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 Statement of belief: “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.” (John 17:17 KJV)


Created  5941[(?)] 08 02 2027 [2010-11-09]

Last edited 5941[(?)] 08 10 2027 [2010-11-17]












What was the Nature of


...The Darkness at the Time of the Crucifixion?...


Considerations Re the possibilities for

a Wednesday “Aviv 14” [June 21,] 19 CE Crucifixion



The June 21, 19 CE Total Solar Eclipse


in satisfaction of

the Gospel Records of Matthew, Mark, and Luke

leading up to a discovery in


Confirmation of the

Friday Aviv 17 [May 12,] 19 CE Crucifixion







Upon carefully considering the very close relationship between the facts provided 1) within the Gospel passages found in Matt 27:45; Mark 15:33; and Luke 23:44-45, even within the best available Hebrew and Aramaic manuscripts, and between 2) the very exact details, as provided by the NASA website, of that certain June 21, 19 CE total solar eclipse, I find that almost certainly those facts belong with one another as one event, but that the original Hebrew authors of the Gospels somehow received and accepted an official Roman report originally written in Latin, which they somehow misunderstood and superimposed upon their own reports as firsthand witnesses of the events surrounding the crucifixion and the resurrection.


Thus I believe that the mysterious enigma re the darkness between the 6th and 9th hours during the very day of Yeshua’s crucifixion may be considered resolved to the satisfaction of most any reasonable man…


Although no doubt some will avoid this issue based upon their fears of losing trust and confidence in the veracity and the reliability of the Word of God, I believe, on the contrary, that this item should serve to emphasize, as an object lesson indeed being taught by the Word of God itself, the importance for each one amongst us to continually learn to recognize and to be aware of the distinctions between an original firsthand source and such second hand information as is mere hearsay and gossip albeit transmitted with the very best and honest intentions by the most reliable among men.


Ιn other words, the within discovery should serve the purpose of further strengthening each our confidence in the Word of God as originally written, not excluding our understanding that Matthew, Mark, and Luke, are providing for us, in this particular re the exact timing and extent of said darkness, the only possible firsthand evidence available to anyone at that time, a report summarizing a number of reported firsthand observations of that particular June 21, 19 CE total solar eclipse from various locations across the Roman Empire. Indeed, I do not find it impossible to exclude the possibility that those Gospel writers may even have correctly quoted the Roman date out of a report written in the Latin language, but that their quote has subsequently been incorrectly transcribed prior to translation.







The scenario portrayed within the below table is prompted upon 1) the discovery of the June 21, 19 CE total eclipse of the sun which was visible between the 6th and 9th hour across the Roman Empire[1] which eclipse suggests itself very nicely as the event being recorded in Matthew 27:45; and 2) an attempt to retain the sign of Jonas pre and post crucifixion events previously discovered, which is to say also to retain an immediate connection in time between the Feast of Unleavened Bread and the crucifixion and resurrection events.


As may be seen from the NASA tables of Total and Annular Solar Eclipse Paths: 0001-0020 & 0021-0040 there is only one solar eclipse path, within that 40 year span, that fits well the specifics given per Matthew 27:45. Given that I’ve previously discovered that the crucifixion and resurrection events almost certainly did happen in 19 CE, it is not only tempting to associate somehow the June 21, 19 CE eclipse with the Matthew 27:45 passage, but even illogical not to. The chief question is: How? The obstacles are obvious and may at first seem insurmountable. Yet, the age old enigma, re the previously unexplained hours of darkness from the 6th through the 9th hour, remains, and the close association in time, above described, between these two events are indeed very suggestive, to say the least!




What possible alternatives might there be for these facts, the Gospel record vs. the date of the solar eclipse, to meet and join in harmony?




Is my prior work all in error… along with almost all conventional ideas re Hebrew calendar reckoning?


Are the dates within my May 12, 19 CE crucifixion scenario in error? Should this date, May 12, 19 CE, be moved forwards in time another 42 days, even unto June 21, 19 CE, meaning not only that month #1 of the year, Nisan or Abib, be pushed yet another month into the summer, but also that the dates of the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread be shifted by an odd two weeks? Could that be?


