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Statement of belief: “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.” (John 17:17 KJV)



Created Day Five 5941(?) 02 12 2027 [2010-10-21]

Updated 5941(?) 02 13 2027 [2010-10-21]




Another Application of

Toby Joreteg’s and Raymond F. Cottrell’s


1,150 Literal Days vs. the Crucifixion Week Events in 19 CE

and also re the 1,260, the 1,290, and the 1,335 days


Some new and most exciting real time discoveries!


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For reference only: Toby Joreteg’s diagram

Notice: For a view of the within suggested chronology, please cf. my Excel sheet specified below!




          I consider Toby Joreteg one of my best friends in life. Toby seems to have picked up and highly valued something within the teachings of a certain Doctor Raymond F. Cottrell that he is doing his best to share with all of us. Although I am doing my best towards trying to understand and make sense out of those teachings of theirs, I am certainly not there in every respect yet. Indeed, from the very beginning, based upon my own thorough studies, I’ve been convinced that some of those details cannot possibly hold true to real time history as it really happened.

          Even so, I keep studying Toby’s writings in order to pick up whatever nuggets of gold I may find. And, indeed, little by little, I am finding things that are most valuable in helping me correct and improve upon my own former points of view. Yes, no doubt this dialog of ours may feel frustrating to both of us where we fail to recognize each other’s claims of having a sustainable basis in the real facts of life. No doubt we are both to some extent feeling unappreciated or even discredited or accused at times, though I am sure each of us is doing his best towards being humble and appreciative of the other… Toby, please forgive me for whatever I need to be forgiven for! Thank you Toby!

          This particular article of mine aims to relay some discoveries that, thanks to the Lord of Hosts, I made yesterday re what seems to me a precise real time historical application pertaining, first of all, to Toby’s concept of the 1,150 literal days attached to the crucifixion, and secondly, to a different and most interesting real time application of the 1,260, 1,290, and 1,335 days – Yes, even in support of some most important traditional Seventh-day Adventist teachings re fulfillments of Scriptural prophecy!

          Please enjoy and share!






After last night [Day Five 5941(?) 08 12 2027] becoming aware of the time relationships that are being represented under the tag “1,150+ days to Crucifixion” within this spread sheet, that is, re an 1,150++ days of reckoning beginning with the Purim days, the days ordained for God's People as "days of feasting and joy, and of sending portions one to another, and gifts to the poor" (Esther 9:22,) and while still resting comfortably in bed some of the implications of this scenario began to dawn upon me... I don't know to what extent I can paint a picture of words such that some of this scenario may become visible to you, the reader, but let's see to what extent I'll be allowed to become a willing instrument in the hands of the Ancient of Days:


1)      Establishing a firm beginning for the 1,150++ reckoning of time

I am noticing first of all the base for this reckoning, an accession day of action, Adar 13, 16 CE, in preparation for a very special 2 day long feast of God ordained in the Book of Esther; a day of action pertaining to each our portion of the Great Controversy between Good and Evil. I am noticing, thanks to my friend Toby Joreteg!, that this accession day is the Fourth Day of the week, that is, I am thinking in terms of its relationship in time to "the third day... a marriage in Cana of Galilee... This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested forth his glory..." (John 2:1, 11.) What would be more likely, at this time of the year, than for a wedding to be arranged in conjunction to the days of Purim?!!! In some countries wedding feasts do cover several days. Thus, if the marriage began on the Third Day [of the week,] Adar 11, then said day of action, Adar 13, would have been the 2nd day of the feast per Scripture reckoning, and the evening would have been the 2nd night of the wedding per our common way of reckoning time... Thus, I find added meaning in Yeshua's words: "Mine hour is not yet come..." and the hour beginning these first 1,150 days of Yeshua's ministry. Yeshua may well be understood as giving reference to "the hour" in the evening when the light of the waning day was all gone and the Fifth Day, Adar 13, was fully come. That is, said day of action upon which this 1,150 day reckoning is being based. [Adar 13, the day of Yeshua's first miracle, beginning at sunset Wed Mar 11, 16 CE, and "the third day," Adar 11, beginning at sunset Mon Mar 9, 16 CE... a setting paralleling the events during the crucifixion week... during which latter week the wine (cf. all the words of Yeshua per John 17!) did not run out on the 2nd night, i.e. at "the Last Supper..."]


