[The author’s translation of his original Swedish email:]

יהוה אלהים

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To:   Göran Hansen, President of the Swedish Union of Churches Conference

Sent:  ”Saturday, April 26, 2014 8:24 PM”

Cc:   Daniel Heilimariam, Missionssekreterare för Adventistsamfundet i Sverige; 'Rainer Refsbäck'; 'Ronny Hermansson'; 'Karin Rudholm'; 'Knut Gille'; 'Lars Gille'; 'Marcus Hermansson'; 'Tuula Lillbäck'; 'Roland Brothén'; 'Per Bolling'; 'Siri Karlsson'; 'Willy Aronsen'; 'Veronica Joshua'; 'Mårten Dalfors'; 'Marita Fors'; 'Susan Bolling'; 'Vivianne Carlsson'; 'Jovan Dedic'; 'Tobias Edlund'; 'Rudolf Pohl'; 'Roland Sjölander'; 'Stig Sjölander'; 'Krister Pontvik'; 'Sture Nilsson'; 'Unni Gille'; 'Nisse Lundberg'; 'Nils-Erik Lundberg'; 'Nils-Erik Lundberg'; 'Stig Sjölander'; 'Knut Käller'; 'Sven Sparavec'; 'Jan Johansson'; 'Församlingsföreståndare i Växjö SDA församling Christina Anderson Lubwama'; 'Adventkyrkan i Jönköping'; 'Stefan Thomsen'; 'Kenneth Hermansson'; 'Keijo Laine'; 'Bibelbrevskolan Hoppets Röst'; 'Helen Odzic-Pohl, Borås'; 'David Alm, Borås'; 'Anna Tegebo, Borås'; 'Thore Karlsson'; 'Lars Berglund'; 'Paul Annala'; 'Robert Stipesevic, föreståndare för Adventkyrkan i Norrköping'; 'Lía Ortega Danielsson (grupo hispano)'; 'Salvatore Bognandi'; 'Moisés C González'; 'Ingrid Gustafsson'; 'Victoria Vergara'; 'Ruth Ticona'; 'Mario Fuentes'; 'Jenny Torres'; 'Martha Restrepo'; 'Moises Gonzalez'; 'Ulrik Karlsson'; 'Vivianne Karlsson'; 'Rose-May Smårs'; 'Mats Imhagen'; 'Lage Johansson'; 'Timo Vilgats'; 'Tommy Björn'; 'Maud Gustafsson'; 'Svea Thorfve'; 'Kamilla Capion, barnavdelningen'; 'Dennis Møller, Webmaster'; 'Simon Rytman, Materialeforvalter'; 'Silje Møller, Spejdersekretær'; 'Allan Wiik, Cafékirken'; 'Mette Nielsen, FaceOut - Haslev Frikirke'; 'Inger Flindt, Køge Adventkirke'; 'Arne Sandbeck, Nykøbing Sj. Adventkirke'; 'Borghild Rasmussen, Ringsted Adventkirke'; 'Hans Grønbech, Nyborg Adventkirke'; 'Flemming Nutzhorn, Vejlefjordkirken'; 'Hans Kalvåg, Aalborg Adventkirke'; Albert Fletcher; Albert Fletcher; and others…

Subject: Hi, a little more flesh upon the bones I gave you… Suggestions re the present four year plus, plus, objectives of our church…



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Written with a beginning on 5926[((*??*))] 01[1] 26 2030


The Seventh Day, the Creator’s own day of rest, and

The 8th day of 50 in the Reckoning of Omer towards the Day of Sabbaths, the Biblical Pentecost,



The 26th day of month #1, 26 Abib,

in the 5926th[(??)] year following the beginning recorded in Genesis 1

and in the 2030th year following the beginning recorded in Luke 1:26-33,


[the 23rd  day of the month per ancient Rabbinical reckoning,

26 Nissan (month #1) in the 5774th year)  per more recent Jewish reckoning

(based upon a decimal error in Hillel II’s directives causing a wandering of the seasons!),


[the 25th day of Jumada Al-Thani (the 6th month) of Year 1435 of Hijri (the Islamic calendar,) and



[Saturday, the 6th day of the Pope’s week (as revised in Sweden from 1973 A.D.,)

April 26 in the 2014th year of Caesar Tiberius (per current Gregorian reckoning in Europe and elsewhere,)

Cf. Daniel 7:25…]



Shabbat Shalom, Göran!


Thanks, once again, for sharing, with me and with our local Adventist church at Nyhyttan, of your own firsthand experiences while walking hand in hand with our Redeemer!

The results of your work in other parts of the world, as I have thus far perceived it, gives me confidence in you and also hope for something similar while in your present post at the administrative leadership here in Sweden…

-      But which Sweden, the one or the other, the living, or that of the State? :=)


As you said in your sermon, one is easily misunderstood, even distrusted, when sharing of one’s own experiences in life, unless one has been able theretofore to build a platform of solid trust.

