
time Tobiyyah wrote down all these things with joy...”
Cell ES3271. Accordingly I entered:
“Book of Tobit: A time
reference apparently referencing the 4th year of
”Chapter 2
”1 Now the same year at the
feast of weeks I prepared in my house a great feast, and I sat at my table to
eat. Then I said to my son Tobiyyah, Go and bring one of our poor brethren to
eat with us, and I and all who sit with me will not eat until thou comest.
עור ארבע
שנים… 5
”5 … Then I went and laid down
by the wall, and my face was uncovered, and I knew not that there were birds
above me on the wall. And their dung fell upon mine eyes, and there came a
whiteness in mine eyes. And I went in the morning to
the physicians to heal me, but they could not, and I
was blind four years. [Probably a reference to
Esarhaddon’s 4th year of reign/TOL©]”
Moved cells EE3247-EE3266 to
EE3251-EE3270, i.e. the 20 years when Tobit’s ten
talents were deposited with Gabael.
Copy-pasted the 2nd
and 3rd, the last two paragraphs from cell ES3247, at the end of my
prior entry within cell ES3251:
“Tobit's witness re the length and end of
Shalmaneser's reign:
“Towards the end of the reign of Shalmaneser,
ten talents committed into the hands of Gabael: "So God gave me grace and
favour in the eyes of Shalmaneser, king of Assyria, and he appointed me over
all that he had unto the day of his death. And I committed to the hand of my
brother Gabael, who was in the land of Media, at the city Eages, ten talents of
silver." Tobit 1:4 at sefaria.org/Book_of_Tobit.1.4?lang=bi”
Copied cell DV3246 into
DV3247-3251, thus extending the years of reign of Shalmaneser V to his 24th
year of reign.
Re the eclipse in Esarhaddon’s
12th year:
In 671±1 BCE there was no
solar eclipse visible from Nineveh (=SN8 Mosul, Iraq), but in Tammuz, i.e.
Jul 2, 671 BCE, beginning 4 min after moonrise and with maximum 97 min past
sunset, there was a near total lunar eclipse visible from Nineveh.
Cell ES3279. Entered:
“Lunar eclipse anchor
confirmation: The Jul 2, 671 BCE 0.9271% partial lunar eclipse. Visible from the point of view of the
current, post-pole shift #3, location of Nimrud-Kalhu-Ashur-Nineveh in
Esarhaddon’s, King of Assyria, 12th year of reign, beginning 4 min
after moonrise and with maximum 97 min past sunset, a near total lunar eclipse.
Corresponding to a Mar 23, 671 BCE visible New Moon #1 from the Nineveh-Mosul,
Iraq horizon.”
10) Cell
ES3271, entered text:
Book of Tobit: A time
reference apparently referencing the 4th year of Esarhaddon:
”Chapter 2
”1 Now the same year [when
Tobit's wife and son were restored to him; Tobit 1:11/TLT©] at the feast of
weeks I prepared in my house a great feast, and I sat at my table to eat. Then
I said to my son Tobiyyah, Go and bring one of our poor brethren to eat with
us, and I and all who sit with me will not eat until thou comest.
עור ארבע
שנים… 5
”5 … Then I went and laid down
by the wall, and my face was uncovered, and I knew not that there were birds
above me on the wall. And their dung fell upon mine eyes, and there came a
whiteness in mine eyes. And I went in the morning to
the physicians to heal me, but they could not, and I was blind four years.
[Probably a reference to Esarhaddon’s 4th year of reign/TOL©]
At the Feast of Trumpets [possibly?; cf. Tobit 3:4 vs subsequent events; informing
Tobiah - Day of Trumpets; prayers for forgiveness and healing - Day of
At-One-Meant; wedding feast - Feast of Tabernacles;], after the beginning of
Esarhaddon's reign, 20 year anniversary of committing ten talents to Gabael:
"שמתי את הכסף
בידו היום
עשרים שנה.
- I put the money in his hand this day twenty years ago." Tobit 5:3 at
”Chapter 12
"3 at the feast of weeks,
when thou didst leave thy table, and go to bury the dead man, I was with
thee." Tobit 12:3 at
“Another version of the Book
of Tobit provides that Tobit was 58 years old when he became blind. "14:2
And he was eight and fifty years old when he lost his sight, which was restored
to him after eight years:..." Cf. Tobit 14:2 at
this link: https://www.math.cmu.edu/~rw1k/Tobit.pdf
11) Cell
EC3271: Entered 58 in red font, then extended
count upwards to 0, and downwards to 158. Cf. Tobit 14:2, 11. But this
caused Tobit to outlive his son Tobiah by two years. This cannot be per the
latter part of the Book of Tobit! Therefore…
12) Cell
ES3251. Added:
It came to me this morning
[Jan 29, 2025] that, in order to make sense out of the time related terms and
events recorded in Book of Tobit 2:5; 14:2, 11-15 [cf. below!] apparently
a) that Tobiah lived many years after the
death of Tobit,
"2:5 ...I was blind four years",
c) "14:2 ...sight...was restored to
him after eight years", and
d) "14:2 And he was eight and fifty
years old when he lost his sight"...
the most sensible
understanding is that:
"2:5 ...I was blind four years" is a reference to
Sennacherib's 4th year,
2) "14:2 ...sight...was restored to
him after eight years" points rather to the 8th year of the reign of
Esarhaddon, and
3) Tobit "14:2 ...was eight and fifty
years old when he lost his sight" points to Tobit's age in Sennacherib's
4th year.
Book of Tobit (the version at https://www.sefaria.org/Book_of_Tobit.2.5?lang=bi&with=all&lang2=en)
"Then I went and laid
down by the wall, and my face was uncovered, and I knew not that there were
birds above me on the wall. And their dung fell upon mine eyes, and there came
a whiteness in mine eyes. And I went in the morning to
the physicians to heal me, but they could not, and I was blind four years. And
all my brethren and kindred were grieved at my blindness"
Book of Tobit (the version at https://www.math.cmu.edu/~rw1k/Tobit.pdf):
14:2 And he was eight and
fifty years old when he lost his sight, which
was restored to him after
eight years:
14:11 ...When he had said
these things, he gave up the ghost
in the bed, being an hundred and eight and fifty years old; and he buried
him honourably.
14:12 And when Anna his mother
was dead, he buried her with his father.
But Tobias departed with his
wife and children to Ecbatane to Raguel his
father in law,
14:13 Where he became old with
honour, and he buried his father and
mother in law honourably, and he
inherited their substance, and his father
14:14 And he died at Ecbatane
in Media, being an hundred and seven
and twenty years old.
14:15 But before he died he heard of the destruction of Nineveh, which
was taken by Nabuchodonosor
and Assuerus: and before his death he rejoiced
over Nineveh.
13) Cell
EC3251: Entered 58 in red font, then extended
count upwards to 0, and downwards to 158. Cf. Tobit 2:5;
14:2, 11-15 (quoted
14) Cell
ES3356 (edited from ES3364). Entered:
First possible year of
Nineveh's destruction if the Book of Tobit is written in chronological order.
Cf. the cell thirteen rows below this (at Tobiah's 127th year).
15) Deleted
cell ES3364.
16) Cell
ES3229 (moved and edited from ES3237). Entered:
First possible year of
Tobiah's birth - later years more likely considering the circumstances given in
the Book of Tobit - if the events in the Book of Tobit are recorded in the
order they happened (Tobit 14:14 per math.cmu.edu/~rw1k/Tobit.pdf). (Given the
age difference between Tobit and Tobiah, 158 vs 127 years at death and the
events recorded in Tobit 2:5; 14:2; 11-15, Tobiah could not possibly have been
delivered earlier than this year.)
17) Cell
ES3242, edited text (by highlightening text in red font
“Last possible year of
Tobiah's birth (i.e. prior to
the beginning of Assyrian captivity) - later years more likely
considering the circumstances given in the Book of Tobit - if the events in the
Book of Tobit are recorded in the order they happened (Tobit 14:14 per
math.cmu.edu/~rw1k/Tobit.pdf). (Given the age difference between Tobit and
Tobiah, 158 vs 127 years at death, Tobiah could not possibly have been
delivered more than thirteen years earlier than
this year.)”
18) Cell
ED3229-ED3239. Entering age of Tobiah as potentially reckoned from earliest
possible date of delivery.
19) Cell
ES3369, edited text (by highlightening text in red font
Last possible year of
Nineveh's destruction if the Book of Tobit is recording the events in the order
they happened (Tobit 14:15 per math.cmu.edu/~rw1k/Tobit.pdf). (Given the age
difference, 158 vs 127 years at death, Nineveh could not possibly have been
destroyed more than thirteen years earlier than
20) Cell
ES3251, edited text (by highlightening text in red font
Tobit's witness re the length
and end of Shalmaneser's reign:
After recording the end of the
reign of Shalmaneser, Tobit writes about his ten
talents being committed into the hands of Gabael: "So God gave me grace
and favour in the eyes of Shalmaneser, king of Assyria, and he appointed me
over all that he had unto the day of his death. And I committed to the hand of
my brother Gabael, who was in the land of Media, at the city Eages, ten talents
of silver." Tobit 1:4 at sefaria.org/Book_of_Tobit.1.4?lang=bi
21) Copy-pasted
EE3251-EE3271 to EE3255-EE3275, i.e. the 20 years when
Tobit’s 20 talents were deposited with Gabael.
22) Cell
DY3275. Moved the emphasis from Esarhaddon’s 4th year [Cell DY3271]
to his 8th year.
Book of Tobit: A time
reference apparently referencing the 8th year
of Esarhaddon:
”Chapter 2
”1 Now the same year [when
Tobit's wife and son were restored to him; Tobit 1:11/TLT©] at the feast of
weeks I prepared in my house a great feast, and I sat at my table to eat. Then
I said to my son Tobiyyah, Go and bring one of our poor brethren to eat with
us, and I and all who sit with me will not eat until thou comest.
עור ארבע שנים…
”5 … Then I went and laid down
by the wall, and my face was uncovered, and I knew not that there were birds
above me on the wall. And their dung fell upon mine eyes, and there came a
whiteness in mine eyes. And I went in the morning to
the physicians to heal me, but they could not, and I was blind four years.
[Probably a reference to Sennacherib’s 4th year
of reign/TOL©] https://www.sefaria.org/Book_of_Tobit.2.1?lang=bi
At the Feast of Trumpets [possibly?; cf. Tobit 3:4 vs subsequent events; informing
Tobiah - Day of Trumpets; prayers for forgiveness and healing - Day of At-One-Meant;
wedding feast - Feast of Tabernacles;], after the beginning of Esarhaddon's
reign, 20 year anniversary of committing ten talents to Gabael: "שמתי
את הכסף בידו
היום עשרים
שנה. - I put
the money in his hand this day twenty years ago." Tobit 5:3 at
”Chapter 12
"3 at the feast of weeks,
when thou didst leave thy table, and go to bury the dead man, I was with
thee." Tobit 12:3 at
“Another version of the Book
of Tobit provides that Tobit was 58 years old when he became blind. "14:2
And he was eight and fifty years old when he lost his sight, which was restored
to him after eight years:..." Cf. Tobit 14:2 at
this link: https://www.math.cmu.edu/~rw1k/Tobit.pdf
Considerations – problematic issue:
Although thus placing the
onset of blindness at the 4th year of Sennacherib, and Tobit’s
restoration of sight to Esarhaddon’s 8th year, seems to resolve the
issue re Tobit dying two years later than his son Tobiah and the associated
events related in Tobit 14 at the end of Tobi’s and Tobiah’s life, so doing
create other seemingly serious problems:
a) The
events associated with Tobi’s Feast of Weeks celebration seems to be a mixed
record of two Feast of Weeks celebrations separated in time by 24 years of
b) Tobi’s
24 years of blindness begin 4 years prior to Tobi’s depositing his 20 talents
with Gabael.
c) Tobit
4 And Raphael said to them… Now therefore write you all these things in a book, and it shall be for a witness between you and your God all the days of your lives, and this thing shall be for a sign and a witness amongst all generations. And bless the Lord, and praise the remembrance of his holiness.
At that time Tobiyyah wrote down all these things with joy.
Accordingly, the Book of Tobi,
could be viewed, in part, as a second hand witness to at
least parts of Tobi’s story. As we know, a second hand
witness is not considered reliable in court… Yet, let’s not forget, “The error
is more often in the eyes of the beholder”! That is me and/or you, here and now…
Some of these things re the Book of Tobit may seem foggy right now, but surely
the time will come when the fog will dissolve and the bright sunlight will make
us see things clearly.
24) Cell
DY3259: Entered “0” for Esarhaddon’s alternative
accession year.
25) Cells
DY3260-DY3267: Computation of Esarhaddon’s years of reign as based upon Esarhaddon’s
initial appointment/accession to the throne by the celestial gods represented
on Esarhaddon’s Stele…
26) Cell
DY3268: Entered “1” for #3 of 3 year #1
following Esarhaddon’s three accession years as described in sections #500,
#501, and #506 in https://isac.uchicago.edu/sites/default/files/uploads/shared/docs/ancient_records_assyria2.pdf
and also the item re the 691 BCE lunar eclipse in my file https://Adamoh.org/TreeOfLife.lan.io/NTCh/CrossCorrelatingHistory&Astronomy.html#AncientRecordsReEsarhaddons3accessions
…Looks like the fog may be
dispersing. The last three items (##24-26) may resolve the issue described in
item #23 above:
Seeing that the 8th
year of Esarhaddon’s reign, as based upon his “divine appointment” is concurrent
with his de facto accession year, after Sennacherib was murdered by his two
sons, I perceive that this may be the year referenced in the Book of Tobit "14:2
...sight...was restored to him after eight years". Accordingly, also the
20th year referenced by the words "שמתי
את הכסף בידו
היום עשרים
שנה. - I put
the money in his hand this day twenty years ago." Tobit 5:3 at https://www.sefaria.org/Book_of_Tobit.5.3?lang=bi&with=all&lang2=en
27) Copy-pasted
EE3255-ES3275 to EE3247-EE3267, i.e. the 20 years when
Tobit’s 20 talents were deposited with Gabael.
28) Moved
ES3275 to ES3267.
29) Cells
DX3268-DX3270: Deleted Sennacherib’s years of reign (#21-#23) beyond Esarhaddon’s
de facto accession to the throne following Sennacherib’s death at the hands of his
two sons. [Cf. item 2) above!]
30) Cell
ES3356, edited text (by highlightening text in red font
First possible year of
Nineveh's destruction if the Book of Tobit is written in chronological order.
Cf. the cell thirteen rows below this (at Tobiah's 127th year).
First possible year
(albeit quite unlikely; Tobit certainly died before Tobiah, but the Book of
Tobit record seems to indicate a number of years between the deaths of Tobit
and Tobiah) of Tobiah's death .
Tobit 14:14, 15:
“14:14 And he died
at Ecbatane in Media, being an hundred and seven and
twenty years old.
“14:15 But before he
died he heard of the destruction of Nineveh, which was
taken by Nabuchodonosor and Assuerus: and before his death he rejoiced over
31) Cell
ES3369, edited text (by highlightening text in red font
Last possible year of
Nineveh's destruction if the Book of Tobit is recording the events in the order
they happened (Tobit 14:15 per math.cmu.edu/~rw1k/Tobit.pdf). (Given the age
difference, 158 vs 127 years at death, Nineveh could not possibly have been
destroyed more than thirteen years earlier than this.)
Last possible year
(most likely, and per the order of the record in the Book of Tobit, Tobiah was
born prior to their deportation to Nineveh) of Tobiah's death.
Tobit 14:14, 15 per
14:14 And he died at
Ecbatane in Media, being an hundred and seven and
twenty years old.
14:15 But before he died he heard of the destruction of Nineveh, which was taken
by Nabuchodonosor and Assuerus: and before his death he rejoiced over Nineveh.
32) Re
item 23) above: The problems
previously faced, seems at this point to be reduced simply to this: “The events
associated with Tobi’s Feast of Weeks celebration seems to be a mixed record of
two Feast of Weeks celebrations separated in time by 16 years of blindness”.
I believe this may well be due
to Tobiah being in part a second hand witness, or perhaps
to a transcript or translation error, thus causing issues and lack of a clear
and definite understanding on our part. As such, allowing for this being a
correct understanding of the events as they really happened. At any rate, I do
not find the extant text of the Book of Tobit allowing for Tobit’s blindness to
begin and to be restored within one and the same year, when Tobit was 58 years
33) Cell
ES3299, edited, i.e. added, text (by highlightening
text in red font below):
Adad-Guppi's first
[42-20=]22+3+21+43=89 years of life, as based on her own record vs
Nebuchadnezzar's 43rd year.
Translation of
Adad-Guppi's Stele:
"From the 20th
year of Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, when I was born, until the 42nd year of
Ashurbanipal, the 3rd year of his son Ashur-etil-ili, the 21st year of
Nabopolassar, the 43rd year of Nebuchadnezzar, the 2nd year of Awel-Merodach,
the 4th year of Neriglissar, during (all) these 95 years in which I visited the
temple of the great godhead Sin, king of all the gods in heaven and in the
nether world, he looked with favor upon my pious good works and listened to my
prayers, accepted my vows. 53 “
(From GTR4, p. 115)
34) Highlighted
[yellow text on
blue background] the connections
between Adad-Guppi’s Stele years and the kings’ years:
1. DZ3299
– Assurbanipal 20;
2. DZ3321
– Assurbanipal 42;
3. EA332 GateWayToTheSacredCalendarOfTheCreatorInProgress....htm4 - Ashur-etil-ili
4. EL3345
– Nabopolassar 21; and
5. EM3388
– Nebuchadnezzar 43.
6. …To
be continued…
35) xx
Prior versions:
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XXIX.2).xls – Created beginning 5967[v2023-12-04] 03
11 2039 [Tue 2024-06-18]
§ This
version is built upon version XXIX.1, and is created in an attempt to harmonize
my prior findings as of version XXIX.1with the solar eclipse at
Nimrod-Kalhu-Asshur, commonly associated with the June 15, 763 BCE solar
eclipse, reported in the Assyrian Kinglists with an event during the month of
Sivan in the year of Esdu-Sarabe, governor of Gozan, during the reign of Ashur-dan
Added fifteen new columns
under the title Assyrian Kings (columns DL-DZ)
Cell DS3187: An entry re the
June 15, 763 BCE solar eclipse.
Cell EJ3252: An entry re
Hezekiah’s pole shift.
Moved cells DI3231-DJ3237 to
EJ3231-EK3237 in order to get my prior comments aligned.
Deleted CV3241 & DJ3243:
(Both “=DJ3241”)
Moved DJ3241 to EJ3241 in
order to get my prior comments aligned.
Moved CV3243 to EJ3243 in
order to get my prior comments aligned.
Moved EA3266 to EJ3266 in
order to get my prior comments aligned.
Edited EJ3243 to include also
2 Kings 17:5.
10) Cell
DV3251: After originally having entered a number in
red font as preliminary based somehow upon the commonly available Assyrian King
list, and following thru with calculations in the cells above back to accession
year, etcetera below, after realizing that Shalmaneser is the last recorded
king on the Assyrian king clay tablet lists, after considering the Bible words “the kings of Assyria”,
Isa 20:1; 2 Ki 19:17, and the clay tablet words translated “war with Babylon and
Elam” in the first year
following Sargon II’s accession…
and Sargon’s “expedition to Palestine” in the year
following, I lean towards believing that Sargon II was not considered a
legitimate king of Assyria by the Bible authors, that said “war…” was a civil
war between contending kings, Sargon and Sennacherib, that any subsequent rule
of Sargon II as king was confined to a much more limited geographic area, and
that, in effect, Sargon II’s rule as king of Assyria was at best considered by
the Bible authors as a co-reign with Sennacherib that ended with the
catastrophy recorded in 2 Kings 19:35, that is in Sargon II’s 2nd
calendar year of reign… Well, after all that I enter nothing in DV3251…
Instead, I did as follows:
Cell DW3251: Entered “2” in accord with this portion of the Assyrian king
Followed thru with
calculations in the cells above back to the accession year of Sargon II, and
nothing below in consequence of Sargon apparently not being recognized by the
Bible authors as a legitimate king of Assyria.
Please note
that the Assyrian King lists, as available on the clay tablets, do not include
the kings subsequent to Shalmaneser! Thus, Sargon II, Sennacherib, Esarhaddon,
and Asshurbanipal are not included on said clay tablets!
Furthermore, the clay tablet
copy of the king list referenced was created many years later by the scribe
Kandalanu: “Aššur copy. Hand of
Kandalanu, scribe of the temple of Arbela. 20 Lulubû, eponomy of
Adad-bela-ka'in, governor of Aššur, during his second eponomy.” Thus, it appears
that said clay tablet was created no earlier than 672 BCE. That is, because I
do not find the quoted eponomy within my king list copy which reaches only to
672 BCE.
12) Cell
DX3251: Entered “4” in accordance to the
relative time difference in the Assyrian Eponym list, between the accession
year of Sennacherib and the “expedition to Palestine”:
Followed through with
calculations above to Sennacherib’s accession year…
13) Inserted
a new column EA entitled Tobit in order to correlate, if possible, the data
found in the Book of Tobit with the reigns of the Assyrian kings Shalmaneser,
Sennacherib, and Esarhaddon.
14) Cell
EK3247, entered text: “Towards the end of the reign of Shalmaneser, ten talents
committed into the hands of Gabael: "So God gave me grace and favour in
the eyes of Shalmaneser, king of Assyria, and he appointed me over all that he
had unto the day of his death. And I committed to the hand of my brother
Gabael, who was in the land of Media, at the city Eages, ten talents of
silver." Tobit 1:4 at sefaria.org/Book_of_Tobit.1.4?lang=bi”
15) Cell
EK3267, entered text: ” At the Feast of Trumpets [possibly?; cf. Tobit 3:4 vs subsequent
events; informing Tobiah - Day of Trumpets; prayers for forgiveness and healing
- Day of At-One-Meant; wedding feast - Feast of Tabernacles;], after the
beginning of Esarhaddon's reign, 20 year anniversary of committing ten talents
to Gabael: "שמתי
את הכסף בידו
היום עשרים
שנה. - I put the money in his hand this day
twenty years ago." Tobit 5:3 at https://www.sefaria.org/Book_of_Tobit.5.3?lang=bi&with=all&lang2=en”
16) Cell
EK3263, entered text:
“After Pentecost, and after
the beginning of Esarhaddon's reign, Tobit's four years of blindness begin:
"ובשנה ההיא
בחג השבועות...
והייתי עור
ארבע שנים...
[ובחג שבועות
שעזבת את
שלחנך והלכת
לקבור את המת
אני הייתי עמך] - Now the
same year [when Tobit's wife and son were restored to him; Tobit 1:11] at the
feast of weeks I prepared in my house a great feast, and I sat at my table to
eat. Then I said to my son Tobiyyah, Go and bring one of our poor brethren to
eat with us... I was blind four years... at the feast of weeks, when thou didst
leave thy table, and go to bury the dead man, I was with thee." Tobit
2:1-5; 12:3 at https://www.sefaria.org/Book_of_Tobit.2.1?lang=bi
“Another version of the Book
of Tobit provides that Tobit was 58 years old
when he became blind. "14:2 And he was eight and fifty years old when he
lost his sight, which was restored to him after eight years:..."
Cf. Tobit 14:2 at this link: https://www.math.cmu.edu/~rw1k/Tobit.pdf”
17) Cell
EK3253: Entered 58 in red font, then extended
count upwards to 0, and downwards to 158. Cf. Tobit 14:2, 11.
Cell EK3363: Entered “Tobit
was 158 years old when he died: "When he had said these things, he gave up
the ghost in the bed, being an hundred and eight and
fifty years old…" Tobit 14:11 per https://www.math.cmu.edu/~rw1k/Tobit.pdf”
19) Inserted
a new column EB for Tobiah, entitled Tobiah, while also giving a common title,
Book of Tobit, for columns EA&EB, Tobit and Tobiah.
20) Cell
EL3242, text: “Last possible year of Tobiah's birth - later years more likely
considering the circumstances given in the Book of Tobit - if the events in the
Book of Tobit are recorded in the order they happened (Tobit 14:14 per math.cmu.edu/~rw1k/Tobit.pdf).
(Given the age difference between Tobit and Tobiah, 158 vs 127 years at death,
Tobiah could not possibly have been delivered more than five years earlier than
this year.)”
21) Cell
EB3242, number as text: “0”
22) Cells
EB3243-EB3369 building age of Tobiah until he died at an age of 127 years (Tobit 14:14); below cell
23) Cell
EL3369, text: “Last possible year of Nineveh's destruction if the Book of Tobit
is recording the events in the order they happened (Tobit 14:15 per math.cmu.edu/~rw1k/Tobit.pdf).
(Given the age difference, 158 vs 127 years at death, Nineveh could not
possibly have been destroyed more than five years earlier than this.)”
24) Cell
EL3364, text: “First possible year of Nineveh's destruction if the Book of Tobit
is written in chronological order. Cf. the cell five rows below this.”
25) Cell
EB3237: Entered 0. In the two cells below I followed
up by adding +1 progressively. In the third cell I entered “…”
26) In
EL3237 I added “First possible year of Tobiah's birth - later years more likely
considering the circumstances given in the Book of Tobit - if the events in the
Book of Tobit are recorded in the order they happened (Tobit 14:14 per
math.cmu.edu/~rw1k/Tobit.pdf). (Given the age difference between Tobit and Tobiah,
158 vs 127 years at death, Tobiah could not possibly have been delivered
earlier than this year.)”
“At the Feast of Trumpets [possibly?; cf. Tobit 3:4 vs subsequent events; informing
Tobiah - Day of Trumpets; prayers for forgiveness and healing - Day of
At-One-Meant; wedding feast - Feast of Tabernacles;], after the beginning of
Esarhaddon's reign, 20 year anniversary of committing ten talents to Gabael:
"שמתי את הכסף
בידו היום
עשרים שנה. - I put the money in his hand this day twenty years ago." Tobit 5:3 at https://www.sefaria.org/Book_of_Tobit.5.3?lang=bi&with=all&lang2=en”
Notice that, depending on
whether Tobit’s blindness lasted either 4 or else 8 years, Tobit’s 58th
year of life, the year when he became blind, occurred either in Sennacherib’s 12th or else
Sennacherib’s 16th
year of reign. That is, Sennacherib’s reign ended, and Esarhaddon’s reign
began, either in Sennacherib’s 12th
or else Sennacherib’s 16th
year of reign. Hopefully(?), this issue will be resolved by means of an eclipse
event in Esarhaddon’s reign?
28) Cell
DY3259: Entered “0” for Esarhaddon’s accession
year, following thru downwards to cell DY3275, i.e. given
that Esarhaddon’s reign lasted 12 years.
Cell DY3263: Entered “0” for Esarhaddon’s alternative accession year.
30) Cell
DY3262: Entered “…”
31) Cell
EM3259: Entered “=EM3263”
32) Cell
DX3260-DX3263: Deleted Sennacherib’s 13th-16th year of
reign in consequence of finding one and one only Tammuz eclipse that agrees
with Esarhaddon’s 12th year of reign: The June 17, 679 BCE solar
33) Copied
DY3261 into DY3262-DY3263 in consequence of the above said re Esarhaddon’s 12th
year eclipse. Thus resolving also the issue faced in
items #27) above - 29) above.
34) Deleted
cells DY3272-DY3275 in consequence of the above said.
35) Moved
cell EM3263 to EM3259 in consequence of the above said.
36) Copied
cells EA3263-EA3267 to EA3259-EA3263 in consequence of the above said. That is,
bringing the years of age of Tobit four years further back into the past.
37) Copied
cell EA3205 into EA3201-EA3204 in consequence of the above said. At the
beginning of Tobit’s years of life.
38) Moved
cell EM3363 to EM3359 in consequence of the above said. Re Tobit’s death.
39) Deleted
cells EA3360-EA3363 in consequence of the above said. At the end of Tobit’s
years of life.
40) Moved
cell EM3364 to EM3361 in consequence of the above said..
Edited the text to the following:
“First possible year (albeit
quite unlikely; Tobit certainly died before Tobiah, but the Book of Tobit
record seems to indicate a number of years between the deaths of Tobit and
Tobiah) of Tobiah's death and, accordingly, of Nineveh's destruction if the
Book of Tobit is written in chronological order. Tobit 14:14, 15. Cf. also the
cell five rows below this.
“14:14 And he died at Ecbatane
in Media, being an hundred and seven and twenty years
“14:15 But before he died he heard of the destruction of Nineveh, which was taken
by Nabuchodonosor and Assuerus: and before his death he rejoiced over Nineveh.”
41) Cell
EM3369: Edited the text to the following:
“Last possible year (most
likely, and per the order of the record in the Book of Tobit, Tobiah was born
prior to their deportation to Nineveh) of Tobiah's death and of Nineveh's
destruction. (Tobit 14:14, 15 per math.cmu.edu/~rw1k/Tobit.pdf). (Given the age
difference, 158 vs 127 years at death, Nineveh could not possibly have been
destroyed more than five years earlier than this.) Cf. also the cell nine rows
above this.
14:14 And he died at Ecbatane
in Media, being an hundred and seven and twenty years
14:15 But before he died he heard of the destruction of Nineveh, which was taken
by Nabuchodonosor and Assuerus: and before his death he rejoiced over Nineveh.”
42) Cell
EM3242: Edited text to the following: “Last possible year of Tobiah's birth
(According to the order of things recorded in the Book of Tobit, Tobiah was
born prior to their deportation to Nineveh) - later years more likely
considering the circumstances given in the Book of Tobit. (Tobit 14:14 per
math.cmu.edu/~rw1k/Tobit.pdf). (Given the age difference between Tobit and
Tobiah, 158 vs 127 years at death, Tobiah could not possibly have been
delivered more than nine years earlier than this year.)”
43) Moved
one paragraph of text from EM3237 to EM 3233. Resulting in EM3237: “ "Ahaz...reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem…" 2
Kings 16:1-4; 2 Chron. 28:1-5.” And EM3233:
“And Hoshea the son of Elah
made a conspiracy against Pekah the son of Remaliah, and smote him, and slew
him, and reigned in his stead, in the twentieth year of Jotham the son of
Uzziah 2 Kings 15:30 (KJV). "In the twelfth year of Ahaz king of Judah
began Hoshea the son of Elah to reign in Samaria over Israel nine years. And he
did that which was evil in the sight of the Lord, but not as the kings of
Israel that were before him. Against him came up Shalmaneser king of Assyria;
and Hoshea became his servant, and gave him presents..." 2 Kings 17:1-3
“ "But Pekah the son
of Remaliah... reigned twenty years. And he did that which was evil in the
sight of the Lord: he departed not from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat,
who made Israel to sin. In the days of Pekah king of Israel came
Tiglath-pileser king of Assyria, and took Ijon, and... and carried them captive
to Assyria... And Hoshea the son of Elah made a conspiracy against Pekah the
son of Remaliah, and smote him, and slew him, and reigned in his stead, in the
twentieth year of Jotham the son of Uzziah" 2 Kings 15:27 (KJV).
“First possible year of
Tobiah's birth - later years more likely considering the circumstances given in
the Book of Tobit - if the events in the Book of Tobit are recorded in the
order they happened (Tobit 14:14 per math.cmu.edu/~rw1k/Tobit.pdf). (Given the
age difference between Tobit and Tobiah, 158 vs 127 years at death, Tobiah
could not possibly have been delivered earlier than this year.)”
44) Cell
DT3187 moved to EM3187 to line up with other comments.
45) An
apparent major anchor point in time based on the Nov 1, 807 BCE lunar eclipse
apparently tied to the Adad-narari [III]’s stele:
1. Cell
CM3144: The 13th year of Jehoahaz, King of Israel. Comparing the
Israel vs Juda kings in the tag ‘Years of the Kings’.
2. Cell
CN3144: The accession year of Jehoash (Joash), King of Israel. Comparing the
Israel vs Juda kings in the tag ‘Years of the Kings’.
3. Cell
DC3144: The 37th year of Jehoash (Joash), King of Judah. Comparing the Israel
vs Juda kings in the tag ‘Years of the Kings’.
4. Cell
DQ3144: The 1st year of Adad-nirari, King of Assyria.
5. Added
counting backwards towards accession year, and forwards to known lengths of
reign pertaining to each of the above kings.
6. Cell
EM3144: Entered text:
“Anchorpoint: Nov 1, 807 BCE
lunar eclipse dating the Stele of Adad-nirari [III] in his 1st year and 2nd
summer of reign, which time was also the accession year of Jehoash (Joash), son
of Jehoahash, Kings of Israel, and the 13th year of said Jehoahaz. 2 Kings
13:1, 3, 5, 10. Also the 37th year of Jehoash (Joash), King of Judah. 2 Kings
13:10. 'Cf. the tag Years of the kings'!
"To the god Adad, son of
the god Anu, Adad-narari [III], king of Assyria, son of Samsi-Adad (V), son of
Shalmaneser (III), I mustered my chariotry, troops, army. In one year [=year #1
of Adad-narari’s reign /TLT] I subdued the entire Amurru [Turkey] & Hatti
[Syria, Israel]. I imposed tax & tribute of Mari [Ben-Hadad III], the
Damascene. I received the tribute of Joash (Iu'asu), the Samaritan, (and) of
the people of Tyre (and) Sidon. … At that time I
decreed for Nergal-eris, governor, the land of Hindanu." (Adad-Nirari III,
Tel Al-Rimah Stele, 796 BC)
46) Based
on the above said anchor point, and upon the livius.org
kinglist, I extended the reckoning of years of reign of all the Assyrian
kings from “[99] Adad-nirari [II], son of Aššur-dan, ruled for 21 years (911-891)” to “[109]
Šalmaneser [V], son of
Tiglath-pileser, ruled for 5 years (726-722).” Cells DL3042 to
DV3247, all according to the number of years given each king in said livius.org
kinglist, extending only the last of those kings, Šalmaneser, from 5 to 20 years in order to
accommodate the data provided in the Book of Tobit. That is, remembering also
47) In
column EM, at the last year of reign (as defined in said livius.org kinglist)
for each king I entered a comment on the format and content provided in said
livius.org kinglist, e.g. “[104] Adad-nirari
[III], son of Šamši-Adad, ruled for 28 years (810-783)...” plus a link to the livius.org
48) Cell
EM3192: Entered “Solar eclipse anchor confirmation: Not June 15, 763 BCE, but
Sep 27, 759 BCE in the 11th year of Ashur-dan III. 85% obscuration at 15S 55W.”
Maximum obscuration
85% while 3 degrees above the western horizon 14 min before sunset.
49) Cell
EM3106: Entered “Anchor point confirmation: Apr 12, 844 BCE solar
eclipse with maximum 17 degrees above the horizon where the Swallow (Pisces) is
setting. Compares favorably with the image of the Sun close to, but a little
distance from, the image of the Swallow (Pisces) on the 2nd row of the Black
Obelisk showing Jehu, the Samaritan (King of Israel), kissing the dirt in front
of Shalmaneser III, the Assyrian king in Shalmaneser's 11th year. Cf. the very
similar event as described above at Shalmanesers 3rd year, at which time the
maximum eclipse was only 9 degrees above the horizon. Thus
also corresponding with the shorter distance between the images of the Sun and
the Swallow seen on the 1st row of same obelisk. Notice, however, that this
eclipse took place on April 12 at the beginning of the spring
to spring calendar year. It being therefore a road sign in time at the
beginning of Shalmaneser's 11th or else 12th year. Is this an apparent
disagreement between the 3rd and 11th year of the obelisk vs the timing of
these two solar eclipse events? Or else, was this latter solar eclipse
considered an event at the end of the 11th calendar year?”
50) Cell
EM3106: Entered “Anchor point confirmation: Apr 21, 853 BCE solar
eclipse with maximum 9 degrees above the horizon where the Swallow (Pisces) is
setting. Compares favorably with the image of the Sun close to, even touching,
the image of the Swallow (Pisces) on the 1st row of the Black Obelisk showing
Sûa, the Gilzânite, kissing the dirt in front of Shalmaneser III, the Assyrian
king. Shalmaneser concurred Gilzânu in his 3rd year. Cf. the very similar event
as described below at Shalmanesers 11th year, at which time the maximum eclipse
was 17 degrees above the horizon. Thus also
corresponding with the longer distance between the images of the Sun and the
Swallow seen on the 2nd row of same obelisk. Notice, however, that this eclipse
took place on April 21 at the beginning of the spring to
spring calendar year. It being therefore a road sign in time at the
beginning of Shalmaneser's 2nd or else 3rd year.”
Another translation
of the obelisk text. And another.
3rd year of Shalmaneser III: Apr 21, 853 BCE partial solar eclipse near sunset
(9 deg above the
horizon at time of maximum AND the Moon passing
the Sun on the right side)
while Pisces (The
Swallow) is setting behind the horizon.
The two icons touching
each other, corresponding to the above 9 degrees – as also to the closer
approach between the Sun and the Moon in this 3rd year event.
Notice also the relative left vs right positions between the two icons (the Sun to the left) vs
between the Sun on the left and the eclipsing Moon on the right in the two
events (above and below)!
- - - - - - -
Comparisons with other steles here.
Another translation
of the obelisk text. And another.
11th year of Shalmaneser III: Apr 12, 844 BCE borderline partial solar eclipse near sunset
(17 deg above the
horizon at time of maximum AND the Moon passing
the Sun on the left side)
while Pisces (The
Swallow) is setting behind the horizon.
The two icons a little
distance apart, corresponding to the above 17 degrees – as also to the
less close approach between the Sun and the Moon in this 11th year
Notice also the relative left vs right positions between the two icons (the Sun to the right) vs
between the Sun and the eclipsing Moon in the two events above!
Notice the relatively small geographical area
where both of the above solar eclipses were visible, one with the Moon on the
left, one with the Moon on the right side of the Sun!
Powerful evidence of correct Pre-Hezekiah
coordinates at 15S 55W. That is, the absolute extreme boundaries being
13.7-23.1 South 39.2-74 West.
51) Cell
EM3096. Entered:
“Anchor point confirmation:
Nov 21, 855 BCE lunar eclipse at the beginning of the 1st calendar year of
reign of Shalmaneser III. A not too common astronomical event recorded in some
detail at the top of Kurk Monolith stele of Shalmaneser III. Indeed, within the
years between 900 BCE – 817 BCE I find only three lunar eclipses that are
fairly well described, and are clearly identifiable, by the stele icons:
1) Nov
21, 855 BCE;
2) Oct
31, 845 BCE; and
3) Nov
1, 826 BCE.
For details of my study re the Kurk Monolith
stele of Shalmaneser III, please cf. my file
Kurkh stele of Shalmaneser
the SN8 screen shots below, please notice, above the Eastern horizon, towards
which the finger is pointing, all of the six labeled astronomical objects
corresponding to each of the six icons on Shalmaneser III’s stele (above), and
arranged accordingly!:
sunset, 10 min past Moonrise…
the beginning of the eclipe. 92 min past sunset…
the time of the eclipse ending, 5 hours past snunset.
52) Cell
EM3070. Entered: Kurkh
stele of Ashurnasirpal II – The icons at the top of the stele corresponds
to a lunar eclipse in the year of his ascension to the throne:
Kurkh stele of
Ashurnasirpal II
the 5 astronomical objects represented by the five Kurkh stele Ashurnasirpal II
Taurus below the horizon as also below the kings
finger in the stele,
the setting Sun at the kings finger,
the Swallow (Pisces),
Scutum (The Shield), and
the emergence of the Moon out of the total lunar eclipse.
to the eclipse icon of the stele.
53) Cell
EM3089. Entered: Ashurnasirpal
II stele – BM118805 – The Great Stele: The icons at the top of the stele
correspond to the lunar eclipse on Oct 10, 862 BCE, and to the 19th
year of Ashurnasirpal II’s reign, which 19th year corresponds to “Ashurnasirpal II's palace
in Kalhu… having been
completed after around 15 years” of building:
II stele – BM118805
Notice the 5
astronomical objects represented by the five Kurkh stele Ashurnasirpal II
Taurus (The Bull) rising over
the horizon,
the Moon (subsequent total eclipse
between 1:55/2:55 - 4:22/5:22 AM),
Pegasus (The Winged Horse),
Scutum (The Shield).
54) Cell
EM3071. Entered: “Anchor point confirmation: Mar 11, 879 BCE partial solar eclipse.
Found an unidentified wall-covering/relief labeled "Relief of
Ashurnasirpal II with the God Ashur hovering above (c. 883-859; Trustees of the
British Museum, London)". Looks like it could be a record of a solar
eclipse in the constellation Swallow (Pisces). Fits this sunset partial solar
eclipse very well.”:
55) Cell
EM3398. Entered: “Anchor point confirmation: Aug 6, 552 BCE 61% partial lunar eclipse.
Accession year of Nabonidus (cf. my file ScriptureChronology.xls). Confirmation also that
Nabonidus 17th year fell in 536/535 BCE! Further confirmation of the
significance and reality of this lunar eclipse may be found in these words, as
translated from the Harran Stele: "At midnight, he (Sin) made me have a
dream and said (in the dream) as follows: “Rebuild speedily Ehulhul, the temple
of Sin in Harran, and I will hand over to you all the countries." That is,
this lunar eclipse did in fact take place "at midnight", 23:35 PM -
2:11 AM SN8 Mosul, Iraq time. (Quote from:
The Harran Stela, discovered at Harran in 1956, depicting
the Neo-Babylonian king Nabonidus
(r. 556–539 BC)
Per my file ScriptureChronology.xls
this eclipse fell in Nabonidus’ accession year. As indicated by several
Assyrian steles, the year indicated at the top of stelas is predominantly the
accession year or the 1st year of reign. Accordingly, this eclipse
is more than likely the one indicated on the Harran Stele.
Per my file
ScriptureChronology.xls this eclipse fell in Nabonidus’ 7th year of
Not likely to be
the eclipse indicated on the Harran Stele.
Cell EM3247. After due
consideration [below and in my file SennacheribVsLunarEclipses719BCE.doc] and
study, I entered:
“Solar eclipse anchor confirmation: Sep 23, 703
BCE total lunar eclipse: In 703 BCE SN8 I see the eclipse beginning 130 min prior
to sunrise and 134 min prior to moonset while the eclipsing Moon was above or
within the Swallow, which constellation was then setting behind the horizon.
Thus, the first two stele icons representing 1) the eclipsing Moon, and 2) the
setting Swallow. Above them, some 50 degrees above the horizon Taurus (and
Pleiades) were hovering, as represented by the third stele icon: 3) the Taurus
icon as elevated upon a small pedestal. All of them still visible, or becoming
visible as the last sliver of the Moon hid behind Earth’s shadow 77 min before
Moonset and 73 min before sunrise and before dawn, represented on the stele by
4) the Sun icon, at a time when Pleiades was still visible above the Moon, and
which constellation would thus not set until past sunrise and moonset. Thus the fifth stele icon: 5) the Pleiades icon.
Accordingly, a perfect fit between this 703 BCE total lunar eclipse event and
between the icons at the top of Sennacherib's stele!
“Tobit's witness re the length and end of
Shalmaneser's reign:
“Towards the end of the reign of Shalmaneser,
ten talents committed into the hands of Gabael: "So God gave me grace and
favour in the eyes of Shalmaneser, king of Assyria, and he appointed me over
all that he had unto the day of his death. And I committed to the hand of my
brother Gabael, who was in the land of Media, at the city Eages, ten talents of
silver." Tobit 1:4 at sefaria.org/Book_of_Tobit.1.4?lang=bi”
Top portion of
Sennacherib’s stele
Cf. this very
similar, yet different Sennacherib stele [above is a flipped image of the below
BM image]
Yet, this image
appears to be the photo of a poured copy of an original stele. I find the icons
at the top identical to those on the Sennacherib stele, both of them indicating
the time of Sennacherib's accession to the Assyrian throne.
In 703 BCE SN8 I
see the eclipse beginning 130 min prior to sunrise and 134 min prior to moonset
while the eclipsing Moon was above or within the Swallow (at the southern fish
of Pisces), and below the adjacent Taurus and Pleiades. All of them still
visible when the last sliver of the Moon hid behind Earth’s shadow 77 min before Moonset and 73 min before
sunrise, then setting, totally eclipsed, behind the horizon. The total eclipse
would have made Taurus and Pleiades visible on the dark starry sky before the
beginning of dawn (dawn cf. the stele Sun
icon). Pleiades still being visible at the first signs of dawn could be the
reason for the Pleiades icon being placed to the right side of the Sun icon? If
so, a perfect fit…?
Notice Jupiter at
the top! Located in the Lion constellation! Could it be that the icon above the
lunar eclipse icon represents Jupiter, even Jupiter in the Lion?
57) Cell
DW3251 edit: ‘2’ changed by entering Sargon II’s
regnal years accordingly in cells DW3232-DW3252: Re “ “2” “ in item #11) above: Apparently
the “expedition to Palestine” in Sargon II’s 2nd year of reign took
place many years earlier than I presumed when writing item #11) above. Thus Sargon II may well have become a co-regent with
Shalmaneser V on the Assyrian throne in Shalmaneser’s 5th year.
Entering Sargon II’s regnal years accordingly in cells DW3232-DW3252. Seeing
the friendly terms between Sargon II and his son Sennacherib, I see no reason
for Shalmaneser V not being also still alive while also an aging coregent with
both his son and his grandson. If so, no conflict with the apparent witness
given in the Book of Tobit.
58) Considerations:
Loose ends – Unanswered questions re Shalmaneser’s, Sargon’s, and Sennacherib’s
exact years of reign – Need to analyse the details of the bases for the Eponym
List from Shalmaneser thru Sennacherib…:
1. Eponym
list Sargon II: 17 year reign “722… [to] 705…”
2. Why
Tishri 22? Biblical New Year’s Day…
3. “Expedition
to Palestine” in Sennacherib’s 4th year…
4. “Expedition
to Palestine” in Sargon’s 21st year (722-701 [per the above king
5. What’s
the exact basis for Šalmaneser’s “5 years…” of reign?:
"[109] Šalmaneser [V],
son of Tiglath-pileser, ruled for 5 years (726-722)." (From livius.org/sources/content/anet/564-566-the-assyrian-king-list/)
6. Possible
relationships between a) the icons at the top of Sennacherib’s stele, vs b) the
Sep 23, 703 BCE total eclipse, and c) the exact years of reign of Shalmaneser,
Sargon, and Sennacherib?
Edited cell EM3130. Entered:
“Anchor point confirmation:
The Jun 28/29, 820 BCE 0.1411 umbral magnitude partial lunar eclipse dating the
Stele of Shamshi-Adad V, son of Šalmaneser [III], in his accession year as viewed from
the pre-Hezekiah, pre-pole shift #3, Nimrud-Kalhu-Asher at 15S 55W.
Almost, but not quite
identical icons as those on Asshurnasirpal II's stele re the Oct 10, 862 BCE
total lunar eclipse in the 19th year of reign of Ashurnasirpal II.
“ "[102] Šalmaneser
[III], son of Aššurnasirpal, ruled for 35 years (858-824)." Or, more
correctly, (855-820), as evidenced from these stela inscriptions.”
Major update of my file
Realizing a need for adjusting
the Chinese calendar such that the Chinese New Year falls within columns I and
K, rather than in columns H and J as heretofore, the Chinese calendar year
identifiers (columns A-E) were moved upwards, i.e.
synchronized with the year prior as reconed by other calendars. The need for
this change was discovered upon a close analysis of the 37 solar eclipses
listed in the book The Chinese Classics, Vol V – The Ch’un Ts’ew with The Tso
Chuen, by James Legge. That is, upon trying to find the correct correlation
between the “Year of Cycle” listed in the list entitled SOLAR ECLIPSES RECORDED
IN THE CH’UN TS’EW on pages 86-87 in that book, and between my Chinese calendar
identifiers as listed in column A in my file ScriptureChronology.xls. For the
details of that study of mine, please cf. my file
SOLAR_ECLIPSES_AS_RECORDED_IN_THE_CHUN_TSEW.xlsx, more specifically columns G,
Z, AA, and AD of that file.
Technically, within my file
ScriptureChronology.xls, the following edits were made:
Entered “60” into cell A1519
[“60”was theretofore in cell A1520]. This was all that
was necessary in order to move all the Chinese calendar identifiers (in
columns) prior to year 2 CE one row upwards. That is all the BCE years were
thus corrected.
Cells A1520-A1792 were
modified to:
The “H”
to “I” edit effectively corrected all the CE
Chinese calendar identifiers. The “IF(OR(I1520="",I1520<=0),"", […])” edit made it
possible to fill all the CE column A cells (A1520-A1792) with one copy-paste
operation only, without showing spurious results in the three gaps within the
CE period of that file.
Cells B18-B1792 were modified
in order to show correct
results for all correct entries within column A. This edit made it possible to
fill all column B cells (B18-B1792) with one copy-paste operation only, without
showing spurious results in the three gaps within the CE period of that file.
Cells C18-C1792 were modified
in order to show correct
results for all correct entries within column A. This edit made it possible to
fill all column C cells (C18-C1792) with one copy-paste operation only, without
showing spurious results in the three gaps within the CE period of that file.
Cell EM3192 edit:
“Solar eclipse anchor
confirmation: Not the 763 BCE eclipse, but the Sep 27, 759 BCE eclipse.
Recorded in the 11th year of Ashur-dan III. 85% obscuration at the
pre-Hezekiah, pre-pols shift #3 location of Nimrud-Kalhu-Ashur-Nineveh at 15S
55W. The record of his solar eclipse is found in the Assyrian eponym list at
the year of "Esdu-sarabe, Governor of Gozan".”
Cell EM3252 edit. Added:
“Cf. also
Cell EM3259 edit. Added as a
first paragraph:
“Lunar eclipse anchor
confirmation: The Aug 13, 691 BCE 0.1916% partial lunar eclipse in Esarhaddon’s,
King of Assyria, year of initial (1st of 3) accession to the throne, as
observed and recorded on Esarhaddon’s Stele from the point of view of the
current, post-pole shift #3, location of Nimrud-Kalhu-Ashur-Nineveh. Re
Esarhaddon's three accession events please cf. items #500, 501, and 506 under
this link:
and also the item re the 691 BCE lunar eclipse in my file https://Adamoh.org/TreeOfLife.lan.io/NTCh/CrossCorrelatingHistory&Astronomy.html#AncientRecordsReEsarhaddons3accessions”
Cell EM3131. Entered:
Notice re the 23rd year of
Joash (quote below!). Cf. my note at the 13th year of Jehoahaz, king of Israel.
Difference likely due to the differing calendars of Judah vs Israel:
2 Kings 13:1-5; 24-25:
"In the twenty-third year of Joash the son of Ahaziah, king of Judah, Jehoahaz the son of
Jehu became king over Israel at Samaria, and he reigned seventeen years. He did
evil in the sight of the Lord, and followed the sins of Jeroboam the son of
Nebat, with which he made Israel sin; he did not turn from them. So the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel, and He
gave them continually into the hand of Hazael king of Aram, and into the hand
of Ben-hadad the son of Hazael. Then Jehoahaz entreated the favor of the Lord,
and the Lord listened to him; for He saw the oppression of Israel, how the king
of Aram oppressed them. The Lord gave Israel a deliverer, so that they escaped
from under the hand of the Arameans; and the sons of Israel lived in their
tents as formerly." (2 Kings 13:1–5)
"When Hazael king of Aram died,
Ben-hadad his son became king in his place. Then Jehoash the son of Jehoahaz
took again from the hand of Ben-hadad the son of Hazael the cities which he had
taken in war from the hand of Jehoahaz his father. Three times Joash defeated
him and recovered the cities of Israel." (2 Kings 13:24–25)
Added six new columns, EA, EB,
EK, EN, EO, and EP entitled respectively Ashur-etil-ili, Adad-Guppi, Nabopolassar,
Awel-Merodach aka Evilmerodach, Neriglissar, and Labashi-Marduk for purposes of correlating Adad-Guppi’s record of
“From the 20th year of
Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, when I was born, until the 42nd year of
Ashurbanipal, the 3rd year of his son Ashur-etil-ili, the 21st year of Nabopolassar,
the 43rd year of Nebuchadnezzar, the 2nd year of Awel-Merodach, the 4th year of
Neriglissar, during (all) these 95 years in which I visited the temple of the
great godhead Sin, king of all the gods in heaven and in the nether world, he
looked with favor upon my pious good works and listened to my prayers, accepted
my vows. 53 “
Entered the years of
Adad-Guppi based on her 89th year and Nebuchadnezzar’s 43rd
Created a new column group
EL-EQ: Babylonian Kings. Copy-pasted the entries in the column “70 years
Babylonian captivity” into a new column EK. Deleted the original, now duplicate,
“70 years Babylonian captivity” column.
Cell ER3229. Entered:
“Adad-Guppi's first
[42-20=]22+3+21+43=89 years of life, as based on her own record vs
Nebuchadnezzar's 43rd year.”
Added one new column ER,
entitled ‘Belshazzar’. Entered the years in the columns of Ashur-etil-ili,
Adad-Guppi, Nabopolassar, Awel-Merodach aka Evilmerodach, Neriglissar, and Labashi-Marduk. That is, the years tied in
Adad-Guppi’s record to these kings of Assyria and Babylonia… Ooops, not reaching
at either end. Why? Nebuchadnezzar’s years are solid. Ashurbanipal’s years are
not, but to make Ashurbanipal’s years fit the years of Esarhaddon of this
XXIX.2 version, it appears as though the years of Esarhaddon, and possibly also
Sargon and Sennacherib will have to be reviewed? As it stands presently, I see
an 8 year gap between Esarhaddon’s 12th
year and Asshurbanipal’s accession year…
Accordingly, so as not to lose
anything of lasting value in this XXIX.2 version, I will now proceed to a new
XXIX.3 version, beginning at that more distant, earlier, end of Adad-Guppi’s
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XXIX.1).xls – Created beginning 5967[v2023-12-04] 02 23 2039 [Sat 2024-06-01]
§ This
version is built upon version XXIX.0, and is created in an attempt to harmonize
Moses’ 120 years of age at time of his death, not 119 years as per version
XXIX.0, at the time of the crossing of Jordan and Joshua’s taking over the
1) Copied
cells BL2371-BL2173 upward to BL2370-BL2372.
2) Edited
cell DL2371.
3) Moved
cell DL2372 to DL2374.
4) Copied
cells BH2375-BH2376 upward to BH2374-BH2375.
5) Deleted
cell BL2375.
6) Edited
cell DL2375.
7) Moved
cell DL2377 upward to DL2376.
8) Moved
part of cell DL2378 to DL2377.
9) Moved
cell DL2393 upward to DL2392.
10) Edited
cell DL2402.
11) Copied
cells BN2393-BN2444 upward to BN2392-BN2443, in order to harmonize BN2441 (40
yrs of reign) with BH2441 (Moses age 67y/o).
12) Copied
BM2418-BM2420 upward to BM2417-BM2419, in order to harmonize BN2417 (16th
year) with BM2417-2418.
13) Edited
14) Copied
BM2453-BM2454 upward to BM2352-BM2453, in order to harmonize AN2499 (5th
year) with BM2499 (48th year, Jasher 90:6).
15) Copied
BO2425-BO2426 upward to BO2424-BO2425, in order to harmonize BO2468 (45 years)
with BN2423 (22nd year) and with BO2423 (Latinus year 0), Jasher
16) Edited
DL2451 by moving DL2452 into DL2451.
17) Edited
DL2468… thus eliminating a former problem.
18) Deleted
BQ2456-BQ2460 based upon Jasher 77:1-2. That is, Pharaoh Adikam perished with
his army in the Red Sea in his 4th year of reign.
19) Moved
cell DL2428 upward to DL2427.
20) Moved
cells BP2412-BP2468 downward to BP2413-BP2469 to harmonize BO2426 (3rd
year) with BP2426 (throne change in Africa).
21) Copied
and edited part of cell DL2442 to cell DL2444.
22) Moved
and edited part of cell DL2442 to cell DL2441.
23) Moved
cell DL2417 upward to DL2416.
24) Moved
and edited cell DL2418 upward to DL2417.
25) Moved
cell DL2424 upward to DL2423.
26) Moved
cells BP2416-BP2422 upward to BP2413-BP2419 to harmonize BM2416 (0) with BP2416
(0) per Jasher 74:2, 4, 5.
27) Along
with all of the above adjusting color coding between relevant cells…
§ The
above said attempt to harmonize Moses’ 120 years of age at time of his death,
vs 119 years as per version XXIX.0, at the time of the crossing of Jordan and
Joshua’s taking over the helm, turned out quite well, while in the meantime
resolving a few remaining issues previously indicated in orange
colored cells. Success!
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XXIX.0).xls – Created beginning 5967[v2023-12-04] 08 20 2039 [Mon 2023-12-04]
§ This
version is built upon version XXVII.0, and is initially simply a renaming of
version XXVII.0 as modified through the day prior to 5967[v2023-12-04] 08 20 2039 [Mon 2023-12-04].
§ After
comparing versions XXVII.0 &
XXVIII.0 with each of their compatibility with events before and after King
Saul’s death and finding significant problems[1]
with version
XXVIII.0 re those particulars, and while finding no significant problems with
version XXVII.0, I find that it is time to update my own datestamps and time
reckoning accordingly.
Below please find for
comparison the report of a controversial observation of the July 29, 2022 New
Moon. That is, illumination being only 0.95%. But why the “(1.13) in the photo
below? Compare Starry Night Pro 8!
§ ,an expanded and corrected understanding of the Biblical
datestamps associated with the death of king Saul following his experience with
the woman at En-Dor and her astronomic description of a lunar eclipse. Cf. the
two tables within my article at this
link! Specifically said datestamps provide:
§ The
tab ‘The Flood’ extensively revised throughout.
§ Added
and painted notes re the duration from the Flood to Abram’s sojourns in Canaan.
(6000+ years/R2454, S2454, T2454, AO2454, and AP2454.)[2]
§ The
476th and 480th year after the Exodus highlighted with
green (AM, BT, and BW/BX 2930 & 2934.) [3]
§ Richard
Gates quoting EGW:
Per this version XXIX.0, this
agrees with Josephus’ Sabbath year reckoning provided that the year of the
Crossing of the Jordan is reckoned as year #1, and not as an accession year, i.e. a year #zero (as it should be, but commonly is not).
Thus, probably a statement from the pen of EGW based on another unknown author?
As such I find it an interesting quote of somewhat confirmatory value for this
version XXIX.0!?
§ In
cell DL 2946: Added the following text:
1 Kings 8:2, 3…
Apparently Solomon
reinitiated the Priestly Courses on Biblical Calendar date Bul 15, Sabbath
AM/PM, JD Fri Dec 26, 1010 BCE. Accordingly, the 1st Priestly Course,
Jehoiarib/Meron, was serving during the week of the summer solstice (which
occurred on JD Dec 30, 1010 BCE):
JD Fri Dec 12, 1010 BCE New
Moon ==> JD Fri Dec 26, 1010 BCE 1st AM full Moon of that month! = 3rd AM
Biblical Calendar Shabbat in the 10th month, normally. But, for this Sabbath AM
to be Bul 15, New Moon #1 would have to be JD Mon May 19, 1010 BCE!
But, considering the placement
of the dedication of the Temple on Bul 15, on the 1st full Moon day, on the Sabbath prior to the week of the local summer
solstice, and on the #3 Shabbat of the year, said AM full Moon,
summer solstice, and 3rd Biblical Calendar Shabbat AM suggests a Freemason
Considering also the Southern
Hemispere location of Jerusalem at that time, I find such a late date in the
year (JD Mon May 19, 1010 BCE) for the #1 New Moon quite possible.
§ Moved
the text contents of cell BZ2970 to CB2970 (re Menelek removing the Ark of the
Covenant). Entered zeroes into BZ2970 and CA2970, and a year count into
Jeroboam’s column. Also the reign of Asa, and the
beginning of Nadab, were entered according to 1 Kings 15:9, 25.
§ In
tab ‘Main Calendar’:
1) Inserted
a row at line 163 and added new entries re our family destruction into cells
I163, M163, O163, P163.
2) In
column Q151-Q 163 changed each from “=Oxxx-3914” to “=Oxxx-'6000+ years'!A$3934”. That is, from an obsolete Anno Mundo 3914 in my
file ScriptureCronology.xls for Yeshua’s conception to the corresponding
updated cell in the tab ‘6000+ years’.
3) Added
new entries into cells T158-T163 to identify each dated event.
4) Edited
T151: “parents” “Gunnar’s &
5) Inserted
a row at line 160 and added new entries re Hans’ conception…
§ xx
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XXVIII.0).xls – Created beginning 5942[v2016-12-14-21:32] 07 13 2039 [Sun 2023-10-29]
§ This
version is primarily built upon an expanded and corrected understanding of the
Biblical datestamps associated with the death of king Saul following his
experience with the woman at En-Dor and her astronomic description of a lunar
eclipse. Cf. the two tables within my article at this
link! Specifically said datestamps provide:
record of the woman’s at En-Dor lunar eclipse observation at sunrise on Mt.
Tabor located at that time on the southern hemisphere at 13S 41W;
datestamp specifying the month of the year in terms of a Biblical calendar
consistent with local time reckoning on the southern hemisphere;
datestamps specifying the day of the week, plus a dozen or so datestamps
specifying relative time, i.e. for instance something
said or done on a certain day regarding an event on another day, whether past
or future;
18± datestamps altogether.
§ This
version XXVIII.0 is built upon version XXVII.0,
which version XXVII.0 is built upon the following realizations (over and above
that which I had discovered while working on all of the XXVI… versions:
1) that
said lunar eclipse observation must have been [in accord with the practice revealed
by the clay tablet VAT4956] 1) an AM event tied to the monthly lookout for the
astronomical fullmoon, i.e. the first morning in the
month when the Sun rises before the Moon sets, and 2) an event within the same
Seventh Day upon which Saul visited the woman at En-Dor;
2) that
said eclipse observation occurred within the third month of David’s reckoning
of time;
3) that
each of the two polar shift records of the Bible resulted in a loss of a 24 hour calendar day relative to Julian Day reckoning; and
4) that
the specific criteria, imposed by the above said, results in only one possible
match within the studied range of years between 1083 BCE – 972 BCE. Adding only one additional match after studying for this
version XXVIII.0 also the eclipses of 1137 BCE – 1084 BCE.
§ Accordingly,
this version (XXVIII.0) is created by[4]
inserting (1090 BCE [spring year from Jan # for the Jan 19 event] - 1061 BCE
[fall year from Oct # for the Dec 19 event] =) 30 Scripture years into version
XXVII.0, i.e. now XXVIII.0. Technically by inserting
30 lines below 2975, i.e. new lines 2945 through 2974; then copying line 2944
into lines 2945 thru 2975; then copying cells EO2976, EP2976, and EQ2976
upwards in lines 2975 thru 2944, then deleting the cells with negative numbers
above the zero; changing 2890E to 1091 and 2890F to 1090; all while double
checking that BCE 1 agrees with CE 1; in column G at 1090 BCE and at 975 BCE,
correcting the date of the lunar eclipse; extenting the column entries at
2891EO&EP upward to reach zero count, while correcting also the heading
boxes at the top and bottom of those columns; finally adjusting the Sabbath
years in columns A, B, and C copying from above as based on the creation week,
and then Josephus’ sabbatical years[5]
in column D based upon year 44/43 BCE.
§ Correcting
also the 490 years reckoning re Cyrus’ decree in column BS; BS2942-BS3447. I.e. from 534/533 BCE.
§ Re
the timing of Aaron’s conception and age at death: As triggered by a strange
notation in my prior versions of cell DL2494, I edited the text in cells
DL2494, DL2373, and added a note in DL2371, while also moving Aaron’s
conception into the same calendar year as Miriam’s conception; cell BG2371.
Also painting green cells accordingly.
§ Findings:
Per this version, the event 490 years prior to Cyrus’ decree occurred in
1024/1023 BCE, within King Solomon’s 27th year of reign, which per
this version was a sabbatical year per Josephus’ reckoning. If so, then Cyrus’
decree does not help towards finding the years of Saul’s kingship.
§ Per
this version, the crossing of the Jordan River is an event that occurred in the
spring of 1486 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 3rd year of
the 6th sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Gilgal horizon at ~47.72 N
~100.04 E; altitude: ~-100 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
“The people came up out of
Jordan on the tenth day…” Abib 10, cf. Joshua 4:19! Thus the crossing was
completed at the beginning of said “tenth day”… Which
tenth day of the month followed the Third Day [of the week], Joshua 3:2, 5. That
is, the 10th day of Abib was concurrent with the Fourth Day;
Sun Jan 5, 1486 BCE Sunset:
16:34:04; Moonset: 18:19:56; Lag: 156min 40sec; Illum.: 5.49%. 10th day:
Beginning at sunset JD Tue Jan 14 = JD 4th day marker = Pre-Joshua’s
Long Day calendar 6th
Day marker: That is, the 5th Day crossing was completed at the
beginning of the 6th Day. – NOT as required per Joshua 3:2, 5.
Mon Feb 3 (or Fre 4), 1486 BCE Sunset: 17:16:29; Moonset: 19:19:32; Lag: 118min
32sec; Illum.: 2.73%. 10th
day: Beginning at sunset JD Wed Feb 12 (or Thu Feb 13)=
JD 5th (or 6th) Day marker = Pre-Joshua’s Long Day
calendar 7th (or 1st)
Day marker: That is, the 6th Day (or 7th Day) crossing
was completed at the beginning of the 7th Day (or 1st
Day). – NOT as required per Joshua 3:2, 5.
Wed Mar 5, 1486 BCE Sunset:
17:56:21; Moonset: 19:13:21; Lag: 134min 57sec; Illum.: 3.95%. 10th day: Beginning
at sunset JD Fri Mar 14 = JD 7th Day marker = Pre-Joshua’s Long Day calendar 2nd Day marker: That is, the 1st Day crossing was
completed at the beginning of the 2nd Day. . – NOT as required per Joshua 3:2, 5.
Thu Apr 3 (or Fri Apr 4), 1486 BCE Sunset: 18:34:52; Moonset:
20:08:21; Lag: 97min 3sec; Illum.: 2.17%. 10th day: Beginning
at sunset JD Sat Apr 12 (or Sun Apr 13) = JD 1st Day (or 2nd
Day) marker = Pre-Joshua’s Long Day calendar 3rd Day (4th Day) marker: That is, the 2nd Day (or 3rd Day) crossing was
completed at the beginning of the 3rd Day (or 4th Day). As required per Joshua 3:2, 5.
Sat May 3, 1486 BCE Sunset:
19:12:48; Moonset: 19:59:57; Lag: 129min 31sec; Illum.: 4.64%. 10th day:
Beginning at sunset JD Mon May 12 = JD 3rd Day marker = Pre-Joshua’s Long
Day calendar 5th
Day marker: That is, the 4th Day crossing was completed at the
beginning of the 5th Day. . . – NOT as required per Joshua 3:2, 5.
Conclusion: This version—re the crossing
of Jordan on the day beginning at sunset JD Fri Apr 4, 1486 BCE—allows an Abib 10 falling out on the
4th Day of the week as required by Joshua 3:2, 5; 4:19.
§ Per
this version, the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus occurred in the spring of 1525 BCE. Which per this version fell
in the 6th year of the 7th sabbatical year cycle of the
50th jubilee cycle. Year 0, the beginning of the Exodus is reckoned
from Moses’ calling at the burning bush in 1527/1526 BCE.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Sat Mar 14, 1525 BCE Sunset:
17:58:28; Moonset: 20:04:03; Lag: 76min 30sec; Illum.: 1.82%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset JD Sun Mar 28 = JD 2nd Day marker = Pre-Joshua’s Long Day
calendar 4th Day marker The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 4th Day of the week.
Sun Apr 12, 1525 BCE Sunset:
18:33:04; Moonset: 20:19:47; Lag: 136min 51sec; Illum.: 4.57%. 15th day:
Beginning at sunset JD Mon Apr 26 = JD 3rd Day marker = Pre-Joshua’s
Long Day calendar 5th Day marker The 15th day of
the 2nd month fell out on the 5th Day of the week.
Tue May 12, 1525 BCE Sunset:
19:08:21; Moonset: 20:32:36; Lag: 125min 48sec; Illum.: 3.45%. 15th day:
Beginning at sunset JD Wed May 26 = JD 5th Day marker = Pre-Joshua’s
Long Day calendar 7th Day marker The 15th day of
the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day of the week.
Wed Jun 10, 1525 BCE Sunset:
19:43:13; Moonset: 21:27:32; Lag: 70min 57sec; Illum.: 2.50%. 15th day:
Beginning at sunset JD Thu June 24 = JD 6th Day marker =
Pre-Joshua’s Long Day calendar 1st Day marker The 15th day of
the 2nd month fell out on the 1st Day of the week.
Thu Jul 9, 1525 BCE Sunset:
19:43:13; Moonset: 21:27:32; Lag: 75min 16sec; Illum.: 1.55%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset JD Fri July 23 = JD 7th Day marker = Pre-Joshua’s Long Day
calendar 2nd Day marker The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 2nd Day of the week.
Conclusion: This version—re the 15th
day of the 2nd month of the Year of the Exodus in 1525 BCE—allows the 15th
day of the 2nd month (Ex 16:1) to fall out on the 7th Day
of the week.
§ Other
suggested Bible correlations:
According to this version,
Abib 15 of the Exodus
year would fall out on JD Sun Apr 12, 1525 BCE + 14 days = beginning at sunset
JD Sun Apr 26 = JD 2nd Day marker = Pre-Joshua’s Long Day calendar 4th
Day marker The 15th
day of the 1st month fell out on the 4th Day of the week.
Per this version re Jer 34:9—Slaves released: 589/588 BCE
was the 5th year of
the 1st Sabbatical cycle of the 70th Jubilee cycle;
Nebuchadnezzar’s 17th year, Jehoiachin’s 9th and
Zedekiah’s 9th year. Interestingly this places the destruction of
Solomon’s temple in the 70th year of jubilee.
Sabbatical years as reckoned
from Creation followed 3 years after Josephus’ sabbatical years.
Re Luke 4:19—Acceptable year of YHWH—fell
in the 5th year of
the 3rd Sabbatical cycle of the 82nd Jubilee cycle.
Crucifixion fell in the 2nd
year of the 4th Sabbatical cycle of the 82nd Jubilee
Re Ezra 1:1-2 and Cyrus’ decree: 534/533 BCE
& 1st year of Cyrus’ reign fell in the 5th year of the 2nd Sabbatical
cycle of the 71st Jubilee cycle. But it did fall in a Sabbatical year per Josephus’
Re Neh 1:1; 2:1; 6:15; 7:73; 8:2, 14-18; 9:1, 3.
The reading of the Torah in Artaxerxes’ 20th/21st year –
446/445 BCE & 445/444 BCE: Per this version the reading of the Torah
occurred one year after the
end of the 72nd Jubilee year.
Re Jos 8:34 & the reading of the Torah after
the fall of Ai: Per this version most likely an event in the fall following the
crossing of the Jordan in 1486 BCE: Per this version an event between 4th and 5th
years of the 7th Sabbatical cycle of the 51st
Jubilee cycle.
Re 2 Kings 22:8 & the reading of the Torah in
the 18th year of
King Josiah: Per this version this pre-Passover time reading of the
Torah fell in the 5th
year of the 5th Sabbatical cycle of the 69th Jubilee
10.Re Acts 13:14, 15
& the reading of the Torah on the Pentecost Sabbath: Per this version
either the 5th Sabbatical year in 31 CE, or the 6th
Sabbatical year, of the 82nd Jubilee cycle[6].
§ Re
Gen 17:1, 24 and Abraham’s 99th birthday: Per this version, the 22nd
day of the 7th month of the Year of the Eighth Day of Abraham’s 99th
birthday occurred in the fall of 1927 BCE. Which per this version fell at the
beginning of the 4th year of the 6th sabbatical year
cycle of the 42nd jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre[7]
horizon at ~46.94ºN ~99.6ºE; altitude: ~1010 meters above mean sea level; Time
zone: +6.64 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Sun Sep 12, 1927 BCE Sunset: 19:06:48; Moonset: 19:57:13; Lag: 57min
6sec; Illum.: 2.20%. 22nd day: Beginning
at sunset JD Sun Oct 3
= JD 2nd Day marker = Pre-Joshua’s Long Day calendar 4th
Day marker The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 4th Day of the week.
Mon Oct 11, 1927 BCE Sunset: 18:09:50; Moonset:
19:12:20; Lag: 65min 4sec; Illum.: 4.62%. 22nd day:
Beginning at sunset JD Mon Nov
1 (or 2) = JD 3rd (or 4th) Day marker =
Pre-Joshua’s Long Day calendar 5th (or 6th) Day marker The 22nd day of
the 7th month fell out on the 5th (or 6th) Day of the
Wed Nov 10, 1927 BCE Sunset: 17:14:01; Moonset:
18:03:22; Lag: 54min 28sec; Illum.: 2.34%. 22nd day:
Beginning at sunset JD Wed Dec
1 = JD 5th Day marker = Pre-Joshua’s Long Day calendar 7th
Day marker The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 7th Day of the week.
§ Conclusion: This version—re the 22nd day of the 7th
month of the Year of Abraham’s
99th birthday in 1927 BCE—allows the 22nd day of the 7th month to fall
out on the 6th or 7th
Day of the week.
§ Additional
points derived from versions XXIV.0.0 & XXIII.0:
11.An event allowing a
three day’s journey to be begun and concluded
before the beginning of a 7th Day Sabbath. Num 10:11.
“Num 10:11 KJV And it came
to pass on the twentieth day of the second month, in the second year, that the cloud was
taken up from off the tabernacle of the testimony.”
Beginning either on the 1st Day, while allowing a three day distance round trip, or else beginning on the 4th
Day and concluded prior to the beginning of Sabbath.
To fit, this event must fall in the 12th or 13th
lunar month following the Elim event on JD Wed May 26, 1525 BCE = JD 5th
Day marker = Pre-Joshua’s Long Day calendar 7th Day marker The 15th day of
the 2nd month. That is, as dated above in this version XXVIII.0.
JD March 4, 1524 BCE Sunset:
…; Moonset: …; Lag: 114min 31sec; Illum.: 3.05%. 20th day:
Beginning at sunset JD Tue Mar
23, 1524 BCE = JD 4th Day marker = Pre-Joshua’s Long Day calendar 6th
Day marker The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 6th Day of the week.
