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Statement of belief: “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.” (John 17:17 KJV)


Created 5938[(??)] 02 02 2027 [2011-06-05]

Edited 5924[(*??*)] 06 09 2028 [2012-09-25]

Added 5925[(*??*)] 12 08 2029 [2013-03-21] Footnote re additional ancient maps, link to Chandler’s Wobble mapping…

Edited 5925[(*??*)] 01 18 2029 [2013-04-29] – Revised the section re the crossing of Jordan. Cf. prior version.

Edited 5926[(*??*)] 07 23 2029 [2013-10-28] – Correcting moonset time for Apr 25, 1423 BCE in a footnote.

Edited 5925[(*??*)] 09 26 2029 [2013-12-30] – Revised the section re the crossing of Jordan. Cf. prior version.

Edited 5925[(*??*)] 10 15 2029 [2014-01-17] – Revised the section re the crossing of Jordan, and the section re the date of Hag HaOmer. Cf. last prior version.

Comprehensive edit 5938[v2016-12-14-21:32] 05 30 2035 [2019-08-02] – Re zero (0) days delay of Jerusalem based calendar vs. Julian Day calendar during the Hezekiah poleshift. Adding an Abstract… plus a few minor typos. Cf. last prior version.

Additions 5938[v2016-12-14-21:32] 06 09 2035 [2019-08-11] – Comments re the #58 sunset of Feb 9, 1035 BCE used as calendar[v2016-12-14-21:32]  belatedly entered now. Considering alternate eclipses… Cf. last prior version.

Additions 5938[v2016-12-14-21:32] 06 19 2035 [2019-08-21] –Adding lines #91 & #92 in Table I.

Ongoing editing 5904[v2020-01-28] 13 02 2035 [2020-01-28] – pending update of my article When Was Jordan Crossed? Last edit up to xxxxx entries below…

Updating from the beginning 5942[v2016-12-14-21:32] 06 03 2039 [Tue 2023-09-19] – This update is due to my finding that each pole shift took 54.6 hrs and that the correct relation between Julian Days and a Jerusalem based calendar is achieved by applying the pre and post Jerusalem coordinates, and by recognizing 2 JD = 1 calendar day [not 2 days] during the pole shift.

Addition 5942[v2016-12-14-21:32] 07 13 2039 [Sun 2023-10-29] – Adding the photo of the eclipse on Jan 19, 1090 BCE, and the corresponding column in the second table below..


Bridging the Gap?

Yes, but how can I find the correct latitude and longitude etc., if those data are not already built into my astronomy software due to forgotten pole shifts not so long ago?


. . . . . . .

The Lunar Eclipse

Associated With

King Saul’s Death


First I thought it was the Lunar Eclipse on…

JD Sat January 10, 1043 BCE, then

JD Sat March 23, 1028 BCE, then

Day 7 = JD Saturday September 7, 1000 BCE…


And now, after correcting for the time slip associated with each pole shift,

Saturday AM [=JD Fri] Dec 19, 1061 BCE


The Similarities between the Language of the Babylonian Tablet VAT 4956 and that of 1 Samuel 28:13 still remains…


Abstract of reminiscing:

Upon considering back and forth the aspect of lost days, or not, during the pole shifts of Hezekiah and Joshua, as compared to the Julian Day Calendar, I have now, 5942[v2016-12-14-21:32] 06 03 2039 [Tue 2023-09-19,] and once again, come to the important conclusion that the exact details must be as exactly as possible analyzed in every particular detail.

Upon once again, beginning 5942[v2016-12-14-21:32] 06 03 2039 [Tue 2023-09-19,] reanalyzing not only my prior auto cad computer models of Hezekiah’s pole shift (cf. this link) and the corresponding Hebrew Bible passages found in 2 Kings 20:9-11, Isaiah 38:8, and, most especially the Bible passages and all the data in my two tables below, I have finally arrived at what I believe is a simple enough, and clear enough understanding of this multi-dimensional, complex, and therefore somewhat confusing issue.

The simple fact is that the extant details re Joshua’s Long Day are sufficient for determining that the duration of one calendar day, as reckoned by Joshua et al, beginning at the time of the very beginning of that pole shift, until the exact same time the next calendar day as reckoned by Joshua et al, was 57.0 hours [as we reckon hours today]. The total duration of that pole shift was 54.6±[1] hours, which hours were fully included in said 57.0 hour day. However, during that pole shift Joshua et al, located in the Jerusalem area, traveled 98.88°+37.21°=136.9° in a westerly direction, along with Jerusalem, thus losing 9 hours [as we reckon hours today]. Thus, the corresponding time period, as reckoned in local solar time between the initial location of Jerusalem (98.88° E) until the local solar time at the final location of Jerusalem (37.21° W) is simply 57.0 hours – 9.0 hours = 48.0 hours [as we reckon hours today.] But 48 hours = 2 Julian Days = Joshua’s one (1) Long Day. Simple and clear enough, is it not?!

On the other hand, as perceived by Joshua et al, presumably using the seasonally variable water clock hour of those days, or something similar, the duration of time from the sunrise prior to said beginning of the pole shift, until the sunset of that calendar day of Joshua et al, was 36 water clock hours, which equals three times the twelve water clock hours duration of every normal day. Thus, the words recorded in the Book of Jasher:

63 And when they were smiting, the day was declining toward evening, and Joshua said in the sight of all the people, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon, and thou moon in the valley of Ajalon, until the nation shall have revenged itself upon its enemies.

64 And the Lord hearkened to the voice of Joshua, and the sun stood still in the midst of the heavens, and it stood still six and thirty moments [= 36 water clock hours], and the moon also stood still and hastened not to go down a whole day.

65 And there was no day like that, before it or after it, that the Lord hearkened to the voice of a man, for the Lord fought for Israel.

Book of Jasher, 88:63-65


Accordingly, I conclude that, at the pole shift associated with the Long Day of Joshua one (1.0) Julian Day was lost. In other words, from our point of view in time, if we were to place our selves within the first Seventh Day Sabbath after the Hezekiah pole shift, and then look back across the past week towards the last prior Seventh Day Sabbath, we would find that, per our Jerusalem based calendar, the last prior Seventh Day Sabbath corresponds to a JD Friday. As illustrated in this table:









Joshuas One (1) Long Day





































Hezekiah's One (1) Long Day



















Please note that our Creator’s time reckoning is based upon His assigned time reckoning as observed from wherever He has determined to place His throne. That is, the Ark of the Covenant in Jerusalem.

At the time of the pole shift next after Joshua’s One Long Day, that is, the One Long Day in King Hezekiah’s 15th year of reign, the king was asked to determine whether the event observed on his predecessor’s, King Ahaz’, sun dial should be interpreted in terms of either one long day (the sun’s shadow back tracking and retreading its path within one and the same day), or else two consecutive days (the sun’s sun dial shadow of that event being treated in terms of two consecutive days). King Hezekiah chose the first of the above options, thus providing for us a situation exactly parallel to Joshua’s Long Day seven centuries prior.

