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Statement of belief: “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.” (John 17:17 KJV)


Last edited 5929± 12 24 2025 [2009-03-22]










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        1. The GateWay of the Crucifixion Week;
        2. The GateWay of the 18± astronomical events tied into the exact historical records of Josephus, Suetonius, and other concurrent historians, not excluding Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John;
        3. The GateWay of dated events 100 BCE – 100 CE. These dated events - exactly correlated to the above astronomical events - pertains to:
          1. The New Testament;
          2. The first 12 Roman Caesars, Herod the Great, Pontius Pilate, and other key Romans of this time period;
          3. Herod’s capture of Jerusalem; and
          4. The beginnings of building Herod’s temple in Jerusalem;
        4. The GateWay presenting the dates of authorship of the New Testament epistles;
        5. The GateWay presenting the fundamental discoveries behind this new historical paradigm;
        6. The GateWay of Entry into Tree of Life Time Chronology Touching upon the Book of Daniel©;
        7. The GateWay presenting certain dates found in the writings of Ellen Gould White, and how these dates are solidly based upon the KJV translation of Textus Receptus;
        8. The GateWay of The Feast of Weeks – The ante typical event for the Cycle of Jubilee; or
        9. The GateWay to the Tree of Life Chronology Forums© where the within historical paradigm and more is the focus of dialogue.






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