JD April 2, 1524 BCE Sunset: …; Moonset: …; Lag: 89min 15sec; Illum.:
1.89%. 20th day: Beginning
at sunset JD Wed Apr 21, 1524 BCE = JD 5th Day marker = Pre-Joshua’s
Long Day calendar 7th Day marker The 20th day of
the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day of the week.
JD May 1, 1524 BCE
Sunset: …; Moonset: …; Lag: 63min 48sec; Illum.: 1.05%. 20th day:
Beginning at sunset JD (Thu or) Fri May (20 or) 21, 1524 BCE = JD (6th or) 7th
Day marker = Pre-Joshua’s Long Day calendar (1st or) 2nd
Day marker The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the (1st or) 2nd Day of the week.
JD May 31, 1524 BCE
Sunset: …; Moonset: …; Lag: 95min 51sec; Illum.: 1.89%. 20th day:
Beginning at sunset JD Sat Jun 19 (or JD Sun Jun 20), 1524 BCE = JD 1st (or 2nd)
Day marker = Pre-Joshua’s Long Day calendar 3rd (or 4th)
Day marker The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 3rd (or 4th) Day of the week.
Yes, this fits this version XXVIII.0. Both of these may fit, but not as
perfect as those of version XXVII.0: JD Sun May 16, 1524 BCE, OR JD Sun Jun 20), 1524 BCE.
12.The 9th plague understood
in terms of being a darkness associated with Earth’s passage of the Ursids
meteorite dust cloud of the 8P/Tuttle comet.[8] The 8P/Tuttle comet leaves a trail of dust, which as
the Earth passes through it twice annually, results in 1) the Ursids-meteor
showers between December 13-24,[9]
and 2) a similar, though apparently less recognized, event a few days before
and after May 1. Likewise also a few days prior to the
Exodus on April 26, 1495 BCE per the within version XXVII.0, and April 26, 1525
BCE per version XXVIII.0. That is, a darkness event of the same nature as that
which occurred on May 19, 1780 CE in New England. Thus
an event in the year of the Exodus. Num 33:3. Cf. SkyView Café views below!
Earth Passing the Plane of Comet Orbits
SkyViewCafe views
SkyViewCafe dates for Earth passing through 1P/Halley’s orbit:
Inside: July 23, 1525, and 1494 BCE; but Aug 29, 2023 CE
Outside: Jan 20, 1525, and 1494 BCE; but Feb 24, 2023 CE
Another, apparently better fitting, explanation, is
the 8P/Tuttle Comet and the associated Leonid Meteor Showers between November
Exactly in the middle of 8P/Tuttle’s orbit April 30,
1525 BCE…
Or, when zooming in, more exactly on May 3, 1525 BCE…
Exodus option 7 days prior to the above…
Compare that to the Great Meteor Shower in New England
on Nov 13, 1833. Notice, this shows 8P/Tuttle, not the 55P/Temple-Tuttle comet
that’s generally associated with the Leonid meteor showers seen at that time,
but which is not available in SkyViewCafe!
…that occurred 19 days prior to Earth passing
8P/Tuttle’s orbit on Dec 2, 1833…
And likewise for the Great Darkness that covered New
England on May 19, 1780…
…13 days prior to passing the plane of 8P/Tuttle on
June 1, 1780…
13.The destruction of
Sodom and Gomorrah and Abraham’s 99th year. Gen 17:1, 24; 19:23, 24,
28. Per version XXVIII.0 this event would have fallen out in the morning of Day
Four or Seven, Oct 3 or Dec 3, 1927 BCE, and per version XXVII.0 in the morning
of Day Seven Oct 3, 1897 BCE, which dates may fit Earth’s passing through
8P/Tuttle’s dust cloud on Nov 1 of said years. Yes, this fits this versions XXVIII.0 and XXVII.0.[10]
8P/Tuttle vs. Earth’s position:
Halley’s comet orbit, for comparison:
Outside the periphery of Halley’s orbit:
Inside the path of Halley’s orbit:
§ “Exo 29:35 KJV And thus shalt thou do unto Aaron, and to his
sons, according to all things which I have commanded thee: seven days shalt thou consecrate them.”
“Exo 40:2 KJV On the first day of the first month shalt
thou set up the tabernacle of the tent of the congregation.”
”Exo 40:17 KJV And it came to pass in
the first month in the second year, on the first day of the
month, that the tabernacle was reared up.”
§ Test
re version XXVIII.0: Successful
Allows the Jordan crossing
criteria (as required per Joshua 3:2, 5);
4th Day Abib 15 in
the year of the Exodus – April 26, 1525 BCE;
the 7th Day = Zif
15 (Ex 16:1) in the year of the Exodus - May 26, 1525 BCE; and
the 6th or 7th
Day at the time of Abraham’s 99th birthday.
Mary’s conception in the fall of
16 BCE = AM 3959, and the eve of a Sabbatical year of Josephus.
AM 6001 begins in the fall of
2027 CE
AM 4001 began in the fall of
27 CE, the year when Peter met Cornelius, and when Caesar Caius died and Caesar
Claudius began his reign.
10.Mary’s conception
in the fall of 16 BCE = AM 3929, and the eve of a Sabbatical year of Josephus.
11.AM 6001 begins in
the fall of 2057 CE
12.AM 4001 began in
the fall of 57 CE, the year of Jerusalem’s destruction under Titus
Table Comparing Results of Versions XXVII.0 and
XXVIII.0 Version XXVII.0 success Covering all 403 lunar eclipses between Aug 28,
972 BCE and Jan 29, 1137 BCE (=166 years,) including all total, partial,
umbral, and penumbral eclipses. |
Version |
Endor Eclipse visibility (at sunrise-moonset time) |
Endor eclipse date |
9th plague days prior to the Exodus Ex 10:21-23 |
Week Day of… |
Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah Gen 19:23, 24, 28 |
Slaves released Jer 34:9 |
Creator’s Sabbatical vs Josephus’ Sabbatical & Priestly Courses agreement |
Acceptable year of YHWH Luk 4:19 |
Crucifixion |
Cyrus’ 1st year decree Ezra 1:1-2 |
Reading Torah |
Traditional SDA teaching |
1-1-15 Num 33:3 Exodus |
1-2-15 Ex 16:1 Elim |
2-1-1 Ex 29:35; 40:2, 17 Tabernacle set up |
2-2-20 Num 10:11 Cloud |
40-1-10 Jordan crossing |
Abraham’s 99th birthday & Sodom and
Gomorrah’s destruction. |
Nehemiah Artaxerxes 20/21 |
After Ai fell Jos 8:34 |
18th year of Josiah 2 Kin 22:8 |
Acts 13:14, 15 Sabbatical beginning |
Notice re these columns: Red not ok. Blue marks problems. All Green means ok The 2nd Options of version XXVII.0 are ok |
In version XXVIII.0, please notice in these columns the absence of the
Freemason/RCC characteristics, that are present in Version XXVII.0 below! |
A total lunar eclipse, diminishing to 12% umbral at sunrise. This month #10 eclipse
requires an Apr 15, 1091 BCE
New Moon #1. Corresponds to David's reckoning New Moon #1 on Nov 8, 1091 BCE. |
JD Fri Jan 19, 1090 BCE = 7th Day AM |
Earth passes through the
dust cloud of 8P/Tuttle May
1, 1525 BCE, similar timing as the Great
Darkness over New England on May 19, 1780. |
Beginning at sunset JD Sun Apr 26, 1525 BCE = JD 2nd
Day marker = Pre-Joshua’s Long Day calendar 4th Day marker The 15th day of
the 1st month fell out on the 4th Day of the week. |
Beginning at sunset JD Wed May 26, 1525 BCE = JD 5th
Day marker = Pre-Joshua’s Long Day calendar 7th Day marker The 15th day of
the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day of the week. |
JD April 2,
1524 BCE Lag: 89min 15sec; Illum.: 1.89%. 1st
day: Beginning at sunset JD Fri Apr 2, 1524 BCE = JD 7th Day
marker = Pre-Joshua’s Long Day calendar 2nd Day marker The 1st day of the 1st month
fell out on the 2nd
Day of the week. - OR – JD Sat May 1, 1524 BCE Lag: 63min 48sec; Illum.:
1.05%. 1st day: Beginning at sunset JD (Sat or) Sun May (1 or) 2,
1524 BCE = JD (1st or) 2nd Day marker = Pre-Joshua’s
Long Day calendar (3rd or) 4th Day marker The 1st day of the 1st month
fell out on the (3rd
or) 4th Day of the week. |
JD May 1, 1524 BCE Lag: 63min 48sec; Illum.: 1.05%. 20th day:
Beginning at sunset JD (Thu or) Fri May (20 or) 21, 1524 BCE = JD (6th or) 7th
Day marker = Pre-Joshua’s Long Day calendar (1st or) 2nd
Day marker The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the (1st or) 2nd Day of the week. - OR – Beginning at sunset JD Sat Jun 19, 1524 BCE (or JD Sun Jun 20) = JD 1st (or 2nd) Day
marker = Pre-Joshua’s Long Day calendar 3rd (or 4th)
Day marker The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 3rd (or 4th) Day of the
week. |
Beginning at sunset JD Sun Apr 13, 1486 BCE = JD 2nd
Day marker = Pre-Joshua’s Long Day calendar 4th Day marker: That
is, 3rd Day
crossing was completed at the beginning of the 4th Day. |
Beginning at sunset JD Sun Oct 3,
1927 BCE = JD 2nd Day marker =
Pre-Joshua’s Long Day calendar 4th Day marker The 22nd day of
the 7th month fell out on the 4th Day of the week. -OR - Beginning
at sunset JD Tue Nov 2, 1927 BCE = JD 4th
Day marker = Pre-Joshua’s Long Day calendar 6th Day marker The 22nd day of
the 7th month fell out on the 6th Day of the week. -OR- Beginning at sunset JD Wed Dec 1, 1927 BCE = JD 5th
Day marker = Pre-Joshua’s Long Day calendar 7th Day marker The 22nd day of
the 7th month fell out on the 7th Day of the week. |
Earth passes through the dust cloud of 8P/Tuttle[11] Nov 1, 1927 BCE,
similar timing as the Great
Star Shower of Nov 13, 1833 CE over New England. |
Slaves released: 589/588 BCE was the 5th year of the 1st Sabbatical
cycle of the 70th Jubilee cycle; Nebuchadnezzar’s 17th
year, Jehoiachin’s 9th and Zedekiah’s 9th year. Interestingly this places the destruction of
Solomon’s temple in the 70th jubilee year, 587/586 BCE. |
+3 & No exact agreement with continuous
Priestly courses: - 1st Priestly course reckoned from Abib 14, 1524 BCE,
Shabbat #2 in Abib, not from the first Sabbath in Abib. Solomon’s 1st priestly course on Aug 17, 1040 BCE would
require a Jan 20 New Moon #1! (cf. yellow painted column #7 to the left) |
5th year of the 3rd Sabbatical cycle of the 82nd
Jubilee cycle. |
2nd year of the 4th
Sabbatical cycle of the 82nd Jubilee cycle |
534/533 BCE = 1st
year of Cyrus’ reign fell in the 5th year of the 2nd Sabbatical cycle of the 71st
Jubilee cycle. But it did fall in a Sabbatical year per Josephus’ reckoning. |
The reading of the Torah in
Artaxerxes’ 20th/21st year – 446/445 BCE & 445/444
BCE: Per this version the reading of the Torah occurred one year after the end of the 72nd
Jubilee year. |
1486 BCE: Per this version
an event between 4th
and 5th years of the 7th Sabbatical cycle of the
51st Jubilee cycle. |
5th year of the 5th Sabbatical cycle of the 69th
Jubilee cycle |
Either the 5th
Sabbatical year in 31 CE, or the 6th Sabbatical year in 38 CE, of
the 82nd Jubilee cycle[12]. |
this version XXVIII: Anno Mundi 4001 Began in the Fall of 27 CE Anno Mundi 6001 Begins in the fall of 2027 CE |
Notice re these columns: Red not ok. Blue marks problems. All Green means ok The 2nd Options of version XXVII.0 are ok |
Below, not above, please notice in these columns the not so subtle prominence of multiples of 3, as in 666, and
as in the chosen sign of the Freemasons and of the RCC! Notice also the
mid-week Sabbaths as in the Black Sabbaths of Satan! |
A Partial
(0.6862) lunar eclipse, diminishing to 51%
(SNB) or 63% (SN8) at
sunrise. This month #10 eclipse requires a Mar 14, 1061 BCE New Moon #1. Corresponds to David's reckoning New Moon #1 on
Oct 6, 1061 BCE. |
JD Fri Dec 19, 1061 BCE = 7th Day AM |
Earth passes through the
dust cloud of 8P/Tuttle May
1, 1495 BCE, similar timing as the Great
Darkness over New England on Nov 13, 1780. |
Beginning at sunset JD Tue Apr 26, 1495 BCE = JD 4th
Day marker = Pre-Joshua’s Long Day calendar 6th Day marker The 15th day of
the 1st month fell out on the 6th (not the 7th !)
Day of the week. -OR- Beginning at sunset JD Wed May 25, 1495 BCE = JD 5th
Day marker = Pre-Joshua’s Long Day calendar 7th Day marker The 15th day of
the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day of the week = Abib 15, Day of the Exodus. |
Beginning at sunset JD Wed May 25, 1495 BCE = JD 5th
Day marker = Pre-Joshua’s Long Day calendar 7th Day marker The 15th day of
the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day of the week. -OR- Beginning at sunset JD Thu
Jun 23, 1495 BCE = JD 6th Day marker = Pre-Joshua’s Long Day
calendar 1st Day marker The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 1st Day of the week. YHWH spoke on Shabbat, perhaps in the evening
twilight towards the 1st Day, and the mannah came the next morning, Day #1. |
JD Mar 2, 1494 BCE: Lag: 102min 55sec; Illum.: 2.91%.
day: Beginning at sunset JD Thu Mar 2, 1494 BCE = JD 6th Day marker = Pre-Joshua’s
Long Day calendar 1st Day marker The 1st day of the 1st month
fell out on the 1st
Day of the week. -OR- JD Sat April 1, 1494 BCE: Lag: 68min 41sec; Illum.: 1.20%. 1st day: Beginning at sunset JD Sat Apr
1 (or Sun Apr 2), 1494
BCE = JD 1st (or 2nd) Day marker = Pre-Joshua’s Long
Day calendar 3rd (or 4th) Day marker The 1st day of the 1st month fell out on the 3rd
(or 4th) Day
of the week. |
Beginning at sunset JD Thu
Apr 20 (or Fri Apr 21),
1494 BCE = JD 6th (or 7th) Day marker = Pre-Joshua’s
Long Day calendar 1st (or 2nd) Day marker The 20th day of
the 2nd month fell out on the 1st (or 2nd) Day of the week. -OR- Beginning at sunset JD Sat May 20 (or Sun May 21),
1494 BCE = JD 1st (or 2nd) Day marker = Pre-Joshua’s
Long Day calendar 3rd (or 4th)) Day marker The 20th day of
the 2nd month fell out on the 3rd (or 4th) Day of the
week. |
Beginning at sunset JD Sun Apr 10, 1456 BCE = JD 2nd
Day marker = Pre-Joshua’s
Long Day calendar 4th Day marker: That is, the 3rd Day crossing was
completed at the beginning of the 4th Day. |
Beginning at sunset JD Wed Oct 3, 1897 BCE = JD 5th
Day marker = Pre-Joshua’s Long Day calendar 7th Day marker The 22nd day of
the 7th month fell out on the 7th Day of the week. |
Earth passes through the dust cloud of 8P/Tuttle[13] Nov 1, 1897 BCE, similar timing as
the Great
Star Shower of Nov 13, 1833 CE over New England. |
Slaves released: 589/588 BCE was the 3rd year of the 4 Sabbatical cycle of the
69th Jubilee cycle; Nebuchadnezzar’s 17th year,
Jehoiachin’s 9th and Zedekiah’s 9th year. - But notice the multiples of 3, as in 666, and also the mid Sabbatical
cycle! |
+5 & Agreement with continuous Priestly courses - 1st Priestly course reckoned from Abib 7, i.e. from the first Sabbath in Abib. 1st priestly course of Solomon would fall on JD Fri Dec 26,
1010 BCE = A full Moon[14] Shabbat and the 3rd Shabbat of the month. Possibly Bul?, but normally the
10th month, Tevet. (cf. yellow painted column #7 to the left) |
3rd year of the 6th Sabbatical cycle of the
[9*9=] 81st Jubilee cycle. - But notice the multiples of 3, as in 666! |
6th Sabbatical year of the 81st Jubilee cycle. - And notice the multiples of 3, as in 666! |
534/533 BCE = 1st
year of Cyrus’ reign fell in the 2nd year of the 5th Sabbatical cycle of the 70th
Jubilee cycle. - But it also fell in a Sabbatical year as reckoned by Josephus. |
The reading of the Torah in
Artaxerxes’ 20th/21st year – 446/445 BCE & 445/444
BCE: Per this version the reading of the Torah occurred on the threshold between the 6th and the
7th year of the 3rd Sabbatical cycle of the 72nd
Jubilee cycle. |
1456 BCE: Per this version
an event between the 3rd
and 4th years of the 6th Sabbatical cycle of the
51st Jubilee cycle. - But notice the multiples of 3, as in 666! |
3rd year of the 1st Sabbatical cycle of the 69th
Jubilee cycle. - But notice the multiples of 3, as in 666! |
The 1st
Sabbatical year of the 82nd Jubilee cycle began in the fall of 32
CE[15]. |
Anno Muni 4001 Began in the Fall of 57 CE Anno Mundi 6001 Begins in the fall of 2057 CE Which is a Sabbatical of Josephus. As in the days of Noah!: The Flood began in Anno Mundi 1657 = 2287 BCE! per this vesion |
Notice re these columns: Red not ok. Blue marks problems. All Green means ok The 2nd Options of version XXVII.0 are ok |
In version XXVII.0, but not XXVIII.0, please notice in these columns
the not so subtle prominence of multiples of 3, as
in 666, and as in the chosen sign of the Freemasons and of the RCC! Notice
also the mid-week Sabbaths as in the Black Sabbaths of Satan! |
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XXVII.0).xls – Created beginning 5942[v2016-12-14-21:32] 06 28 2039 [Sat 2023-10-14]
§ This
version is primarily built upon an expanded and corrected understanding of the
Biblical datestamps associated with the death of king Saul following his
experience with the woman at En-Dor and her astronomic description of a lunar
eclipse. Cf. the two tables within my article at this
link! Specifically said datestamps provide:
record of the woman’s at En-Dor lunar eclipse observation at sunrise on Mt.
Tabor located at that time on the southern hemisphere at 13S 41 W;
A datestamp
specifying the month of the year in terms of a Biblical calendar consistent
with local time reckoning on the southern hemisphere;
datestamps specifying the day of the week, plus a dozen or so datestamps
specifying relative time, i.e. for instance something
said or done on a certain day regarding an event on another day, whether past
or future;
18± datestamps altogether.
§ This
version is built upon version XII.0.3, including
also my later relevant edits thru[16] version XXVI.1.22, which version
XII.0.3 is the last prior version not being merely a test designed to find
which one of several potential [as I previously thought] lunar eclipse dates
that fits the Biblical records best. That is, said tests being irrelevant once
I realized:
1) that
said lunar eclipse observation must have been [in accord with the practice
revealed by the clay tablet VAT4956] 1) an AM event tied to the monthly lookout
for the astronomical fullmoon, i.e. the first morning
in the month when the Sun rises before the Moon sets, and 2) an event within
the same Seventh Day upon which Saul visited the woman at En-Dor;
2) that
said eclipse observation occurred within the third month of David’s reckoning
of time;
3) that
each of the two polar shift records of the Bible resulted in a loss of a 24 hour calendar day relative to Julian Day reckoning; and
4) that
the specific criteria, imposed by the above said, results in only one possible
match within the studied range of years between 1083 BCE – 972 BCE.
§ Accordingly,
this version (XXVII.0) is created by[17]
inserting (1061 BCE [fall year from Oct # for the Dec 19 event] - 1035 BCE
[spring year thru Oct # for the Sept 7 event] =) 25 Scripture years into
version XII.0.3, i.e. now XXVII.0. Technically by
inserting 25 lines below 2975, i.e. new lines 2976 through 3000; then copying
line 2975 into lines 2976 thru 3001; changing 2891E to 1061 and 2891F to 1060;
all while double checking that BCE 1 agrees with CE 1; in column G at 1061 BCE,
correcting the date of the lunar eclipse; extenting the column entries at
2891EO&EP upward to reach zero count; then adding the edits specified in
footnote #7 (including also
the removal of a falsly labeled year #1 after the Exodus[18]);
finally adjusting the Sabbath years in columns A, B, C copying from above as
based on the creation week, and then column D based upon year 44/43 BCE.
§ Correcting
“430” in cells EO3346 & EP3354 to “=490-70” = 420 years
§ Correcting
columns EO&EP by copying EO3344&EP3344 into the above columns until
they each reach zero (0).
§ In
column EQ: Adding a reverse count from Cyrus’ decree until it reaches 490
§ Corrections
re Aaron’s birth year and age at death by copying a square block of cells from
version XXVIII.0 BF2366-HC2494 into XXVII.0 at BF2366. Double checked all
boundaries and pertinent cells. No issues found except painting a few
additional cell to the right of added text in certain
§ Findings:
Per this version, the event 490 years prior to Cyrus’ decree occurred within
King David’s 37th year of reign. If so, then Cyrus’ decree does not
help towards finding the year of Saul’s kingship.
§ Per
this version, the crossing of the Jordan River is an event that occurred in the
spring of 1456 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 3rd year of
the 6th sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Gilgal horizon at ~47.72 N
~100.04 E; altitude: ~-100 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
“The people came up out of
Jordan on the tenth day…” Abib 10, cf. Joshua 4:19! Thus the crossing was
completed at the beginning of said “tenth day”… Which
tenth day of the month followed the Third Day [of the week], Joshua 3:2, 5. That
is, the 10th day of Abib was concurrent with the Fourth Day;
Mon Jan 31 1456 BCE Sunset:
16:34:04; Moonset: 18:19:56; Lag: 80min 33sec; Illum.: 2.12%. 10th day: Beginning
at sunset JD Wed Feb 9 = JD 5th day marker = Pre-Joshua’s Long Day
calendar 7h Day
marker: That is, the Preparation Day crossing was completed at the beginning of
the 7th Day. Might seem reasonable, but NOT as required per Joshua 3:2, 5.
Tue Mar 1 1456 BCE Sunset:
17:16:29; Moonset: 19:19:32; Lag: 124min 4sec; Illum.: 3.91%. 10th day:
Beginning at sunset JD Fri Mar 10= JD 7th Day marker = Pre-Joshua’s Long Day
calendar 2nd Day
marker: That is, the 1st Day crossing was completed at the beginning
of the 2nd Day. – NOT as required per Joshua 3:2, 5.
Thu Mar 31 (or Fri Apr 1), 1456 BCE Sunset: 17:56:21; Moonset:
19:13:21; Lag: 91min 40sec; Illum.: 1.96%. 10th day: Beginning
at sunset JD Sat Apr 9 (or Sun Apr 10) = JD 1st Day (or 2nd
Day) marker = Pre-Joshua’s
Long Day calendar 3rd Day (or 4th Day) marker: That is,
the 2nd Day
(or 3rd Day)
crossing was completed at the beginning of the 3th Day (4th Day). – As required per Joshua 3:2, 5.
Sat Apr 30 1456 BCE Sunset: 18:34:52; Moonset: 20:08:21; Lag: 129min
27sec; Illum.: 3.51%. 10th day: Beginning
at sunset JD Mon May 9 = JD 3rd Day marker = Pre-Joshua’s Long Day calendar 5th Day marker: That is,
the 4th Day crossing was completed at the beginning of the 5th
Day. . – NOT as required per Joshua 3:2, 5.
Sun May 29 1456 BCE Sunset:
19:12:48; Moonset: 19:59:57; Lag: 98min 00sec; Illum.: 1.77%. 10th day:
Beginning at sunset JD Tue Jun 7 = JD 4th Day marker = Pre-Joshua’s Long
Day calendar 6th
Day marker: That is, the 5th Day crossing was completed at the
beginning of the 6th Day. – NOT as required per Joshua 3:2, 5.
Conclusion: This version—re the crossing
of Jordan on JD Sun Apr 10, 1456 BCE—allows an Abib 10 falling out on the 4th Day of the week as
required by Joshua 3:2, 5; 4:19.
§ Per
this version, Elim event on the 15th day of the 2nd month
(Exodus 16:1) of the Year of the Exodus occurred in the spring of 1495 BCE.
Which per this version fell in the 6th year of the 7th
sabbatical year cycle of the 50th jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
JD Sun Mar 13, 1495 BCE Sunset:
17:58:28; Moonset: 20:04:03; Lag: 76min 30sec; Illum.: 1.82%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset JD Sun Mar 27 = JD 2nd Day marker = Pre-Joshua’s Long Day
calendar 4th Day marker The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 4th Day of the week.
JD Tue Apr 12, 1495 BCE Sunset: 18:33:04; Moonset: 20:19:47; Lag: 136min 51sec; Illum.:
4.57%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset JD Tue Apr 26 = JD 4th Day marker =
Pre-Joshua’s Long Day calendar 6th Day marker The 15th day of
the 2nd month fell out on the 6th Day of the week. Not the 7th Day! Notice
that this New Moon observation of JD Tue Apr 12 could hardly have been delayed
due to inclement weather! Or else this month could not have had more than 28
days prior to the following 7th Day fit!
JD Wed May 11, 1495 BCE Sunset: 19:08:21; Moonset: 20:32:36; Lag: 125min 48sec; Illum.:
3.45%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset JD Wed May 25 = JD 5th Day marker =
Pre-Joshua’s Long Day calendar 7th Day marker The 15th day of
the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day of the week.
JD Thu Jun 9, 1495 BCE Sunset: 19:43:13; Moonset: 21:27:32; Lag: 70min 57sec; Illum.:
2.50%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset JD Thu Jun 23 = JD 6th Day marker =
Pre-Joshua’s Long Day calendar 1st Day marker The 15th day of the
2nd month fell out on
[or on Sabbath afternoon at the very beginning of] the 1st Day
of the week.
JD Sat Jul 9, 1495 BCE Sunset:
19:43:13; Moonset: 21:27:32; Lag: 75min 16sec; Illum.: 1.55%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset JD Sat Jul 23 = JD 1st Day marker = Pre-Joshua’s Long Day
calendar 3rd Day marker The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 3rd Day of the week.
Conclusion: This version—re the 15th
day of the 2nd month of the Year of the Exodus in 1495 BCE—allows the 15th
day of the 2nd month (Ex 16:1) to fall out on the 7th Day
of the week.
§ Other
suggested Bible correlations:
According to this version,
Abib 15 of the Exodus
year would fall out on Tue Apr 12, 1495 BCE + 14 days = beginning at sunset JD
Tue Apr 26, 1495 BCE = JD 4th Day marker = Pre-Joshua’s Long Day
calendar 6th Day marker The 15th
day of the 1st month fell out on the 6th Day of the week.
Per this version re Jer 34:9—Slaves released: 589/588 BCE
was the 3rd year of
the 4 Sabbatical cycle of the 69th Jubilee cycle;
Nebuchadnezzar’s 17th year, Jehoiachin’s 9th and
Zedekiah’s 9th year. Also in the year
following Josephus’ sabbatical reckoning.
Sabbatical years as reckoned
from Creation followed 5 years after Josephus’ sabbatical years.
Re Luke 4:19—Acceptable year of YHWH—fell
in the 3rd year of
the 6th Sabbatical cycle of the 81st Jubilee cycle.
Crucifixion fell in the 6th
Sabbatical year of the 81st Jubilee cycle.
6. Re
Ezra 1:1-2 and Cyrus’ decree:
534/533 BCE & 1st year of Cyrus’ reign fell in the 2nd year of the 5th
Sabbatical cycle of the 70th Jubilee cycle. But it also fell in a Sabbatical
year as reckoned by Josephus.
Re Neh 1:1; 2:1; 6:15; 7:73; 8:2, 14-18; 9:1, 3.
The reading of the Torah in Artaxerxes’ 20th/21st year –
446/445 BCE & 445/444 BCE: Per this version the reading of the Torah
occurred on the threshold between
the 6th and the 7th year of the 3rd Sabbatical
cycle of the 72nd Jubilee cycle.
Re Jos 8:34 & the reading of the Torah after
the fall of Ai: Per this version most likely an event in the fall following the
crossing of the Jordan in 1456 BCE: Per this version an event between the 3rd and 4th
years of the 6th Sabbatical cycle of the 51st
Jubilee cycle.
Re 2 Kings 22:8 & the reading of the Torah in
the 18th year of
King Josiah: Per this version this pre-Passover time reading of the
Torah fell in the 3rd
year of the 1st Sabbatical cycle of the 69th Jubilee
10.Re Acts 13:14, 15
& the reading of the Torah on the Pentecost Sabbath: Per this version the 1st
Sabbatical year of the 82nd Jubilee cycle began in the fall of 32 CE[19].
§ Re
Gen 17:1, 24 and Abraham’s 99th birthday: Per this version, the 22nd
day of the 7th month of the Year of the Eighth Day of Abraham’s 99th
birthday occurred in the fall of 1897 BCE. Which per this version fell at the
beginning of the 4th year of the 6th sabbatical year
cycle of the 42nd jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre[20]
horizon at ~46.94ºN ~99.6ºE; altitude: ~1010 meters above mean sea level; Time
zone: +6.64 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Wed Sep 12 1897 BCE Sunset: 19:06:48; Moonset: 19:57:13; Lag: 56min
29sec; Illum.: 11.19%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset JD Wed Oct 3 = JD 5th Day marker = Pre-Joshua’s Long Day
calendar 7th Day marker The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 7th Day of the week.
Thu Oct 11 1897 BCE Sunset: 18:09:50; Moonset:
19:12:20; Lag: 52min 44sec; Illum.: 6.99%. 22nd day:
Beginning at sunset JD Thu Nov 1 = JD 6th Day marker = Pre-Joshua’s
Long Day calendar 1st Day marker The 22nd day of
the 7th month fell out on the 1st Day of the week.
Fri Nov
9 1897 BCE Sunset:
17:14:01; Moonset: 18:03:22; Lag: 58min 49sec; Illum.: 3.80%. 22nd day: Beginning
at sunset JD Fri Nov 30 = JD 7th Day marker = Pre-Joshua’s Long Day
calendar 2nd Day marker The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 2nd Day of the week.
§ Conclusion: This version—re the 22nd day of the 7th
month of the Year of Abraham’s
99th birthday in 1897 BCE—allows the 22nd day of the 7th month to fall
out on the 7th Day
of the week.
§ Additional
points derived from versions XXIV.0.0 & XXIII.0:
14.An event allowing a
three day’s journey to be begun and concluded before the beginning of a 7th
Day Sabbath. Num 10:11.
“Num 10:11 KJV And it
came to pass on the twentieth day of the second month, in the second year, that the cloud was
taken up from off the tabernacle of the testimony.”
Beginning either on the 1st Day, while allowing a three day distance round trip, or else beginning on the 4th
Day and concluded prior to the beginning of Sabbath.
To fit, this event must fall in the 12th or 13th
lunar month following the Elim event, which per this version XXVII.0 took place
either 1) at sunset JD Wed May 25, 1495 BCE, or 2) at sunset JD Thu Jun 23.
1495 BCE. That is, as dated above in this version XXVII.0. This event must also
agree with the setting up of the Tabernacle event at the beginning of the prior
JD March 2, 1494 BCE Sunset:
…; Moonset: …; Lag: 102min 55sec; Illum.: 2.91%. 20th day:
Beginning at sunset JD Tue Mar
21, 1494 BCE = JD 4th Day marker = Pre-Joshua’s Long Day calendar 6th
Day marker The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 6th Day of the week.
JD April 1, 1494 BCE Sunset: …; Moonset: …; Lag: 68min 41sec; Illum.:
1.20%. 20th day: Beginning
at sunset JD Thu Apr 20 (or Fri Apr 21), 1494 BCE = JD 6th (or 7th) Day
marker = Pre-Joshua’s Long Day calendar 1st (or 2nd) Day
marker The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 1st (or 2nd) Day of the week.
JD May 1, 1494 BCE
Sunset: …; Moonset: …; Lag: 108min 40sec; Illum.: 2.52%. 20th day:
Beginning at sunset JD Sat May 20 (or Sun May 21), 1494 BCE = JD 1st (or 2nd) Day
marker = Pre-Joshua’s Long Day calendar 3rd (or 4th))
Day marker The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 3rd (or 4th) Day of the week.
JD May 30, 1494 BCE
Sunset: …; Moonset: …; Lag: 88min 36sec; Illum.: 1.42%. 20th day:
Beginning at sunset JD Mon June 19, 1494 BCE = JD 3rd Day marker =
Pre-Joshua’s Long Day calendar 5th Day marker The 20th day of
the 2nd month fell out on the 5th Day of the week.
Yes, this fits this version XXVII.0. Best fit of two possible: JD Sun May
21, 1494 BCE.
15.The 9th plague
understood in terms of being a darkness associated with Earth’s passage of the
Ursids meteorite dust cloud of the 8P/Tuttle comet.[21] The 8P/Tuttle comet leaves a trail of dust, which as
the Earth passes through it twice annually, results in 1) the Ursids-meteor
showers between December 13-24,[22]
and 2) a similar, though apparently less recognized, event a few days before
and after May 1. Likewise also a few days prior to the
Exodus on April 26, 1495 BCE per the within version XXVII.0, and April 26, 1525
BCE per version XXVIII.0. That is, a darkness event of the same nature as that
which occurred on May 19, 1780 CE in New England. Thus
an event in the year of the Exodus. Num 33:3. See SkyViewCafe pictures above!
§ Test
re version XXVII: Successful
Allows the Jordan crossing
criteria (as required per Joshua 3:2, 5);
the 7th Day = Zif
15 (Ex 16:1) in the year of the Exodus; and
the 7th Day at the
time of Abraham.
Allows also the Neh 1:1; 2:1; 6:15;
7:73; 8:2, 14-18; 9:1, 3 reading of the Torah at the beginning
of a Sabbatical year.
Also the crucifixion
took place in the 6th Sabbatical year of the 81st Jubilee
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (the numerous test versions
XXVI.1.01 - XXVI.1.22.0).xls – Created 5904[v2020-01-28] 13 19 2035 [2020-02-14]
§ Testing
versions [After removal of non-existent
1st year after the Exodus! – That is, after recognizing that the
accession year, year zero was the year of the burning bush and Moses’ calling]…
§ These
versions are all created… out of version XXVI.0.0
§ More…
8. The Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XXVI.0.0).xls – Created 5904[v2020-01-28] 13 02 2035 [2020-01-28]
§ This
version is built upon version
XXII.0.06.0, which – after discarding version XXV.0.0, built upon a faulty
XXII.0.00 (corrected as XXII.0.00.3) - I find being the one best fitting all
the Bible passages and associated data as listed and referenced in the columns
of the below two tables as per the most recent version. That is, the tables
listing the results obtained from testing the following versions against the
criteria listed at the top of each column in said two tables: version XII.03,
versions XIII.0.0-XXI.0.0, and versions XXII.0.00.3-XXII.0.22.
§ Once
named and saved as version XXVI.0.0, the following points are copied from
version XXIV.0.0 and XXV.0.0 (noticing also that XXIV.0.0 is built upon version
XXII.0.06.1, not XXII.0.06.0,) appropriately modified, and applied also into
this version XXVI.0.0:
§ Added
a year zero (0) to the reigns of Saul and David. Cells 2879BU and 2891BV.
§ Added a reverse count from the year of Darius’ decree towards the 490th
year prior. Cells 3358BS-2868BS.
§ Added
a reverse count from the beginning of David’s reign to the 490th
year prior to Darius’ decree. Cells 2868BV-2890BV.
§ More…
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XXV.0.00).xls – Created 5887[v2020-01-19] 12 23 2035 [2020-01-19]
§ This version is built upon version XXII.0.00… More…
§ More…
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XXIV.0.0).xls – Created 5903[v2020-01-18] 12 23 2035 [evening of
§ This
version is built upon version
XXII.0.06, which I find being the one best fitting all the Bible passages
and associated data as listed and referenced in the columns of the above two
tables as per the most recent version. That is, the tables listing the results
obtained from testing the following versions against the criteria listed at the
top of each column in said two tables: version XII.03, versions
XIII.0.0-XXI.0.0, and versions XXII.0.00-XXII.0.22.
§ Once
named and saved as version XXIV.0.0, the following points are copied from
version XXIII.0.0, appropriately modified, and applied also into this version
§ As
such, this version serves as the basis for this now newest version of my Bible
based date stamps and calendar being used. As such the only thing changed in
comparison to my last prior dating is the first year
number, presently 5903, the one based upon the Genesis Chapter One creation,
and the version number identified within brackets.
§ The
factors given priority in this choice were as follows (and in that order:)
Presently, the basis for all
my BCE Old Testament dates prior to the division of Israel and Judah, built
upon the words used in the Hebrew text by the woman
in Endor. Words of hers are identical to words being used in the
astronomical clay table from Nebuchadnezzar’s 37th year of reign,
which words describe the first appearance of the astronomical full moon of that
This is a necessary and unavoidable condition upon which all of the
lunar eclipses being listed in the above said two tables are being built. More…
If this version, XXIV.0.0, is truly the correct choice, then my prior
understanding and reckoning of David’s move out of Philistine will need further
consideration and revision. That is, seeing (col #3) that that lunar eclipse is
dated to September 7, 1000 BCE. Upon further considering, however, that at that
time, prior to the poleshift in King Hezekiah’s 15th year of reign,
Israel and Judah were located on the Southern Hemisphere, the hot season would
have ended sometime between March and June. It follows that, if the month of
said lunar eclipse is reckoned as the 4th month referenced by the
words “year and four months,” then the New Moon of May 28, 1000 BCE would have
defined the corresponding month #1. If so, then David’s move out of Philistine
took place soon after the death of King Saul, which certainly would make sense
to me. Thus I find that there is harmony once again
between my understanding of the Hebrew date stamp behind KJV’s “year and four months.” The one problem I see with that is:
Why would May 28 define Abib 1 at that time? That is, besides traditions
carried over from the Joshua’s Long Day poleshift?
Likewise, the Endor woman’s reference to her observation of an
astronomical event that according to this version happened on the 7th
Day of the week must have occurred at sunrise in the morning of Saul’s visit with her on a Saturday night.
Accordingly, these two details may seem both somewhat attractive and of
confirmatory of the veracity of this version.
Both of those items seem now within reason, although I was initially
thinking otherwise. That is, when previously considering the astronomy report
of the woman at Endor in comparison with my previous versions of the Creator’s
calendar. However, such thinking led to premature exclusions of potentially
correct eclipses, and eventually to contradictions with other Bible passages.
Which contradictions are hopefully hereby eliminated.
Also, at this point I find no other version that harmonizes sufficiently
with the criteria I have evaluated within each of the columns in said two
I wish I had some Scripture event correlated with the beginning of the 490 years
ending with the 70 years of Babylonian captivity, but I do not. The present
version seems to point to the
24th year prior to King David’s accession year. If, from that
point in time, I begin reckoning Sabbatical years (as reckoned from the Genesis
One creation) not honored since the beginning of the people’s request for a
king (1 Sam 8,) then Cyrus’ decree took place during the 5th year of
the Sabbatical cycle culminating in the 71st Sabbatical year within
said 490 year period. This would allow the returning
people to reap the plentiful harvest promised prior to each Sabbatical year.
Cf. the yellow columns BR,
BS, and BV of the tab ‘6000+
years’ in my Excel-file pertaining to that time period of the kings of Israel
and Judah. Also I seem to recall that Solomon’s reign
is commonly dated to 1000+ years BCE. [Cf. 960/959 BCE per this version.] Why?
Is the assumption that the Sabbatical years were still being kept throughout
his reign? In the end, I am not aware of any Scripture event tied to the
beginning of said 490 years…
The crossing of Jordan falling
on the 3rd Day of the week. Joshua 1:11; 3:2; 4:19. Yes, this fits
this version XXIV.0.0.
A presumably Sabbatical year
event: The reading of the Torah event that occurred in King Josiah’s 18th
year of reign at Passover time. 2 Kings 22:8. Yes, this fits this version
A presumably Sabbatical year event:
Yeshu’s words as read in at the beginning of his public ministry when - on the
Day of Sabbaths, i.e. Pentecost - Yeshua read the
words from Isaiah 61:2: "To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD"
(Luke 4:19.) Yes, this fits this version XXIV.0.0.
An event occurring on a
Sabbath as presumably evidenced by YHWH speaking: The giving of mannah event at
Elim as recorded in Ex 16:1. Yes, this fits this version XXIV.0.0.
An event allowing a three
day’s journey to be begun and concluding before the beginning of a 7th
Day Sabbath. Num 10:11. Beginning either on the 1st Day, while
allowing a three day distance round trip, or else
beginning on the 4th Day and concluded prior to the beginning of
Sabbath. Yes, this fits this version XXIV.0.0.
The 9th plague understood in terms of
being a darkness associated with Earth’s passage of the Eta Aquariids meteorite
dust cloud. That is, an event occurring at or shortly after April 15, 1436 BCE,
or any year within the 15th century BCE (as determined from
SkyViewCafe; range from March 30 through May 8.). That is, a darkness event of
the same nature as that which occurred on May 19, 1780 CE in New England. Thus an event in the year of the Exodus. Num 33:3. But no, this does not immediately
seem to fit this version XXIV.0.0. Which makes me look for a better
option… Cf. version XXV.0.0! However, after taking a closer look at Earth’s
position relative to the plane of Halley’s comet, I find that albeit not
exactly yet passing said plane, the Earth is close enough to said plane for
receiving the Eta Aquariids meteors. Per this version the Exodus would have
occurred 12 or 13 days prior to the date of passing said plane and prior to the
culmination of the Eta Aquariids, which is well within our current encounters
with the Eta Aquariids (corresponding range in that year: From March 30 through
May 8.) If, the darkness of the 9th plague took place immediately
prior to said 12 or 13 days (prior to April 3 or 4, 1436 BCE,) then I still
have agreement with this version… Especially if the “three days” is more
correctly pointing to the Third Day of the week, which day per this version
would have fallen out within 24 hours after sunset on April 1, 1436 BCE. That
is, on between 14 and 15 days prior to passing said plane and the culmination
of the Eta Aquariids.
An event allowing all other
events, above listed, to be in harmony one with another.
Jer 34:9 understood in terms
of being an event associated with a Sabbatical year. That is, while that
Sabbatical year event fell in a reasonably close year to, and prior to,
Nebuchadnezzar’s 19th year of reign, and the fall of Jerusalem. Yes,
this fits this version XXIV.0.0. Yes, this fits this version XXIV.0.0.
10.The destruction of
Sodom and Gomorrah and Abraham’s 99th year. Gen 17:1, 24. Per this version this event would have fallen out in the
morning of Day One, October 11, 1838 BCE, which date is only three days prior
to passing the plane of Halley’s comet and the culmination of the Orionids
meteorites on Oct 14, 1838 BCE (per SkyVeiwCafe; current range corresponding to
Sept 26 through Oct 31, 1838.) Yes, this fits this version XXIV.0.0.
§ Accordingly,
version XXII.0.06, now version XXIV.0.0, remains thus far the one and only
version that seems to reasonable agree on every point.
§ New
Excel entry re the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and Abraham’s 99th
year: Move cells 2055AM to 2054AM and add a reference to Jasher 19:45-20:1 to
the entry in 2054DM.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XXIII.0.0).xls – Created 5953[v2020-01-08] 12 11 2035 [2020-01-07]
§ This
version is built upon version
XXII.0.17, which I find being the one best fitting all the Bible passages
and associated data as listed and referenced in the columns of the above two
tables. That is, version XII.03, versions XIII.0.0-XXI.0.0, and versions
§ As
such, this version serves as the basis for this now newest version of my Bible
based date stamps and calendar being used. As such the only thing changed in
comparison to my last prior dating is the first year
number, the one based upon the Genesis Chapter One creation, and the version
number identified.
§ The
factors given priority in this choice were as follows (and in that order:)
Presently, the basis for all
my BCE Old Testament dates prior to the division of Israel and Judah, build
upon the words used in the Hebrew text by the woman
in Endor. Her words are identical to the words being used in the
astronomical clay table from Nebuchadnezzar’s 37th year of reign,
and describe the first appearance of the astronomical full moon of that month.
This is a necessary and unavoidable condition upon which all of the
lunar eclipses being listed in the tables are being built. More…
If this version is truly the correct choice, then David’s move out of
Philistine appears to have been delayed a couple of months following Saul’s
visit with the woman in Endor. That is, in order to harmonize my understanding
of the Hebrew date stamp behind KJV’s “year and four months.”
Likewise, the Endor woman’s reference to her observation of an
astronomical event that according to this version happened on the 2nd
Day of the week must have occurred some five days prior to Saul’s visit with
her on a Saturday night.
Both of those items seem now within reason, although I was initially
thinking otherwise. That is, when first discovering the astronomy report of the
woman at Endor. However, such thinking led to premature exclusions of
potentially correct eclipses, and eventually to contradictions with other Bible
passages. Which contradictions are hopefully hereby eliminated.
Also, the only other version that presently I find is having anything at
all of significance to support it, is version XXII.0.07, but that version still
have many things against it, most powerfully so the
fact that the Exodus would then have happened prior to the Eta Aquariids
[visible in 1442 BCE from March 30 through May 8,] and would have fallen on the
5th Day. Also zero Sabbatical
concurrencies. Versions XXII.0.10 and XXII.0.09.0 seems interesting, but
David’s “year and four months” is a poor fit for both, and also May 26 seems
too late in the spring for Abib 10. Version XXII.0.05 seems very interesting
except that it is a very poor fit for David’s “year and four months,” and that
it has no Sabbatical concurrencies at all.
I wish I had some date for the beginning of the 490 years ending with
the 70 years of Babylonian captivity, but I do not. The present version seems
to point to King David’s 23rd year of reign. If Saul would have
reigned 40 years, then his visit to the woman in Endor should have fallen in
the year 987± BCE, which year would then represent the longest possible reign
for King Saul. But 987 BCE is well within the range of years tested, and which
test culminated in the present version. Accordingly, I have to accept this for
what it is for now.
Accordingly, version XXII.0.17, remains the one and only version that
seems to reasonable agree on every point.
The crossing of Jordan falling
on the 3rd Day of the week. Joshua 1:11; 3:2; 4:19.
A presumably Sabbatical year
event: The reading of the Torah event that occurred in King Josiah’s 18th
year of reign at Passover time. 2 Kings 22:8.
A presumably Sabbatical year
event: Yeshu’s words as read in at the beginning of his public ministry when -
on the Day of Sabbaths, i.e. Pentecost - Yeshua read
the words from Isaiah 61:2: "To proclaim the acceptable year of the
LORD" (Luke 4:19.)
An event occurring on a
Sabbath as presumably evidenced by YHWH speaking: The giving of mannah event at
Elim as recorded in Ex 16:1.
An event allowing a three
day’s journey to be begun and concluding before the beginning of a 7th
Day Sabbath. Num 10:11. Beginning either on the 1st Day, while
allowing a three day distance round trip, or else
beginning on the 4th Day and concluded prior to the beginning of
The 9th plague
understood in terms of being a darkness associated with Earth’s passage of the
Eta Aquariids meteorite dust cloud. That is, an event occurring at or shortly
after April 15, 1485 BCE, or any year within the 15th century BCE
(as dated per SkyViewCafe; range: From March 30 through May 8.) That is, a
darkness event of the same nature as that which occurred on May 19, 1780 CE in
New England. Thus an event in the year of the Exodus.
Num 33:3.
An event allowing all other
events, above listed, to be in harmony one with another.
Jer 34:9 understood in terms
of being an event associated with a Sabbatical year. That is, while that
Sabbatical year event fell in a reasonably close year to, and prior to,
Nebuchadnezzar’s 19th year of reign, and the fall of Jerusalem.
10.The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and Abraham’s
99th year. Gen 17:1, 24. Per this version this event would have
fallen out in the morning of November 12, 1887 BCE, which date is 29 days after passing the plane of
Halley’s comet and the culmination of the Orionids meteorites on Oct 14,
1838 BCE (per SkyVeiwCafe; current range corresponding to Sept 26 through Oct
31, 1838.) No, this does not agree well with this version XXIII.0.0.
§ New
Excel entry re the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and Abraham’s 99th
year: Move cells 2055AM to 2054AM and add a reference to Jasher 19:45-20:1 to
the entry in 2054DM.
§ Added
a zero in cell 2879BV at the beginning of King Saul’s reign.
The test versions XIII.0.0-XXII.0.22.0 of The Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress [JD minus one Day revised
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XXII.0.22.0 (#9)).xls –
Created 5939[v2016-12-14-21:32] 09 15 2036 [2019-11-13]
§ Testing
the Day 3 Tue Aug 26, 1083 BCE total lunar eclipse (60% penumbral only! at sunrise) for potential harmony
between all of the Bible date stamps discovered not only re Saul’s visit to the
woman in Endor (1 Sam 28:13, 14, 19, 25; 31:1, 6, 12, 13; 2 Sam 1:3; cf. Table
II of the linked article,) but also re the crossing of the Jordan River
(Jos 1:11; cf. this
link) and re the three days’ journey from Mt. Sinai (Num 10: 11, 33; cf this
§ This
version (XXII.0.22.0) is created by inserting (1083 BCE [spring year thru Oct
#] – 983 BCE [XXII.0.00yr-1yr] =) 100 Scripture years into version XXII.0.00, i.e. now XXII.0.22.0. Technically by inserting 100 lines at
line 3026; then copying line 3025 into all the blank lines (lines 3026-3125)
through also line 3126; copying 2891E & F 100 lines down into 2991E &
F; editing 2891E to 1084 and 2891 F to 1083; copying 2990E & F into 2991E
& F; all while double checking that BCE 1 agrees with CE 1. Then, in cell
2891G, correcting the date of the lunar eclipse. Afterwards adjusting the
Sabbath years in columns A, B, C, and D.
§ Per
this version, the crossing of the Jordan River is an event that occurred in the
spring of 1479 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 4th year of the 6th
sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Gilgal horizon at ~47.72 N
~100.04 E; altitude: ~-100 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar
Feb 15 1479 BCE Sunset: 17:07:03; Moonset: 18:18:07; Lag: 71min 04sec;
Illum.: 2.17%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Feb 24. ==> 5th Day
of the week crossing. [JD-1
Day 4th Day]
Mar 16 1479 BCE Sunset: 17:48:03; Moonset: 18:34:19; Lag: 46min 16sec;
Illum.: 1.16%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Mar 25. ==>
6th Day of the week crossing. [JD-1 Day 5th Day]
Apr 15 1479 BCE Sunset: 18:26:57; Moonset: 20:16:00; Lag: 109min 03sec;
Illum.: 3.71%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Apr 24. ==>
1st Day of the week crossing. [JD-1 Day 7th Day]
May 14 1479 BCE Sunset: 19:04:35; Moonset: 20:38:00; Lag: 92min 25sec;
Illum.: 2.56%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun May 23 (or
Julian Mon 24.) ==> 2nd Day (or 3rd Day) of the week crossing. [JD-1 Day 1st (or 2nd) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the crossing of Jordan in 1479 BCE—[JD-1 Day 4th Day] does not allow! an Abib 10 falling out on the
3rd Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
occurred in the spring of 1517 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 1st year
of the 1st sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 15 1517 BCE Sunset: 17:54:53; Moonset: 18:42:04; Lag: 47min 11sec;
Illum.: 1.19%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon Apr 3 or Tue Apr 4 -
==> The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 3rd Day or 4th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 2nd, 3rd (or 4th) Day]
Apr 14 1517 BCE Sunset: 18:30:44; Moonset: 19:38:34; Lag: 67min 50sec;
Illum.: 3.04%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed May 3. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 5th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 4th Day]
May 13 1517 BCE Sunset: 19:08:24; Moonset: 20:07:41; Lag: 59min 17sec;
Illum.: 1.48%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Jun 1. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 6th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 5th Day]
Jun 12 1517 BCE Sunset: 19:41:16; Moonset: 21:13:29; Lag: 92min 13sec;
Illum.: 2.82%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Jul 1. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 1st Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
in 1517 BCE—allows the 20th day of the 2nd month to fall out on the 1st or on
the 4th Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus occurred in the spring of 1519 BCE. Which per this version fell
in the 6th year of the 7th sabbatical year cycle of the
50th jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 8 1519 BCE Sunset: 17:45:26; Moonset: 18:46:38; Lag: 61min 12sec;
Illum.: 1.46%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Sun Mar 22. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 2nd Day of the week.
[JD-1 Day 1st Day]
Apr 7 1519 BCE Sunset: 18:21:54; Moonset: 19:42:19; Lag: 80min 25sec;
Illum.: 2.56%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue Apr 21.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 3rd Day of the week.
[JD-1 Day 2nd Day]
May 6 1519 BCE Sunset: 18:56:37; Moonset: 19:36:27; Lag: 39min 50sec;
Illum.: 1.09%. 15th day:
Beginning at sunset Julian (Wed May 20) or Thu 21 (or Fri 22.) The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the (5th Day or) 6th
Day (or 7th Day) of the week. [JD-1 Day (4th Day or) 5th Day (or 6th
Jun 5 1519 BCE Sunset: 19:33:09; Moonset: 20:31:10; Lag: 58min 01sec;
Illum.: 1.95%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Fri Jun 19. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus in 1519 BCE—allows the 15th day of the 2nd
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
According to this version, if
indeed Exo 16:1, 22-26, does describe a 7th Day of the week
placement[23], then
Abib 15 of the Exodus year would fall out on 1519-4-21,22,23,or24
(3rd Day, (5th Day,) 6th Day, (or 7th
Day)) [1519-5-20,21,22,or23
(4th,) 5th, (or 6th) Day]of the week.
Per this version re Jer
34:9—The last Sabbatical year prior to 587/586 BCE & Slaves released:
588/587 BCE was the 69th Jubilee year; Nebuchadnezzar’s 18th
year, Jehoiachin’s 10th and Zedekiah’s 10th year.
Sabbatical years as reckoned
from Creation followed 2 years after Josephus’ sabbatical years.
Re Luke 4:19—Acceptable year
of YHWH—fell in the 6th year of the 2nd sabbatical cycle
of the 82nd Jubilee cycle.
Crucifixion fell in the 3rd
year of the 3rd Sabbatical cycle of the 82nd Jubilee
Re Ezra 1:1-2 and Cyrus’
decree: 534/533 BCE & 1st year of Cyrus’ reign fell in the 5th
year of the 1st Sabbatical cycle of the 71st Jubilee
Re Neh 1:1; 2:1; 6:15; 7:73;
8:2, 14-18; 9:1, 3. The reading of the Torah in Artaxerxes’ 20th/21st
year – 446/445 BCE & 445/444 BCE: Per this version the reading of the Torah
occurred on the threshold between 2nd and 3rd year of the
7th Sabbatical cycle the 72nd Jubilee cycle.
Re Jos 8:34 & the reading
of the Torah after the fall of Ai: Per this version most likely an event in the
fall following the crossing of the Jordan in 1479 BCE: Per this version an
event between the 4th and 5th years of the 6th
Sabbatical cycle of the 51st Jubilee cycle.
Re 2 Kings 22:8 & the reading of the Torah in
the 18th year of King Josiah: Per this version this pre-Passover
time reading of the Torah fell in the 6th year of the 4th
Sabbatical cycle of the 69th Jubilee cycle.
10.Re Acts 13:14, 15
& the reading of the Torah on the Pentecost Sabbath between 30 CE and 39
CE: Per this version either the 4th or the 5th Sabbatical
year of the 82nd Jubilee cycle began in the falls of 29 and 36 CE
§ Re
Gen 17:1, 24 and Abraham’s 99th birthday: Per this version, the 22nd
day of the 7th month of the Year of the Eighth Day of Abraham’s 99th
birthday occurred in the fall of 1921 BCE. Which per this version fell at the
end of the 4th year and the beginning of the 5th year of
the 6th sabbatical year cycle of the 42nd jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre[25]
horizon at ~46.94ºN ~99.6ºE; altitude: ~1010 meters above mean sea level; Time
zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Aug 6 1921 BCE Sunset: 19:46:20; Moonset: 20:31:11; Lag: 44min 51sec;
Illum.: 1.60%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Aug 27.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 1st, (or 2nd)
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
7th (or 1st) Day]
Sep 5 1921 BCE Sunset: 19:05:21; Moonset: 19:32:27; Lag: 26min 54sec; Illum.: 3.07%. Sep 6 1921 BCE
Sunset: 19:03:37; Moonset: 19:48:06; Lag: 44min 29sec; Illum.: 7.88%. 22nd day:
Beginning at sunset Julian Mon Sep (((26, or))) 27. The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((3rd,))) 4th,
(or 5th) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((2nd ))) 3rd,
(or 4th) Day]
Oct 4 1921 BCE Sunset: 18:10:08; Moonset: 18:08:43; Lag: -1min 25sec; Illum.:
1.11%. Oct 5 1921 BCE Sunset: 18:08:09; Moonset: 18:24:56; Lag: 16min 47sec; Illum.:
4.25%. Oct 6 1921 BCE Sunset: 18:06:09; Moonset: 18:43:04; Lag: 36min 55sec; Illum.:
9.23%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue Oct (((25, 26,))) 27, (or 28.) The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((4th, 5th)))
6th, (or 7th) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((3rd, 4th))) 5th,
(or 6th) Day]
Nov 3 1921 BCE Sunset: 17:12:32; Moonset: 17:08:12; Lag: -4min 20sec; Illum.:
1.70%. Nov 4
1921 BCE Sunset: 17:10:47; Moonset: 17:33:02; Lag: 22min 15sec; Illum.: 5.02%. Nov 5 1921 BCE
Sunset: 17:09:02; Moonset: 18:04:33; Lag: 55min 31sec; Illum.: 10.02%. 22nd day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Thu Nov (((24, 25, or))) 26.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on (((6th, 7th,)))
1st, (or 2nd) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((5th, 6th,))) 7th, (or 1st) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 22nd day of the 7th month of the Year
of Abraham’s 99th birthday in 1921 BCE—Allows the 22nd day of the 7th
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XXII.0.22.1 (#9)).xls –
Created 5939[v2016-12-14-21:32] 09 15 2036 [2019-11-12]
§ Testing
the Day 3 Tue Aug 26, 1083 BCE total lunar eclipse (60% penumbral only! at sunrise) for potential harmony
between all of the Bible date stamps discovered not only re Saul’s visit to the
woman in Endor (1 Sam 28:13, 14, 19, 25; 31:1, 6, 12, 13; 2 Sam 1:3; cf. Table
II of the linked article,) but also re the crossing of the Jordan River
(Jos 1:11; cf. this
link) and re the three days’ journey from Mt. Sinai (Num 10: 11, 33; cf this
§ This
version (XXII.0.22) is created by inserting (1082 BCE [spring year #] – 983 BCE
[XXII.0.00yr-1yr] =) 99 Scripture years into version XXII.0.00, i.e. now XXII.0.22. Technically by inserting 99 lines at
line 3026; then copying line 3025 into all the blank lines (lines 3026-3124)
through also line 3125; copying 2891E & F 99 lines down into 2990E & F;
editing 2891E to 1083 and 2891 F to 1082; copying 2989E & F into 2990E
& F; all while double checking that BCE 1 agrees with CE 1. Then, in cell
2891G, correcting the date of the lunar eclipse. Afterwards adjusting the
Sabbath years in columns A, B, C, and D.
§ Per
this version, the crossing of the Jordan River is an event that occurred in the
spring of 1478 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 4th year of the 6th
sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Gilgal horizon at ~47.72 N
~100.04 E; altitude: ~-100 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar
Feb 4 1478 BCE Sunset: 16:50:54; Moonset: 17:27:28; Lag: 36min 34sec;
Illum.: 1.13%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Feb 13. ==> (2nd Day
or) 3rd Day of the week crossing. [JD-1 Day 1st (or 2nd) Day]
Mar 6 1478 BCE Sunset: 17:34:00; Moonset: 18:53:28; Lag: 79min 28sec;
Illum.: 2.36%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue Mar 15. ==>
4th Day of the week crossing. [JD-1 Day 3rd (or 4th) Day]
Apr 4 1478 BCE Sunset: 18:12:36; Moonset: 19:06:28; Lag: 53min 52sec;
Illum.: 1.15%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Apr 13. ==>
5th Day of the week crossing. [JD-1 Day 4th (or 5th) Day]
May 4 1478 BCE Sunset: 18:51:08; Moonset: 20:48:49; Lag: 117min 41sec;
Illum.: 3.59%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri May 13. 7th
Day of the week crossing. [JD-1
Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the crossing of Jordan in 1478 BCE—allows an Abib 10 falling
out on the 3rd Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
occurred in the spring of 1516 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 1st year
of the 1st sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 5 1516 BCE Sunset: 17:39:31; Moonset: 18:55:09; Lag: 75min 38sec;
Illum.: 2.30%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Mar 24. ==> The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 1st Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
Apr 3 1516 BCE Sunset: 18:15:07; Moonset: 19:08:37 Lag: 53min 30sec;
Illum.: 1.26%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Apr 22. or Mon
Apr 23 ==> The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 2nd or 3rd Day of
the week. [JD-1 Day 1st (or 2nd) Day]
May 3 1516 BCE Sunset: 18:50:49; Moonset: 20:42:11; Lag: 51min 22sec;
Illum.: 3.61%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue May 22. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 4th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 3rd (or 4th) Day]
Jun 1 1516 BCE Sunset: 19:26:09; Moonset: 20:52:16; Lag: 86min 07sec;
Illum.: 2.06%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Jun 20. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 5th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 4th (or 5th) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
in 1516 BCE—allows the 20th day of the 2nd month to fall out on the 1st or on
the 4th Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus occurred in the spring of 1518 BCE. Which per this version fell
in the 6th year of the 7th sabbatical year cycle of the
50th jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Feb 27 1518 BCE Sunset: 16:53:01; Moonset: 18:09:39; Lag: 76min 38sec;
Illum.: 2.13%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Fri Mar 12. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day of the week.
[JD-1 Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
Mar 27 1518 BCE Sunset: 18:08:33; Moonset: 19:23:36; Lag: 75min 03sec;
Illum.: 2.29%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Apr 10.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 1st Day of the week.
[JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
Apr 25 1518 BCE Sunset: 18:42:56; Moonset: 19:21:51; Lag: 38min 55sec;
Illum.: 0.97%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun May 9.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 2nd Day of the week.
[JD-1 Day 1st (or 2nd) Day]
May 25 1518 BCE Sunset: 19:19:49; Moonset: 20:23:24; Lag: 63min 35sec;
Illum.: 1.83%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue Jun 8.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 4th Day of the week.
[JD-1 Day 3rd (or 4th) Day]
Jun 23 1518 BCE Sunset: 19:50:25; Moonset: 21:10:38; Lag: 80min 13sec;
Illum.: 2.86%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Jul 7.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 5th Day of the week.
[JD-1 Day 4th (or 5th) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus in 1518 BCE—does not allow [allows, but only after a Feb Abib] the 15th
day of the 2nd month to fall out on the 7th Day of the
According to this version Exo
16:1, 22-26, can not describe a 7th Day of the week placement [1518-3-12,or13 6th or
7th Day.]
Per this version re Jer
34:9—The last Sabbatical year prior to the destruction of the Temple in 587/586
BCE & Slaves released: 587/586 BCE was the 69th Jubilee year;
Nebuchadnezzar’s 19th year, Jehoiachin’s 11th and Zedekiah’s
11th year.
Sabbatical years as reckoned
from Creation followed 3 years after Josephus’ sabbatical years.
Re Luke 4:19—Acceptable year
of YHWH—fell in the 5th year of the 2nd Sabbatical cycle
of the 82nd Jubilee cycle.
Crucifixion fell in the 2nd
year of the 3rd Sabbatical cycle of the 82nd Jubilee
Re Ezra 1:1-2 and Cyrus’
decree: 534/533 BCE & 1st year of Cyrus’ reign fell in the 4th
year of the 1st Sabbatical cycle of the 71st Jubilee
Re Neh 1:1; 2:1; 6:15; 7:73;
8:2, 14-18; 9:1, 3. The reading of the Torah in Artaxerxes’ 20th/21st
year – 446/445 BCE & 445/444 BCE: Per this version the reading of the Torah
occurred on the threshold between 1st and 2nd year of the
7th Sabbatical cycle of the 72nd Jubilee cycle.
Re Jos 8:34 & the reading
of the Torah after the fall of Ai: Per this version most likely an event in the
fall following the crossing of the Jordan in 1478 BCE: Per this version an
event between the 4th and 5th years of the 6th
Sabbatical cycle of the 51st Jubilee cycle.
Re 2 Kings 22:8 & the reading of the Torah in
the 18th year of King Josiah: Per this version this pre-Passover
time reading of the Torah fell in the 5th year of the 1st
Sabbatical cycle of the 69th Jubilee cycle.
10.Re Acts 13:14, 15
& the reading of the Torah on the Pentecost Sabbath between 30 CE and 39
CE: Per this version either the 4th or the 5th Sabbatical
year of the 82nd Jubilee cycle began in the falls of 30 CE and 37
§ Re
Gen 17:1, 24 and Abraham’s 99th birthday: Per this version, the 22nd
day of the 7th month of the Year of the Eighth Day of Abraham’s 99th
birthday occurred in the fall of 1920 BCE. Which per this version fell at the
end of the 4th year and the beginning of the 5th year of
the 6th sabbatical year cycle of the 42nd jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre[27]
horizon at ~46.94ºN ~99.6ºE; altitude: ~1010 meters above mean sea level; Time
zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Aug 25 1920 BCE Sunset: 19:23:34; Moonset: 19:40:08; Lag: 16min 32sec; Illum.:
1.51%. Aug 26 1920 BCE Sunset: 19:22:05; Moonset: 20:00:17; Lag: 38min 12sec;
Illum.: 1.51%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Sep ((15 or)) 16. The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((7th,))) 1st, (or
2nd) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((6th,))) 7th, (or 1st)
Sep 24 1920 BCE Sunset: 18:30:26; Moonset: 18:39:52; Lag: 09min 26sec; Illum.: 3.31%.
Sep 25 1920 BCE Sunset: 18:28:28; Moonset: 18:59:33; Lag: 31min 05sec; Illum.: 8.53%. Sep 26 1920 BCE
Sunset: 18:26:30; Moonset: 19:21:41; Lag: 55min 11sec; Illum.: 15.63%. 22nd day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Sun Oct
(((15,) 16 or)) 17. The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((2nd,) 3rd,
4th, (or 5th) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((1st,) 2nd, 3rd,
(or 5th) Day]
Oct 23 1920 BCE Sunset: 17:33:16; Moonset: 17:22:49; Lag: -11min 27sec; Illum.:
1.37%. Oct 24 1920 BCE Sunset: 17:31:21; Moonset: 17:47:27; Lag: 16min 01sec; Illum.:
4.86%. Oct 25 1920 BCE Sunset: 17:29:28; Moonset: 18:17:39; Lag: 48min 11sec; Illum.:
10.35%. 22nd day:
Beginning at sunset Julian Mon Nov (((13, 14, or))) 15. The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((3rd, 4th,)))
5th, (or 6th) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((2nd, 3rd,))) 4th,
(or 5th) Day]
Nov 22 1920 BCE Sunset: 16:43:05; Moonset: 16:50:25; Lag: 07min 20sec; Illum.:
2.10%. Nov 23 1920 BCE Sunset: 16:41:47; Moonset: 17:33:41; Lag: 51min 54sec;
Illum.: 5.89%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Dec (((13, or))) 14. The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on (((5th,))) 6th,
(or 7th) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((4th,))) 5th, (or 6th)
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 22nd day of the 7th month of the Year
of Abraham’s 99th birthday in 1920 BCE—Allows the 22nd day of the 7th
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XXII.0.21).xls – Created 5939[v2016-12-14-21:32] 09 15 2036 [2019-11-12]
§ Testing
the Day 3 Tue Dec 19, 1080 BCE total lunar eclipse (58% penumbral only! at sunrise) for potential harmony
between all of the Bible date stamps discovered not only re Saul’s visit to the
woman in Endor (1 Sam 28:13, 14, 19, 25; 31:1, 6, 12, 13; 2 Sam 1:3; cf. Table
II of the linked article,) but also re the crossing of the Jordan River
(Jos 1:11; cf. this
link) and re the three days’ journey from Mt. Sinai (Num 10: 11, 33; cf this
§ This
version (XXII.0.21) is created by inserting (1079 BCE [spring year #] – 983 BCE
[XXII.0.00yr-1yr] =) 96 Scripture years into version XXII.0.00, i.e. now XXII.0.21. Technically by inserting 96 lines at
line 3026; then copying line 3025 into all the blank lines (lines 3026-3121)
through also line 3122; copying 2891E & F 96 lines down into 2987E & F;
editing 2891E to 1080 and 2891 F to 1079; copying 2986E & F into 2987E
& F; all while double checking that BCE 1 agrees with CE 1. Then, in cell
2891G, correcting the date of the lunar eclipse. Afterwards adjusting the
Sabbath years in columns A, B, C, and D.
§ Per
this version, the crossing of the Jordan River is an event that occurred in the
spring of 1475 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 4th year of the 6th
sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Gilgal horizon at ~47.72 N
~100.04 E; altitude: ~-100 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar
Jan 31 1475 BCE Sunset: 16:45:46; Moonset: 17:37:48; Lag: 52min 01sec;
Illum.: 1.36%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Feb 9 (or Mon
Feb 10.) ==> 2nd Day (or 3rd Day) of the week crossing. [JD-1 Day 1st (or 2nd) Day]
Mar 2 1475 BCE Sunset: 17:28:45; Moonset: 18:58:48; Lag: 90min 03sec;
Illum.: 2.25%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue Mar 11. ==> 4th Day
of the week crossing. [JD-1
Day 3rd (or 4th) Day]
Apr 1 1475 BCE Sunset: 18:09:07; Moonset: 20:07:49; Lag: 118min 42sec;
Illum.: 3.40%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Apr 10. ==>
6th Day of the week crossing. [JD-1 Day 5th (or 6th) Day]
Apr 30 1475 BCE Sunset: 18:46:18; Moonset: 20:13:44; Lag: 87min 26sec;
Illum.: 1.59%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri May 9. ==>
7th Day of the week crossing. [JD-1 Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
May 30 1475 BCE Sunset: 19:25:25; Moonset: 21:30:44; Lag: 125min 19sec;
Illum.: 2.95%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Jun 8 (or Julian
Mon Jun 9.) ==> 2nd Day (or 3rd Day) of the week crossing. [JD-1 Day 1st (or 2nd) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the crossing of Jordan in 1475 BCE—allows an Abib 10 falling
out on the 3rd Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
occurred in the spring of 1513 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 1st year
of the 1st sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Apr 1 1513 BCE Sunset: 18:13:07; Moonset: 20:05:09; Lag: 112min 02sec;
Illum.: 3.30%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue Apr 20. ==> The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 4th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 3rd (or 4th) Day]
Apr 30 1513 BCE Sunset: 18:47:31; Moonset: 20:23:58; Lag: 96min 27sec;
Illum.: 2.11%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed May 19. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 5th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 4th (or 5th) Day]
May 29 1513 BCE Sunset: 19:22:57; Moonset: 20:48:58; Lag: 96min 01sec;
Illum.: 1.35%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Jun 17. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 6th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 5th (or 6th) Day]
Jun 28 1513 BCE Sunset: 19:51:23; Moonset: 21:57:06; Lag: 125min 43sec;
Illum.: 2.71%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Jul 17. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 1st Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
in 1513 BCE—allows the 20th day of the 2nd month to fall out on the 1st or on
the 4th Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus occurred in the spring of 1515 BCE. Which per this version fell
in the 6th year of the 7th sabbatical year cycle of the
50th jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 24 1515 BCE Sunset: 17:50:41; Moonset: 19:23:27; Lag: 92min 46sec;
Illum.: 2.13%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Sun Apr 7. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 2nd Day of the week.
[JD-1 Day 1st (or 2nd) Day]
Apr 22 1515 BCE Sunset: 18:26:56; Moonset: 19:40:38; Lag: 74min 42sec;
Illum.: 1.20%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon May 6.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 3rd Day of the week.
[JD-1 Day 2nd (or 3rd) Day]
May 22 1515 BCE Sunset: 19:01:56; Moonset: 21:26:38; Lag: 145min 42sec;
Illum.: 4.10%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Jun 5.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 5th Day of the week.
[JD-1 Day 4th (or 5th) Day]
Jun 20 1515 BCE Sunset: 19:36:49; Moonset: 21:31:49; Lag: 115min 00sec;
Illum.: 2.67%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Jul 4.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 6th Day (or 7th
Day) of the week. [JD-1
Day 5th (or 6th) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus in 1515 BCE—allows [does not allow] the 15th day of the 2nd
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
According to this version, if
indeed Exo 16:1, 22-26, does describe a 7th Day of the week
placement, then Abib 15 of the Exodus year [is impossible] would fall out on 1515-6-5 ((5th
Day)) of the week.
Per this version re Jer
34:9—The last Sabbatical year prior to the destruction of the Temple in 587/586
BCE & Slaves released: 591/590 BCE was the 6th Sabbatical year
of the 69th Jubilee cycle; Nebuchadnezzar’s 15th year,
Jehoiachin’s 7th and Zedekiah’s 7th year.
Sabbatical years as reckoned
from Creation followed 6 years after Josephus’ sabbatical years.
Re Luke 4:19—Acceptable year
of YHWH—fell in the 2nd year of the 2nd Sabbatical cycle
of the 81st Jubilee cycle.