Thus, it is obvious that at the pole shift associated with King Hezekiah’s long day one (1.0) Julian Day was lost in a like manner as during Joshua’s Long Day…

One might consider whether or not it would make a difference that the pole shift in King Hezekiah’s 15th year moved the Jerusalem location from 37.21° W to its current 35.21 E location. That is, traveling eastward 4.7 hours solar time. Or, was it perhaps a matter of traveling westward 19.3 hours solar time? Perhaps the answer to this last question is much in the nature of the issue that King Hezekiah was asked to determine?

As I currently see it, most likely the nature and the mechanics of these two pole shifts were the same, including therefore also the duration of the physical event. The event itself will necessarily affect different locations on our planet differently in very many ways. Not excluding the apparent duration of the day or night of the pole shift event.

The Julian Days are of fixed length, and tied to a fixed position relative to our planet as a whole, including also the interior mass of the Earth. Sliding, or tilting, the crust of the Earth from one position before a pole shift, to another position after that pole shift should certainly have miniscule, if any, effect upon the movement of the entire mass of the Earth as a whole. That is, knowing that the crust of the Earth is exceedingly thin, much thinner than the shell of an egg relative to the mass and size of the egg as a whole. Accordingly, if I am not mistaken, if we know the geographical coordinates relative to the mass of planet Earth as a whole, and if we can correctly orient said coordinates on each and every pre and post pole shift event, then our astronomy computer programs will remain reliable relative to said coordinates. It is only a matter of correctly identifying each location of interest relative to said geographical coordinate system at any given time. I believe that is what I am doing, thanks to my Maker, and also thanks to Charles Hapgood and his students.

The following Hebrew text constitutes the currently best available record of the event in King Hezekiah’s 15th year of reign. Also, some translations thereof:


 2 Ki 20:9  ויאמר ישׁעיהו זה־לך האות מאת יהוה כי יעשׂה יהוה את־הדבר אשׁר דבר הלך הצל עשׂר מעלות אם־ישׁוב עשׂר מעלות׃ 

 10  ויאמר יחזקיהו נקל לצל לנטות עשׂר מעלות לא כי ישׁוב הצל אחרנית עשׂר מעלות׃ 

 11  ויקרא ישׁעיהו הנביא אל־יהוה וישׁב את־הצל במעלות אשׁר ירדה במעלות אחז אחרנית עשׂר מעלות׃ 

 Isa 38:8  הנני משׁיב את־צל המעלות אשׁר ירדה במעלות אחז בשׁמשׁ אחרנית עשׂר מעלות ותשׁב השׁמשׁ עשׂר מעלות במעלות אשׁר ירדה׃ 



2 Ki 20:9-11 TLT:


9 TLT And Isaiah said, This sign shalt thou have of Jehovah, that Jehovah will do the thing that he hath spoken: Shall the shadow progress [at?] ten hours, or reverse at ten hours?

10 TLT And Hezekiah answered, It is a light thing for the shadow to progress [at?] ten hours: nay, but let the shadow reverse at ten hours.

11 TLT And Isaiah the prophet cried unto Jehovah: and the shadow reversed at ten hours of descent as reckoned within the dial of Ahaz; retracing its path [at?] ten hours.


Isa 38:8 TLT Behold, a reversal of the shadow [at the tenth? and/or for?] the ten hour of descent as reckoned per the dial of Ahaz; in the sun’s movement behind the ten hour mark. So the sun reversed its path [at?] ten hours of reckoning its descent.



2 Ki 20:9-11 KJV:


9 KJV  And Isaiah said, This sign shalt thou have of the LORD, that the LORD will do the thing that he hath spoken: shall the shadow go forward ten degrees, or go back ten degrees?

10 KJV  And Hezekiah answered, It is a light thing for the shadow to go down ten degrees: nay, but let the shadow return backward ten degrees.

11 KJV  And Isaiah the prophet cried unto the LORD: and he brought the shadow ten degrees backward, by which it had gone down in the dial of Ahaz.


Isa 38:8 KJV  Behold, I will bring again the shadow of the degrees, which is gone down in the sun dial of Ahaz, ten degrees backward. So the sun returned ten degrees, by which degrees it was gone down.




I’ve been toying with my Earth globe today (5938[(??)] 02 02 2027 [2011-06-05,]) and I’ve made some interesting discoveries. In particular I had been wondering about those 36 undefined units mentioned in the Hebrew Book of Jasher 88:64 re what seems to be the length of time that the sun and the moon stood still…



Re the sun and the moon in the Valley of Ajalon

First I did what I could to identify the particulars re the location of Ajalon and the Valley of Ajalon. I learnt that the ancient Ajalon is located about 13 km WNW from Jerusalem and that the modern name for that place is Yalo. Furthermore, I discovered that, from the vantage point of Yalo, the one and only direction towards the Valley of Ajalon is in the range of North and North East. The only thing is that given current geographical parameters and the path of the sun and the moon, I can find no time during the year when the moon could be said to be located in the Valley of Ajalon. Thus, I find reason for believing that this Scripture record is evidence for at least one significant pole shift since that point in time.

Furthermore, reviewing the book Pole Shift by John White I find (between pages 207 and 209) a map showing “the path of the north pole according to Charles Hapgood,” which map shows four different locations for the north pole:

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Path of the north pole by Charles Hapgood 001


The following paragraph (including also the added picture of the Path of the South Pole below) was modified on 5924[(*??*)] 09 27 2028 [2012-01-22]

I do not find the above map in any one of the three books[2] by Charles Hapgood that I’ve reviewed. The Spitsbergen area pole placement is consistent with Grid B in Figure 18 on page 36 of Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings, but notice also the latitudes as given in Figure 36 on page 60! Please notice also that Charles Hapgood’s forte and all absorbing interest was ancient maps, most especially the Piri Reis map (or at least that is true for the book published in 1966.) Upon studying Charles Hapgood’s book, Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings (1966,)[3] it becomes obvious to me that the above pole placements are based upon very precise and knowledgeable research and insight. Hapgood’s first book from 1958, does not contain such precise details based upon ancient, originally very precise, worldwide maps. However, the 2nd edition of that book, issued under the title Path of the Pole, does. In particular I notice Chapter 4 (pp. 89-124) which bears the title Evidence for the North Pole in Hudson Bay. Section 2 (pp. 90-92) of that chapter is entitled Remarkable Features of the Last North American Ice Cap, and Section 9 (pp. 111-122) of the same chapter is entitled: “The Evidence of an Ancient Map.” Section 9 of Path of the Pole (1970) is based upon, and giving reference to (cf. p. 111,) Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings (1966.)  On page 107 of the Path of the Pole I find the following map, and on page 106 I find that the placement of the last prior location of the pole is derived from the opposite pole being located in Hudson Bay:



The very ancient maps discussed in Charles Hapgood’s work from 1966, Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings, I believe were originally drawn prior to the event being recorded in Joshua 10:12-13 and Book of Jasher 88:63-65 (cf. below!,) that is, while the pole was located at the Spitsbergen area location. Or, more likely, the most ancient maps, upon which Charles Hapgood’s 1966 work is based, were drawn even as early as when the pole was located in the South West Alaska area, or it would not be in Charles Hapgood’s works… I believe the Alaska area pole placement may likely correspond to a pre- or peri-Exodus situation. I do find it interesting that not until close to the end of his 1966 book is Charles Hapgood even mentioning his earlier work from 1958. However, on pages 185-190 in section 3 of Chapter XII of his book Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings, Charles Hapgood is briefly touching on his earlier work from 1958 in terms making his latter work from 1966 supportive of his earlier work from 1958. Furthermore, on pages 199-204 of the same work he is referencing some very strong support, in the form of C-14 dating, for the Cuicuilco pyramid in Mexico having been built several centuries prior to 2160 BC, which pyramid building era he suggests as being the time when these most ancient maps were originally drawn. (I believe Charles Hapgood, in spite of being a true pioneer and free thinker, was yet not able to disassociate himself from the grand errors inherent in the heresies within the teachings of evolution, that is, in contradistinction from the fundamentals of natural facts as they are found in nature and in real time.)

Marking each of the above three specified past locations of the North Pole upon my own globe and also each of the corresponding equators, I get a good tool for helping me better visualize and understand the nature of polar shifts of the ancient past.






Early, now obsolete, considerations…:


One of the first things that strikes me while preparing my globe is that the pole shift from #2 to #3, (i.e. from Spitsbergen, Norway, to Hudson Bay, Canada) is very close to a 36 degree shift, that is, the pole shift most likely to be associated with the record found in Joshua 10:12-13 and the distance or time being specified in the Book of Jasher!:


63 And when they were smiting, the day was declining toward evening, and Joshua said in the sight of all the people, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon, and thou moon in the valley of Ajalon, until the nation shall have revenged itself upon its enemies.

64 And the Lord hearkened to the voice of Joshua, and the sun stood still in the midst of the heavens, and it stood still six and thirty moments, and the moon also stood still and hastened not to go down a whole day.

65 And there was no day like that, before it or after it, that the Lord hearkened to the voice of a man, for the Lord fought for Israel.

(Book of Jasher 88:63-65)


Furthermore, upon looking at the mechanics of that movement, by playing with my globe, it seems to me very likely that that 36 degree shift is also part and parcel of the west to east rotational movement of the core underneath the crust, which, if true, means that that entire movement would have taken less than two (2) hours to accomplish from start to finish. If that isn’t a movement of catastrophic proportions I don’t know what is! Makes me wonder as to whether or not such a movement wouldn’t be most likely initiated by means of a collision with an asteroid of good size, that is, as opposed to a wobbling gyro effect and/or unbalanced polar caps?[4]



Polar ice caps as a driving force for past and potential future pole shifts:

After having finished preparing my globe, by marking the before and after pole placement and the before and after equators, and while considering the pattern I am seeing, I seem to notice that the before and after positions of each shift seem to agree with the most likely polar ice cap distribution as a driving force, which if true could be helpful for predicting what type of movement might be associated with any future pole shift…

Realizing that, more than likely, the safest places, for survival of any sizeable sudden pole shift in our future, would be near the axis for the polar shift, I seem to find that one such location would be near Hawaii and the other would be near Axum, Ethiopia, that is, where, per George Hancock’s book The Sign and the Seal, the Ark of the Covenant reportedly has found a secure resting place for the last 1,600 years or so…[5]





Added 5924[(*??*)] 11 12 2028 [2012-03-06] – [i.e. this section up to “Re pole shift #3 – King Hezekiah’s pole shift…”]


After having been considering these things now for some nine months, and after having been slowly but surely learning how to use a powerful Auto Cad software program, I have now been able to create what I believe are some fairly precise computer reconstructions of each of the last three pole shifts. Said reconstructions are primarily based upon Charles Hapgood’s findings re the last three locations of the poles. Adding the time factor, as evidenced by the Scripture record, to Charles Hapgood’s findings, little room is left for further speculation…

Yet, there were some things that had to be determined in order to satisfy the requirements given by those two sources, i.e. the Holy Scriptures and Charles Hapgood’s research findings re the precise position of the poles of the past. For instance: What about the exact paths of movement of the poles between one position and the next? Would those paths follow roughly the lines drawn in the above maps? Could it be that, on the contrary, each of those sudden pole shifts were in the nature of the entire crust of the Earth being tilted some 150 degrees, that is, such that the last prior north pole location of Earth’s crust came to be shifted to a position close to the prior south pole, and vice versa?

Given the particulars of the Scripture record I have found, by means of my computer models, that, when the poles are being moved some 150 degrees between the locations indicated by Charles Hapgood’s research, and when the polar movements are being fitted to the time of day indicated per the firsthand records provided by the Holy Scriptures, then there is, or seems to be, a hand to glove fit between the events as recorded in the Scriptures and the locations of the poles as discovered by Charles Hapgood’s research. To me, this is strong confirmation indeed for my computer models being representations of the true scenario in real time not too long ago.

Furthermore, given the many details within the greater picture provided by my computer simulations of these past events, I seem to find excellent explanations for a number of heretofore unexplained geological and archeological findings. For instance:

1.     The muck of Alaska. Quoting from the beginning of Chapter One in Earth in Upheaval by Immanuel Velikovsky:

“In Alaska, to the north of Mount McKinley, the tallest mountain in North America, the Tanana Valley and the valleys of its tributaries gold is mined out of gravel and “muck.” This muck is a frozen mass of animals and trees.

“F. Rainey of the University of Alaska described the scene[6]; “Wide cuts, often several miles in length and sometimes as much as 140 feet in depth, are now being sluiced out along stream valleys tributary to the Tanana in the Fairbanks District… This ‘muck’ contains enormous numbers of frozen bones of extinct animals such as the mammoth, mastodon, super-bison and horse.”[7]

“These animals perished in rather recent times; present estimates place their extinction at the end of the Ice Age or in early post-glacial times. The soil of Alaska covered their bodies together with those of animals of species still surviving.

“Under what conditions did this great slaughter take place, in which millions upon millions of animals were torn limb from limb and mingled with uprooted trees?