Surely you have some time reflected upon the similar experiences of our beloved pioneers within the Advent movement, as most every one of them were being thrown out of each their own prior congregations, or have you not? The one who is truly walking with God in the footsteps of our Savior is, not infrequently, being blessed with ‘unbelievable’ experiences, that is, unbelievable so far as the listener is concerned. And, as you surely know, every such walk is very much the result of one’s own individual Bible studies…

Based upon the above said, it is not a great step towards realizing the importance of creating, within every forum of our beloved church, an atmosphere of ever more mutual understanding and respect in re to each our unique, ‘unbelievable,’ seemingly ‘super natural,’ experiences and discoveries touching upon the realities that each one of us may find in the Bible.

Unfortunately, I find that there is a great need for a much better atmosphere and for much better attitude so far as concerns each our unique walk with God. Our various church communities, as I have come to experience them, are very much in need of more mutual trust and respect so far as concerns each our various discoveries within the Word of God. Indeed, I am convinced that this is the key problem behind the lack of growth that we have long been experiencing in the Nordic countries and in Sweden in particular.

For example: On a number of occasions, when I have brought close friends of mine to our local church at Nyhyttan, I have seen those same friends of mine soon enough reject the idea of any further contact with our church. Why? Well, they have found the attitudes they have met by teachers of the Bible study, and the prevalent attitude, too narrow minded, too much based upon fixed traditional thinking. Some friends of mine, who had a prior Catholic background, even told me that their experience of our church was too much reminiscent of some of the worst of their experiences within the Roman Catholic Church…

Yes, I too am seeing much of the same problems. Serious deficiencies. Some more serious than others. The reason that I still find much value in my continual participation as one within my congregation is of course that I’ve been living with these things ever since I was a child. I have learned how to deal with the situation. I have learned to accept it for what it is. I focus upon the values I am seeing, while yet doing my best towards contributing towards something ever better. After all, ours is a joint walk destined ever upwards towards the realization of the Kingdom of God. Truly, our social communion is ever so valuable, and so is the fact that within our church at Nyhyttan I have the joy of experiencing a living, inviting, open attitude from most everyone. Yes, even in spite of the various attempts, throughout the years, that various “leaders” have made towards freezing me out, and towards discrediting such experiences and such Bible discoveries of mine as I have tried to share…


Accordingly, and as I briefly shared with you following your sermon: I find it most crucial for each and all of us to be intent upon working towards an ever more accepting attitude between ourselves. We need to respect one another even where we have a hard time making sense of, or agree with, one another’s points of view! We need to learn to encourage one another in spite of our differences while understanding that much of our differences is based upon each our different backgrounds and each our different points of view. Most particularly so relative to each our walk with God.  We need to encourage one another to study, to discover, and to share with one another heretofore unknown, strange, unfamiliar, long forgotten, ‘unbelievable,’ and previously undiscovered Biblical truths and ditto experiences…

To the extent that we may achieve a more mutually accepting and mutually encouraging atmosphere amongst us, I am convinced that soon enough we will be blessed with experiencing, not only a growing membership, but very much more of true and genuine joy and harmony so far as concerns our joint walk towards the Kingdom of God in the realm of the here, now, and I…

You asked me a specific question in church, and I gave you a brief response including also an example of my experiences within the boundaries of our greater church community… I have no doubt that, in consequence of the above said, you may have considerable difficulty in accepting or agreeing with the reality of mine that I exemplified. Even so, you may yet be willing to accept that my experiences do build upon my own continual studies of the Bible over many years, indeed, studies of mine comprising most of my time, most every day the year around…

Accordingly, and in consequence of you question, I hereby wish to provide for you an opportunity to partake of the particular details of my experiences while partaking in the ongoing dialogs of various SDA blogs. Experiences that I find characterized too much by an outright censoring of such comments as represent true and genuine Bible discoveries beyond that which is heretofore known or familiar. That is, I find the prevalent atmosphere within said SDA blogs being quite contrary to such a truly living walk with our Lord and Savior as can only become reality by means of such individual Bible study as we generally and openly profess to promote. Here is a link where you will be able to partake of the particulars of quite a number of my censured comments within blogs directly attached to the central activities within our beloved church fellowship…


May the Sabbath peace of God, our Creator and Redeemer, rest over each our family and home,

Gunnar Smårs Jr©






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יהוה אלהים

[1] After having focused closely upon Scriptural chronology based upon the most original references and using the best tools available to me, I see little or no reason not to consider Scripture month #1, aviv (as used and applied in Biblical times,) as being based upon the aviv found on Mount Jerusalem, or perhaps more accurately, upon the current location of the Ark of the Covenant (while not upon the aviv found at hotter and lower altitudes, albeit within the boundaries of Israel, e.g. in the Negev desert (2013) and in the Jordan valley (2013,) in the Negev desert (2012,) in the Jordan valley (2011,) in the Jordan valley (2010) or in the Negev desert (2010.) Cf. this link!