Well, the table below represents an honest attempt to revise my own prior work extensively and such as to fit the seemingly untouchable facts of the celestial date of the solar eclipse. Upon doing that I find that the resulting Wednesday June 21 eclipse vs. a revised crucifixion day scenario comes only at the cost of 1) losing the Sabbath connection previously discovered re Acts 1:12; and 2) it also suffers a seemingly serious drawback by requiring that both the Scriptural and Rabbinic New Moons must be reckoned from the time of the Full Moon and not from the time of the New Moon crescent! How likely is that?! Farfetched! Yes, indeed!


Among other changes, I notice in particular that the prior Wave Sheaf sacrifice at the center of the Sign of Jonas is lost, however, balanced out, perhaps, by the crucifixion event falling “in the midst of the week…”




Is there an early error pertaining to the translation of an original document?


It should be noted that although 65% och the diameter of the sun disc was covered by the moon, at the point of its closest approach, at 2:49± PM local solar time, as seen from the Jerusalem horizon, and although this point in time fell very close to the exact hour of the day when, reportedly, Yeshua gave up the ghost, such a partial eclipse is not easily noticeable without special tools of observation. It follows from the nature of such a solar eclipse event that no one present at the scene in Jerusalem would be able to experience any of the total darkness of that solar eclipse. Thus, if indeed that solar eclipse is the intended object described by the authors of Matthew 27:45, Mark 15:33, and Luke 23:44-45, then that information is necessarily subject to all the questions associated with second hand information aka gossip.


The challenge then would be to find, if possible, the reason for the insertion of the Matthew 27:45, etc. passages in immediate connection with the death of Yeshua on the cross. Would it be possible to discover copies or transcripts of the original reports of such celestial events as possibly made available to Matthew, Mark, and Luke (cf. Matt 27:45; Mark 15:33; and Luke 23:44-45?) I find it interesting to notice that each of those three authors are using, almost verbatim, the same words to reference this one event of the darkness, its timing, and its location. That similarity certainly does seem to point to a common source – which source John is not using in his Gospel! This suggests to me that there may well have been a misinterpretation by said three authors - or else by those transcribing the most original documents? - re the exact day of said solar eclipse, perhaps due to such a record of the extant observations of that solar eclipse using a calendar with which said authors were not thoroughly familiar, perhaps the Roman calendar?


An example of a Roman inscription showing the date “VIIII KAL N IL” where ‘N’ is an “abbreviation for ante diem NN (meaning "on the NNth day before")” and ‘IL’ stands for July. (More… & more… & more… & more…)

Sepulchral inscription of a Christian woman ([6th] century):
Here rests in peace, Maxima a servant of Christ who lived about 25 years and (was) laid (to rest) 9 days before the
Kalends of July of the year when the senator Flavius Probus the younger was consul (June 23rd, 525)[1]. She lived with her husband (for) seven years and six months. (She was) most friendly, loyal in everything, good and prudent.


The Roman or Latin term for “June 21” would most likely be “XI. Kal. Iul.”meaning “11 days before the Kalends of July.” Prior to Caesar Julius the month ’Iul.’ (‘July’) was named Quintilis, thus it is possible that said report would have used instead “XI. Kal. Qui.” Per my May 12, 19 CE scenario the Scripture date of the day of crucifixion is Aviv 17, while the Rabbinic date is Aviv 16. Is there a logical reason for confusing any of said Roman dates with either of said Hebrew dates? Well, let’s see now: To begin with July or “Iul.” may have been referenced as the 7th month, as indeed most westerners would do today, or isn’t that true? Well, the 7th month of either one of the Hebrew calendars would be none other than Aviv, wouldn’t it? That is, beginning the fall-to-fall year with Tishri, Adar is month #6, and Abib is the 7th month (albeit recognized as month #1.)  Thus, either ‘Iul.’ or ‘Qui.,’ in a report issued in the Latin language, could be easily misunderstood, by someone not fluent in Latin, as referencing the month of Abib, Nisan. Next, consider the number ‘XI.’ in comparison with four Hebrew ways of writing the numbers 16 and 17, respectively:



Next, when I consider a Hebrew scribe copying the Latin words “XI. Kal. Iul.” while writing in Hebrew as usual, from the right to the left, I would expect a transliterated Hebrew somewhat like this, “.luI .laK .IX” (using the Latin alphabet,) or, as typically transliterated into Hebrew as כליול.IX” or even “ כל יולIX.” From that to “טו כל יול,” “טו אביב,and/or to “אביב טו,”where “אביב” is Hebrew for the month Abib is not a far step, nor do I believe it is unlikely, especially given the facts now before me.