“F. C. Hibben of the University of New Mexico writes: “Although the formation of the deposits of muck is not clear, there is ample evidence that at least portions of this material were deposited under catastrophic conditions. Mammal remains are for the most part dismembered and disarticulated, even though some fragments yet retain, in their frozen state, portions of ligaments, skin, hair, and flesh. Twisted and torn trees are piled in splintered masses. . . . At least four considerable layers of volcanic ash may be traced in these deposits, although they are extremely warped and distorted. . . .[8]

“Muck deposits like those of the Tanana River Valley are found in the lower reaches of the Yukon in the western part of the peninsula, on the Koyukuk River that flows into the Yukon from the north, on the Kuskokwim River that empties its waters into Bering Sea, and at several places along the Arctic coast, and so “may be considered to extend in greater or lesser thickness over all unglaciated areas of the northern peninsula.”[9]

“In various levels of the muck, stone artifacts were found “frozen in situ at great depths and in apparent association” with the Ice Age fauna, which implies that “men were contemporary with extinct animals in Alaska.”[10] Worked flints, characteristically shaped, called Yuma points, were repeatedly found in the Alaskan muck, one hundred and more feet below the surface. One such spear point was found there between a lion’s jaw and a mammoth’s tusk.[11] Similar weapons were used only a few generations ago by the Indians of the Athapascan tribe, who camped in the upper Tanana Valley.[12] “It has also been suggested that even modern Eskimo points are remarkably Yuma-like,”[13] all of which indicates that the multitudes of torn animals and splintered forests date from a time not many thousand years ago.”

(Velikovsky, Immanuel, Earth in Upheaval, p. 1-3 (1955.))



“Animals, torn and broken, many of which are of extinct forms, are found in enormous heaps in Alaska, their bones and skin still fresh…”

(Velikovsky, Immanuel, Earth in Upheaval, p. 203 (1955.))



2.     The pottery in the Mid-East showing evidence of being burnt in the oven at a time when the magnetic poles were inversed relative to their present positions:

“The position of the ancient vases during firing is known. They were fired in a standing position, as the flow of the glaze testifies. The magnetic inclination or the magnetic dip of the iron particles in the fired clay indicates which was the nearest magnetic pole, the south or the north.

“In 1896 Giuseppe Folgheraiter began his careful studies of Attic (Greek) and Etruscan vases of various centuries, starting with the eighth century before the present era. His conclusion was that in the eighth century the earth’s magnetic field was inverted in Italy and Greece.[14] Italy and Greece were closer to the south than to the north magnetic pole.”

(Velikovsky, Immanuel, Earth in Upheaval, p. 146 (1955.))


Well, it seems to me as though my computer simulations are suggesting that a horrific tsunami, possibly mixed with a polar ice cap in the process of breaking up while sweeping across all of Australia, and that these same waters, with all their contents, became deposited, within some six to ten hours, over Alaska. Please notice that all these masses of water, ice, and debris were largely staying put in their original place relative to the core of the Earth, that is, while the thin crust of the Earth made its sudden and very rapid polar shift. Indeed, this polar shift was way too sudden and way too fast for the vast waters of the ocean to follow along to any great extent. And certainly, in that kind of setting, the waters would be exceedingly turbulent, most especially near the bottom, with little or nothing settling to the bottom until the very end of the polar shift.

Re said Attic and Etruscan pottery, well, Italy (or more specifically Tuscany, in the mid to upper part of Italy, where the Etruscans lived,) and Greece (specifically Athens,) per my computer simulations, were at that time, prior to the time of Hezekiah, located at latitude 38 and 27 degrees South, respectively.

– If someone proficient in French would be willing and able to look up Velikovsky’s references[15] and find out some more exact particulars re the orientation of the magnetism in those Attic and Etruscan vases, I would find such information quite valuable for purposes of seeing this scenario even more clearly. Thanks!




Re pole shift #3 – King Hezekiah’s pole shift (from Hudson Bay, Canada to present placement in the Arctic Sea:)

Eventually I get to a major object of this little globe project of mine, that is, to learn something about how to reckon the timing of any pre-Hezekiah recordings of ancient celestial events. Realizing that by knowing the pre and post positions of any two sequential polar locations I can identify also a corresponding axis for that shift. Using that axis and then rotating the point of observation accordingly I find that I am able to identify, fairly accurately, the pre and post geographical coordinates for most any location of observation. Being a little unsure of myself re these somewhat unfamiliar things, I nevertheless seem to find an approximate position for Mt. Tabor in Galilee, from where I believe, most likely, the woman in Endor made her observations. My findings (realizing that for the solar shadow to reverse, the polar shift must necessarily have been on the order of 180 ±30 degrees and such that, from the point of view of the ancient observer, east and west would have traded places!) were as follows:

Approximate axis of Hezekiah’s pole shift in terms of current latitude and longitude: 175 degrees W / 0 degree N; and 5 degrees E / 0 degree N.

Post pole shift location for Mt. Tabor, Israel, (i.e. the current location:) 32 deg 48 min N; 35 deg 23 min E

Pre pole shift location for Mt. Tabor, Israel: 13 degrees South; 41 degrees W.


Given those last coordinates I should now be prepared for reviewing once again[16] the same era of eclipses previously considered for King Saul’s visit with the woman at Endor. However, this time using different geographical coordinates, which coordinates will seem to correspond closely to the current coordinates for a point west of Salvador and north of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in S. America:


To view the current version of my table used for assessment of all eclipses considered, please download this Excel-file!


Notice: For a comparison between the real time looks of a penumbral eclipse and an umbral eclipse, please look at this 4 hour plus Google YouTube video of the entire June 15, 2011 CE total lunar eclipse!




Having worked with and carefully considered each one of 262 lunar eclipses covering a 112 year period, 1083 BCE to 972 BCE, at the end I find only one solution that seems to fit all the data thus far available, that is, December 19, 1061 BCE (item #56 per column #1 and #31 per column #2.) Please find my specific assessments beginning in this Excel-file, and following that, in this Word-file!


For the present I conclude that King Saul’s lunar eclipse, as described to him, in Hebrew, by the woman in Endor, was none other than the December 19, 1061 BCE lunar eclipse.





Xxxxxxxxx Revision Completed To This Point… Skip Red Painted Text… Every Thing Else Below Should Be Up To Date xxxxxxxxxx



Further considerations – Looking for confirmation of the above:


How may the above findings be confirmed or refuted? What can I glean from the Scriptures re this issue?




The section, ”Summary of Revisions Re the placement of the Omer Sabbath after crossing the Jordan,” is now, 5925[(*??*)] 10 15 2029 [2014-01-17,] once again, extensively revised, and is replaced by the most current version of my article “When was Jordan Crossed?,” plus the following summary:



Summary of Revisions Re the placement of the Omer Sabbath after crossing the Jordan

After more work upon my article “When was Jordan Crossed?,” and, perhaps most importantly, after having completed my article “What is the true meaning of בעוד?,” my last revision of this section is revised making it somewhat similar to the version prior to my last revision, albeit with quite significant improvements. The incentive for the current revision is probably most easily perceived by considering the “Notice” section, and the “Results & abstract” section, within my most current version of my article “When was Jordan Crossed.”

The overall placement of my time line is not affected by the within referenced understanding of the dates, pertaining to the Crossing of Jordan, as discovered in the Book of Joshua. The placement of Joshua’s Long Day remains July 3, 1420 BCE. The crossing of Jordan occurred on Day Three of the week [beginning at sunset Mon April 5, 1423 BCE.]