Crucifixion fell in the 6th
year of the 2nd Sabbatical cycle of the 82nd Jubilee
Re Ezra 1:1-2 and Cyrus’
decree: 534/533 BCE & 1st year of Cyrus’ reign fell in the 1st
year of the 1st Sabbatical cycle of the 71st Jubilee
Re Neh 1:1; 2:1; 6:15; 7:73;
8:2, 14-18; 9:1, 3. The reading of the Torah in Artaxerxes’ 20th/21st
year – 446/445 BCE & 445/444 BCE: Per this version the reading of the Torah
occurred on the threshold between 5th and 6th year of the
6th Sabbatical cycle of the 72nd Jubilee cycle.
Re Jos 8:34 & the reading
of the Torah after the fall of Ai: Per this version most likely an event in the
fall following the crossing of the Jordan in 1475 BCE: Per this version an
event between the 4th and 5th years of the 6th
Sabbatical cycle of the 51st Jubilee cycle.
Re 2 Kings 22:8 & the reading of the Torah in
the 18th year of King Josiah: Per this version this pre-Passover
time reading of the Torah fell in the 2nd year of the 4th
Sabbatical cycle of the 69th Jubilee cycle.
10.Re Acts 13:14, 15
& the reading of the Torah on the Pentecost Sabbath between 30 CE and 39
CE: Per this version the 4th Sabbatical year of the 82nd
Jubilee cycle began in the fall of 34 CE[28].
§ Re
Gen 17:1, 24 and Abraham’s 99th birthday: Per this version, the 22nd
day of the 7th month of the Year of the Eighth Day of Abraham’s 99th
birthday occurred in the fall of 1917 BCE. Which per this version fell at the
end of the 4th year and the beginning of the 5th year of
the 6th sabbatical year cycle of the 42nd jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre[29]
horizon at ~46.94ºN ~99.6ºE; altitude: ~1010 meters above mean sea level; Time
zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Aug 23 1917 BCE Sunset: 19:26:07; Moonset: 19:41:52; Lag: 15min 45sec; Illum.:
4.00%. Aug 24 1917 BCE Sunset: 19:24:38; Moonset: 20:06:32; Lag: 37min 23sec;
Illum.: 9.44%. 22nd day:
Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Sep 13. The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((2nd,))) 3rd,
(or 4th) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((1st,))) 2nd, (or 3rd)
Sep 21 1917 BCE Sunset: 18:35:43; Moonset: 18:33:13; Lag: -2min 30sec; Illum.: 2.19%.
Sep 22 1917 BCE Sunset: 18:33:47; Moonset: 19:59:41; Lag: 41min 44sec; Illum.:
6.73%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon Oct 12.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((3rd,))) 4th,
(or 5th) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((2nd,))) 3rd, (or 4th)
Oct 21 1917 BCE Sunset: 17:36:34; Moonset: 18:01:59; Lag: 25min 25sec; Illum.:
4.23%. Oct 22 1917 BCE Sunset: 17:34:39; Moonset: 18:42:56; Lag: 39min 38sec;
Illum.: 10.44%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Nov 11.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((5th,))) 6th,
(or 7th) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((4th,))) 5th, (or 6th)
Nov 19 1917 BCE Sunset: 16:46:50; Moonset: 17:19:36; Lag: 47min 52sec;
Illum.: 2.15%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Dec 10.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 6th, (or 7th)
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
5th (or 6th) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 22nd day of the 7th month of the Year
of Abraham’s 99th birthday in 1917 BCE—Allows [Does not allow] the 22nd day of the 7th
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XXII.0.20.0 (#8)).xls –
Created 5939[v2016-12-14-21:32] 09 15 2036 [2019-11-13]
§ Testing
the Day 7 Sat Oct 17, 1077 BCE partial lunar eclipse (75% penumbral only! at sunrise) for
potential harmony between all of the Bible date stamps discovered not only re
Saul’s visit to the woman in Endor (1 Sam 28:13, 14, 19, 25; 31:1, 6, 12, 13; 2
Sam 1:3; cf. Table
II of the linked article,) but also re the crossing of the Jordan River
(Jos 1:11; cf. this
link) and re the three days’ journey from Mt. Sinai (Num 10: 11, 33; cf this
§ This
version (XXII.0.20) is created by inserting (1077 BCE [spring year thru Oct #]
– 983 BCE [XXII.0.00yr-1yr] =) 94 Scripture years into version XXII.0.00, i.e. now XXII.0.20.0. Technically by inserting 94 lines at
line 3026; then copying line 3025 into all the blank lines (lines 3026-3119)
through also line 3120; copying 2891E & F 94 lines down into 2985E & F;
editing 2891E to 1078 and 2891 F to 1077; copying 2984E & F into 2985E
& F; all while double checking that BCE 1 agrees with CE 1. Then, in cell
2891G, correcting the date of the lunar eclipse. Afterwards adjusting the
Sabbath years in columns A, B, C, and D.
§ Per
this version, the crossing of the Jordan River is an event that occurred in the
spring of 1473 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 4th year of the 6th
sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Gilgal horizon at ~47.72 N
~100.04 E; altitude: ~-100 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar
Feb 9 1473 BCE Sunset: 16:57:42; Moonset: 19:00:13; Lag: 122min 31sec;
Illum.: 3.71%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at
sunset Julian Thu Feb 18. ==> 6th Day of the week crossing. [JD-1 Day 5th (or 6th) Day]
Mar 9 1473 BCE Sunset: 17:39:16; Moonset: 19:12:36; Lag: 93min 20sec;
Illum.: 2.05%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Mar 18. ==> 7th Day of the week crossing. [JD-1 Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
Apr 7 1473 BCE Sunset: 18:17:26; Moonset: 19:22:36; Lag: 65min 10sec;
Illum.: 0.97%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian (Sat Apr 16 or) Sun
Apr 17. ==> (1st Day or) 2nd Day of the week crossing. [JD-1 Day (7th,) 1st, (or 2nd)
May 7 1473 BCE Sunset: 18:56:07; Moonset: 20:50:05; Lag: 113min 58sec;
Illum.: 2.50%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon May 16. ==>
3rd Day of the week crossing. [JD-1 Day 2nd (or 3rd) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the crossing of Jordan in 1473 BCE—allows an Abib 10 falling
out on the 3rd Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
occurred in the spring of 1511 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 1st year
of the 1st sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 10 1511 BCE Sunset: 17:48:04; Moonset: 19:15:14; Lag: 87min 10sec;
Illum.: 1.95%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at
sunset Julian Wed Mar 29. ==> The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the
5th Day of the week. [JD-1
Day 4th (or 5th) Day]
Apr 9 1511 BCE Sunset: 18:24:21; Moonset: 20:20:41; Lag: 116min 20sec;
Illum.: 3.14%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Apr 28. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
May 8 1511 BCE Sunset: 18:59:13; Moonset: 20:27:57; Lag: 88min 44sec;
Illum.: 1.56%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat May 27. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 1st Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
Jun 7 1511 BCE Sunset: 19:35:33; Moonset: 21:37:49; Lag: 122min 16sec;
Illum.: 3.16%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon Jun 26. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 3rd Day ((or on the 4th Day)) of
the week. [JD-1 Day 2nd ((or 3rd)) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
in 1511 BCE—allows the 20th day of the 2nd month to fall out on the 1st ((or on
the 4th)) Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus occurred in the spring of 1513 BCE. Which per this version fell
in the 6th year of the 7th sabbatical year cycle of the
50th jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 2 1513BCE Sunset: 17:38:26; Moonset: 18:45:49; Lag: 67min 23sec;
Illum.: 1.53%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Tue Mar 16 or Wed Mar 17.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 4th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 3rd (or 4th) Day]
Mar 31 1513BCE Sunset: 18:14:15; Moonset: 18:53:48; Lag: 42min 33sec; Illum.: 0.48%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Apr 14.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the (5th Day or) 6th
Day (or 7th Day) of the week. [JD-1 Day ((((4th,)))) 5th, (or 6th)
Apr 30 1513BCE Sunset: 18:49:59; Moonset: 20:26:47; Lag: 96min 48sec;
Illum.: 2.12%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri May 14.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
May 29 1513 BCE Sunset: 19:25:41; Moonset: 20:50:36; Lag: 84min 55sec;
Illum.: 1.36%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Jun 12 (or Sat 24.) The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 1st Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
Jun 28 1513 BCE Sunset: 19:54:20; Moonset: 21:59:08; Lag: 124min 48sec;
Illum.: 4.49%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon Jul 12.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 3rd Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 2nd (or 3rd) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus in 1513 BCE—allows the 15th day of the 2nd
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
According to this version, if
indeed Exo 16:1, 22-26, does describe a 7th Day of the week placement,
then Abib 15 of the Exodus year would fall out on 1513-4-14,15,or16
(4th Day, 5th Day,) 6th Day, (or 7th
Day) of the week. [1513-4-14,15,or16 (4th,) 5th (or 6th
Day) or 1513-5-14,or15 6th,
(or 7th Day)]
Per this version re Jer
34:9—The last Sabbatical year prior to the destruction of the Temple in 587/586
BCE & Slaves released: 589/588 BCE was the 6th Sabbatical year
of the 69th Jubilee cycle; Nebuchadnezzar’s 17th year,
Jehoiachin’s 9th and Zedekiah’s 9th year.
Sabbatical years as reckoned
from Creation followed 1 year after Josephus’ sabbatical years.
Re Luke 4:19—Acceptable year
of YHWH—fell in the 1st Sabbatical year of the 82nd
Jubilee cycle.
Crucifixion fell in the 4th
year of the 1st Sabbatical cycle of the 82nd Jubilee
Re Ezra 1:1-2 and Cyrus’
decree: 534/533 BCE & 1st year of Cyrus’ reign fell in the 6th
year of the 7th Sabbatical cycle of the 70th Jubilee
Re Neh 1:1; 2:1; 6:15; 7:73;
8:2, 14-18; 9:1, 3. The reading of the Torah in Artaxerxes’ 20th/21st
year – 446/445 BCE & 445/444 BCE: Per this version the reading of the Torah
occurred on the threshold between 3rd and 4th year of the
6th Sabbatical cycle of the 72nd Jubilee cycle.
Re Jos 8:34 & the reading
of the Torah after the fall of Ai: Per this version most likely an event in the
fall following the crossing of the Jordan in 1473 BCE: Per this version an
event between the 4th and 5th years of the 6th
Sabbatical cycle of the 51st Jubilee cycle.
Re 2 Kings 22:8 & the reading of the Torah in
the 18th year of King Josiah: Per this version this pre-Passover
time reading of the Torah fell in the 3rd Sabbatical year of the 69th
Jubilee cycle.
10.Re Acts 13:14, 15
& the reading of the Torah on the Pentecost Sabbath between 30 CE and 39
CE: Per this version the 4th Sabbatical year of the 82nd
Jubilee cycle began in the fall of 35 CE[30].
§ Re
Gen 17:1, 24 and Abraham’s 99th birthday: Per this version, the 22nd
day of the 7th month of the Year of the Eighth Day of Abraham’s 99th
birthday occurred in the fall of 1915 BCE. Which per this version fell at the
end of the 4th year and the beginning of the 5th year of
the 6th sabbatical year cycle of the 42nd jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre[31]
horizon at ~46.94ºN ~99.6ºE; altitude: ~1010 meters above mean sea level; Time
zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Aug 31 1915 BCE Sunset: 19:14:31; Moonset: 19:30:01; Lag: 15min 30sec; Illum.:
3.43%. Sep 1 1915 BCE Sunset: 19:12:53; Moonset: 19:53:56; Lag: 41min 03sec;
Illum.: 7.71%. 22nd day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Wed Sep 21. The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((5th,))) 6th,
(or 7th) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((4th,))) 5th, (or 6th)
Sep 29 1915 BCE Sunset: 18:20:58; Moonset: 18:23:36; Lag: 02min 38sec; Illum.:
1.23%. Sep 30 1915 BCE Sunset: 18:19:01; Moonset: 18:49:21; Lag: 30min 20sec; Illum.:
4.26%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Oct 20.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((6th,)) 7th,)
1st, (or 2nd) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((5th,)) 6th,) 7th, (or 1st) Day]
Oct 29 1915 BCE Sunset: 17:22:23; Moonset: 17:31:05; Lag: 08min 42sec; Illum.:
1.81%. Oct 30 1915 BCE Sunset: 17:20:33; Moonset: 18:26:40; Lag: 66min 53sec;
Illum.: 5.69%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Nov 19.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((1st,))) 2nd,
(or 3rd) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((7th,))) 1st, (or 2nd) Day]
Nov 28 1915 BCE Sunset: 16:35:53; Moonset: 17:51:39; Lag: 75min 46sec;
Illum.: 3.14%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon Dec 19.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 3rd, (or 4th)
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
2nd (or 3rd) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 22nd day of the 7th month of the Year
of Abraham’s 99th birthday in 1915 BCE—Allows the 22nd day of the 7th
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XXII.0.20.1 (#8)).xls –
Created 5939[v2016-12-14-21:32] 09 15 2036 [2019-11-12]
§ Testing
the Day 7 Sat Oct 17, 1077 BCE partial lunar eclipse (75% penumbral only! at sunrise) for
potential harmony between all of the Bible date stamps discovered not only re
Saul’s visit to the woman in Endor (1 Sam 28:13, 14, 19, 25; 31:1, 6, 12, 13; 2
Sam 1:3; cf. Table
II of the linked article,) but also re the crossing of the Jordan River
(Jos 1:11; cf. this
link) and re the three days’ journey from Mt. Sinai (Num 10: 11, 33; cf this
§ This
version (XXII.0.20) is created by inserting (1076 BCE [spring year #] – 983 BCE
[XXII.0.00yr-1yr] =) 93 Scripture years into version XXII.0.00, i.e. now XXII.0.20. Technically by inserting 93 lines at
line 3026; then copying line 3025 into all the blank lines (lines 3026-3118)
through also line 3119; copying 2891E & F 93 lines down into 2984E & F;
editing 2891E to 1077 and 2891 F to 1076; copying 2983E & F into 2984E
& F; all while double checking that BCE 1 agrees with CE 1. Then, in cell
2891G, correcting the date of the lunar eclipse. Afterwards adjusting the
Sabbath years in columns A, B, C, and D.
§ Per
this version, the crossing of the Jordan River is an event that occurred in the
spring of 1472 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 4th year of the 6th
sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Gilgal horizon at ~47.72 N
~100.04 E; altitude: ~-100 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar
Feb 27 1472 BCE Sunset: 17:24:54; Moonset: 19:32:45; Lag:
67min 51sec; Illum.: 3.76%. ==> 10th day:
Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Mar 8. ==> 5th Day of the week crossing. [JD-1 Day 4th (or 5th) Day]
Mar 28 1472 BCE Sunset: 18:04:20; Moonset: 19:47:36;
Lag: 103min 16sec; Illum.: 2.41%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian
Thu Apr 6. ==> 6th Day of the week crossing. [JD-1 Day 5th (or 6th) Day]
Apr 26 1472 BCE Sunset: 18:41:31; Moonset: 20:03:25;
Lag: 81min 54sec; Illum.: 1.35%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian
Fri May 5. ==> 7th Day of the week crossing. [JD-1 Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
May 26 1472 BCE Sunset: 19:20:42; Moonset: 21:25:00;
Lag: 124min 18sec; Illum.: 3.37%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian
Sun Jun 4 (or Julian Mon 5.) ==> 2nd Day (or 3rd Day) of the week crossing. [JD-1 Day 1st (or 2nd) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the crossing of Jordan in 1472 BCE—allows [does not allow] an Abib
10 falling out on the 3rd Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
occurred in the spring of 1510 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 1st year
of the 1st sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 29 1510 BCE Sunset: 18:11:02; Moonset: 20:05:41; Lag: 114min 39sec;
Illum.: 3.13%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue Apr 17. ==> The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 4th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 3rd (or 4th) Day]
Apr 27 1510 BCE Sunset: 18:45:28; Moonset: 20:07:16; Lag: 81min 48sec;
Illum.: 1.42%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed May 16. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 5th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 4th (or 5th) Day]
May 27 1510 BCE Sunset: 19:22:22; Moonset: 21:12:55; Lag: 110min 33sec;
Illum.: 2.46%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Jun 15. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day ((or on the 1st Day)) of
the week. [JD-1 Day 6th ((or 7th)) Day]
Jun 25 1510 BCE Sunset: 19:51:58; Moonset: 20:39:55; Lag: 47min 57sec;
Illum.: 1.94%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Jul 14. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 1st Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
in 1510 BCE—allows the 20th day of the 2nd month to fall out on the 1st or on
the 4th Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus occurred in the spring of 1512 BCE. Which per this version fell
in the 6th year of the 7th sabbatical year cycle of the
50th jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 21 1512 BCE
Sunset: 18:02:00; Moonset: 19:30:46; Lag: 88min 46sec; Illum.: 2.07%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Mon Apr 4. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 3rd Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 2nd (or 3rd) Day]
Apr 19 1512 BCE
Sunset: 18:36:28; Moonset: 19:37:14; Lag: 60min 46sec; Illum.: 0.85%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Tue May 3. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the ((4th Day,)) 5th
Day, (or 6th Day)
of the week.
[JD-1 Day ((3rd,)) 4th, (or 5th Day)]
May 19 1512 BCE Sunset: 19:13:10; Moonset: 21:08:02; Lag: 114min 52sec;
Illum.: 2.57%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Jun 2 (or Fri Jun 3.) The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 6th Day (or the 7th
Day) of the week. [JD-1 Day 5th (or 6th) Day]
Jun 17 1512 BCE Sunset: 19:45:56; Moonset: 21:18:37; Lag: 92min 41sec;
Illum.: 1.56%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Jul 1.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day of the week.
[JD-1 Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus in 1512 BCE—allows the 15th day of the 2nd
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
According to this version, if
indeed Exo 16:1, 22-26, does describe a 7th Day of the week
placement, then Abib 15 of the Exodus year would fall out on 1512-5-3,4,or5 ((4th Day,)) 5th Day, (6th
Day (or 7th Day)) [1512-6-2,or3 5th, (or 6th) Day]
of the week.
Per this version re Jer
34:9—The last Sabbatical year prior to the destruction of the Temple in 587/586
BCE & Slaves released: 588/587 BCE was the 6th Sabbatical year
of the 69th Jubilee cycle; Nebuchadnezzar’s 18th year,
Jehoiachin’s 10th and Zedekiah’s 10th year.
Sabbatical years as reckoned
from Creation followed 2 years after Josephus’ sabbatical years.
Re Luke 4:19—Acceptable year
of YHWH—fell in 6th year of the 1st Sabbatical cycle of
the 82nd Jubilee cycle.
Crucifixion fell in the 3rd
year of the 2nd Sabbatical cycle of the 82nd Jubilee
Re Ezra 1:1-2 and Cyrus’
decree: 534/533 BCE & 1st year of Cyrus’ reign fell in the 5th
year of the 7th Sabbatical cycle of the 70th Jubilee
Re Neh 1:1; 2:1; 6:15; 7:73;
8:2, 14-18; 9:1, 3. The reading of the Torah in Artaxerxes’ 20th/21st
year – 446/445 BCE & 445/444 BCE: Per this version the reading of the Torah
occurred on the threshold between 2nd and 3rd year of the
6th Sabbatical cycle of the 72nd Jubilee cycle.
Re Jos 8:34 & the reading
of the Torah after the fall of Ai: Per this version most likely an event in the
fall following the crossing of the Jordan in 1472 BCE: Per this version an
event between the 4th and 5th years of the 6th
Sabbatical cycle of the 51st Jubilee cycle.
Re 2 Kings 22:8 & the reading of the Torah in
the 18th year of King Josiah: Per this version this pre-Passover
time reading of the Torah fell in the 6th year of the 2nd
Sabbatical year of the 69th Jubilee cycle.
10.Re Acts 13:14, 15
& the reading of the Torah on the Pentecost Sabbath between 30 CE and 39
CE: Per this version either the 3rd or the 4th Sabbatical
year of the 82nd Jubilee cycle began in the falls of 29 and 36 CE
§ Re
Gen 17:1, 24 and Abraham’s 99th birthday: Per this version, the 22nd
day of the 7th month of the Year of the Eighth Day of Abraham’s 99th
birthday occurred in the fall of 1914 BCE. Which per this version fell at the
end of the 4th year and the beginning of the 5th year of
the 6th sabbatical year cycle of the 42nd jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre[33]
horizon at ~46.94ºN ~99.6ºE; altitude: ~1010 meters above mean sea level; Time
zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Aug 20 1914 BCE Sunset: 19:31:17; Moonset: 19:54:34; Lag: 23min 17sec; Illum.: 3.56%.
Aug 21 1914 BCE Sunset: 19:29:56; Moonset: 20:20:33; Lag: 50min 37sec; Illum.:
7.93%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Sep 10.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((2nd,))) 3rd,
(or 4th) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((1st,))) 2nd, (or 3rd)
Sep 18 1914 BCE Sunset: 18:42:52; Moonset: 18:49:42; Lag: 06min 50sec; Illum.:
1.24%. Sep 19 1914 BCE Sunset: 18:40:58; Moonset: 19:14:37; Lag: 33min 39sec;
Illum.: 4.16%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon Oct 9.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((3rd,))) 4th,
5th, (or 6th) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((2nd,))) 3rd, 4th,
(or 5th) Day]
Oct 18 1914 BCE Sunset: 17:43:48; Moonset: 18:10:37; Lag: 26min 49sec; Illum.:
1.52%. Oct 19 1914 BCE Sunset: 17:41:51; Moonset: 18:39:13; Lag: 57min 22sec;
Illum.: 4.79%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Nov 8.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((5th,))) 6th,
(or 7th) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((4th,))) 5th, (or 6th)
Nov 17 1914 BCE Sunset: 16:50:48; Moonset: 17:47:45; Lag: 56min 57sec;
Illum.: 2.07%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Dec 8.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 7th, (or 1st)
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
6th (or 7th) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 22nd day of the 7th month of the Year
of Abraham’s 99th birthday in 1914 BCE—Allows the 22nd day of the 7th
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XXII.0.19).xls – Created 5939[v2016-12-14-21:32] 09 15 2036 [2019-11-12]
§ Testing
the Day 3 Tue Apr 13, 1076 BCE total lunar eclipse (76% at sunrise) for
potential harmony between all of the Bible date stamps discovered not only re
Saul’s visit to the woman in Endor (1 Sam 28:13, 14, 19, 25; 31:1, 6, 12, 13; 2
Sam 1:3; cf. Table
II of the linked article,) but also re the crossing of the Jordan River
(Jos 1:11; cf. this
link) and re the three days’ journey from Mt. Sinai (Num 10: 11, 33; cf this
§ This
version (XXII.0.19) is created by inserting (1076 BCE [spring year #] – 983 BCE
[XXII.0.00yr-1yr] =) 93 Scripture years into version XXII.0.00, i.e. now XXII.0.19. Technically by inserting 93 lines at
line 3026; then copying line 3025 into all the blank lines (lines 3026-3118)
through also line 3119; copying 2891E & F 93 lines down into 2984E & F;
editing 2891E to 1077 and 2891 F to 1076; copying 2983E & F into 2984E
& F; all while double checking that BCE 1 agrees with CE 1. Then, in cell
2891G, correcting the date of the lunar eclipse. Afterwards adjusting the
Sabbath years in columns A, B, C, and D.
§ Per
this version, the crossing of the Jordan River is an event that occurred in the
spring of 1472 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 4th year of the 6th
sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Gilgal horizon at ~47.72 N
~100.04 E; altitude: ~-100 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar
Feb 27 1472 BCE Sunset: 17:24:54; Moonset: 19:32:45; Lag: 67min 51sec;
Illum.: 3.76%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at
sunset Julian Wed Mar 8. ==> 5th Day of the week crossing. [JD-1 Day 4th (or 5th) Day]
Mar 28 1472 BCE Sunset: 18:04:20; Moonset: 19:47:36; Lag: 103min 16sec;
Illum.: 2.41%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Apr 6. ==>
6th Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 5th (or 6th) Day]
Apr 26 1472 BCE Sunset: 18:41:31; Moonset: 20:03:25; Lag: 81min 54sec;
Illum.: 1.35%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri May 5. ==>
7th Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
May 26 1472 BCE Sunset: 19:20:42; Moonset: 21:25:00; Lag: 124min 18sec;
Illum.: 3.37%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Jun 4 (or Julian
Mon 5.) ==> 2nd Day (or 3rd Day) of the week crossing. [JD-1 Day 1st (or 2nd) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the crossing of Jordan in 1472 BCE—allows [does not allow] an Abib
10 falling out on the 3rd Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
occurred in the spring of 1510 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 1st year
of the 1st sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 29 1510 BCE Sunset: 18:11:02; Moonset: 20:05:41; Lag: 114min 39sec;
Illum.: 3.13%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue Apr 17. ==> The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 4th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 3rd (or 4th) Day]
Apr 27 1510 BCE Sunset: 18:45:28; Moonset: 20:07:16; Lag: 81min 48sec;
Illum.: 1.42%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed May 16. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 5th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 4th (or 5th) Day]
May 27 1510 BCE Sunset: 19:22:22; Moonset: 21:12:55; Lag: 110min 33sec;
Illum.: 2.46%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Jun 15. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day ((or on the 1st Day)) of
the week. [JD-1 Day 6th ((or 7th)) Day]
Jun 25 1510 BCE Sunset: 19:51:58; Moonset: 20:39:55; Lag: 47min 57sec;
Illum.: 1.94%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Jul 14. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 1st Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
in 1510 BCE—allows the 20th day of the 2nd month to fall out on the 1st or on
the 4th Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus occurred in the spring of 1512 BCE. Which per this version fell
in the 6th year of the 7th sabbatical year cycle of the
50th jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 21 1512 BCE
Sunset: 18:02:00; Moonset: 19:30:46; Lag: 88min 46sec; Illum.: 2.07%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Mon Apr 4. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 3rd Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 2nd (or 3rd) Day]
Apr 19 1512 BCE
Sunset: 18:36:28; Moonset: 19:37:14; Lag: 60min 46sec; Illum.: 0.85%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Tue May 3. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the ((4th Day,)) 5th
Day, (or 6th Day)
of the week.
[JD-1 Day ((3rd,)) 4th, (or 5th Day)]
May 19 1512 BCE Sunset: 19:13:10; Moonset: 21:08:02; Lag: 114min 52sec;
Illum.: 2.57%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Jun 2 (or Fri Jun 3.) The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 6th Day (or the 7th
Day) of the week. [JD-1
Day 5th (or 6th) Day]
Jun 17 1512 BCE Sunset: 19:45:56; Moonset: 21:18:37; Lag: 92min 41sec;
Illum.: 1.56%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Jul 1.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day of the week.
[JD-1 Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus in 1512 BCE—allows the 15th day of the 2nd
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
According to this version, if
indeed Exo 16:1, 22-26, does describe a 7th Day of the week
placement, then Abib 15 of the Exodus year would fall out on 1512-5-3,4,or5 ((4th Day,)) 5th Day, (6th
Day (or 7th Day)) [1512-6-2,or3 5th, (or 6th) Day]
of the week.
Per this version re Jer
34:9—The last Sabbatical year prior to the destruction of the Temple in 587/586
BCE & Slaves released: 588/587 BCE was the 6th Sabbatical year
of the 69th Jubilee cycle; Nebuchadnezzar’s 18th year,
Jehoiachin’s 10th and Zedekiah’s 10th year.
Sabbatical years as reckoned
from Creation followed 2 years after Josephus’ sabbatical years.
Re Luke 4:19—Acceptable year
of YHWH—fell in 6th year of the 1st Sabbatical cycle of
the 82nd Jubilee cycle.
Crucifixion fell in the 3rd
year of the 2nd Sabbatical cycle of the 82nd Jubilee
Re Ezra 1:1-2 and Cyrus’
decree: 534/533 BCE & 1st year of Cyrus’ reign fell in the 5th
year of the 7th Sabbatical cycle of the 70th Jubilee
Re Neh 1:1; 2:1; 6:15; 7:73;
8:2, 14-18; 9:1, 3. The reading of the Torah in Artaxerxes’ 20th/21st
year – 446/445 BCE & 445/444 BCE: Per this version the reading of the Torah
occurred on the threshold between 2nd and 3rd year of the
6th Sabbatical cycle of the 72nd Jubilee cycle.
Re Jos 8:34 & the reading
of the Torah after the fall of Ai: Per this version most likely an event in the
fall following the crossing of the Jordan in 1472 BCE: Per this version an
event between the 4th and 5th years of the 6th
Sabbatical cycle of the 51st Jubilee cycle.
Re 2 Kings 22:8 & the reading of the Torah in
the 18th year of King Josiah: Per this version this pre-Passover
time reading of the Torah fell in the 6th year of the 2nd
Sabbatical year of the 69th Jubilee cycle.
10.Re Acts 13:14, 15
& the reading of the Torah on the Pentecost Sabbath between 30 CE and 39
CE: Per this version either the 3rd or the 4th Sabbatical
year of the 82nd Jubilee cycle began in the falls of 29 and 36 CE
§ Re
Gen 17:1, 24 and Abraham’s 99th birthday: Per this version, the 22nd
day of the 7th month of the Year of the Eighth Day of Abraham’s 99th
birthday occurred in the fall of 1914 BCE. Which per this version fell at the
end of the 4th year and the beginning of the 5th year of
the 6th sabbatical year cycle of the 42nd jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre[35]
horizon at ~46.94ºN ~99.6ºE; altitude: ~1010 meters above mean sea level; Time
zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Aug 20 1914 BCE Sunset: 19:31:17; Moonset: 19:54:34; Lag: 23min 17sec; Illum.:
3.56%. Aug 21 1914 BCE Sunset: 19:29:56; Moonset: 20:20:33; Lag: 50min 37sec;
Illum.: 7.93%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Sep 10.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((2nd,))) 3rd,
(or 4th) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((1st,))) 2nd, (or 3rd)
Sep 18 1914 BCE Sunset: 18:42:52; Moonset: 18:49:42; Lag: 06min 50sec; Illum.:
1.24%. Sep 19 1914 BCE Sunset: 18:40:58; Moonset: 19:14:37; Lag: 33min 39sec;
Illum.: 4.16%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon Oct 9.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((3rd,))) 4th,
5th, (or 6th) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((2nd,))) 3rd, 4th,
(or 5th) Day]
Oct 18 1914 BCE Sunset: 17:43:48; Moonset: 18:10:37; Lag: 26min 49sec; Illum.:
1.52%. Oct 19 1914 BCE Sunset: 17:41:51; Moonset: 18:39:13; Lag: 57min 22sec;
Illum.: 4.79%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Nov 8.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((5th,))) 6th,
(or 7th) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((4th,))) 5th, (or 6th)
Nov 17 1914 BCE Sunset: 16:50:48; Moonset: 17:47:45; Lag: 56min 57sec;
Illum.: 2.07%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Dec 8.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 7th, (or 1st)
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
6th (or 7th) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 22nd day of the 7th month of the Year
of Abraham’s 99th birthday in 1914 BCE—Allows the 22nd day of the 7th
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XXII.0.18).xls – Created 5939[v2016-12-14-21:32] 09 15 2036 [2019-11-12]
§ Testing
the Day 5 Thu Nov 29, 1051 BCE total lunar eclipse (100% at sunrise) for
potential harmony between all of the Bible date stamps discovered not only re
Saul’s visit to the woman in Endor (1 Sam 28:13, 14, 19, 25; 31:1, 6, 12, 13; 2
Sam 1:3; cf. Table
II of the linked article,) but also re the crossing of the Jordan River
(Jos 1:11; cf. this
link) and re the three days’ journey from Mt. Sinai (Num 10: 11, 33; cf this
§ This
version (XXII.0.18) is created by inserting (1050 BCE [spring year #] – 983 BCE
[XXII.0.00yr-1yr] =) 67 Scripture years into version XXII.0.00, i.e. now XXII.0.18. Technically by inserting 67 lines at
line 3026; then copying line 3025 into all the blank lines (lines 3026-3092)
through also line 3093; copying 2891E & F 67 lines down into 2958E & F;
editing 2891E to 1051 and 2891 F to 1050; copying 2957E & F into 2958E
& F; all while double checking that BCE 1 agrees with CE 1. Then, in cell
2891G, correcting the date of the lunar eclipse. Afterwards adjusting the
Sabbath years in columns A, B, C, and D.
§ Per
this version, the crossing of the Jordan River is an event that occurred in the
spring of 1446 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 4th year of the 6th
sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Gilgal horizon at ~47.72 N
~100.04 E; altitude: ~-100 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar
Feb 10 1446 BCE Sunset: 16:59:47; Moonset: 18:35:33; Lag: 95min 46sec;
Illum.: 2.39%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Feb 19. ==> 6th Day
of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 5th (or 6th) Day]
Mar 11 1446 BCE Sunset: 17:41:17; Moonset: 18:41:51; Lag: 60min 34sec;
Illum.: 1.17%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Mar 20. ==>
7th Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
Apr 10 1446 BCE Sunset: 18:20:37; Moonset: 20:00:20; Lag: 69min 43sec;
Illum.: 3.43%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Apr 19. ==>
2nd ((or 3rd)) Day of the week crossing. [JD-1 Day 1st ((or 2nd)) Day]
May 9 1446 BCE Sunset: 18:58:04; Moonset: 19:59:55; Lag: 61min 51sec;
Illum.: 1.96%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon May 18 (or Tue
19.) ==> 3rd Day (or 4th Day) of the week crossing. [JD-1 Day 2nd (or 3rd) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the crossing of Jordan in 1446 BCE—allows an Abib 10 falling
out on the 3rd Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
occurred in the spring of 1484 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 1st year
of the 1st sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 11 1484 BCE Sunset: 17:49:55; Moonset: 19:06:58; Lag: 77min 03sec;
Illum.: 1.72%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at
sunset Julian Wed Mar 30. ==> The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the
5th Day of the week. [JD-1
Day 4th (or 5th) Day]
Apr 10 1484 BCE Sunset: 18:26:05; Moonset: 19:57:09; Lag: 91min 04sec;
Illum.: 2.80%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Apr 29. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
May 9 1484 BCE Sunset: 19:01:02; Moonset: 19:48:10; Lag: 47min 08sec;
Illum.: 1.27%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat May 28 or Sun
29. ==> The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 1st Day, (or 2nd Day)
of the week. [JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
Jun 8 1484 BCE Sunset: 19:37:09; Moonset: 20:35:10; Lag: 58min 01sec;
Illum.: 2.52%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon Jun 27. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 3rd Day ((or on the 4th Day)) of
the week. [JD-1 Day 2nd (or 3rd) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
in 1484 BCE—allows the 20th day of the 2nd month to fall out on the 1st ((or on
the 4th)) Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus occurred in the spring of 1486 BCE. Which per this version fell
in the 6th year of the 7th sabbatical year cycle of the
50th jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 4 1486 BCE Sunset: 17:40:21; Moonset: 18:50:50; Lag: 70min 29sec;
Illum.: 1.19%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Tue Mar 18. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 4th Day (or 5th
Day) of the week. [JD-1
Day 3rd (or 4th) Day]
Apr 3 1486 BCE Sunset: 18:17:16; Moonset: 19:51:55; Lag: 94min 29sec;
Illum.: 2.42%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Apr 17.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 6th Day (or 7th
Day) of the week. [JD-1
Day 5th (or 6th) Day]
May 2 1486 BCE Sunset: 18:51:46; Moonset: 19:52:59; Lag: 61min 13sec;
Illum.: 1.24%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri May 16.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
Jun 1 1486 BCE Sunset: 19:28:37; Moonset: 20:27:49; Lag: 59min 12sec;
Illum.: 3.86%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Jun 15.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 2nd Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 1st (or 2nd) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus in 1486 BCE—allows the 15th day of the 2nd
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
According to this version, if
indeed Exo 16:1, 22-26, does describe a 7th Day of the week
placement, then Abib 15 of the Exodus year would fall out on 1486-4-17,or18 4th Day, (5th Day,) 6th
Day, (or 7th Day) [1486-4-17,or18 5th, (or 6th) Day]
of the week.
Per this version re Jer
34:9—The last Sabbatical year prior to the destruction of the Temple in 587/586
BCE & Slaves released: 590/589 BCE was the 2nd Sabbatical year
of the 69th Jubilee cycle; Nebuchadnezzar’s 16th year,
Jehoiachin’s 8th and Zedekiah’s 8th year.
Sabbatical years as reckoned
from Creation are concurrent with Josephus’ sabbatical years.
Re Luke 4:19—Acceptable year
of YHWH—fell in the 1st year of the 5th Sabbatical cycle
of the 81st Jubilee cycle.
Crucifixion fell in the 5th
year of the 5th Sabbatical cycle of the 81st Jubilee
Re Ezra 1:1-2 and Cyrus’
decree: 534/533 BCE & 1st year of Cyrus’ reign fell in the 6th
year of the 2nd Sabbatical cycle of the 69th Jubilee
Re Neh 1:1; 2:1; 6:15; 7:73;
8:2, 14-18; 9:1, 3. The reading of the Torah in Artaxerxes’ 20th/21st
year – 446/445 BCE & 445/444 BCE: Per this version the reading of the Torah
occurred on the threshold between 4th and 5th year of the
2nd Sabbatical cycle of the 72nd Jubilee cycle.
Re Jos 8:34 & the reading
of the Torah after the fall of Ai: Per this version most likely an event in the
fall following the crossing of the Jordan in 1446 BCE: Per this version an
event between the 4th and 5th years of the 6th
Sabbatical cycle of the 51st Jubilee cycle.
Re 2 Kings 22:8 & the reading of the Torah in
the 18th year of King Josiah: Per this version this pre-Passover
time reading of the Torah fell in the 1st year of the 7th
Sabbatical cycle of the 68th Jubilee cycle.
10.Re Acts 13:14, 15
& the reading of the Torah on the Pentecost Sabbath between 30 CE and 39
CE: Per this version the 81st Jubilee year, which began in the fall
of 34 CE[36].
§ Re
Gen 17:1, 24 and Abraham’s 99th birthday: Per this version, the 22nd
day of the 7th month of the Year of the Eighth Day of Abraham’s 99th
birthday occurred in the fall of 1888 BCE. Which per this version fell at the
end of the 4th year and the beginning of the 5th year of
the 6th sabbatical year cycle of the 42nd jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre[37]
horizon at ~46.94ºN ~99.6ºE; altitude: ~1010 meters above mean sea level; Time
zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Aug 2 1888 BCE Sunset: 19:49:56; Moonset: 20:35:20; Lag: 45min 24sec;
Illum.: 6.52%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon Aug 23.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 3rd (or 4th)
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
2nd (or 3rd) Day]
Sep 1 1888 BCE Sunset: 19:12:53; Moonset: 19:53:57; Lag: 41min 04sec;
Illum.: 7.71%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Sep 22.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 5th (or 6th)
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
4th (or 5th) Day]
Oct 30 1888 BCE Sunset: 17:20:32; Moonset: 18:26:41; Lag: 66min 09sec;
Illum.: 5.69%. 22nd day:
Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Nov 20. The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 1st, (or 2nd)
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
7th (or 1st) Day]
Nov 28 1888 BCE Sunset: 16:36:53; Moonset: 17:51:40; Lag: 74min 47sec;
Illum.: 3.14%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Dec 19.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 2nd, (or 3rd)
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
1st (or 2nd) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 22nd day of the 7th month of the Year
of Abraham’s 99th birthday in 1888 BCE—does not allow [allows] the 22nd day of the 7th
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XXII.0.17).xls – Created 5939[v2016-12-14-21:32] 09 15 2036 [2019-11-12]
§ Testing
the Day 2 Mon Nov 18, 1050 BCE partial lunar eclipse (41% at sunrise) for
potential harmony between all of the Bible date stamps discovered not only re
Saul’s visit to the woman in Endor (1 Sam 28:13, 14, 19, 25; 31:1, 6, 12, 13; 2
Sam 1:3; cf. Table
II of the linked article,) but also re the crossing of the Jordan River
(Jos 1:11; cf. this
link) and re the three days’ journey from Mt. Sinai (Num 10: 11, 33; cf this
§ This
version (XXII.0.17) is created by inserting (1049 BCE [spring year #] – 983 BCE
[XXII.0.00yr-1yr] =) 66 Scripture years into version XXII.0.00, i.e. now XXII.0.17. Technically by inserting 66 lines at
line 3026; then copying line 3025 into all the blank lines (lines 3026-3091)
through also line 3092; copying 2891E & F 66 lines down into 2957E & F;
editing 2891E to 1050 and 2891 F to 1049; copying 2956E & F into 2957E
& F; all while double checking that BCE 1 agrees with CE 1. Then, in cell
2891G, correcting the date of the lunar eclipse. Afterwards adjusting the
Sabbath years in columns A, B, C, and D.
§ Per
this version, the crossing of the Jordan River is an event that occurred in the
spring of 1445 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 4th year of the 6th
sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Gilgal horizon at ~47.72 N
~100.04 E; altitude: ~-100 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar
Feb 29 1445 BCE Sunset: 17:26:56; Moonset: 18:50:33; Lag: 83min 37sec;
Illum.: 2.24%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Mar 9. ==> 5th Day of
the week crossing. [JD-1
Day 4th (or 5th) Day]
Mar 29 1445 BCE Sunset: 18:06:11; Moonset: 19:00:33; Lag: 54min 22sec;
Illum.: 1.33%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Apr 7. ==>
6th Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 5th (or 6th) Day]
Apr 28 1445 BCE Sunset: 18:44:42; Moonset: 20:28:56; Lag: 104min 14sec;
Illum.: 4.10%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat May 7. ==> 1st
Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
May 27 1445 BCE Sunset: 19:22:35; Moonset: 20:32:28; Lag: 69min 53sec;
Illum.: 2.57%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Jun 5 (or Julian
Mon 6.) ==> 2nd Day (or 3rd Day) of the week crossing. [JD-1 Day 1st (or 2nd) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the crossing of Jordan in 1445 BCE—allows [does not allow] an Abib
10 falling out on the 3rd Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus occurred
in the spring of 1483 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 1st year of the
1st sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 30 1483 BCE Sunset: 18:12:49; Moonset: 19:41:19; Lag: 88min 30sec;
Illum.: 2.74%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at
sunset Julian Wed Apr 18. ==> The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the
5th Day of the week. [JD-1
Day 4th (or 5th) Day]
Apr 28 1483 BCE Sunset: 18:47:16; Moonset: 19:34:19; Lag: 47min 57sec;
Illum.: 1.22%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri May 17 or Sat
May 18. ==> The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day or on the
1st Day of the week. [JD-1
Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
May 28 1483 BCE Sunset: 19:24:11; Moonset: 20:24:54; Lag: 60min 43sec;
Illum.: 2.22%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Jun 16. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 1st Day, (or 2nd Day) of the
week. [JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
Jun 26 1483 BCE Sunset: 19:52:56; Moonset: 20:08:36; Lag: 15min 40sec; Illum.: 0.84%.
Jun 27 1483 BCE Sunset: 19:53:54; Moonset: 20:59:07; Lag: 65min 13sec; Illum.:
3.39%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon Jul 16. ==> The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 3rd Day (or 4th Day) of the week. [JD-1 Day 2nd (or 3rd) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
in 1483 BCE—allows the 20th day of the 2nd month to fall out on the 1st or on
the 4th Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus occurred in the spring of 1485 BCE. Which per this version fell
in the 6th year of the 7th sabbatical year cycle of the
50th jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 22 1485 BCE Sunset: 18:03:47; Moonset: 19:22:55; Lag: 79min 08sec;
Illum.: 1.75%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Mon Apr 5. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 3rd Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 2nd (or 3rd) Day]
Apr 21 1485 BCE Sunset: 18:39:26; Moonset: 20:17:23; Lag: 97min 57sec;
Illum.: 3.15%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed May 5.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 5th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 4th (or 5th) Day]
May 20 1485 BCE Sunset: 19:14:59; Moonset: 20:12:28; Lag: 57min 29sec;
Illum.: 1.77%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Jun 3 (or Fri 4.) The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 6th Day (or the 7th
Day) of the week. [JD-1
Day 5th (or 6th) Day]
Jun 18 1485 BCE Sunset: 19:47:13; Moonset: 20:02:21; Lag: 15min 08sec;
Illum.: 0.91%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian (((Fri Jul 2 or))) Sat Jul 3. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the (((7th Day or))) 1st
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
(((6th Day or))) 7th Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus in 1485 BCE—allows the 15th day of the 2nd
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
According to this version, if
indeed Exo 16:1, 22-26, does describe a 7th Day of the week
placement, then Abib 15 of the Exodus year would fall out on 1485-5-5 5th
Day, (((6th Day, (or 7th Day)))) of the week [1485-6-3,or4 5th (or 6th) Day.]
Mar 22 1485 BCE Sunset: 18:03:47; Moonset: 19:22:55; Lag: 79min 08sec;
Illum.: 1.75%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Mon Apr 5. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 3rd Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 2nd (or 3rd) Day]
Apr 21 1485 BCE Sunset: 18:39:26; Moonset: 20:17:23; Lag: 97min 57sec;
Illum.: 3.15%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed May 5.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 5th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 4th (or 5th) Day]
May 20 1485 BCE Sunset: 19:14:59; Moonset: 20:12:28; Lag: 57min 29sec;
Illum.: 1.77%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Jun 3 (or Fri 4.) The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 6th Day (or the 7th
Day) of the week. [JD-1
Day 5th (or 6th) Day]
Jun 18 1485 BCE Sunset: 19:47:13; Moonset: 20:02:21; Lag: 15min 08sec; Illum.: 0.91%. Jun 19 1485 BCE Sunset: 19:48:04; Moonset: 20:57:33;
Lag: 69min 29sec; Illum.: 3.??%. 15th day:
Beginning at sunset Julian (((Fri Jul 2 or))) Sat Jul 3. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the (((7th Day or))) 1st
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
(((6th,))) 7th, (or 1st) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus in 1485 BCE—allows the 15th day of the 2nd
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
According to this version, if
indeed Exo 16:1, 22-26, does describe a 7th Day of the week
placement, then Abib 15 of the Exodus year would fall out on 1485-6-3,or4 5th
Day, 6th Day, (or 7th Day) of the week [1485-6-3,or4 5th (or 6th) Day.]
Per this version re Jer
34:9—The last Sabbatical year prior to the destruction of the Temple in 587/586
BCE & Slaves released: 589/588 BCE was the 2nd Sabbatical year
of the 69th Jubilee cycle; Nebuchadnezzar’s 17th year,
Jehoiachin’s 9th and Zedekiah’s 9th year.
Sabbatical years as reckoned
from Creation followed 1 year after Josephus’ sabbatical years.
Re Luke 4:19—Acceptable year
of YHWH—fell in the 4th Sabbatical year of the 81st
Jubilee cycle.
Crucifixion fell in the 4th
year of the 4th Sabbatical cycle of the 81st Jubilee
Re Ezra 1:1-2 and Cyrus’
decree: 534/533 BCE & 1st year of Cyrus’ reign fell in the 6th
year of the 3rd Sabbatical cycle of the 70th Jubilee
Re Neh 1:1; 2:1; 6:15; 7:73;
8:2, 14-18; 9:1, 3. The reading of the Torah in Artaxerxes’ 20th/21st
year – 446/445 BCE & 445/444 BCE: Per this version the reading of the Torah
occurred on the threshold between 3rd and 4th year of the
2nd Sabbatical cycle of the 72nd Jubilee cycle.
Re Jos 8:34 & the reading
of the Torah after the fall of Ai: Per this version most likely an event in the
fall following the crossing of the Jordan in 1445 BCE: Per this version an
event between the 4th and 5th years of the 6th
Sabbatical cycle of the 51st Jubilee cycle.
Re 2 Kings 22:8 & the reading of the Torah in
the 18th year of King Josiah: Per this version this pre-Passover
time reading of the Torah fell in the 6th Sabbatical year of the 68th
Jubilee cycle.
10.Re Acts 13:14, 15
& the reading of the Torah on the Pentecost Sabbath between 30 CE and 39
CE: Per this version the 81st Jubilee year, which began in the fall
of 35 CE[38].
§ Re
Gen 17:1, 24 and Abraham’s 99th birthday: Per this version, the 22nd
day of the 7th month of the Year of the Eighth Day of Abraham’s 99th
birthday occurred in the fall of 1887 BCE. Which per this version fell at the
end of the 4th year and the beginning of the 5th year of
the 6th sabbatical year cycle of the 42nd jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre[39]
horizon at ~46.94ºN ~99.6ºE; altitude: ~1010 meters above mean sea level; Time
zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Aug 21 1887 BCE Sunset: 19:29:19; Moonset: 20:36:24; Lag: 67min 02sec;
Illum.: 3.28%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Sep 11.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 2nd (or 3rd)
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
1st (or 2nd) Day]
Sep 19 1887 BCE Sunset: 18:40:04; Moonset: 19:14:58; Lag: 34min 54sec;
Illum.: 1.08%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon Oct 10.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 3rd (or 4th)
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
2nd (or 3rd) Day]
Oct 19 1887 BCE Sunset: 17:40:55; Moonset: 18:04:44; Lag: 23min 49sec; Illum.:
1.31%. Oct 20 1887 BCE Sunset: 17:38:58; Moonset: 18:20:27; Lag: 41min 29sec;
Illum.: 4.35%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Nov 10.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((6th,))) 7th,
(or 1st) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((5th,))) 6th, (or 7th) Day]
Nov 18 1887 BCE Sunset: 16:48:36; Moonset: 17:06:27; Lag: 17min 51sec; Illum.:
1.67%. Nov 19 1887 BCE Sunset: 16:47:10; Moonset: 17:33:59; Lag: 46min 49sec;
Illum.: 5.08%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Dec 9.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((7th,))) 1st,
(or 2nd) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((6th,))) 7th, (or 1st)
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 22nd day of the 7th month of the Year
of Abraham’s 99th birthday in 1887 BCE—Allows the 22nd day of the 7th
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XXII.0.16.0 (#7)).xls –
Created 5939[v2016-12-14-21:32] 09 15 2036 [2019-11-13]
§ Testing
the Day 2 Mon Sep 27, 1048 BCE partial lunar eclipse (82% penumbral only! at sunrise) for
potential harmony between all of the Bible date stamps discovered not only re
Saul’s visit to the woman in Endor (1 Sam 28:13, 14, 19, 25; 31:1, 6, 12, 13; 2
Sam 1:3; cf. Table
II of the linked article,) but also re the crossing of the Jordan River
(Jos 1:11; cf. this
link) and re the three days’ journey from Mt. Sinai (Num 10: 11, 33; cf this
§ This
version (XXII.0.16.0) is created by inserting (1048 BCE [spring year thru Oct
#] – 983 BCE [XXII.0.00yr-1yr] =) 65 Scripture years into version XXII.0.00, i.e. now XXII.0.16.0. Technically by inserting 65 lines at
line 3026; then copying line 3025 into all the blank lines (lines 3026-3090)
through also line 3091; copying 2891E & F 65 lines down into 2956E & F;
editing 2891E to 1049 and 2891 F to 1048; copying 2955E & F into 2956E
& F; all while double checking that BCE 1 agrees with CE 1. Then, in cell
2891G, correcting the date of the lunar eclipse. Afterwards adjusting the
Sabbath years in columns A, B, C, and D.
§ Per
this version, the crossing of the Jordan River is an event that occurred in the
spring of 1444 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 4th year of the 6th
sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Gilgal horizon at ~47.72 N
~100.04 E; altitude: ~-100 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar
Feb 18 1444 BCE Sunset: 17:12:08; Moonset: 18:54:45; Lag: 102min 37sec;
Illum.: 3.41%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon Feb 27. ==> 3rd
Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 2nd (or 3rd) Day]
Mar 19 1444 BCE Sunset: 17:52:56; Moonset: 19:08:32; Lag: 75min 36sec;
Illum.: 2.24%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue Mar 28. ==> 4th
Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 3rd (or 4th) Day]
Apr 17 1444 BCE Sunset: 18:30:12; Moonset: 19:22:24; Lag: 52min 12sec;
Illum.: 1.42%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Apr 26. ==> 5th
Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 4th (or 5th) Day]
May 16 1444 BCE Sunset: 19:07:58; Moonset: 19:36:18; Lag: 28min 20sec; Illum.: 0.78%.
==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian (((Thu May 25, or))) Tue 26. ==>
(((6th Day,)))
7th, (or 1st) Day of the week crossing. [JD-1 Day (((5th,))) 6th, (or 7th)
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the crossing of Jordan in 1444 BCE—allows an Abib 10 falling
out on the 3rd Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
occurred in the spring of 1482 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 1st year
of the 1st sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 19 1482 BCE Sunset: 17:59:13; Moonset: 19:10:08; Lag: 70min 55sec;
Illum.: 1.92%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at
sunset Julian Sat Apr 7. ==> The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the
1st Day of the week. [JD-1
Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
Apr 17 1482 BCE Sunset: 18:33:47; Moonset: 19:09:44; Lag: 35min 57sec; Illum.: 0.88%.
20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian ((Sun May 6 or)) Mon May 7. ==> The
20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the (((2nd,))) 3rd,
(or 4th) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((1st ,))) 2nd, (or 3rd) Day]
May 17 1482 BCE Sunset: 19:10:20; Moonset: 20:14:30; Lag: 64min 10sec;
Illum.: 2.08%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue Jun 5. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 4th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 3rd (or 4th) Day]
Jun 16 1482 BCE Sunset: 19:44:45; Moonset: 21:02:53; Lag: 78min 08sec;
Illum.: 3.31%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Jul 5. ==> The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 6th ((or the 7th)) Day of the
week. [JD-1 Day 5th (or 6th) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
in 1482 BCE—allows the 20th day of the 2nd month to fall out on the 1st or on
the 4th Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus occurred in the spring of 1484 BCE. Which per this version fell
in the 6th year of the 7th sabbatical year cycle of the
50th jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Feb 9 1484 BCE Sunset: 17:10:29; Moonset: 18:14:20; Lag: 63min 51sec;
Illum.: 0.97%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Wed Feb 23. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the (((5th Day or))) 6th
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
(((4th,))) 5th, (or 6th) Day]
Mar 11 1484 BCE Sunset: 17:49:54; Moonset: 19:06:53; Lag: 76min 59sec;
Illum.: 1.72%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Mar 25.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
Apr 10 1484 BCE Sunset: 18:26:05; Moonset: 19:56:55; Lag: 90min 50sec;
Illum.: 2.80%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Apr 24.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 2nd Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 1st (or 2nd) Day]
May 9 1484 BCE Sunset: 19:01:02; Moonset: 19:48:21; Lag: 47min 19sec; Illum.: 1.27%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon May 23.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 3rd Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 2nd (or 3rd) Day]
Jun 8 1484 BCE Sunset: 19:37:09; Moonset: 20:34:38; Lag: 57min 29sec;
Illum.: 2.52%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Jun 22.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 5th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 4th (or 5th) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus in 1484 BCE—allows the 15th day of the 2nd
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
According to this version, if indeed
Exo 16:1, 22-26, does describe a 7th Day of the week placement, then
Abib 15 of the Exodus year would fall out on the (((5th Day))) or 6th
Day [1484-2-(((23,)))24,or 25 (((4th,))) 5th, (or 6th)
Day] of the week, but not after the Eta Aquariids.
Per this version re Jer
34:9—The last Sabbatical year prior to the destruction of the Temple in 587/586
BCE & Slaves released: 588/587 BCE was the 2nd Sabbatical year
of the 69th Jubilee cycle; Nebuchadnezzar’s 18th year,
Jehoiachin’s 10th and Zedekiah’s 10th year.
Sabbatical years as reckoned
from Creation followed 2 years after Josephus’ sabbatical years.
Re Luke 4:19—Acceptable year
of YHWH—fell in the 6th year of the 4th Sabbatical cycle
of the 81st Jubilee cycle.
Crucifixion fell in the 3rd
year of the 5th Sabbatical cycle of the 81st Jubilee
Re Ezra 1:1-2 and Cyrus’
decree: 534/533 BCE & 1st year of Cyrus’ reign fell in the 5th
year of the 3rd Sabbatical cycle of the 70th Jubilee
Re Neh 1:1; 2:1; 6:15; 7:73;
8:2, 14-18; 9:1, 3. The reading of the Torah in Artaxerxes’ 20th/21st
year – 446/445 BCE & 445/444 BCE: Per this version the reading of the Torah
occurred on the threshold between 2nd and 3rd year of the
2nd Sabbatical cycle of the 72nd Jubilee cycle.
Re Jos 8:34 & the reading
of the Torah after the fall of Ai: Per this version most likely an event in the
fall following the crossing of the Jordan in 1444 BCE: Per this version an
event between the 4th and 5th years of the 6th
Sabbatical cycle of the 51st Jubilee cycle.
Re 2 Kings 22:8 & the reading of the Torah in
the 18th year of King Josiah: Per this version this pre-Passover
time reading of the Torah fell in the 6th year of the 5th
Sabbatical year of the 68th Jubilee cycle.
10.Re Acts 13:14, 15
& the reading of the Torah on the Pentecost Sabbath between 30 CE and 39
CE: Per this version either the 6th or 7th Sabbatical
year of the 81st Jubilee cycle, which began in the falls of 29 and
36 CE respectively[40].
§ Re
Gen 17:1, 24 and Abraham’s 99th birthday: Per this version, the 22nd
day of the 7th month of the Year of the Eighth Day of Abraham’s 99th
birthday occurred in the fall of 1886 BCE. Which per this version fell at the
end of the 4th year and the beginning of the 5th year of
the 6th sabbatical year cycle of the 42nd jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre[41]
horizon at ~46.94ºN ~99.6ºE; altitude: ~1010 meters above mean sea level; Time
zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Aug 10 1886 BCE Sunset: 19:42:56; Moonset: 20:49:59; Lag: 67min 03sec;
Illum.: 2.61%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Aug 31.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 6th, (or 7th)
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
5th (or 6th) Day]
Sep 9 1886 BCE Sunset: 18:59:07; Moonset: 19:48:20; Lag: 49min 42sec;
Illum.: 3.44%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Sep 30.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 1st (or 2nd)
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
7th (or 1st) Day]
Oct 8 1886 BCE Sunset: 18:03:06; Moonset: 19:22:55; Lag: 79min 49sec;
Illum.: 1.40%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Oct 29.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 2nd (or 3rd)
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
1st (or 2nd) Day]
Nov 7 1886 BCE Sunset: 17:06:24; Moonset: 17:18:12; Lag: 11min 48sec; Illum.:
1.84%. Nov 8 1886 BCE Sunset: 17:04:42; Moonset: 17:40:42; Lag: 36min 00sec;
Illum.: 5.27%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue Nov 28.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on (((4th,))) 5th,
(or 6th) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((3rd,))) 4th, (or 5th)
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 22nd day of the 7th month of the Year
of Abraham’s 99th birthday in 1886 BCE—Allows [Does not allow] the 22nd day of the 7th
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XXII.0.16.1 (#7)).xls –
Created 5939[v2016-12-14-21:32] 09 15 2036 [2019-11-12]
§ Testing
the Day 2 Mon Sep 27, 1048 BCE partial lunar eclipse (82% penumbral only! at sunrise) for
potential harmony between all of the Bible date stamps discovered not only re
Saul’s visit to the woman in Endor (1 Sam 28:13, 14, 19, 25; 31:1, 6, 12, 13; 2
Sam 1:3; cf. Table
II of the linked article,) but also re the crossing of the Jordan River
(Jos 1:11; cf. this
link) and re the three days’ journey from Mt. Sinai (Num 10: 11, 33; cf this
§ This
version (XXII.0.16) is created by inserting (1047 BCE [spring year #] – 983 BCE
[XXII.0.00yr-1yr] =) 64 Scripture years into version XXII.0.00, i.e. now XXII.0.16. Technically by inserting 64 lines at
line 3026; then copying line 3025 into all the blank lines (lines 3026-3089)
through also line 3090; copying 2891E & F 64 lines down into 2955E & F;
editing 2891E to 1048 and 2891 F to 1047; copying 2954E & F into 2955E
& F; all while double checking that BCE 1 agrees with CE 1. Then, in cell
2891G, correcting the date of the lunar eclipse. Afterwards adjusting the
Sabbath years in columns A, B, C, and D.
§ Per
this version, the crossing of the Jordan River is an event that occurred in the
spring of 1443 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 4th year of the 6th
sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Gilgal horizon at ~47.72 N
~100.04 E; altitude: ~-100 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar
Feb 7 1443 BCE Sunset: 16:55:51; Moonset: 17:54:45; Lag: 58min 54sec;
Illum.: 1.52%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Feb 16. ==> 7th Day
of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
Mar 9 1443 BCE Sunset: 17:38:54; Moonset: 19:18:33; Lag: 89min 39sec;
Illum.: 3.51%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Mar 18 (or Mon
Mar 19.) ==> 2nd Day (or 3rd Day) of the week crossing. [JD-1 Day 1st (or 2nd) Day]
Apr 7 1443 BCE Sunset: 18:17:08; Moonset: 19:32:33; Lag: 75min 25sec;
Illum.: 2.28%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon Apr 16. ==> 3rd Day
of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 2nd (or 3rd) Day]
May 6 1443 BCE Sunset: 18:54:31; Moonset: 19:48:44; Lag: 54min 13sec;
Illum.: 1.38%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset (Julian Tue May 15 or)
Julian Tue 26. ==> 4th Day or 5th Day of the week crossing. [JD-1 Day 3rd (or 4th) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the crossing of Jordan in 1443 BCE—allows an Abib 10 falling
out on the 3rd Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
occurred in the spring of 1481 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 1st year
of the 1st sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 8 1481 BCE Sunset: 17:46:26; Moonset: 19:31:07; Lag: 104min 41sec;
Illum.: 3.79%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at
sunset Julian Thu Mar 27. ==> The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the
6th Day of the week. [JD-1
Day 5th (or 6th) Day]
Apr 6 1481 BCE Sunset: 18:21:40; Moonset: 19:38:07; Lag: 76min 27sec;
Illum.: 2.38%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Apr 25. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day ((or 1st Day)) of the
week. [JD-1 Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
May 5 1481 BCE Sunset: 18:56:25; Moonset: 19:44:07; Lag: 47min 42sec;
Illum.: 1.27%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat May 24 or Sun
25. ==> The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 1st Day, or 2nd Day of
the week. [JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
Jun 4 1481 BCE Sunset: 19:33:00; Moonset: 20:56:35; Lag: 83min 35sec;
Illum.: 2.92%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon Jun 23 ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 3rd Day ((or 4th Day)) of the
week. [JD-1 Day 2nd (or 3rd) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
in 1481 BCE—allows the 20th day of the 2nd month to fall out on the 1st ((or [but not] on the 4th))
Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus occurred in the spring of 1483 BCE. Which per this version fell
in the 6th year of the 7th sabbatical year cycle of the
50th jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Feb 28 1483 BCE Sunset: 17:36:48; Moonset: 18:42:30; Lag: 65min 42sec;
Illum.: 1.38%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Tue Mar 14 (or Wed Mar 15.)
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 4th Day (or 5th
Day) of the week. [JD-1
Day 3rd (or 4th) Day]
Mar 30 1483 BCE Sunset: 18:12:48; Moonset: 19:41:17; Lag: 88min 29sec;
Illum.: 2.74%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Apr 13 (or Fri Apr 14.) The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 6th Day (or 7th
Day) of the week. [JD-1
Day 5th (or 6th) Day]
Apr 28 1483 BCE Sunset: 18:47:16; Moonset: 19:34:09; Lag: 46min 53sec;
Illum.: 1.22%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri May 12.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
May 28 1483 BCE Sunset: 19:24:11; Moonset: 20:24:20; Lag: 60min 09sec;
Illum.: 2.22%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Jun 11. The 15th day of
the 2nd month fell out on the 2nd Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 1st (or 2nd) Day]
Jun 26 1483 BCE Sunset: 19:52:56; Moonset: 20:08:36; Lag: 15min 40sec; Illum.: 0.84%.
Jun 27 1483 BCE Sunset: 19:53:54; Moonset: 20:59:07; Lag: 65min 13sec; Illum.:
3.39%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian ((((Mon Jul 10 or)))) Tue Jul 11. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the ((((3rd Day or)))) 4th
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
((((2nd Day or)))) 3rd Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus in 1483 BCE—allows the 15th day of the 2nd
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
According to this version, if
indeed Exo 16:1, 22-26, does describe a 7th Day of the week
placement, then Abib 15 of the Exodus year would fall out on 1483-4-13,or 14 at the latest, (4th, 5th,) 6th,
or 7th Day of the week [1483-3-14,or15 [6th Day] vs 1483-4-13,or14 [7th
Day] 5th or 6th Day, but not after the Eta Aquariids.]
Per this version re Jer
34:9—The last Sabbatical year prior to the destruction of the Temple in 587/586
BCE & Slaves released: 587/586 BCE was the 2nd Sabbatical year
of the 69th Jubilee cycle; Nebuchadnezzar’s 19th year,
Jehoiachin’s 11th and Zedekiah’s 11th year.
Sabbatical years as reckoned
from Creation followed 3 year after Josephus’
sabbatical years.
Re Luke 4:19—Acceptable year
of YHWH—fell in the 5th year of the 4th Sabbatical cycle
of the 81st Jubilee cycle.
Crucifixion fell in the 2nd
year of the 5th Sabbatical cycle of the 81st Jubilee
Re Ezra 1:1-2 and Cyrus’
decree: 534/533 BCE & 1st year of Cyrus’ reign fell in the 4th
Sabbatical year of the 70th Jubilee cycle.
Re Neh 1:1; 2:1; 6:15; 7:73;
8:2, 14-18; 9:1, 3. The reading of the Torah in Artaxerxes’ 20th/21st
year – 446/445 BCE & 445/444 BCE: Per this version the reading of the Torah
occurred on the threshold between 1st and 2nd year of the
2nd Sabbatical cycle of the 72nd Jubilee cycle.
Re Jos 8:34 & the reading
of the Torah after the fall of Ai: Per this version most likely an event in the
fall following the crossing of the Jordan in 1443 BCE: Per this version an
event between the 4th and 5th years of the 6th
Sabbatical cycle of the 51st Jubilee cycle.
Re 2 Kings 22:8 & the reading of the Torah in
the 18th year of King Josiah: Per this version this pre-Passover
time reading of the Torah fell in 5th year of the 5th
Sabbatical year of the 68th Jubilee cycle.
10.Re Acts 13:14, 15
& the reading of the Torah on the Pentecost Sabbath between 30 CE and 39
CE: Per this version either the 6th or the 7th Sabbatical
year of the 81st Jubilee, which cycles began in the falls of 30 and
37 CE respectively[42].
§ Re
Gen 17:1, 24 and Abraham’s 99th birthday: Per this version, the 22nd
day of the 7th month of the Year of the Eighth Day of Abraham’s 99th
birthday occurred in the fall of 1885 BCE. Which per this version fell at the
end of the 4th year and the beginning of the 5th year of
the 6th sabbatical year cycle of the 42nd jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre[43]
horizon at ~46.94ºN ~99.6ºE; altitude: ~1010 meters above mean sea level; Time
zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Aug 28 1885 BCE Sunset: 19:18:08; Moonset: 20:00:45; Lag: 42min 37sec;
Illum.: 2.65%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Sep 18.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 5th, (or 6th)
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
4th (or 5th) Day]
Sep 27 1885 BCE Sunset: 18:23:28; Moonset: 18:53:19; Lag: 29min 51sec; Illum.:
4.28%. Sep 28 1885 BCE Sunset: 18:21:29; Moonset: 19:09:56; Lag: 48min 27sec;
Illum.: 9.73%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Oct 18.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (7th,) 1st,
(or 2nd) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (6th,) 7th, (or 1st)
Oct 26 1885 BCE Sunset: 17:26:33; Moonset: 17:31:49; Lag: 05min 16sec; Illum.: 1.78%.
Oct 27 1885 BCE Sunset: 17:24:42; Moonset: 17:52:53; Lag: 28min 11sec; Illum.: 5.53%. Oct 28 1885 BCE
Sunset: 17:24:42; Moonset: 18:19:08; Lag: 55min 26sec; Illum.: 11.06%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Nov 16.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((1st, 2nd,)))
3rd, (or 4th) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((7th, 1st,))) 2nd,
(or 3rd) Day]
Nov 25 1885 BCE Sunset: 16:38:32; Moonset: 16:50:42; Lag: 12min 10sec; Illum.:
2.49%. Nov 26 1885 BCE Sunset: 16:37:19; Moonset: 17:30:16; Lag: 52min 57sec;
Illum.: 6.39%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon Dec 16.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((3rd,))) 4th,
(or 5th) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((2nd,))) 3rd, (or 4th)
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 22nd day of the 7th month of the Year
of Abraham’s 99th birthday in 1885 BCE—Allows the 22nd day of the 7th
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XXII.0.15).xls – Created 5939[v2016-12-14-21:32] 09 15 2036 [2019-11-12]
§ Testing
the Day 6 Fri Mar 1, 1045 BCE penumbral lunar eclipse (62% penumbral only! at sunrise) for
potential harmony between all of the Bible date stamps discovered not only re
Saul’s visit to the woman in Endor (1 Sam 28:13, 14, 19, 25; 31:1, 6, 12, 13; 2
Sam 1:3; cf. Table
II of the linked article,) but also re the crossing of the Jordan River
(Jos 1:11; cf. this
link) and re the three days’ journey from Mt. Sinai (Num 10: 11, 33; cf this
§ This
version (XXII.0.15) is created by inserting (1045 BCE [spring year #] – 983 BCE
[XXII.0.00yr-1yr] =) 62 Scripture years into version XXII.0.00, i.e. now XXII.0.15. Technically by inserting 62 lines at
line 3026; then copying line 3025 into all the blank lines (lines 3026-3087)
through also line 3088; copying 2891E & F 62 lines down into 2953E & F;
editing 2891E to 1046 and 2891 F to 1045; copying 2950E & F into 2953E
& F; all while double checking that BCE 1 agrees with CE 1. Then, in cell
2891G, correcting the date of the lunar eclipse. Afterwards adjusting the
Sabbath years in columns A, B, C, and D.
§ Per
this version, the crossing of the Jordan River is an event that occurred in the
spring of 1441 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 4th year of the 6th
sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Gilgal horizon at ~47.72 N
~100.04 E; altitude: ~-100 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar
Feb 15 1441 BCE Sunset: 17:00:40; Moonset: 18:09:20; Lag: 68min 40sec;
Illum.: 1.87%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at
sunset Julian Mon Feb 24. ==> 3rd Day of the week crossing. [JD-1 Day 2nd (or 3rd) Day]
Mar 16 1441 BCE Sunset: 17:49:06; Moonset: 19:19:05; Lag: 89min 59sec;
Illum.: 2.79%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Mar 25. ==>
5th Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 4th (or 5th) Day]
Apr 14 1441 BCE Sunset: 18:26:42; Moonset: 19:23:32; Lag: 56min 50sec; Illum.: 1.18%. ==> 10th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Apr 23. ==> 6th Day of the week
crossing. [JD-1 Day 5th (or 6th) Day]
May 14 1441 BCE Sunset: 19:05:42; Moonset: 20:48:00; Lag: 102min 18sec;
Illum.: 2.70%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat May 23 (or
Julian Sun 24.) ==> 1st Day (or 2nd Day) of the week crossing. [JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the crossing of Jordan in 1441 BCE—allows [but very unlikely early]
an Abib 10 falling out on the 3rd Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
occurred in the spring of 1479 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 1st year
of the 1st sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 16 1479 BCE Sunset: 17:55:53; Moonset: 18:43:00; Lag: 47min 07sec;
Illum.: 1.17%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Apr 4 or Mon Apr 5.
==> The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 2nd Day or 3rd Day of the
week. [JD-1 Day 1st (or 2nd) Day]
Apr 15 1479 BCE Sunset: 18:31:47; Moonset: 20:20:00; Lag: 108min 13sec;
Illum.: 3.73%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue May 4. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 4th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 3rd (or 4th) Day]
May 14 1479 BCE Sunset: 19:06:59; Moonset: 20:39:49; Lag: 92min 50sec;
Illum.: 2.58%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed June 2 or Thu 3.
==> The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 5th Day or 6th Day of the
week. [JD-1 Day 4th (or 5th) Day]
Jun 12 1479 BCE Sunset: 19:41:07; Moonset: 20:55:28; Lag: 74min 21sec;
Illum.: 1.60%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Jul 1. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 6th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 5th (or 6th) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
in 1479 BCE—allows the 20th day of the 2nd month to fall out on the [1st and on the]
4th Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus occurred in the spring of 1481 BCE. Which per this version fell
in the 6th year of the 7th sabbatical year cycle of the
50th jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Feb 7 1481 BCE Sunset: 17:06:52; Moonset: 18:01:06; Lag: 54min 14sec;
Illum.: 1.17%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Thu Feb 21. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 6th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 5th (or 6th) Day]
Mar 8 1481 BCE Sunset: 17:46:27; Moonset: 19:30:37; Lag: 104min 10sec;
Illum.: 3.79%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Mar 22.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 1st Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
Apr 6 1481 BCE Sunset: 18:21:41; Moonset: 19:37:46; Lag: 103min 05sec;
Illum.: 2.38%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Apr 20.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 2nd Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 1st (or 2nd) Day]
May 5 1481 BCE Sunset: 18:56:25; Moonset: 19:43:50; Lag: 47min 25sec;
Illum.: 1.26%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon May 19.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 3rd Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 2nd (or 3rd) Day]
Jun 4 1481 BCE Sunset: 19:33:00; Moonset: 20:55:35; Lag: 82min 35sec;
Illum.: 2.91%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Jun 18.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 5th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 4th (or 5th) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus in 1481 BCE—does not allow [allows] the 15th day of the 2nd
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
According to this version, Exo
16:1, 22-26, does not allow a 7th Day of the week placement [allows 1481-2-21 5th
Day Exodus.]
Per this version re Jer
34:9—The last Sabbatical year prior to the destruction of the Temple in 587/586
BCE & Slaves released: 592/591 BCE was the 1st Sabbatical year
of the 69th Jubilee cycle; Nebuchadnezzar’s 14th year,
Jehoiachin’s 6th and Zedekiah’s 6th year.
Sabbatical years as reckoned
from Creation followed 5 year after Josephus’
sabbatical years.
Re Luke 4:19—Acceptable year
of YHWH—fell in the 3rd year of the 4th Sabbatical cycle
of the 81st Jubilee cycle.