2)      Living within one time reference of one King is by no means the same as living within the calendar reckoning of another King

Upon realizing that these 1,150 days seem to fit best when placed as above indicated (cf. especially the above referenced spread sheet,) and that this means that the focal point is not only the crucifixion day per se, etc., but the entire seven day week of events, I begin to perceive several things that seem quite significant to me:

a.      As referenced also in connection with “Zacharias, of the course of Abia…” (cf. Luke 1:5, 8) the priests did service at the temple on a per week basis beginning at the beginning of one Shabbat and ending at the end of the next Shabbat, thus overlapping one another on Shabbat. Thus, it strikes me that Yeshua is arriving to Jerusalem riding upon an ass’s colt at the very beginning of the last Shabbat prior to the beginning of the next annual cycle of priestly courses. That is, recognizing that, more likely than not, those courses were numbered by the same numbers as were the weeks of the Omer count towards Pentecost and beginning with the Seventh-day Shabbat upon which the Wave Sheaf sacrifice was being brought. Thus, I do indeed see a most significant parallel here with Yeshua serving, in the eyes of the reality of the Creator God, as a priest in the Holy Tabernacle and Temple of the Most High God, and doing so at the very end of the first half of the Scripture year… very shortly after the end of the Babylonian calendar year…

b.      In doing this, I perceive Yeshua setting an example for each one to follow… At the end of his life, at the end of anyone’s life as lived within and under the control of another calendar reckoning than that of the Creator, it was and is time to begin recognizing, and to live by, a very different frame of mind… That is, thinking and acting with a focus upon a time reckoning of God where the Seventh Day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread is placed in the very middle of the Scripture year, that is, 180 degrees opposite to the Seventh Day of the Feast of Tabernacle at the end and beginning of the Scripture year! Here Yeshua is making a real life demonstration of what it means to die away from a past life within the hierarchy of men while entering into a reality of God’s Kingdom here and now, that is, in the very midst of God’s own time reckoning in the here and now. Doing so does make a lot of difference – but only to the extent that it is being applied in one’s own real life from day to day here and now.

c.       Indeed, in doing what he did, Yeshua did serve as both the High Priest and as the Lamb of God being sacrificed! How? What’s the significance of a sacrifice? Is it not meaningful only to the extent that it serves to teach any and each of us a valuable lesson to live by?!


3)      On the importance of exact boundaries in time

To the extent that I’ve pursued the 1,260, the 1,290, and the 1,335 days of Daniel within this same referenced spread sheet, that is, as an extension of the very same 1,150 day reckoning as above, I find that those days are very much associated with the recognition and observance of the last three New Moon crescents of the Scripture year, most especially with an eye to recognizing the end and the beginning of the Scripture year!

Again, in this particular year, 19 CE, which is 1) the year of the crucifixion and of the resurrection, and 2) the 1st year of a 3rd 490 year cycle following the 2nd one which began with the original Purim event and ended with the event on the Mount of Transfiguration, which 2nd 490 year cycle in turn followed a 1st 490 year cycle beginning with the removal of the Ark of the Covenant out of Jerusalem unto Ethiopia… [- or so it seems…] Again, I see the Scripture placing a tremendous emphasis upon exact points in time, most especially upon such times as marks the beginning of a thing, whether a day, a week, a month, a year, or a longer era such as 490 years, the years of a certain king etc..


4)      Building with exact blocks of time – Arriving also to 508 CE and 1844 CE!!!