How about the placement of the Omer Sabbath within the Feast of Unleavened Bread immediately after the crossing of the Jordan?


KJV’s term “parched corn,” is identically one and the same in Joshua 5:11 and in Leviticus 23:14. Not so in the Hebrew text. There is a subtle but distinct difference between the words “קלי” (Lev 23:14) and “קלוי” (Joshua 5:11!) I find sufficient reason for perceiving that added “ו” as an indication that the corn used for parching was from the old crop, not from the crop of that year. To further emphasize this distinction I notice that the “green ears” of Lev 23:14 find no correspondence within Joshua 5:11, that is, none of the prohibited items of Lev 23:14 find an exact correspondence in Joshua 5:11!  Neither do I find any compelling reason for translating the last words of Joshua 5:12 in terms of “the fruit of that year.” On the contrary, and as implied also by the language of KJV, the words “that year” must apply to all of that which the Israelites ate once the manna ceased, that is, whether the old crop or the new crop, whether before Hag HaOmer or after Hag HaOmer.

Accordingly, I find a scenario that agrees well with Joshua 5:11 re the Omer Shabbat concurring, not with Aviv 15, but with Aviv 21 of the year of the crossing of the Jordan River. (Cf. also Nehemia Gordon’s teachings re this issue, where Nehemia identifies the Omer Shabbat with Aviv 15. Thus, re Nehemia’s teaching regarding this particular, I find that, given the strength of the double dated events recorded per Joshua 3:2 and 4:19 (and the alternative TLT translation of Joshua 5:11 re “parched old corn,”) I now find cause for maintaining my separation from Nehemia’s teaching re this issue.




Once again, this little bit of insight might serve us, at least, as a weak bit of confirmation for Saul’s lunar eclipse being the March 23, 1028 BCE total lunar eclipse…? Nevertheless, until such time as I can more certainly determine the particulars re a possible pole shift in connection with the passage across Jordan, there remains a certain degree of uncertainty re beginning of Aviv 1 in that year, 1423 BCE.





Added on 5924[(*??*)] 08 09 2028 [2011-12-05]

Re the cause for the fall of Tyrus and the prior demise of the Phoenician worldwide Empire and that of Atlantis…

Here is another bit of Scripture confirmation in support of a pole shift having taken place at the time of King Hezekiah:

Ezekiel 26:3 KJV  Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against thee, O Tyrus, and will cause many nations to come up against thee, as the sea causeth his waves to come up.


Psalms 96:11 KJV Let the sea roar, and the fulness thereof.


Psalms 98:7 KJV  Let the sea roar, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.



Notice the reference in Ezekiel, and the comparison, to that which in this passage seems to indicate a prior event caused by the waves of the sea, that is as in a giant tsunami swallowing the center of the Empire of which Tyrus was merely an outpost. After thus losing its source of strength, Tyrus could not likely sustain for very long its power and influence over the Middle East area!

I became aware of this passage recently after having read Chapter Two, the Jewel That Grants All Desires (pp. 15-33) in Frank Joseph’s and Laura Beaudoin’s book Opening the Ark of the Covenant. Said Chapter is pointing to a number of archeological finds worldwide, but most particularly in the Pacific Ocean area, indicating that an ancient kingdom named Mu or Lemuria was lost due to a major catastrophe where the major portion of said country was being swallowed up by the sea.




Re David’s “year and four months”

Now, reviewing my considerations within my prior article re Saul’s eclipse, I am reminded of one more important constraint that I had not thus far considered within my above table, that is the “year and four months…” of 1 Samuel 27:7, which once again is coming forth as a confirmation of my prior findings as above recorded:


 1 Samuel 27:7  ויהיH1961  מספרH4557  הימיםH3117  אשׁרH834  ישׁבH3427  דודH1732  בשׂדהH7704  פלשׁתיםH6430  ימיםH3117  וארבעהH702  חדשׁים׃H2320  

1 Samuel 27:7 TLT  And the reckoning of days that David dwelt in the country of the Philistines was two hot season markers plus four New Moons.

1 Samuel 27:7 KJV  And the time that David dwelt in the country of the Philistines was a full year and four months.



Again, reckoning said four New Moons as the 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th Scripture New Moons, I find that Saul’s eclipse must have fallen in the 10th Scripture month, and that, accordingly, Saul’s eclipse must be found between November and February, most likely in December or January, thus adding one more helpful constraint to the Excel table referenced above (cf. the color coding now added to column entitled ‘JD Date’ within said Excel-table.) Here is a screen shot showing Starry Night Pro 8’s representation of the Dec 19, 1061 BCE lunar eclipse as perceived at sunrise from the pre-Hezekiah Mt. Tabor location at 13S 41W:


Video animation at this link…



And here is a screen shot showing Starry Night Pro 8’s representation of the Jan 19, 1090 BCE lunar eclipse as perceived at sunrise from the pre-Hezekiah Mt. Tabor location at 13S 41W:



What were the seasons at Pre-Hezekiah Mt. Tabor?


Pre-Hezekiah Mt. Tabor was at 13S 41W, corresponding to State of Bahia in Brazil today. Relative to the respective oceans in the far west, and the distance of continental land in between, the climate of Pre-Hezekiah Mt. Tabor, and the climate of State of Bahia today, should therefore be very much alike one to the other…





Does Brazil have all 4 seasons?


Summer in Bahia runs from December to March. Winter runs from June to August.


“As Brazil lies in the Southern Hemisphere, its seasons are the exact opposite of what Northern Hemisphere residents are used to: summer is December through March and winter June through September. Within the country the climate varies considerably from region to region. In most of Brazil the summers are very hot.



Accordingly, it makes sense for the 3rd New Moon of ‘jamim’, the hot season, summer, to be reckoned by David such that the 3rd New Moon began in December. This would correspond to the 10th New Moon as reckoned pre-Joshua’s Long Day and also today.

Seeing that I find only three lunar eclipses possibly fitting the above said (JD Thu AM May 15, 984 BCE, JD Thu AM Nov 29, 1050 BCE, and JD Fri AM Dec 19, 1061 BCE), only one (the JD Fri = calendar Sat) of which remains possible after the constraint given per the original Hebrew found in 1 Sam 31:6, that is, “Day One” (cf. the below table!) I find no lunar eclipse fitting a New Moon #3 as reckoned pre-Joshua’s Long Day and today. Thus, I seem to have no choice but to place the observation of the woman in Endor accordingly. If my criteria are correct, as discovered per the within referenced Bible record, then this conclusion seems inevitable.