Crucifixion fell in the 4th
Sabbatical year of the 81st Jubilee cycle.
Re Ezra 1:1-2 and Cyrus’
decree: 534/533 BCE & 1st year of Cyrus’ reign fell in the 2nd
year of the 3rd Sabbatical cycle of the 69th Jubilee
Re Neh 1:1; 2:1; 6:15; 7:73;
8:2, 14-18; 9:1, 3. The reading of the Torah in Artaxerxes’ 20th/21st
year – 446/445 BCE & 445/444 BCE: Per this version the reading of the Torah
occurred on the threshold between 6th and 7th year of the
1st Sabbatical cycle of the 72nd Jubilee cycle.
Re Jos 8:34 & the reading
of the Torah after the fall of Ai: Per this version most likely an event in the
fall following the crossing of the Jordan in 1441 BCE: Per this version an
event between the 4th and 5th years of the 6th
Sabbatical cycle of the 51st Jubilee cycle.
Re 2 Kings 22:8 & the reading of the Torah in
the 18th year of King Josiah: Per this version this pre-Passover
time reading of the Torah fell in the 3rd year of the 6th
Sabbatical year of the 68th Jubilee cycle.
10.Re Acts 13:14, 15
& the reading of the Torah on the Pentecost Sabbath between 30 CE and 39
CE: Per this version the 6th Sabbatical year of the 81st
Jubilee cycle began in the fall of 32 CE[44].
§ Re
Gen 17:1, 24 and Abraham’s 99th birthday: Per this version, the 22nd
day of the 7th month of the Year of the Eighth Day of Abraham’s 99th
birthday occurred in the fall of 1883 BCE. Which per this version fell at the
end of the 4th year and the beginning of the 5th year of
the 6th sabbatical year cycle of the 42nd jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre[45]
horizon at ~46.94ºN ~99.6ºE; altitude: ~1010 meters above mean sea level; Time
zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Aug 7 1883 BCE Sunset: 19:45:36; Moonset: 20:21:27; Lag: 36min 42sec;
Illum.: 1.54%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Aug 28.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 7th (or 1st)
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
6th (or 7th) Day]
Sep 6 1883 BCE Sunset: 19:03:57; Moonset: 19:27:20; Lag: 23min 23sec; Illum.:
3.92%. Sep 7 1883 BCE Sunset: 19:02:12; Moonset: 19:46:36; Lag: 44min 24sec;
Illum.: 10.08%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Sep 27.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((2nd,))) 3rd,
(or 4th) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((1st,))) 2nd, (or 3rd) Day]
Oct 5 1883 BCE Sunset: 18:08:32; Moonset: 18:08:36; Lag: 00min 04sec; Illum.:
2.15%. Oct 6 1883 BCE Sunset: 18:06:33; Moonset: 18:31:29; Lag: 24min 56sec; Illum.:
7.12%. Oct 7 1883 BCE Sunset: 18:04:33; Moonset: 18:58:57; Lag: 24min 56sec;
Illum.: 14.57%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon Oct 26.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((3rd, 4th,)))
5th, (or 6th) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((2nd, 3rd,))) 4th,
(or 5th) Day]
Nov 4 1883 BCE Sunset: 17:11:05; Moonset: 17:27:30; Lag: 16min 25sec; Illum.: 4.31%.
Nov 5 1883 BCE Sunset: 17:09:21; Moonset: 18:08:45; Lag: 59min 24sec; Illum.:
10.38%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Nov 25.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((5th,))) 6th,
(or 7th) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((4th,))) 5th, (or 6th)
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 22nd day of the 7th month of the Year
of Abraham’s 99th birthday in 1883 BCE—Allows the 22nd day of the 7th
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XXII.0.14).xls – Created 5939[v2016-12-14-21:32] 09 14 2036 [2019-11-12]
§ Testing
the Day 1 Sun Jul 5, 1043 BCE total lunar eclipse (52% penumbral only! at sunrise) for potential harmony
between all of the Bible date stamps discovered not only re Saul’s visit to the
woman in Endor (1 Sam 28:13, 14, 19, 25; 31:1, 6, 12, 13; 2 Sam 1:3; cf. Table
II of the linked article,) but also re the crossing of the Jordan River
(Jos 1:11; cf. this
link) and re the three days’ journey from Mt. Sinai (Num 10: 11, 33; cf this
§ This
version (XXII.0.14) is created by inserting (1043 BCE [spring year #] – 983 BCE
[XXII.0.00yr-1yr] =) 60 Scripture years into version XXII.0.00, i.e. now XXII.0.14. Technically by inserting 60 lines at
line 3026; then copying line 3025 into all the blank lines (lines 3026-3085)
through also line 3086; copying 2891E & F 60 lines down into 2951E & F;
editing 2891E to 1044 and 2891 F to 1043; copying 2950E & F into 2951E
& F; all while double checking that BCE 1 agrees with CE 1. Then, in cell
2891G, correcting the date of the lunar eclipse. Afterwards adjusting the
Sabbath years in columns A, B, C, and D.
§ Per
this version, the crossing of the Jordan River is an event that occurred in the
spring of 1439 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 4th year of the 6th
sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Gilgal horizon at ~47.72 N
~100.04 E; altitude: ~-100 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar
Feb 22 1439 BCE Sunset: 17:17:38; Moonset: 18:43:33; Lag: 85min 55sec;
Illum.: 2.45%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Mar 3. ==> 6th Day of
the week crossing. [JD-1
Day 5th (or 6th) Day]
Mar 23 1439 BCE Sunset: 17:57:48; Moonset: 18:48:27; Lag: 50min 39sec;
Illum.: 0.83%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Apr 1. ==>
7th Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
Apr 22 1439 BCE Sunset: 18:36:23; Moonset: 20:02:05; Lag: 85min 42sec;
Illum.: 1.76%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun May 1. ==>
2nd Day (or 3rd Day) of the week crossing. [JD-1 Day 1st (or 2nd) Day]
May 22 1439 BCE Sunset: 19:15:34; Moonset: 21:19:05; Lag: 123min 31sec;
Illum.: 3.05%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue May 31. ==>
4th Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 3rd (or 4th) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the crossing of Jordan in 1439 BCE—allows an Abib 10 falling
out on the 3rd Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
occurred in the spring of 1477 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 1st year
of the 1st sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 24 1477 BCE Sunset: 18:06:15; Moonset: 19:41:07; Lag: 94min 52sec;
Illum.: 2.76%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at
sunset Julian Thu Apr 12. ==> The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the
6th Day of the week. [JD-1
Day 5th (or 6th) Day]
Apr 22 1477 BCE Sunset: 18:40:42; Moonset: 19:50:47; Lag: 70min 05sec;
Illum.: 1.35%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri May 11 (or Sat
12.) ==> The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day (or 1st Day)
of the week. [JD-1 Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
May 22 1477 BCE Sunset: 19:17:33; Moonset: 21:28:30; Lag: 130min 57sec;
Illum.: 3.80%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Jun 10. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 2nd Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 1st (or 2nd) Day]
Jun 20 1477 BCE Sunset: 19:49:00; Moonset: 21:37:47; Lag: 108min 47sec;
Illum.: 2.73%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon Jul 9. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 3rd Day (((or 4th Day))) of the
week. [JD-1 Day 2nd (((or 3rd))) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
in 1477 BCE—allows the 20th day of the 2nd month to fall out on (the 1st Day
(((or [but not] on
the 4th)))) Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus occurred in the spring of 1479 BCE. Which per this version fell
in the 6th year of the 7th sabbatical year cycle of the
50th jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 16 1479 BCE Sunset: 17:55:53; Moonset: 18:42:56; Lag: 47min 03sec;
Illum.: 1.17%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Tue Mar 30 or Wed Mar 31.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 4th Day or 5th
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
3rd (or 4th) Day]
Apr 15 1479 BCE Sunset: 18:31:47; Moonset: 20:19:28; Lag: 107min 41sec;
Illum.: 3.72%. 15th day:
Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Apr 29. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 6th Day (((or 7th
Day))) of the week. [JD-1
Day 5th (((or 6th))) Day]
May 14 1479 BCE Sunset: 19:06:59; Moonset: 20:39:07; Lag: 92min 08sec;
Illum.: 2.57%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri May 28.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
Jun 12 1479 BCE Sunset: 19:41:07; Moonset: 20:54:41; Lag: 73min 34sec;
Illum.: 1.60%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Jun 26.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 1st Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus in 1479 BCE—allows the 15th day of the 2nd
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
According to this version, if
indeed Exo 16:1, 22-26, does describe a 7th Day of the week
placement, then Abib 15 of the Exodus year would fall out on 1479-4-29,or30 (((4th Day, 5th Day,))) 6th
Day, (((or 7th Day))) [1479-4-29,(((or30))) 5th, (((or 6th))) Day or
1479-5-28,or29 6th or 7th Day] of the week.
Per this version re Jer
34:9—The last Sabbatical year prior to the destruction of the Temple in 587/586
BCE & Slaves released: 590/589 BCE was the 1st Sabbatical year
of the 68th Jubilee cycle; Nebuchadnezzar’s 16th year,
Jehoiachin’s 8th and Zedekiah’s 8th year.
Sabbatical years as reckoned
from Creation concurrent with Josephus’ sabbatical years.
Re Luke 4:19—Acceptable year
of YHWH—fell in the 1st year of the 3rd Sabbatical cycle
of the 81st Jubilee cycle.
Crucifixion fell in the 5th
year of the 3rd Sabbatical cycle of the 81st Jubilee
Re Ezra 1:1-2 and Cyrus’
decree: 534/533 BCE & 1st year of Cyrus’ reign fell in the 2nd
Sabbatical year of the 70th Jubilee cycle.
Re Neh 1:1; 2:1; 6:15; 7:73;
8:2, 14-18; 9:1, 3. The reading of the Torah in Artaxerxes’ 20th/21st
year – 446/445 BCE & 445/444 BCE: Per this version the reading of the Torah
occurred on the threshold between 4th and 5th year of the
1st Sabbatical cycle of the 72nd Jubilee cycle.
Re Jos 8:34 & the reading
of the Torah after the fall of Ai: Per this version most likely an event in the
fall following the crossing of the Jordan in 1439 BCE: Per this version an
event between the 4th and 5th years of the 6th
Sabbatical cycle of the 51st Jubilee cycle.
Re 2 Kings 22:8 & the reading of the Torah in
the 18th year of King Josiah: Per this version this pre-Passover
time reading of the Torah fell in 1st year of the 6th
Sabbatical cycle of the 68th Jubilee cycle.
10.Re Acts 13:14, 15
& the reading of the Torah on the Pentecost Sabbath between 30 CE and 39
CE: Per this version the 6th Sabbatical year of the 81st
Jubilee cycle began in the fall of 34 CE[46].
§ Re
Gen 17:1, 24 and Abraham’s 99th birthday: Per this version, the 22nd
day of the 7th month of the Year of the Eighth Day of Abraham’s 99th
birthday occurred in the fall of 1881 BCE. Which per this version fell at the
end of the 4th year and the beginning of the 5th year of
the 6th sabbatical year cycle of the 42nd jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre[47]
horizon at ~46.94ºN ~99.6ºE; altitude: ~1010 meters above mean sea level; Time
zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Aug 15 1881 BCE Sunset: 19:36:25; Moonset: 19:58:45; Lag: 22min 20sec; Illum.:
3.33%. Aug 16 1881 BCE Sunset: 19:35:11; Moonset: 20:18:38; Lag: 43min 27sec;
Illum.: 8.04%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue Sep 5.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((4th,))) 5th,
(or 6th) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((3th,))) 4th, (or 5th)
Sep 13 1881 BCE Sunset: 18:50:22; Moonset: 18:44:17; Lag: -06min 05sec; Illum.:
1.59%. Sep
14 1881 BCE Sunset: 18:48:30; Moonset: 19:04:44; Lag: 16min 14sec; Illum.: 5.30%. Sep 15 1881 BCE
Sunset: 18:48:30; Moonset: 19:26:58; Lag: 38min 28sec; Illum.: 11.26%. 22nd day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Wed Oct 4. The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((5th, 6th,)))
7th, (or 1st) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((4th, 5th,))) 1st,
(or 2nd) Day]
Oct 13 1881 BCE Sunset: 17:51:37; Moonset: 17:56:44; Lag: 05min 07sec; Illum.:
3.05%. Oct 14 1881 BCE Sunset: 17:49:39; Moonset: 18:25:57; Lag: 36min 18sec;
Illum.: 3.05%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Nov 3.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((7th,))) 1st.
(or 2nd) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((6th,))) 7th. (or 1st) Day]
Nov 11 1881 BCE Sunset: 16:58:28; Moonset: 16:58:48; Lag: 00min 20sec; Illum.:
1.34%. Nov
12 1881 BCE Sunset: 16:56:53; Moonset: 17:44:02; Lag: 47min 09sec; Illum.:
5.37%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Dec 2.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on (((1st,))) 2nd,
(or 3rd) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((7th,))) 1st, (or 2nd)) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 22nd day of the 7th month of the Year
of Abraham’s 99th birthday in 1881 BCE—Allows the 22nd day of the 7th
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XXII.0.13).xls – Created 5939[v2016-12-14-21:32] 09 14 2036 [2019-11-12]
§ Testing
the Day 4 Wed Apr 24, 1039 BCE partial lunar eclipse (73% penumbral only! at sunrise) for
potential harmony between all of the Bible date stamps discovered not only re
Saul’s visit to the woman in Endor (1 Sam 28:13, 14, 19, 25; 31:1, 6, 12, 13; 2
Sam 1:3; cf. Table
II of the linked article,) but also re the crossing of the Jordan River
(Jos 1:11; cf. this
link) and re the three days’ journey from Mt. Sinai (Num 10: 11, 33; cf this
§ This
version (XXII.0.13) is created by inserting (1039 BCE [spring year #] – 983 BCE
[XXII.0.00yr-1yr] =) 56 Scripture years into version XXII.0.00, i.e. now XXII.0.13. Technically by inserting 56 lines at
line 3026; then copying line 3025 into all the blank lines (lines 3026-3081)
through also line 3082; copying 2891E & F 56 lines down into 2947E & F;
editing 2891E to 1040 and 2891 F to 1039; copying 2946E & F into 2947E
& F; all while double checking that BCE 1 agrees with CE 1. Then, in cell
2891G, correcting the date of the lunar eclipse. Afterwards adjusting the
Sabbath years in columns A, B, C, and D.
§ Per
this version, the crossing of the Jordan River is an event that occurred in the
spring of 1435 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 4th year of the 6th
sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Gilgal horizon at ~47.72 N
~100.04 E; altitude: ~-100 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar
Feb 9 1435 BCE Sunset: 16:58:50; Moonset: 18:59:27; Lag: 120min 37sec;
Illum.: 3.43%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Feb 18. ==> 5th Day
of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 4th (or 5) Day]
Mar 10 1435 BCE Sunset: 17:40:24; Moonset: 19:17:11; Lag: 96min 47sec;
Illum.: 2.14%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Mar 19. ==>
6th Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 5th (or 6th) Day]
Apr 8 1435 BCE Sunset: 18:18:33; Moonset: 19:35:37; Lag: 77min 56sec;
Illum.: 1.31%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Apr 17. ==>
7th Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
May 8 1435 BCE Sunset: 18:57:16; Moonset: 21:24:37; Lag: 147min 21sec;
Illum.: 4.43%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun May 17 (or
Julian Mon 18.) ==> 2nd Day (or 3rd Day) of the week crossing. [JD-1 Day 1st (or 2nd) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the crossing of Jordan in 1435 BCE—allows [does not allow] an Abib
10 falling out on the 3rd Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
occurred in the spring of 1473 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 1st year
of the 1st sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 9 1473 BCE Sunset: 17:47:48; Moonset: 19:19:13; Lag: 91min 25sec;
Illum.: 2.08%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon Mar 28. ==> The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 3rd Day ((or 4th Day)) of the week. [JD-1 Day 2nd (or 3rd) Day]
Apr 7 1473 BCE Sunset: 18:22:57; Moonset: 19:27:22; Lag: 64min 25sec;
Illum.: 0.98%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian ((Tue Apr 26 or))
Wed Apr 27. ==> The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the ((4th Day or))
5th Day of the week. [JD-1
Day ((3rd,)) 4th, (or 5th) Day]
May 7 1473 BCE Sunset: 18:59:00; Moonset: 20:50:50; Lag: 111min 10sec;
Illum.: 2.51%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu May 26. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 6th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 5th (or 6th) Day]
Jun 5 1473 BCE Sunset: 19:34:14; Moonset: 20:49:50; Lag: 75min 36sec; Illum.: 1.07%. ==> 20th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian (Fri Jun 24 or) Sat Jun 25. ==> The 20th day
of the 2nd month fell out on the (7th Day or) 1st Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (6th,) 7th, (or 1st) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
in 1473 BCE—allows the 20th day of the 2nd month to fall out on the 1st or on
the 4th Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus occurred in the spring of 1475 BCE. Which per this version fell
in the 6th year of the 7th sabbatical year cycle of the
50th jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Apr 1 1475 BCE Sunset: 18:15:15; Moonset: 20:11:52; Lag: 116min 37sec;
Illum.: 3.41%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Tue Apr 15. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 4th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 3rd (or 4th) Day]
Apr 30 1475 BCE Sunset: 18:49:48; Moonset: 20:15:48; Lag: 86min 00sec;
Illum.: 1.60%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed May 14.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 5th Day (or 6th
Day) of the week. [JD-1
Day 4th (or 5th) Day]
May 30 1475 BCE Sunset: 19:26:42; Moonset: 21:29:33; Lag: 122min 51sec;
Illum.: 2.96%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Jun 13.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
Jun 28 1475 BCE Sunset: 19:54:16; Moonset: 21:16:34; Lag: 92min 18sec;
Illum.: 1.45%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Jul 12.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 1st Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus in 1475 BCE—allows the 15th day of the 2nd
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
According to this version, if indeed
Exo 16:1, 22-26, does describe a 7th Day of the week placement, then
Abib 15 of the Exodus year would fall out on 1475-5-14,or15
5th Day (or the 6th Day) [1475-5-14,or15 4th or 5th Day or
1475-6-13,or14 6th or 7th Day] of the week.
Per this version re Jer
34:9—The last Sabbatical year prior to the destruction of the Temple in 587/586
BCE & Slaves released: 593/592 BCE was the 7th Sabbatical year
of the 68th Jubilee cycle; Nebuchadnezzar’s 13th year,
Jehoiachin’s 5th and Zedekiah’s 5th year.
Sabbatical years as reckoned
from Creation followed 4 years after Josephus’ sabbatical years.
Re Luke 4:19—Acceptable year
of YHWH—fell in the 4th year of the 3rd Sabbatical cycle
of the 81st Jubilee cycle.
Crucifixion fell in the 1st
year of the 4th Sabbatical cycle of the 81st Jubilee
Re Ezra 1:1-2 and Cyrus’
decree: 534/533 BCE & 1st year of Cyrus’ reign fell in the 3rd
year of the 2nd Sabbatical cycle of the 70th Jubilee
Re Neh 1:1; 2:1; 6:15; 7:73;
8:2, 14-18; 9:1, 3. The reading of the Torah in Artaxerxes’ 20th/21st
year – 446/445 BCE & 445/444 BCE: Per this version the reading of the Torah
occurred on the threshold between the 71st jubilee year and the 1st
year of the 1st Sabbatical cycle of the 72nd Jubilee
Re Jos 8:34 & the reading
of the Torah after the fall of Ai: Per this version most likely an event in the
fall following the crossing of the Jordan in 1435 BCE: Per this version an
event between the 4th and 5th years of the 6th
Sabbatical cycle of the 51st Jubilee cycle.
Re 2 Kings 22:8 & the reading of the Torah in
the 18th year of King Josiah: Per this version this pre-Passover
time reading of the Torah fell in the 4th year of the 5th
Sabbatical cycle of the 68th Jubilee cycle.
10.Re Acts 13:14, 15
& the reading of the Torah on the Pentecost Sabbath between 30 CE and 39
CE: Per this version either the 5th or the 6th Sabbatical
year of the 81st Jubilee cycle began in the falls of 31 and 38 CE
§ Re
Gen 17:1, 24 and Abraham’s 99th birthday: Per this version, the 22nd
day of the 7th month of the Year of the Eighth Day of Abraham’s 99th
birthday occurred in the fall of 1877 BCE. Which per this version fell at the
end of the 4th year and the beginning of the 5th year of
the 6th sabbatical year cycle of the 42nd jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre[49]
horizon at ~46.94ºN ~99.6ºE; altitude: ~1010 meters above mean sea level; Time
zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Aug 29 1877 BCE Sunset: 19:16:26; Moonset: 19:14:58; Lag: -03min 29sec; Illum.:
1.25%. Aug 30 1877 BCE Sunset: 19:14:49; Moonset: 19:44:14; Lag: 29min 25sec; Illum.:
4.56%. Aug 31 1877 BCE Sunset: 19:13:11; Moonset: 20:11:47; Lag: 58min 36sec;
Illum.: 10.08%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Sep 19.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((2nd, 3rd,)))
4th, (or 5th) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((1st, 2nd,))) 3rd,
(or 4th) Day]
Sep 28 1877 BCE Sunset: 18:19:23; Moonset: 18:39:30; Lag: 18min 09sec; Illum.:
1.98%. Sep 29 1877 BCE Sunset: 18:21:21; Moonset: 19:07:05; Lag: 45min 44sec;
Illum.: 5.78%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue Oct 19.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((4th,))) 5th,
(or 6th) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((3rd,))) 4th, (or 5th)
Oct 28 1877 BCE Sunset: 17:22:44; Moonset: 18:06:41; Lag: 43min 57sec;
Illum.: 2.52%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Nov 18.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 6th (or 7th)
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
5th (or 6th) Day]
Nov 26 1877 BCE Sunset: 16:37:15; Moonset: 17:15:06; Lag: 37min 51sec;
Illum.: 5.11%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Dec 17.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on 7th (or 1st)
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
6th (or 7th) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 22nd day of the 7th month of the Year
of Abraham’s 99th birthday in 1877 BCE—Allows the 22nd day of the 7th
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XXII.0.12.0 (#6)).xls –
Created 5939[v2016-12-14-21:32] 09 15 2036 [2019-11-13]
§ Testing
the Day 3 Tue Oct 7, 1038 BCE penumbral lunar eclipse (81% penumbral only! at sunrise) for
potential harmony between all of the Bible date stamps discovered not only re
Saul’s visit to the woman in Endor (1 Sam 28:13, 14, 19, 25; 31:1, 6, 12, 13; 2
Sam 1:3; cf. Table
II of the linked article,) but also re the crossing of the Jordan River
(Jos 1:11; cf. this
link) and re the three days’ journey from Mt. Sinai (Num 10: 11, 33; cf this
§ This
version (XXII.0.12.0) is created by inserting (1038 BCE [spring year thru Oct
#] – 983 BCE [XXII.0.00yr-1yr] =) 55 Scripture years into version XXII.0.00, i.e. now XXII.0.12.0. Technically by inserting 55 lines at
line 3026; then copying line 3025 into all the blank lines (lines 3026-3080)
through also line 3081; copying 2891E & F 55 lines down into 2946E & F;
editing 2891E to 1039 and 2891 F to 1038; copying 2945E & F into 2946E
& F; all while double checking that BCE 1 agrees with CE 1. Then, in cell
2891G, correcting the date of the lunar eclipse. Afterwards adjusting the
Sabbath years in columns A, B, C, and D.
§ Per
this version, the crossing of the Jordan River is an event that occurred in the
spring of 1434 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 4th year of the 6th
sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Gilgal horizon at ~47.72 N
~100.04 E; altitude: ~-100 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar
Feb 28 1434 BCE Sunset: 17:26:02; Moonset: 19:32:46; Lag: 126min 44sec;
Illum.: 3.64%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at
sunset Julian Tue Mar 9. ==> 4th Day of the week crossing. [JD-1 Day 3rd (or 4th) Day]
Mar 29 1434 BCE Sunset: 18:05:23; Moonset: 19:46:15; Lag: 100min 52sec;
Illum.: 2.28%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Apr 7. ==>
5th Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 4th (or 5th) Day]
Apr 27 1434 BCE Sunset: 18:42:24; Moonset: 20:03:48; Lag: 81min 24sec;
Illum.: 1.34%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu May 6. ==>
6th Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 5th (or 6th) Day]
May 27 1434 BCE Sunset: 19:21:48; Moonset: 21:33:08; Lag: 131min 20sec;
Illum.: 4.33%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Jun 5. ==>
1st Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the crossing of Jordan in 1434 BCE—does not allow [allows] an Abib 10
falling out on the 3rd Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
occurred in the spring of 1472 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 1st year
of the 1st sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 28 1472 BCE Sunset: 18:10:52; Moonset: 19:42:11; Lag: 91min 19sec;
Illum.: 2.43%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Apr 16. ==> The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 2nd Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 1st (or 2nd) Day]
Apr 26 1472 BCE Sunset: 18:45:19; Moonset: 20:05:32; Lag: 80min 13sec;
Illum.: 1.36%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon May 15 or Tue
May 16. ==> The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 3rd Day or 4th Day
of the week. [JD-1 Day 1st (or 2nd) Day]
May 26 1472 BCE Sunset: 19:22:14; Moonset: 21:25:04; Lag: 122in 50ec;
Illum.: 3.38%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Jun 14. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 5th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 4th (or 5th) Day]
Jun 24 1472 BCE Sunset: 19:51:54; Moonset: 21:00:54; Lag: 69min 00sec;
Illum.: 1.64%. 20th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Thu Jul 13 ==> The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on
the 6th Day of the week.
[JD-1 Day 5th (or 6th) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
in 1472 BCE—allows the 20th day of the 2nd month to fall out on [the 1st and on]
the 4th Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus occurred in the spring of 1474 BCE. Which per this version fell
in the 6th year of the 7th sabbatical year cycle of the
50th jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Feb 19 1474 BCE Sunset: 17:23:17; Moonset: 18:40:25; Lag: 77min 08sec;
Illum.: 1.69%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Thu Mar 5. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 6th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 5th (or 6th) Day]
Mar 21 1474 BCE Sunset: 18:01:46; Moonset: 19:56:55; Lag: 115min 09sec;
Illum.: 3.26%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Apr 4.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 1st Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
Apr 19 1474 BCE Sunset: 18:36:16; Moonset: 19:59:12; Lag: 82min 56sec;
Illum.: 1.54%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun May 3.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 2nd Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 1st (or 2nd) Day]
May 19 1474 BCE Sunset: 19:12:57; Moonset: 21:12:24; Lag: 119min 27sec;
Illum.: 2.77%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue Jun 2.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 4th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 3rd(or 4th)
Jun 17 1474 BCE Sunset: 19:45:47; Moonset: 21:04:31; Lag: 78min 44sec;
Illum.: 1.17%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Jul 1.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 5th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 4th (or 5th) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus in 1474 BCE—does not allow [allows] the 15th day of the 2nd
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
According to this version Exo
16:1, 22-26 can not fall out on the 7th Day of the week [fell out on 1474-3-5,or6 on the 5th
or 6th Day of the week.]
Per this version re Jer
34:9—The last Sabbatical year prior to the destruction of the Temple in 587/586
BCE & Slaves released: 592/591 BCE was the 68th Jubilee year;
Nebuchadnezzar’s 14th year, Jehoiachin’s 6th and
Zedekiah’s 6th year.
Sabbatical years as reckoned
from Creation followed 5 years after Josephus’ sabbatical years.
Re Luke 4:19—Acceptable year
of YHWH—fell in the 3rd year of the 3rd Sabbatical cycle
of the 81st Jubilee cycle.
Crucifixion fell in the 3rd
Sabbatical year of the 81st Jubilee cycle.
Re Ezra 1:1-2 and Cyrus’
decree: 534/533 BCE & 1st year of Cyrus’ reign fell in the 2nd
year of the 2nd Sabbatical cycle of the 70th Jubilee
Re Neh 1:1; 2:1; 6:15; 7:73;
8:2, 14-18; 9:1, 3. The reading of the Torah in Artaxerxes’ 20th/21st
year – 446/445 BCE & 445/444 BCE: Per this version the reading of the Torah
occurred on the threshold between 6th and 7th year of the
71st Jubilee year.
Re Jos 8:34 & the reading
of the Torah after the fall of Ai: Per this version most likely an event in the
fall following the crossing of the Jordan in 1434 BCE: Per this version an
event between the 4th and 5th years of the 6th
Sabbatical cycle of the 51st Jubilee cycle.
Re 2 Kings 22:8 & the reading of the Torah in
the 18th year of King Josiah: Per this version this pre-Passover
time reading of the Torah fell in the 3rd year of the 5th
Sabbatical cycle of the 68th Jubilee cycle.
10.Re Acts 13:14, 15
& the reading of the Torah on the Pentecost Sabbath between 30 CE and 39
CE: Per this version the 5th Sabbatical year of the 81st
Jubilee cycle began in the falls of 32 CE[50].
§ Re
Gen 17:1, 24 and Abraham’s 99th birthday: Per this version, the 22nd
day of the 7th month of the Year of the Eighth Day of Abraham’s 99th
birthday occurred in the fall of 1876 BCE. Which per this version fell at the
end of the 4th year and the beginning of the 5th year of
the 6th sabbatical year cycle of the 42nd jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre[51]
horizon at ~46.94ºN ~99.6ºE; altitude: ~1010 meters above mean sea level; Time
zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Aug 19 1876 BCE Sunset: 19:17:09; Moonset: 19:55:13; Lag: 38min 04sec;
Illum.: 2.95%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Sep 9.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 7th (or 1st)
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
6th (or 7th) Day]
Sep 17 1876 BCE Sunset: 18:18:57; Moonset: 18:56:28; Lag: 37min 31sec;
Illum.: 1.20%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Oct 8.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 1st, (or 2nd)
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
7th (or 1st) Day]
Oct 17 1876 BCE Sunset: 17:22:18; Moonset: 18:25:34; Lag: 63min 16sec;
Illum.: 2.27%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon Nov 7.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 3rd, (or 4th)
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
2nd (or 3rd) Day]
Nov 16 1876 BCE Sunset: 16:36:31; Moonset:
18:05:12; Lag: 88min 41sec; Illum.: 3.20%. 22nd day:
Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Dec 7. The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 5th (or 6th)
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
4th (or 5th) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 22nd day of the 7th month of the Year
of Abraham’s 99th birthday in 1876 BCE—Allows the 22nd day of the 7th
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XXII.0.12.1 (#6).xls – Created 5939[v2016-12-14-21:32] 09 14 2036 [2019-11-12]
§ Testing
the Day 3 Tue Oct 7, 1038 BCE penumbral lunar eclipse (81% penumbral only! at sunrise) for
potential harmony between all of the Bible date stamps discovered not only re
Saul’s visit to the woman in Endor (1 Sam 28:13, 14, 19, 25; 31:1, 6, 12, 13; 2
Sam 1:3; cf. Table
II of the linked article,) but also re the crossing of the Jordan River
(Jos 1:11; cf. this
link) and re the three days’ journey from Mt. Sinai (Num 10: 11, 33; cf this
§ This
version (XXII.0.12) is created by inserting (1037 BCE [spring year #] – 983 BCE
[XXII.0.00yr-1yr] =) 54 Scripture years into version XXII.0.00, i.e. now XXII.0.12. Technically by inserting 54 lines at
line 3026; then copying line 3025 into all the blank lines (lines 3026-3079)
through also line 3080; copying 2891E & F 54 lines down into 2945E & F;
editing 2891E to 1038 and 2891 F to 1037; copying 2944E & F into 2945E
& F; all while double checking that BCE 1 agrees with CE 1. Then, in cell
2891G, correcting the date of the lunar eclipse. Afterwards adjusting the
Sabbath years in columns A, B, C, and D.
§ Per
this version, the crossing of the Jordan River is an event that occurred in the
spring of 1433 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 4th year of the 6th
sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Gilgal horizon at ~47.72 N
~100.04 E; altitude: ~-100 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar
Feb 17 1433 BCE Sunset: 17:09:45; Moonset: 18:56:16; Lag: 106min 31sec;
Illum.: 2.47%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Feb 26. ==> 1st Day
of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
Mar 17 1433 BCE Sunset: 17:50:36; Moonset: 18:58:16; Lag: 67min 40sec;
Illum.: 1.05%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian (Sun Mar 26 or) Mon
Mar 27. ==> (2nd Day or) 3rd Day of the week crossing. [JD-1 Day 1st (or 2nd) Day]
Apr 16 1433 BCE Sunset: 18:29:25; Moonset: 20:16:02; Lag: 106min 37sec;
Illum.: 2.50%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue Apr 25. ==> 4th Day
of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 3rd (or 4th) Day]
May 15 1433 BCE Sunset: 19:07:10; Moonset: 20:24:51; Lag: 77min 41sec;
Illum.: 1.37%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed May 24. ==>
5th Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 4th (or 5th) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the crossing of Jordan in 1433 BCE—allows an Abib 10 falling
out on the 3rd Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
occurred in the spring of 1471 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 1st year
of the 1st sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 18 1471 BCE Sunset: 17:58:28; Moonset: 20:04:08; Lag: 65min 40sec;
Illum.: 3.78%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at
sunset Julian Fri Apr 6. ==> The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the
7th Day ((or 1st Day)) of the week. [JD-1 Day 6th ((or 7th)) Day]
Apr 16 1471 BCE Sunset: 18:33:04; Moonset: 20:19:54; Lag: 106min 10sec;
Illum.: 2.57%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat May 5. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 1st Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
May 15 1471 BCE Sunset: 19:08:22; Moonset: 20:32:27; Lag: 84min 05sec;
Illum.: 1.53%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Jun 3. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 2nd Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 1st (or 2nd) Day]
Jun 14 1471 BCE Sunset: 19:43:13; Moonset: 21:27:27; Lag: 104min 14sec;
Illum.: 4.04%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue Jul 3. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 4th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 3rd (or 4th) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
in 1471 BCE—allows the 20th day of the 2nd month to fall out on the 1st (or on
the 4th) Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus occurred in the spring of 1473 BCE. Which per this version fell
in the 6th year of the 7th sabbatical year cycle of the
50th jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 9 1473 BCE Sunset: 17:47:49; Moonset: 19:19:32; Lag: 91min 43sec;
Illum.: 2.08%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Wed Mar 23. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 5th Day (or 6th
Day) of the week. [JD-1
Day 4th (or 5th) Day]
Apr 7 1473 BCE Sunset: 18:22:58; Moonset: 19:27:52; Lag: 64min 54sec;
Illum.: 0.98%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian (((Thu Apr 21 or))) Fri Apr 22. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the (((6th Day or))) 7th
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
(((5th, or))) 6th Day]
May 7 1473 BCE Sunset: 18:59:01; Moonset: 20:50:47; Lag: 111min 46sec;
Illum.: 2.51%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat May 21.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 1st Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
Jun 5 1473 BCE Sunset: 19:34:16; Moonset: 20:50:14; Lag: 75min 58sec;
Illum.: 1.07%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Jun 19 or Mon Jun 20. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 2nd or 3rd
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
1st (or 2nd) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus in 1473 BCE—allows the 15th day of the 2nd
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
According to this version, if
indeed Exo 16:1, 22-26, does describe a 7th Day of the week
placement, then Abib 15 of the Exodus year would fall out on the 5th
Day (or the 6th Day) of the week [1473-4-22,or23 (((5th,))) 6th, (or 7th)
Day,] but not before the Eta
Per this version re Jer
34:9—The last Sabbatical year prior to the destruction of the Temple in 587/586
BCE & Slaves released: 591/590 BCE was the 68th Jubilee year;
Nebuchadnezzar’s 15th year, Jehoiachin’s 7th and
Zedekiah’s 7th year.
Sabbatical years as reckoned
from Creation followed 6 year after Josephus’
sabbatical years.
Re Luke 4:19—Acceptable year
of YHWH—fell in the 2nd year of the 3rd Sabbatical cycle
of the the 81st Jubilee cycle.
Crucifixion fell in the 6th
year of the 3rd Sabbatical cycle of the 81st Jubilee
Re Ezra 1:1-2 and Cyrus’
decree: 534/533 BCE & 1st year of Cyrus’ reign fell in the 1st
year of the 2nd Sabbatical cycle of the 70th Jubilee
Re Neh 1:1; 2:1; 6:15; 7:73;
8:2, 14-18; 9:1, 3. The reading of the Torah in Artaxerxes’ 20th/21st
year – 446/445 BCE & 445/444 BCE: Per this version the reading of the Torah
occurred on the threshold between 5th and 6th year of the
7th Sabbatical cycle of the 71st Jubilee cycle.
Re Jos 8:34 & the reading
of the Torah after the fall of Ai: Per this version most likely an event in the
fall following the crossing of the Jordan in 1433 BCE: Per this version an
event between the 4th and 5th years of the 6th
Sabbatical cycle of the 51st Jubilee cycle.
Re 2 Kings 22:8 & the reading of the Torah in
the 18th year of King Josiah: Per this version this pre-Passover
time reading of the Torah fell in the 2nd year of the 5th
Sabbatical cycle of the 68th Jubilee cycle.
10.Re Acts 13:14, 15
& the reading of the Torah on the Pentecost Sabbath between 30 CE and 39
CE: Per this version the 5th Sabbatical year of the 81st
Jubilee cycle began in the falls of 33 CE[52].
§ Re
Gen 17:1, 24 and Abraham’s 99th birthday: Per this version, the 22nd
day of the 7th month of the Year of the Eighth Day of Abraham’s 99th
birthday occurred in the fall of 1875 BCE. Which per this version fell at the end
of the 4th year and the beginning of the 5th year of the
6th sabbatical year cycle of the 42nd jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre[53]
horizon at ~46.94ºN ~99.6ºE; altitude: ~1010 meters above mean sea level; Time
zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Aug 9 1875 BCE Sunset: 19:43:35; Moonset: 20:30:24; Lag: 46min 49sec;
Illum.: 4.56%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Aug 30.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 5th, (or 6th)
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
4th (or 5th) Day]
Sep 7 1875 BCE Sunset: 19:02:04; Moonset: 19:36:01; Lag: 33min 57sec;
Illum.: 2.63%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Sep 28.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 6th (or 7th)
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
5th (or 6th) Day]
Oct 6 1875 BCE Sunset: 18:06:25; Moonset: 18:35:42; Lag: 29min 17sec; Illum.: 1.06%.
Oct 7 1875 BCE Sunset: 18:04:26; Moonset: 19:08:18; Lag: 63min 52sec; Illum.:
4.99%. 22nd day:
Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Oct 27. The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((7th,))) 1st,
(or 2nd) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((6th,))) 7th, (or 1st)
Nov 5 1875 BCE Sunset: 17:09:15; Moonset: 18:10:24; Lag: 60min 51sec;
Illum.: 2.46%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Nov 26.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on 2nd (or 3rd)
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
1st (or 2nd) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 22nd day of the 7th month of the Year
of Abraham’s 99th birthday in 1875 BCE—Allows the 22nd day of the 7th
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XXII.0.11).xls – Created 5939[v2016-12-14-21:32] 09 14 2036 [2019-11-12]
§ Testing
the Day 1 Sun Feb 20, 1036 BCE total lunar eclipse (79% penumbral only! at sunrise) for potential harmony
between all of the Bible date stamps discovered not only re Saul’s visit to the
woman in Endor (1 Sam 28:13, 14, 19, 25; 31:1, 6, 12, 13; 2 Sam 1:3; cf. Table
II of the linked article,) but also re the crossing of the Jordan River
(Jos 1:11; cf. this
link) and re the three days’ journey from Mt. Sinai (Num 10: 11, 33; cf this
§ This
version (XXII.0.11) is created by inserting (1036 BCE [spring year #] – 983 BCE
[XXII.0.00yr-1yr] =) 53 Scripture years into version XXII.0.00, i.e. now XXII.0.11. Technically by inserting 53 lines at
line 3026; then copying line 3025 into all the blank lines (lines 3026-3078)
through also line 3079; copying 2891E & F 53 lines down into 2944E & F;
editing 2891E to 1037 and 2891 F to 1036; copying 2943E & F into 2944E
& F; all while double checking that BCE 1 agrees with CE 1. Then, in cell
2891G, correcting the date of the lunar eclipse. Afterwards adjusting the
Sabbath years in columns A, B, C, and D.
§ Per
this version, the crossing of the Jordan River is an event that occurred in the
spring of 1432 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 4th year of the 6th
sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Gilgal horizon at ~47.72 N
~100.04 E; altitude: ~-100 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar
Feb 5 1432 BCE Sunset: 16:53:30; Moonset: 18:40:10; Lag: 106min 40sec;
Illum.: 2.42%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Feb 14. ==> 5th Day
of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 4th (or 5th) Day]
Mar 6 1432 BCE Sunset: 17:35:15; Moonset: 18:36:10; Lag: 60min 55sec;
Illum.: 0.84%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Mar 15. ==>
6th Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 5th (or 6th) Day]
Apr 5 1432 BCE Sunset: 18:15:06; Moonset: 19:37:00; Lag: 81min 54sec;
Illum.: 1.53%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Apr 14. ==>
1st Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
May 5 1432 BCE Sunset: 18:53:43; Moonset: 20:41:55; Lag: 108min 12sec;
Illum.: 2.95%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon May 14. ==>
3rd Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 2nd (or 3rd) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the crossing of Jordan in 1432 BCE—allows an Abib 10 falling
out on the 3rd Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
occurred in the spring of 1470 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 1st year
of the 1st sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 7 1470 BCE Sunset: 17:44:23; Moonset: 18:54:26; Lag: 70min 03sec;
Illum.: 1.18%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue Mar 26 or Wed Mar 27.
==> The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 4th Day or 5th Day of the
week. [JD-1 Day 3rd (or 4th) Day]
Apr 6 1470 BCE Sunset: 18:20:58; Moonset: 20:24:42; Lag: 123min 44sec;
Illum.: 3.64%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Apr 25. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 6th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 5th (or 6th) Day]
May 5 1470 BCE Sunset: 18:55:41; Moonset: 20:37:58; Lag: 102min 17sec;
Illum.: 2.49%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri May 24. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day ((or 1st Day)) of the
week. [JD-1 Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
Jun 3 1470 BCE Sunset: 19:31:09; Moonset: 20:40:00; Lag: 68min 51sec;
Illum.: 1.54%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Jun 22. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 1st Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
in 1470 BCE—allows the 20th day of the 2nd month to fall out on the 1st or on
the 4th Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus occurred in the spring of 1472 BCE. Which per this version fell
in the 6th year of the 7th sabbatical year cycle of the
50th jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 28 1472 BCE Sunset: 18:10:51; Moonset: 19:52:30; Lag: 101min 39sec;
Illum.: 2.43%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Tue Apr 11. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 4th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 3rd (or 4th) Day]
Apr 26 1472 BCE Sunset: 18:45:20; Moonset: 20:05:52; Lag: 80min 32sec;
Illum.: 1.36%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed May 10.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 5th Day (or 6th
Day) of the week. [JD-1
Day 4th (or 5th) Day]
May 26 1472 BCE Sunset: 19:22:13; Moonset: 21:24:24; Lag: 122min 11sec;
Illum.: 3.38%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Jun 9.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day of the week.
[JD-1 Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
Jun 24 1472 BCE Sunset: 19:51:54; Moonset: 21:00:54; Lag: 69min 00sec;
Illum.: 1.64%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Sat Jul 8. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 1st Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st ) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus in 1472 BCE—allows the 15th day of the 2nd
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
According to this version, if
indeed Exo 16:1, 22-26, does describe a 7th Day of the week
placement, then Abib 15 of the Exodus year would fall out on 1472-5-10,or11 5th, or 6th Day or 1472-6,or7
6th or 7th Day [1472-5-10,or11 4th, or 5th Day) or 1472-6,or7 5th
or 6th Day] of the week.
Per this version re Jer
34:9—The last Sabbatical year prior to the destruction of the Temple in 587/586
BCE & Slaves released: 590/589 BCE was the 68th Jubilee year;
Nebuchadnezzar’s 16th year, Jehoiachin’s 8th and
Zedekiah’s 8th year.
Sabbatical years as reckoned
from Creation were concurrent with Josephus’ sabbatical years.
Re Luke 4:19—Acceptable year
of YHWH—fell in the 1st year of the 3rd Sabbatical cycle
of the 81st Jubilee cycle.
Crucifixion fell in the 5th
year of the 3rd Sabbatical cycle of the 81st Jubilee
Re Ezra 1:1-2 and Cyrus’ decree:
534/533 BCE & 1st year of Cyrus’ reign fell in the 1st
Sabbatical year of the 69th Jubilee cycle.
Re Neh 1:1; 2:1; 6:15; 7:73;
8:2, 14-18; 9:1, 3. The reading of the Torah in Artaxerxes’ 20th/21st
year – 446/445 BCE & 445/444 BCE: Per this version the reading of the Torah
occurred on the threshold between 4th and 5th year of the
7th Sabbatical cycle of the 71st Jubilee cycle.
Re Jos 8:34 & the reading
of the Torah after the fall of Ai: Per this version most likely an event in the
fall following the crossing of the Jordan in 1432 BCE: Per this version an
event between the 4th and 5th years of the 6th
Sabbatical cycle of the 51st Jubilee cycle.
Re 2 Kings 22:8 & the reading of the Torah in
the 18th year of King Josiah: Per this version this pre-Passover
time reading of the Torah fell in the 1st year of the 5th
Sabbatical year of the 68th Jubilee cycle.
10.Re Acts 13:14, 15
& the reading of the Torah on the Pentecost Sabbath between 30 CE and 39
CE: Per this version the 5th Sabbatical year of the 81st
Jubilee cycle began in the falls of 34 CE[54].
§ Re
Gen 17:1, 24 and Abraham’s 99th birthday: Per this version, the 22nd
day of the 7th month of the Year of the Eighth Day of Abraham’s 99th
birthday occurred in the fall of 1874 BCE. Which per this version fell at the
end of the 4th year and the beginning of the 5th year of
the 6th sabbatical year cycle of the 42nd jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre[55]
horizon at ~46.94ºN ~99.6ºE; altitude: ~1010 meters above mean sea level; Time
zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Aug 28 1874 BCE Sunset: 19:19:09; Moonset: 20:11:19; Lag: 52min 10sec;
Illum.: 4.01%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue Sep 18.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 4th (or 5th)
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
3rd (or 4th) Day]
Sep 26 1874 BCE Sunset: 18:26:43; Moonset: 19:11:38; Lag: 44min 55sec;
Illum.: 2.24%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Oct 17. The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 5th (or 6th)
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
4th (or 5th) Day]
Oct 26 1874 BCE Sunset: 17:27:48; Moonset: 18:43:53; Lag: 76min 05sec;
Illum.: 4.70%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Nov 16.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 7th (or 1st)
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
6th (or 7th) Day]
Nov 24 1874 BCE Sunset: 16:40:37; Moonset: 17:51:43; Lag: 71min 06sec;
Illum.: 2.37%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Dec 15.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on 1st (or 2nd)
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
7th (or 1st) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 22nd day of the 7th month of the Year
of Abraham’s 99th birthday in 1874 BCE—Allows the 22nd day of the 7th
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XXII.0.10).xls – Created 5939[v2016-12-14-21:32] 09 14 2036 [2019-11-12]
§ Testing
the Day 3 Tue Apr 3, 1029 BCE total lunar eclipse (100% at sunrise) for
potential harmony between all of the Bible date stamps discovered not only re
Saul’s visit to the woman in Endor (1 Sam 28:13, 14, 19, 25; 31:1, 6, 12, 13; 2
Sam 1:3; cf. Table
II of the linked article,) but also re the crossing of the Jordan River
(Jos 1:11; cf. this
link) and re the three days’ journey from Mt. Sinai (Num 10: 11, 33; cf this
§ This
version (XXII.0.10) is created by inserting (1029 BCE [spring year #] – 983 BCE
[XXII.0.00yr-1yr] =) 46 Scripture years into version XXII.0.00, i.e. now XXII.0.10. Technically by inserting 46 lines at
line 3026; then copying line 3025 into all the blank lines (lines 3026-3071)
through also line 3072; copying 2891E & F 46 lines down into 2937E & F;
editing 2891E to 1030 and 2891 F to 1029; copying 2936E & F into 2937E
& F; all while double checking that BCE 1 agrees with CE 1. Then, in cell
2891G, correcting the date of the lunar eclipse. Afterwards adjusting the
Sabbath years in columns A, B, C, and D.
§ Per
this version, the crossing of the Jordan River is an event that occurred in the
spring of 1425 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 4th year of the 6th
sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Gilgal horizon at ~47.72 N
~100.04 E; altitude: ~-100 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar
Feb 18 1425 BCE Sunset: 17:11:13; Moonset: 17:50:04; Lag: 38min 51sec; Illum.: 0.81%.
Feb 19
1425 BCE Sunset: 17:53:17; Moonset: 19:09:52; Lag: 76min 35sec; Illum.: 2.32%.==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Feb 28.
==> 6th Day of the week crossing. [JD-1 Day (((4th,))) 5th (or 6th)
Mar 19 1425 BCE Sunset: 17:53:17; Moonset: 19:10:04; Lag: 76min 47sec;
Illum.: 2.33%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Mar 28. ==> 7th Day
of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
Apr 17 1425 BCE Sunset: 18:30:43; Moonset: 19:21:00; Lag: 50min 17sec;
Illum.: 1.35%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Apr 26. ==>
1st Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
May 17 1425 BCE Sunset: 19:09:43; Moonset: 20:57:35; Lag: 107min 52sec;
Illum.: 4.14%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon May 26. ==>
3rd Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 2nd (or 3rd) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the crossing of Jordan in 1425 BCE—allows an Abib 10 falling
out on the 3rd Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
occurred in the spring of 1463 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 1st year
of the 1st sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 19 1463 BCE Sunset: 17:59:42; Moonset: 19:19:39; Lag: 79min 57sec;
Illum.: 2.41%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue Apr 7. ==> The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 4th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 3rd (or 4th) Day]
Apr 17 1463 BCE Sunset: 18:34:18; Moonset: 19:26:54; Lag: 52min 36sec;
Illum.: 1.42%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed May 6. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 5th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 4th (or 5th) Day]
May 17 1463 BCE Sunset: 19:10:53; Moonset: 20:46:54; Lag: 96min 01sec;
Illum.: 3.70%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Jun 5. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day (((or 1st Day))) of the
week. [JD-1 Day 6th (((or 7th))) Day]
Jun 15 1463 BCE Sunset: 19:44:13; Moonset: 20:41:54; Lag: 57min 41sec;
Illum.: 2.00%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Jul 4. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 1st Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus in
1463 BCE—allows the 20th day of the 2nd month to fall out on the 1st or on the
4th Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus occurred in the spring of 1465 BCE. Which per this version fell
in the 6th year of the 7th sabbatical year cycle of the
50th jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 11 1465 BCE Sunset: 17:50:24; Moonset: 19:43:12; Lag: 112min 48sec;
Illum.: 3.79%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Mon Mar 25. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 3rd Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 2nd (or 3rd) Day]
Apr 9 1465 BCE Sunset: 18:25:24; Moonset: 19:36:52; Lag: 71min 28sec;
Illum.: 1.89%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue Apr 23.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 4th Day (or 5th
Day) of the week. [JD-1
Day 3rd (or 4th) Day]
May 9 1465 BCE Sunset: 19:01:34; Moonset: 20:29:26; Lag: 87min 52sec;
Illum.: 3.31%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu May 23 ((or Fri 24.)) The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 6th Day ((or the 7th
Day)) of the week. [JD-1
Day 5th ((or 6th)) Day]
Jun 7 1465 BCE Sunset: 19:36:31; Moonset: 20:16:15; Lag: 39min 44sec;
Illum.: 1.58%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Jun 21.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus in 1465 BCE—allows the 15th day of the 2nd
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
According to this version, if indeed
Exo 16:1, 22-26, does describe a 7th Day of the week placement, then
Abib 15 of the Exodus year would fall out on 1465-4-23,or24
((4th Day, (5th Day,)) (6th Day ((or 7th
Day))) [1465-5-23,((or24))
5th or 6th Day] of the week.
Per this version re Jer
34:9—The last Sabbatical year prior to the destruction of the Temple in 587/586
BCE & Slaves released: 590/589 BCE was the 68th Jubilee year;
Nebuchadnezzar’s 16th year, Jehoiachin’s 8th and
Zedekiah’s 8th year.
Sabbatical years as reckoned
from Creation were concurrent with Josephus’ sabbatical years.
Re Luke 4:19—Acceptable year
of YHWH—fell in the 1st year of the 2nd Sabbatical cycle
the 81st Jubilee cycle.
Crucifixion fell in the 5th
year of the 2nd Sabbatical cycle of the 81st Jubilee
Re Ezra 1:1-2 and Cyrus’
decree: 534/533 BCE & 1st year of Cyrus’ reign fell in the 69th
Jubilee year.
Re Neh 1:1; 2:1; 6:15; 7:73;
8:2, 14-18; 9:1, 3. The reading of the Torah in Artaxerxes’ 20th/21st
year – 446/445 BCE & 445/444 BCE: Per this version the reading of the Torah
occurred on the threshold between 4th and 5th year of the
6th Sabbatical cycle of the 71st Jubilee cycle.
Re Jos 8:34 & the reading
of the Torah after the fall of Ai: Per this version most likely an event in the
fall following the crossing of the Jordan in 1425 BCE: Per this version an
event between the 4th and 5th years of the 6th
Sabbatical cycle of the 51st Jubilee cycle.
Re 2 Kings 22:8 & the reading of the Torah in
the 18th year of King Josiah: Per this version this pre-Passover
time reading of the Torah fell in the 1st year of the 4th
Sabbatical cycle of the 68th Jubilee cycle.
10.Re Acts 13:14, 15
& the reading of the Torah on the Pentecost Sabbath between 30 CE and 39
CE: Per this version the 4th Sabbatical year of the 81st
Jubilee cycle, which began in the fall of 34 CE[56].
§ Re
Gen 17:1, 24 and Abraham’s 99th birthday: Per this version, the 22nd
day of the 7th month of the Year of the Eighth Day of Abraham’s 99th
birthday occurred in the fall of 1867 BCE. Which per this version fell at the
end of the 4th year and the beginning of the 5th year of
the 6th sabbatical year cycle of the 42nd jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre[57]
horizon at ~46.94ºN ~99.6ºE; altitude: ~1010 meters above mean sea level; Time
zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Aug 10 1867 BCE Sunset: 19:42:32; Moonset: 20:50:36; Lag: 68min 04sec;
Illum.: 3.21%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Aug 31.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 2nd (or 3rd)
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
1st (or 2nd) Day]
Sep 8 1867 BCE Sunset: 19:00:11; Moonset: 19:32:55; Lag: 32min 44sec;
Illum.: 1.46%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon Sep 29.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (3rd,) 4th,
(or 5th) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (2nd,) 3rd, (or 4th)
Oct 8 1867 BCE Sunset: 18:02:19; Moonset: 18:26:05; Lag: 23min 46sec; Illum.:
2.80%. Oct 9 1867 BCE Sunset: 18:00:19; Moonset: 18:43:52; Lag: 43min 33sec;
Illum.: 7.57%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Oct 29.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((5th,))) 6th,
(or 7th) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((4th,))) 5th, (or 6th)
Nov 7 1867 BCE Sunset: 17:05:41; Moonset: 17:29:42; Lag: 24min 01sec; Illum.:
3.96%. Nov 8 1867 BCE Sunset: 17:04:00; Moonset: 17:59:15; Lag: 55min 15sec;
Illum.: 8.93%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Nov 28.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on ((7th,)) 1st,
(or 2nd) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day ((6th,)) 7th, (or 1st)
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 22nd day of the 7th month of the Year
of Abraham’s 99th birthday in 1867 BCE—Allows the 22nd day of the 7th
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XXII.0.09.0 (#5)).xls –
Created 5939[v2016-12-14-21:32] 09 15 2036 [2019-11-13]
§ Testing
the Day 5 Thu Sep 27, 1029 BCE total lunar eclipse (100% at sunrise) for
potential harmony between all of the Bible date stamps discovered not only re
Saul’s visit to the woman in Endor (1 Sam 28:13, 14, 19, 25; 31:1, 6, 12, 13; 2
Sam 1:3; cf. Table
II of the linked article,) but also re the crossing of the Jordan River
(Jos 1:11; cf. this
link) and re the three days’ journey from Mt. Sinai (Num 10: 11, 33; cf this
§ This
version (XXII.0.09.0) is created by inserting (1029 BCE [spring year thru Oct
#] – 983 BCE [XXII.0.00yr-1yr] =) 46 Scripture years into version XXII.0.00, i.e. now XXII.0.09.0. Technically by inserting 46 lines at
line 3026; then copying line 3025 into all the blank lines (lines 3026-3071)
through also line 3072; copying 2891E & F 46 lines down into 2937E & F;
editing 2891E to 1030 and 2891 F to 1029; copying 2936E & F into 2937E
& F; all while double checking that BCE 1 agrees with CE 1. Then, in cell
2891G, correcting the date of the lunar eclipse. Afterwards adjusting the
Sabbath years in columns A, B, C, and D.
§ Per
this version, the crossing of the Jordan River is an event that occurred in the
spring of 1425 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 4th year of the 6th
sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Gilgal horizon at ~47.72 N
~100.04 E; altitude: ~-100 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar
Feb 18 1425 BCE Sunset: 17:11:13; Moonset: 17:50:04; Lag: 38min 51sec; Illum.: 0.81%.
Feb 19
1425 BCE Sunset: 17:53:17; Moonset: 19:09:52; Lag: 76min 35sec; Illum.: 2.32%.==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Feb 28.
==> 6th Day of the week crossing. [JD-1 Day (((4th,))) 5th (or 6th)
Mar 19 1425 BCE Sunset: 17:53:17; Moonset: 19:10:04; Lag: 76min 47sec;
Illum.: 2.33%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Mar 28. ==> 7th Day
of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
Apr 17 1425 BCE Sunset: 18:30:43; Moonset: 19:21:00; Lag: 50min 17sec;
Illum.: 1.35%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Apr 26. ==>
1st Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
May 17 1425 BCE Sunset: 19:09:43; Moonset: 20:57:35; Lag: 107min 52sec;
Illum.: 4.14%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon May 26. ==>
3rd Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 2nd (or 3rd) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the crossing of Jordan in 1425 BCE—allows an Abib 10 falling
out on the 3rd Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
occurred in the spring of 1463 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 1st year
of the 1st sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 19 1463 BCE Sunset: 17:59:42; Moonset: 19:19:39; Lag: 79min 57sec;
Illum.: 2.41%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue Apr 7. ==> The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 4th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 3rd (or 4th) Day]
Apr 17 1463 BCE Sunset: 18:34:18; Moonset: 19:26:54; Lag: 52min 36sec;
Illum.: 1.42%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed May 6. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 5th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 4th (or 5th) Day]
May 17 1463 BCE Sunset: 19:10:53; Moonset: 20:46:54; Lag: 96min 01sec;
Illum.: 3.70%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Jun 5. ==> The
20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day (((or 1st Day))) of the week. [JD-1 Day 6th (((or 7th))) Day]
Jun 15 1463 BCE Sunset: 19:44:13; Moonset: 20:41:54; Lag: 57min 41sec;
Illum.: 2.00%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Jul 4. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 1st Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
in 1463 BCE—allows the 20th day of the 2nd month to fall out on the 1st or on
the 4th Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus occurred in the spring of 1465 BCE. Which per this version fell
in the 6th year of the 7th sabbatical year cycle of the
50th jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 11 1465 BCE Sunset: 17:50:24; Moonset: 19:43:12; Lag: 112min 48sec;
Illum.: 3.79%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Mon Mar 25. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 3rd Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 2nd (or 3rd) Day]
Apr 9 1465 BCE Sunset: 18:25:24; Moonset: 19:36:52; Lag: 71min 28sec;
Illum.: 1.89%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue Apr 23.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 4th Day (or 5th
Day) of the week. [JD-1
Day 3rd (or 4th) Day]
May 9 1465 BCE Sunset: 19:01:34; Moonset: 20:29:26; Lag: 87min 52sec;
Illum.: 3.31%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu May 23 ((or Fri 24.)) The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 6th Day ((or the 7th
Day)) of the week. [JD-1
Day 5th ((or 6th)) Day]
Jun 7 1465 BCE Sunset: 19:36:31; Moonset: 20:16:15; Lag: 39min 44sec;
Illum.: 1.58%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Jun 21.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus in 1465 BCE—allows the 15th day of the 2nd
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
According to this version, if
indeed Exo 16:1, 22-26, does describe a 7th Day of the week placement,
then Abib 15 of the Exodus year would fall out on 1465-4-23,or24
((4th Day, (5th Day,)) (6th Day ((or 7th
Day))) [1465-5-23,((or24))
5th or 6th Day] of the week.
Per this version re Jer
34:9—The last Sabbatical year prior to the destruction of the Temple in 587/586
BCE & Slaves released: 590/589 BCE was the 68th Jubilee year;
Nebuchadnezzar’s 16th year, Jehoiachin’s 8th and
Zedekiah’s 8th year.
Sabbatical years as reckoned
from Creation were concurrent with Josephus’ sabbatical years.
Re Luke 4:19—Acceptable year
of YHWH—fell in the 1st year of the 2nd Sabbatical cycle
the 81st Jubilee cycle.
Crucifixion fell in the 5th
year of the 2nd Sabbatical cycle of the 81st Jubilee
Re Ezra 1:1-2 and Cyrus’
decree: 534/533 BCE & 1st year of Cyrus’ reign fell in the 69th
Jubilee year.
Re Neh 1:1; 2:1; 6:15; 7:73;
8:2, 14-18; 9:1, 3. The reading of the Torah in Artaxerxes’ 20th/21st
year – 446/445 BCE & 445/444 BCE: Per this version the reading of the Torah
occurred on the threshold between 4th and 5th year of the
6th Sabbatical cycle of the 71st Jubilee cycle.
Re Jos 8:34 & the reading
of the Torah after the fall of Ai: Per this version most likely an event in the
fall following the crossing of the Jordan in 1425 BCE: Per this version an
event between the 4th and 5th years of the 6th
Sabbatical cycle of the 51st Jubilee cycle.
Re 2 Kings 22:8 & the reading of the Torah in
the 18th year of King Josiah: Per this version this pre-Passover
time reading of the Torah fell in the 1st year of the 4th
Sabbatical cycle of the 68th Jubilee cycle.
10.Re Acts 13:14, 15
& the reading of the Torah on the Pentecost Sabbath between 30 CE and 39
CE: Per this version the 4th Sabbatical year of the 81st
Jubilee cycle, which began in the fall of 34 CE[58].
§ Re
Gen 17:1, 24 and Abraham’s 99th birthday: Per this version, the 22nd
day of the 7th month of the Year of the Eighth Day of Abraham’s 99th
birthday occurred in the fall of 1867 BCE. Which per this version fell at the
end of the 4th year and the beginning of the 5th year of
the 6th sabbatical year cycle of the 42nd jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre[59]
horizon at ~46.94ºN ~99.6ºE; altitude: ~1010 meters above mean sea level; Time
zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Aug 10 1867 BCE Sunset: 19:42:32; Moonset: 20:50:36; Lag: 68min 04sec;
Illum.: 3.21%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Aug 31.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 2nd (or 3rd)
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
1st (or 2nd) Day]
Sep 8 1867 BCE Sunset: 19:00:11; Moonset: 19:32:55; Lag: 32min 44sec;
Illum.: 1.46%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon Sep 29.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (3rd,) 4th,
(or 5th) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (2nd,) 3rd, (or 4th)
Oct 8 1867 BCE Sunset: 18:02:19; Moonset: 18:26:05; Lag: 23min 46sec; Illum.:
2.80%. Oct 9 1867 BCE Sunset: 18:00:19; Moonset: 18:43:52; Lag: 43min 33sec;
Illum.: 7.57%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Oct 29.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((5th,))) 6th,
(or 7th) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((4th,))) 5th, (or 6th)
Nov 7 1867 BCE Sunset: 17:05:41; Moonset: 17:29:42; Lag: 24min 01sec; Illum.:
3.96%. Nov 8 1867 BCE Sunset: 17:04:00; Moonset: 17:59:15; Lag: 55min 15sec;
Illum.: 8.93%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Nov 28.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on ((7th,)) 1st,
(or 2nd) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day ((6th,)) 7th, (or 1st)
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 22nd day of the 7th month of the Year
of Abraham’s 99th birthday in 1867 BCE—Allows the 22nd day of the 7th
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XXII.0.09.1 (#5)).xls –
Created 5939[v2016-12-14-21:32] 09 14 2036 [2019-11-12]
§ Testing
the Day 5 Thu Sep 27, 1029 BCE total lunar eclipse (100% at sunrise) for
potential harmony between all of the Bible date stamps discovered not only re
Saul’s visit to the woman in Endor (1 Sam 28:13, 14, 19, 25; 31:1, 6, 12, 13; 2
Sam 1:3; cf. Table
II of the linked article,) but also re the crossing of the Jordan River
(Jos 1:11; cf. this
link) and re the three days’ journey from Mt. Sinai (Num 10: 11, 33; cf this
§ This
version (XXII.0.09) is created by inserting (1028 BCE [spring year #] – 983 BCE
[XXII.0.00yr-1yr] =) 45 Scripture years into version XXII.0.00, i.e. now XXII.0.09. Technically by inserting 45 lines at
line 3026; then copying line 3025 into all the blank lines (lines 3026-3070)
through also line 3071; copying 2891E & F 45 lines down into 2936E & F;
editing 2891E to 1029 and 2891 F to 1028; copying 2935E & F into 2936E
& F; all while double checking that BCE 1 agrees with CE 1. Then, in cell
2891G, correcting the date of the lunar eclipse. Afterwards adjusting the
Sabbath years in columns A, B, C, and D.
§ Per
this version, the crossing of the Jordan River is an event that occurred in the
spring of 1424 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 4th year of the 6th
sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Gilgal horizon at ~47.72 N
~100.04 E; altitude: ~-100 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar
Feb 7 1424 BCE Sunset: 16:56:22; Moonset: 18:26:18; Lag: 89min 56sec;
Illum.: 3.00%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon Feb 16. ==> 3rd Day
of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 2nd (or 3rd) Day]
Mar 8 1424 BCE Sunset: 17:38:03; Moonset: 18:29:18; Lag: 51min 15sec;
Illum.: 1.33%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue Mar 17. ==>
4th Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 3rd (or 4th) Day]
Apr 7 1424 BCE Sunset: 18:17:40; Moonset: 19:43:40; Lag: 86min 00sec;
Illum.: 2.72%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Apr 16. ==>
6th Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 5th (or 6th) Day]
May 6 1424 BCE Sunset: 18:56:04; Moonset: 19:54:39; Lag: 58min 35sec;
Illum.: 1.47%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri May 15. ==>
7th Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the crossing of Jordan in 1424 BCE—allows an Abib 10 falling
out on the 3rd Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
occurred in the spring of 1462 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 1st year
of the 1st sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 9 1462 BCE Sunset: 17:46:57; Moonset: 19:28:08; Lag: 101min 11sec;
Illum.: 3.63%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at
sunset Julian Sun Mar 28. ==> The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the
2nd Day of the week. [JD-1
Day 1st (or 2nd) Day]
Apr 7 1462 BCE Sunset: 18:22:09; Moonset: 19:41:08; Lag: 78min 59sec;
Illum.: 2.49%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon Apr 26. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 3rd Day (((or 4th Day))) of the
week. [JD-1 Day 2nd (((or 3rd))) Day]
May 6 1462 BCE Sunset: 18:56:56; Moonset: 19:54:16; Lag: 58min 20sec;
Illum.: 1.54%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue May 25. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 4th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 3rd (or 4th) Day]
Jun 5 1462 BCE Sunset: 19:33:28; Moonset: 21:21:54; Lag: 108min 26sec;
Illum.: 4.28%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Jun 24. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 6th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 5th (or 6th) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
in 1462 BCE—allows the 20th day of the 2nd month to fall out on [the 1st or on]
the 4th Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus occurred in the spring of 1464 BCE. Which per this version fell
in the 6th year of the 7th sabbatical year cycle of the
50th jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Feb 28 1464 BCE Sunset: 17:35:58; Moonset: 18:59:32; Lag: 83min 34sec;
Illum.: 2.21%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Sat Mar 14 or Sun Mar 15.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 1st Day or 2nd
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
7th (or 1st) Day]
Mar 29 1464 BCE Sunset: 18:12:06; Moonset: 19:01:38; Lag: 49min 32sec;
Illum.: 1.09%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Apr 12 or Sun Apr 13. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 1st Day or 2nd
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
7th (or 1st) Day]
Apr 28 1464 BCE Sunset: 18:47:48; Moonset: 20:10:31; Lag: 83min 43sec;
Illum.: 2.86%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon May 12.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 3rd Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 2nd (or 3rd) Day]
May 27 1464 BCE Sunset: 19:23:31; Moonset: 20:05:50; Lag: 42min 19sec;
Illum.: 1.41%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue Jun 10.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 4th Day (or 5th
Day) of the week. [JD-1
Day 3rd (or 4th) Day]
Jun 26 1464 BCE Sunset: 19:53:14; Moonset: 20:47:03; Lag: 54min 49sec;
Illum.: 2.45%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Jul 10 (or Fri Jul 11.) The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 6th Day (or 7th
Day) of the week. [JD-1
Day 5th (or 6th) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus in 1464 BCE—allows the 15th day of the 2nd
month to fall out on (the 7th Day) of the week.
According to this version, if
indeed Exo 16:1, 22-26, does describe a 7th Day of the week
placement, then Abib 15 of the Exodus year would fall out on 1464-6-10,or11 ((4th Day (or 5th Day))) [1464-3-14,or15 7th
or 1st Day] of the week.
Per this version re Jer
34:9—The last Sabbatical year prior to the destruction of the Temple in 587/586
BCE & Slaves released: 589/588 BCE was the 6th Sabbatical year
of the the 68th Jubilee cycle; Nebuchadnezzar’s 17th
year, Jehoiachin’s 9th and Zedekiah’s 9th year.
Sabbatical years as reckoned
from Creation 1 year after Josephus’ sabbatical years.
Re Luke 4:19—Acceptable year
of YHWH—fell in the 1st Sabbatical year of the 81st
Jubilee cycle.
Crucifixion fell in the 4th
year of the 2nd Sabbatical cycle of the 81st Jubilee
Re Ezra 1:1-2 and Cyrus’
decree: 534/533 BCE & 1st year of Cyrus’ reign fell in the 6th
year of the 7th Sabbatical cycle of the 69th Jubilee
Re Neh 1:1; 2:1; 6:15; 7:73;
8:2, 14-18; 9:1, 3. The reading of the Torah in Artaxerxes’ 20th/21st
year – 446/445 BCE & 445/444 BCE: Per this version the reading of the Torah
occurred on the threshold between 3rd and 4th year of the
6th Sabbatical cycle of the 71st Jubilee cycle.
Re Jos 8:34 & the reading
of the Torah after the fall of Ai: Per this version most likely an event in the
fall following the crossing of the Jordan in 1424 BCE: Per this version an
event between the 4th and 5th years of the 6th
Sabbatical cycle of the 51st Jubilee cycle.
Re 2 Kings 22:8 & the reading of the Torah in
the 18th year of King Josiah: Per this version this pre-Passover
time reading of the Torah fell in 3rd Sabbatical year of the 68th
Jubilee cycle.
10.Re Acts 13:14, 15
& the reading of the Torah on the Pentecost Sabbath between 30 CE and 39 CE:
Per this version the 4th Sabbatical year of the 81st
Jubilee cycle, which began in the fall of 35 CE[60].
§ Re
Gen 17:1, 24 and Abraham’s 99th birthday: Per this version, the 22nd
day of the 7th month of the Year of the Eighth Day of Abraham’s 99th
birthday occurred in the fall of 1866 BCE. Which per this version fell at the
end of the 4th year and the beginning of the 5th year of
the 6th sabbatical year cycle of the 42nd jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre[61]
horizon at ~46.94ºN ~99.6ºE; altitude: ~1010 meters above mean sea level; Time
zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Aug 29 1866 BCE Sunset: 19:17:30; Moonset: 19:56:45; Lag: 39min 15sec; Illum.:
2.48%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Sep 19.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 1st (or 2nd)
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
7th (or 1st) Day]
Sep 27 1866 BCE Sunset: 18:24:38; Moonset: 18:34:48; Lag: 10min 10sec; Illum.: 1.21%.
Sep 28 1866 BCE Sunset: 18:22:40; Moonset: 18:52:49; Lag: 30min 09sec; Illum.:
5.36%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Oct 18.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((2nd,)) 3rd,)
4th, (or 5th) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((1st,)) 2nd,) 3rd,
(or 4th) Day]
Oct 27 1866 BCE Sunset: 17:25:47; Moonset: 17:35:06; Lag: 09min 19sec; Illum.:
2.82%. Oct 28 1866 BCE Sunset: 17:23:56; Moonset: 18:01:59; Lag: 38min 03sec;
Illum.: 7.91%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue Nov 17.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((4th,))) 5th,
(or 6th) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((3rd,))) 4th, (or 5th)
Nov 25 1866 BCE Sunset: 16:39:14; Moonset: 16:30:17; Lag: -08min 57sec; Illum.: 1.10%.
Nov 26 1866 BCE Sunset: 16:38:00; Moonset: 17:10:50; Lag: 32min 50sec; Illum.:
4.44%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Dec 16.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on (((5th,)) 6th,)
7th, (or 1st) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((4th,)) 5th,) 6th,
(or 7th) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 22nd day of the 7th month of the Year
of Abraham’s 99th birthday in 1866 BCE—Allows the 22nd day of the 7th
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XXII.0.08.0 (#4)).xls –
Created 5939[v2016-12-14-21:32] 09 15 2036 [2019-11-13]
§ Testing
the Day 1 Sun Sep 28, 1010 BCE total lunar eclipse (69% penumbral only! at sunrise) for potential harmony
between all of the Bible date stamps discovered not only re Saul’s visit to the
woman in Endor (1 Sam 28:13, 14, 19, 25; 31:1, 6, 12, 13; 2 Sam 1:3; cf. Table
II of the linked article,) but also re the crossing of the Jordan River
(Jos 1:11; cf. this
link) and re the three days’ journey from Mt. Sinai (Num 10: 11, 33; cf this
§ This
version (XXII.0.08.0) is created by inserting (1010 BCE [spring year thru Oct
#] – 983 BCE [XXII.0.00yr-1yr] =) 27 Scripture years into version XXII.0.00, i.e. now XXII.0.08.0. Technically by inserting 27 lines at
line 3026; then copying line 3025 into all the blank lines (lines 3026-3052)
through also line 3053; copying 2891E & F 27 lines down into 2918E & F;
editing 2891E to 1011 and 2891 F to 1010; copying 2917E & F into 2918E
& F; all while double checking that BCE 1 agrees with CE 1. Then, in cell 2891G,
correcting the date of the lunar eclipse. Afterwards adjusting the Sabbath
years in columns A, B, C, and D.