I find that a misunderstanding on the part of the original authors of Matthew, Mark, and Luke relative to an original Latin solar eclipse report, received from the Roman authorities, providing the date for the solar eclipse in the above said format would indeed not be unlikely or impossible, especially if the original source of such a mistranslation was a highly trusted authority, such as a Roman officer, an official scribe, or such as most of the apostles themselves certainly did became, even unto one another.


Indeed, I find that the above scenario of a less than perfect transcription and/or translation from Latin into Hebrew is a most likely one. That is, considering the certainty of the facts pertaining 1) to the dates of the total solar eclipse, 2) to the highly unlikely scenario where the Hebrew calendar reckoning of time is in error even to the point of having full moon and new moon all mixed up, and 3) the proximity in time and specifics provided within the Scripture records of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, on the one hand, and on the other the NASA tables of a certain total eclipse of the sun on June 21, 19 CE and the unlikelihood that the proximity of those two unique events is nothing but a coincidence.


However, I’d also like to remind myself that just because it is impossible for someone to observe firsthand for himself the extent of that darkness from each and every place where it was indeed observable, well, this fact by no means diminishes the firsthand witness reports of that which was experienced and recorded. Thus, if indeed there was an earthquake at the time when Yeshua gave up the ghost, and if there was a very dark sky, perhaps even with thunder and lightning during those hours, then surely such events could have been observed firsthand and accurately recorded. I believe it is important for each of us to learn to recognize the realities as they really are and were and not to expect the impossible even from any of the authors of the four Gospels. They too had to do their very best in reporting exactly what they were experiencing. If theirs was an experience of a misunderstood solar eclipse report, then so be it. Why should anyone expect infallibility from any of the apostles in regards to such things as were beyond their abilities and comprehension? I see no reason that we should. Indeed, I perceive this as yet another emphasis of the Scriptures upon teaching us ever better to learn to distinguish truth as founded upon prime evidence and the reports of firsthand witnesses, that is, in contradistinction from such as cannot possibly be anything but hearsay and second or third hand reports.









Please consider especially the items highlighted in red font in the diagram below!


Click here for a few questions intended to help you quickly and easily focus in upon the very essence of this Preview!

To pursue a deeper and better understanding of the fundamentals behind the within discoveries we warmly recommend that you press this link to subscribe to a free introductory course via weekly emails entitled Tour Guide for… “Tuning into the frequency of the Creator…”


For those of you that are stumbling upon the within findings not being in harmony with your prior assumptions regarding the fulfillment of Daniel’s prophecies, may I suggest that you look for and discover for yourself such additional light as God may be having in store for you upon these very issues within each of the items listed within this GateWay to things touching upon the Book of Daniel?



Once you feel you understand the concept outlined in the below preview, you may wish to:


1.       Review in more depth a more detailed diagrammatic view of the events surrounding the crucifixion, or else you may wish to…

2.       Review some of the biblical fundamentals behind this study, or else you may be interested in …

3.       Pursuing some of  the 22± astronomical celestial events tying the Passover to 19 CE. In contradistinction…

4.       Please notice the glaring absence of any significant correlations between exactly dated celestial events on the one hand, and on the other the conventional Roman and New Testament chronologies.




Julian weekday (midnight to midnight)


Julian calendar in 19 CE


Jewish calendar (sunset to sunset)


Yeshua’s & the biblical calendar




Monday, beginning Sunday night

June 5

Aviv 1 

Definition of Aviv 1: The day being completed at the time of the last evening of the month when the full moon was still visible before sunset. In other words: The first day when the moon gave the appearance of being full:

Starry Night Backyard June 5 sunset: 16:37:01 with moon at +3° 47’ 55”; moonrise: 16:13:17; lag: 23 min 44 sec.

Starry Night Backyard June 6 sunset: 16:37:32 with moon at -5° 48’= Altitude: -6° 32.571’; moonrise: 17:08:08; lag: -30 min 36 sec.