Modifying my prior table to include also my latest findings per the within article (cf. the four columns to the far left!:)


King Saul’s Death

Detailed Chronology of Events


Date: JD = Pre-Hezekiah (PH) Local calendar


Quotes re King Saul and his men

Quotes re David and his men


Incompatible[17] Polar shift scenario: 984[18] BCE

Incompatible[19] Polar shift scenario: 1051[20] BCE

Polar shift scenario ok: 1061[21] BCE

Polar shift scenario ok: 1090[22] BCE,  but incompatible with tabernacle & cloud events[23]

Named Day

Biblical date of the month







Lunar eclipse


JD Thu = PH Fri[24]  May 15, (Day Six)


JD Thu = PH Fri[25]  Nov 29, (Day Six)


JD Fri = PH Sat[26]  Dec 19, (Day Seven)


JD Fri = PH Sat[27]  Jan 19, (Day Seven)

1 Samuel 28:13, 14


·  Lunar eclipse seen by the woman in Endor

·  The details of this Bible record seem to limit the eclipse observation to the same Hebrew day that Saul visited the woman at Endor!

·  As indicated by the VAT 4956 clay tablet, this type of lunar-solar observation occurred on the morning of the expected 1st sun rise before moonset!

I saw gods [the sun and the moon] being above the horizon of the earth… A waxing old [mature and/or setting] entity [the moon] above [the horizon of the earth]; and it was covered with a cover[ing shadow, i.e. a lunar eclipse.]

I saw gods ascending out of the earth… An old man cometh up; and he is covered with a mantle

1 Samuel 28:13, 14




Saul’s visit with the woman at Endor


JD Thu = PH Fri eve/night May 15

(Day #6/#7)



JD Thu = PH Fri eve/night Nov 29

(Day #6/#7)



JD Fri = PH Sat eve/night Dec 19

(Day #7/#1)



JD Fri = PH Sat eve/night Jan 19

(Day #7/#1)


Saul’s visit with the Endor woman took place on the 7th Day Sabbath (=Fri PM, Sat AM, or Sat PM.) The eclipse observation would have taken place at sunrise[28] on or before said 7th Day Sabbath. However, David’s “reckoning of days” does not record any additional days beyond the New Moon #4 day. This just about confines the eclipse observation to the very day of Saul’s visit with the woman at Endor!


Of month #3 in David’s reckoning of days in Philistine: Day # 14


tomorrow” = JD Fri May 16 = PH Sat = Day #7


that night” = JD Thu = PH Fri night = Day #6/#7


Early in the morning…” = JD Fri = PH Sat dawn = Day #7

tomorrow” = JD Fri Nov 30 = PH Sat = Day #7


that night” = JD Thu = PH Fri night = Day #6/#7


Early in the morning…” = JD Fri = PH Sat dawn = Day #7

tomorrow” = JD Sat Dec 20 = PH Sun = Day #1


that night” = JD Fri = PH Sat night = Day #7/#1


Early in the morning…” = JD Sat = PH Sun dawn = Day #1

tomorrow” = JD Sat Jan 20 = PH Sun = Day #1


that night” = JD Fri = PH Sat night = Day #7/#1


Early in the morning…” = JD Sat = PH Sun dawn = Day #1

tomorrowthat night


Early in the morning…”

Of month #3 in David’s reckoning of days in Philistine: Day # 15

·  Saul’s night visit to the woman in Endor on the evening/night prior to his death on Day One.

·  David’s dialog with his Philistine host.

·  David leaving the Philistine host on the morning of the day Saul died and prior to that battle


to morrow shalt thou and thy sons be with me… Then they rose up, and went away that night

1 Samuel 28:13, 19, 25

Wherefore now rise up at twilight in the morning with thy master's servants that are come with thee: and as soon as ye be up at twilight in the morning, and have light, depart.

Wherefore now rise up early in the morning with thy master's servants that are come with thee: and as soon as ye be up early in the morning, and have light, depart.

1 Samuel 29:10


that same Day #1”

= JD Fri May 16 = PH Sat = Day #7


ERROR: Day #1 ≠ Day #7

Incompatible eclipse!


Early in the morning…” = JD Fri = PH Sat dawn = Day #7

that same Day #1”

= JD Fri Nov 39 = PH Sat = Day #7


ERROR: Day #1 ≠ Day #7

Incompatible eclipse!


Early in the morning…” = JD Fri = PH Sat dawn = Day #7

that same Day #1”

= JD Sat Dec 20 = PH Sun = Day #1


Early in the morning…” = JD Sat = PH Sun dawn = Day #1

that same Day #1”

= JD Sat Jan 20 = PH Sun = Day #1


Early in the morning…” = JD Sat = PH Sun dawn = Day #1

that same Day #1”


Early in the morning…”

Of month #3 in David’s reckoning of days in Philistine: Day # 15

·  Saul and his sons die in the fight with the Philistines.

·  David and his men begin their march to Ziklag.

And the Philistines fought against Israel: and the men of Israel fled from before the Philistines, and fell down slain in mount Gilboa… So Saul died, and his three sons, and his armourbearer, and all his men, that same Day #1 [Saturday evening or Sunday].

Now the Philistines fought against Israel: and the men of Israel fled from before the Philistines, and fell down slain in mount Gilboa… So Saul died, and his three sons, and his armourbearer, and all his men, that same day together.

1 Samuel 31:1, 6


So David and his men rose up early to depart in the morning, to return into the land of the Philistines. And the Philistines went up to Jezreel.

1 Samuel 29:11




on the following morning” = JD Sun Dec 21 = PH Mon AM = Day #2

on the following morning” = JD Sun Jan 21 = PH Mon AM = Day #2

on the following morning

Of month #3 in David’s reckoning of days in Philistine: Day # 16

·  Saul’s body is hung on the wall of Bethshan.

·  David and his men continue their march to Ziklag.”

“[And it came to pass on the following morning…”

And it came to pass on the morrow, when the Philistines came to strip the slain, that they found Saul and his three sons fallen in mount Gilboa. And they cut off his head, and stripped off his armour, and sent into the land of the Philistines round about, to publish it in the house of their idols, and among the people. And they put his armour in the house of Ashtaroth: and they fastened his body to the wall of Bethshan.

1 Samuel 31:8-10







walked all of that night” = JD Sun/Mon Dec 21/22 = PH Mon eve, night, until Tue AM


the Third Day” = JD Sun eve/Mon Dec 21/22 = PH Mon eve or Tue

walked all of that night” = JD Sun/Mon Jan 21/22 = PH Mon eve, night, until Tue AM


the Third Day” = JD Sun eve/Mon Jan 21/22 = PH Mon eve or Tue

walked all of that night


the Third Day

Of month #3 in David’s reckoning of days in Philistine: Day # 17

·  Saul’s body is brought to Jabesh-Gilead, burnt and buried. A cleansing is begun.

·  “I am a young man of Egypt, servant to an Amalekite; and my master left me, because on the Third Day I fell sick…” 1 Samuel 30:13.

·  David and his men arrive in Ziklag.

All the valiant men arose, and walked all of that night, and took the body of Saul and the bodies of his sons from the wall of Bethshan, and came to Jabesh, and burnt them there… And they took their bones, and buried them under a tree at Jabesh, and fasted seven days [in accord with the ordinances of cleansing.]