And where does this bring us?...  Let’s see now 18 CE [the end of the last Scripture year of the 490 years and the beginning of the 1st year of the next 490 year cycle] + 490 year = 508 CE! Now where did I see that year before?!!!... 508 CE + 1,290 = 1798 CE… or 538 CE + 1,260 = 1798 CE… or perhaps even 508 CE + 1335 = 1843 CE or 538 CE + 1335 = 1872 CE… Remember, each date I am using is pointing to the beginning of whichever day, month, or year. Thus, the end of “508 CE + 1335 = 1843 CE” would certainly concur with the beginning of Tishri 22, 1844 CE. Wow!  And, in retrospect, for all those of us that have been blessed by the Seventh-day Adventist movement, beginning as it did, in some most important ways, at that time, isn’t it true that the years since October 1844 has been very much of a marriage feast where the People of God, be they whom they are in real life, have been blessed in very real ways by a health message with a great emphasis upon healthful foods?!!! Though perhaps, in a certain sense, we have been, and still remain, blind to many an important aspect of this reality of ours!!! But praise the Lord of Hosts, the Lord of the Seventh-day Shabbat! Our Father in Heaven, our Creator, does lead, teach, feed, carry, save, yes, love each One of His many first born Sons and Daughters… way beyond our comprehension and understanding!


5)      Real life applications pertaining to the Sign of Jonas

And, while I think of it… that is, about the sign of Jonas: Today is the Fifth Day [Day Five 5941(?) 02 12 2027 [2010-10-21,]] the day of the week upon which “God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly” (Gen 1:21,) so also “the LORD had prepared a great fish to swallow up Jonah. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights…

Well, it seems as though, to the extent that we are still identifying our selves more or less by means of the various Marks of the Beasts being so well identified by the Stat(u)e in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, as well as by Daniel’s own visions, we are acting and living as though in a dream (cf. the Wizard of Oz,) being ever so blind to all the wonderful blessings outside of the belly of that great whale of a beast which constitute the System that we call each our State(s)…

Wow… but it’s so warm and comfortable in here! And “everybody else” is slowly but surely perishing and being consumed, and “dying after 70 or 80 years” too… Is there another reality out there here and now? Really??? Do I wish to heed the Lord’s calling me out of here??? Out of Babylon??? Out of the fish??? Oh, I didn’t know I was, I am, within a fish like Noah was… Am I? How do I get out of here? Or, do I really wish to get out of this stinking place within which I’ve learnt to find my way around… and where I’ve made myself feel reasonably comfortable? It might be scary out there!!! And cold!!! I might drown among the peoples of the sea… I don’t know if I can swim that far!... And what, Lord, shall I drink if I can no longer drink from all those tasty milk and dairy products that seems to float all around me in this state of mine here within the belly of the State? Oh, you mean to say those are nothing but the digestive stomach juices of the whale that are consuming me and mine to death? And what shall I eat, Lord, out there if I don’t have immediate access to the great variety of processed foods that are to me like my own mommy’s apple pie and my mommy’s meat balls with potatoes? No, you don’t mean to say that the gastric juices of the whale has already removed most everything I need for eternal life out of those processed foods? Now, do you Lord? Do you really mean that I can trust you for providing me with all my needs out there, outside of the Beast Whale, in an environment that I’ve never known the first thing about before? It is scary, Lord! I can’t do it Lord! I am utterly helpless, Lord! Please do for me what I cannot possibly do myself, Lord! Form and shape my will power according to your own will, Lord! I am yours! Only you know how! Please don’t let me alone! Lead me every step of the way! Stop me from doing or not doing such as is not in full accord with your will, Lord! You designed and created me Lord! You know everything exactly, whereas what I may think and believe I know for sure is likely far from the ultimate and perfect truth about anything! Please cleans me, Lord! Cleans my thoughts! Purify me and make me clean! Please shape and form me into exactly that which you originally designed me to be…  Thank you Lord! I love you!












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