§ Per
this version, the crossing of the Jordan River is an event that occurred in the
spring of 1406 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 4th year of the 6th sabbatical
year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Gilgal horizon at ~47.72 N
~100.04 E; altitude: ~-100 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar
Feb 18 1406 BCE Sunset: 17:11:47; Moonset: 18:25:23; Lag: 73min 33sec;
Illum.: 2.09%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Feb 27. ==> 1st Day
of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
Mar 19 1406 BCE Sunset: 17:52:30; Moonset: 18:24:00; Lag: 31min 30sec; Illum.: 0.79%. ==> 10th day:
Beginning at sunset Julian ((Sun Mar 28 or)) Mon Mar 29. ==> ((2nd Day or))
3rd Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day ((1st,)) 2nd, (or 3rd) Day]
Apr 18 1406 BCE Sunset: 18:31:17; Moonset: 19:36:21; Lag: 65min 04sec;
Illum.: 1.84%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at
sunset Julian Tue Apr 27. ==> 4th Day of the week crossing. [JD-1 Day 3rd (or 4th) Day]
May 17 1406 BCE Sunset: 19:09:06; Moonset: 19:53:42; Lag: 46min 36sec; Illum.: 0.82%. ==> 10th day:
Beginning at sunset Julian (Wed May 26 or) Thu May 27. ==> (5th Day or) 6th
Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day ((4th,)) 5th, (or 6th) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the crossing of Jordan in 1406 BCE—allows an Abib 10 falling
out on the 3rd Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
occurred in the spring of 1444 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 1st year
of the 1st sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 19 1444 BCE Sunset: 18:00:13; Moonset: 19:16:09; Lag: 75min 56sec;
Illum.: 2.26%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Apr 7. ==> The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day (or 1st Day) of the week. [JD-1 Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
Apr 17 1444 BCE Sunset: 18:34:49; Moonset: 19:27:46; Lag: 52min 57sec;
Illum.: 1.44%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat May 6. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 1st Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
May 16 1444 BCE Sunset: 19:10:10; Moonset: 19:39:51; Lag: 29min 41sec; Illum.: 0.79%.
==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Jun 4, Mon Jun 5, or Tue Jun 6.
==> The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the ((2nd Day,)) 3rd Day, (or
4th Day) of the week.
[JD-1 Day ((1st,)) 2nd, (or 3rd) Day]
Jun 15 1444 BCE Sunset: 19:44:37; Moonset: 21:03:36; Lag: 78min 59sec;
Illum.: 2.93%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue Jul 4. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 4th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 3rd (or 4th) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
in 1444 BCE—allows the 20th day of the 2nd month to fall out on the 1st or on
the 4th Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus occurred in the spring of 1446 BCE. Which per this version fell
in the 6th year of the 7th sabbatical year cycle of the
50th jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 11 1446 BCE Sunset: 17:49:39; Moonset: 18:50:00; Lag: 60min 21sec;
Illum.: 1.19%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Wed Mar 25. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 5th Day or 6th
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
4th (or 5th) Day]
Apr 10 1446 BCE Sunset: 18:25:54; Moonset: 20:04:39; Lag: 99min 45sec;
Illum.: 3.45%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Apr 24.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
May 9 1446 BCE Sunset: 19:00:50; Moonset: 20:02:46; Lag: 61min 56sec;
Illum.: 1.97%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat May 23.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 1st Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 7th, (or 1st) Day]
Jun 7 1446 BCE Sunset: 19:35:51; Moonset: 19:56:36; Lag: 20min 45sec; Illum.: 0.87%.
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Jun 21.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 2nd Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((1st,))) 2nd, (or 3rd)
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus in 1446 BCE—allows the 15th day of the 2nd
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
According to this version, if
indeed Exo 16:1, 22-26, does describe a 7th Day of the week
placement, then Abib 15 of the Exodus year would fall out on the 5th
Day or 6th Day [1446-3-25,or26 4th, or 5th Day, or 1446-4-24,or25 6th, or 7ths Day] of the week.
Per this version re Jer
34:9—The last Sabbatical year prior to the destruction of the Temple in 587/586
BCE & Slaves released: 592/591 BCE was the 3rd Sabbatical year
of the 68th Jubilee cycle; Nebuchadnezzar’s 14th year,
Jehoiachin’s 6th and Zedekiah’s 6th year.
Sabbatical years as reckoned
from Creation 5 years after Josephus’ sabbatical years.
Re Luke 4:19—Acceptable year
of YHWH—fell in the 3rd year of the 6th Sabbatical cycle
of the 80th Jubilee cycle.
Crucifixion fell in the 6th
Sabbatical year of the 80th Jubilee cycle.
Re Ezra 1:1-2 and Cyrus’
decree: 534/533 BCE & 1st year of Cyrus’ reign fell in the 2nd
year of the 5th Sabbatical cycle of the 69th Jubilee
Re Neh 1:1; 2:1; 6:15; 7:73;
8:2, 14-18; 9:1, 3. The reading of the Torah in Artaxerxes’ 20th/21st
year – 446/445 BCE & 445/444 BCE: Per this version the reading of the Torah
occurred on the threshold between 6th and 7th year of the
3rd Sabbatical cycle of the 71st Jubilee cycle.
Re Jos 8:34 & the reading
of the Torah after the fall of Ai: Per this version most likely an event in the
fall following the crossing of the Jordan in 1406 BCE: Per this version an
event between the 4th and 5th years of the 6th
Sabbatical cycle of the 51st Jubilee cycle.
Re 2 Kings 22:8 & the reading of the Torah in
the 18th year of King Josiah: Per this version this pre-Passover
time reading of the Torah fell in the 3rd year of the 1st
Sabbatical cycle of the 68th Jubilee cycle.
10.Re Acts 13:14, 15
& the reading of the Torah on the Pentecost Sabbath between 30 CE and 39
CE: Per this version the 1st Sabbatical year of the 81st
Jubilee cycle, which began in the fall of 32 CE[62].
§ Re
Gen 17:1, 24 and Abraham’s 99th birthday: Per this version, the 22nd
day of the 7th month of the Year of the Eighth Day of Abraham’s 99th
birthday occurred in the fall of 1848 BCE. Which per this version fell at the
end of the 4th year and the beginning of the 5th year of
the 6th sabbatical year cycle of the 42nd jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre[63]
horizon at ~46.94ºN ~99.6ºE; altitude: ~1010 meters above mean sea level; Time
zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Aug 10 1848 BCE Sunset: 19:42:47; Moonset: 20:45:38; Lag: 62min 51sec;
Illum.: 3.01%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Aug 31.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 5th (or 6th)
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
4th (or 5th) Day]
Sep 8 1848 BCE Sunset: 19:00:38; Moonset: 19:28:33; Lag: 27min 55sec; Illum.: 1.47%. Sep 9 1848 BCE
Sunset: 18:57:40; Moonset: 19:46:36; Lag: 48min 56sec; Illum.: 5.96%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Sep 29.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((6th, ))) 7th, (or 1st) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((5th,))) 6th, (or 7th) Day]
Oct 8 1848 BCE Sunset: 18:02:48; Moonset: 18:24:33; Lag: 21min 45sec; Illum.:
3.47%. Oct 9 1848 BCE Sunset: 17:59:30; Moonset: 18:46:23; Lag: 46min 53sec;
Illum.: 9.25%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Oct 29.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((1st,))) 2nd,
(or 3rd) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((7th,))) 1st, (or 2nd) Day]
Nov 6 1848 BCE Sunset: 17:06:42; Moonset: 17:08:26; Lag: 01min 44sec; Illum.:
1.55%. Nov 7 1848 BCE Sunset: 17:05:00; Moonset: 17:37:45; Lag: 32min 45sec; Illum.:
5.74%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Nov 27.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on (((2nd,)) 3rd,)
4th, (or 5th) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((1st,)) 2nd,) 3rd,
(or 4th) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 22nd day of the 7th month of the Year
of Abraham’s 99th birthday in 1848 BCE—Allows the 22nd day of the 7th
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XXII.0.08.1 (#4)).xls –
Created 5939[v2016-12-14-21:32] 09 14 2036 [2019-11-12]
§ Testing
the Day 1 Sun Sep 28, 1010 BCE total lunar eclipse (69% penumbral only! at sunrise) for potential harmony
between all of the Bible date stamps discovered not only re Saul’s visit to the
woman in Endor (1 Sam 28:13, 14, 19, 25; 31:1, 6, 12, 13; 2 Sam 1:3; cf. Table
II of the linked article,) but also re the crossing of the Jordan River
(Jos 1:11; cf. this
link) and re the three days’ journey from Mt. Sinai (Num 10: 11, 33; cf this
§ This
version (XXII.0.08) is created by inserting (1009 BCE [spring year #] – 983 BCE
[XXII.0.00yr-1yr] =) 26 Scripture years into version XXII.0.00, i.e. now XXII.0.08. Technically by inserting 26 lines at
line 3026; then copying line 3025 into all the blank lines (lines 3026-3051)
through also line 3052; copying 2891E & F 26 lines down into 2917E & F;
editing 2891E to 1010 and 2891 F to 1009; copying 2916E & F into 2917E
& F; all while double checking that BCE 1 agrees with CE 1. Then, in cell
2891G, correcting the date of the lunar eclipse. Afterwards adjusting the
Sabbath years in columns A, B, C, and D.
§ Per
this version, the crossing of the Jordan River is an event that occurred in the
spring of 1405 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 4th year of the 6th
sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Gilgal horizon at ~47.72 N
~100.04 E; altitude: ~-100 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar
Feb 7 1405 BCE Sunset: 16:55:26; Moonset: 18:06:04; Lag: 70min 38sec;
Illum.: 2.14%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Feb 16. ==> 5th Day
of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 4th (or 5th) Day]
Mar 8 1405 BCE Sunset: 17:38:34; Moonset: 19:11:22; Lag: 92min 48sec;
Illum.: 3.13%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Mar 17. ==>
7th Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
Apr 6 1405 BCE Sunset: 18:16:52; Moonset: 19:09:34; Lag: 52min 42sec;
Illum.: 1.34%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Apr 15. ==>
1st Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
May 6 1405 BCE Sunset: 18:55:37; Moonset: 20:21:13; Lag: 85min 36sec;
Illum.: 2.41%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon May 15. ==>
3rd Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 2nd (or 3rd) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the crossing of Jordan in 1405 BCE—allows an Abib 10 falling
out on the 3rd Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
occurred in the spring of 1443 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 1st year
of the 1st sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 9 1443 BCE Sunset: 17:47:29; Moonset: 19:26:47; Lag: 99min 18sec;
Illum.: 3.54%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Mar 28. ==> The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 5th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 4th (or 5th) Day]
Apr 7 1443 BCE Sunset: 18:22:41; Moonset: 19:38:15; Lag: 75min 34sec;
Illum.: 2.30%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Apr 26. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 6th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 5th (or 6th) Day]
May 6 1443 BCE Sunset: 18:57:30; Moonset: 19:52:26; Lag: 54min 56sec;
Illum.: 1.39%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri May 25 or Sat
May 26. ==> The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day, or 1st
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
6th (or 7th) Day]
Jun 5 1443 BCE Sunset: 19:33:58; Moonset: 21:28:24; Lag: 114min 26sec;
Illum.: 4.45%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Jun 24. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 2nd Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 1st (or 2nd) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
in 1443 BCE—allows the 20th day of the 2nd month to fall out on the 1st [or 4th] Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus occurred in the spring of 1445 BCE. Which per this version fell
in the 6th year of the 7th sabbatical year cycle of the
50th jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 29 1445 BCE Sunset: 18:12:34; Moonset: 19:07:38; Lag: 55min 04sec;
Illum.: 1.34%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Tue Apr 12. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 4th Day (or 5th
Day) of the week. [JD-1
Day 3rd (or 4th) Day]
Apr 28 1445 BCE Sunset: 18:48:18; Moonset: 20:31:44; Lag: 103min 26sec;
Illum.: 4.11%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu May 12 or ((Fri May 13.)) The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 6th Day ((or 7th
Day)) of the week. [JD-1
Day 5th (or 6th) Day]
May 27 1445 BCE Sunset: 19:24:01; Moonset: 20:33:46; Lag: 69min 45sec;
Illum.: 2.58%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Jun 10.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
Jun 25 1445 BCE Sunset: 19:52:53; Moonset: 20:25:53; Lag: 33min 00sec;
Illum.: 1.24%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Jul 9.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 1st Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus in 1445 BCE—allows the 15th day of the 2nd
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
According to this version, if
indeed Exo 16:1, 22-26, does describe a 7th Day of the week
placement, then Abib 15 of the Exodus year would fall out on 1445-4-12,or13 or 5-12,or13 4th Day (5th
Day,) 6th Day, ((or 7th Day)) [1445-5-12,or13
5th, (or 6th) Day] of the week.
Per this version re Jer
34:9—The last Sabbatical year prior to the destruction of the Temple in 587/586
BCE & Slaves released: 591/590 BCE was the 3rd Sabbatical year
of the 68th Jubilee cycle; Nebuchadnezzar’s 15th year,
Jehoiachin’s 7th and Zedekiah’s 7th year.
Sabbatical years as reckoned
from Creation 6 years after Josephus’ sabbatical years.
Re Luke 4:19—Acceptable year
of YHWH—fell in the 2nd year of the 6th Sabbatical cycle
of the 80th Jubilee cycle.
Crucifixion fell in the 6th
year of the 6th Sabbatical year of the 80th Jubilee
Re Ezra 1:1-2 and Cyrus’
decree: 534/533 BCE & 1st year of Cyrus’ reign fell in the 1st
year of the 5th Sabbatical cycle of the 69th Jubilee
Re Neh 1:1; 2:1; 6:15; 7:73;
8:2, 14-18; 9:1, 3. The reading of the Torah in Artaxerxes’ 20th/21st
year – 446/445 BCE & 445/444 BCE: Per this version the reading of the Torah
occurred on the threshold between 5th and 6th year of the
3rd Sabbatical cycle of the 71st Jubilee cycle.
Re Jos 8:34 & the reading
of the Torah after the fall of Ai: Per this version most likely an event in the
fall following the crossing of the Jordan in 1405 BCE: Per this version an
event between the 4th and 5th years of the 6th
Sabbatical cycle of the 51st Jubilee cycle.
Re 2 Kings 22:8 & the reading of the Torah in
the 18th year of King Josiah: Per this version this pre-Passover
time reading of the Torah fell in the 2nd year of the 1st
Sabbatical cycle of the 68th Jubilee cycle.
10.Re Acts 13:14, 15
& the reading of the Torah on the Pentecost Sabbath between 30 CE and 39
CE: Per this version the 1st Sabbatical year of the 81st
Jubilee cycle, which began in the fall of 33 CE[64].
§ Re
Gen 17:1, 24 and Abraham’s 99th birthday: Per this version, the 22nd
day of the 7th month of the Year of the Eighth Day of Abraham’s 99th
birthday occurred in the fall of 1847 BCE. Which per this version fell at the
end of the 4th year and the beginning of the 5th year of
the 6th sabbatical year cycle of the 42nd jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre[65]
horizon at ~46.94ºN ~99.6ºE; altitude: ~1010 meters above mean sea level; Time
zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Aug 29 1847 BCE Sunset: 19:16:51; Moonset: 19:50:56; Lag: 34min 05sec;
Illum.: 2.54%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue Sep 19.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 4th (or 5th)
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
3rd (or 4th) Day]
Sep 27 1847 BCE Sunset: 18:23:50; Moonset: 18:29:37; Lag: 05min 47sec; Illum.: 1.12%.
Sep 28 1847 BCE Sunset: 18:21:52; Moonset: 18:47:58; Lag: 26min 06sec; Illum.: 5.19%. Sep 29 1847 BCE
Sunset: 18:19:52; Moonset: 19:08:49; Lag: 48min 57sec; Illum.: 11.95%. 22nd day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Wed Oct 18. The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((5th,) 6th,))
7th, (or 1st) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((4th,) 5th,)) 6th,
(or 7th) Day]
Oct 27 1847 BCE Sunset: 17:25:02; Moonset: 17:33:10; Lag: 08min 08sec; Illum.:
3.03%. Oct 28 1847 BCE Sunset: 17:23:10; Moonset: 18:03:42; Lag: 40min 32sec;
Illum.: 8.65%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Nov 17.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((7th,))) 1st,
(or 2nd) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((6th,))) 7th, (or 1st)
Nov 25 1847 BCE Sunset: 16:38:42; Moonset: 16:33:56; Lag: -04min 46sec; Illum.:
1.40%. Nov 26 1847 BCE Sunset: 16:37:30; Moonset: 17:22:20; Lag: 44min 50sec;
Illum.: 5.56%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Dec 16.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on (((1st,))) 2nd,
(or 3rd) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((7th,))) 1st, (or 2nd) Day.]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 22nd day of the 7th month of the Year
of Abraham’s 99th birthday in 1847 BCE—Allows the 22nd day of the 7th
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XXII.0.07).xls – Created 5939[v2016-12-14-21:32] 09 14 2036 [2019-11-12]
§ Testing
the Day 1 Sun Jan 21, 1006 BCE partial lunar eclipse (66% at sunrise) for
potential harmony between all of the Bible date stamps discovered not only re
Saul’s visit to the woman in Endor (1 Sam 28:13, 14, 19, 25; 31:1, 6, 12, 13; 2
Sam 1:3; cf. Table
II of the linked article,) but also re the crossing of the Jordan River
(Jos 1:11; cf. this
link) and re the three days’ journey from Mt. Sinai (Num 10: 11, 33; cf this
§ This
version (XXII.0.07) is created by inserting (1006 BCE [spring year #] – 983 BCE
[XXII.0.00yr-1yr] =) 23 Scripture years into version XXII.0.00, i.e. now XXII.0.07. Technically by inserting 23 lines at
line 3026; then copying line 3025 into all the blank lines (lines 3026-3048)
through also line 3049; copying 2891E & F 23 lines down into 2914E & F;
editing 2891E to 1007 and 2891 F to 1006; copying 2913E & F into 2914E
& F; all while double checking that BCE 1 agrees with CE 1. Then, in cell
2891G, correcting the date of the lunar eclipse. Afterwards adjusting the
Sabbath years in columns A, B, C, and D.
§ Per
this version, the crossing of the Jordan River is an event that occurred in the
spring of 1402 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 4th year of the 6th
sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Gilgal horizon at ~47.72 N
~100.04 E; altitude: ~-100 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar
Feb 4 1402 BCE Sunset: 16:31:35; Moonset: 18:43:01; Lag: 131min 26sec;
Illum.: 4.22%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Feb 13. ==> 6th Day
of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 5th (or 6th) Day]
Mar 5 1402 BCE Sunset: 17:33:23; Moonset: 19:00:38; Lag: 87min 15sec;
Illum.: 2.42%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Mar 14. ==>
7th Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
Apr 3 1402 BCE Sunset: 18:12:07; Moonset: 19:13:32; Lag: 61min 25sec; Illum.: 1.12%. ==> 10th day:
Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Apr 12. ==> (((1st,))) 2nd,
(or 3rd) Day of the week crossing. [JD-1 Day (((7th,))) 1st, (or 2nd)
May 3 1402 BCE Sunset: 18:50:44; Moonset: 20:44:11; Lag: 115min 25sec;
Illum.: 2.89%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon May 12. ==>
3rd Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 2nd (or 3rd) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the crossing of Jordan in 1402 BCE—allows an Abib 10 falling
out on the 3rd Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
occurred in the spring of 1440 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 1st year
of the 1st sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 5 1440 BCE Sunset: 17:42:42; Moonset: 19:12:16; Lag: 89min 34sec;
Illum.: 2.74%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at
sunset Julian Wed Mar 24. ==> The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the
5th Day of the week. [JD-1
Day 4th (or 5th) Day]
Apr 3 1440 BCE Sunset: 18:18:16; Moonset: 19:10:58; Lag: 52min 42sec; Illum.: 0.99%. ==> 20th day:
Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Apr 22. ==> The 20th day of the 2nd month
fell out on the 6th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((5th,))) 6th, (or 7th)
May 3 1440 BCE Sunset: 18:54:10; Moonset: 20:19:18; Lag: 85min 08sec;
Illum.: 1.86%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat May 22. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 1st Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
Jun 1 1440 BCE Sunset: 19:29:44; Moonset: 21:27:45; Lag: 118min 01sec;
Illum.: 2.05%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Jun 20 The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 2nd Day of the
week. [JD-1 Day 1st (or 2nd) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
in 1440 BCE—allows the 20th day of the 2nd month to fall out on the 1st [or 4th] Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus occurred in the spring of 1442 BCE. Which per this version fell
in the 6th year of the 7th sabbatical year cycle of the
50th jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Feb 26 1442 BCE Sunset: 17:32:53; Moonset: 18:42:48; Lag: 69min 55sec;
Illum.: 2.09%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Tue Mar 12. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 4th Day (or 5th
Day) of the week. [JD-1
Day 3rd (or 4th) Day]
Mar 27 1442 BCE Sunset: 18:09:18; Moonset: 18:47:05; Lag: 37min 47sec; Illum.: 0.88%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian (((Wed Apr 10 or))) Thu Apr 11 (or Fri Apr
12.) The 15th day of
the 2nd month fell out on the (((5th Day or))) 6th
Day (or 7th Day) of the week. [JD-1 Day (((4th,))) 5th, (or 6th)
Apr 26 1442 BCE Sunset: 18:45:00; Moonset: 20:07:57; Lag: 82min 57sec;
Illum.: 2.37%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri May 10.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
May 25 1442 BCE Sunset: 19:20:42; Moonset: 20:24:07; Lag: 63min 25sec;
Illum.: 1.35%. 15th day:
Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Jun 8. The 15th day of
the 2nd month fell out on the 1st Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
Jun 24 1442 BCE Sunset: 19:51:42; Moonset: 21:46:14; Lag: 114min 32sec;
Illum.: 4.39%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon Jul 8.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 3rd Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 2nd (or 3rd) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus in 1442 BCE—allows the 15th day of the 2nd
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
According to this version, if
indeed Exo 16:1, 22-26, does describe a 7th Day of the week
placement, then Abib 15 of the Exodus year would fall out on 1442-4-11,12,or13 ((4th Day, (5th Day,))) 6th
Day, (or 7th Day) [1442-4-11,or12
5th or 6th Day or 1442-5-10,or11 6th or 7th Day]
of the week.
Per this version re Jer
34:9—The last Sabbatical year prior to the destruction of the Temple in 587/586
BCE & Slaves released: 588/587 BCE was the 3rd Sabbatical year
of the 68th Jubilee cycle; Nebuchadnezzar’s 18th year,
Jehoiachin’s 10th and Zedekiah’s 10th year.
Sabbatical years as reckoned
from Creation 2 years after Josephus’ sabbatical years.
Re Luke 4:19—Acceptable year
of YHWH—fell in the 6th year of the 5th Sabbatical cycle
of the 80th Jubilee cycle.
Crucifixion fell in the 3rd
year of the 6th Sabbatical year of the 80th Jubilee cycle.
Re Ezra 1:1-2 and Cyrus’
decree: 534/533 BCE & 1st year of Cyrus’ reign fell in the 5th
year of the 4th Sabbatical cycle of the 69th Jubilee
Re Neh 1:1; 2:1; 6:15; 7:73;
8:2, 14-18; 9:1, 3. The reading of the Torah in Artaxerxes’ 20th/21st
year – 446/445 BCE & 445/444 BCE: Per this version the reading of the Torah
occurred on the threshold between 2nd and 3rd year of the
3rd Sabbatical cycle of the 71st Jubilee cycle.
Re Jos 8:34 & the reading
of the Torah after the fall of Ai: Per this version most likely an event in the
fall following the crossing of the Jordan in 1402 BCE: Per this version an
event between the 4th and 5th years of the 6th
Sabbatical cycle of the 51st Jubilee cycle.
Re 2 Kings 22:8 & the reading of the Torah in
the 18th year of King Josiah: Per this version this pre-Passover
time reading of the Torah fell in the 6th year of the 7th
Sabbatical cycle of the 67th Jubilee cycle.
10.Re Acts 13:14, 15
& the reading of the Torah on the Pentecost Sabbath between 30 CE and 39
CE: Per this version either the 80th Jubilee year or the 1st
Sabbatical year of the 81st Jubilee cycle, which years began in the
falls of 29 and 36 CE respectively[66].
§ Re
Gen 17:1, 24 and Abraham’s 99th birthday: Per this version, the 22nd
day of the 7th month of the Year of the Eighth Day of Abraham’s 99th
birthday occurred in the fall of 1844 BCE. Which per this version fell at the
end of the 4th year and the beginning of the 5th year of
the 6th sabbatical year cycle of the 42nd jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre[67]
horizon at ~46.94ºN ~99.6ºE; altitude: ~1010 meters above mean sea level; Time
zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Aug 25 1844 BCE Sunset: 19:22:38; Moonset: 19:24:00; Lag: 01min 22sec; Illum.:
1.27%. Aug 26 1844 BCE Sunset: 19:21:07; Moonset: 19:41:40; Lag: 20min 33sec; Illum.:
4.24%. Aug 27 1844 BCE Sunset: 19:19:34; Moonset: 19:58:40; Lag: 29min 06sec; Illum.:
8.89%. Aug 28 1844 BCE Sunset: 19:18:00; Moonset: 20:16:04; Lag: 58min 04sec;
Illum.: 8.89%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue Sep 15.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((4th, 5th,
6th,))) 7th, (or 1st) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((3rd, 4th, 5th,)))
6th, (or 7th) Day]
Sep 24 1844 BCE Sunset: 18:29:12; Moonset: 18:23:35; Lag: -05min 37sec; Illum.:
1.85%. Sep
25 1844 BCE Sunset: 18:27:15; Moonset: 18:42:15; Lag: 15min 00sec; Illum.: 5.23%. Sep 26 1844 BCE Sunset:
18:25:17; Moonset: 19:03:15; Lag: 37min 58sec; Illum.: 10.39%. 22nd day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Thu Oct 15. The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((6th, 7th,)))
1st, (or 2nd) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((5th, 6th,))) 7th, (or 1st) Day]
Oct 24 1844 BCE Sunset: 17:30:09; Moonset: 17:33:12; Lag: 03min 03sec; Illum.:
2.51%. Oct 25 1844 BCE Sunset: 17:28:17; Moonset: 18:02:34; Lag: 34min 17sec;
Illum.: 6.56%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Nov 14.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((1st,))) 2nd,
(or 3rd) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((7th,))) 1st, (or 2nd) Day]
Nov 23 1844 BCE Sunset: 16:40:54; Moonset: 17:22:56; Lag: 42min 02sec;
Illum.: 3.62%. 22nd day:
Beginning at sunset Julian Mon Dec 14. The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on 3rd, (or 4th)
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
2nd (or 3rd) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 22nd day of the 7th month of the Year
of Abraham’s 99th birthday in 1844 BCE—Allows the 22nd day of the 7th
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XXII.0.06.0 (#3)).xls –
Created 5939[v2016-12-14-21:32] 09 15 2036 [2019-11-13]
§ Added
a year zero (0) to the reigns of Saul and David.
§ Added
a reverse count from the beginning of David’s reign to the 490th
year prior to Darius’ decree
§ Added
a reverse count from the year of Darius’ decree towards the 490th
year prior.
§ Testing
the Day 7 Sat Sep 7, 1000 BCE total lunar eclipse (47% at sunrise) for
potential harmony between all of the Bible date stamps discovered not only re
Saul’s visit to the woman in Endor (1 Sam 28:13, 14, 19, 25; 31:1, 6, 12, 13; 2
Sam 1:3; cf. Table
II of the linked article,) but also re the crossing of the Jordan River
(Jos 1:11; cf. this
link) and re the three days’ journey from Mt. Sinai (Num 10: 11, 33; cf this
§ This
version (XXII.0.06.0) is created by inserting (1000 BCE [spring year thru Oct
#] – 983 BCE [XXII.0.00yr-1yr] =) 17 Scripture years into version XXII.0.00, i.e. now XXII.0.06.0. Technically by inserting 17 lines at
line 3026; then copying line 3025 into all the blank lines (lines 3026-3042)
through also line 3043; copying 2891E & F 17 lines down into 2908E & F;
editing 2891E to 1001 and 2891 F to 1000; copying 2907E & F into 2908E
& F; all while double checking that BCE 1 agrees with CE 1. Then, in cell
2891G, correcting the date of the lunar eclipse. Afterwards adjusting the
Sabbath years in columns A, B, C, and D.
§ Per
this version, the crossing of the Jordan River is an event that occurred in the
spring of 1396 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 4th year of the 6th
sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Gilgal horizon at ~47.72 N
~100.04 E; altitude: ~-100 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar
Feb 26 1396 BCE Sunset: 17:24:16; Moonset: 18:32:09; Lag: 67min 53sec; Illum.: 1.00%. ==> 10th day:
Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Mar 7. ==> (((1st,))) 2nd, (or 3rd)
Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day (((7th,)))
1st, (or 2nd) Day]
Mar 28 1396 BCE Sunset: 18:05:09; Moonset: 19:23:35; Lag: 78min 26sec;
Illum.: 1.77%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon Apr 6. ==>
3rd Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 2nd (or 3rd) Day]
Apr 27 1396 BCE Sunset: 18:43:42; Moonset: 20:38:36; Lag: 114min 54sec;
Illum.: 2.88%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed May 6. ==>
5th Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 4th (or 5th) Day]
May 26 1396 BCE Sunset: 19:21:37; Moonset: 20:34:49; Lag: 73min 12sec;
Illum.: 1.33%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Jun 4. ==>
6th Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 5th (or 6th) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the crossing of Jordan in 1396 BCE—allows an Abib 10 falling
out on the 3rd Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
occurred in the spring of 1434 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 1st year
of the 1st sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 29 1434 BCE Sunset: 18:11:50; Moonset: 19:50:30; Lag: 98min 40sec;
Illum.: 2.29%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Apr 17. ==> The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 1st Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
Apr 27 1434 BCE Sunset: 18:46:20; Moonset: 20:05:34; Lag: 79min 14sec;
Illum.: 1.35%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun May 16. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 2nd Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 1st (or 2nd) Day]
May 27 1434 BCE Sunset: 19:23:16; Moonset: 21:33:08; Lag: 119min 52sec;
Illum.: 4.34%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue Jun 15. ==> The
20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 4th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 3rd (or 4th) Day]
Jun 25 1434 BCE Sunset: 19:52:28; Moonset: 21:12:08; Lag: 79min 40sec;
Illum.: 3.02%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Jul 14. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 5th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 4th (or 5th) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
in 1434 BCE—allows the 20th day of the 2nd month to fall out on the 1st or on
the 4th Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus occurred in the spring of 1436 BCE. Which per this version fell
in the 6th year of the 7th sabbatical year cycle of the
50th jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Feb 19 1436 BCE Sunset: 17:25:39; Moonset: 18:56:53; Lag: 91min 14sec;
Illum.: 2.22%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Wed Mar 5. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 5th Day (or 6th
Day) of the week. [JD-1
Day 4th (or 5th) Day]
Mar 20 1436 BCE Sunset: 17:50:41; Moonset: 19:12:58; Lag: 82min 17sec;
Illum.: 1.25%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Apr 3 or Fri Apr 4. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 6th Day or 7th
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
5th (or 6th) Day]
Apr 19 1436 BCE Sunset: 18:26:56; Moonset: 20:56:07; Lag: 149min 11sec;
Illum.: 4.20%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat May 3.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 1st Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
May 18 1436 BCE Sunset: 19:01:56; Moonset: 21:11:37; Lag: 129min 41sec;
Illum.: 2.79%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Jun 1.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 2nd Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 1st (or 2nd) Day]
Jun 16 1436 BCE Sunset: 19:45:40; Moonset: 21:08:04; Lag: 82min 24sec;
Illum.: 1.86%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon Jun 30.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 3rd Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 2nd (or 3rd) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus in 1436 BCE—allows the 15th day of the 2nd
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
According to this version, if
indeed Exo 16:1, 22-26, does describe a 7th Day of the week
placement, then Abib 15 of the Exodus year would fall out on the ((5th
Day (or the 6th Day))) [1436-4-3,or4
5th or 6th Day] of the week, but not after
the Eta Aquariids.
Per this version re Jer
34:9—The last Sabbatical year prior to the destruction of the Temple in 587/586
BCE & Slaves released: 589/588 BCE was the 2nd Sabbatical year
of the 68th Jubilee cycle; Nebuchadnezzar’s 17th year,
Jehoiachin’s 9th and Zedekiah’s 9th year.
Sabbatical years as reckoned
from Creation 1 year after Josephus’ sabbatical years.
Re Luke 4:19—Acceptable year
of YHWH—fell in the 4th Sabbatical year of the 80th
Jubilee cycle.
Crucifixion fell in the 4th
year of the 5th Sabbatical year of the 80th Jubilee
Re Ezra 1:1-2 and Cyrus’
decree: 534/533 BCE & 1st year of Cyrus’ reign fell in the 6th
year of the 3rd Sabbatical cycle of the 69th Jubilee
Re Neh 1:1; 2:1; 6:15; 7:73;
8:2, 14-18; 9:1, 3. The reading of the Torah in Artaxerxes’ 20th/21st
year – 446/445 BCE & 445/444 BCE: Per this version the reading of the Torah
occurred on the threshold between 3rd and 4th year of the
2nd Sabbatical cycle of the 71st Jubilee cycle.
Re Jos 8:34 & the reading
of the Torah after the fall of Ai: Per this version most likely an event in the
fall following the crossing of the Jordan in 1396 BCE: Per this version an
event between the 4th and 5th years of the 6th
Sabbatical cycle of the 51st Jubilee cycle.
Re 2 Kings 22:8 & the reading of the Torah in
the 18th year of King Josiah: Per this version this pre-Passover
time reading of the Torah fell in the 6th Sabbatical year of the 67th
Jubilee cycle.
10.Re Acts 13:14, 15
& the reading of the Torah on the Pentecost Sabbath between 30 CE and 39
CE: Per this version the 80th Jubilee year, which year began in the
fall of 35 CE[68].
§ Re
Gen 17:1, 24 and Abraham’s 99th birthday: Per this version, the 22nd
day of the 7th month of the Year of the Eighth Day of Abraham’s 99th
birthday occurred in the fall of 1838 BCE. Which per this version fell at the
end of the 4th year and the beginning of the 5th year of
the 6th sabbatical year cycle of the 42nd jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre[69]
horizon at ~46.94ºN ~99.6ºE; altitude: ~1010 meters above mean sea level; Time
zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Aug 20 1838 BCE Sunset: 19:30:25; Moonset: 19:59:11; Lag: 28min 46sec; Illum.:
2.70%. Aug 21 1838 BCE Sunset: 19:29:03; Moonset: 20:52:36; Lag: 83min 33sec;
Illum.: 7.76%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Sep 10.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the ((6th,)) 7th,
(or 1st) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day ((5th,)) 6th, (or 7th) Day]
Sep 18 1838 BCE Sunset: 18:41:40; Moonset: 19:02:52; Lag: 21min 12sec; Illum.:
1.21%. Sep 19 1838 BCE Sunset: 18:39:45; Moonset: 19:35:19; Lag: 55min 34sec;
Illum.: 5.34%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Oct 9.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((7th,))) 1st,
(or 2nd) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((6th,))) 7th, (or 1st)
Oct 18 1838 BCE Sunset: 17:42:35; Moonset: 18:38:00; Lag: 55min 25sec;
Illum.: 3.18%. 22nd
day: Beginnindg at sunset Julian Sun Nov 8.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 2nd (or 3rd)
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
1st (or 2nd) Day]
Nov 16 1838 BCE Sunset: 16:51:18; Moonset: 17:46:22; Lag: 55min 04sec;
Illum.: 1.49%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon Dec 7.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on 3rd (or 4th)
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
2nd (or 3rd) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 22nd day of the 7th month of the Year
of Abraham’s 99th birthday in 1838 BCE—Allows the 22nd day of the 7th
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XXII.0.06.1 (#3)).xls –
Created 5939[v2016-12-14-21:32] 09 14 2036 [2019-11-12]
§ Testing
the Day 7 Sat Sep 7, 1000 BCE total lunar eclipse (47% at sunrise) for
potential harmony between all of the Bible date stamps discovered not only re
Saul’s visit to the woman in Endor (1 Sam 28:13, 14, 19, 25; 31:1, 6, 12, 13; 2
Sam 1:3; cf. Table
II of the linked article,) but also re the crossing of the Jordan River
(Jos 1:11; cf. this
link) and re the three days’ journey from Mt. Sinai (Num 10: 11, 33; cf this
§ This
version (XXII.0.06) is created by inserting (999 BCE [spring year #] – 983 BCE
[XXII.0.00yr-1yr] =) 16 Scripture years into version XXII.0.00, i.e. now XXII.0.06. Technically by inserting 16 lines at
line 3026; then copying line 3025 into all the blank lines (lines 3026-3041)
through also line 3042; copying 2891E & F 16 lines down into 2907E & F;
editing 2891E to 1000 and 2891 F to 999; copying 2906E & F into 2907E &
F; all while double checking that BCE 1 agrees with CE 1. Then, in cell 2891G, correcting
the date of the lunar eclipse. Afterwards adjusting the Sabbath years in columns A, B, C, and D.
§ Per
this version, the crossing of the Jordan River is an event that occurred in the
spring of 1395 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 4th year of the 6th
sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Gilgal horizon at ~47.72 N
~100.04 E; altitude: ~-100 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar
Feb 16 1395 BCE Sunset: 17:09:25; Moonset: 19:19:19; Lag: 129min 54sec;
Illum.: 3.73%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at
sunset Julian Thu Feb 25. ==> 6th Day of the week crossing. [JD-1 Day 5th (or 6th) Day]
Mar 17 1395 BCE Sunset: 17:50:22; Moonset: 19:17:05; Lag: 86min 43sec;
Illum.: 1.70%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Mar 26. ==>
7th Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
Apr 16 1395 BCE Sunset: 18:29:14; Moonset: 20:17:28; Lag: 118min 14sec;
Illum.: 2.70%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at
sunset Julian Sun Apr 25. ==> 2nd (or 3rd Day)of the week crossing. [JD-1 Day 1st (or 2nd) Day]
May 15 1395 BCE Sunset: 19:06:59; Moonset: 20:10:44; Lag: 63min 15sec; Illum.: 1.05%. ==> 10th day:
Beginning at sunset Julian (((Mon May 24,))) Tue 26, (or Wed 27.) ==> (((3rd,)))
4th, (or 5th) Day of the week crossing. [JD-1 Day (((2nd,))) 3rd (or 4th)
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the crossing of Jordan in 1395 BCE—allows an Abib 10 falling
out on the 3rd Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
occurred in the spring of 1433 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 1st year
of the 1st sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 17 1433 BCE Sunset: 17:58:13; Moonset: 19:04:28; Lag: 66min 15sec; Illum.: 1.06%. ==> 20th day:
Beginning at sunset Julian ((Wed Apr 5 or)) Thu Apr 6. ==> The 20th day of
the 2nd month fell out on the ((5th Day,)) or 6th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day ((4th,)) 5th, (or 6th) Day]
Apr 16 1433 BCE Sunset: 18:34:04; Moonset: 20:18:28; Lag: 104min 24sec;
Illum.: 2.51%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri May 5. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day ((or 1st Day)) of the
week. [JD-1 Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
May 15 1433 BCE Sunset: 19:09:24; Moonset: 20:25:54; Lag: 76min 30sec;
Illum.: 1.38%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Jun 3. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 1st Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
Jun 14 1433 BCE Sunset: 19:44:03; Moonset: 21:20:54; Lag: 96min 51sec;
Illum.: 4.17%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon Jul 3. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 3rd Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 2nd (or 3rd) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
in 1433 BCE—allows the 20th day of the 2nd month to fall out on the 1st [((or 4th))]
Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus occurred in the spring of 1435 BCE. Which per this version fell
in the 6th year of the 7th sabbatical year cycle of the
50th jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 10 1435 BCE Sunset: 17:48:52; Moonset: 19:23:34; Lag: 94min 42sec;
Illum.: 2.16%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Tue Mar 24. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 4th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 3rd (or 4th) Day]
Apr 8 1435 BCE Sunset: 18:23:59; Moonset: 19:40:08; Lag: 77min 09sec;
Illum.: 1.33%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Apr 22.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 5th Day (or 6th
Day) of the week. [JD-1
Day 4th (or 5th) Day]
May 8 1435 BCE Sunset: 19:00:05; Moonset: 21:24:39; Lag: 144min 34sec;
Illum.: 4.44%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri May 22.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
Jun 6 1435 BCE Sunset: 19:35:13; Moonset: 21:25:58; Lag: 110min 43sec;
Illum.: 3.05%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Jun 20.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 1st Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus in 1435 BCE—allows the 15th day of the 2nd
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
According to this version, if
indeed Exo 16:1, 22-26, does describe a 7th Day of the week
placement, then Abib 15 of the Exodus year would fall out on 1435-4-22,or23 5th
Day (or the 6th Day) [1435-4-22,or23 4th or 5th Day] of the
Per this version re Jer
34:9—The last Sabbatical year prior to the destruction of the Temple in 587/586
BCE & Slaves released: 588/587 BCE was the 1st Sabbatical year
of the 68th Jubilee cycle; Nebuchadnezzar’s 18th year,
Jehoiachin’s 10th and Zedekiah’s 10th year.
Sabbatical years as reckoned
from Creation 2 years after Josephus’ sabbatical years.
Re Luke 4:19—Acceptable year
of YHWH—fell in 6th year of the 4th Sabbatical cycle of
the 80th Jubilee cycle.
Crucifixion fell in the 3rd
year of the 5th Sabbatical year of the 80th Jubilee
Re Ezra 1:1-2 and Cyrus’
decree: 534/533 BCE & 1st year of Cyrus’ reign fell in the 5th
year of the 3rd Sabbatical cycle of the 69th Jubilee
Re Neh 1:1; 2:1; 6:15; 7:73;
8:2, 14-18; 9:1, 3. The reading of the Torah in Artaxerxes’ 20th/21st
year – 446/445 BCE & 445/444 BCE: Per this version the reading of the Torah
occurred on the threshold between 2nd and 3rd year of the
2nd Sabbatical cycle of the 71st Jubilee cycle.
Re Jos 8:34 & the reading
of the Torah after the fall of Ai: Per this version most likely an event in the
fall following the crossing of the Jordan in 1395 BCE: Per this version an
event between the 4th and 5th years of the 6th
Sabbatical cycle of the 51st Jubilee cycle.
Re 2 Kings 22:8 & the reading of the Torah in
the 18th year of King Josiah: Per this version this pre-Passover
time reading of the Torah fell in the 6th year of the 6th
Sabbatical cycle of the 67th Jubilee cycle.
10.Re Acts 13:14, 15
& the reading of the Torah on the Pentecost Sabbath between 30 CE and 39
CE: Per this version either the 6th Sabbatical of the 80th
Jubilee cycle or the 80th Jubilee year, which years began in the
falls of 29 and 36 CE respectively[70].
§ Re
Gen 17:1, 24 and Abraham’s 99th birthday: Per this version, the 22nd
day of the 7th month of the Year of the Eighth Day of Abraham’s 99th
birthday occurred in the fall of 1837 BCE. Which per this version fell at the
end of the 4th year and the beginning of the 5th year of
the 6th sabbatical year cycle of the 42nd jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre[71]
horizon at ~46.94ºN ~99.6ºE; altitude: ~1010 meters above mean sea level; Time
zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Aug 8 1837 BCE Sunset: 19:43:45; Moonset: 20:05:00; Lag: 21min 15sec; Illum.:
1.33%. Aug 9 1837 BCE Sunset: 19:42:44; Moonset: 20:39:04; Lag: 56min 20sec;
Illum.: 4.74%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon Aug 29.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((3rd, or))) 4th,
(or 5th) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((2nd, or))) 3rd, (or 4th)
Sep 7 1837 BCE Sunset: 19:00:37; Moonset: 19:41:43; Lag: 41min 06sec;
Illum.: 2.57%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Sep 28.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 5th (or 6th)
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
4th (or 5th) Day]
Oct 6 1837 BCE Sunset: 18:04:47; Moonset: 18:39:43; Lag: 34min 56sec; Illum.: 1.05%.
Oct 7 1837 BCE Sunset: 18:02:49; Moonset: 19:09:45; Lag: 66min 56sec; Illum.:
4.76%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Oct 27.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((6th, or))) 7th,
(or 1st) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((5th,))) 6th, (or 7th) Day]
Nov 5 1837 BCE Sunset: 17:07:50; Moonset: 18:13:12; Lag: 65min 22sec;
Illum.: 2.69%. 22nd day:
Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Nov 26. The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 1st, (or 2nd) Day of
the week. [JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 22nd day of the 7th month of the Year
of Abraham’s 99th birthday in 1837 BCE—Allows the 22nd day of the 7th
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XXII.0.05.0 (#2)).xls –
Created 5939[v2016-12-14-21:32] 09 15 2036 [2019-11-13]
§ Testing
the Day 4 Wed Aug 27, 999 BCE partial lunar eclipse (36% at sunrise) for
potential harmony between all of the Bible date stamps discovered not only re
Saul’s visit to the woman in Endor (1 Sam 28:13, 14, 19, 25; 31:1, 6, 12, 13; 2
Sam 1:3; cf. Table
II of the linked article,) but also re the crossing of the Jordan River
(Jos 1:11; cf. this
link) and re the three days’ journey from Mt. Sinai (Num 10: 11, 33; cf this
§ This
version (XXII.0.05.0) is created by inserting (999 BCE [spring year thru Oct #]
– 983 BCE [XXII.0.00yr-1yr] =) 16 Scripture years into version XXII.0.00, i.e. now XXII.0.05.0. Technically by inserting 16 lines at
line 3026; then copying line 3025 into all the blank lines (lines 3026-3041)
through also line 3042; copying 2891E & F 16 lines down into 2907E & F;
editing 2891E to 1000 and 2891 F to 999; copying 2906E & F into 2907E &
F; all while double checking that BCE 1 agrees with CE 1. Then, in cell 2891G,
correcting the date of the lunar eclipse. Afterwards adjusting the Sabbath
years in columns A, B, C, and D.
§ Per
this version, the crossing of the Jordan River is an event that occurred in the
spring of 1395 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 4th year of the 6th
sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Gilgal horizon at ~47.72 N
~100.04 E; altitude: ~-100 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar
Feb 16 1395 BCE Sunset: 17:09:25; Moonset: 19:19:19; Lag: 129min 54sec;
Illum.: 3.73%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at
sunset Julian Thu Feb 25. ==> 6th Day of the week crossing. [JD-1 Day 5th (or 6th) Day]
Mar 17 1395 BCE Sunset: 17:50:22; Moonset: 19:17:05; Lag: 86min 43sec;
Illum.: 1.70%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Mar 26. ==>
7th Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
Apr 16 1395 BCE Sunset: 18:29:14; Moonset: 20:17:28; Lag: 118min 14sec;
Illum.: 2.70%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at
sunset Julian Sun Apr 25. ==> 2nd (or 3rd Day)of the week crossing. [JD-1 Day 1st (or 2nd) Day]
May 15 1395 BCE Sunset: 19:06:59; Moonset: 20:10:44; Lag: 63min 15sec; Illum.: 1.05%. ==> 10th day:
Beginning at sunset Julian (((Mon May 24,))) Tue 26, (or Wed 27.) ==> (((3rd,)))
4th, (or 5th) Day of the week crossing. [JD-1 Day (((2nd,))) 3rd (or 4th)
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the crossing of Jordan in 1395 BCE—allows an Abib 10 falling
out on the 3rd Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
occurred in the spring of 1433 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 1st year
of the 1st sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 17 1433 BCE Sunset: 17:58:13; Moonset: 19:04:28; Lag: 66min 15sec; Illum.: 1.06%. ==> 20th day:
Beginning at sunset Julian ((Wed Apr 5 or)) Thu Apr 6. ==> The 20th day of
the 2nd month fell out on the ((5th Day,)) or 6th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day ((4th,)) 5th, (or 6th) Day]
Apr 16 1433 BCE Sunset: 18:34:04; Moonset: 20:18:28; Lag: 104min 24sec;
Illum.: 2.51%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri May 5. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day ((or 1st Day)) of the
week. [JD-1 Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
May 15 1433 BCE Sunset: 19:09:24; Moonset: 20:25:54; Lag: 76min 30sec;
Illum.: 1.38%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Jun 3. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 1st Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
Jun 14 1433 BCE Sunset: 19:44:03; Moonset: 21:20:54; Lag: 96min 51sec;
Illum.: 4.17%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon Jul 3. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 3rd Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 2nd (or 3rd) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
in 1433 BCE—allows the 20th day of the 2nd month to fall out on the 1st [((or 4th))]
Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus occurred in the spring of 1435 BCE. Which per this version fell
in the 6th year of the 7th sabbatical year cycle of the
50th jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 10 1435 BCE Sunset: 17:48:52; Moonset: 19:23:34; Lag: 94min 42sec;
Illum.: 2.16%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Tue Mar 24. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 4th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 3rd (or 4th) Day]
Apr 8 1435 BCE Sunset: 18:23:59; Moonset: 19:40:08; Lag: 77min 09sec;
Illum.: 1.33%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Apr 22.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 5th Day (or 6th
Day) of the week. [JD-1
Day 4th (or 5th) Day]
May 8 1435 BCE Sunset: 19:00:05; Moonset: 21:24:39; Lag: 144min 34sec;
Illum.: 4.44%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri May 22.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
Jun 6 1435 BCE Sunset: 19:35:13; Moonset: 21:25:58; Lag: 110min 43sec;
Illum.: 3.05%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Jun 20.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 1st Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus in 1435 BCE—allows the 15th day of the 2nd
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
According to this version, if
indeed Exo 16:1, 22-26, does describe a 7th Day of the week
placement, then Abib 15 of the Exodus year would fall out on 1435-4-22,or23 5th
Day (or the 6th Day) [1435-4-22,or23 4th or 5th Day] of the
Per this version re Jer
34:9—The last Sabbatical year prior to the destruction of the Temple in 587/586
BCE & Slaves released: 588/587 BCE was the 1st Sabbatical year
of the 68th Jubilee cycle; Nebuchadnezzar’s 18th year,
Jehoiachin’s 10th and Zedekiah’s 10th year.
Sabbatical years as reckoned
from Creation 2 years after Josephus’ sabbatical years.
Re Luke 4:19—Acceptable year
of YHWH—fell in 6th year of the 4th Sabbatical cycle of
the 80th Jubilee cycle.
Crucifixion fell in the 3rd
year of the 5th Sabbatical year of the 80th Jubilee
Re Ezra 1:1-2 and Cyrus’
decree: 534/533 BCE & 1st year of Cyrus’ reign fell in the 5th
year of the 3rd Sabbatical cycle of the 69th Jubilee
Re Neh 1:1; 2:1; 6:15; 7:73;
8:2, 14-18; 9:1, 3. The reading of the Torah in Artaxerxes’ 20th/21st
year – 446/445 BCE & 445/444 BCE: Per this version the reading of the Torah
occurred on the threshold between 2nd and 3rd year of the
2nd Sabbatical cycle of the 71st Jubilee cycle.
Re Jos 8:34 & the reading
of the Torah after the fall of Ai: Per this version most likely an event in the
fall following the crossing of the Jordan in 1395 BCE: Per this version an
event between the 4th and 5th years of the 6th
Sabbatical cycle of the 51st Jubilee cycle.
Re 2 Kings 22:8 & the reading of the Torah in
the 18th year of King Josiah: Per this version this pre-Passover
time reading of the Torah fell in the 6th year of the 6th
Sabbatical cycle of the 67th Jubilee cycle.
10.Re Acts 13:14, 15
& the reading of the Torah on the Pentecost Sabbath between 30 CE and 39
CE: Per this version either the 6th Sabbatical of the 80th
Jubilee cycle or the 80th Jubilee year, which years began in the
falls of 29 and 36 CE respectively[72].
§ Re
Gen 17:1, 24 and Abraham’s 99th birthday: Per this version, the 22nd
day of the 7th month of the Year of the Eighth Day of Abraham’s 99th
birthday occurred in the fall of 1837 BCE. Which per this version fell at the
end of the 4th year and the beginning of the 5th year of
the 6th sabbatical year cycle of the 42nd jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre[73]
horizon at ~46.94ºN ~99.6ºE; altitude: ~1010 meters above mean sea level; Time
zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Aug 8 1837 BCE Sunset: 19:43:45; Moonset: 20:05:00; Lag: 21min 15sec; Illum.:
1.33%. Aug 9 1837 BCE Sunset: 19:42:44; Moonset: 20:39:04; Lag: 56min 20sec;
Illum.: 4.74%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon Aug 29.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((3rd, or))) 4th,
(or 5th) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((2nd, or))) 3rd, (or 4th)
Sep 7 1837 BCE Sunset: 19:00:37; Moonset: 19:41:43; Lag: 41min 06sec;
Illum.: 2.57%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Sep 28.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 5th (or 6th)
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
4th (or 5th) Day]
Oct 6 1837 BCE Sunset: 18:04:47; Moonset: 18:39:43; Lag: 34min 56sec; Illum.: 1.05%.
Oct 7 1837 BCE Sunset: 18:02:49; Moonset: 19:09:45; Lag: 66min 56sec; Illum.:
4.76%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Oct 27.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((6th, or))) 7th,
(or 1st) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((5th,))) 6th, (or 7th) Day]
Nov 5 1837 BCE Sunset: 17:07:50; Moonset: 18:13:12; Lag: 65min 22sec;
Illum.: 2.69%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Nov 26.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 1st, (or 2nd) Day of
the week. [JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 22nd day of the 7th month of the Year
of Abraham’s 99th birthday in 1837 BCE—Allows the 22nd day of the 7th
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XXII.0.05.1 (#2)).xls –
Created 5939[v2016-12-14-21:32] 09 14 2036 [2019-11-12]
§ Testing
the Day 4 Wed Aug 27, 999 BCE partial lunar eclipse (36% at sunrise) for
potential harmony between all of the Bible date stamps discovered not only re Saul’s
visit to the woman in Endor (1 Sam 28:13, 14, 19, 25; 31:1, 6, 12, 13; 2 Sam
1:3; cf. Table
II of the linked article,) but also re the crossing of the Jordan River
(Jos 1:11; cf. this
link) and re the three days’ journey from Mt. Sinai (Num 10: 11, 33; cf this
§ This
version (XXII.0.05) is created by inserting (998 BCE [spring year #] – 983 BCE
[XXII.0.00yr-1yr] =) 15 Scripture years into version XXII.0.00, i.e. now XXII.0.05. Technically by inserting 15 lines at
line 3026; then copying line 3025 into all the blank lines (lines 3026-3040)
through also line 3041; copying 2891E & F 15 lines down into 2906E & F;
editing 2891E to 999 and 2891 F to 998; copying 2905E & F into 2906E &
F; all while double checking that BCE 1 agrees with CE 1. Then, in cell 2891G,
correcting the date of the lunar eclipse. Afterwards adjusting the Sabbath
years in columns A, B, C, and D.
§ Per
this version, the crossing of the Jordan River is an event that occurred in the
spring of 1394 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 4th year of the 6th
sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Gilgal horizon at ~47.72 N
~100.04 E; altitude: ~-100 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar
Feb 5 1394 BCE Sunset: 16:53:08; Moonset: 18:42:09; Lag: 109min 01sec;
Illum.: 2.52%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon Feb 14. ==> 3rd Day
of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 2nd (or 3rd) Day]
Mar 6 1394 BCE Sunset: 17:34:55; Moonset: 18:45:18; Lag: 70min 23sec;
Illum.: 1.11%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue Mar 15. ==>
4th Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 3rd (or 4th) Day]
Apr 5 1394 BCE Sunset: 18:14:50; Moonset: 19:55:04; Lag: 100min 14sec;
Illum.: 2.42%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Apr 14. ==>
6th Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 5th (or 6th) Day]
May 4 1394 BCE Sunset: 18:52:11; Moonset: 19:50:04; Lag: 57min 53sec;
Illum.: 0.94%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset (Julian Fri May 13 or)
Julian Tue 26. ==> 7th Day of the week crossing. [JD-1 Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the crossing of Jordan in 1394 BCE—allows an Abib 10 falling
out on the 3rd Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
occurred in the spring of 1432 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 1st year
of the 1st sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 6 1432 BCE Sunset: 17:44:07; Moonset: 18:43:14; Lag: 59min 07sec; Illum.: 0.85%.
20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian ((Sun Mar 25 or)) Mon Mar 26. ==> The
20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the ((3rd Day, or)) 4th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((2nd,))) 3rd, (or 4th) Day]
Apr 5 1432 BCE Sunset: 18:20:48; Moonset: 19:40:34; Lag: 79min 46sec;
Illum.: 1.54%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue Apr 24. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 4th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 3rd (or 4th) Day]
May 5 1432 BCE Sunset: 18:56:45; Moonset: 20:43:34; Lag: 106min 49sec;
Illum.: 2.96%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu May 24. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 6th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 5th (or 6th) Day]
Jun 3 1432 BCE Sunset: 19:32:10; Moonset: 20:36:34; Lag: 64min 24sec;
Illum.: 1.56%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Jun 22 or Sat
Jun 23. ==> The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day or 1st Day
of the week. [JD-1 Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
in 1432 BCE—allows the 20th day of the 2nd month to fall out on the 1st or on
the 4th Day [the
4th Day only] of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus occurred in the spring of 1434 BCE. Which per this version fell
in the 6th year of the 7th sabbatical year cycle of the
50th jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 29 1434 BCE Sunset: 18:11:49; Moonset: 19:50:50; Lag: 99min 01sec;
Illum.: 2.30%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Mon Apr 12. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 3rd Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 2nd (or 3rd) Day]
Apr 27 1434 BCE Sunset: 18:46:19; Moonset: 20:06:10; Lag: 79min 51sec;
Illum.: 1.36%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue May 11.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 4th Day (or 5th
Day) of the week. [JD-1
Day 3rd (or 4th) Day]
May 27 1434 BCE Sunset: 19:23:16; Moonset: 21:32:22; Lag: 119min 06sec;
Illum.: 4.34%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Jun 10 (((or Fri 11.))) The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 6th Day (((or the 7th
Day))) of the week. [JD-1
Day 5th ((or 6th)) Day]
Jun 25 1434 BCE Sunset: 19:52:28; Moonset: 21:11:00; Lag: 78min 32sec;
Illum.: 3.02%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Jul 9.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day of the week.
[JD-1 Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus in 1434 BCE—allows the 15th day of the 2nd
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
According to this version, if
indeed Exo 16:1, 22-26, does describe a 7th Day of the week
placement, then Abib 15 of the Exodus year would fall out on 1434-5-11,or12 or 6-10,or11 (((4th Day, (5th
Day,) 6th Day, (((or 7th Day)))))) [1434-6-10,or11 5th or 6th Day]
of the week.
Per this version re Jer
34:9—The last Sabbatical year prior to the destruction of the Temple in 587/586
BCE & Slaves released: 587/586 BCE was the 2nd Sabbatical year
of the 68th Jubilee cycle; Nebuchadnezzar’s 19th year,
Jehoiachin’s 11th and Zedekiah’s 11th year.
Sabbatical years as reckoned
from Creation were concurrent with Josephus’ sabbatical years.
Re Luke 4:19—Acceptable year
of YHWH—fell in 5th year of the 4th Sabbatical cycle of
the 80th Jubilee cycle.
Crucifixion fell in the 2nd
year of the 5th Sabbatical year of the 80th Jubilee
Re Ezra 1:1-2 and Cyrus’
decree: 534/533 BCE & 1st year of Cyrus’ reign fell in the 4th
year of the 3rd Sabbatical cycle of the 69th Jubilee
Re Neh 1:1; 2:1; 6:15; 7:73;
8:2, 14-18; 9:1, 3. The reading of the Torah in Artaxerxes’ 20th/21st
year – 446/445 BCE & 445/444 BCE: Per this version the reading of the Torah
occurred on the threshold between 1st and 2nd year of the
2nd Sabbatical cycle of the 71st Jubilee cycle.
Re Jos 8:34 & the reading
of the Torah after the fall of Ai: Per this version most likely an event in the
fall following the crossing of the Jordan in 1394 BCE: Per this version an
event between the 4th and 5th years of the 6th
Sabbatical cycle of the 51st Jubilee cycle.
Re 2 Kings 22:8 & the reading of the Torah in
the 18th year of King Josiah: Per this version this pre-Passover
time reading of the Torah fell in the 5th year of the 6th
Sabbatical cycle of the 67th Jubilee cycle.
10.Re Acts 13:14, 15
& the reading of the Torah on the Pentecost Sabbath between 30 CE and 39
CE: Per this version either the 6th Sabbatical of the 80th
Jubilee cycle or the 80th Jubilee year, which years began in the
falls of 30 and 37 CE respectively[74].
§ Re
Gen 17:1, 24 and Abraham’s 99th birthday: Per this version, the 22nd
day of the 7th month of the Year of the Eighth Day of Abraham’s 99th
birthday occurred in the fall of 1836 BCE. Which per this version fell at the
end of the 4th year and the beginning of the 5th year of
the 6th sabbatical year cycle of the 42nd jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre[75]
horizon at ~46.94ºN ~99.6ºE; altitude: ~1010 meters above mean sea level; Time
zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Aug 27 1836 BCE Sunset: 19:19:26; Moonset: 19:59:55; Lag: 30min 29sec; Illum.:
1.73%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Sep 17.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (2nd,) 3rd,
(or 4th) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (1st,) 2nd, (or 3rd)
Sep 26 1836 BCE Sunset: 18:25:07; Moonset: 19:19:10; Lag: 54min 03sec;
Illum.: 2.76%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue Oct 17.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 4th (or 5th)
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
3rd (or 4th) Day]
Oct 25 1836 BCE Sunset: 17:28:08; Moonset: 18:12:26; Lag: 44min 18sec; Illum.: 1.06%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Nov 15.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((5th,))) 6th,
(or 7th) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((4th,))) 5th, (or 6th)
Nov 24 1836 BCE Sunset: 16:39:32; Moonset: 17:46:41; Lag: 67min 09sec;
Illum.: 2.24%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Dec 15.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on 7th (or 1st)
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
6th (or 7th) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 22nd day of the 7th month of the Year
of Abraham’s 99th birthday in 1836 BCE—Allows the 22nd day of the 7th
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XXII.0.04).xls – Created 5939[v2016-12-14-21:32] 09 14 2036 [2019-11-12]
§ Testing
the Day 7 Sat Dec 31, 997 BCE total lunar eclipse (100% at sunrise) for
potential harmony between all of the Bible date stamps discovered not only re
Saul’s visit to the woman in Endor (1 Sam 28:13, 14, 19, 25; 31:1, 6, 12, 13; 2
Sam 1:3; cf. Table
II of the linked article,) but also re the crossing of the Jordan River
(Jos 1:11; cf. this
link) and re the three days’ journey from Mt. Sinai (Num 10: 11, 33; cf this
§ This
version (XXII.0.04) is created by inserting (996 BCE [spring year #] – 983 BCE
[XXII.0.00yr-1yr] =) 13 Scripture years into version XXII.0.00, i.e. now XXII.0.04. Technically by inserting 13 lines at
line 3026; then copying line 3025 into all the blank lines (lines 3026-3038)
through also line 3039; copying 2891E & F 13 lines down into 2904E & F;
editing 2891E to 997 and 2891 F to 996; copying 2903E & F into 2904E &
F; all while double checking that BCE 1 agrees with CE 1. Then, in cell 2891G,
correcting the date of the lunar eclipse. Afterwards adjusting the Sabbath
years in columns A, B, C, and D.
§ Per
this version, the crossing of the Jordan River is an event that occurred in the
spring of 1392 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 4th year of the 6th
sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Gilgal horizon at ~47.72 N
~100.04 E; altitude: ~-100 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar
Feb 13 1392 BCE Sunset: 17:05:24; Moonset: 19:15:43; Lag: 130min 19sec;
Illum.: 3.98%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at
sunset Julian Fri Feb 22. ==> 7th Day of the week crossing. [JD-1 Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
Mar 14 1392 BCE Sunset: 17:46:39; Moonset: 19:24:12; Lag: 97min 33sec;
Illum.: 2.47%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Mar 23. ==>
1st Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
Apr 12 1392 BCE Sunset: 18:24:25; Moonset: 19:31:21; Lag: 66min 56sec; Illum.:
1.39%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Apr 21. ==> 2nd Day
(or 3rd Day) of the week crossing. [JD-1 Day 1st (or 2nd) Day]
May 12 1392 BCE Sunset: 19:03:21; Moonset: 20:46:23; Lag: 103min 02sec;
Illum.: 4.08%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue May 21, (or 22.)
==> 4th, (or 5th Day) of the week crossing. [JD-1 Day 3rd (or 4th) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the crossing of Jordan in 1392 BCE—allows an Abib 10 falling
out on the 3rd Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
occurred in the spring of 1430 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 1st year
of the 1st sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 14 1430 BCE Sunset: 17:51:13; Moonset: 19:00:19; Lag: 69min 06sec; Illum.: 1.21%. ==> 20th day:
Beginning at sunset Julian (Wed Apr 2 or) Thu Apr 3. ==> The 20th day of the
2nd month fell out on the (5th Day,) 6th Day, (or 7th Day) of the week. [JD-1 Day (4th,) 5th, (or 6th) Day]
Apr 13 1430 BCE Sunset: 18:27:16; Moonset: 19:56:02; Lag: 88min 46sec;
Illum.: 2.26%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri May 2. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day (or 1st Day) of the week. [JD-1 Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
May 12 1430 BCE Sunset: 19:02:14; Moonset: 19:46:10; Lag: 43min 56sec; Illum.: 0.84%. ==> 20th day:
Beginning at sunset Julian (Sat May 31,) Sun Jun 1, (or Mon Jun 2.) ==> The
20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the (1st Day,) 2nd Day, (or 3rd Day) of
the week. [JD-1 Day (7th,) 1st, (or 2nd)
Jun 11 1430 BCE Sunset: 19:37:28; Moonset: 20:22:57; Lag: 45min 29sec;
Illum.: 1.80%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon Jun 30. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 3rd Day (or 4th Day) of the
wseek. [JD-1 Day 2nd (or 3rd) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
in 1430 BCE—allows the 20th day of the 2nd month to fall out on (the 1st or on
the 4th) [1st
or (4th) Day] Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus occurred in the spring of 1432 BCE. Which per this version fell
in the 6th year of the 7th sabbatical year cycle of the
50th jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 6 1432 BCE Sunset: 17:44:08; Moonset: 18:43:59; Lag: 59min 51sec; Illum.: 0.85%.
15th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian ((((Tue Mar 20 or)))) Wed Mar 21. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the ((((4th Day or)))) 5th
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
(((3rd,))) 4th, (or 5th) Day]
Apr 5 1432 BCE Sunset: 18:20:48; Moonset: 19:41:08; Lag: 80min 20sec;
Illum.: 1.54%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Apr 19 (or Fri Apr 20.) The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 6th Day (or 7th
Day) of the week. [JD-1
Day 5th (or 6th) Day]
May 5 1432 BCE Sunset: 18:56:46; Moonset: 20:43:13; Lag: 106min 27sec;
Illum.: 2.96%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat May 19.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 1st Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 2nd (or 3rd) Day]
Jun 3 1432 BCE Sunset: 19:32:09; Moonset: 20:35:46; Lag: 63min 37sec;
Illum.: 1.63%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Jun 17.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 2nd Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 3rd (or 4th) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus in 1432 BCE—allows [does not allow] the 15th day of the 2nd
month to fall out on (the 7th Day) of the week.
According to this version, if indeed
Exo 16:1, 22-26, does describe a 7th Day of the week placement, then
Abib 15 of the Exodus year would fall out on the ((((4th Day or))))
5th Day of the week [is not possible.]
Per this version re Jer
34:9—The last Sabbatical year prior to the destruction of the Temple in 587/586
BCE & Slaves released: 592/591 BCE was the 1st Sabbatical year
of the 68th Jubilee cycle; Nebuchadnezzar’s 15th year,
Jehoiachin’s 7th and Zedekiah’s 7th year.
Sabbatical years as reckoned
from Creation 5 years after Josephus’ sabbatical years.
Re Luke 4:19—Acceptable year
of YHWH—fell in 3rd year of the 4th Sabbatical cycle of
the 80th Jubilee cycle.
Crucifixion fell in the 4th
Sabbatical year of the 80th Jubilee cycle.
Re Ezra 1:1-2 and Cyrus’
decree: 534/533 BCE & 1st year of Cyrus’ reign fell in the 2nd
year of the 3rd Sabbatical cycle of the 69th Jubilee
Re Neh 1:1; 2:1; 6:15; 7:73;
8:2, 14-18; 9:1, 3. The reading of the Torah in Artaxerxes’ 20th/21st
year – 446/445 BCE & 445/444 BCE: Per this version the reading of the Torah
occurred on the threshold between 6th and 7th year of the
1st Sabbatical cycle of the 71st Jubilee cycle.
Re Jos 8:34 & the reading
of the Torah after the fall of Ai: Per this version most likely an event in the
fall following the crossing of the Jordan in 1392 BCE: Per this version an
event between the 4th and 5th years of the 6th
Sabbatical cycle of the 51st Jubilee cycle.
Re 2 Kings 22:8 & the reading of the Torah in
the 18th year of King Josiah: Per this version this pre-Passover
time reading of the Torah fell in the 3rd year of the 6th
Sabbatical cycle of the 67th Jubilee cycle.
10.Re Acts 13:14, 15
& the reading of the Torah on the Pentecost Sabbath between 30 CE and 39
CE: Per this version the 6th Sabbatical year of the 80th
Jubilee cycle, which year began in the fall of 32 CE[76].
§ Re
Gen 17:1, 24 and Abraham’s 99th birthday: Per this version, the 22nd
day of the 7th month of the Year of the Eighth Day of Abraham’s 99th
birthday occurred in the fall of 1834 BCE. Which per this version fell at the
end of the 4th year and the beginning of the 5th year of
the 6th sabbatical year cycle of the 42nd jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre[77]
horizon at ~46.94ºN ~99.6ºE; altitude: ~1010 meters above mean sea level; Time
zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Aug 5 1834 BCE Sunset: 19:47:12; Moonset: 20:42:33; Lag: 55min 21sec; Illum.:
1.69%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon Aug 26.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 3rd (or 4th)
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
2nd (or 3rd) Day]
Sep 4 1834 BCE Sunset: 19:07:08; Moonset: 20:05:50; Lag: 58min 42sec;
Illum.: 2.58%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Sep 20.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 6th (or 7th)
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
5th (or 6th) Day]
Oct 4 1834 BCE Sunset: 18:10:14; Moonset: 19:08:59; Lag: 58min 45sec;
Illum.: 3.12%. 22nd day:
Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Oct 18. The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 7th (or 1st)
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
6th (or 7th) Day]
Nov 2 1834 BCE Sunset: 17:14:21; Moonset: 17:52:48; Lag: 38min 27sec; Illum.: 0.91%. Nov 3 1834 BCE
Sunset: 17:12:34; Moonset: 18:14:14; Lag: 59min 40sec; Illum.: 3.54%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Nov 17.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on 2nd (or 3rd)
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
1st (or 2nd) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 22nd day of the 7th month of the Year
of Abraham’s 99th birthday in 1834 BCE—Allows the 22nd day of the 7th
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XXII.0.03).xls – Created 5939[v2016-12-14-21:32] 09 13 2036 [2019-11-11]
§ Testing
the Wed Day 4 Dec 20, 996 BCE partial lunar eclipse (64% at sunrise) for
potential harmony between all of the Bible date stamps discovered not only re
Saul’s visit to the woman in Endor (1 Sam 28:13, 14, 19, 25; 31:1, 6, 12, 13; 2
Sam 1:3; cf. Table
II of the linked article,) but also re the crossing of the Jordan River
(Jos 1:11; cf. this
link) and re the three days’ journey from Mt. Sinai (Num 10: 11, 33; cf this
§ This
version (XXII.0.03) is created by inserting (995 BCE [spring year #] – 983 BCE
[XXII.0.00yr-1yr] =) 12 Scripture years into version XXII.0.00, i.e. now XXII.0.03. Technically by inserting 12 lines at
line 3026; then copying line 3025 into all the blank lines (lines 3026-3037)
through also line 3038; copying 2891E & F 12 lines down into 2903E & F;
editing 2891E to 996 and 2891 F to 995; copying 2902E & F into 2903E &
F; all while double checking that BCE 1 agrees with CE 1. Then, in cell 2891G,
correcting the date of the lunar eclipse. Afterwards adjusting the Sabbath
years in columns A, B, C, and D.