All the valiant men arose, and went all night, and took the body of Saul and the bodies of his sons from the wall of Bethshan, and came to Jabesh, and burnt them there… And they took their bones, and buried them under a tree at Jabesh, and fasted seven days.

1 Samuel 31:12, 13; cf. Numbers 19:11-12, 14, 16.

And it came to pass, when David and his men were come to Ziklag on the Third Day, that the Amalekites had invaded the south, and Ziklag, and smitten Ziklag, and burned it with fire

And it came to pass, when David and his men were come to Ziklag on the third day, that the Amalekites had invaded the south, and Ziklag, and smitten Ziklag, and burned it with fire

1 Samuel 30:1




JD Mon/Tue Dec 22/23 = PH Tue eve, night, and Wed

JD Mon/Tue Jan 22/23 = PH Tue eve, night, and Wed

Day Four

Of month #3 in David’s reckoning of days in Philistine: Day # 18











JD Tue/Wed Dec 23/24 = PH Wed eve, night, and Thu

JD Tue/Wed Jan 23/24 = PH Wed eve, night, and Thu

Day Five

Of month #3 in David’s reckoning of days in Philistine: Day # 19











JD Wed/Thu Dec 24/25 = PH Thu eve, night, and Fri

JD Wed/Thu Jan 24/25 = PH Thu eve, night, and Fri

Day Six

Of month #3 in David’s reckoning of days in Philistine: Day # 20











An event after “three days and three nights…” = an event on JD Thu/Fri Dec 25/26 = PH Fri eve, night, or  Sat


KJV “three days agone” = on the Third Day” = JD Sun/Mon Dec 21/22 = PH Mon eve or Tue

An event after “three days and three nights…” = an event on JD Thu/Fri Jan 25/26 = PH Fri eve, night, or  Sat


KJV “three days agone” = on the Third Day” = JD Sun/Mon Jan 21/22 = PH Mon eve or Tue

A Seventh Day Sabbath event remembering prior events of the past week:


three days and three nights…


on the Third Day

Of month #3 in David’s reckoning of days in Philistine: Day # 21

·  After “three days and three nights…,that is, Days #3 (“accession”/event day), 4, 5, & 6, and Nights #4, 5, & 6;

·  Beginning “on the Third Day I fell sick…” 1 Samuel 30:12, 13.




Cf. Numbers 19:11-12, 14, 16.

“And they gave him a piece of a cake of figs, and two clusters of raisins: and when he had eaten, his spirit came again to him: for he had eaten no bread, nor drunk any water, three days and three nights… And David said unto him, To whom belongest thou? and whence art thou? And he said, I am a young man of Egypt, servant to an Amalekite; and my master left me, because on the Third Day I fell sick.

“And they gave him a piece of a cake of figs, and two clusters of raisins: and when he had eaten, his spirit came again to him: for he had eaten no bread, nor drunk any water, three days and three nights… And David said unto him, To whom belongest thou? and whence art thou? And he said, I am a young man of Egypt, servant to an Amalekite; and my master left me, because three days agone I fell sick.

1 Samuel 30:12, 13




JD  Fri eve Dec 26 = PH Sat eve until…


JD Sun eve Dec 28 = PH Mon eve

JD  Fri eve Jan 26 = PH Sat eve until…


JD Sun eve Jan 28 = PH Mon eve

Day One & Day Two event:


from the twilight of night even unto the darkness following the next two mornings [למחרתם ]

Of month #3 in David’s reckoning of days in Philistine: Day # 22 and day # 23

·  The messenger from Saul leaves…

·  David smites the Amalekites…

Out of the camp of Israel am I escaped…

Out of the camp of Israel am I escaped…

2 Samuel 1:3

And David smote them from the twilight of night even unto the darkness following the next two mornings [למחרתם ]: and there escaped not a man of them, save four hundred young men, which rode upon camels, and fled.

And David smote them from the twilight even unto the evening of the next day: and there escaped not a man of them, save four hundred young men, which rode upon camels, and fled.

1 Samuel 30:17




JD Thu Jan 1, 1060 BCE = PH Fri

JD Thu Feb 1, 1090 BCE = PH Fri


Of month #3 in David’s reckoning of days in Philistine: Day #26 at the very earliest, but cf. below…

·  David returns to Ziklag after slaughtering the Amalekites…

·  Returning to Ziklag would have taken at least ‘three days and three nights1 Cf.  Sam 29:11; 30:1, 12, 13!




And when David came to Ziklag, he sent of the spoil unto the elders of Judah, even to his friends, saying, Behold a present for you of the spoil of the enemies of the LORD…”



And when David came to Ziklag, he sent of the spoil unto the elders of Judah, even to his friends, saying, Behold a present for you of the spoil of the enemies of the LORD…”



1 Samuel 30:26




Day Two event:


JD Sun Jan 4, 1060 BCE = PH Mon

Day Two event:


JD Sun Feb 4, 1090 BCE = PH Mon

Day Two event:


KJV “two days” = “on Day Two [of the week]

Of month #3 in David’s reckoning of days in Philistine: Day # 30 or (depending on actual New Moon observation) month #4 day # 1

·  David returns to his abode in Ziklag after slaughtering the Amalekites… Cf. 1 Sam 27:6; 30:1, 14, 26; 2 Sam 2:1-3!




Now it came to pass after the death of Saul, when David was returned from the slaughter of the Amalekites, and David settled [again returned to his homestead] in Ziklag on Day Two [of the week]

Now it came to pass after the death of Saul, when David was returned from the slaughter of the Amalekites, and David had abode two days in Ziklag

2 Samuel 1:1




JD Mon Jan 5, 1060 BCE = PH Tue


= the Hebrew day #1 or #2 of the 4th New Moon (per David’s reckoning of days)









JD Mon Feb 5, 1090 BCE = PH Tue


= the Hebrew day #1 (or #2) of the 4th New Moon[29] (per David’s reckoning of days)

on the Third Day

Of month #4 in David’s reckoning of days in Philistine: Day # 1 or 2

·  The message of Saul’s and his son’s deaths arrives to David.




It came even to pass on the Third Day, that, behold, a man came out of the camp from Saul with his clothes rent, and earth upon his head: and so it was, when he came to David, that he fell to the earth, and did obeisance…  Then David took hold on his clothes, and rent them; and likewise all the men that were with him: And they mourned, and wept, and fasted until even, for Saul, and for Jonathan his son, and for the people of the LORD, and for the house of Israel; because they were fallen by the sword.

It came even to pass on the third day, that, behold, a man came out of the camp from Saul with his clothes rent, and earth upon his head: and so it was, when he came to David, that he fell to the earth, and did obeisance…  Then David took hold on his clothes, and rent them; and likewise all the men that were with him: And they mourned, and wept, and fasted until even, for Saul, and for Jonathan his son, and for the people of the LORD, and for the house of Israel; because they were fallen by the sword.

