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 Statement of belief: “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.” (John 17:17 KJV)


 Updated 5927± 02 11 2023 [2007-04-29]














Hidden Books,

and Hidden Messages

Within the Holy Scriptures, that

the Wise of these Last Days should Understand:”





The writings of Ellen White is a most valuable reference granted Seventh-day Adventists.  It behooves each one among us to take those treasures to heart while studying her writings diligently along with our primary sources, the Holy Scriptures and the handiwork of our Creator.


In my recent studies of the original languages of the bible I’ve discovered many clear references to specific time and dates that are not being brought forward into translations unto other languages. These time references apparently were not understood by the translators of the bible and were thus not optimally translated.


A point that may be of particular value once more fully studied and understood is the parallel symbolism of the wave sheaf offering and the rising of the Messiah.


I have noticed that Ellen White, rather than using her own choice of words, is quoting word for word out of the KJV each time that she is giving reference to New Testament events that supposedly occurred on a Sunday.  It should be clearly remembered that, at the time of our Seventh-day Adventist pioneers, these translations of the bible were the best, and likely the only, available references re these matters of timing, and that, as far as I am aware, no report is extant that these matters were ever raised for discussion or further study among our Seventh-day Adventist pioneers. Thus it would seem quite unreasonable to expect that every one among the pioneers, Ellen White not excluded, should avoid quoting in their writings these very important text passages though such passages may be mistranslated when put under the scrutiny of the stronger light of more recent discoveries.


As is also emphasized by Ellen White, it is most important for each among us to keep moving forwards towards an ever more correct understanding of the eternal truths and principles of our Creator. Stopping, or even moving backwards, while destined towards heaven and an ever closer walk with our redeemer is not recommendable, and is, I presume, mostly due to feelings of insecurity or fearfulness while facing opinions of other men and women, or else the corresponding traditions, rituals, or policies of modern society.


To move forwards on the Way, while not losing our confidence in the most valuable treasures granted us through Ellen Gould White, it behooves us to study the early experiences of our pioneers and the specific advise by Mrs White upon this very topic.


Within the links of this abstract I have presented what I believe are some of the most relevant quotes touching upon these issues.


Please enjoy! 








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