Without recourse. All Rights Reserved. Tree of Life©

Statement of belief: “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.” (John 17:17 KJV)



Created 5926[(*??*)] 01 15 2030 [2014-04-14]

Edited 5927[(*??*)] 12 23 2031 [2015-03-16] – Added A Short Note…

Edited 5927[(*??*)] 13 08 2031 [2015-03-28] – Fixed broken links

Additions 5937[v2017] 01 01 2034 [2018-03-19]  Added item IV                     








The Tree of Life Time Version

of the Holy Scriptures


Bringing Forwards the Numerous Hidden Date Stamps

Associated with the Biblical Record



TLT © Old Testament



TLT © New Testament



A Sequence of Translations Study of the Gospel of Matthew,

beginning with a transcript of the original Hebrew,

translated into Aramaic,

then into Greek,

and finally into our modern languages.



The Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress

and other files reflecting

the time reckoning of the Holy Scriptures,

as based, not primarily on human authorities,

but first and foremost upon astronomy software,

as correlated with the very best available original records

and observations throughout time,

including first and foremost the Bible itself.



……A Work in Progress… Additional passages will be added… and, from time to time, revised………



A short note re the firm foundations of the TLT© Bible version:


The chronology of TLT© is based upon a careful study of the astronomy details corresponding to a very large number of ancient records of particulars observed upon the starry skies. Very many of those records are found in the best available manuscripts from which our Bible is translated. Quite a few are found in the writings of Josephus, and many others are found in the works of ancient astronomers and in works of contemporary ancient historians. A list of a small portion of the above said records, and the corresponding events on the starry skies, are made available here…


Based upon the above said chronology, a precise calendar reference has become available to the translator. This greatly facilitates the otherwise impossible task of knowing for sure how to translate, correctly, some Bible passages relating to time. The Greek words of Textus Receptus are sometimes identical, to the effect that it becomes more or less impossible to tell whether a specific wording pertains to duration of time or else to a specific point in time. Having a precise calendar reference makes it possible to determine which it is in each particular case. Whereas prior translators have all too often opted for a translation in terms of duration, it turns out that most of those translations are more correctly translated in terms of a specific point in time. Considering also the fact that, in the languages spoken in New Testament times, phraseology comparable to 1) the terms ‘the First Day,’ ‘the Second Day,’ ‘the Third Day,’ etc., and 2) ‘Day One,’ ‘Day Two,’ ‘Day Three,’ etc., was being commonly used for specifying the days of the week etc., it becomes even more obvious that the greater majority of time references in the Bible, previously translated in terms of duration, are more correctly translated in terms of the numbered days of the week etc.. That is, in accord with the only names for the days of the week ever used, in ancient days, for specifying the days of the week.


After fitting each and all such Scriptural time references into their precise place in the puzzle of chronology, a fingerprint quality, that is, very precise, chronology is being discerned. Thus, linguistics, grammar, and astronomy, when each are being better and better understood, helps to shed light upon each other. The result is that ever more precise and correct Bible translations will be made available.












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eMail: TreeOfLifeTime@gmail.com







The GateWays into Tree of Life Chronology Forums©


The GateWays into Tree of Life Chronology©


The GateWays of Entry into the Tree of Life Time Chronology Touching upon the Book of Daniel©


Pearls & Mannah – “I found it!”






Feel free to use, and for sharing freely with others, any of the truth and blessings belonging to God alone. I retain all the copyrights to the within, such that no one may lawfully restrain my use and my sharing of it with others. Including also all the errors that remain. Please let only me know about those. I need to know in order to correct them. Others don’t need to be focused upon the errors that belong to me alone. Please respect that, and please do not hesitate to let me know of any certain error that you find!


Without recourse. All Rights Reserved. Tree of Life©