2 Samuel 1:2, 11-12




New Moon #4 on JD Mon Jan 3 or JD Tue Jan 4, 1060 BCE = PH Biblical Day Three or Day Four

New Moon #4 on JD (Sun Feb 4 or) JD Mon Feb 5, 1090 BCE = PH Biblical (Day Three or) Day Four


The 4th New Moon. Per Biblical time reckoning it is the signs at the beginning of days, months, and years that are being counted, not the fullness of each of these. Accordingly, said 4th New Moon should be the New Moon of month #4, not likely the 4th New Moon after Tishri 21 and the Eighth Day Feast sign.

·  David’s move from Ziklag to Hebron




1Sa 27:7  And the time that David dwelt in the country of the Philistines was [between the beginnings of] two hot seasons [summers] and [through between the beginnings of] four New Moons past Tishri 21 and the cut-off of the summer…


1Sa 27:7  And the time that David dwelt in the country of the Philistines was a full year and four months.

2Sa 2:1  And it came to pass after this, that David enquired of the LORD, saying, Shall I go up into any of the cities of Judah? And the LORD said unto him, Go up. And David said, Whither shall I go up? And he said, Unto Hebron.

2Sa 2:2  So David went up thither, and his two wives also, Ahinoam the Jezreelitess, and Abigail Nabal's wife the Carmelite.

2Sa 2:3  And his men that were with him did David bring up, every man with his household: and they dwelt in the cities of Hebron.

2Sa 2:4  And the men of Judah came, and there they anointed David king over the house of Judah. And they told David, saying, That the men of Jabeshgilead were they that buried Saul.

1 Samuel 27:7;

2 Samuel 2:1-4






References re current polar wobbling etc:


1.     Official reporting and mapping of Chandler’s Wobble

2.     Charts and much info

3.     Earth Changes Bulletin

4.     IERS – Primary data files

5.     Polar Motion 1861-2006

6.     WobbleTracker software by Davis Chapman

7.     Earth Systems Monitor – Polar Motion

8.     Background on Chandler’s Wobble

9.     2006 Wobble Anomaly

10.  An Offer re a Deal…






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[1] Cf. my Excel-file ’Itinerary_for_Jerusalems_during_Joshuas_long_day-v.7.0.xls’, columns E-H, P-Q, AL-AO, particularly as indicated at row 64, the military UT (and JD) duration of the total pole shift was only 54.6 hours [not 72 hours!]


Seeing that I have not as yet been able to ascertain for sure the exact point in time of that event, nor the corresponding astronomical solar and lunar event, there is certainly room for a plus or minus (±) variation of these figures. Yet, I believe that that the limits of that variation must be very small indeed. Once I, or someone else, is able to correctly identify said astronomical event, we will better be able to have the answer to that question…


[2] The 1st edition of Earth’s Shifting Crust was published by Pantheon Books (1958, hardcover.)  A free electronic version is available at archive.org.

The 2nd publication of Charles Hapgood was issued as a 2nd extensively revised edition of Earth’s Shifting Crust. This second edition was given the new title The Path of the Pole and was published by Chilton Book Company (1970, hardcover;) and by Adventures Unlimited Press (1999, paperback and a Kindle edition (including one free chapter.))

The 1st edition of Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings was published by Chilton Book Company (1966; hardcover,) but the book I am looking at is the 1999 edition publised by Adventures Unlimited Press (paperback.)

[3] Having just now (5925[(*??*)] 12 08 2029 [2013-03-21]) discovered the works of Hendon M. Harris and of his daughter Charlotte Harris Rees, I wish to add this note re their discoveries of ancient Chinese maps, reportedly from 1400-2000 BCE, and Charlotte’s book Secret Maps of the Ancient World. Her website is asiaticfathers.com [formerly HarrisMaps.com.]

To me, this ancient Chinese-American connection is a clear indication that the Chinese migrated to China from the east as indicated by the names of their weekdays, e.g. the Chinese name for Monday means “the First Day.”

[4] Please notice that this last paragraph represents only my earliest thoughts re these poleshifts. My later studies brought me to the conclusion that these poleshifts were not on the order of only 36°, but on the order of 150°!

[5] Other authors, however, are proposing other hiding places for the Ark of the Covenant. Even all around our planet!

[6] Original footnote: F. Rainey, “Archaeological Investigation in Central Alaska,” American Antiquity, V (1940), 305.

[7] Original footnote: The horse became extinct in pre-Columbian America; the present horses in the Western Hemisphere are descendants of imported animals.

[8] Original footnote: F. C. Hibben, “Evidence of Early Man in Alaska,” American Antiquity, VIII (1943), 256.

[9] Original footnote: Ibid.

[10] Original footnote: Rainey, American Antiquity, V, 307.

[11] Original footnote: Hibben, American Antiquity, VIII, 257.

[12] Original footnote: Rainey, American Antiquity, V, 301.

[13] Original footnote: Hibben, American Antiquity, VIII, 256.

[14] Original footnote: “G. Folgheraiter in Rendi Conti dei Licei, 1896, 1899; Archives des sciences physiques et naturelles (Geneva), 1899; Journal de physique, 1899; P. L. Mercanton, “La method de Folgheraiter et son rôle en géophysique,” Archives des sciences physiques et naturelles, 1907.”

[15] Cf. footnote #16.

[16] I.e. referencing my prior results re January 10, 1043 BCE.

[17] Cf. ”ERROR…” in yellow cell below!

[18] Cf. item #  /234/  in my Excel table KingSaul'sDeath-WhatIfThereWasAPolarShift.xlsx

[19] Cf. ”ERROR…” in yellow cell below!

[20] Cf. item #  /81/39 in my Excel table KingSaul'sDeath-WhatIfThereWasAPolarShift.xlsx

[21] Cf. item #  /56/31 in my Excel table KingSaul'sDeath-WhatIfThereWasAPolarShift.xlsx

[22] Cf. item #118/ /   in my Excel table KingSaul'sDeath-WhatIfThereWasAPolarShift.xlsx

[23] That is, compatible with the 1090 BCE eclipse events, but not compatible with the corresponding tabernacle setup & cloud rising events in 1524 BCE (per my file ‘The Sacred Calendar of the Creator in Progress (version XXVIII.0).xls’).

[24] JD Friday = Pre-Hezekiah Saturday

[25] JD Friday = Pre-Hezekiah Saturday

[26] JD Friday = Pre-Hezekiah Saturday

[27] JD Friday = Pre-Hezekiah Saturday

[28] As shown on the one year record of astronomical observations in Babylon (VAT4956), in the middle of each month the astronomers looked for the first sunrise prior to moonset. That is, for the purpose of establishing that the exact point in time of the astronomical full moon had passed.

[29] SN8: Pre-Hezekiah Mt. Tabor horizon: Feb 4, 1090 BCE: Lag: 51min 43sec; Illum.: 1.16%; Feb 5, 1090 BCE: Lag: 101min 40sec