§ Per
this version, the crossing of the Jordan River is an event that occurred in the
spring of 1391 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 4th year of the 6th
sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Gilgal horizon at ~47.72 N
~100.04 E; altitude: ~-100 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar
Feb 2 1391 BCE Sunset: 17:07:15; Moonset: 18:05:52; Lag: 58min 37sec;
Illum.: 1.30%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue Feb 11. ==> 4th Day
of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 3rd (or 4th) Day]
Mar 4 1391 BCE Sunset: 17:48:02; Moonset: 19:28:07; Lag: 100min 05sec;
Illum.: 3.60%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Mar 13. ==>
6th Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 5th (or 6th) Day]
Apr 2 1391 BCE Sunset: 18:26:51; Moonset: 19:38:12; Lag: 71min 21sec;
Illum.: 2.40%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Apr 11. ==>
7th Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
May 1 1391 BCE Sunset: 19:04:42; Moonset: 19:46:56; Lag: 42min 14sec;
Illum.: 1.57%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat May 10. ==>
1st Day Day of the week crossing. [JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the crossing of Jordan in 1391 BCE—does not allow [allows] an Abib 10
falling out on the 3rd Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
occurred in the spring of 1429 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 1st year
of the 1st sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Apr 1 1429 BCE Sunset: 18:13:57; Moonset: 19:29:08; Lag: 75min 11sec;
Illum.: 1.71%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at
sunset Julian Tue Apr 20. ==> The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the
4th Day of the week. [JD-1
Day 3rd (or 4th) Day]
May 1 1429 BCE Sunset: 18:49:41; Moonset: 20:27:57; Lag: 98min 16sec;
Illum.: 3.45%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu May 20. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 6th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 5th (or 6th) Day]
May 30 1429 BCE Sunset: 19:25:04; Moonset: 20:14:58; Lag: 49min 54sec;
Illum.: 1.75%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Jun 18. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day (or 1st Day) of the week. [JD-1 Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
Jun 29 1429 BCE Sunset: 19:52:20; Moonset: 20:38:11; Lag: 45min 51sec;
Illum.: 2.86%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Jul 18. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 2nd Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 1st (or 2nd) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
in 1429 BCE—allows the 20th day of the 2nd month to fall out on the 1st or on
the 4th Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus occurred in the spring of 1431 BCE. Which per this version fell
in the 6th year of the 7th sabbatical year cycle of the
50th jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 25 1431 BCE Sunset: 18:07:24; Moonset: 19:23:08; Lag: 75min 44sec;
Illum.: 1.42%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Mon Apr 8. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 3rd Day or 4th
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
2nd (or 3rd) Day]
Apr 24 1431 BCE Sunset: 18:43:04; Moonset: 20:15:31; Lag: 92min 27sec;
Illum.: 2.32%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed May 8.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 5th Day (or 6th
Day) of the week. [JD-1
Day 4th (or 5th) Day]
May 23 1431 BCE Sunset: 19:18:43; Moonset: 20:05:50; Lag: 47min 07sec; Illum.: 0.93%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian (((Thu Jun 6, or))) 7, (or 8.) The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the (((6th,))) 7th,
(or 1st) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((5th,))) 6th, (or 7th) Day]
Jun 22 1431 BCE Sunset: 19:50:31; Moonset: 20:36:58; Lag: 46min 27sec;
Illum.: 2.23%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Jul 6.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 1st Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus in 1431 BCE—allows the 15th day of the 2nd
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
According to this version, if indeed
Exo 16:1, 22-26, does describe a 7th Day of the week placement, then
Abib 15 of the Exodus year would fall out on 1431-5-8,or9
5th Day (or 6th Day) [1431-5-8,or9 4th or 5th Day, or 1431-6-(((6,)))7,or8 (((5th,)))
6th or 7th Day] of the week.
Per this version re Jer
34:9—The last Sabbatical year prior to the destruction of the Temple in 587/586
BCE & Slaves released: 591/590 BCE was the 1st Sabbatical year
of the 68th Jubilee cycle; Nebuchadnezzar’s 16th year,
Jehoiachin’s 8th and Zedekiah’s 8th year.
Sabbatical years as reckoned
from Creation 6 years after Josephus’ sabbatical years.
Re Luke 4:19—Acceptable year
of YHWH—fell in 2nd year of the 4th Sabbatical cycle of
the 80th Jubilee cycle.
Crucifixion fell in the 6th
year of the 4th Sabbatical cycle of the 80th Jubilee
Re Ezra 1:1-2 and Cyrus’
decree: 534/533 BCE & 1st year of Cyrus’ reign fell in the 1st
year of the 3rd Sabbatical cycle of the 69th Jubilee
Re Neh 1:1; 2:1; 6:15; 7:73;
8:2, 14-18; 9:1, 3. The reading of the Torah in Artaxerxes’ 20th/21st
year – 446/445 BCE & 445/444 BCE: Per this version the reading of the Torah
occurred on the threshold between 5th and 6th year of the
1st Sabbatical cycle of the 71st Jubilee cycle.
Re Jos 8:34 & the reading
of the Torah after the fall of Ai: Per this version most likely an event in the
fall following the crossing of the Jordan in 1391 BCE: Per this version an
event between the 4th and 5th years of the 6th
Sabbatical cycle of the 51st Jubilee cycle.
Re 2 Kings 22:8 & the reading of the Torah in
the 18th year of King Josiah: Per this version this pre-Passover
time reading of the Torah fell in the 2nd year of the 6th
Sabbatical cycle of the 67th Jubilee cycle.
10.Re Acts 13:14, 15
& the reading of the Torah on the Pentecost Sabbath between 30 CE and 39
CE: Per this version the 6th Sabbatical year of the 80th
Jubilee cycle, which year began in the fall of 33 CE[78].
§ Re
Gen 17:1, 24 and Abraham’s 99th birthday: Per this version, the 22nd
day of the 7th month of the Year of the Eighth Day of Abraham’s 99th
birthday occurred in the fall of 1833 BCE. Which per this version fell at the
end of the 4th year and the beginning of the 5th year of
the 6th sabbatical year cycle of the 42nd jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre[79]
horizon at ~46.94ºN ~99.6ºE; altitude: ~1010 meters above mean sea level; Time
zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Aug 23 1833 BCE Sunset: 19:17:09; Moonset: 20:26:02; Lag: 80min 30sec;
Illum.: 2.27%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Sep 13.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 2nd (or 3rd)
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
1st (or 2nd) Day]
Sep 22 1833 BCE Sunset: 18:18:57; Moonset: 19:20:28; Lag: 42min 11sec;
Illum.: 3.27%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue Oct 13.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 4th (or 5th)
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
3rd (or 4th) Day]
Oct 21 1833 BCE Sunset: 17:22:18; Moonset: 18:10:24; Lag: 43min 22sec; Illum.: 1.00%. Oct 22 1833 BCE
Sunset: 18:28:38; Moonset: 18:10:24; Lag: 43min 22sec; Illum.: 3.79%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Nov 11.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((5th,))) 6th , (or 7th) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((4th,))) 5th (or 6th)
Nov 20 1833 BCE Sunset: 16:36:31; Moonset: 18:16:48; Lag: 46min 16sec;
Illum.: 8.83%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Dec 11.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on 7th (or 1st)
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
6th (or 7th) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 22nd day of the 7th month of the Year
of Abraham’s 99th birthday in 1833 BCE—Allows the 22nd day of the 7th
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XXII.0.02.0 (#1)).xls –
Created 5939[v2016-12-14-21:32] 09 15 2036 [2019-11-13]
§ Testing
the Tue Day 3 Aug 6, 989 BCE total lunar eclipse (100% at sunrise) for potential
harmony between all of the Bible date stamps discovered not only re Saul’s
visit to the woman in Endor (1 Sam 28:13, 14, 19, 25; 31:1, 6, 12, 13; 2 Sam
1:3; cf. Table
II of the linked article,) but also re the crossing of the Jordan River
(Jos 1:11; cf. this
link) and re the three days’ journey from Mt. Sinai (Num 10: 11, 33; cf this
§ This
version (XXII.0.02.0) is created by inserting (989 BCE [spring year thru Oct #]
– 983 BCE [XXII.0.00yr-1yr] =) 6 Scripture years into version XXII.0.00, i.e. now XXII.0.02.0. Technically by inserting 6 lines at
line 3026; then copying line 3025 into all the blank lines (lines 3026-3031)
through also line 3032; copying 2891E & F 6 lines down into 2897E & F;
editing 2891E to 990 and 2891 F to 989; copying 2896E & F into 2897E &
F; all while double checking that BCE 1 agrees with CE 1. Then, in cell 2891G,
correcting the date of the lunar eclipse. Afterwards adjusting the Sabbath
years in columns A, B, C, and D.
§ Per
this version, the crossing of the Jordan River is an event that occurred in the
spring of 1385 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 4th year of the 6th
sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Gilgal horizon at ~47.72 N
~100.04 E; altitude: ~-100 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar
Feb 25 1385 BCE Sunset: 17:21:49; Moonset: 18:11:24; Lag: 49min 35sec;
Illum.: 1.32%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Mar 5. ==> 6th Day of
the week crossing. [JD-1
Day 5th (or 6th) Day]
Mar 26 1385 BCE Sunset: 18:02:57; Moonset: 19:37:35; Lag: 94min 38sec;
Illum.: 2.89%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Apr 4. ==> 1st
Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
Apr 24 1385 BCE Sunset: 18:40:12; Moonset: 19:43:07; Lag: 62min 55sec;
Illum.: 2.50%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun May 3. ==> 2nd
(or 3rd) Day of the week crossing. [JD-1 Day 1st (or 2nd) Day]
May 24 1385 BCE Sunset: 19:19:26; Moonset: 21:00:00; Lag: 100min 34sec;
Illum.: 2.46%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue Jun 2. ==> 4th
Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 3rd (or 4th) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the crossing of Jordan in 1385 BCE—allows an Abib 10 falling
out on the 3rd Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
occurred in the spring of 1423 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 1st year
of the 1st sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 27 1423 BCE Sunset: 18:07:29; Moonset: 19:19:20; Lag: 71min 51sec;
Illum.: 1.99%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at
sunset Julian Thu Apr 15. ==> The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the
6th Day of the week. [JD-1
Day 5th (or 6th) Day]
Apr 26 1423 BCE Sunset: 18:43:06; Moonset: 20:27:45; Lag: 104min 39sec;
Illum.: 3.33%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat May 15. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 1st Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
May 25 1423 BCE Sunset: 19:18:32; Moonset: 20:27:11; Lag: 68min 39sec;
Illum.: 1.79%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Jun 13. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 2nd Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 1st (or 2nd) Day]
Jun 23 1423 BCE Sunset: 19:48:20; Moonset: 20:42:33; Lag: 54min 13sec; Illum.: 0.82%. ==> 20th day:
Beginning at sunset Julian ((Mon Jul 12 or)) Tue Jul 13. ==> The 20th day of
the 2nd month fell out on the ((3rd Day or)) 4th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day ((2nd,)) 3rd, (or 4th) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
in 1423 BCE—allows the 20th day of the 2nd month to fall out on the 1st or on
the 4th Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus occurred in the spring of 1425 BCE. Which per this version fell
in the 6th year of the 7th sabbatical year cycle of the
50th jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 19 1425 BCE Sunset: 18:00:42; Moonset: 19:17:22; Lag: 76min 40sec;
Illum.: 2.35%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Wed Apr 2. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 5th Day (or 6th
Day) of the week. [JD-1
Day 4th (or 5th) Day]
Apr 17 1425 BCE Sunset: 18:35:16; Moonset: 19:26:27; Lag: 51min 11sec;
Illum.: 1.36%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu May 1 or Fri May 2. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 6th Day or 7th
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
5th (or 6th) Day]
May 17 1425 BCE Sunset: 19:11:56; Moonset: 20:58:38; Lag: 106min 42sec;
Illum.: 4.15%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat May 31.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 1st Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
Jun 15 1425 BCE Sunset: 19:45:00; Moonset: 21:06:51; Lag: 81min 51sec;
Illum.: 2.95%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Jun 29.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 2nd Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 1st (or 2nd) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus in 1425 BCE—allows the 15th day of the 2nd
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
According to this version, if indeed
Exo 16:1, 22-26, does describe a 7th Day of the week placement, then
Abib 15 of the Exodus year would fall out on the 5th Day (or the 6th
Day) [1425-5-1,or2 5th or 6th Day] of the
week, but not after the Eta Aquariids.
Per this version re Jer 34:9—The
last Sabbatical year prior to the destruction of the Temple in 587/586 BCE
& Slaves released: 592/591 BCE was the 67th Jubilee year;
Nebuchadnezzar’s 14th year, Jehoiachin’s 6th and
Zedekiah’s 6th year.
Sabbatical years as reckoned
from Creation 5 years after Josephus’ sabbatical years.
Re Luke 4:19—Acceptable year
of YHWH—fell in 3rd year of the 3rd Sabbatical cycle of
the 80th Jubilee cycle.
Crucifixion fell in the 3rd
Sabbatical year of the 80th Jubilee cycle.
Re Ezra 1:1-2 and Cyrus’
decree: 534/533 BCE & 1st year of Cyrus’ reign fell in the 2nd
year of the 2nd Sabbatical cycle of the 69th Jubilee
Re Neh 1:1; 2:1; 6:15; 7:73;
8:2, 14-18; 9:1, 3. The reading of the Torah in Artaxerxes’ 20th/21st
year – 446/445 BCE & 445/444 BCE: Per this version the reading of the Torah
occurred on the threshold between 6th and 7th year of the
7th Sabbatical cycle of the 70th Jubilee cycle.
Re Jos 8:34 & the reading
of the Torah after the fall of Ai: Per this version most likely an event in the
fall following the crossing of the Jordan in 1385 BCE: Per this version an
event between the 4th and 5th years of the 6th
Sabbatical cycle of the 51st Jubilee cycle.
Re 2 Kings 22:8 & the reading of the Torah in
the 18th year of King Josiah: Per this version this pre-Passover
time reading of the Torah fell in the 3rd year of the 5th
Sabbatical cycle of the 67th Jubilee cycle.
10.Re Acts 13:14, 15
& the reading of the Torah on the Pentecost Sabbath between 30 CE and 39
CE: Per this version the 5th Sabbatical year of the 80th
Jubilee cycle, which year began in the fall of 35 CE[80].
§ Re
Gen 17:1, 24 and Abraham’s 99th birthday: Per this version, the 22nd
day of the 7th month of the Year of the Eighth Day of Abraham’s 99th
birthday occurred in the fall of 1827 BCE. Which per this version fell at the
end of the 4th year and the beginning of the 5th year of
the 6th sabbatical year cycle of the 42nd jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre[81]
horizon at ~46.94ºN ~99.6ºE; altitude: ~1010 meters above mean sea level; Time
zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Aug 18 1827 BCE Sunset: 19:32:42; Moonset: 20:01:30; Lag: 28min 48sec; Illum.:
2.25%. Aug 19 1827 BCE Sunset: 19:31:22; Moonset: 20:17:32; Lag: 46min 10sec;
Illum.: 6.05%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue Sep 8.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((4th,))) 5th,
(or 6th) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((3rd,))) 4th, (or 5th)
Sep 17 1827 BCE Sunset: 18:42:57; Moonset: 18:55:44; Lag: 12min 13sec; Illum.:
3.25%. Sep 18 1827 BCE Sunset: 18:41:03; Moonset: 19:11:54; Lag: 30min 51sec; Illum.: 7.78%. Sep 19 1827 BCE Sunset: 18:41:03; Moonset: 19:30:13;
Lag: 49min 10sec; Illum.: 14.20%. 22nd day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Thu Oct 8. The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((6th,) 7th,))
1st, (or 2nd) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((5th,) 6th,)) 7th, (or 1st) Day]
Oct 16 1827 BCE Sunset: 17:45:50; Moonset: 17:36:44; Lag: -09min 06sec; Illum.:
1.37%. Oct 17 1827 BCE Sunset: 17:43:52; Moonset: 17:58:01; Lag: 14min 09sec; Illum.:
4.78%. Oct 18 1827 BCE Sunset: 17:43:52; Moonset: 18:24:56; Lag: 41min 04sec;
Illum.: 10.37%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Nov 6.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((7th, 1st,)))
2nd, (or 3rd) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((6th, 7th,))) 1st,
(or 2nd) Day]
Nov 15 1827 BCE Sunset: 16:52:18; Moonset: 16:59:32; Lag: 07min 14sec; Illum.: 2.52%.
Nov 16 1827 BCE Sunset: 16:50:48; Moonset: 17:43:43; Lag: 52min 55sec; Illum.:
7.18%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Dec 6.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on (((2nd,))) 3rd,
(or 4th) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((1st,))) 2nd, (or 3rd)
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 22nd day of the 7th month of the Year
of Abraham’s 99th birthday in 1827 BCE—Allows the 22nd day of the 7th
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XXII.0.02.1 (#1)).xls –
Created 5939[v2016-12-14-21:32] 09 13 2036 [2019-11-11]
§ Testing
the Tue Day 3 Aug 6, 989 BCE total lunar eclipse (100% at sunrise) for
potential harmony between all of the Bible date stamps discovered not only re
Saul’s visit to the woman in Endor (1 Sam 28:13, 14, 19, 25; 31:1, 6, 12, 13; 2
Sam 1:3; cf. Table
II of the linked article,) but also re the crossing of the Jordan River
(Jos 1:11; cf. this
link) and re the three days’ journey from Mt. Sinai (Num 10: 11, 33; cf this
§ This
version (XXII.0.02) is created by inserting (988 BCE [spring year #] – 983 BCE
[XXII.0.00yr-1yr] =) 5 Scripture years into version XXII.0.00, i.e. now XXII.0.02. Technically by inserting 5 lines at line
3026; then copying line 3025 into all the blank lines (lines 3026-3030) through
also line 3031; copying 2891E & F 5 lines down into 2896E & F; editing
2891E to 989 and 2891 F to 988; copying 2895E & F into 2896E & F; all
while double checking that BCE 1 agrees with CE 1. Then, in cell 2891G,
correcting the date of the lunar eclipse. Afterwards adjusting the Sabbath
years in columns A, B, C, and D.
§ Per
this version, the crossing of the Jordan River is an event that occurred in the
spring of 1384 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 4th year of the 6th
sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Gilgal horizon at ~47.72 N
~100.04 E; altitude: ~-100 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar
Feb 14 1384 BCE Sunset: 17:06:55; Moonset: 18:31:56; Lag: 85min 01sec;
Illum.: 2.70%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at
sunset Julian Tue Feb 23. ==> 4th Day of the week crossing. [JD-1 Day 3rd (or 4th) Day]
Mar 15 1384 BCE Sunset: 17:48:05; Moonset: 18:49:36; Lag: 61min 31sec;
Illum.: 1.39%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Mar 24. ==> 5th
Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 4th (or 5th) Day]
Apr 14 1384 BCE Sunset: 18:27:06; Moonset: 20:24:18; Lag: 117min 12sec;
Illum.: 3.57%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Apr 23. ==> 7th
Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
May 13 1384 BCE Sunset: 19:04:47; Moonset: 20:37:56; Lag: 93min 09sec;
Illum.: 1.95%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat May 22. ==> 1st
Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the crossing of Jordan in 1384 BCE—does not allow an Abib 10 falling
out on the 3rd Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
occurred in the spring of 1422 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 1st year
of the 1st sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 16 1422 BCE Sunset: 17:53:45; Moonset: 19:05:34; Lag: 71min 49sec;
Illum.: 1.94%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at
sunset Julian Wed Apr 4. ==> The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the
5th Day of the week. [JD-1
Day 4th (or 5th) Day]
Apr 15 1422 BCE Sunset: 18:29:42; Moonset: 20:08:56; Lag: 99min 14sec;
Illum.: 2.90%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri May 4. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day (or the 1st Day) of the
week. [JD-1 Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
May 14 1422 BCE Sunset: 19:04:46; Moonset: 20:12:09; Lag: 67min 23sec;
Illum.: 1.22%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Jun 2 or 3.
==> The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 1st Day, or 2nd Day of the
week. [JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
Jun 13 1422 BCE Sunset: 19:39:42; Moonset: 21:21:56; Lag: 102min 14sec;
Illum.: 2.54%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon Jul 2 (or Tue
Jul 3.) ==> The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 3rd Day (or 4th
Day) of the week. [JD-1
Day 2nd (or 3rd) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
in 1406 BCE—allows the 20th day of the 2nd month to fall out on the 1st (or on
the 4th) Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus occurred in the spring of 1424 BCE. Which per this version fell
in the 6th year of the 7th sabbatical year cycle of the
50th jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 8 1424 BCE Sunset: 17:46:43; Moonset: 18:38:23; Lag: 51min 40sec;
Illum.: 1.34%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Sun Mar 22. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 2nd Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 1st (or 2nd) Day]
Apr 7 1424 BCE Sunset: 18:23:11; Moonset: 19:48:25; Lag: 85min 14sec;
Illum.: 2.73%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue Apr 21.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 4th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 3rd (or 4th) Day]
May 6 1424 BCE Sunset: 18:56:02; Moonset: 19:57:39; Lag: 61min 37sec;
Illum.: 1.48%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed May 20.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 5th Day (or 6th
Day) of the week. [JD-1
Day 4th (or 5th) Day]
Jun 5 1424 BCE Sunset: 19:34:27; Moonset: 21:25:51; Lag: 111min 24sec;
Illum.: 4.06%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Jun 19.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus in 1424 BCE—allows the 15th day of the 2nd
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
According to this version, if
indeed Exo 16:1, 22-26, does describe a 7th Day of the week
placement, then Abib 15 of the Exodus year would fall out on 1424-5-20,or21 ((5th Day (or the 6th Day))) [1424-5-20,or21 ((4th Day (or the 5th
Day)))] of the week.
Per this version re Jer
34:9—The last Sabbatical year prior to the destruction of the Temple in 587/586
BCE & Slaves released: 591/590 BCE was the 67th Jubilee year;
Nebuchadnezzar’s 15th year, Jehoiachin’s 7th and
Zedekiah’s 7th year.
Sabbatical years as reckoned
from Creation 6 years after Josephus’ sabbatical years.
Re Luke 4:19—Acceptable year
of YHWH—fell in 2nd year of the 3rd Sabbatical cycle of
the 80th Jubilee cycle.
Crucifixion fell in the 6th
year of the 3rd Sabbatical cycle of the 80th Jubilee
Re Ezra 1:1-2 and Cyrus’
decree: 534/533 BCE & 1st year of Cyrus’ reign fell in the 1st
year of the 2nd Sabbatical cycle of the 69th Jubilee
Re Neh 1:1; 2:1; 6:15; 7:73;
8:2, 14-18; 9:1, 3. The reading of the Torah in Artaxerxes’ 20th/21st
year – 446/445 BCE & 445/444 BCE: Per this version the reading of the Torah
occurred on the threshold between 5th and 6th year of the
7th Sabbatical cycle of the 70th Jubilee cycle.
Re Jos 8:34 & the reading
of the Torah after the fall of Ai: Per this version most likely an event in the
fall following the crossing of the Jordan in 1384 BCE: Per this version an
event between the 4th and 5th years of the 6th
Sabbatical cycle of the 51st Jubilee cycle.
Re 2 Kings 22:8 & the reading of the Torah in
the 18th year of King Josiah: Per this version this pre-Passover
time reading of the Torah fell in the 2nd year of the 5th
Sabbatical cycle of the 67th Jubilee cycle.
10.Re Acts 13:14, 15
& the reading of the Torah on the Pentecost Sabbath between 30 CE and 39
CE: Per this version the 5th Sabbatical year of the 80th
Jubilee cycle, which year began in the fall of 33 CE[82].
§ Re
Gen 17:1, 24 and Abraham’s 99th birthday: Per this version, the 22nd
day of the 7th month of the Year of the Eighth Day of Abraham’s 99th
birthday occurred in the fall of 1826 BCE. Which per this version fell at the
end of the 4th year and the beginning of the 5th year of
the 6th sabbatical year cycle of the 42nd jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre[83]
horizon at ~46.94ºN ~99.6ºE; altitude: ~1010 meters above mean sea level; Time
zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Aug 7 1826 BCE Sunset: 19:45:24; Moonset: 20:16:16; Lag: 30min 52sec; Illum.:
2.32%. Aug 8 1826 BCE Sunset: 19:44:27; Moonset: 20:35:04; Lag: 50min 37sec;
Illum.: 6.12%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Aug 28.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (1st,) 2nd,
(or 3rd) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (7th,) 1st, (or 2nd) Day]
Sep 6 1826 BCE Sunset: 19:03:34; Moonset: 19:15:07; Lag: 11min 33sec; Illum.: 3.08%. Sep 7 1826 BCE
Sunset: 19:01:49; Moonset: 19:31:02; Lag: 29min 13sec; Illum.: 7.19%. Sep 8 1826 BCE Sunset: 19:00:03;
Moonset: 19:47:46; Lag: 47min 43sec; Illum.: 12.88%. 22nd day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Mon Sep 27. The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((3rd,)) 4th,)
5th, (or 6th) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((2nd,)) 3rd,) 4th,
(or 5th) Day]
Oct 5 1826 BCE Sunset: 18:08:07; Moonset: 17:55:21; Lag: -12min 46sec; Illum.: 1.11%.
Oct 6 1826 BCE Sunset: 18:06:08; Moonset: 18:13:37; Lag: 07min 29sec; Illum.: 3.84%. Oct 7 1826 BCE
Sunset: 18:04:08; Moonset: 18:34:45; Lag: 30min 37sec; Illum.: 8.37%. 22nd day:
Beginning at sunset Julian Tue Oct 26. The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((4th, 5th,))
6th,) 7th, (or 1st) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((3rd, 4th,)) 5th,)
6th, (or 7th) Day]
Nov 4 1826 BCE Sunset: 17:10:43; Moonset: 17:05:05; Lag: -05min 38sec; Illum.: 1.54%. Nov 5 1826 BCE
Sunset: 17:08:59; Moonset: 17:35:58; Lag: 26min 59sec; Illum.: 4.82%. Nov 6
1826 BCE Sunset: 17:07:15; Moonset: 18:15:19; Lag: 68min 04sec; Illum.: 10.11%.
22nd day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Thu Nov 25. The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on (((6th,) 7th,)
1st, (or 2nd) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day ((5th,) 6th,) 7th, (or 1st) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 22nd day of the 7th month of the Year
of Abraham’s 99th birthday in 1826 BCE—Allows the 22nd day of the 7th
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XXII.0.01).xls – Created 5939[v2016-12-14-21:32] 09 13 2036 [2019-11-11]
§ Testing
the Tue Day 3 Nov 30, 986 BCE total lunar eclipse (100% at sunrise) for potential
harmony between all of the Bible date stamps discovered not only re Saul’s
visit to the woman in Endor (1 Sam 28:13, 14, 19, 25; 31:1, 6, 12, 13; 2 Sam
1:3; cf. Table
II of the linked article,) but also re the crossing of the Jordan River
(Jos 1:11; cf. this
link) and re the three days’ journey from Mt. Sinai (Num 10: 11, 33; cf this
§ This
version (XXII.0.01) is created by inserting (985 BCE [spring year #] – 983 BCE
[XXII.0.00yr-1yr] =) 2 Scripture years into version XXII.0.00, i.e. now XXII.0.01. Technically by inserting 2 lines at line
3026; then copying line 3025 into all the blank lines (lines 3026-3027) through
also line 3028; copying 2891E & F 2 lines down into 2893E & F; editing
2891E to 986 and 2891 F to 985; copying 2892E & F into 2893E & F; all
while double checking that BCE 1 agrees with CE 1. Then, in cell 2891G,
correcting the date of the lunar eclipse. Afterwards adjusting the Sabbath
years in columns A, B, C, and D.
§ Per
this version, the crossing of the Jordan River is an event that occurred in the
spring of 1381 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 4th year of the 6th
sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Gilgal horizon at ~47.72 N
~100.04 E; altitude: ~-100 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar
Feb 12 1381 BCE Sunset: 17:02:55; Moonset: 18:15:10; Lag: 72min 15sec;
Illum.: 1.55%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Feb 21. ==> 5th Day
of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 4th (or 5th) Day]
Mar 13 1381 BCE Sunset: 17:45:42; Moonset: 19:46:42; Lag: 121min 00sec;
Illum.: 3.55%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Mar 22. ==>
7th Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
Apr 11 1381 BCE Sunset: 18:23:35; Moonset: 20:06:57; Lag: 103min 22sec;
Illum.: 2.36%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Apr 20. ==>
1st Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
May 10 1381 BCE Sunset: 19:01:13; Moonset: 20:33:09; Lag: 91min 56sec;
Illum.: 1.58%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun May 19 (or Mon
20.) ==> 2nd (or 3rd) Day of the week crossing. [JD-1 Day 1st (or 2nd) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the crossing of Jordan in 1381 BCE—allows [does not allow] an Abib
10 falling out on the 3rd Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
occurred in the spring of 1419 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 1st year
of the 1st sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 13 1419 BCE Sunset: 17:50:24; Moonset: 19:51:50; Lag: 121min 26sec;
Illum.: 3.89%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at
sunset Julian Tue Apr 1. ==> The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the
4th Day of the week. [JD-1
Day 3rd (or 4th) Day]
Apr 11 1419 BCE Sunset: 18:25:21; Moonset: 20:05:33; Lag: 100min 12sec;
Illum.: 2.41%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Apr 30. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 5th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 4th (or 5th) Day]
May 10 1419 BCE Sunset: 19:00:14; Moonset: 20:21:29; Lag: 81min 15sec;
Illum.: 1.32%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu May 29 or Mon
30. ==> The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 6th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 5th (or 6th) Day]
Jun 9 1419 BCE Sunset: 19:35:48; Moonset: 21:39:21; Lag: 123min 33sec;
Illum.: 3.21%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Jun 28. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 1st Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
in 1419 BCE—allows the 20th day of the 2nd month to fall out on the 1st or on
the 4th Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus occurred in the spring of 1421 BCE. Which per this version fell
in the 6th year of the 7th sabbatical year cycle of the
50th jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 4 1421 BCE Sunset: 17:41:56; Moonset: 18:46:24; Lag: 64min 28sec;
Illum.: 1.59%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Tue Mar 18. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 4th Day (or 5th
Day) of the week. [JD-1
Day 3rd (or 4th) Day]
Apr 3 1421 BCE Sunset: 18:18:47; Moonset: 19:58:04; Lag: 100min 17sec;
Illum.: 2.82%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Apr 17 (or Fri Apr 18.). The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 6th Day (or 7th
Day) of the week. [JD-1
Day 5th (or 6th) Day]
May 2 1421 BCE Sunset: 18:53:28; Moonset: 20:01:12; Lag: 67min 44sec;
Illum.: 1.15%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri May 16 or Sat 17. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day or the 1st
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
6th (or 7th) Day]
Jun 1 1421 BCE Sunset: 19:20:14; Moonset: 21:13:27; Lag: 113min 13sec;
Illum.: 2.25%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Jun 15.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 1st Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus in 1421 BCE—allows the 15th day of the 2nd
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
According to this version, if
indeed Exo 16:1, 22-26, does describe a 7th Day of the week
placement, then Abib 15 of the Exodus year would fall out on 1421-4-17,or18 (4th
Day, (5th Day,)) 6th Day, (or 7th Day) [1421-4-17,or18 5th or 6th Day or 1421-5-16,or17 6th or 7th] of the week.
Per this version re Jer
34:9—The last Sabbatical year prior to the destruction of the Temple in 587/586
BCE & Slaves released: 588/587 BCE was the 67th Jubilee year;
Nebuchadnezzar’s 18th year, Jehoiachin’s 10th and
Zedekiah’s 10th year.
Sabbatical years as reckoned
from Creation 2 years after Josephus’ sabbatical years.
Re Luke 4:19—Acceptable year
of YHWH—fell in the 6th year of the 2nd Sabbatical cycle
of the 80th Jubilee cycle.
Crucifixion fell in the 3rd
year of the 3rd Sabbatical cycle of the 80th Jubilee cycle.
Re Ezra 1:1-2 and Cyrus’
decree: 534/533 BCE & 1st year of Cyrus’ reign fell in the 5th
year of the 1st Sabbatical cycle of the 69th Jubilee
Re Neh 1:1; 2:1; 6:15; 7:73;
8:2, 14-18; 9:1, 3. The reading of the Torah in Artaxerxes’ 20th/21st
year – 446/445 BCE & 445/444 BCE: Per this version the reading of the Torah
occurred on the threshold between 2nd and 3rd year of the
7th Sabbatical cycle of the 70th Jubilee cycle.
Re Jos 8:34 & the reading
of the Torah after the fall of Ai: Per this version most likely an event in the
fall following the crossing of the Jordan in 1381 BCE: Per this version an
event between the 4th and 5th years of the 6th
Sabbatical cycle of the 51st Jubilee cycle.
Re 2 Kings 22:8 & the reading of the Torah in
the 18th year of King Josiah: Per this version this pre-Passover
time reading of the Torah fell in the 6th year of the 4th
Sabbatical cycle of the 67th Jubilee cycle.
10.Re Acts 13:14, 15
& the reading of the Torah on the Pentecost Sabbath between 30 CE and 39
CE: Per this version either the 4th or the 5th Sabbatical
year of the 80th Jubilee cycle, which years began in the fall of 29
and 36 CE respectively[84].
§ Re
Gen 17:1, 24 and Abraham’s 99th birthday: Per this version, the 22nd
day of the 7th month of the Year of the Eighth Day of Abraham’s 99th
birthday occurred in the fall of 1823 BCE. Which per this version fell at the
end of the 4th year and the beginning of the 5th year of
the 6th sabbatical year cycle of the 42nd jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre[85]
horizon at ~46.94ºN ~99.6ºE; altitude: ~1010 meters above mean sea level; Time
zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Aug 4 1823 BCE Sunset: 19:47:46; Moonset: 20:20:02; Lag: 32min 16sec; Illum.:
4.95%. Aug 5 1823 BCE Sunset: 19:46:56; Moonset: 20:49:29; Lag: 62min 33sec;
Illum.: 11.38%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Aug 25.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((2nd,))) 3rd,
(or 4th) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((1st,))) 2nd, (or 3rd)
Sep 2 1823 BCE Sunset: 19:09:58; Moonset: 19:15:31; Lag: 05min 33sec; Illum.: 2.85%.
Sep 3 1823 BCE Sunset: 19:08:17; Moonset: 19:42:38; Lag: 34min 21sec; Illum.:
7.83%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon Sep 23.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((3rd,))) 4th,
(or 5th) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((2nd,))) 3rd, (or 4th)
Oct 2 1823 BCE Sunset: 18:13:32; Moonset: 18:36:39; Lag: 23min 07sec; Illum.:
4.44%. Oct 3 1823 BCE Sunset: 18:11:34; Moonset: 19:06:45; Lag: 55min 11sec;
Illum.: 9.87%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Oct 23.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((5th,))) 6th,
(or 7th) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((4th,))) 5th, (or 6th)
Oct 31 1823 BCE Sunset: 17:17:20; Moonset: 17:36:46; Lag: 19min 26sec; Illum.:
1.77%. Nov 1 1823 BCE Sunset: 17:15:32; Moonset: 18:12:48; Lag: 57min 16sec;
Illum.: 5.52%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Nov 22.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((7th,))) 1st,
(or 2nd) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((6th,))) 7th, (or 1st)
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 22nd day of the 7th month of the Year
of Abraham’s 99th birthday in 1823 BCE—Allows the 22nd day of the 7th
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XXII.0.00.1).xls – Created 5887[v2020-01-19] 12 25? 2035
A fundamental error was discovered in version XXII.0.00: The eclipse
date in line 2891G does not agree with the dates within cells 2891E & F.
How does this effect versions XXII.0.01 to XXII.0.00? Versions XXII.00.1
through XXII.0.00.3 are created for the purpose of discovering and correcting
the cause of this problem.
§ This
version is a double check of the following paragraphs of version XXII.0.00.
Result: Identical!
§ Testing
the Thu Day 5 May 15, 984 BCE partial lunar eclipse (9% at sunrise) for
potential harmony between all of the Bible date stamps discovered not only re
Saul’s visit to the woman in Endor (1 Sam 28:13, 14, 19, 25; 31:1, 6, 12, 13; 2
Sam 1:3; cf. Table
II of the linked article,) but also re the crossing of the Jordan River
(Jos 1:11; cf. this
link) and re the three days’ journey from Mt. Sinai (Num 10: 11, 33; cf this
§ This
version (XXII.0.00) is created by removing (1035 BCE - 983 BCE =) 52 Scripture
years out of version XII.0.3, i.e. now XXII.0.00.
Technically by removing the 52 lines 3026 through 3077; then copying line 3025
into line 3026; copying 2891E & F 52 lines up into 2839E & F; editing
2891E to 984 and 2891 F to 983; copying 2838E & F into 2839E & F; all
while double checking that BCE 1 agrees with CE 1. Then, in cell 2891G, correcting
the date of the lunar eclipse. Afterwards adjusting the Sabbath years in columns A, B, C, and D.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XXII.0.19.3).xls – Created Created 5887[v2020-01-19] 12 25?
2035 [2020-01-25]
§ The
purpose for this version is to check whether or not this version XXII.0.19.3
will be identical to version XXII.0.19 (and consequentially for all of versions
XXII.0.01 through XXII.0.22.) That is, double checking the result obtained in
version XXII.0.01.3 below.
That is, after changing “] – 983 BCE [XXII.0.00yr-1yr] =” below into
“] – 984 BCE [XXII.0.00yr-0yr] =”
and that which follows in the second paragraph accordingly?
§ It
is identical! Yes! Confirmed! Excepting occasional glitches all of versions
XXII.0.01 through XXII.0.22 should be ok, and need not be redone. Praise the
Lord of Hosts!
§ Testing
the Day 3 Tue Apr 13, 1076 BCE total lunar eclipse (76% at sunrise) for
potential harmony between all of the Bible date stamps discovered not only re
Saul’s visit to the woman in Endor (1 Sam 28:13, 14, 19, 25; 31:1, 6, 12, 13; 2
Sam 1:3; cf. Table
II of the linked article,) but also re the crossing of the Jordan River
(Jos 1:11; cf. this
link) and re the three days’ journey from Mt. Sinai (Num 10: 11, 33; cf this
§ This
version (XXII.0.19) is created by inserting (1076 BCE [spring year #] – 983 BCE
[XXII.0.00yr-1yr] =) 93 Scripture years into version XXII.0.00, i.e. now XXII.0.19. Technically by inserting 93 lines at
line 3026; then copying line 3025 into all the blank lines (lines 3026-3118)
through also line 3119; copying 2891E & F 93 lines down into 2984E & F;
editing 2891E to 1077 and 2891 F to 1076; copying 2983E & F into 2984E
& F; all while double checking that BCE 1 agrees with CE 1. Then, in cell
2891G, correcting the date of the lunar eclipse. Afterwards adjusting the
Sabbath years in columns A, B, C, and D.
§ This
version (XXII.0.19.3)
is created by inserting (1076 BCE [spring year #] – 984 BCE [XXII.0.00yr-0yr] =) 92 Scripture years into version XXII.0.00.3, i.e. now XXII.0.19.3 Technically by inserting 92 lines after line 3026;
then copying line 3025 into all the blank lines (lines 3026-3117) through also line 3118; copying 2891E & F 92 lines down into 2983E & F; editing 2891E to 1076+1 [i.e. 1=1+the new number in
2891 F] =1077 and 2891 F to 984+92 [i.e. 1=# of lines added] =1076; copying 2982E & F into 2983E & F; all while double
checking that BCE 1 agrees with CE 1. Then, in cell 2891G, correcting the date
of the lunar eclipse. Afterwards adjusting the Sabbath years in columns A, B, C, and D.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XXII.0.01.3).xls – Created 5887[v2020-01-19] 12 25? 2035
§ The
purpose for this version is to check whether or not this version XXII.0.01.3 will
be identical to version XXII.0.01 (and consequentially for all of versions
XXII.0.1 through XXII.0.22.)
That is, after changing “] – 983 BCE [XXII.0.00yr-1yr] =” below into
“] – 984 BCE [XXII.0.00yr-0yr] =”
and that which follows in the second paragraph accordingly?
§ It
is identical! Yes! Confirmed! Excepting occasional glitches all of versions
XXII.0.01 through XXII.0.22 should be ok, and need not be redone. Praise the
Lord of Hosts! One such glitch was found in version XXII.0.19, in the form of
the Sabbatical year colorations in columns A, B, C, and D not having yet been
carried through. Strangely enough I found that same error in version
XXII.0.21[.1,] both of which are now corrected.] And version XXII.0.00 is now
replaced by version XXII.0.00.3, but the error there discovered does not effect versions XXII.0.01 through XXII.0.22. Version
XXV.0.00 will be revised accordingly… Beginning by completing the remainder
(paragraphs #3 to the end) of the errors pertaining to version XXII.0.00,
continuing then with the top table entries above, and then as needed also in
the version XXV.0.00 notations within this Gateway Word file…
§ Testing
the Tue Day 3 Nov 30, 986 BCE total lunar eclipse (100% at sunrise) for
potential harmony between all of the Bible date stamps discovered not only re
Saul’s visit to the woman in Endor (1 Sam 28:13, 14, 19, 25; 31:1, 6, 12, 13; 2
Sam 1:3; cf. Table
II of the linked article,) but also re the crossing of the Jordan River
(Jos 1:11; cf. this
link) and re the three days’ journey from Mt. Sinai (Num 10: 11, 33; cf this
§ This
version (XXII.0.01.3)
is created by inserting (985 BCE [spring year #] – 984 BCE [XXII.0.00yr-0yr] =) 1 Scripture years into version XXII.0.00.3, i.e. now XXII.0.01.3 Technically by inserting 1 line after line 3026; then
copying line 3025 into all the blank lines (lines 3026-3026) through also line 3027; copying 2891E & F 1 line down into 2892E & F; editing 2891E to 985+1 [i.e. 1=1+the new number in
2891 F] =986 and
2891 F to 984+1 [i.e. 1=# of
lines added] =985;
copying 2893E & F
into 2892E & F; all
while double checking that BCE 1 agrees with CE 1. Then, in cell 2891G, correcting
the date of the lunar eclipse. Afterwards adjusting the Sabbath years in columns A, B, C, and D.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XXII.0.00.2).xls – Created 5887[v2020-01-19] 12 25? 2035
§ This
version is a correction of the following words within version XXII.0.00:
“(1035 BCE - 983
BCE =) 52
Scripture years out of version XII.0.3” into:
“(1035 BCE - 984 BCE =) 51 Scripture years out of version XII.0.3,”
while leaving the following words unchanged:
“editing 2891E to 984 and 2891 F to 983”
§ Result:
Disagreement between BCE 1 and CE 1. I.e. creating a
year zero in lines 3874F & 3875E.
§ Testing
the Thu Day 5 May 15, 984 BCE partial lunar eclipse (9% at sunrise) for
potential harmony between all of the Bible date stamps discovered not only re
Saul’s visit to the woman in Endor (1 Sam 28:13, 14, 19, 25; 31:1, 6, 12, 13; 2
Sam 1:3; cf. Table
II of the linked article,) but also re the crossing of the Jordan River
(Jos 1:11; cf. this
link) and re the three days’ journey from Mt. Sinai (Num 10: 11, 33; cf this
§ This
version (XXII.0.00.2) is created by removing (1035 BCE [spring year #] - 984
BCE =) 51 Scripture years out of version XII.0.3, i.e.
now XXII.0.00.2. Technically by removing the 51 lines 3026 through 3076; then
copying line 3025 into line 3026; copying 2891E & F 51 lines up into 2840E
& F; editing 2891E to 984
and 2891 F to 983;
copying 2839E & F into 2840E & F; all while double checking that BCE 1
agrees with CE 1, which it does
not!... [Not done:
Then, in cell 2891G, correcting the date of the lunar eclipse. Afterwards
adjusting the Sabbath years in columns A, B, C, and
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XXII.0.00.3).xls – Created 5887[v2020-01-19] 12 25? 2035
§ This
version is a correction of version XXII.0.00. I.e.
building upon the discoveries in version XXII.0.00.2 by correcting also the
following words:
“editing 2891E to 984 and 2891 F to 983” into:
“editing 2891E to 985 and 2891 F to 984.”
Result: Successful correction of version XXII.0.00, such that the
eclipse date in line 2891G now agrees with 2891E & F.
It remains to see whether or not this will require new editions of
versions XXII.0.01 to XXII.0.00…
§ Testing
the Thu Day 5 May 15, 984 BCE partial lunar eclipse (9% at sunrise) for
potential harmony between all of the Bible date stamps discovered not only re
Saul’s visit to the woman in Endor (1 Sam 28:13, 14, 19, 25; 31:1, 6, 12, 13; 2
Sam 1:3; cf. Table
II of the linked article,) but also re the crossing of the Jordan River
(Jos 1:11; cf. this
link) and re the three days’ journey from Mt. Sinai (Num 10: 11, 33; cf this
§ This
version (XXII.0.00.3) is created by removing (1035 BCE [spring year #] - 984
BCE =) 51 Scripture years out of version XII.0.3, i.e.
now XXII.0.00.3. Technically by removing the 51 lines 3026 through 3076; then
copying line 3025 into line 3026; copying 2891E & F 51 lines up into 2840E
& F; editing 2891E to 985 and 2891 F to 984; copying 2839E & F into
2840E & F; all while double checking that BCE 1 agrees with CE 1. Then, in
cell 2891G, correcting the date of the lunar eclipse. Afterwards adjusting the
Sabbath years in columns A, B, C, and D.
§ Per
this version, the crossing of the Jordan River is an event that occurred in the
spring of 1380 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 4th year of the 6th
sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle – and also in one of the Sabbatical years as
reckoned by Josephus!
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Gilgal horizon at ~47.72 N
~100.04 E; altitude: ~-100 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar
Mar 2 1380 BCE Sunset: 17:25:54; Moonset: 18:57:38; Lag: 91min 44sec;
Illum.: 2.00%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue Mar 11. ==> 4th
Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 3rd (or 4th) Day]
Mar 31 1380 BCE Sunset: 18:04:58; Moonset: 19:06:07; Lag: 61min 09sec; Illum.: 0.84%. Apr 1 1380 BCE
Sunset: 18:06:16; Moonset: 20:20:01; Lag: 73min 45sec; Illum.: 4.00%. ==>
10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Apr 9. ==> (((5th,))) or
6th Day of the week crossing. [JD-1 Day (((4th,))) 5th (or 6th)
Apr 30 1380 BCE Sunset: 18:43:34; Moonset: 20:39:28; Lag: 115min 54sec;
Illum.: 2.65%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at
sunset Julian Fri May 9. ==> 7th Day of the week crossing. [JD-1 Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
May 29 1380 BCE Sunset: 19:21:23; Moonset: 20:56:24; Lag: 95min 01sec;
Illum.: 1.67%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Jun 7. ==> 1st
Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the crossing of Jordan in 1380 BCE—allows an Abib 10 falling
out on the 3rd Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
occurred in the spring of 1418 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 1st year
of the 1st sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 2 1418 BCE Sunset: 17:38:24; Moonset: 18:43:12; Lag: 64min 48sec; Illum.: 1.13%. ==> 20th day:
Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Mar 21. ==> The 20th day of the 2nd month
fell out on the 1st
Day or 2nd Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (7th,) 1st, (or 2nd)
Apr 1 1418 BCE Sunset: 18:15:33; Moonset: 20:25:10; Lag: 129min 37sec;
Illum.: 4.01%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon Apr 20. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 3rd Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 2nd (or 3rd) Day]
April 30 1418 BCE Sunset: 18:50:09; Moonset: 20:46:26; Lag: 123min
17sec; Illum.: 2.82%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue May 19.
==> The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 4th Day of the
week. [JD-1 Day 3rd (or 4th) Day]
May 29 1418 BCE Sunset: 19:25:51; Moonset: 21:03:09; Lag: 97min 18sec;
Illum.: 1.76%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Jun 17. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 5th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 4th, (or 5th) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
in 1418 BCE—allows the 20th day of the 2nd month to fall out on the 1st or on
the 4th Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus occurred in the spring of 1420 BCE. Which per this version fell
in the 6th year of the 7th sabbatical year cycle of the
50th jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Feb 22 1420 BCE Sunset: 17:28:29; Moonset: 19:20:02; Lag: 111min 33sec;
Illum.: 3.77%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Fri Mar 8. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day (or 1st
Day) of the week. [JD-1
Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
Mar 23 1420 BCE Sunset: 18:05:21; Moonset: 19:29:39; Lag: 84min 42sec;
Illum.: 1.98%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Apr 6.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 1st Day (or 2nd
Day) of the week. [JD-1
Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
Apr 21 1420 BCE Sunset: 18:39:51; Moonset: 19:36:46; Lag: 56min 55sec; Illum.: 0.80%. Apr 22 1420 BCE
Sunset: 18:41:04; Moonset: 20:51:23; Lag: 130min 19sec; Illum.: 3.98%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun May 5.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the (((2nd,))) 3rd,
(or 4th) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((1st,))) 2nd, (or 3rd)
May 21 1420 BCE Sunset: 19:16:42; Moonset: 21:00:00; Lag: 103min 18sec;
Illum.: 2.14%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue June 4.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 4th, (or 5th)
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
3rd, (or 4th) Day]
Jun 19 1420 BCE Sunset: 19:48:26; Moonset: 20:58:58; Lag: 70min 32sec; Illum.: 0.86%. Jun 20 1420 BCE
Sunset: 19:49:14; Moonset: 21:51:22; Lag: 122min 08sec; Illum.: 3.57%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Jul 3.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 5th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((4th,))) 5th, (or 6th)
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus in 1420 BCE—allows the 15th day of the 2nd
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
According to this version, if
indeed Exo 16:1, 22-26, does describe a 7th Day of the week
placement, then Abib 15 of the Exodus year would fall out on the (((4th
Day, (5th Day,)))) 6th Day, (or 7th Day) [1420-3-8,or9 6th or 7th
Day] of the week, but not after the Eta Aquariids.
Per this version re Jer
34:9—The last Sabbatical year prior to the destruction of the Temple in 587/586
BCE & Slaves released: 587/586 BCE was the 67th Jubilee year;
Nebuchadnezzar’s 19th year, Jehoiachin’s 11th and
Zedekiah’s 11th year.
Sabbatical years as reckoned
from Creation 3 years after Josephus’ sabbatical years.
Re Luke 4:19—Acceptable year
of YHWH—fell in the 5th year of the 2nd Sabbatical cycle
of the 80th Jubilee cycle.
Crucifixion fell in the 2nd
year of the 3rd Sabbatical cycle of the 80th Jubilee
Re Ezra 1:1-2 and Cyrus’
decree: 534/533 BCE & 1st year of Cyrus’ reign fell in the 4th
year of the 1st Sabbatical cycle of the 69th Jubilee
Re Neh 1:1; 2:1; 6:15; 7:73;
8:2, 14-18; 9:1, 3. The reading of the Torah in Artaxerxes’ 20th/21st
year – 446/445 BCE & 445/444 BCE: Per this version the reading of the Torah
occurred on the threshold between the 1st and the 2nd
year in the 7th Sabbatical cycle of the 70th Jubilee
Re Jos 8:34 & the reading
of the Torah after the fall of Ai: Per this version most likely an event in the
fall following the crossing of the Jordan in 1380 BCE: Per this version an
event between the 4th and 5th years of the 6th
Sabbatical cycle of the 51st Jubilee cycle.
Re 2 Kings 22:8 & the reading of the Torah in
the 18th year of King Josiah: Per this version this pre-Passover
time reading of the Torah fell in the 5th year of the 4th
Sabbatical cycle of the 67th Jubilee cycle.
10.Re Acts 13:14, 15
& the reading of the Torah on the Pentecost Sabbath between 30 CE and 39
CE: Per this version either the 4th or the 5th Sabbatical
year of the 80th Jubilee cycle, which years began in the fall of 30
and 37 CE respectively[86].
§ Re
Gen 17:1, 24 and Abraha``m’s 99th birthday: Per this version, the 22nd
day of the 7th month of the Year of the Eighth Day of Abraham’s 99th
birthday occurred in the fall of 1822 BCE. Which per this version fell at the
end of the 4th year and the beginning of the 5th year of
the 6th sabbatical year cycle of the 42nd jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre[87]
horizon at ~46.94ºN ~99.6ºE; altitude: ~1010 meters above mean sea level; Time
zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Aug 22 1822 BCE Sunset: 19:27:29; Moonset: 19:18:46; Lag: -8min 17sec; Illum.: 1.00%. Aug 23 1822 BCE
Sunset: 19:26:03; Moonset: 19:49:57; Lag: 23min 54sec; Illum.: 4.73%. Aug 24 1822 BCE Sunset: 19:24:35;
Moonset: 20:21:00; Lag: 56min 25sec; Illum.: 11.21%. 22nd day:
Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Sep 12. The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((7th,)) 1st,) or 2nd
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
(((6th,)) 7th,) or 1st Day]
Sep 21 1822 BCE Sunset: 18:35:40; Moonset: 18:48:14; Lag: 12min 26sec; Illum.:
2.62%. Sep 22 1822 BCE Sunset: 18:33:44; Moonset: 19:20:05; Lag: 46min 21sec;
Illum.: 7.77%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Oct 12.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (2nd,) 3rd,
(or 4th) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (1st,) 2nd, (or 3rd)
Oct 20 1822 BCE Sunset: 17:38:26; Moonset: 17:47:39; Lag: 9min 13sec; Illum.: 0.92%.
Oct 21 1822 BCE Sunset: 17:36:31; Moonset: 18:23:22; Lag: 46min 51sec; Illum.:
4.48%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue Nov 11.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((4th,))) 5th,
(or 6th) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((3rd,))) 4th, (or 5th)
Nov 19 1822 BCE Sunset: 16:46:45; Moonset: 17:36:13; Lag: -10min 31sec; Illum.:
1.93%. Nov 20 1822 BCE Sunset: 16:45:21; Moonset: 18:23:33; Lag: 98min 12sec;
Illum.: 6.18%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Dec 10.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on ((5th,)) 6th,
(or 7th) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day ((4th,)) 5th, (or 6th)
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 22nd day of the 7th month of the Year
of Abraham’s 99th birthday in 1822 BCE—Allows the 22nd day of the 7th
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XXII.0.00).xls – Created 5939[v2016-12-14-21:32] 09 12 2036 [2019-11-10]
§ Testing
the Thu Day 5 May 15, 984 BCE partial lunar eclipse (9% at sunrise) for
potential harmony between all of the Bible date stamps discovered not only re
Saul’s visit to the woman in Endor (1 Sam 28:13, 14, 19, 25; 31:1, 6, 12, 13; 2
Sam 1:3; cf. Table
II of the linked article,) but also re the crossing of the Jordan River
(Jos 1:11; cf. this
link) and re the three days’ journey from Mt. Sinai (Num 10: 11, 33; cf this
§ This
version (XXII.0.00) is created by removing (1035 BCE - 983 BCE =) 52 Scripture
years out of version XII.0.3, i.e. now XXII.0.00.
Technically by removing the 52 lines 3026 through 3077; then copying line 3025
into line 3026; copying 2891E & F 52 lines up into 2839E & F; editing
2891E to 984 and 2891 F to 983; copying 2838E & F into 2839E & F; all
while double checking that BCE 1 agrees with CE 1. Then, in cell 2891G,
correcting the date of the lunar eclipse. Afterwards adjusting the Sabbath
years in columns A, B, C, and D.
§ Per
this version, the crossing of the Jordan River is an event that occurred in the
spring of 1379 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 4th year of the 6th
sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Gilgal horizon at ~47.72 N
~100.04 E; altitude: ~-100 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar
Feb 19 1379 BCE Sunset: 17:13:56; Moonset: 18:42:15; Lag: 88min 19sec;
Illum.: 1.78%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at
sunset Julian Sat Feb 28. ==> 1st Day of the week crossing. [JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
Mar 21 1379 BCE Sunset: 17:55:50; Moonset: 19:49:04; Lag: 113min 14sec;
Illum.: 2.90%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon Mar 30. ==>
3rd Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 2nd (or 3rd) Day]
Apr 19 1379 BCE Sunset: 18:33:14; Moonset: 19:55:15; Lag: 82min 01sec;
Illum.: 1.39%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue Apr 28. ==>
4th Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 3rd (or 4th) Day]
May 19 1379 BCE Sunset: 19:12:25; Moonset: 21:14:50; Lag: 122min 25sec;
Illum.: 3.05%. ==> 10th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu May 28. ==>
6th Day of the week crossing.
[JD-1 Day 5th (or 6th) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the crossing of Jordan in 1379 BCE—allows an Abib 10 falling
out on the 3rd Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
occurred in the spring of 1417 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 1st year
of the 1st sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 20 1417 BCE Sunset: 17:59:39; Moonset: 19:08:50; Lag: 69min 11sec;
Illum.: 1.16%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Apr 8. ==> The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day or 1st Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
Apr 19 1417 BCE Sunset: 18:35:24; Moonset: 20:52:03; Lag: 136min 39sec;
Illum.: 4.08%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat May 8. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 1st Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
May 18 1417 BCE Sunset: 19:10:42; Moonset: 21:11:42; Lag: 121min 00sec;
Illum.: 2.98%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon Jun 6 or Tue Jun
7. ==> The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 3rd Day or 4th Day of
the week. [JD-1 Day 2nd (or 3rd) Day]
Jun 16 1417 BCE Sunset: 19:43:09; Moonset: 21:10:03; Lag: 86min 54sec;
Illum.: 1.88%. ==> 20th day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue Jul 5. ==>
The 20th day of the 2nd month fell out on the 4th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 3rd (or 4th) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd Year after the Exodus
in 1417 BCE—allows the 20th day of the 2nd month to fall out on the 1st or on
the 4th Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus occurred in the spring of 1419 BCE. Which per this version fell
in the 6th year of the 7th sabbatical year cycle of the
50th jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Feb 11 1419 BCE Sunset: 17:13:26; Moonset: 18:13:13; Lag: 59min 47sec;
Illum.: 1.34%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Tue Feb 25. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 4th Day (or 5th
Day) of the week. [JD-1
Day 3rd (or 4th) Day]
Mar 13 1419 BCE Sunset: 17:52:47; Moonset: 19:54:19; Lag: 121min 32sec;
Illum.: 3.90%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Mar 27 (or Fri Mar 28.) The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 6th Day (or 7th
Day) of the week. [JD-1
Day 5th (or 6th) Day]
Apr 11 1419 BCE Sunset: 18:27:42; Moonset: 20:08:11; Lag: 100min 27sec;
Illum.: 2.41%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Apr 25.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 6th (or 7th) Day]
May 10 1419 BCE Sunset: 19:02:45; Moonset: 20:24:27; Lag: 81min 42sec;
Illum.: 1.33%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat May 24.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 1st Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 7th (or 1st) Day]
Jun 9 1419 BCE Sunset: 19:38:38; Moonset: 21:42:44; Lag: 124min 06sec;
Illum.: 3.22%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon Jun 23.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 3rd Day of the week. [JD-1 Day 2nd (or 3rd) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus in 1419 BCE—allows the 15th day of the 2nd
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
According to this version, if
indeed Exo 16:1, 22-26, does describe a 7th Day of the week
placement, then Abib 15 of the Exodus year would fall out on the (((4th
Day, (5th Day,)))) 6th Day, (or 7th Day) [1419-3-27,or28 5th or 6th
Day or 1419-4-25,or26
6th or 7th
Day] of the week, but not after the Eta Aquariids.
Per this version re Jer
34:9—The last Sabbatical year prior to the destruction of the Temple in 587/586
BCE & Slaves released: 593/592 BCE was the 6th Sabbatical year
of the 67th Jubilee cycle; Nebuchadnezzar’s 13th year,
Jehoiachin’s 5th and Zedekiah’s 5th year.
Sabbatical years as reckoned
from Creation 4 years after Josephus’ sabbatical years.
Re Luke 4:19—Acceptable year
of YHWH—fell in the 4th year of the 2nd Sabbatical cycle
of the 80th Jubilee cycle.
Crucifixion fell in the 1st
year of the 3rd Sabbatical cycle of the 80th Jubilee
Re Ezra 1:1-2 and Cyrus’
decree: 534/533 BCE & 1st year of Cyrus’ reign fell in the 3rd
year of the 1st Sabbatical cycle of the 69th Jubilee
Re Neh 1:1; 2:1; 6:15; 7:73;
8:2, 14-18; 9:1, 3. The reading of the Torah in Artaxerxes’ 20th/21st
year – 446/445 BCE & 445/444 BCE: Per this version the reading of the Torah
occurred on the threshold between the 6th Sabbatical year and the 1st
year of the 7th Sabbatical cycle of the 70th Jubilee
Re Jos 8:34 & the reading
of the Torah after the fall of Ai: Per this version most likely an event in the
fall following the crossing of the Jordan in 1379 BCE: Per this version an
event between the 4th and 5th years of the 6th
Sabbatical cycle of the 51st Jubilee cycle.
Re 2 Kings 22:8 & the reading of the Torah in
the 18th year of King Josiah: Per this version this pre-Passover
time reading of the Torah fell in the 4th year of the 4th
Sabbatical cycle of the 67th Jubilee cycle.
10.Re Acts 13:14, 15
& the reading of the Torah on the Pentecost Sabbath between 30 CE and 39
CE: Per this version either the 4th or the 5th Sabbatical
year of the 80th Jubilee cycle, which years began in the fall of 31
and 38 CE respectively[88].
§ Re
Gen 17:1, 24 and Abraham’s 99th birthday: Per this version, the 22nd
day of the 7th month of the Year of the Eighth Day of Abraham’s 99th
birthday occurred in the fall of 1821 BCE. Which per this version fell at the
end of the 4th year and the beginning of the 5th year of
the 6th sabbatical year cycle of the 42nd jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre[89]
horizon at ~46.94ºN ~99.6ºE; altitude: ~1010 meters above mean sea level; Time
zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Aug 11 1821 BCE Sunset: 19:40:29; Moonset: 19:46:14; Lag: 05min 45sec; Illum.:
1.81%. Aug 12 1821 BCE Sunset: 19:39:21; Moonset: 20:21:24; Lag: 42min 03sec;
Illum.: 6.27%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Sep 1.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((5th,))) 6th,
(or 7th) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((4th,))) 5th, (or 6th)
Sep 10 1821 BCE Sunset: 18:54:59; Moonset: 19:24:12; Lag: 29min 13sec; Illum.:
4.11%. Sep 11 1821 BCE Sunset: 18:53:09; Moonset: 19:57:09; Lag: 64min 00sec;
Illum.: 10.36%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Oct 1.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (((7th,))) 1st,
(or 2nd) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (((6th,))) 7th, (or 1st)
Oct 9 1821 BCE Sunset: 17:58:35; Moonset: 18:25:54; Lag: 27min 19sec; Illum.:
2.12%. Oct 10 1821 BCE Sunset: 17:56:35; Moonset: 19:02:35; Lag: 66min 00sec;
Illum.: 7.20%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Oct 30.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (1st,) 2nd,
(or 3rd) Day of the week. [JD-1 Day (7th,) 1st, (or 2nd) Day]
Nov 8 1821 BCE Sunset: 17:02:33; Moonset: 18:16:36; Lag: 74min 03sec;
Illum.: 4.29%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon Nov 29.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on 3rd (or 4th)
Day of the week. [JD-1 Day
2nd (or 3rd) Day]
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 22nd day of the 7th month of the Year
of Abraham’s 99th birthday in 1821 BCE—Allows the 22nd day of the 7th
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
Prior used versions:
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XXI.0.0).xls – Created 5938[v2016-12-14-21:32] 06 19 2035 [2019-08-21]
§ Testing
the Mon Mar 4, 972 BCE partial lunar eclipse for potential harmony between all
of the Bible date stamps discovered not only re Saul’s visit to the woman in
Endor (1 Sam 28:13, 14, 19, 25; 31:1, 6, 12, 13; 2 Sam 1:3; cf. Table
II of the linked article,) but also re the crossing of the Jordan River
(Jos 1:11; cf. this
link) and re the three days’ journey from Mt. Sinai (Num 10: 11, 33; cf this
§ This
version (XXI.0.0) is created copying version XX.0.0. Then, in cell 2891G,
correcting the date of the lunar eclipse.
§ Per
this version, the crossing of the Jordan River is an event that occurred in the
spring of 1368 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 4th year of
the 6th sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Gilgal horizon at ~47.72 N
~100.04 E; altitude: ~-100 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar
Feb 17 1368 BCE Sunset: 17:07:15; Moonset: 18:38:37; Lag: 91min 22sec;
Illum.: 3.07%. 10th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Thu Feb 26. 5th Day
of the week crossing.
Mar 18 1368 BCE Sunset: 17:48:02; Moonset: 18:42:22; Lag: 54min 20sec;
Illum.: 1.42%. 10th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Fri Mar 27. 6th Day of the week crossing.
Apr 17 1368 BCE Sunset: 18:26:51; Moonset: 19:50:16; Lag: 83min 25sec;
Illum.: 2.50%. 10th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Sun Apr 26. 1st Day
of the week crossing.
May 16 1368 BCE Sunset: 19:04:42; Moonset: 19:51:26; Lag: 46min 44sec; Illum.: 0.94%. 10th
day: Beginning at sunset (Julian Mon May 25 or) Julian Tue 26.
Day or) 3rd Day of
the week crossing.
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the crossing of Jordan in 1368 BCE—allows an Abib 10 falling out on the 3rd
Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd
Year after the Exodus occurred in the spring of 1406 BCE. Which per this
version fell in the 1st year of the 1st sabbatical year
cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 19 1406 BCE Sunset: 17:57:37; Moonset: 18:31:37; Lag: 34min 00sec; Illum.: 0.80%. 20th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian (Wed Apr 7 or) Thu Apr 8 (or Fri Apr 9.) The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the (4th Day,) 5th Day, (or 6th
Day) of the week.
Apr 18 1406 BCE Sunset: 18:33:23; Moonset: 19:38:34; Lag:
65min 11sec; Illum.: 1.84%. 20th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri May 7.
The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 6th Day of the week.
May 17 1406 BCE Sunset: 19:08:39; Moonset: 19:44:39;
Lag: 36min 00sec; Illum.: 0.83%. 20th
day: Beginning at sunset (Julian Sat Jun 5,) Sun 6, (or Mon 7.) The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the (7th Day,) 1st Day, (or 2nd
Day) of the week.
Jun 16 1406 BCE Sunset: 19:42:31; Moonset: 21:05:00; Lag:
82min 29sec; Illum.: 2.71%. 20th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon Jul 5.
The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 2nd Day of the week.
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd
Year after the Exodus in 1406 BCE—allows the 20th day of the 2nd month to fall out on
the 1st (or on the 4th) Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus occurred in the spring of 1408 BCE. Which per this version fell
in the 6th year of the 7th sabbatical year cycle of the
50th jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 11 1408 BCE Sunset: 17:50:41; Moonset: 18:45:51; Lag: 55min 10sec;
Illum.: 1.15%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Tue Mar 25 or Wed Mar 27.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 3rd Day or 4th
Day of the week.
Apr 10 1408 BCE Sunset: 18:26:56; Moonset: 20:10:37; Lag: 103min 41sec;
Illum.: 3.85%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Thu Apr 24. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 5th Day of the week.
May 9 1408 BCE Sunset: 19:01:56; Moonset: 20:21:19; Lag: 79min 23sec;
Illum.: 2.82%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri May 23 (or Sat 24.) The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 6th Day (or the 7th Day) of the
Jun 7 1408 BCE Sunset: 19:36:49; Moonset: 20:27:49; Lag: 51min 00sec;
Illum.: 1.86%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Sat Jun 21. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day of the week.
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus in 1408 BCE—allows the 15th day of the 2nd
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
According to this version, if
indeed Exo 16:1, 22-26, does describe a 7th Day of the week
placement, then Abib 15 of the Exodus year would fall out on the 5th Day (or the 6th
Day) of the week.
Per this version re Jer
34:9—Slaves released: 589/588 BCE was the 5th Sabbatical year of the 67th
Jubilee cycle; Nebuchadnezzar’s 17th year, Jehoiachin’s 9th
and Zedekiah’s 9th year.
Sabbatical years as reckoned
from Creation followed 1 year after Josephus’ sabbatical years.
Re Luke 4:19—Acceptable year
of YHWH—fell in the 79th Jubilee year.
Crucifixion fell in the 4th year of the 1st
Sabbatical cycle of the 80th Jubilee cycle.
Re Ezra 1:1-2 and Cyrus’
decree: 534/533 BCE & 1st year of Cyrus’ reign fell in the 6th
year of the 6th Sabbatical cycle of the 68th Jubilee
Re Neh 1:1; 2:1; 6:15; 7:73;
8:2, 14-18; 9:1, 3. The reading of the Torah in Artaxerxes’ 20th/21st
year – 446/445 BCE & 445/444 BCE: Per this version the reading of the Torah
occurred on the threshold between 3rd and 4th year of the 5th
Sabbatical cycle of the 70th Jubilee cycle.
Re Jos 8:34 & the reading
of the Torah after the fall of Ai: Per this version most likely an event in the
fall following the crossing of the Jordan in 1368 BCE: Per this version an
event between the 4th
and 5th years of the 6th Sabbatical cycle of the
51st Jubilee cycle.
Re 2 Kings 22:8 & the reading of the Torah in
the 18th year of King Josiah: Per this version this pre-Passover
time reading of the Torah fell in the 2nd Sabbatical year of the 67th Jubilee
10.Re Acts 13:14, 15
& the reading of the Torah on the Pentecost Sabbath between 30 CE and 39
CE: Per this version the 3rd Sabbatical year of the 80th
Jubilee cycle began in the falls of 35 CE[90].
§ Re
Gen 17:1, 24 and Abraham’s 99th birthday: Per this version, the 22nd
day of the 7th month of the Year of the Eighth Day of Abraham’s 99th
birthday occurred in the fall of 1809 BCE. Which per this version fell at the
end of the 4th year and the beginning of the 5th year of
the 6th sabbatical year cycle of the 42nd jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre[91]
horizon at ~46.94ºN ~99.6ºE; altitude: ~1010 meters above mean sea level; Time
zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Aug 28 1809 BCE Sunset: 19:17:09; Moonset: 19:37:39; Lag: 80min 30sec;
Illum.: 1.42%. 22nd day:
Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Sep 18. The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 1st Day of the week.
Sep 27 1809 BCE Sunset: 18:22:14; Moonset: 18:29:15; Lag: 07min 01sec; Illum.: 2.13%.
Sep 28 1809 BCE Sunset: 18:20:16; Moonset: 18:45:16; Lag: 25min 00sec; Illum.: 5.95%.
Sep 29 1809 BCE Sunset: 18:18:17; Moonset: 19:03:55; Lag: 45min 38sec; Illum.: 11.67%. 22nd day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Thu Oct 20. The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 5th Day of the week.
Oct 27 1809 BCE Sunset: 17:23:32; Moonset: 17:31:44; Lag: 08min 12sec; Illum.: 3.25%.
Oct 27 1809 BCE Sunset: 17:21:41; Moonset: 18:00:06; Lag: 38min 25sec; Illum.:
8.01%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Nov 17.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 5th Day of the week.
Nov 26 1809 BCE Sunset: 16:36:31; Moonset: 17:22:47; Lag: 46min 16sec;
Illum.: 5.11%. 22nd day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Sat Dec 17. The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on 7th Day of the week.
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 22nd day of the 7th month of the Year
of Abraham’s 99th birthday in 1809 BCE—Allows (albeit highly unlikely-too late
in the year) the 22nd day of the 7th month to fall out on
the 7th Day of the week.
§ Test
re version XXI: Highly
unlikely re 4th Day (too early in the year.) Very late 3rd
Day, but ok re 1st Day. 7th Day re Exodus ok if
inclement weather, but 7th
Day re Abraham’s 99th birthday highly unlikely (too late in the
year.) Highly unlikely that Joshua’s very late (May) Abib 10 3rd Day
is compatible with Moses’ too early Zif 4th Day; 1st Day
option better, but I tend to doubt the 1st Day interpretation,
though that option would agree with Moses’ Zif 7th Day…
§ Test
re version XX: Highly unlikely
re 4th Day (too early in the year.) Very late 3rd Day,
but ok re 1st Day. 7th Day re Exodus ok if inclement
weather, but 7th
Day re Abraham’s 99th birthday highly unlikely (too late in the
year.) Highly unlikely that Joshua’s very late (May) Abib 10 3rd Day
is compatible with Moses’ too early Zif 4th Day; 1st Day
option better, but I tend to doubt the 1st Day interpretation,
though that option would agree with Moses’ Zif 7th Day…
§ Test
re version XIX: Highly
unlikely 4th Day (too early,) very late 3rd Day,
but ok re 1st Day. 7th Day re Exodus ok if inclement
weather, but 7th Day
re Abraham’s 99th birthday excluded. Highly
unlikely that Joshua’s very late (May) Abib 10 3rd Day is compatible
with Moses’ too early Zif 4th Day; 1st Day option better,
but I tend to doubt the 1st Day interpretation, though that option
would agree with Moses’ Zif 7th Day…
§ Test
re version XVIII: Unlikely
early re 4th Day, but ok re 1st Day. 3rd
Day and 7th Day re Exodus ok (both if inclement weather,) but 7th Day re Abraham’s 99th
birthday excluded. Highly
unlikely that Joshua’s very late (May) Abib 10 3rd Day is compatible
with Moses’ too early Zif 4th Day; 1st Day option better,
but I tend to doubt the 1st Day interpretation, though that option
would agree with Moses’ Zif 7th Day…
§ Test
re version XVII: Thus far this version may be excluded based on the above test. Unlikely 7th
Day (too late in the year re the year of the Exodus, and too early in the year
re the year of Abraham’s 99th birthday.)
§ Test
re version XVI: Thus far this version may be excluded based on the above test. Unlikely 7th
Day (too late in the year re the year of the Exodus, and too early in the year
re the year of Abraham’s 99th birthday.)
§ Test
re version XV: Ok re 1st Day
or 4th Day, 3rd Day and 7th Day x 2. Compatible one with another.
§ Test
re version XIV: Highly
unlikely 3rd Day (too late in year), and highly unlikely re 4th
Day (too early.) 7th Day unlikely (too late in the year for the
Exodus year, but ok for Abraham’s 99th birthday.) 1st Day excluded. Highly unlikely that Joshua’s very
late (May) Abib 10 3rd Day is compatible with Moses’ too early Zif 4th
Day; 1st Day option absent, thus no available option for agreement
with Moses’ too late Zif 7th Day… Thus
version XIV next to impossible!
§ Test
re version XIII: Highly unlikely
3rd Day (too late in the year,) highly unlikely 4th Day
(too early or too late in the year, but ok 1st Day and 7th
Day x 2. Albeit too late, all options compatible one with another!
§ Test
re version XII: Excluded.
