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Statement of belief: “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.” (John 17:17 KJV)


Updated 5927± 05 01 2023 [2007-07-17]






A Sampling of


God’s Wonderful Free Gifts





Please be aware that in order to be blessed by God’s free gifts you may need to meet certain criteria (Deuteronomy 7:15,) and that in order to do that you may have to take certain action before it is too late! God will not trespass upon His own principles, among which are His respect for your free choice (Genesis 2:16-17,) even if that choice of yours is to your own destruction (Genesis 3:23-24!) And as always: What is the definition of ‘free?’


1.      Freedom of choice? But if you have chosen to sign away your life, you may need to learn how to take action to rescind some of your signatures and take proper action to reclaim your losses… to the extent that this is still possible. There is always a point of no return for everything. Never forget that!

1.      Free power? But if you have wasted your health, then your power account may be running out and you may have things to learn about ceasing to cause your body ongoing internal injuries from exposures to miscellaneous toxins from the environment you are choosing for your lungs and your intestines from day to day.

2.      Free electricity? – If you live upon North American soil there is currently an offer for potential lifelong access to “free” electricity for all your needs beginning possibly as early as in the latter half of 2008. All you may have to do in order to receive this potential free gift is to sign up for a free ticket to a nationwide show dedicated to make little publicized technology better known to all, and then the “free” electricity is given to you in exchange for your providing a space in your home for the generator which then will produce electricity not only for your needs, but also for selling back to your electricity provider. The nationwide show is being planned for July 10, 2008 and is to be held at football stadiums across the continent. However, naturally the planners need to have advance notice of the number of guests that are planning on coming, such that the great expense of procuring those stadiums is not being wasted. As always there’s no free lunch, is there? Indeed, in exchange for these “free” gifts 1. a tiny space must be provided on your property for the generator, 2. witnesses at the football stadiums must be willing to show up there in order to be able to witness firsthand for themselves the reality of these technologies and offers, and 3. the gifts must be actively and willingly received.  - I sure wouldn’t want to miss out on this truly wonderful gift from our Creator!

Notice that the credit for this great offer goes to our great Creator God and to no one else besides His willing servants.

3.      Free grace of God! – By standing up as one among the witnesses to said event at the football stadiums whenever it does take place, then that is surely evidence that you too are one among those servants of the God of truth who is honestly seeking to find out the truth for yourself about this matter. After all, doesn’t that show that you are willing to look a little deeper into the truth of things? Doesn’t it show that you are willing to question the claims of such things being “scams?” Doesn’t it show that you are refusing to be fooled by common rampant misconceptions, based merely upon the baseless assumptions such as “it sounds too good to be true…” and therefore is not even worth considering? Doesn’t it show that you are willing to think twice about the true meaning of phrases such as “nobody gets a free lunch” and “nobody gets something for nothing?” Doesn’t it show that you are willing to consider the truth for yourself, rather than always blindly relying upon such “authorities” as your neighbor’s: “Everyone knows that…” and other such attitudes as are being constantly seeded and propagated by the public media in order to control the mindset of the masses? Doesn’t it show that you understand that there may be little known powers permeating our universe that may be tapped for our benefit? Doesn’t it show that yours is a more comprehensive understanding of our universe and of “the third law of thermodynamics,” than that which has heretofore been widely publicized or that is perhaps even actively suppressed? Accordingly, doesn’t all that make you in fact one of God’s true witnesses and servants?

4.      Free fuel for your automobile? – Could it be that some people in Australia, New Zeeland, Thailand, America and elsewhere are already using water as the only fuel in their internal combustion engines? If you study this matter for yourselves on the internet it certainly appears that this is so. What is for certain is that since at least March or April of 2007, a unit called a Hydro Assist Fuel Cell (HAFC) is available on the open market. Like most everything this too has a small beginning, but I have little doubt that it will soon be taking over the market place. The HAFC comes with a guarantee of improving your gas mileage by at least 50% or you will be able to get a full refund. The actual average has been 95% improvements in some series. Then, after a few more months, you will likely be given the opportunity for adding a Pre-Ignition Catalytic Converter (PICC) to your HAFC that may have the potential of increasing you mileage by up to 500% or more! Does those savings mean that you “get something for nothing?” No, you have to invest something in order to get a return, don’t you?

5.      Free wealth, maybe even “free $” – Numbers: This is the 6th item. The number 6 can be good or bad. Man was created on the 6th Day. Man is continually given choices between good and bad. As with the 7th Day of each week added on top of the first 6 days of the week, so also my life is becoming ever more delightful and filled with joy, IF and when I actively choose the reality of God and of His creation to lead and guide me in all I do.  If I forget to ask God to be with me I remain where I am, and I start doing what may seem the easy thing, and so I start going down hill. That’s like saying that I’m satisfied with the imperfections that I’m familiar with. The numbers 600, 60, and 6, represent such imperfection. The choice is mine. Those are Powerful Choices I have before me all the time. Cause and consequence. Once I’ve chosen a cause of action I’ll have little or no control of the consequences that follows in its wake.  If and when I begin my day and my every project with a focus upon my Creator and His guiding me step by little step along the Way to His Kingdom, then and only then can I have peace of mind and a meaningful existence in my daily pursuit.





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A Sampling of God’s Wonderful Free Gifts

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