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 Statement of belief: “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.” (John 17:17 KJV)


 Updated 5927± 02 11 2023 [2007-04-29]














“We must answer for the way we received the truth

proclaimed from th[e] Word [of God:]”


     I then saw the Word of God, pure and unadulterated, and that we must answer for the way we received the truth proclaimed from that Word. I saw that it had been a hammer to break the flinty heart in pieces, and a fire to consume the dross and tin, that the heart might be pure and holy. I saw that the Apocrypha[* SEE MR. NO. 1148, "ELLEN G. WHITE AND THE APOCRYPHA."] was the hidden book, and that the wise of these last days should understand it. I saw that the Bible was the standard Book, that will judge us at the last day. I saw that heaven would be cheap enough, and that nothing was too dear to sacrifice for Jesus, and that we must give all to enter the kingdom. I heard an angel say,"Think ye God will place His seal where there is an idol? No, no." {16MR 34.3}






What is it about the Apocrypha that “the wise of these last days should understand?


Perhaps a search for the word “apocrypha” within these links will add some light?

#1  #2  #3  #4  #5









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