Note: This full moon based month would correspond 1) to a noon to noon day, and 2) to a midsummer to midsummer year… Cf. the Olympic Calendar which begins with July 1, which date at said calendar’s point of beginning corresponded with summer solstice. That is: Whereas the 1st year of Olympic cycle  #1 began July 1, 779 BCE, and whereas the 1st year of the 1st Olympic cycle (#0) began July 1, 783 BCE, I notice that at noon July 1, 783 BCE the sun was very close to midsummer solstice, and July 1, 783 BCE was clearly the longest day of that summer and would have cast the shortest shadow behind the obelisks used for measuring such things.


More on the events prior to Aviv 10...

Wednesday night [The Fifth Day of the week.]

June 7

Aviv 1

Aviv 4

Definition of Aviv 1: Beginning in the evening following the 1st morning of the month when the full moon was visible at sunrise.

Cf. the corresponding observations on the Babylonian clay tablet labeled VAT 4956!

Tuesday night [The Fourth Day of the week.]

June 13

Aviv 7

Aviv 10

Arriving on Aviv 10th [Tuesday night] into Bethany Yeshua and his disciples are being served a supper by Martha while Mary anoints Yeshua’s feet in the presence of Lazarus and Judas Iscariot. Cf. John 12:1-8 with Matthew 26:6-16. [Colt dependent]


June 15

Aviv 8

Aviv 11

Thursday morning Yeshua rides into Jerusalem on an ass’s colt, returning late (in the 12th hour?) but before sunset and the beginning of Shabbat. Thus the expression “the hour already being late” Mark 11:11, cf. Luke 19:28-44. [Colt dependent]


June 16

Aviv 9

Aviv 12

Yeshua curses the fig-less fig tree Mark 11:12-14, cf. Matt. 21:18-19. [Colt dependent]


June 16

Aviv 9

Aviv 12

“Entering into the temple. Jesus began to throw out those selling and buying in the temple..." Mark 11:15-19, cf. Luke 19:45-46. (Are the activities at the temple being symbolized by the fruitless fig tree?)

“And when even was come, he went out of the city.” Mark 11:19, cf. Matt. 21:17. [Colt dependent]


June 17

Aviv 10

Aviv 13

“And passing along early, they saw the fig-tree withered from the roots.  And remembering, Peter said to Him, Rabbi, behold, the fig-tree which You cursed has withered…” Mark 11:20-21, cf. Matt.21:20-22.

“And they come again to Jerusalem: and as he was walking in the temple, there come to him the chief priests, and the scribes, and the elders, And say unto him, By what authority doest thou these things? And who gave thee this authority to do these things?" Mark 11:27-28, cf. Matt. 21:23-27 & Luke 19:47-20:8. [Colt dependent]

Saturday night

June 17

Aviv 11

Aviv 14

Mary anoints Yeshua’s head at the house of Simon the leper, who had been cured from his leprosy by Yeshua, and Judas Iscariot, Simon’s son, sells Yeshua into the jurisdiction of the State. Cf. Luke 19:45-46, 20:1-18, 19-20, 22:1-6, which text passages indicate that Judas covenanted with the “chief priests and captains” after the two events in the temple, i.e. cleansing the temple and being confronted by the chief priests, and certainly not at the supper before these events.

[One or two anointments?: Some may question whether there was indeed a second anointing of Yeshua on Monday night. But upon reading first Luke 19:45-46, 20:1-18, 19-20, 22:1-6, then Matthew 26:1-7, 14, it seems to me quite clear that this the anointing of Matthew 26:7 took place on Monday night and not at the time of the supper on Thursday night, Aviv 10. Indeed, there are many similarities, but there are also certain differences, between the accounts of these events as recorded by the authors of the gospels. [Colt dependent] ]

Sunday at sunset

June 18

Aviv 11/12

Aviv 14/15

Passover supper being prepared/slaughtered - in full accord with the Torah instructions for Passover.

Sunday night

June 18

Aviv 12

Aviv 15

Passover supper being eaten by Yeshua and the Twelve in the upper room.


June 19

Aviv 12

Aviv 15

Yeshua is taken captive in Gethsemane, then, after daybreak, i.e. “as soon as it was day…,” “the elders of the people and the chief priest and the scribes came together and led him into their council” (Luke 22:66,) after that (and not necessarily the same day,) Yeshua was brought by the priests before Pilate, where he was at the 6th hour of the day (John 19:13-14.)  The mob is given the choice between Yeshua and Barabbas.