Does not allow the 7th Day in the year of the Exodus, but does
allow, albeit unlikely, the 7th Day at the time of Abraham.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XX.0.0).xls – Created 5938[v2016-12-14-21:32] 06 19 2035 [2019-08-21]
§ Testing
the Mon Oct 8, 973 BCE penumbral lunar eclipse for potential harmony between
all of the Bible date stamps discovered not only re Saul’s visit to the woman
in Endor (1 Sam 28:13, 14, 19, 25; 31:1, 6, 12, 13; 2 Sam 1:3; cf. Table
II of the linked article,) but also re the crossing of the Jordan River
(Jos 1:11; cf. this
link) and re the three days’ journey from Mt. Sinai (Num 10: 11, 33; cf this
§ This
version (XX.0.0) is created by removing ((100-71=29)+
69 =) 98 Scripture years out of version XIX.0.0, i.e. now XX.0.0. Technically
by removing 98 lines from line 3026 downwards; then copying line 3025 into line
3026; editing 2891E to 973 and 2891 F to 972; copying 3023B into 3030B, and
2995C into 3044C; all while double checking that BCE 1 agrees with CE 1. Then,
in cell 2891G, correcting the date of the lunar eclipse.
§ Per
this version, the crossing of the Jordan River is an event that occurred in the
spring of 1368 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 4th year of
the 6th sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Gilgal horizon at ~47.72 N
~100.04 E; altitude: ~-100 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar
Feb 17 1368 BCE Sunset: 17:07:15; Moonset: 18:38:37; Lag: 91min 22sec;
Illum.: 3.07%. 10th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Thu Feb 26. 5th Day
of the week crossing.
Mar 18 1368 BCE Sunset: 17:48:02; Moonset: 18:42:22; Lag: 54min 20sec;
Illum.: 1.42%. 10th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Fri Mar 27. 6th Day of the week crossing.
Apr 17 1368 BCE Sunset: 18:26:51; Moonset: 19:50:16; Lag: 83min 25sec;
Illum.: 2.50%. 10th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Sun Apr 26. 1st Day
of the week crossing.
May 16 1368 BCE Sunset: 19:04:42; Moonset: 19:51:26; Lag: 46min 44sec; Illum.: 0.94%. 10th
day: Beginning at sunset (Julian Mon May 25 or) Julian Tue 26.
Day or) 3rd Day of
the week crossing.
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the crossing of Jordan in 1368 BCE—allows an Abib 10 falling out on the 3rd
Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd
Year after the Exodus occurred in the spring of 1406 BCE. Which per this
version fell in the 1st year of the 1st sabbatical year
cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 19 1406 BCE Sunset: 17:57:37; Moonset: 18:31:37; Lag: 34min 00sec; Illum.: 0.80%. 20th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian (Wed Apr 7 or) Thu Apr 8 (or Fri Apr 9.) The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the (4th Day,) 5th Day, (or 6th
Day) of the week.
Apr 18 1406 BCE Sunset: 18:33:23; Moonset: 19:38:34; Lag: 65min 11sec;
Illum.: 1.84%. 20th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Fri May 7. The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 6th Day of the week.
May 17 1406 BCE Sunset: 19:08:39; Moonset: 19:44:39; Lag: 36min 00sec;
Illum.: 0.83%. 20th
day: Beginning at sunset (Julian Sat Jun 5,) Sun 6, (or Mon 7.) The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the (7th Day,) 1st Day, (or 2nd
Day) of the week.
Jun 16 1406 BCE Sunset: 19:42:31; Moonset: 21:05:00; Lag: 82min 29sec;
Illum.: 2.71%. 20th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Mon Jul 5. The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 2nd Day of the week.
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd
Year after the Exodus in 1406 BCE—allows the 20th day of the 2nd month to fall out on
the 1st (or on the 4th) Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus occurred in the spring of 1408 BCE. Which per this version fell
in the 6th year of the 7th sabbatical year cycle of the
50th jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 11 1408 BCE Sunset: 17:50:41; Moonset: 18:45:51; Lag:
55min 10sec; Illum.: 1.15%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue Mar 25 or Wed Mar 27. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 3rd Day or 4th
Day of the week.
Apr 10 1408 BCE Sunset: 18:26:56; Moonset: 20:10:37; Lag:
103min 41sec; Illum.: 3.85%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Apr 24.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 5th Day of the week.
May 9 1408 BCE Sunset: 19:01:56; Moonset: 20:21:19;
Lag: 79min 23sec; Illum.: 2.82%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri May 23 (or Sat 24.) The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 6th Day (or the 7th Day) of the
Jun 7 1408 BCE Sunset: 19:36:49; Moonset: 20:27:49; Lag:
51min 00sec; Illum.: 1.86%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Jun 21.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day of the week.
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus in 1408 BCE—allows the 15th day of the 2nd
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
According to this version, if
indeed Exo 16:1, 22-26, does describe a 7th Day of the week
placement, then Abib 15 of the Exodus year would fall out on the 5th Day (or the 6th
Day) of the week.
Per this version re Jer
34:9—Slaves released: 589/588 BCE was the 5th Sabbatical year of the 67th
Jubilee cycle; Nebuchadnezzar’s 17th year, Jehoiachin’s 9th
and Zedekiah’s 9th year.
Sabbatical years as reckoned
from Creation followed 1 year after Josephus’ sabbatical years.
Re Luke 4:19—Acceptable year
of YHWH—fell in the 79th Jubilee year.
Crucifixion fell in the 4th year of the 1st
Sabbatical cycle of the 80th Jubilee cycle.
Re Ezra 1:1-2 and Cyrus’
decree: 534/533 BCE & 1st year of Cyrus’ reign fell in the 6th
year of the 6th Sabbatical cycle of the 68th Jubilee
Re Neh 1:1; 2:1; 6:15; 7:73; 8:2,
14-18; 9:1, 3. The reading of the Torah in Artaxerxes’ 20th/21st
year – 446/445 BCE & 445/444 BCE: Per this version the reading of the Torah
occurred on the threshold between 3rd and 4th year of the 5th
Sabbatical cycle of the 70th Jubilee cycle.
Re Jos 8:34 & the reading
of the Torah after the fall of Ai: Per this version most likely an event in the
fall following the crossing of the Jordan in 1368 BCE: Per this version an
event between the 4th
and 5th years of the 6th Sabbatical cycle of the
51st Jubilee cycle.
Re 2 Kings 22:8 & the reading of the Torah in
the 18th year of King Josiah: Per this version this pre-Passover
time reading of the Torah fell in the 2nd Sabbatical year of the 67th Jubilee
10.Re Acts 13:14, 15
& the reading of the Torah on the Pentecost Sabbath between 30 CE and 39
CE: Per this version the 3rd Sabbatical year of the 80th
Jubilee cycle began in the falls of 35 CE[92].
§ Re
Gen 17:1, 24 and Abraham’s 99th birthday: Per this version, the 22nd
day of the 7th month of the Year of the Eighth Day of Abraham’s 99th
birthday occurred in the fall of 1809 BCE. Which per this version fell at the
end of the 4th year and the beginning of the 5th year of
the 6th sabbatical year cycle of the 42nd jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre[93]
horizon at ~46.94ºN ~99.6ºE; altitude: ~1010 meters above mean sea level; Time
zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Aug 28 1809 BCE Sunset: 19:17:09; Moonset: 19:37:39; Lag: 80min 30sec;
Illum.: 1.42%. 22nd day:
Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Sep 18. The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 1st Day of the week.
Sep 27 1809 BCE Sunset: 18:22:14; Moonset: 18:29:15; Lag: 07min 01sec; Illum.: 2.13%.
Sep 28 1809 BCE Sunset: 18:20:16; Moonset: 18:45:16; Lag: 25min 00sec; Illum.: 5.95%.
Sep 29 1809 BCE Sunset: 18:18:17; Moonset: 19:03:55; Lag: 45min 38sec; Illum.: 11.67%. 22nd day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Thu Oct 20. The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 5th Day of the week.
Oct 27 1809 BCE Sunset: 17:23:32; Moonset: 17:31:44; Lag: 08min 12sec; Illum.: 3.25%.
Oct 27 1809 BCE Sunset: 17:21:41; Moonset: 18:00:06; Lag: 38min 25sec; Illum.:
8.01%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Nov 17.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 5th Day of the week.
Nov 26 1809 BCE Sunset: 16:36:31; Moonset: 17:22:47; Lag: 46min 16sec;
Illum.: 5.11%. 22nd day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Sat Dec 17. The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on 7th Day of the week.
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 22nd day of the 7th month of the Year
of Abraham’s 99th birthday in 1809 BCE—Allows (albeit highly unlikely-too late
in the year) the 22nd day of the 7th month to fall out on
the 7th Day of the week.
§ Test
re version XX: Highly unlikely
re 4th Day (too early in the year.) Very late 3rd Day,
but ok re 1st Day. 7th Day re Exodus ok if inclement
weather, but 7th
Day re Abraham’s 99th birthday highly unlikely (too late in the
year.) Highly unlikely that Joshua’s very late (May) Abib 10 3rd Day
is compatible with Moses’ too early Zif 4th Day; 1st Day
option better, but I tend to doubt the 1st Day interpretation,
though that option would agree with Moses’ Zif 7th Day…
§ Test
re version XIX: Highly
unlikely 4th Day (too early,) very late 3rd Day,
but ok re 1st Day. 7th Day re Exodus ok if inclement
weather, but 7th Day
re Abraham’s 99th birthday excluded. Highly
unlikely that Joshua’s very late (May) Abib 10 3rd Day is compatible
with Moses’ too early Zif 4th Day; 1st Day option better,
but I tend to doubt the 1st Day interpretation, though that option
would agree with Moses’ Zif 7th Day…
§ Test
re version XVIII: Unlikely
early re 4th Day, but ok re 1st Day. 3rd
Day and 7th Day re Exodus ok (both if inclement weather,) but 7th Day re Abraham’s 99th
birthday excluded. Highly
unlikely that Joshua’s very late (May) Abib 10 3rd Day is compatible
with Moses’ too early Zif 4th Day; 1st Day option better,
but I tend to doubt the 1st Day interpretation, though that option
would agree with Moses’ Zif 7th Day…
§ Test
re version XVII: Thus far this version may be excluded based on the above test. Unlikely 7th
Day (too late in the year re the year of the Exodus, and too early in the year
re the year of Abraham’s 99th birthday.)
§ Test
re version XVI: Thus far this version may be excluded based on the above test. Unlikely 7th
Day (too late in the year re the year of the Exodus, and too early in the year
re the year of Abraham’s 99th birthday.)
§ Test
re version XV: Ok re 1st Day
or 4th Day, 3rd Day and 7th Day x 2. Compatible one with another.
§ Test
re version XIV: Highly
unlikely 3rd Day (too late in year), and highly unlikely re 4th
Day (too early.) 7th Day unlikely (too late in the year for the
Exodus year, but ok for Abraham’s 99th birthday.) 1st Day excluded. Highly unlikely that Joshua’s very
late (May) Abib 10 3rd Day is compatible with Moses’ too early Zif 4th
Day; 1st Day option absent, thus no available option for agreement
with Moses’ too late Zif 7th Day… Thus
version XIV next to impossible!
§ Test
re version XIII: Highly
unlikely 3rd Day (too late in the year,) highly unlikely 4th
Day (too early or too late in the year, but ok 1st Day and 7th
Day x 2. Albeit too late, all options compatible one with another!
§ Test
re version XII: Excluded.
Does not allow the 7th Day in the year of the Exodus, but does
allow, albeit unlikely, the 7th Day at the time of Abraham.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XIX.0.0).xls – Created 5938[v2016-12-14-21:32] 06 17 2035 [2019-08-19]
§ Testing
the Sun Jul 4, 1070 BCE penumbral lunar eclipse for potential harmony between
all of the Bible date stamps discovered not only re Saul’s visit to the woman
in Endor (1 Sam 28:13, 14, 19, 25; 31:1, 6, 12, 13; 2 Sam 1:3; cf. Table II of
the linked article,) but also re the crossing of the Jordan River (Jos 1:11;
cf. this
link) and re the three days’ journey from Mt. Sinai (Num 10: 11, 33; cf this
§ This
version (XIX.0.0) is created by inserting (69 – 34 =) 35 Scripture years into
version XII.0.3, i.e. now XIX.0.0. Technically by
inserting 35 lines at line 3026; then copying line 3025 into all the blank
lines through also line 3061; copying 2891E & F 35 lines down into 2926E
& F; editing 2891E to 1071 and 2891 F to 1070; copying 2925E & F into
2926E & F; all while double checking that BCE 1 agrees with CE 1. Then, in
cell 2891G, correcting the date of the lunar eclipse. Afterwards adjusting the
Sabbath years in columns A, B, C, and D.
§ Per
this version, the crossing of the Jordan River is an event that occurred in the
spring of 1466 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 4th year of
the 6th sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Gilgal horizon at ~47.72 N
~100.04 E; altitude: ~-100 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar
Feb 21 1466 BCE Sunset: 17:11:22; Moonset: 19:00:00; Lag: 108min 38sec;
Illum.: 2.86%. 10th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Thu Mar 2. 5th Day
of the week crossing.
Mar 22 1466 BCE Sunset: 17:51:38; Moonset: 18:53:06; Lag: 61min 28sec;
Illum.: 1.06%. 10th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian (Fri Mar 31 or) Sat April 1.
Day or) 7th Day of the week crossing.
Apr 21 1466 BCE Sunset: 18:30:16; Moonset: 19:46:32; Lag: 76min 16sec;
Illum.: 2.01%. 10th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Apr 30.
1st Day
of the week crossing.
May 21 1466 BCE Sunset: 19:09:26; Moonset: 20:35:10; Lag: 85min 44sec;
Illum.: 3.38%. 10th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue May 30.
3rd Day of the week crossing.
§ Conclusion:
This version— re the crossing of Jordan in 1466 BCE— allows an Abib 10 falling out on the 3rd
Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd
Year after the Exodus occurred in the spring of 1504 BCE. Which per this
version fell in the 1st year of the 1st sabbatical year
cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 22 1504 BCE Sunset: 18:02:10; Moonset: 19:55:20; Lag:
113min 10sec; Illum.: 3.50%. 20th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Apr 10.
The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 4th Day of the week.
Apr 21 1504 BCE Sunset: 18:36:34; Moonset: 19:57:50; Lag:
81min 16sec; Illum.: 2.10%. 20th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue May 10.
The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 6th Day of the week.
May 20 1504 BCE Sunset: 19:14:29; Moonset: 20:02:29;
Lag: 48min 00sec; Illum.: 1.26%. 20th
day: Beginning at sunset (Julian Sat Jun 8,) Sun 27, (or Mon 28.) The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the (7th Day,) 1st Day, (or 2nd
Day) of the week.
Jun 18 1504 BCE Sunset: 19:44:49; Moonset: 20:57:01; Lag:
72min 12sec; Illum.: 4.20%. 20th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Jul 7.
The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 1st Day of the week.
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd
Year after the Exodus in 1504 BCE—allows the 20th day of the 2nd month to fall out on
the 1st or on the 4th Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus occurred in the spring of 1506 BCE. Which per this version fell
in the 6th year of the 7th sabbatical year cycle of the
50th jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 15 1506 BCE Sunset: 17:54:05; Moonset: 19:27:05; Lag:
93min 00sec; Illum.: 2.11%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue Mar 29.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 3rd Day of the week.
Apr 13 1506 BCE Sunset: 18:28:51; Moonset: 19:37:39; Lag:
68min 48sec; Illum.: 1.16%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Apr 27.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 4th Day of the week.
May 13 1506 BCE Sunset: 19:05:09; Moonset: 21:02:21;
Lag: 117min 12sec; Illum.: 4.04%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri May 27 (or Sat 28.) The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 6th Day (or the 7th Day) of the
Jun 11 1506 BCE Sunset: 19:39:35; Moonset: 20:51:07; Lag:
71min 32sec; Illum.: 2.70%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Jun 25.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day of the week.
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus in 1506 BCE—allows the 15th day of the 2nd
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
According to this version, if
indeed Exo 16:1, 22-26, does describe a 7th Day of the week
placement, then Abib 15 of the Exodus year would fall out on the 4th Day (or the 6th
Day) of the week.
Per this version re Jer
34:9—Slaves released: 589/588 BCE was the 5th Sabbatical year of the 69th
Jubilee cycle; Nebuchadnezzar’s 17th year, Jehoiachin’s 9th
and Zedekiah’s 9th year.
Sabbatical years as reckoned
from Creation followed 1 year after Josephus’ sabbatical years.
Re Luke 4:19—Acceptable year
of YHWH—fell in the 81st Jubilee year.
Crucifixion fell in the 4th year of the 1st
Sabbatical cycle of the 82nd Jubilee cycle.
Re Ezra 1:1-2 and Cyrus’
decree: 534/533 BCE & 1st year of Cyrus’ reign fell in the 6th
year of the 6th Sabbatical cycle of the 70th Jubilee
Re Neh 1:1; 2:1; 6:15; 7:73;
8:2, 14-18; 9:1, 3. The reading of the Torah in Artaxerxes’ 20th/21st
year – 446/445 BCE & 445/444 BCE: Per this version the reading of the Torah
occurred on the threshold between 3rd and 4th year of the 5th
Sabbatical cycle of the 72nd Jubilee cycle.
Re Jos 8:34 & the reading
of the Torah after the fall of Ai: Per this version most likely an event in the
fall following the crossing of the Jordan in 1466 BCE: Per this version an
event between the 4th
and 5th years of the 6th Sabbatical cycle of the
51st Jubilee cycle.
Re 2 Kings 22:8 & the reading of the Torah in
the 18th year of King Josiah: Per this version this pre-Passover
time reading of the Torah fell in the 2nd Sabbatical year of the 69th Jubilee
10.Re Acts 13:14, 15
& the reading of the Torah on the Pentecost Sabbath between 30 CE and 39
CE: Per this version the 3rd Sabbatical year of the 82nd
Jubilee cycle began in the falls of 35 CE[94].
§ Re
Gen 17:1, 24 and Abraham’s 99th birthday: Per this version, the 22nd
day of the 7th month of the Year of the Eighth Day of Abraham’s 99th
birthday occurred in the fall of 1907 BCE. Which per this version fell at the
end of the 4th year and the beginning of the 5th year of
the 6th sabbatical year cycle of the 42nd jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre[95]
horizon at ~46.94ºN ~99.6ºE; altitude: ~1010 meters above mean sea level; Time
zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Sep 1 1907 BCE Sunset: 19:12:47; Moonset: 20:03:32; Lag: 50min 45sec;
Illum.: 1.42%. 22nd day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Sun Sep 22. The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 1st Day of the week.
Oct 1 1907 BCE Sunset: 18:16:53; Moonset: 19:05:00; Lag: 48min 07sec;
Illum.: 2.30%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue Oct 22.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 3rd Day of the week.
Nov 29 1907 BCE Sunset: 16:34:39; Moonset: 17:08:39; Lag: 34min 00sec;
Illum.: 1.81%. 22nd day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Wed Dec 20. The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on 4th Day of the week.
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 22nd day of the 7th month of the Year
of Abraham’s 99th birthday in 1907 BCE—does not allow the 22nd day of the 7th month
to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
§ Test
re version XIX: Highly
unlikely 4th Day (too early,) very late 3rd Day, but
ok re 1st Day. 7th Day re Exodus ok if inclement weather,
but 7th Day re
Abraham’s 99th birthday excluded. Highly
unlikely that Joshua’s very late (May) Abib 10 3rd Day is compatible
with Moses’ too early Zif 4th Day; 1st Day option better,
but I tend to doubt the 1st Day interpretation, though that option
would agree with Moses’ Zif 7th Day…
§ Test
re version XVIII: Unlikely
early re 4th Day, but ok re 1st Day. 3rd
Day and 7th Day re Exodus ok (both if inclement weather,) but 7th Day re Abraham’s 99th
birthday excluded. Highly
unlikely that Joshua’s very late (May) Abib 10 3rd Day is compatible
with Moses’ too early Zif 4th Day; 1st Day option better,
but I tend to doubt the 1st Day interpretation, though that option
would agree with Moses’ Zif 7th Day…
§ Test
re version XVII: Thus far this version may be excluded based on the above test. Unlikely 7th
Day (too late in the year re the year of the Exodus, and too early in the year
re the year of Abraham’s 99th birthday.)
§ Test
re version XVI: Thus far this version may be excluded based on the above test. Unlikely 7th
Day (too late in the year re the year of the Exodus, and too early in the year
re the year of Abraham’s 99th birthday.)
§ Test
re version XV: Ok re 1st Day
or 4th Day, 3rd Day and 7th Day x 2. Compatible one with another.
§ Test
re version XIV: Highly
unlikely 3rd Day (too late in year), and highly unlikely re 4th
Day (too early.) 7th Day unlikely (too late in the year for the
Exodus year, but ok for Abraham’s 99th birthday.) 1st Day excluded. Highly unlikely that Joshua’s very
late (May) Abib 10 3rd Day is compatible with Moses’ too early Zif 4th
Day; 1st Day option absent, thus no available option for agreement
with Moses’ too late Zif 7th Day… Thus
version XIV next to impossible!
§ Test
re version XIII: Highly
unlikely 3rd Day (too late in the year,) highly unlikely 4th
Day (too early or too late in the year, but ok 1st Day and 7th
Day x 2. Albeit too late, all options compatible one with another!
§ Test
re version XII: Excluded.
Does not allow the 7th Day in the year of the Exodus, but does
allow, albeit unlikely, the 7th Day at the time of Abraham.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XVIII.0.0).xls – Created 5938[v2016-12-14-21:32] 06 17 2035 [2019-08-19]
§ Testing
the Sat Feb 18, 1063 BCE penumbral lunar eclipse for potential harmony between
all of the Bible date stamps discovered not only re Saul’s visit to the woman
in Endor (1 Sam 28:13, 14, 19, 25; 31:1, 6, 12, 13; 2 Sam 1:3; cf. Table
II of the linked article,) but also re the crossing of the Jordan River
(Jos 1:11; cf. this
link) and re the three days’ journey from Mt. Sinai (Num 10: 11, 33; cf this
§ This
version (XVIII.0.0) is created by inserting (62 – 34 =) 28 Scripture years into
version XII.0.3, i.e. now XVIII.0.0. Technically by
inserting 28 lines at line 3026; then copying line 3025 into all the blank
lines through also line 3054; copying 2891E & F 28 lines down into 2919E
& F; editing 2891E to 1064 and 2891 F to 1063; copying 2918E & F into
2919E & F; all while double checking that BCE 1 agrees with CE 1. Then, in
cell 2891G, correcting the date of the lunar eclipse. Afterwards adjusting the
Sabbath years in columns A, B, C, and D.
§ Per
this version, the crossing of the Jordan River is an event that occurred in the
spring of 1459 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 4th year of
the 6th sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Gilgal horizon at ~47.72 N
~100.04 E; altitude: ~-100 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar
Feb 4 1459 BCE Sunset: 16:47:13; Moonset: 18:06:31; Lag: 79min 18sec;
Illum.: 2.69%. 10th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Wed Feb 13. 4th Day
of the week crossing.
Mar 5 1459 BCE Sunset: 17:30:21; Moonset: 19:19:07; Lag: 48min 46sec;
Illum.: 3.77%. 10th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Thu Mar 14. 5th Day
of the week crossing.
Apr 4 1459 BCE Sunset: 18:08:55; Moonset: 19:25:10; Lag: 76min 15sec;
Illum.: 1.86%. 10th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Mon Apr 15. 2nd Day
(or 3rd Day)
of the week crossing.
May 4 1459 BCE Sunset: 18:47:29; Moonset: 20:52:27; Lag: 124min 58sec;
Illum.: 3.83%. 10th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed May 15.
4th Day
of the week crossing.
June 2 1459 BCE Sunset: 19:25:04; Moonset: 21:11:53; Lag: 106min 49sec;
Illum.: 2.55%. 10th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue June 11.
3rd Day of the week crossing.
§ Conclusion:
This version— re the crossing of Jordan in 1459 BCE—allows an Abib 10 falling out on the 3rd
Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd
Year after the Exodus occurred in the spring of 1497 BCE. Which per this
version fell in the 1st year of the 1st sabbatical year
cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 22 1497 BCE Sunset: 18:02:10; Moonset: 19:55:20; Lag:
113min 10sec; Illum.: 3.50%. 20th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Apr 10.
The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 4th Day of the week.
Apr 21 1497 BCE Sunset: 18:36:34; Moonset: 19:57:50; Lag:
81min 16sec; Illum.: 2.10%. 20th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue May 10.
The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 6th Day of the week.
May 20 1497 BCE Sunset: 19:14:29; Moonset: 20:02:29;
Lag: 48min 00sec; Illum.: 1.26%. 20th
day: Beginning at sunset (Julian Sat Jun 8,) Sun 27, (or Mon 28.) The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the (7th Day,) 1st Day, (or 2nd
Day) of the week.
Jun 18 1497 BCE Sunset: 19:44:49; Moonset: 20:57:01; Lag:
72min 12sec; Illum.: 4.20%. 20th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Jul 7.
The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 1st Day of the week.
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd
Year after the Exodus in 1497 BCE—allows the 20th day of the 2nd month to fall out on
the 1st or on the 4th Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus occurred in the spring of 1499 BCE. Which per this version fell
in the 6th year of the 7th sabbatical year cycle of the
50th jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 27 1499 BCE Sunset: 18:09:02; Moonset: 19:48:38; Lag:
99min 36sec; Illum.: 3.59%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue Apr 10.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 3rd Day of the week.
Apr 25 1499 BCE Sunset: 18:43:28; Moonset: 19:54:06; Lag:
70min 34sec; Illum.: 2.06%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed May 9.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 4th Day of the week.
May 25 1499 BCE Sunset: 19:20:21; Moonset: 21:07:50;
Lag: 107min 29sec; Illum.: 3.96%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Jun 8 (or Sat 28.) The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 6th Day (or the 7th Day) of the
Jun 23 1499 BCE Sunset: 19:50:46; Moonset: 20:59:41; Lag:
68min 55sec; Illum.: 1.97%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Jul 7.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day of the week.
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus in 1499 BCE—allows the 15th day of the 2nd
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
According to this version, if
indeed Exo 16:1, 22-26, does describe a 7th Day of the week
placement, then Abib 15 of the Exodus year would fall out on the 4th Day of the
Per this version re Jer 34:9—Slaves
released: 589/588 BCE was the 68th Jubilee year; Nebuchadnezzar’s 17th year,
Jehoiachin’s 9th and Zedekiah’s 9th year.
Sabbatical years as reckoned from
Creation followed 1 year after Josephus’ sabbatical years.
Re Luke 4:19—Acceptable year
of YHWH—fell in the 2nd Sabbatical year of the 81st Jubilee cycle.
Crucifixion fell in the 4th year of the 6th
Sabbatical cycle of the 81st Jubilee cycle.
Re Ezra 1:1-2 and Cyrus’
decree: 534/533 BCE & 1st year of Cyrus’ reign fell in the 6th
year of the 1st Sabbatical cycle of the 70th Jubilee
Re Neh 1:1; 2:1; 6:15; 7:73;
8:2, 14-18; 9:1, 3. The reading of the Torah in Artaxerxes’ 20th/21st
year – 446/445 BCE & 445/444 BCE: Per this version the reading of the Torah
occurred on the threshold between 3rd and 4th year of the 7th
Sabbatical cycle of the 71st Jubilee cycle.
Re Jos 8:34 & the reading
of the Torah after the fall of Ai: Per this version most likely an event in the
fall following the crossing of the Jordan in 1459 BCE: Per this version an
event between the 4th
and 5th years of the 6th Sabbatical cycle of the
51st Jubilee cycle.
Re 2 Kings 22:8 & the reading of the Torah in
the 18th year of King Josiah: Per this version this pre-Passover
time reading of the Torah fell in the 4th Sabbatical year of the 68th Jubilee
10.Re Acts 13:14, 15
& the reading of the Torah on the Pentecost Sabbath between 30 CE and 39
CE: Per this version the 5th Sabbatical year of the 81st
Jubilee cycle began in the falls of 35 CE[96].
§ Re
Gen 17:1, 24 and Abraham’s 99th birthday: Per this version, the 22nd
day of the 7th month of the Year of the Eighth Day of Abraham’s 99th
birthday occurred in the fall of 1900 BCE. Which per this version fell at the
end of the 4th year and the beginning of the 5th year of
the 6th sabbatical year cycle of the 42nd jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre[97]
horizon at ~46.94ºN ~99.6ºE; altitude: ~1010 meters above mean sea level; Time
zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Sep 14 1900 BCE Sunset: 18:49:16; Moonset: 19:07:16; Lag: 18min 00sec; Illum.: 5.30%.
Sep 15
1900 BCE Sunset: 18:47:24; Moonset: 19:31:07; Lag: 43min 43sec; Illum.:11.97%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue Oct 6.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 3rd Day of the week.
Oct 13 1900 BCE Sunset: 17:52:25; Moonset: 17:57:25; Lag: 6min 00sec; Illum.: 3.21%.
Oct 14 1900 BCE Sunset: 17:50:26; Moonset: 18:29:25; Lag: 38min 59sec; Illum.:
8.87%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Nov 4.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 4th Day of the week.
Nov 12 1900 BCE Sunset: 16:57:32; Moonset: 17:45:32; Lag: 48min 00sec;
Illum.: 5.79%. 22nd day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Thu Dec 3. The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on 5th Day of the week.
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 22nd day of the 7th month of the Year
of Abraham’s 99th birthday in 1900 BCE—does not allow the 22nd day of the 7th month
to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
§ Test
re version XVIII: Unlikely
early re 4th Day, but ok re 1st Day. 3rd
Day and 7th Day re Exodus ok (both if inclement weather,) but 7th Day re Abraham’s 99th
birthday excluded. Highly
unlikely that Joshua’s very late (May) Abib 10 3rd Day is compatible
with Moses’ too early Zif 4th Day; 1st Day option better,
but I tend to doubt the 1st Day interpretation, though that option
would agree with Moses’ Zif 7th Day…
§ Test
re version XVII: Thus far this version may be excluded based on the above test. Unlikely 7th
Day (too late in the year re the year of the Exodus, and too early in the year
re the year of Abraham’s 99th birthday.)
§ Test
re version XVI: Thus far this version may be excluded based on the above test. Unlikely 7th
Day (too late in the year re the year of the Exodus, and too early in the year
re the year of Abraham’s 99th birthday.)
§ Test
re version XV: Ok re 1st Day
or 4th Day, 3rd Day and 7th Day x 2. Compatible one with another.
§ Test
re version XIV: Highly
unlikely 3rd Day (too late in year), and highly unlikely re 4th
Day (too early.) 7th Day unlikely (too late in the year for the Exodus
year, but ok for Abraham’s 99th birthday.) 1st Day excluded. Highly unlikely that Joshua’s very
late (May) Abib 10 3rd Day is compatible with Moses’ too early Zif 4th
Day; 1st Day option absent, thus no available option for agreement
with Moses’ too late Zif 7th Day… Thus
version XIV next to impossible!
§ Test
re version XIII: Highly
unlikely 3rd Day (too late in the year,) highly unlikely 4th
Day (too early or too late in the year, but ok 1st Day and 7th
Day x 2. Albeit too late, all options compatible one with another!
§ Test
re version XII: Excluded.
Does not allow the 7th Day in the year of the Exodus, but does
allow, albeit unlikely, the 7th Day at the time of Abraham.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XVII.0.0).xls – Created 5938[v2016-12-14-21:32] 06 17 2035 [2019-08-19]
§ Testing
the Tue Apr 2, 1056 BCE penumbral lunar eclipse for potential harmony between
all of the Bible date stamps discovered not only re Saul’s visit to the woman
in Endor (1 Sam 28:13, 14, 19, 25; 31:1, 6, 12, 13; 2 Sam 1:3; cf. Table
II of the linked article,) but also re the crossing of the Jordan River
(Jos 1:11; cf. this
link) and re the three days’ journey from Mt. Sinai (Num 10: 11, 33; cf this
§ This
version (XVII.0.0) is created by inserting (55 – 34 =) 21 Scripture years into
version XII.0.3, i.e. now XVII.0.0. Technically by
inserting 21 lines at line 3026; then copying line 3025 into all the blank
lines through also line 3047; copying 2891E & F 21 lines down into 2927E
& F; editing 2891E to 1057 and 2891 F to 1056; copying 2912E & F into
2913E & F; all while double checking that BCE 1 agrees with CE 1. Then, in
cell 2891G, correcting the date of the lunar eclipse. Afterwards adjusting the
Sabbath years in columns A, B, C, and D.
§ Per
this version, the crossing of the Jordan River is an event that occurred in the
spring of 1452 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 4th year of
the 6th sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Gilgal horizon at ~47.72 N
~100.04 E; altitude: ~-100 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar
Feb 16 1452 BCE Sunset: 17:04:57; Moonset: 18:23:34; Lag: 78min 37sec;
Illum.: 1.33%. 10th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Wed Feb 25. 4th Day
of the week crossing.
Mar 18 1452 BCE Sunset: 17:30:21; Moonset: 19:51:25; Lag: 141min 04sec;
Illum.: 3.50%. 10th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Fri Mar 27. 6th Day
of the week crossing.
Apr 16 1452 BCE Sunset: 18:08:55; Moonset: 20:08:16; Lag: 59min 21sec;
Illum.: 2.32%. 10th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Sat Apr 25. 7th Day
of the week crossing.
May 15 1452 BCE Sunset: 18:47:29; Moonset: 20:23:24; Lag: 95min 55sec;
Illum.: 1.42%. 10th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun May 24.
1st Day
of the week crossing.
§ Conclusion:
This version— re the crossing of Jordan in 1452 BCE—does not allow an Abib 10 falling
out on the 3rd Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd
Year after the Exodus occurred in the spring of 1490 BCE. Which per this
version fell in the 1st year of the 1st sabbatical year
cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 18 1490 BCE Sunset: 17:55:36; Moonset: 20:00:36; Lag: 125min 00sec;
Illum.: 3.74%. 20th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Tue Apr 6. The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 3rd Day (or 4th Day) of
the week.
Apr 16 1490 BCE Sunset: 18:30:12; Moonset: 20:10:22; Lag: 100min 10sec;
Illum.: 2.25%. 20th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Wed May 5. The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 4th Day of the week.
May 15 1490 BCE Sunset: 19:05:16; Moonset: 20:18:06; Lag: 72min 50sec;
Illum.: 1.07%. 20th
day: Beginning at sunset (Julian Thu Jun 3,) Fri 4, (or Sat 5.) The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the (5th Day,) 6th
Day, (or 7th Day) of the week.
Jun 14 1490 BCE Sunset: 19:39:57; Moonset: 21:08:30; Lag: 88min 33sec;
Illum.: 2.45%. 20th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Sat Jul 3. The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day of the week.
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd
Year after the Exodus in 1490 BCE—allows the 20th day of the 2nd month to fall out on
the 1st or on the 4th Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus occurred in the spring of 1492 BCE. Which per this version fell
in the 6th year of the 7th sabbatical year cycle of the
50th jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 9 1492 BCE Sunset: 17:47:20; Moonset: 18:52:20; Lag: 65min 00sec;
Illum.: 1.09%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Mon Mar 24. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 2nd Day of the week.
Apr 8 1492 BCE Sunset: 18:23:40; Moonset: 20:02:20; Lag: 98min 40sec;
Illum.: 2.26%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Tue Apr 22. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 3rd Day of the week.
May 7 1492 BCE Sunset: 18:58:30; Moonset: 20:06:06; Lag: 67min 36sec;
Illum.: 0.91%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian (Wed May 21 or) Thu 22. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the (4th Day or) the 5th
Day of the week.s
Jun 6 1492 BCE Sunset: 19:34:54; Moonset: 21:10:11; Lag: 95min 17sec;
Illum.: 1.75%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Fri Jun 20 (or Sat 21.)
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 6th Day (or the 7th Day)
of the week.
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus in 1492 BCE—allows the 15th day of the 2nd
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
According to this version, if
indeed Exo 16:1, 22-26, does describe a 7th Day of the week placement,
then Abib 15 of the Exodus year would fall out on the (4th Day or) the 5th Day
of the week, however unlikely too
late in the year, and only 0.91% illumination of the New Moon.
Per this version re Jer
34:9—Slaves released: 589/588 BCE was the 3rd Sabbatical year of the
69th Jubilee cycle; Nebuchadnezzar’s 17th year,
Jehoiachin’s 9th and Zedekiah’s 9th year.
Sabbatical years as reckoned
from Creation followed 1 year after Josephus’ sabbatical years.
Re Luke 4:19—Acceptable year
of YHWH—fell in the 5th Sabbatical year of the 81st Jubilee cycle.
Crucifixion fell in the 4th year of the 6th
Sabbatical cycle of the 81st Jubilee cycle.
Re Ezra 1:1-2 and Cyrus’
decree: 534/533 BCE & 1st year of Cyrus’ reign fell in the 6th
year of the 4th Sabbatical cycle of the 70th Jubilee
Re Neh 1:1; 2:1; 6:15; 7:73;
8:2, 14-18; 9:1, 3. The reading of the Torah in Artaxerxes’ 20th/21st
year – 446/445 BCE & 445/444 BCE: Per this version the reading of the Torah
occurred on the threshold between 3rd and 4th year of the 3rd
Sabbatical cycle of the 72nd Jubilee cycle.
Re Jos 8:34 & the reading
of the Torah after the fall of Ai: Per this version most likely an event in the
fall following the crossing of the Jordan in 1452 BCE: Per this version an
event between the 4th
and 5th years of the 6th Sabbatical cycle of the
51st Jubilee cycle.
Re 2 Kings 22:8 & the reading of the Torah in
the 18th year of King Josiah: Per this version this pre-Passover
time reading of the Torah fell in the 68th Jubilee year.
10.Re Acts 13:14, 15
& the reading of the Torah on the Pentecost Sabbath between 30 CE and 39
CE: Per this version the 1st Sabbatical year of the 82nd
Jubilee cycle began in the falls of 35 CE[98].
§ Re
Gen 17:1, 24 and Abraham’s 99th birthday: Per this version, the 22nd
day of the 7th month of the Year of the Eighth Day of Abraham’s 99th
birthday occurred in the fall of 1893 BCE. Which per this version fell at the
end of the 4th year and the beginning of the 5th year of
the 6th sabbatical year cycle of the 42nd jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre[99]
horizon at ~46.94ºN ~99.6ºE; altitude: ~1010 meters above mean sea level; Time
zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Aug 27 1893 BCE Sunset: 19:19:47; Moonset: 20:11:47; Lag: 52min 00sec;
Illum.: 4.29%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Sep 17.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 7th Day of the week.
Sep 25 1893 BCE Sunset: 18:27:31; Moonset: 19:10:26; Lag: 42min 55sec;
Illum.: 2.22%. 22nd day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Sun Oct 16. The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 1st Day of the week.
Oct 25 1893 BCE Sunset: 17:28:34; Moonset: 18:39:34; Lag: 71min 00sec;
Illum.: 3.95%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue Nov 15.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 3rd Day of the week.
Nov 23 1893 BCE Sunset: 16:41:08; Moonset: 17:43:00; Lag: 61min 52sec;
Illum.: 1.61%. 22nd day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Wed Dec 14.) The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on 4th Day of the week.
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 22nd day of the 7th month of the Year
of Abraham’s 99th birthday in 1893 BCE—allows (albeit too early in the year and thus unlikely) the 22nd
day of the 7th month to fall out on the 7th Day of the
§ Test
re version XVII: Thus far this version may be excluded based on the above test. Unlikely 7th
Day (too late in the year re the year of the Exodus, and too early in the year
re the year of Abraham’s 99th birthday.)
§ Test
re version XVI: Thus far this version may be excluded based on the above test. Unlikely 7th
Day (too late in the year re the year of the Exodus, and too early in the year
re the year of Abraham’s 99th birthday.)
§ Test
re version XV: Ok re 1st Day
or 4th Day, 3rd Day and 7th Day x 2. Compatible one with another.
§ Test
re version XIV: Highly
unlikely 3rd Day (too late in year), and highly unlikely re 4th
Day (too early.) 7th Day unlikely (too late in the year for the
Exodus year, but ok for Abraham’s 99th birthday.) 1st Day excluded. Highly unlikely that Joshua’s very
late (May) Abib 10 3rd Day is compatible with Moses’ too early Zif 4th
Day; 1st Day option absent, thus no available option for agreement
with Moses’ too late Zif 7th Day… Thus
version XIV next to impossible!
§ Test
re version XIII: Highly
unlikely 3rd Day (too late in the year,) highly unlikely 4th
Day (too early or too late in the year, but ok 1st Day and 7th
Day x 2. Albeit too late, all options compatible one with another!
§ Test
re version XII: Excluded.
Does not allow the 7th Day in the year of the Exodus, but does
allow, albeit unlikely, the 7th Day at the time of Abraham.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XVI.0.0).xls – Created 5938[v2016-12-14-21:32] 06 17 2035 [2019-08-19]
§ Testing
the Wed Sep 25, 1056 BCE penumbral lunar eclipse for potential harmony between all
of the Bible date stamps discovered not only re Saul’s visit to the woman in
Endor (1 Sam 28:13, 14, 19, 25; 31:1, 6, 12, 13; 2 Sam 1:3; cf. Table
II of the linked article,) but also re the crossing of the Jordan River
(Jos 1:11; cf. this
link) and re the three days’ journey from Mt. Sinai (Num 10: 11, 33; cf this
§ This
version (XVI.0.0) is created by inserting (55 – 34 =) 21 Scripture years into
version XII.0.3, i.e. now XVI.0.0. Technically by
inserting 21 lines at line 3026; then copying line 3025 into all the blank
lines through also line 3047; copying 2891E & F 21 lines down into 2927E
& F; editing 2891E to 1057 and 2891 F to 1056; copying 2912E & F into
2913E & F; all while double checking that BCE 1 agrees with CE 1. Then, in
cell 2891G, correcting the date of the lunar eclipse. Afterwards adjusting the
Sabbath years in columns A, B, C, and D.
§ Per
this version, the crossing of the Jordan River is an event that occurred in the
spring of 1452 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 4th year of
the 6th sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Gilgal horizon at ~47.72 N
~100.04 E; altitude: ~-100 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar
Feb 16 1452 BCE Sunset: 17:04:57; Moonset: 18:23:34; Lag: 78min 37sec;
Illum.: 1.33%. 10th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Wed Feb 25. 4th Day
of the week crossing.
Mar 18 1452 BCE Sunset: 17:30:21; Moonset: 19:51:25; Lag: 141min 04sec;
Illum.: 3.50%. 10th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Fri Mar 27. 6th Day
of the week crossing.
Apr 16 1452 BCE Sunset: 18:08:55; Moonset: 20:08:16; Lag: 59min 21sec;
Illum.: 2.32%. 10th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Sat Apr 25. 7th Day
of the week crossing.
May 15 1452 BCE Sunset: 18:47:29; Moonset: 20:23:24; Lag: 95min 55sec;
Illum.: 1.42%. 10th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun May 24.
1st Day
of the week crossing.
§ Conclusion:
This version— re the crossing of Jordan in 1452 BCE—does not allow an Abib 10 falling
out on the 3rd Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd
Year after the Exodus occurred in the spring of 1490 BCE. Which per this
version fell in the 1st year of the 1st sabbatical year
cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 18 1490 BCE Sunset: 17:55:36; Moonset: 20:00:36; Lag: 125min 00sec;
Illum.: 3.74%. 20th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Tue Apr 6. The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 3rd Day (or 4th Day) of
the week.
Apr 16 1490 BCE Sunset: 18:30:12; Moonset: 20:10:22; Lag: 100min 10sec;
Illum.: 2.25%. 20th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Wed May 5. The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 4th Day of the week.
May 15 1490 BCE Sunset: 19:05:16; Moonset: 20:18:06; Lag: 72min 50sec;
Illum.: 1.07%. 20th
day: Beginning at sunset (Julian Thu Jun 3,) Fri 4, (or Sat 5.) The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the (5th Day,) 6th
Day, (or 7th Day) of the week.
Jun 14 1490 BCE Sunset: 19:39:57; Moonset: 21:08:30; Lag: 88min 33sec;
Illum.: 2.45%. 20th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Sat Jul 3. The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day of the week.
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd
Year after the Exodus in 1490 BCE—allows the 20th day of the 2nd month to fall out on
the 4th Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus occurred in the spring of 1492 BCE. Which per this version fell
in the 6th year of the 7th sabbatical year cycle of the
50th jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 9 1492 BCE Sunset: 17:47:20; Moonset: 18:52:20; Lag: 65min 00sec;
Illum.: 1.09%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Mon Mar 24. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 2nd Day of the week.
Apr 8 1492 BCE Sunset: 18:23:40; Moonset: 20:02:20; Lag: 98min 40sec;
Illum.: 2.26%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Tue Apr 22. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 3rd Day of the week.
May 7 1492 BCE Sunset: 18:58:30; Moonset: 20:06:06; Lag: 67min 36sec;
Illum.: 0.91%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian (Wed May 21 or) Thu 22.) The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the (4th Day or) the 5th
Day of the week.
Jun 6 1492 BCE Sunset: 19:34:54; Moonset: 21:10:11; Lag: 95min 17sec;
Illum.: 1.75%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Fri Jun 20 (or Sat 21.)
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 6th Day (or the 7th Day)
of the week.
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus in 1492 BCE—allows the 15th day of the 2nd
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
According to this version, if
indeed Exo 16:1, 22-26, does describe a 7th Day of the week
placement, then Abib 15 of the Exodus year would fall out on the (4th Day or) the 5th
Day of the week, however unlikely too late in the year, and only 0.91% illumination of the New Moon.
Per this version re Jer
34:9—Slaves released: 589/588 BCE was the 3rd Sabbatical year of the
69th Jubilee cycle; Nebuchadnezzar’s 17th year,
Jehoiachin’s 9th and Zedekiah’s 9th year.
Sabbatical years as reckoned
from Creation followed 1 year after Josephus’ sabbatical years.
Re Luke 4:19—Acceptable year
of YHWH—fell in the 5th Sabbatical year of the 81st Jubilee cycle.
Crucifixion fell in the 4th year of the 6th
Sabbatical cycle of the 81st Jubilee cycle.
Re Ezra 1:1-2 and Cyrus’
decree: 534/533 BCE & 1st year of Cyrus’ reign fell in the 6th
year of the 4th Sabbatical cycle of the 70th Jubilee
Re Neh 1:1; 2:1; 6:15; 7:73;
8:2, 14-18; 9:1, 3. The reading of the Torah in Artaxerxes’ 20th/21st
year – 446/445 BCE & 445/444 BCE: Per this version the reading of the Torah
occurred on the threshold between 3rd and 4th year of the 3rd
Sabbatical cycle of the 72nd Jubilee cycle.
Re Jos 8:34 & the reading
of the Torah after the fall of Ai: Per this version most likely an event in the
fall following the crossing of the Jordan in 1452 BCE: Per this version an
event between the 4th
and 5th years of the 6th Sabbatical cycle of the
51st Jubilee cycle.
Re 2 Kings 22:8 & the reading of the Torah in
the 18th year of King Josiah: Per this version this pre-Passover
time reading of the Torah fell in the 68th Jubilee year.
10.Re Acts 13:14, 15
& the reading of the Torah on the Pentecost Sabbath between 30 CE and 39
CE: Per this version the 1st Sabbatical year of the 82nd
Jubilee cycle began in the falls of 35 CE[100].
§ Re
Gen 17:1, 24 and Abraham’s 99th birthday: Per this version, the 22nd
day of the 7th month of the Year of the Eighth Day of Abraham’s 99th
birthday occurred in the fall of 1893 BCE. Which per this version fell at the
end of the 4th year and the beginning of the 5th year of
the 6th sabbatical year cycle of the 42nd jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre[101]
horizon at ~46.94ºN ~99.6ºE; altitude: ~1010 meters above mean sea level; Time
zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Aug 27 1893 BCE Sunset: 19:19:47; Moonset: 20:11:47; Lag: 52min 00sec;
Illum.: 4.29%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Sep 17.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 7th Day of the week.
Sep 25 1893 BCE Sunset: 18:27:31; Moonset: 19:10:26; Lag: 42min 55sec;
Illum.: 2.22%. 22nd day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Sun Oct 16. The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 1st Day of the week.
Oct 25 1893 BCE Sunset: 17:28:34; Moonset: 18:39:34; Lag: 71min 00sec;
Illum.: 3.95%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue Nov 15.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 3rd Day of the week.
Nov 23 1893 BCE Sunset: 16:41:08; Moonset: 17:43:00; Lag: 61min 52sec;
Illum.: 1.61%. 22nd day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Wed Dec 14.) The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on 4th Day of the week.
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 22nd day of the 7th month of the Year
of Abraham’s 99th birthday in 1893 BCE—allows (albeit too early in the year and thus unlikely) the 22nd
day of the 7th month to fall out on the 7th Day of the
§ Test
re version XVI: Thus far this version may be excluded based on the above test. Unlikely 7th
Day (too late in the year re the year of the Exodus, and too early in the year
re the year of Abraham’s 99th birthday.)
§ Test
re version XV: Ok re 1st Day
or 4th Day, 3rd Day and 7th Day x 2. Compatible one with another.
§ Test
re version XIV: Highly
unlikely 3rd Day (too late in year), and highly unlikely re 4th
Day (too early.) 7th Day unlikely (too late in the year for the
Exodus year, but ok for Abraham’s 99th birthday.) 1st Day excluded. Highly unlikely that Joshua’s very
late (May) Abib 10 3rd Day is compatible with Moses’ too early Zif 4th
Day; 1st Day option absent, thus no available option for agreement
with Moses’ too late Zif 7th Day… Thus
version XIV next to impossible!
§ Test
re version XIII: Highly
unlikely 3rd Day (too late in the year,) highly unlikely 4th
Day (too early or too late in the year, but ok 1st Day and 7th
Day x 2. Albeit too late, all options compatible one with another!
§ Test
re version XII: Excluded.
Does not allow the 7th Day in the year of the Exodus, but does
allow, albeit unlikely, the 7th Day at the time of Abraham.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XV.0.0).xls – Created 5938[v2016-12-14-21:32] 06 15 2035 [2019-08-17]
§ Testing
the Wed Jul 15, 1071 BCE lunar eclipse for potential harmony between all of the
Bible date stamps discovered not only re Saul’s visit to the woman in Endor (1
Sam 28:13, 14, 19, 25; 31:1, 6, 12, 13; 2 Sam 1:3; cf. Table
II of the linked article,) but also re the crossing of the Jordan River
(Jos 1:11; cf. this
link) and re the three days’ journey from Mt. Sinai (Num 10: 11, 33; cf this
§ This
version (XV.0.0) is created by inserting (70 – 34 =) 36 Scripture years into
version XII.0.3, i.e. now XV.0.0. Technically by
inserting 36 lines at line 3026; then copying line 3025 into all the blank
lines through also line 3062; copying 2891E & F 36 lines down into 2927E
& F; editing 2891E to 1072 and 2891 F to 1071; copying 2926E & F into
2927E & F; all while double checking that BCE 1 agrees with CE 1. Then, in
cell 2891G, correcting the date of the lunar eclipse. Afterwards adjusting the
Sabbath years in columns A, B, C, and D.
§ Per
this version, the crossing of the Jordan River is an event that occurred in the
spring of 1467 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 4th year of
the 6th sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Gilgal horizon at ~47.72 N
~100.04 E; altitude: ~-100 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar
Mar 4 1467 BCE Sunset: 17:27:31; Moonset: 19:17:24; Lag: 109min 53sec;
Illum.: 2.91%. 10th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Tue Mar 15. 3rd Day of the week crossing.
Apr 2 1467 BCE Sunset: 18:06:19; Moonset: 19:10:46; Lag: 64min 27sec;
Illum.: 1.10%. 10th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Mon Apr 11. (2nd
Day or) 3rd Day
of the week crossing.
May 2 1467 BCE Sunset: 18:44:49; Moonset: 20:06:38; Lag: 81min 49sec;
Illum.: 2.23%. 10th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed May 11.
4th Day
of the week crossing.
May 31 1467 BCE Sunset: 19:22:33; Moonset: 19:51:06; Lag: 141min 04sec;
Illum.: 1.08%. 10th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Jun 9.
5th Day
of the week crossing.
§ Conclusion:
This version— re the crossing of Jordan in 1467 BCE—allows an Abib 10 falling out on the 3rd
Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd
Year after the Exodus occurred in the spring of 1505 BCE. Which per this
version fell in the 1st year of the 1st sabbatical year
cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 4 1505 BCE Sunset: 17:41:07; Moonset: 19:37:07; Lag: 116min 00sec;
Illum.: 3.32%. 20th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Fri Mar 23. The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 6th Day of the week.
Apr 2 1505 BCE Sunset: 18:16:44; Moonset: 19:43:50; Lag: 87min 06sec;
Illum.: 1.97%. 20th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Sat Apr 21. The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day (or the 1st Day)
of the week.
May 1 1505 BCE Sunset: 18:51:16; Moonset: 19:51:25; Lag: 60min 09sec;
Illum.: 1.10%. 20th
day: Beginning at sunset (Julian Sun May 20, or) Mon 21. The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the (1st Day, or) 2nd Day of the
May 31 1505 BCE Sunset: 19:28:07; Moonset: 21:03:52; Lag: 95min 45sec;
Illum.: 4.17%. 20th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue Jun 19.
The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 3rd Day (or 4th Day) of
the week.
Jun 29 1505 BCE Sunset: 19:54:54; Moonset: 20:42:40; Lag: 47min 46sec;
Illum.: 2.97%. 20th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Wed Jul 18. The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 4th Day of the week.
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd
Year after the Exodus in 1505 BCE—allows the 20th day of the 2nd month to fall out on
the 1st or on the 4th Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year of
the Exodus occurred in the spring of 1507 BCE. Which per this version fell in
the 6th year of the 7th sabbatical year cycle of the 50th
jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 25 1507 BCE Sunset: 18:06:37; Moonset: 19:19:14; Lag: 72min 37sec;
Illum.: 1.27%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Thu Apr 8. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 5th Day of the week.
Apr 24 1507 BCE Sunset: 18:42:13; Moonset: 20:48:25; Lag: 126min 12sec;
Illum.: 3.82%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Tue May 8. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day of the week.
May 23 1507 BCE Sunset: 19:17:51; Moonset: 20:48:07; Lag: 90min 16sec;
Illum.: 2.28%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Jun 6.)
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 1st Day of the week.
Jun 21 1507 BCE Sunset: 19:49:09; Moonset: 20:30:10; Lag: 40min 51sec;
Illum.: 1.06%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Mon Jul 5. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 2nd Day of the week.
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus in 1507 BCE—allows the 15th day of the 2nd
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
Accordingly, if indeed Exo
16:1, 22-26, does describe a 7th Day of the week placement, then
Abib 15 of the Exodus year would fall out on the 5th Day of the
Re Jer 34:9—Slaves released: 590/589
BCE was the 5 sabbatical year
of the 69th Jubilee cycle; Nebuchadnezzar’s 16th year,
Jehoiachin’s 8th and Zedekiah’s 8th year.
Sabbatical years as reckoned
from Creation =
Josephus’ sabbatical years.
Re Luke 4:19—Acceptable year
of YHWH—fell in the 1st
year of the 82nd Jubilee cycle.
Crucifixion fell in the 5th
year of the 82nd Jubilee cycle. Cf. Yeshu’s Jonas in the fish
prophecy (Matt 12:40-41; Luk 11:29-30.)
Re Ezra 1:1-2 and Cyrus’
decree: 534/533 BCE & 1st year of reign fell in the 6th Sabbatical
year of the 70th Jubilee cycle.
Re Neh 1:1; 2:1; 6:15; 7:73;
8:2, 14-18; 9:1, 3. The reading of the Torah in Artaxerxes’ 20th/21st
year – 446/445 BCE & 445/444 BCE: Per this version the reading of the Torah
occurred on the threshold
between the 5th and the 6th year of the 5th
Sabbatical cycle of the 72nd Jubilee cycle.
Re Jos 8:34 & the reading
of the Torah after the fall of Ai: Per this version most likely an event in the
fall following the crossing of the Jordan in 1467 BCE: Per this version an
event between the 4th
and 5th years of the 6th Sabbatical cycle of the
51st Jubilee cycle.
Re 2 Kings 22:8 & the reading of the Torah in
the 18th year of King Josiah: Per this version this pre-Passover
time reading of the Torah fell in the 1st year of the 3rd Sabbatical cycle of the
69th Jubilee cycle.
10.Re Acts 13:14, 15
& the reading of the Torah on the Pentecost Sabbath: Per this version the 3rd
Sabbatical year of the 82nd Jubilee cycle began in the fall of 34 CE[102].
§ Re
Gen 17:1, 24 and Abraham’s 99th birthday: Per this version, the 22nd
day of the 7th month of the Year of the Eighth Day of Abraham’s 99th
birthday occurred in the fall of 1908 BCE. Which per this version fell at the
end of the 4th year and the beginning of the 5th year of
the 6th sabbatical year cycle of the 42nd jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre[103] horizon at
~46.94ºN ~99.6ºE; altitude: ~1010 meters above mean sea level; Time zone: +6.6
hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Sep 12 1908 BCE Sunset: 18:53:04; Moonset: 19:50:04; Lag:
57min 00sec; Illum.: 2.41%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Oct 3.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 4th Day of the week.
Oct 11 1908 BCE Sunset: 17:56:29; Moonset: 18:35:04;
Lag: 38min 35sec; Illum.: 0.95%.
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Nov 1.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (5th Day or) the 6th
Day (or the 7th
Day) of the week.
Nov 10 1908 BCE Sunset: 17:00:50; Moonset: 17:50:50; Lag:
50min 00sec; Illum.: 2.35%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Dec 1.)
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 7th Day of the week.
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 22nd day of the 7th month of the Year
of Abraham’s 99th birthday in 1908 BCE—allows the 22nd day of the 7th month to fall
out on the 7th Day of the week.
§ Test
re version XV: Ok re 1st Day
or 4th Day, 3rd Day and 7th Day x 2. Compatible one with another.
§ Test
re version XIV: Highly
unlikely 3rd Day (too late in year), and highly unlikely re 4th
Day (too early.) 7th Day unlikely (too late in the year for the
Exodus year, but ok for Abraham’s 99th birthday.) 1st Day excluded. Highly unlikely that Joshua’s very
late (May) Abib 10 3rd Day is compatible with Moses’ too early Zif 4th
Day; 1st Day option absent, thus no available option for agreement
with Moses’ too late Zif 7th Day… Thus
version XIV next to impossible!
§ Test
re version XIII: Highly
unlikely 3rd Day (too late in the year,) highly unlikely 4th
Day (too early or too late in the year, but ok 1st Day and 7th
Day x 2. Albeit too late, all options compatible one with another!
§ Test
re version XII: Excluded.
Does not allow the 7th Day in the year of the Exodus, but does
allow, albeit unlikely, the 7th Day at the time of Abraham.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XIV.0.0).xls – Created 5938[v2016-12-14-21:32] 06 14 2035 [2019-08-16]
§ Testing
the Sat Feb 10, 1073 BCE lunar eclipse for potential harmony between all of the
Bible date stamps discovered not only re Saul’s visit to the woman in Endor (1
Sam 28:13, 14, 19, 25; 31:1, 6, 12, 13; 2 Sam 1:3; cf. Table
II of the linked article,) but also re the crossing of the Jordan River
(Jos 1:11; cf. this
link) and re the three days’ journey from Mt. Sinai (Num 10: 11, 33; cf this
§ This
version (XIV.0.0) is created by inserting (72 – 34 =) 38 Scripture years into
version XII.0.3, i.e. now XIV.0.0. Technically by
inserting 38 lines at line 3026; then copying line 3025 into all the blank
lines through also line 3051; copying 2891E & F 38 lines down into 2929E
& F; editing 2891E to 1074 and 2891 F to 1073; copying 2928E & F into
2929E & F; all while double checking that BCE 1 agrees with CE 1. Then, in
cell 2891G, correcting the date of the lunar eclipse. Afterwards adjusting the
Sabbath years in columns A, B, C, and D.
§ Per
this version, the crossing of the Jordan River is an event that occurred in the
spring of 1469 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 4th year of
the 6th sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Gilgal horizon at ~47.72 N
~100.04 E; altitude: ~-100 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar
Feb 25 1469 BCE Sunset: 17:16:47; Moonset: 19:06:08; Lag: 110min 21sec;
Illum.: 2.65%. 10th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Thu Mar 5. 5th Day
of the week crossing.
Mar 25 1469 BCE Sunset: 17:56:34; Moonset: 19:11:31; Lag: 75min 57sec;
Illum.: 1.28%. 10th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Fri Apr 3. 6th Day
of the week crossing.
Apr 24 1469 BCE Sunset: 18:35:03; Moonset: 20:34:35; Lag: 59min 32sec;
Illum.: 3.51%. 10th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Sun May 3. 1st Day
(or 2nd Day) of the week crossing.
May 23 1469 BCE Sunset: 19:13:00; Moonset: 20:39:35; Lag: 86min 35sec;
Illum.: 2.41%. 10th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon June 1.
2nd Day
(or 3rd Day)
of the week crossing.
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the crossing of Jordan in 1469 BCE—allows an Abib 10 falling out on the 3rd
Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd
Year after the Exodus occurred in the spring of 1507 BCE.
Which per this version fell in the 1st year of the 1st
sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 25 1507 BCE Sunset: 18:06:37; Moonset: 19:19:09; Lag: 72min 32sec;
Illum.: 1.27%. 20th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Tue Apr 13. The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 3rd Day (or 4th Day) of the
Apr 24 1507 BCE Sunset: 18:42:13; Moonset: 20:48:28; Lag: 126min 15sec;
Illum.: 3.82%. 20th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Thu May 13. The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 5th Day of the week.
May 23 1507 BCE Sunset: 19:17:51; Moonset: 20:48:04; Lag: 90min 13sec;
Illum.: 2.27%. 20th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Jun 11.
The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 6th Day of the week.
Jun 21 1507 BCE Sunset: 19:49:10; Moonset: 20:30:10; Lag: 41min 00sec;
Illum.: 1.06%. 20th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Sat Jul 10. The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day of the week.
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd
Year after the Exodus in 1507 BCE—allows the 20th day of the 2nd month to fall out on
the 4th Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus occurred in the spring of 1509 BCE. Which per this version fell
in the 6th year of the 7th sabbatical year cycle of the
50th jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 17 1509 BCE Sunset: 17:57:27; Moonset: 19:42:36; Lag:
105min 09sec; Illum.: 2.66%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon Mar 31.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 2nd Day of the week.
Apr 15 1509 BCE Sunset: 18:32:03; Moonset: 19:45:27; Lag:
73min 24sec; Illum.: 1.22%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue Apr 29.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 3rd Day of the week.
May 15 1509 BCE Sunset: 19:08:30; Moonset: 20:54:53;
Lag: 106min 23sec; Illum.: 2.35%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu May 29.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 5th Day of the week.
Jun 13 1509 BCE Sunset: 19:42:23; Moonset: 20:41:53; Lag:
59min 30sec; Illum.: 0.84%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Fri Jun 27.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the (6th Day or) 7th Day of the
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus in 1509 BCE—allows the 15th day of the 2nd
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
According to this version, if
indeed Exo 16:1, 22-26, does describe a 7th Day of the week
placement, then Abib 15 of the Exodus year would fall out on the 5th Day of the week,
however unlikely too late
in the year.
Per this version re Jer
34:9—Slaves released: 592/591 BCE was the 5th Sabbatical year of the
69th Jubilee cycle; Nebuchadnezzar’s
14th year, Jehoiachin’s 6th and Zedekiah’s 6th
Sabbatical years as reckoned
from Creation followed 5 years after Josephus’ sabbatical years.
Re Luke 4:19—Acceptable year
of YHWH—fell in the 3rd year of the 1st Sabbatical cycle
of the 82nd Jubilee cycle.
Crucifixion fell in the 1st
Sabbatical year of the 82nd Jubilee cycle.
Re Ezra 1:1-2 and Cyrus’
decree: 534/533 BCE & 1st year of Cyrus’ reign fell in the 2nd
year of the 7th Sabbatical cycle of the 70th Jubilee
Re Neh 1:1; 2:1; 6:15; 7:73;
8:2, 14-18; 9:1, 3. The reading of the Torah in Artaxerxes’ 20th/21st
year – 446/445 BCE & 445/444 BCE: Per this version the reading of the Torah
occurred on the threshold between 6th year of the 5th Sabbatical cycle and the 5th
Sabbatical year of the 72nd Jubilee cycle.
Re Jos 8:34 & the reading
of the Torah after the fall of Ai: Per this version most likely an event in the
fall following the crossing of the Jordan in 1469 BCE: Per this version an
event between the 4th
and 5th years of the 6th Sabbatical cycle of the
51st Jubilee cycle.
Re 2 Kings 22:8 & the reading of the Torah in
the 18th year of King Josiah: Per this version this pre-Passover
time reading of the Torah fell in the 3rd year of the 3rd Sabbatical cycle of the
69th Jubilee cycle.
10.Re Acts 13:14, 15
& the reading of the Torah on the Pentecost Sabbath between 30 CE and 39
CE: Per this version the 3rd or the 4th Sabbatical year
of the 82nd Jubilee cycle began in the falls of 32 CE and 39 CE[104] respectively.
§ Re
Gen 17:1, 24 and Abraham’s 99th birthday: Per this version, the 22nd
day of the 7th month of the Year of the Eighth Day of Abraham’s 99th
birthday occurred in the fall of 1910 BCE. Which per this version fell at the
end of the 4th year and the beginning of the 5th year of
the 6th sabbatical year cycle of the 42nd jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre[105]
horizon at ~46.94ºN ~99.6ºE; altitude: ~1010 meters above mean sea level; Time
zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Sep 4 1910 BCE Sunset: 19:08:11; Moonset: 19:48:11; Lag: 40min 00sec;
Illum.: 1.40%. 22nd day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Sat Sep 25. The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 7th Day of the week.
Oct 4 1910 BCE Sunset: 18:11:27; Moonset: 19:14:27; Lag: 63min 00sec;
Illum.: 3.55%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Mon Oct 25.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 2nd Day of the week.
Nov 2 1910 BCE Sunset: 17:15:29; Moonset: 18:07:38; Lag: 52min 09sec;
Illum.: 1.59%. 22nd day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Tue Nov 23. The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 3rd Day of the week.
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 22nd day of the 7th month of the Year
of Abraham’s 99th birthday in 1910 BCE—allows the 22nd day of the 7th month to fall
out on the 7th Day of the week.
§ Test
re version XIV: Highly
unlikely 3rd Day (too late in year), and highly unlikely re 4th
Day (too early.) 7th Day unlikely (too late in the year for the
Exodus year, but ok for Abraham’s 99th birthday.) 1st Day excluded. Highly unlikely that Joshua’s very
late (May) Abib 10 3rd Day is compatible with Moses’ too early Zif 4th
Day; 1st Day option absent, thus no available option for agreement
with Moses’ too late Zif 7th Day… Thus
version XIV next to impossible!
§ Test
re version XIII: Highly
unlikely 3rd Day (too late in the year,) highly unlikely 4th
Day (too early or too late in the year, but ok 1st Day and 7th
Day x 2. Albeit too late, all options compatible one with another!
§ Test
re version XII: Excluded.
Does not allow the 7th Day in the year of the Exodus, but does
allow, albeit unlikely, the 7th Day at the time of Abraham.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XIII.0.0).xls – Created 5938[v2016-12-14-21:32] 06 14 2035 [2019-08-16]
§ Testing
the Fri Dec 19, 1061 BCE lunar eclipse for potential harmony between all of the
Bible date stamps discovered not only re Saul’s visit to the woman in Endor (1
Sam 28:13, 14, 19, 25; 31:1, 6, 12, 13; 2 Sam 1:3; cf. Table
II of the linked article,) but also re the crossing of the Jordan River
(Jos 1:11; cf. this
link) and re the three days’ journey from Mt. Sinai (Num 10: 11, 33; cf this
§ This
version (XIII.0.0) is created by inserting (59 – 34 =) 25 Scripture years into
version XII.0.3, i.e. now XIII.0.0. Technically by inserting
25 lines at line 3026; then copying line 3025 into all the blank lines through
also line 3064; copying 2891E & F 25 lines down into 2916E & F; editing
2891E to 1061 and 2891 F to 1060; copying 2915E & F into 2916E & F; all
while double checking that BCE 1 agrees with CE 1. Then, in cell 2891G,
correcting the date of the lunar eclipse. Afterwards adjusting the Sabbath
years in columns A, B, C, and D.
§ Per
this version, the crossing of the Jordan River is an event that occurred in the
spring of 1456 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 4th year of
the 6th sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Gilgal horizon at ~47.72 N
~100.04 E; altitude: ~-100 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar
Jan 31 1456 BCE Sunset: 16:42:06; Moonset: 18:03:01; Lag: 81min 55sec;
Illum.: 2.29%. 10th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Feb 9.
4th Day
of the week crossing.
Mar 1 1456 BCE Sunset: 17:23:44; Moonset: 18:18:03; Lag: 55min 19sec;
Illum.: 0.88%. 10th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Mar 10.
5th Day
of the week crossing.
Mar 31 1456 BCE Sunset: 18:04:12; Moonset: 19:41:16; Lag: 97min 04sec;
Illum.: 2.25%. 10th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Sat Apr 9. 7th Day
of the week crossing.
Apr 29 1456 BCE Sunset: 18:41:23; Moonset: 19:49:23; Lag: 68min 00sec;
Illum.: 0.94%. 10th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Sat May 7. (7th
Day or) 1st Day of the week crossing.
May 29 1456 BCE Sunset: 19:20:31; Moonset: 21:06:48; Lag: 105min 17sec;
Illum.: 2.02%. 10th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue June 7.
3rd Day of the week crossing.
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the crossing of Jordan in 1456 BCE—allows an Abib 10 falling out on the 3rd
Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd
Year after the Exodus occurred in the spring of 1494 BCE. Which per this
version fell in the 1st year of the 1st sabbatical year
cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 3 1494 BCE Sunset: 17:38:57; Moonset: 19:24:10; Lag: 105min 13sec;
Illum.: 3.17%. 20th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Wed Mar 22. The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 4th Day of the week.
Apr 1 1494 BCE Sunset: 18:14:46; Moonset: 19:25:17; Lag: 70min 31sec;
Illum.: 1.34%. 20th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Thu Apr 20. The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 5th Day of the week.
May 1 1494 BCE Sunset: 18:48:01; Moonset: 20:41:42; Lag: 113min 41sec;
Illum.: 2.86%. 20th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat May 20, or Sun 27. The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day, or on the 1st Day of the
May 30 1494 BCE Sunset: 19:26:10; Moonset: 21:00:36; Lag: 94min 26sec;
Illum.: 1.66%. 20th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Jun 18.
The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 1st Day of the week.
Jun 29 1494 BCE Sunset: 19:54:34; Moonset: 21:56:00; Lag: 121min 26sec;
Illum.: 4.20%. 20th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Tue Jul 18 (or Wed 19.)
The 20th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 3rd Day (or 4th Day) of the
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 20th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd
Year after the Exodus in 1494 BCE—allows the 20th day of the 2nd month to fall out on
the 1st or on the 4th Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus occurred in the spring of 1495 BCE. Which per this version fell
in the 6th year of the 7th sabbatical year cycle of the
50th jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 24 1496 BCE Sunset: 18:05:47; Moonset: 19:23:29; Lag:
77min 42sec; Illum.: 2.03%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Apr 7.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 4th Day of the week.
Apr 22 1496 BCE Sunset: 18:40:12; Moonset: 19:39:00; Lag:
58min 48sec; Illum.: 1.06%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian (Thu May 6, or) Fri May 7 (or Sat May 8). The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the (5th Day,) 6th
Day (or 7th Day)
of the week.
May 22 1496 BCE Sunset: 19:17:01; Moonset: 21:28:10;
Lag: 131min 09sec; Illum.: 4.01%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat Jun 5.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 7th Day of the week.
Jun 20 1496 BCE Sunset: 19:48:38; Moonset: 21:38:36; Lag:
109min 58sec; Illum.: 2.94%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Jul 4.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 1st Day of the week.
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus in 1496 BCE—allows the 15th day of the 2nd
month to fall out on the 7th Day of the week.
According to this version, if
indeed Exo 16:1, 22-26, does describe a 7th Day of the week
placement, then Abib 15 of the Exodus year would fall out on the 4th Day or on
the 5th Day of the week.
Per this version re Jer
34:9—Slaves released: 593/592 BCE was the 3rd Sabbatical year of the
69th Jubilee cycle; Nebuchadnezzar’s
13th year, Jehoiachin’s 5th and Zedekiah’s 5th
Sabbatical years as reckoned
from Creation followed 4 years after Josephus’ sabbatical years.
Re Luke 4:19—Acceptable year
of YHWH—fell in the 4th year of the 6th Sabbatical cycle
of the 81st Jubilee cycle.
Crucifixion fell in the 1st
year of the 7th Sabbatical cycle of the 81st Jubilee
Re Ezra 1:1-2 and Cyrus’
decree: 534/533 BCE & 1st year of Cyrus’ reign fell in the 3rd
year of the 5th Sabbatical cycle of the 70th Jubilee
Re Neh 1:1; 2:1; 6:15; 7:73;
8:2, 14-18; 9:1, 3. The reading of the Torah in Artaxerxes’ 20th/21st
year – 446/445 BCE & 445/444 BCE: Per this version the reading of the Torah
occurred on the threshold between the 3rd Sabbatical year and the 1st year of
the 4th Sabbatical cycle of the 72nd Jubilee cycle.
Re Jos 8:34 & the reading
of the Torah after the fall of Ai: Per this version most likely an event in the
fall following the crossing of the Jordan in 1456 BCE: Per this version an
event between the 4th
and 5th years of the 6th Sabbatical cycle of the
51st Jubilee cycle.
Re 2 Kings 22:8 & the reading of the Torah in
the 18th year of King Josiah: Per this version this pre-Passover
time reading of the Torah fell in the 4th year of the 1st Sabbatical cycle of the
69th Jubilee cycle.