Monday night is ”after [the first] two days [of the week]” Matt. 26:2

June 19

Aviv 13

Aviv 16

Matthew 26:2 KJV  Ye know that after two days is the feast of the passover, and the Son of man is betrayed to be crucified.

– In this scenario the event pointed to is: “Luk 22:48  But Jesus said unto him, Judas, betrayest thou the Son of man with a kiss?


June 21

Aviv 14

Aviv 17

Crucifixion at the 3rd hour (between 8AM – 9AM.) (Cf. John 19:14 and John 19:31 which two texts gives two distinct and separate reasons for it being a day of “preparation,” i.e. two distinct and separate days. Cf. June 21 below!)


This is the basis for the scenario of this table:

The total eclipse of the sun that was visible along a path across the Roman Empire from the 6th through the 9th hour on Wed June 21, 19 CE as recorded per Matthew 27:45:Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour.

Wednesday at sunset

June 21

Aviv 14/15

Aviv 17/18

Barabbas is released. “On the day of the honored feast of Passover, it was their custom for the commander of the city to give…” Shem Tov’s Hebrew Matthew 27:15, i.e. according to the Jew’s traditional instructions for Passover.


The priests prepares/slaughters their own Passover supper - in full accord with the Jew’s traditional instructions for Passover (cf. John 19:14 and John 19:31 which two texts gives two distinct and separate reasons for it being a day of “preparation,” i.e. two distinct and separate days. Cf. June 21 above!)

Wednesday night

June 21

Aviv 15

Aviv 18

The priests eats their Passover supper - in full accord with the Jew’s traditional instructions for Passover.


June 23

Aviv 15

Aviv 18

 1st day in “the whale’s belly” / “the heart of the earth” / grave. Cf. also this sign as applied to being in the whale’s belly / being devoured by the dragon / being subject to a State. (Matthew 12:40, Jonah 1:15-2:10; Rev. 12:4; & 1 Sam. 8.)


June 24

Aviv 16

Aviv 19

 2nd day in “the whale’s belly” / “the heart of the earth” / grave. Cf. also this sign as applied to being in the whale’s belly / being devoured by the dragon / being subject to a State. (Matthew 12:40, Jonah 1:15-2:10; Rev. 12:4; & 1 Sam. 8.)



Day Count re Yeshua being seen by his disciples (Acts 1:3)

Day Count towards the Feast of Weeks: The 50th Day - Pentecost

Basis for this Day Count towards the 50th Day

(i.e. beginning Sabbath May 13:)


June 24

Aviv 17

Aviv 20



Biblical day for the Waving of the Sheaf. The third of the three days of the restoration of the bodily temple of Yeshua. First (1st) of the fifty (50) days counting towards the Feast of Weeks-The Ante Type for the Cycle of Jubilee (Cf. July 7-8 below.) Indeed a very special Shabbat, “for that sabbath day was a high day” (John 19:31.) Also the first morning following the first two morrows of the Feast of Passover as honored by the Jews (ממכרת הפסח Shem Tov’s Hebrew Matthew 27:62. Notice that מכרת is plural and, lacking any other number, denotes the dual while the prefix, -מ, denotes ‘from’ or ‘following, after’. Thus the morrow of the third day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread “as honored by the Jews.”)

Saturday night,

At the end of “the third day” [duration.]

[KJV: “the first day of the week.”]

June 24

Aviv 18


The 1st day of 40 that Yeshua is seen by his disciples (Acts 1:3)



Aviv 21, the 7th day in the Feast of Unleavened Bread [Gr. mian sabbatwn]




The tomb is opened and found empty [after 72 hours, i.e. “three days and three nights,” i.e. Jonah’s sign in reverse. Cf. also re Josephus’ reckoning the reign of Caesar Augustus!] Yeshua is seen by many of his disciples:

Matthew 28:1 TLT And on the Seventh Day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, after dusk, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulcher.

Mark 16:2 TLT And just prior to the most important of the Shabbats [i.e. just before the beginning of the Seventh Day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread,] they came unto the sepulcher at the setting of the sun.”

Mark 16:9 TLT  Now when Jesus was risen in the beginning [i.e. at sunset] of the foremost Shabbat [i.e. the Seventh Day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread…]


Simon Peter, i.e. Cephas or Cleopas, on the road to Emmaus – and the returning to Jerusalem the same evening:

Luke 24:21 TLT  But we trusted that it had been he which should have redeemed Israel: and beside all this, this is the Third Day of the week following these events.” [Cf this past walking the walk experience of mine!]

Luke 24:29 KJV  But they constrained him, saying, Abide with us: for it is toward evening, and the day is far spent. And he went in to tarry with them.

“Luke 24:33 KJV  And they rose up the same hour, and returned to Jerusalem, and found the eleven gathered together, and them that were with them…”

Luke 24:40 KJV And when he had thus spoken, he showed them his hands and his feet.

Monday - An eighth day.

June 25/26

Aviv 19


Aviv 22


Although this may be an error in translation, notice that the seventh day of the Feast of Tabernacles is not traditionally considered a special Feast Day proclaimed by the Lord such as is the Eighth Day, Shemini HaAzeret, following upon, i.e. after, the Feast of Tabernacles! Notice also that the Scriptures are nowhere providing any instructions for celebrating an eight day following upon the Seventh Day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread! On the contrary, the Feast of Unleavened Bread is preceded by Passover Day proper, sometimes called the Preparation of the Passover. I believe this is to make us aware of some important distinctions! As in the end of a cycle, a year, and the beginning of the next. The year as well as the day should have one beginning and one end, not two!

Monday night; after the end of “an eighth day.”

June 26

Aviv 20


Aviv 23


Thomas meets Yeshua in the evening after the eighth day. Cf. Luke  24:13, 29, 33, 39-41, 49; John 20:26-29.

John 20:26 TLT  And after Day Eight was ended, again his disciples were within, and Thomas with them: then came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, Peace, be unto you.











June 28/29


The 40th day Yeshua is seen by the disciples. Acts 1:3.


Ascension. The disciples return to Jerusalem, “which is from Jerusalem a Sabbath day’s journey.” Acts 1:12-13.

(Try this thought experiment!: 1. Count backwards from this Sabbath, the 43rd day towards the Feast of Weeks, to find the 1st day of the 40 during which Yeshua was being seen per Acts 1:3.  2. Identify what day of the week that “1st day of the 40” is.  Lastly: 3. Cf. Acts 10:40 to see what Peter is calling that particular day of the week!) This 40 day reckoning of mine from Day Three to a Shabbat re Acts 1:12-13 does not harmonize with the within scenario!


June 29/30





June 30/July 1





July 1/2





July 2/3





July 3/4





July 4/5





July 5/6





July 6/7




The 7th Sabbath of the Omer

- Beginning at sunset on Friday

July 7/8



The day of Pentecost concluding the 50 day count. The outpouring of the Holy Ghost (Acts 2:1-4.)

-          Notice that this is a counting of days or “hots” (Hebr. “יום” meaning “hot,”) not necessarily including the preceding dark and cool portion of any 24 hour period, as indicated by the timing of the Waving of the Sheaf sacrifice marking the beginning of these 50 days.

o    If the corresponding year of Jubilee is being concluded by the first 21 days of the 7th Moon at the end of a Sabbath year, isn’t that a perfect timing for a perfected return of equity ownership to the party originally granted title to the land by the Creator? Cf.  Leviticus 25:10! That is, an allodial ownership under none but the Creator alone!

-          Notice also that the 1st day of Omer, the initiating event being the Omer sacrifice, the Waving of the Sheaf, in the morning of a weekly Shabbat, counts as an accession period. Accordingly the first full Shabbat cannot be included in the count of seven Shabbats. Accordingly the Day of Pentecost is also the 7th Shabbat and the 49th full 24 hour period in the count of Omer.

-          These observations also have implications upon which year is a Sabbath year, i.e. the year being concluded by the Seventh Moon OR the year beginning by the Eight Day Festival and the subsequent Eighth Moon.

o   Notice that the beginning of the Eighth Day is marked by the setting of the sun, by the setting of the moon, and by the dark and cold portion of the year! Cf. Genesis 1:14. Is there a more consistent way of reckoning the beginning of each year?






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[1] Beginning of total eclipse 10:19 AM local solar time at south west coast of England (long. 5.54° W;) beginning of total eclipse 10:47 AM local solar time at northern coast of France (long. 0.0°;) beginning of total eclipse 11:06 AM local solar time at western tip of Belgium (long. 3.25° E;) and

end of total eclipse 15:09 PM local solar time at the eastern border of Georgia and Azerbaijan (long. 45.0° E.)