10.Re Acts 13:14, 15
& the reading of the Torah on the Pentecost Sabbath between 30 CE and 39
CE: Per this version the 1st or the 2nd Sabbatical year
of the 82nd Jubilee cycle began in the falls of 31 CE and 38 CE[106] respectively.
§ Re
Gen 17:1, 24 and Abraham’s 99th birthday: Per this version, the 22nd
day of the 7th month of the Year of the Eighth Day of Abraham’s 99th
birthday occurred in the fall of 1897 BCE. Which per this version fell at the
end of the 4th year and the beginning of the 5th year of
the 6th sabbatical year cycle of the 42nd jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre[107] horizon at
~46.94ºN ~99.6ºE; altitude: ~1010 meters above mean sea level; Time zone: +6.6
hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Sep 11 1897 BCE Sunset: 18:54:17; Moonset: 19:24:54; Lag:
30min 37sec; Illum.: 6.09%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue Oct 2.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 3rd Day of the week.
Oct 10 1897 BCE Sunset: 17:57:49; Moonset: 18:19:54; Lag: 22min 05sec; Illum.:
2.97%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Wed Oct 31.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (4th Day or) 5th
Day of the week.
Nov 8 1897 BCE Sunset: 17:03:37; Moonset: 17:21:54; Lag: 18min 17sec; Illum.: 0.93%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Thu Nov 29.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the (5th Day or) 6th
Day (or 7th Day)
of the week.
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 22nd day of the 7th month of the Year
of Abraham’s 99th birthday in 1897 BCE—allows the 22nd day of the 7th month to fall
out on the 7th Day of the week.
§ Test
re version XIII: Highly
unlikely 3rd Day (too late in the year,) highly unlikely 4th
Day (too early or too late in the year, but ok 1st Day and 7th
Day x 2. Albeit too late, all options compatible one with another!
§ Test
re version XII: Excluded.
Does not allow the 7th Day in the year of the Exodus, but does
allow, albeit unlikely, the 7th Day at the time of Abraham.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XII.0.3).xls – Created 5938[v2016-12-14-21:32] 03 25 2035 [2019-05-31]
§ Correcting
the age notations column re Joshua, which seems to be based upon an idea that
Joshua was 82 in year 1 after the crossing of Jordan, i.e.
rather than in year 0. Also deleting the notations at years 1, 26, and 28 after
the crossing re some conclusions re ‘jamim’ vs ‘shanat’ based upon the same
§ Identifying
Melchizedek = Shem, by referencing: - Discovered 5938[v2016-12-14-21:32] 04 14 2035 [2019-06-19]
Jasher 16:11 And Adonizedek king of Jerusalem, the same was Shem, went
out with his men to meet Abram and his people, with bread and wine, and they
remained together in the valley of Melech.
Gen 14:18 And Melchizedek king of Salem
brought forth bread and wine: and he was the priest of the most high God.
Psa 110:4 The LORD hath sworn, and will
not repent, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek.
§ Per
this version, the crossing of the Jordan River is an event that occurred in the
spring of 1431 BCE. Which per this version fell in the 4th year of
the 6th sabbatical year cycle of the 51st jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Gilgal horizon at ~47.72 N
~100.04 E; altitude: ~-100 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar
Jan 25 1431 BCE Sunset: 16:34:04; Moonset: 18:19:56; Lag: 105min 52sec;
Illum.: 2.35%. 10th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Feb 3.
1st Day
of the week crossing.
Feb 24 1431 BCE Sunset: 17:16:29; Moonset: 19:19:32; Lag: 123min 03sec;
Illum.: 3.43%. 10th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue Mar 5.
3rd Day of the week crossing.
Mar 25 1431 BCE Sunset: 17:56:21; Moonset: 19:13:21; Lag: 77min 00sec;
Illum.: 1.40%. 10th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Wed Apr 3. 4th Day
of the week crossing.
Apr 24 1431 BCE Sunset: 18:34:52; Moonset: 20:08:21; Lag: 93min 29sec;
Illum.: 2.31%. 10th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Fri May 3. 6th Day
of the week crossing.
May 23 1431 BCE Sunset: 19:12:48; Moonset: 19:59:57; Lag: 47min 09sec;
Illum.: 0.92%. 10th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sat June 1.
7th Day
of the week crossing.
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the crossing of Jordan in 1431 BCE—allows, albeit highly unlikely early in the year, an
Abib 10 falling out on the 3rd Day of the week.
§ Per
this version, the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus occurred in the spring of 1471 BCE. Which per this version fell
in the 6th year of the 7th sabbatical year cycle of the
50th jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Sinai horizon at ~46 N ~99 E;
altitude: ~2580 meter; Time zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Mar 18 1471 BCE Sunset: 17:58:28; Moonset: 20:04:03; Lag: 65min 35sec;
Illum.: 3.78%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Sun Apr 1. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 1st Day of the week.
Apr 16 1471 BCE Sunset: 18:33:04; Moonset: 20:19:47; Lag: 106min 43sec;
Illum.: 2.57%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Mon Apr 30. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 2nd Day of the week.
May 15 1471 BCE Sunset: 19:08:21; Moonset: 20:32:36; Lag: 84min 15sec;
Illum.: 1.53%. 15th
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Tue May 29.
The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 3rd Day of the week.
Jun 14 1471 BCE Sunset: 19:43:13; Moonset: 21:27:32; Lag: 104min 19sec;
Illum.: 4.04%. 15th day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Thu Jun 28. The 15th
day of the 2nd month fell out on the 5th Day of the week.
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Year
of the Exodus in 1471 BCE—does not
allow the 15th day of the 2nd month to fall out on
the 7th Day of the week.
According to this version,
Abib 15 of the Exodus year would fall out on (the 1st Day,) on the 2nd
Day, on the 3rd Day, (or on the 5th Day) of the week.
However, if indeed Exo 16:1, 22-26, does describe a 7th Day of the
week placement, then this version is excluded, because I find no reasonable way
of placing Zif 20 on a 7th Day in 1471 BCE.
Per this version re Jer
34:9—Slaves released: 589/588 BCE was the 68th Jubilee year; Nebuchadnezzar’s 17th
year, Jehoiachin’s 9th and Zedekiah’s 9th year.
Sabbatical years as reckoned
from Creation followed 1 year after Josephus’ sabbatical years.
Re Luke 4:19—Acceptable year
of YHWH—fell in the 2nd
Sabbatical year of the 81st Jubilee cycle.
Crucifixion fell in the 4th year of the 3rd
Sabbatical cycle of the 81st Jubilee cycle.
Re Ezra 1:1-2 and Cyrus’
decree: 534/533 BCE & 1st year of Cyrus’ reign fell in the 6th
year of the 1st Sabbatical cycle of the 70th Jubilee
Re Neh 1:1; 2:1; 6:15; 7:73;
8:2, 14-18; 9:1, 3. The reading of the Torah in Artaxerxes’ 20th/21st
year – 446/445 BCE & 445/444 BCE: Per this version the reading of the Torah
occurred on the threshold
between the 3rd and the 4th year of the 7th
Sabbatical cycle of the 71st Jubilee cycle.
Re Jos 8:34 & the reading
of the Torah after the fall of Ai: Per this version most likely an event in the
fall following the crossing of the Jordan in 1431 BCE: Per this version an
event between the 4th
and 5th years of the 6th Sabbatical cycle of the
51st Jubilee cycle.
Re 2 Kings 22:8 & the reading of the Torah in
the 18th year of King Josiah: Per this version this pre-Passover
time reading of the Torah fell in
the 4th Sabbatical year of the 68th Jubilee cycle.
10.Re Acts 13:14, 15
& the reading of the Torah on the Pentecost Sabbath: Per this version the 5th
Sabbatical year of the 81st Jubilee cycle began in the fall of 35 CE[108].
§ Re
Gen 17:1, 24 and Abraham’s 99th birthday: Per this version, the 22nd
day of the 7th month of the Year of the Eighth Day of Abraham’s 99th
birthday occurred in the fall of 1872 BCE. Which per this version fell at the
end of the 4th year and the beginning of the 5th year of
the 6th sabbatical year cycle of the 42nd jubilee cycle.
§ Visible
New Moons per SNB from the Pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre[109]
horizon at ~46.94ºN ~99.6ºE; altitude: ~1010 meters above mean sea level; Time
zone: +6.6 hrs on (Julian Day calendar dates:)
Sep 4 1872 BCE Sunset: 19:06:48; Moonset: 19:57:13; Lag: 50min 25sec;
Illum.: 1.86%. 22nd day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Fri Sep 25. The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 6th Day (or 7th Day) of
the week.
Oct 4 1872 BCE Sunset: 18:09:50; Moonset: 19:12:20; Lag: 62min 30sec;
Illum.: 3.36%. 22nd
day: Beginning at sunset Julian Sun Oct 25.
The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 1st Day of the week.
Nov 2 1872 BCE Sunset: 17:14:01; Moonset: 18:03:22; Lag: 49min 21sec;
Illum.: 1.52%. 22nd day: Beginning
at sunset Julian Mon Nov 23.) The 22nd
day of the 7th month fell out on the 2nd Day of the week.
§ Conclusion:
This version—re the 22nd day of the 7th month of the Year
of Abraham’s 99th birthday in 1872 BCE—barely allows (too early in the year) the 22nd
day of the 7th month to fall out on the 7th Day of the
§ Test
re version XII: Excluded.
Does not allow the 7th Day in the year of the Exodus, but does
allow, albeit unlikely, the 7th Day at the time of Abraham.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XII.0.2).xls – Created 5938[v2016-12-14-21:32] 13 11 2035 [2019-03-19]
§ Please
see notes under versions XII.0.1 and XII.0.0 below!
§ Technical
notes: Version XII.0.2 is based upon version XII.0.0 and then adding the true
updates of version XII.0.0 as found within version XII.0.1 – That is, seeing
that version XII.0.1 was prompted upon my false assumption that version XII.0.0
had been corrupted. An assumption based upon the fact that somehow columns E
and F were unreadable due to an unknown font problem, which has now been
corrected by clicking the upper- and leftmost cell of the 6000+ years tab and
then setting the font to Times New Roman:
Items #1-8 under Technical notes of version XII.0.1 verified. No changes
(except copying lines #7056-7062 to lines #7063-7069.)
Re item #10 ditto: Added two
new columns, BE & BF, for Jochebed and Miriam, and copied columns BE &
BF of version XII.0.1 into version XII.0.2.
Re item #9 ditto: From version
XII.0.1: Copied Cell #DL2263, and in columns AT, AW, and BB: Color coding in
red with yellow font (downwards to the end of each one’s lifespan), then color
coding in green (rightwards from Levi, Judah, and Joseph through end of texted
This version is thus
completed! Praise the Lord!
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XII.0.1).xls – Created 5936[2016-12-14-21:32]
05 21 2033 [2017-08-15]
§ Please
see notes under version XII.0.0 below!
§ Technical
notes: Version XII.0.1 is based upon version XI.0.8 and a redo of version
XII.0.0 – to the best of my ability and recall - after an automatic MS Office
Excel File Recovery action (with no immediately noticeable errors,) following a
CHKDSK action with deleted file elements, etc.. That
is, in the tab ‘6000+ years’ of version XI.0.8:
Deleting the three columns
Inserting 7 new lines between
former lines #2975 and 2976.
Copy/pasting from version
XII.0.0: Lines #2975-#2983.
Copy/pasting from version
XII.0.0: Columns #B-#D.
Copy/pasting from version
XII.0.0: Cells #E2891, F2891, and G2891 (including merge cells format of
Double checking resulting
numbers at boundaries of above copy/paste actions, at Nebuchadnezzar’s year 0,
and at year 2017.
Deleting cell contents of
lines #7063-#7071.
No Ctrl-F hits for ‘Job’
besides one hit for “Jobab.” That is, my work on my Book of Jasher finds re Job
apparently did never reach the point of making an entry into version XII.0.0.
This agrees with my recollection and memory.
No relevant Ctrl-F hits for
‘Reuben,’ ‘Simeon,’ ‘Levi,’ or ‘Judah’ within version XII.0.0. Thus,
apparently, if I recall correctly, my modifications of the cell color changes
pertaining to the inherited (per the Book of Jasher) Melchi-Sedek lineage of
Judah, Levi, and Joseph, and possibly more, were never successfully saved into
version XII.0.0. Accordingly in version XII.0.1, please cf. line #2263, columns
AT, AW, BB, and DJ, plus the associated color coding in red (downwards) and
green (rightwards.)
10.Added two new
columns, BE & BF, for Jochebed and Miriam.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XII.0.0).xls – Created 5936[2016-12-14-21:32]
04 27 2033 [2017-07-22]
§ A
7-year correction of versions VIII-XI that was triggered by my discovery as
originally recorded in my file:
[2016-12-14-9:32PM;] which original file was later saved as
§ Version
XII.0.0 is based upon version XI.0.8. However the unsuccessful
attempt to find added points of value out of Jozsef Lado's book "Hur länge
skall ondskan dominera?" removed. That is, by deleting the three columns
EP-ER in the tab ‘6000+ years’ of version XI.0.8.
§ A
modification of my MelchiZedec lineage showing the foundation behind
the birthright of Joseph;
the Levite priesthood;
the Kingdom of Judah; and
Jacob’s claim upon Ephraim and
Manasse as his own sons (Gen 48:5.)
as based upon the rejection of Reuben and Simeon due to their sins
(Reuben: Jasher 36:14-15; Simeon: Jasher 33:29-34:37; 41:25, 30; 42:12-19;
45:2; 51:37-53; cf. Gen 48:5) and in favor of Joseph, Levi, and Judah as the
next oldest brothers among the true wives of Jacob (Jasher 36:15.)
§ Discovery
A: Job of the Book of Job, from the land of Uz, was not necessarily (cf.
Discovery B below and the birth years of Issachar vs. Moses! Only 171 years
apart! Cf. also Job 42:16 and Jasher 67:2-4, 11; 68:2-4; 73:1; 75:1; 77:2-3;
82:1, 6, 9-11, 22-26, 28, 35; 83:1-4, 15-16, 25-27, 36) one and the same as
Job, the third son of Issachar (birth year: Anno Mundo 2198,) son of Jacob (Cf.
Job 1:1 and Book of Jasher 66:15-22; 67:42-43 vs Jasher 10:15; 45:7; 59:12).
[If the names Sweden, Schweden, Shvetsiya, Švedska, Izveç, etc. are all derived
from the name Issachar (as specifically suggested by the built
in sounds, and, more generally, from the geographical migration of the
ten tribes taken captive by the Assyrians,) then the odds are 1 in 4 that Job
is a forefather of the people of Sweden…:]
1. “12 And the sons of
Issachar were Tola, Puvah, Job and Shomron.”
§ Discovery
B: However, Reuel, the Midjanite (Jasher 67:24, 26; 76:14, 17, 19… - 82:5,) was
obviously the same as Jethro (Jasher 67:41,) Moses’ father in
law. Thus, Job of the Book of Job, and Jethro/Reuel, were both working,
before and at the time when Moses was born (Anno Mundo 2369,) as advisors to
Pharaoh. Job was the one responsible for Pharaoh’s decree first to kill (Jasher
66:21,) and then, together with Balaam, to drown (Jasher 67:42-50,) all the
male children of the Israelites.
C: Jochebed, Moses’ mother was “born unto them in their
going down to Egypt”, that is, in Jacob’s 130th year
of life (Jasher 59:9.) This finding is helpful in correcting Aron’s conception
and age, as also in determining Miriam’s age:
Cell DL2495: “Notice that years of life are not
being reckoned as calendar years for Aaron. He turned 123 years old prior to
the end of his 122nd calendar year!...”
Corrected by making it a bracketed Obsolete Notice.
Judah died at age 129 (not 128, as previously entered into cell AW2331.)
re English translation in Jasher 66:2:
The numbers 125th, 13th,
and 18 years of the English translation of the Book of Jasher do NOT agree with
one another! Finding my Hebrew Book of Jasher and double checking, I see the
following [highlighted] Hebrew numbers. That is, the 13th year, the
115th year, and the 18th year:
Accordingly, a more
correct translation is reads as follows: “2
In the thirteenth year of the reign of
Pharaoh king of Egypt, which was the hundred and
fifteenth year of the Israelites going down into Egypt, Samlah
reigned over Edom eighteen years.” [That is, the beginning of
Samlah’s 18 year reign began in that year.]
§ Correction: Cell DL2425: “"At the end of days
and years; 180th" Cf. Jasher 75:23; 75:1…” “” is corrected to “74:23.”
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XI.0.8).xls – Created 5929[(*??*)]
08 26 2033 [2016-11-26-17:28]
§ An
unsuccessful attempt to find added points of value out of Jozsef Lado's book
"Hur länge skall ondskan dominera?" See columns EP-ER vs lines 3-6,
and 994-6018 in the Excel file.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XI.0.7).xls – Created 5925[(*??*)]
02 11 2029 [2013-05-22]
Please Notice that, beginning with version VIII, the dates
associated with the kings from the end of Solomon through the destruction of
the Temple in 586 BCE will still need further revision, that is, given that
these VIII through the current versions are the result of finding
and applying an apparently firm (?) anchor point for the death of King Saul,
which I believe may be unique to this work of mine… Praise the Lord of Hosts!
§ Reviewing
my prior versions, I should mention that v. XI.0.0 updated my calculations,
under the ‘Main Calendar’ tag, re all the kings from Hezekiah through Zedekiah.
Version XI.0.0 also included the last prior change re the sequence of Sabbatical years
(cf. the tag ‘6000+ years.’)
This version (XI.0.7) is
adding a column in the tag 6000+ years, re Terah’s son Nahor as based upon the
Book of Jasher.
This version (XI.0.7) is
adding a row in the tag Main Calendar, re Joshua’s Long Day, which was the year
of the next to the last pole
shift before present.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XI.0.6).xls – Created 5925[(*??*)]
02 08 2029 [2013-05-19]
Please Notice that, beginning with version VIII, the dates
associated with the kings from the end of Solomon through the destruction of
the Temple in 586 BCE will still need further revision, that is, given that
these VIII through the current versions are the result of finding
and applying an apparently firm (?) anchor point for the death of King Saul,
which I believe may be unique to this work of mine… Praise the Lord of Hosts!
§ Reviewing
my prior versions, I should mention that v. XI.0.0 updated my calculations,
under the ‘Main Calendar’ tag, re all the kings from Hezekiah through Zedekiah.
Version XI.0.0 also included the last prior change re the sequence of Sabbatical years
(cf. the tag ‘6000+ years.’)
This version (XI.0.6) is
adding a row in the tag Main Calendar, re Hezekiah’s 15th year of reign,
which was the year of the last pole
shift before present.
This version (XI.0.6) is
adding a column in the tag 6000+ years, and a row in the tag Main Calendar, re
Book of Jasher’s account of Haran, son of Terah, Abram’s oldest brother.
I found it
interesting to notice that the Genesis 11:26-27 account is listing Abram first
among the sons of Terah, in spite of the fact that Abram was the youngest, and
that Terah’s age, per that same genealogy, is Terah’s age at the time of
Abram’s birth. That is, Terah’s age at the time when his youngest, not his
first, son was born! As a consequence of so doing the Genesis genealogy, as
thus written, provides a means of calculating the chronology accurately without
adding further details re e.g. Haran, the firstborn of
Terah. For further details, please cf. Book of Jasher, as also extracted and
shown under the tag ‘6000+ years.’
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XI.0.5).xls – Created 5925[(*??*)]
01 27 2029 [2013-05-08]
Please Notice that, beginning with version VIII, the dates
associated with the kings from the end of Solomon through the destruction of
the Temple in 586 BCE will still need further revision, that is, given that
these VIII through the current versions are the result of finding
and applying an apparently firm (?) anchor point for the death of King Saul,
which I believe may be unique to this work of mine… Praise the Lord of Hosts!
This version (XI.0.5) is
adding a column in the tag 6000+ years re Book of Jasher’s account of Abram’s
sojourn with Noah and Shem for 39 years, and then, for one month, five years
later, in Abram’s 55 year of life. I also moved the column re Abram’s sojourn
in Canaan such that it is now adjacent to the columns of Abram and Abram’s
sojourn with Noah and Shem…
This version (XI.0.5) is
adding, in the tag 6000+ years, a brief comment re each event re the times
touching on Abram that is being described in the Book of Jasher.
This version (XI.0.5) is also
updating the color coding of the lines prior to the entry into Canaan relative
to my own references vs. those found in Erik Mundall’s Bible Timeline.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XI.0.4).xls – Created 5925[(*??*)]
01 24 2029 [2013-05-05]
Please Notice that, beginning with version VIII, the dates
associated with the kings from the end of Solomon through the destruction of
the Temple in 586 BCE will still need further revision, that is, given that
these VIII through the current versions are the result of finding
and applying an apparently firm (?) anchor point for the death of King Saul,
which I believe may be unique to this work of mine… Praise the Lord of Hosts!
This version (XI.0.4) is
adding an entry in the tag 6000+ years re Ellen Harmon’s vision near or at the
time of Pentecost in 1845 re the 50 Scripture texts and Ellen being struck
This version (XI.0.4) is
correcting a computation of probability in cell V11 under the tag ‘Main
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XI.0.2).xls – Created 5924[(*??*)]
08 30 2028 [2011-12-25]
Please Notice that, beginning with version VIII, the dates
associated with the kings from the end of Solomon through the destruction of
the Temple in 586 BCE will still need further revision, that is, given that
these VIII through the current versions are the result of finding
and applying an apparently firm (?) anchor point for the death of King Saul,
which I believe may be unique to this work of mine… Praise the Lord of Hosts!
This version (XI.0.2) is
primary correcting and updating the tag ‘6000+ years’ as it pertains to the
years of Yeshua such that Yeshua’s accession year is the year prior to Tishri
22, 16 CE, which is consistent with his 30th year being his year of
baptism (cf. Irenaeus,)
and which places his visit in the temple of Jerusalem in his 13th
year, that is, in the year following his 12th birthday (after which
he was 12 years old.)
This version (XI.0.1) is also
the belated update/correction re the dating of the Flood (on the ‘Main
Calendar’ tag,) that was supposedly entered with version XI.0.1, but which
seems somehow to have been lost, or else never completed…
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XI.0.1).xls – Created 5923[(*??*)]
07 11 2027 [2011-11-07]
Please Notice that, beginning with version VIII, the dates
associated with the kings from the end of Solomon through the destruction of
the Temple in 586 BCE will still need further revision, that is, given that
these VIII through the current versions are the result of finding
and applying an apparently firm (?) anchor point for the death of King Saul,
which I believe may be unique to this work of mine… Praise the Lord of Hosts!
§ This
version (XI.0.1) is primarily a belated update/correction re the dating of the
Flood, that is, in consequence of the prior modifications re 1) Adam’s being
created within his accession year, that is, in year one after the beginning of
the creation recorded in Genesis One; 2) the clarification re the birth of
Arphaxad in the 2nd year after the Flood, that is, in Noah’s 602nd
year and in Shem’s 100th year of life; and 3) my corrected
understanding re the Hebrew word “שׁנתים.”Cf.
my updated version of my article under this link re ‘Two years!’
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XI.0.0).xls – Created 5923[(*??*)]
02 10 2027 [2011-06-13]
Please Notice that, beginning with version VIII, the dates
associated with the kings from the end of Solomon through the destruction of
the Temple in 586 BCE will still need further revision, that is, given that
these VIII through the current versions are the result of finding
and applying an apparently firm (?) anchor point for the death of King Saul,
which I believe may be unique to this work of mine… Praise the Lord of Hosts!
§ This
version (XI.0.0) is taking action upon and implementing my findings thus far re
the polar shift associated with the 15th year of King Hezekiah’s
§ With
this version the current date reckoning, as above referenced, is implemented,
as shown on the ‘Main calendar’ tag.
§ The
Sabbatical cycles as reckoned from Creation have been modified according
to these new findings.
§ NOTICE: Per current findings, the current
Scripture year is NOT a Sabbatical year, and, the Sabbatical years DO NOT
correspond to those of Josephus as they seemed to do within version X.0.0! The
50th Jubilee year remains, per this version, the very first Scripture
year following the Exodus! Thus the Exodus year may be
perceived in terms of a year of preparation prior to year of Jubilee, that is,
similar to Adam’s being created on the 6th day of the creation week
and on the day prior to the Sabbath! I also find some quite interesting
correlations re Yeshua’s ministry and re his year of crucifixion: 1) The year
when Yeshua read the words from Isaiah 61:2: "To proclaim the acceptable
year of the LORD" (Luke 4:19)” is now found to be a Sabbatical year, the 1st
in the 81 Jubilee cycle since Creation, and 2) the year of crucifixion was a
year in ‘the middle of the week’ of seven years as reckoned from creation…and
the middle (as in the stomach) Jubilee cycle of the 5th (the
creation ‘fish’ day) set of 7 Jubilee cycles reckoning from the end of the
first 49 Jubilee cycles, that is, in a very special sense, ‘the day of the fish’ as in the fish of
§ All
the comments previously entered re Sabbatical and Jubilee correlations have
been reviewed and edited as needed, and likewise re the associations with the
Ark of the Covenant and the son of Solomon.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version X.0.0).xls – Created 5938[(??)]
01 22 2027 [2011-05-25]
Please Notice that, beginning with version VIII, the dates
associated with the kings from the end of Solomon through the destruction of
the Temple in 586 BCE will still need further revision, that is, given that
this VIII version is the result of finding
and applying an apparently firm (?) anchor point for the death of King Saul,
which I believe may be unique to this work of mine… Praise the Lord of Hosts!
§ This
version (X.0.0) is taking action upon and implementing my findings thus far,
after my study of all the chapters within the Book
of Jasher, chapters 1-90, in the light of the Genesis record (cf. the
green, orange, and red fields found under the tag ‘6000+ years’ within this
Excel-file.) The Book of Jasher is, accordingly, affecting my reckoning by a
total of minus 3 years (that is, plus two years based upon my lessons learnt re
the birth of Shem, and minus 5 years based upon the details provided re the
length of Israel’s sojourn in Egypt prior to the Exodus…)
§ With
this version the current date reckoning, as above referenced, is implemented,
as shown on the ‘Main calendar’ tag.
§ The
Sabbatical cycles as reckoned from Creation have been modified according to
these new findings.
§ NOTICE: Per current findings, the current
Scripture year is NOT a Sabbatical year, BUT, very interestingly, the
Sabbatical years DO correspond to those of Josephus! Furthermore, notice that
the 50th Jubilee year was the very first Scripture year following
the Exodus! Thus the Exodus year may be perceived in
terms of a year of preparation prior to year of Jubilee, that is, similar to
Adam’s being created on the 6th day of the creation week and on the
day prior to the Sabbath! I also find some quite interesting correlations re
Yeshua’s last full year of ministry and re his year of crucifixion, that is,
vs. ‘the middle of the week’ and ‘the day of the fish’ as in the fish of Jonah…
§ All
the comments re the Book of Jasher have been reviewed and modified/corrected as
necessary (cf. also this listing
of the date problems found within the English version of the Book of
Jasher, and this Scripture
Word study that helped me finally resolve all those problems to my full
§ All
the comments previously entered re Sabbatical correlations have been reviewed
and edited as needed.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version IX.1.0).xls – Created 5943[(*?*)] 01 21 2027 [2011-05-25]
Please Notice that, beginning with version VIII, the dates
associated with the kings from the end of Solomon through the destruction of
the Temple in 586 BCE will still need further revision, that is, given that
this VIII version is the result of finding
and applying an apparently firm (?) anchor point for the death of King Saul,
which I believe may be unique to this work of mine… Praise the Lord of Hosts!
§ This
version (IX.1.0) brings in the remainder of the dates provided in the Hebrew Book
of Jasher, that is, chapters 23-90, that is, short of implementing those
dates into the total calendar reckoning... (Chapters 1-22 were brought in
before this.) There were a few inconsistencies found even in the Hebrew version
of Book of Jasher, but those have been accounted for and corrected. Cf. this
link for details!
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version IX.0.0).xls – Created 5943[(*?*)] 01 08 2027 [2011-05-12]
Please Notice that, beginning with version VIII, the dates
associated with the kings from the end of Solomon through the destruction of
the Temple in 586 BCE will still need further revision, that is, given that
this VIII version is the result of finding
and applying an apparently firm (?) anchor point for the death of King Saul,
which I believe may be unique to this work of mine… Praise the Lord of Hosts!
§ This
version (IX.0.0) introduces the lessons learnt from a close study comparing the
of Jasher, chapters 1-22 in the light of the Genesis record (cf. the green,
orange, and red fields found under the tag ‘6000+ years’ within this
Excel-file.) The Book of Jasher is, accordingly, affecting my reckoning by two
years, that is, in consequence of the understanding that Shem, the second son
of Noah, was conceived and delivered in the 502nd year of the life
of Noah …
§ The
current date reckoning is updated as shown on the Main calendar tag.
§ The
Sabbatical cycles as reckoned from Creation have been modified according to
these new findings.
§ NOTICE: Per current findings, the current
Scripture year is a Sabbatical year!
§ All
the comments re the Book of Jasher have been reviewed and modified/corrected as
necessary (cf. also this listing
of the date problems found within the English version of the Book of
Jasher, and this Scripture
Word study that helped me finally resolve all those problems to my full
§ All
the comments previously entered re Sabbatical correlations have been reviewed
and edited as needed.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version VIII.2.3).xls – Created 5943[(*?*)] 01 08 2027 [2011-05-12]
Please Notice that, within this last version (VIII,) the dates
associated with the kings from the end of Solomon through the destruction of
the Temple in 586 BCE will still need further revision, that is, given that
this VIII version is the result of finding
and applying an apparently firm (?) anchor point for the death of King Saul,
which I believe may be unique to this work of mine… Praise the Lord of Hosts!
§ This
version (VIII.2.3) is adding the date comparisons between the Hebrew and the
English versions of the Book
of Jasher, chapters 1-22, under the tag ‘6000+ years,’ but without yet
having changed any reckoning in consequence thereof. The Book of Jasher is,
thus far, not affecting or in any way modifying any of my chronology work thus
far, although I will be looking further into the possibility that a
modification needs to be made at the point of Shem’s birth by perhaps one or
two years…
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version VIII.2.2).xls – Created 5941[(?)] 11 09 2027 [2011-02-13]
Please Notice that, within this last version (VIII,) the dates
associated with the kings from the end of Solomon through the destruction of
the Temple in 586 BCE will still need further revision, that is, given that this
VIII version is the result of finding
and applying an apparently firm (?) anchor point for the death of King Saul,
which I believe may be unique to this work of mine… Praise the Lord of Hosts!
§ This
version (VIII.2.2) is adding more references to the Book
of Jasher, chapters 1-22, under the tag ‘6000+ years.’ The Book of Jasher
is, thus far, not affecting or in any way modifying any of my chronology work
thus far, although I will be looking further into the possibility that a
modification needs to be made at the point of Shem’s birth by perhaps one or
two years…
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version VIII.2.1).xls – Created 5940[(?)] 07 16 2026 [2010-10-24]
Please Notice that, within this last version (VIII,) the dates
associated with the kings from the end of Solomon through the destruction of
the Temple in 586 BCE will still need further revision, that is, given that
this VIII version is the result of finding
and applying an apparently firm (?) anchor point for the death of King Saul,
which I believe may be unique to this work of mine… Praise the Lord of Hosts!
§ This
version (VIII.2.1) is adding two new tags ( 1)“The
1,150+ days to Crucifixion,” and 2) “Crucifixion ±1,335 days”) pursuing the
1150 (#1 above,) 1260 (#2 above,) 1290, & 1335 days before and after the
crucifixion as suggested per Toby’s diagram and teaching. Although I did find a
couple of interesting correlations re the 1,150 and possibly re the 1,260 days
before crucifixion, I found nothing after, that is, nothing beginning from the
crucifixion year. I did, however, find reasonable and meaningful correlations
for all Daniel’s numbers by extending the 1,150 day
reckoning from the Purim event into the future past the crucifixion event!!!
Exciting! Yet, this work helped me correct a number of minor typos,
links, etc.. in my file AdditionalDatedNewTestamentEvents.htm.
§ Unique!!!
Backing up in time on the calendar… Upon making the discovery that the aviv
seems to be based upon higher elevations such that the Abib month begins one
moon later while considering also this years aviv reports being from the Jordan
valley and from N. Negev I conclude that aviv was not found in the Jerusalem
vicinity by the time of this years “positive” aviv report… Thus
the backtracking one month on the create date for this version!
§ I’ve
abstained from changing anything in the tag “Main calendar” at this point… in
spite of the backtracking of time reckoning.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version VIII.2.0).xls – Created 5941(?) 08 11 2027 [2010-10-18]
Please Notice that, within this last version (VIII,) the dates
associated with the kings from the end of Solomon through the destruction of
the Temple in 586 BCE will still need further revision, that is, given that
this VIII version is the result of finding
and applying an apparently firm (?) anchor point for the death of King Saul,
which I believe may be unique to this work of mine… Praise the Lord of Hosts!
§ This
version (VIII.2.0) is the first version following my discovery that the
crucifixion and resurrection were events in 19 CE and not, as I had previously
concluded, in 18 CE. This detail is being reflected in two sheets only thus
far: 1) Under the tag labeled “6000+ years,” and 2) under the tag labeled “Main
calendar.” Please notice that many of the sheets represent very old studies of
mine that have not been updated! Use it, as always, at your own risk and on
your own responsibility!
§ The
tag “Main calendar” has been updated to the new Scripture year that began with
Tishri 22, 2010 [Oct 1, 2010.]
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version VIII.1.8).xls – Created 5940(?) 07 13 2026 [2010-09-23]
Please Notice that, within this last version (VIII,) the dates
associated with the kings from the end of Solomon through the destruction of
the Temple in 586 BCE will still need further revision, that is, given that this
VIII version is the result of finding
and applying an apparently firm (?) anchor point for the death of King Saul,
which I believe may be unique to this work of mine… Praise the Lord of Hosts!
§ This
version (VIII.1.8) is using the older Excel 97 - 2003 format and is thus compatible with the software of more users than
are the versions below which are using the MS Office 2007 formats, at least
some of which cannot be effectively downloaded with at least some of the
Internet Explorer browsers.
§ In
this version (VIII.1.8,) under the tag labeled ‘6000+ years,’ the line of heritage of the rights of
the firstborns as taken over from one surviving generation to the next
beginning with Adam…, through Noah, Shem, [H]Eber, and then Isaac and Jacob… is
further expanded upon by adding yet another dimension, based upon the Book of Jasher, which book
is twice referenced in the Bible (Joshua 10:13 & 2 Samuel 1:18,) to the
lineage of rulership among the pre-Flood patriarchs. This added lineage is
obviously based upon the respective ruler’s quality of relationship with the
Creator. You’ll find the corresponding cells, year vs. patriarch, colored in green. References
to the timing of each event are provided both to Genesis (the basis used) and
to the corresponding dates as given within the Book of Jasher (not always
consistent either within itself or with the Scriptures.) Please notice that
thus far I see no reason for allowing the Book of Jasher to affect my over all timeline or chronology in any way. It is quite
obvious, from a comparison of the dates provided in Genesis and in the Book of
Jasher, that currently available translations of the Book of Jasher is
suffering from errors re some of the years and dates provided. The Book of
Jasher is available within the free Bible Study software Davar 3.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version VIII.1.7).xlsm – Created 5940(?) 06 14 2026 [2010-08-25]
Please Notice that, within this last version (VIII,) the dates
associated with the kings from the end of Solomon through the destruction of
the Temple in 586 BCE will still need further revision, that is, given that
this VIII version is the result of finding
and applying an apparently firm (?) anchor point for the death of King Saul,
which I believe may be unique to this work of mine… Praise the Lord of Hosts!
§ This
version (VIII.1.7) is expanding upon, under the tag labeled ‘6000+ years,’ the line of
heritage of the rights of the firstborns as taken over from one surviving
generation to the next beginning with Adam…, through Noah, Shem, [H]Eber, and
then Isaac and Jacob…
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version VIII.1.6).xlsm – Created 5940(?) 06 11 2026 [2010-08-22]
Please Notice that, within this last version (VIII,) the dates
associated with the kings from the end of Solomon through the destruction of
the Temple in 586 BCE will still need further revision, that is, given that
this VIII version is the result of finding
and applying an apparently firm (?) anchor point for the death of King Saul,
which I believe may be unique to this work of mine… Praise the Lord of Hosts!
§ This
version (VIII.1.6) has, among other things, some additional timelines, on
the tag labeled ‘6000+ years,’ pertaining to…
the lineage of the son,
Menelik, of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, and Yeshua being crucified,
then risen in the 1000th year following Menelik’s birth!; and the
parallel between the
3 days and 3 nights of Yeshua being in the tomb on the 7th, 1st,
and 2nd day, on the one hand, and on the other hand, the hidden ark
of the Covenant 1 millennium prior to Yeshua’s resurrection and, from then on,
2 subsequent millennia extending through Tishri 21, 2018 CE!; the beginning of
the events recorded in the Book of Esther and thus also the original Purim
event thus also corresponding to the 7th Day Sabbath morning
Sacrifice of the Omer, that is, the Waving of the Sheaf!; and
the years of Abraham, Isaac,
and Jacob… Showing also that Melchizedek, the king of Salem (the word Salem
being perhaps a subtle way of hiding the word/name Shem?,)
survived 8 subsequent generations, even Abraham, while dying only in the 110th
year of Isaac, and in the 50th year of Jacob!!!!!!!
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version VIII.1.5).xlsm – Created 5940(?) 06 02 2026 [2010-08-13]
Please Notice that, within this last version (VIII,) the dates
associated with the kings from the end of Solomon through the destruction of
the Temple in 586 BCE will still need further revision, that is, given that
this VIII version is the result of finding
and applying an apparently firm (?) anchor point for the death of King Saul,
which I believe may be unique to this work of mine… Praise the Lord of Hosts!
§ This
version (VIII.1.5) has, among other things, some timelines, on the tag labeled
‘6000+ years,’ pertaining to the 12 Roman Caesars and, more importantly, to the
2,300th year following the beginning of the Flood and of the
beginning of the reign of Noah...
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version VIII.1.4).xlsm – Created 5940(?) 05 22 2026 [2010-08-04]
Please Notice that, within this last version (VIII,) the dates
associated with the kings from the end of Solomon through the destruction of
the Temple in 586 BCE will still need further revision, that is, given that
this VIII version is the result of finding
and applying an apparently firm (?) anchor point for the death of King Saul,
which I believe may be unique to this work of mine… Praise the Lord of Hosts!
§ This
version (VIII.1.4) has been corrected on the Main Sheet re the dates this side
of the period of the Kings, and also several Day to Day Spread Sheets have been
added for clarity and exactness.
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version VIII.1.1).xlsm – Created 5940(?) 05 13 2026 [2010-07-25]
Please Notice that, within this last version, the dates associated
with the kings from the end of Solomon through the destruction of the Temple in
586 BCE will need further revision, that is, given that this VIII version is
the result of finding
and applying an apparently firm (?)anchor
point for the death of King Saul, which I believe may be unique to this
work of mine… Praise the Lord of Hosts!
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version VIII.1.0).xlsm – Created 5940(?) 05 10 2026 [2010-07-23]
Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version VII.1.2).xlsm
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[1] Version XXVIII.0 requires a New Moon
observation on a day when the Moon had an illumination of only 1.05%. As best I
can remember, during the reported naked eye observations of the New Moon since
the 1990ies the New Moon has never been visible when the illumination has been
less than 1.13% or 1.15%. That is, besides a report
(cf. the original negative
report) re a July 29, 2022 CE observation claiming that two very sharpeyed
persons had been able to observe a New Moon with only “0.95 (1.13)% Lag 52m”
illumination from the trans-Jordan area and with confirmation using a
telescope. Per SN8 only 0.89% illumination at the time of sunset, 0.95% at the
time of moonset!
[2] Prodded by Richard Gates’ Sabbath sermon Dec 16,
[3] Prodded by Richard Gates’ Sabbath sermon Dec 16,
[4] If I’d known (or if I’d redo it),
I’d deleted the “non-existing year #1”, i.e. line 2456 first. I.e. per the
technical changes specified in the very last paragraph of footnote #7, but that was not done until much
later in the process of creating version XXVII.0.
[5] At this time [5942[v2016-12-14-21:32] 07 14 2039 [Mon 2023-10-30]] of creating this version XXVIII.0,
I discovered this link re
sabbatical year references:
1. “We are
told by 1 Maccabees 6:49 that Judas Maccabee’s defeat at Beth-Zur was in a
Sabbatical Year. And this can be dated to the Sabbatical Year from the autumn
of 163 to autumn 162 B.C.E.
2. ”Josephus,
the Jewish historian, shows the murder of Simon the Hasmonean as happening in
the Sabbatical Year of autumn 135 to autumn 134 B.C.E.
3. ”Josephus
shows Herod’s conquest of Jerusalem as occurring in the last part of the
Sabbatical Year of 37 to 36 B.C.E.
4. ”King
Agrippa the First recited the section of Deuteronomy which a king was required
to do as associated with the Sabbatical Year (Deuteronomy 31:10–13). He
performed it at a time which historically shows that Agrippa’s Sabbatical Year
was C.E. 41 to 42.
5. ”A
papyrus document written in Aramaic has recently been found in Palestine which
is dated to the second year of Nero, and it says that that year was a
Sabbatical Year. Thus, C.E. 55 to 56 was Sabbatical.
6. ”A
reference in the 2nd century Jewish work called the Seder Olam
can be interpreted as showing the Temple at Jerusalem being destroyed in a
Sabbatical Year. That would have been C.E. 69 to 70.
7. ”Dated
documents have been found concerning the Bar Kokhba revolt of the Jews against
the Romans which show that the year C.E. 132 to 133 was also a Sabbatical Year.
8. ”The
ruins of an ancient synagogue have recently been uncovered which have a date,
in a mosaic, for the Jewish year 4000, and that it was the second year of a
Sabbatical cycle. This answers to C.E. 237 to 238.
9. ”There is a reference in the Jewish Talmud (Sanhedrin 97b) that the Messiah will release the world from its bondage of corruption in the year after 4291 of the Jewish calendar. Since it was believed this would occur in a Sabbatical Year, this reference becomes important (though the prophecy did not occur) because the year after 4291 was C.E. 531 to 532, and it was Sabbatical.”
[6] Per my article
TableDatingEventsInActsAndInTheEpistles.htm this Acts event is recorded between
events dated to 30 CE and 39 CE.
[7] Mamre is located between Hebron and
Jerusalem, 0.22°S 0.11°W from the Jerusalem coordinates presently. Mamre’s peak
is at 1010 MAMSL presently. The pre-Joshua’s Long Day orientation is similar to
the present, thus if the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Jerusalem coordinates were
47.16°N 99.7°E, then the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre coordinates would be very
close to 46.94°N 99.6°E. Cf. the footnotes in my file JordanCrossingDated.htm.
[8] I used SkyViewCafe for these studies.
[9] (Not the Eta Aquaids meteorite dust cloud of 1P/Hallay’s comet – as I previously thought).
[10] My older version XXIV.0.0 of this
“The destruction
of Sodom and Gomorrah and Abraham’s 99th year. Gen 17:1, 24. Per
this version this event would have fallen out in the morning of Day One,
October 11, 1838 BCE, which date is only three days prior to passing the plane
of Halley’s comet and the culmination of the Orionids meteorites on Oct 14,
1838 BCE (per SkyVeiwCafe; current range corresponding to Sept 26 through Oct
31, 1838.) Yes, this fits this version XXIV.0.0.”
[11] 55P/Tempel-Tuttle is a very likely
alternative for 8P/Tuttle, but I do not find the orbit for 55P/Tempel-Tuttle in
SkyViewCafe, so I cannot distinguish between the two of them. Cf. footnote #10.
[12] Per my article
TableDatingEventsInActsAndInTheEpistles.htm this Acts event is recorded between
events dated to 30 CE and 39 CE.
[13] Cf. footnote #8.
[14] Per SN8, the astronomic Full Moon
max occurred at local solar time 4 PM JD Thu Dec 25 = Pre-Hezekiah Fri at 4 PM
= Before the Shabbat sunset, 1010 BCE, at the pre-Hezekiah Jerusalem horizon.
It then rises 15 minutes after sunset. First sunrise Full Moon occurred on that
Shabbat morning. Local summer solstice on Dec 30, 1010 BCE.
said mid summer solstice, first AM sunrise Full Moon, Shabbat on Bul 13 (as
later defined by the Rabbinic Sanhedrin) would serve perfectly as a basis for
King Jeroboam’s later declared introduction of another calendar of his own
making, while also apparently serving as a basis for the current Vatican owned
Julian and Gregorian calendar! Remember too, that Jeroboam served as the chief
Master Builder under Solomon! Notice
too, that Bul 1010 BCE (years reckoned by Josephus as beginning (annually)
Tishri 22) is reckoned as a Sabbatical year by Josephus, thus serving as a
subtle and well hidden stealthful deterrent from our Creator’s own Sabbatical
earlier than 1010 BCE, though, on the 2nd prior Josephus’
Sabbatical, 14 years prior, was not only David’s 37th year of reign,
but also (per this version XXVII.0) the 490th year prior to Cyrus’
decree = Darius’ decree, in his 1st year of reign. That is, the time
when David may well have laid his plans for replacing God’s Tabernacle with a
Temple of his own making. Makes me think of the name 55P/Temple-Tuttle Comet
(which has an orbital year of 33.13 Earth years) and the associated Leonid
Meteor showers…
“The retrograde orbit of 55P/Tempel–Tuttle
causes meteors to impact Earth at a high speed of 70 km/s. The orbit
intersects that of Earth nearly exactly, hence streams of
material ejected from the comet during perihelion passages do not have to
spread out much over time to encounter Earth. The comet currently has an
of 0.008 AU
(1,200,000 km; 740,000 mi).[5] This coincidence means that past
streams from the comet at perihelion are still dense when they encounter Earth,
resulting in the 33-year cycle of Leonid meteor storms. For example, the 1833 meteor storm was created by the previous 1800
perihelion passage.[8] Between 2021–2030, Earth will often
pass through the meteoroid stream left behind from the 1733 orbit.” (Wikipedia)
[15] Per my article
TableDatingEventsInActsAndInTheEpistles.htm this Acts event is recorded between
events dated to 30 CE and 39 CE.
[16] Including version XXVI.0.0 and XXII.0.06.0/XXII.0.06.1
(#3) built upon XXII.0.00,
built upon XII.0.3:
§ Added a year zero (0) to the reigns of Saul and David. Cells 2879BU and 2891BV.
§ Added a reverse count from the year of Darius’ decree towards the 490th year prior. Cells 3358BS-2928BS. Plus heading -BS2917.
§ Did NOT add “a reverse count from the beginning of David’s reign
to the 490th year prior to Darius’ decree. Cells [Prior to BV2891]”,
because in this version XXVII.0 the 490th
year is coincident with David’s 37th year of reign.
And, per the GateWay last paragraph/bullet point re version XXVI.0.0:
§ Following
[it would have been easier if the changes of this bullet point would have been
done first, i.e. even before adding the 25 lines etc., but this was not
recognized at the time .] all of the above
editing this version (XXVII.0) is created by
removing (1435 BCE - 1436 BCE =) 1 Scripture years out this version [as
originally created out of version XII.0.3,] i.e.
now XXVII.0. Technically by removing the one (1)
line 2456; then copying line 2455 into line 2456;
copying 2457E & F into 2455-2456E & F; copying 2457BK,
BY & BZ into 2455-2456BK, BY &
BZ; entering ‘=BQ2455+1’ into BQ2456; copying AM2457
into AM2455&AM2456; entering ‘0’ into AM2454; copying 2456BM into 2457BM;
copying BT2457 into BT2455&BT2456; entering ‘0’ into BT2454; re-copying
version XII.0.3 DL2457 into this version XXVII.0 DL2456; entering “Apparently
the initiating event in year zero is reckoned as Moses' calling at the burning
bush.” into DL2454; painting green all the cells in line 2454 corresponding to
the pattern of the two lines 2455&2456 below; all while double
checking that BCE 1 agrees with CE 1. Then, first editing cell 2890 according
to the eclipse date; then copying cell G2890 into G2975;
then editing G2975 according to the line where
the 25 lines were inserted. Afterwards adjusting the Sabbath years in columns
A, B, C, and D.
[17] If I’d known (or if I’d redo it),
I’d deleted the “non-existing year #1”, i.e. line 2456 first. I.e. per the
technical changes specified in the very last paragraph of footnote #7 above, but that was not done until
much later in the process of creating this version XXVII.0.
[18] Cf. footnote #7!
[19] Per my article
TableDatingEventsInActsAndInTheEpistles.htm this Acts event is recorded between
events dated to 30 CE and 39 CE.
[20] Mamre is located between Hebron and
Jerusalem, 0.22°S 0.11°W from the Jerusalem coordinates presently. Mamre’s peak
is at 1010 MAMSL presently. The pre-Joshua’s Long Day orientation is similar to
the present, thus if the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Jerusalem coordinates were
47.16°N 99.7°E, then the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre coordinates would be very
close to 46.94°N 99.6°E. Cf. the footnotes in my file JordanCrossingDated.htm.
[21] I used SkyViewCafe for these studies.
[22] (Not the Eta Aquaids meteorite dust cloud of 1P/Hallay’s comet – as I previously thought).
[23] Cf. the month prior to possible 7th
Day of the last above study! (Likeliness, i.e. parenthesis indications, are
based upon both intra- and intermonthly evaluations in the last above study.)
[24] Per my article
TableDatingEventsInActsAndInTheEpistles.htm this Acts event is recorded between
events dated to 30 CE and 39 CE.
[25] Mamre is located between Hebron and
Jerusalem, 0.22°S 0.11°W from the Jerusalem coordinates presently. Mamre’s peak
is at 1010 MAMSL presently. The pre-Joshua’s Long Day orientation is similar to
the present, thus if the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Jerusalem coordinates were 47.16°N
99.7°E, then the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre coordinates would be very close to
46.94°N 99.6°E. Cf. the footnotes in my file JordanCrossingDated.htm.
[26] Per my article
TableDatingEventsInActsAndInTheEpistles.htm this Acts event is recorded between
events dated to 30 CE and 39 CE.
[27] Mamre is located between Hebron and
Jerusalem, 0.22°S 0.11°W from the Jerusalem coordinates presently. Mamre’s peak
is at 1010 MAMSL presently. The pre-Joshua’s Long Day orientation is similar to
the present, thus if the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Jerusalem coordinates were
47.16°N 99.7°E, then the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre coordinates would be very
close to 46.94°N 99.6°E. Cf. the footnotes in my file JordanCrossingDated.htm.
[28] Per my article
TableDatingEventsInActsAndInTheEpistles.htm this Acts event is recorded between
events dated to 30 CE and 39 CE.
[29] Mamre is located between Hebron and
Jerusalem, 0.22°S 0.11°W from the Jerusalem coordinates presently. Mamre’s peak
is at 1010 MAMSL presently. The pre-Joshua’s Long Day orientation is similar to
the present, thus if the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Jerusalem coordinates were
47.16°N 99.7°E, then the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre coordinates would be very
close to 46.94°N 99.6°E. Cf. the footnotes in my file JordanCrossingDated.htm.
[30] Per my article
TableDatingEventsInActsAndInTheEpistles.htm this Acts event is recorded between
events dated to 30 CE and 39 CE.
[31] Mamre is located between Hebron and
Jerusalem, 0.22°S 0.11°W from the Jerusalem coordinates presently. Mamre’s peak
is at 1010 MAMSL presently. The pre-Joshua’s Long Day orientation is similar to
the present, thus if the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Jerusalem coordinates were
47.16°N 99.7°E, then the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre coordinates would be very
close to 46.94°N 99.6°E. Cf. the footnotes in my file JordanCrossingDated.htm.
[32] Per my article
TableDatingEventsInActsAndInTheEpistles.htm this Acts event is recorded between
events dated to 30 CE and 39 CE.
[33] Mamre is located between Hebron and
Jerusalem, 0.22°S 0.11°W from the Jerusalem coordinates presently. Mamre’s peak
is at 1010 MAMSL presently. The pre-Joshua’s Long Day orientation is similar to
the present, thus if the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Jerusalem coordinates were
47.16°N 99.7°E, then the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre coordinates would be very
close to 46.94°N 99.6°E. Cf. the footnotes in my file JordanCrossingDated.htm.
[34] Per my article
TableDatingEventsInActsAndInTheEpistles.htm this Acts event is recorded between
events dated to 30 CE and 39 CE.
[35] Mamre is located between Hebron and
Jerusalem, 0.22°S 0.11°W from the Jerusalem coordinates presently. Mamre’s peak
is at 1010 MAMSL presently. The pre-Joshua’s Long Day orientation is similar to
the present, thus if the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Jerusalem coordinates were
47.16°N 99.7°E, then the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre coordinates would be very
close to 46.94°N 99.6°E. Cf. the footnotes in my file JordanCrossingDated.htm.
[36] Per my article
TableDatingEventsInActsAndInTheEpistles.htm this Acts event is recorded between
events dated to 30 CE and 39 CE.
[37] Mamre is located between Hebron and
Jerusalem, 0.22°S 0.11°W from the Jerusalem coordinates presently. Mamre’s peak
is at 1010 MAMSL presently. The pre-Joshua’s Long Day orientation is similar to
the present, thus if the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Jerusalem coordinates were
47.16°N 99.7°E, then the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre coordinates would be very
close to 46.94°N 99.6°E. Cf. the footnotes in my file JordanCrossingDated.htm.
[38] Per my article
TableDatingEventsInActsAndInTheEpistles.htm this Acts event is recorded between
events dated to 30 CE and 39 CE.
[39] Mamre is located between Hebron and
Jerusalem, 0.22°S 0.11°W from the Jerusalem coordinates presently. Mamre’s peak
is at 1010 MAMSL presently. The pre-Joshua’s Long Day orientation is similar to
the present, thus if the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Jerusalem coordinates were
47.16°N 99.7°E, then the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre coordinates would be very
close to 46.94°N 99.6°E. Cf. the footnotes in my file JordanCrossingDated.htm.
[40] Per my article
TableDatingEventsInActsAndInTheEpistles.htm this Acts event is recorded between
events dated to 30 CE and 39 CE.
[41] Mamre is located between Hebron and
Jerusalem, 0.22°S 0.11°W from the Jerusalem coordinates presently. Mamre’s peak
is at 1010 MAMSL presently. The pre-Joshua’s Long Day orientation is similar to
the present, thus if the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Jerusalem coordinates were
47.16°N 99.7°E, then the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre coordinates would be very
close to 46.94°N 99.6°E. Cf. the footnotes in my file JordanCrossingDated.htm.
[42] Per my article
TableDatingEventsInActsAndInTheEpistles.htm this Acts event is recorded between
events dated to 30 CE and 39 CE.
[43] Mamre is located between Hebron and
Jerusalem, 0.22°S 0.11°W from the Jerusalem coordinates presently. Mamre’s peak
is at 1010 MAMSL presently. The pre-Joshua’s Long Day orientation is similar to
the present, thus if the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Jerusalem coordinates were
47.16°N 99.7°E, then the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre coordinates would be very
close to 46.94°N 99.6°E. Cf. the footnotes in my file JordanCrossingDated.htm.
[44] Per my article
TableDatingEventsInActsAndInTheEpistles.htm this Acts event is recorded between
events dated to 30 CE and 39 CE.
[45] Mamre is located between Hebron and
Jerusalem, 0.22°S 0.11°W from the Jerusalem coordinates presently. Mamre’s peak
is at 1010 MAMSL presently. The pre-Joshua’s Long Day orientation is similar to
the present, thus if the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Jerusalem coordinates were
47.16°N 99.7°E, then the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre coordinates would be very
close to 46.94°N 99.6°E. Cf. the footnotes in my file JordanCrossingDated.htm.
[46] Per my article
TableDatingEventsInActsAndInTheEpistles.htm this Acts event is recorded between
events dated to 30 CE and 39 CE.
[47] Mamre is located between Hebron and Jerusalem,
0.22°S 0.11°W from the Jerusalem coordinates presently. Mamre’s peak is at 1010
MAMSL presently. The pre-Joshua’s Long Day orientation is similar to the
present, thus if the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Jerusalem coordinates were 47.16°N
99.7°E, then the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre coordinates would be very close to
46.94°N 99.6°E. Cf. the footnotes in my file JordanCrossingDated.htm.
[48] Per my article
TableDatingEventsInActsAndInTheEpistles.htm this Acts event is recorded between
events dated to 30 CE and 39 CE.
[49] Mamre is located between Hebron and
Jerusalem, 0.22°S 0.11°W from the Jerusalem coordinates presently. Mamre’s peak
is at 1010 MAMSL presently. The pre-Joshua’s Long Day orientation is similar to
the present, thus if the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Jerusalem coordinates were
47.16°N 99.7°E, then the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre coordinates would be very
close to 46.94°N 99.6°E. Cf. the footnotes in my file JordanCrossingDated.htm.
[50] Per my article
TableDatingEventsInActsAndInTheEpistles.htm this Acts event is recorded between
events dated to 30 CE and 39 CE.
[51] Mamre is located between Hebron and
Jerusalem, 0.22°S 0.11°W from the Jerusalem coordinates presently. Mamre’s peak
is at 1010 MAMSL presently. The pre-Joshua’s Long Day orientation is similar to
the present, thus if the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Jerusalem coordinates were
47.16°N 99.7°E, then the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre coordinates would be very
close to 46.94°N 99.6°E. Cf. the footnotes in my file JordanCrossingDated.htm.
[52] Per my article
TableDatingEventsInActsAndInTheEpistles.htm this Acts event is recorded between
events dated to 30 CE and 39 CE.
[53] Mamre is located between Hebron and
Jerusalem, 0.22°S 0.11°W from the Jerusalem coordinates presently. Mamre’s peak
is at 1010 MAMSL presently. The pre-Joshua’s Long Day orientation is similar to
the present, thus if the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Jerusalem coordinates were
47.16°N 99.7°E, then the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre coordinates would be very
close to 46.94°N 99.6°E. Cf. the footnotes in my file JordanCrossingDated.htm.
[54] Per my article
TableDatingEventsInActsAndInTheEpistles.htm this Acts event is recorded between
events dated to 30 CE and 39 CE.
[55] Mamre is located between Hebron and
Jerusalem, 0.22°S 0.11°W from the Jerusalem coordinates presently. Mamre’s peak
is at 1010 MAMSL presently. The pre-Joshua’s Long Day orientation is similar to
the present, thus if the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Jerusalem coordinates were
47.16°N 99.7°E, then the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre coordinates would be very
close to 46.94°N 99.6°E. Cf. the footnotes in my file JordanCrossingDated.htm.
[56] Per my article
TableDatingEventsInActsAndInTheEpistles.htm this Acts event is recorded between
events dated to 30 CE and 39 CE.
[57] Mamre is located between Hebron and
Jerusalem, 0.22°S 0.11°W from the Jerusalem coordinates presently. Mamre’s peak
is at 1010 MAMSL presently. The pre-Joshua’s Long Day orientation is similar to
the present, thus if the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Jerusalem coordinates were
47.16°N 99.7°E, then the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre coordinates would be very
close to 46.94°N 99.6°E. Cf. the footnotes in my file JordanCrossingDated.htm.
[58] Per my article
TableDatingEventsInActsAndInTheEpistles.htm this Acts event is recorded between
events dated to 30 CE and 39 CE.
[59] Mamre is located between Hebron and
Jerusalem, 0.22°S 0.11°W from the Jerusalem coordinates presently. Mamre’s peak
is at 1010 MAMSL presently. The pre-Joshua’s Long Day orientation is similar to
the present, thus if the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Jerusalem coordinates were
47.16°N 99.7°E, then the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre coordinates would be very
close to 46.94°N 99.6°E. Cf. the footnotes in my file JordanCrossingDated.htm.
[60] Per my article
TableDatingEventsInActsAndInTheEpistles.htm this Acts event is recorded between
events dated to 30 CE and 39 CE.
[61] Mamre is located between Hebron and
Jerusalem, 0.22°S 0.11°W from the Jerusalem coordinates presently. Mamre’s peak
is at 1010 MAMSL presently. The pre-Joshua’s Long Day orientation is similar to
the present, thus if the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Jerusalem coordinates were
47.16°N 99.7°E, then the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre coordinates would be very
close to 46.94°N 99.6°E. Cf. the footnotes in my file JordanCrossingDated.htm.
[62] Per my article
TableDatingEventsInActsAndInTheEpistles.htm this Acts event is recorded between
events dated to 30 CE and 39 CE.
[63] Mamre is located between Hebron and
Jerusalem, 0.22°S 0.11°W from the Jerusalem coordinates presently. Mamre’s peak
is at 1010 MAMSL presently. The pre-Joshua’s Long Day orientation is similar to
the present, thus if the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Jerusalem coordinates were
47.16°N 99.7°E, then the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre coordinates would be very
close to 46.94°N 99.6°E. Cf. the footnotes in my file JordanCrossingDated.htm.
[64] Per my article
TableDatingEventsInActsAndInTheEpistles.htm this Acts event is recorded between
events dated to 30 CE and 39 CE.
[65] Mamre is located between Hebron and
Jerusalem, 0.22°S 0.11°W from the Jerusalem coordinates presently. Mamre’s peak
is at 1010 MAMSL presently. The pre-Joshua’s Long Day orientation is similar to
the present, thus if the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Jerusalem coordinates were
47.16°N 99.7°E, then the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre coordinates would be very
close to 46.94°N 99.6°E. Cf. the footnotes in my file JordanCrossingDated.htm.
[66] Per my article
TableDatingEventsInActsAndInTheEpistles.htm this Acts event is recorded between
events dated to 30 CE and 39 CE.
[67] Mamre is located between Hebron and
Jerusalem, 0.22°S 0.11°W from the Jerusalem coordinates presently. Mamre’s peak
is at 1010 MAMSL presently. The pre-Joshua’s Long Day orientation is similar to
the present, thus if the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Jerusalem coordinates were
47.16°N 99.7°E, then the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre coordinates would be very
close to 46.94°N 99.6°E. Cf. the footnotes in my file JordanCrossingDated.htm.
[68] Per my article
TableDatingEventsInActsAndInTheEpistles.htm this Acts event is recorded between
events dated to 30 CE and 39 CE.
[69] Mamre is located between Hebron and
Jerusalem, 0.22°S 0.11°W from the Jerusalem coordinates presently. Mamre’s peak
is at 1010 MAMSL presently. The pre-Joshua’s Long Day orientation is similar to
the present, thus if the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Jerusalem coordinates were
47.16°N 99.7°E, then the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre coordinates would be very
close to 46.94°N 99.6°E. Cf. the footnotes in my file JordanCrossingDated.htm.
[70] Per my article
TableDatingEventsInActsAndInTheEpistles.htm this Acts event is recorded between
events dated to 30 CE and 39 CE.
[71] Mamre is located between Hebron and
Jerusalem, 0.22°S 0.11°W from the Jerusalem coordinates presently. Mamre’s peak
is at 1010 MAMSL presently. The pre-Joshua’s Long Day orientation is similar to
the present, thus if the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Jerusalem coordinates were
47.16°N 99.7°E, then the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre coordinates would be very
close to 46.94°N 99.6°E. Cf. the footnotes in my file JordanCrossingDated.htm.
[72] Per my article
TableDatingEventsInActsAndInTheEpistles.htm this Acts event is recorded between
events dated to 30 CE and 39 CE.
[73] Mamre is located between Hebron and
Jerusalem, 0.22°S 0.11°W from the Jerusalem coordinates presently. Mamre’s peak
is at 1010 MAMSL presently. The pre-Joshua’s Long Day orientation is similar to
the present, thus if the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Jerusalem coordinates were
47.16°N 99.7°E, then the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre coordinates would be very
close to 46.94°N 99.6°E. Cf. the footnotes in my file JordanCrossingDated.htm.
[74] Per my article
TableDatingEventsInActsAndInTheEpistles.htm this Acts event is recorded between
events dated to 30 CE and 39 CE.
[75] Mamre is located between Hebron and
Jerusalem, 0.22°S 0.11°W from the Jerusalem coordinates presently. Mamre’s peak
is at 1010 MAMSL presently. The pre-Joshua’s Long Day orientation is similar to
the present, thus if the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Jerusalem coordinates were
47.16°N 99.7°E, then the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre coordinates would be very
close to 46.94°N 99.6°E. Cf. the footnotes in my file JordanCrossingDated.htm.
[76] Per my article
TableDatingEventsInActsAndInTheEpistles.htm this Acts event is recorded between
events dated to 30 CE and 39 CE.
[77] Mamre is located between Hebron and
Jerusalem, 0.22°S 0.11°W from the Jerusalem coordinates presently. Mamre’s peak
is at 1010 MAMSL presently. The pre-Joshua’s Long Day orientation is similar to
the present, thus if the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Jerusalem coordinates were
47.16°N 99.7°E, then the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre coordinates would be very
close to 46.94°N 99.6°E. Cf. the footnotes in my file JordanCrossingDated.htm.
[78] Per my article
TableDatingEventsInActsAndInTheEpistles.htm this Acts event is recorded between
events dated to 30 CE and 39 CE.
[79] Mamre is located between Hebron and
Jerusalem, 0.22°S 0.11°W from the Jerusalem coordinates presently. Mamre’s peak
is at 1010 MAMSL presently. The pre-Joshua’s Long Day orientation is similar to
the present, thus if the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Jerusalem coordinates were
47.16°N 99.7°E, then the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre coordinates would be very
close to 46.94°N 99.6°E. Cf. the footnotes in my file JordanCrossingDated.htm.
[80] Per my article
TableDatingEventsInActsAndInTheEpistles.htm this Acts event is recorded between
events dated to 30 CE and 39 CE.
[81] Mamre is located between Hebron and
Jerusalem, 0.22°S 0.11°W from the Jerusalem coordinates presently. Mamre’s peak
is at 1010 MAMSL presently. The pre-Joshua’s Long Day orientation is similar to
the present, thus if the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Jerusalem coordinates were
47.16°N 99.7°E, then the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre coordinates would be very
close to 46.94°N 99.6°E. Cf. the footnotes in my file JordanCrossingDated.htm.
[82] Per my article
TableDatingEventsInActsAndInTheEpistles.htm this Acts event is recorded between
events dated to 30 CE and 39 CE.
[83] Mamre is located between Hebron and
Jerusalem, 0.22°S 0.11°W from the Jerusalem coordinates presently. Mamre’s peak
is at 1010 MAMSL presently. The pre-Joshua’s Long Day orientation is similar to
the present, thus if the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Jerusalem coordinates were
47.16°N 99.7°E, then the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre coordinates would be very
close to 46.94°N 99.6°E. Cf. the footnotes in my file JordanCrossingDated.htm.
[84] Per my article
TableDatingEventsInActsAndInTheEpistles.htm this Acts event is recorded between
events dated to 30 CE and 39 CE.
[85] Mamre is located between Hebron and
Jerusalem, 0.22°S 0.11°W from the Jerusalem coordinates presently. Mamre’s peak
is at 1010 MAMSL presently. The pre-Joshua’s Long Day orientation is similar to
the present, thus if the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Jerusalem coordinates were
47.16°N 99.7°E, then the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre coordinates would be very
close to 46.94°N 99.6°E. Cf. the footnotes in my file JordanCrossingDated.htm.
[86] Per my article
TableDatingEventsInActsAndInTheEpistles.htm this Acts event is recorded between
events dated to 30 CE and 39 CE.
[87] Mamre is located between Hebron and
Jerusalem, 0.22°S 0.11°W from the Jerusalem coordinates presently. Mamre’s peak
is at 1010 MAMSL presently. The pre-Joshua’s Long Day orientation is similar to
the present, thus if the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Jerusalem coordinates were
47.16°N 99.7°E, then the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre coordinates would be very
close to 46.94°N 99.6°E. Cf. the footnotes in my file JordanCrossingDated.htm.
[88] Per my article
TableDatingEventsInActsAndInTheEpistles.htm this Acts event is recorded between
events dated to 30 CE and 39 CE.
[89] Mamre is located between Hebron and
Jerusalem, 0.22°S 0.11°W from the Jerusalem coordinates presently. Mamre’s peak
is at 1010 MAMSL presently. The pre-Joshua’s Long Day orientation is similar to
the present, thus if the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Jerusalem coordinates were
47.16°N 99.7°E, then the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre coordinates would be very
close to 46.94°N 99.6°E. Cf. the footnotes in my file JordanCrossingDated.htm.
[90] Per my article
TableDatingEventsInActsAndInTheEpistles.htm this Acts event is recorded between
events dated to 30 CE and 39 CE.
[91] Mamre is located between Hebron and
Jerusalem, 0.22°S 0.11°W from the Jerusalem coordinates presently. Mamre’s peak
is at 1010 MAMSL presently. The pre-Joshua’s Long Day orientation is similar to
the present, thus if the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Jerusalem coordinates were
47.16°N 99.7°E, then the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre coordinates would be very
close to 46.94°N 99.6°E. Cf. the footnotes in my file JordanCrossingDated.htm.
[92] Per my article
TableDatingEventsInActsAndInTheEpistles.htm this Acts event is recorded between
events dated to 30 CE and 39 CE.
[93] Mamre is located between Hebron and
Jerusalem, 0.22°S 0.11°W from the Jerusalem coordinates presently. Mamre’s peak
is at 1010 MAMSL presently. The pre-Joshua’s Long Day orientation is similar to
the present, thus if the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Jerusalem coordinates were
47.16°N 99.7°E, then the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre coordinates would be very
close to 46.94°N 99.6°E. Cf. the footnotes in my file JordanCrossingDated.htm.
[94] Per my article
TableDatingEventsInActsAndInTheEpistles.htm this Acts event is recorded between
events dated to 30 CE and 39 CE.
[95] Mamre is located between Hebron and
Jerusalem, 0.22°S 0.11°W from the Jerusalem coordinates presently. Mamre’s peak
is at 1010 MAMSL presently. The pre-Joshua’s Long Day orientation is similar to
the present, thus if the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Jerusalem coordinates were
47.16°N 99.7°E, then the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre coordinates would be very
close to 46.94°N 99.6°E. Cf. the footnotes in my file JordanCrossingDated.htm.
[96] Per my article
TableDatingEventsInActsAndInTheEpistles.htm this Acts event is recorded between
events dated to 30 CE and 39 CE.
[97] Mamre is located between Hebron and
Jerusalem, 0.22°S 0.11°W from the Jerusalem coordinates presently. Mamre’s peak
is at 1010 MAMSL presently. The pre-Joshua’s Long Day orientation is similar to
the present, thus if the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Jerusalem coordinates were
47.16°N 99.7°E, then the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre coordinates would be very
close to 46.94°N 99.6°E. Cf. the footnotes in my file JordanCrossingDated.htm.
[98] Per my article
TableDatingEventsInActsAndInTheEpistles.htm this Acts event is recorded between
events dated to 30 CE and 39 CE.
[99] Mamre is located between Hebron and
Jerusalem, 0.22°S 0.11°W from the Jerusalem coordinates presently. Mamre’s peak
is at 1010 MAMSL presently. The pre-Joshua’s Long Day orientation is similar to
the present, thus if the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Jerusalem coordinates were
47.16°N 99.7°E, then the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre coordinates would be very
close to 46.94°N 99.6°E. Cf. the footnotes in my file JordanCrossingDated.htm.
[100] Per my article
TableDatingEventsInActsAndInTheEpistles.htm this Acts event is recorded between
events dated to 30 CE and 39 CE.
[101] Mamre is located between Hebron and
Jerusalem, 0.22°S 0.11°W from the Jerusalem coordinates presently. Mamre’s peak
is at 1010 MAMSL presently. The pre-Joshua’s Long Day orientation is similar to
the present, thus if the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Jerusalem coordinates were
47.16°N 99.7°E, then the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre coordinates would be very
close to 46.94°N 99.6°E. Cf. the footnotes in my file JordanCrossingDated.htm.
[102] Per my article
TableDatingEventsInActsAndInTheEpistles.htm this Acts event is recorded between
events dated to 30 CE and 39 CE.
[103] Mamre is located between Hebron and
Jerusalem, 0.22°S 0.11°W from the Jerusalem coordinates presently. Mamre’s peak
is at 1010 MAMSL presently. The pre-Joshua’s Long Day orientation is similar to
the present, thus if the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Jerusalem coordinates were
47.16°N 99.7°E, then the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre coordinates would be very
close to 46.94°N 99.6°E. Cf. the footnotes in my file JordanCrossingDated.htm.
[104] Per my article
TableDatingEventsInActsAndInTheEpistles.htm this Acts event is recorded between
events dated to 30 CE and 39 CE.
[105] Mamre is located between Hebron and
Jerusalem, 0.22°S 0.11°W from the Jerusalem coordinates presently. Mamre’s peak
is at 1010 MAMSL presently. The pre-Joshua’s Long Day orientation is similar to
the present, thus if the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Jerusalem coordinates were
47.16°N 99.7°E, then the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre coordinates would be very
close to 46.94°N 99.6°E. Cf. the footnotes in my file JordanCrossingDated.htm.
[106] Per my article
TableDatingEventsInActsAndInTheEpistles.htm this Acts event is recorded between
events dated to 30 CE and 39 CE.
[107] Mamre is located between Hebron and
Jerusalem, 0.22°S 0.11°W from the Jerusalem coordinates presently. Mamre’s peak
is at 1010 MAMSL presently. The pre-Joshua’s Long Day orientation is similar to
the present, thus if the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Jerusalem coordinates were
47.16°N 99.7°E, then the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre coordinates would be very
close to 46.94°N 99.6°E. Cf. the footnotes in my file JordanCrossingDated.htm.
[108] Per my article
TableDatingEventsInActsAndInTheEpistles.htm this Acts event is recorded between
events dated to 30 CE and 39 CE.
[109] Mamre is located between Hebron and
Jerusalem, 0.22°S 0.11°W from the Jerusalem coordinates presently. Mamre’s peak
is at 1010 MAMSL presently. The pre-Joshua’s Long Day orientation is similar to
the present, thus if the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Jerusalem coordinates were
47.16°N 99.7°E, then the pre-Joshua’s Long Day Mamre coordinates would be very
close to 46.94°N 99.6°E. Cf. the footnotes in my file JordanCrossingDated.htm.