
Sent:        Thursday, November 08, 2012 03:04 PM

To:           ''

Cc:            'Okay'

Subject:   Did you discover the health effects available from green smoothies yet? - - - - - And a little more re Woe, woe, woe! and re GMO products in our foods...



יהוה אלהים

Adamah Republic ©

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[  .Tryck här för den ursprungliga svenska versionen!.  ]


Written with a beginning on 5924[((*??*))] 07[1] 21 2028,


the Seventh Day of the Feast of Tabernacles,

the last Day of the Scripture Year, and

the Fourth Day [of the week,]


The 21st day of month #7, 21 Tishrei,

in the 5924th[(??)] year following the beginning recorded in Genesis 1

and in the 2028th year following the beginning recorded in Luke 1:26-33


[The 21st day of the month per ancient Rabbinical reckoning,

22 Cheshvan (month #8) per more recent Jewish reckoning

(based upon a decimal error in Hillel II’s directives causing a wandering of the seasons!),


[Wednesday, the 4th day of the Pope’s week (as revised in Sweden from 1973 A.D.,)

November 7 in the 2012th year of Caesar Tiberius

(per current Gregorian reckoning in Europe and elsewhere,)

Cf. Daniel 7:25…]





Beloved Brothers & Sisters in the Lord of Hosts,


Scriptural New Years greetings!

And… more serious messages that need to be forwarded from Him who alone is the Originator of Truth and Life, Him who is the Lord Almighty as well as our Savior and Father above all.

Yes, though you are likely to disagree, I have found that this particular day constitutes the very last day of the Biblical year, and the Scriptural New Year will begin at sunset tonight. If you care to look into the fundamentals of these findings of mine, then please press the links above and study carefully all the details and references provided in my linked articles!


. . . . .


I’d like to begin by sharing some wonderful Good News! News, that to me at least, is both wonderful and challenging. Perhaps, if these things are old news to you, I may congratulate you and ask you please, if at all possible, to share with me some tidbits of such blessings that you’ve experienced further on along this portion of your life’s journey?

To me, at least, this issue of GMO foods, and the consequences thereof, constitutes no small cloud over the horizon! It truly tends to make me feel confused as to what indeed may be safe to put into my mouth… But more about that after this…

It is good to realize once again how that our loving Father, Creator, Deliverer, Savior, yes the Great Physician Himself, never leaves His Sons and Daughters, His own People, without a better alternative, without salvation in verity, when things may seem dark around each our life’s path. God’s angels, His own messengers, are truly ready and available whenever we may be ready and prepared to accept his messages for what they are. It’s only too easy for me, as for anyone, to reject our Savior’s offers on the basis of various excuses of ours, isn’t it? A common such excuse is “That’s too good to be true! [So – seeing that it must be a lie - I can’t accept that…]”

The last few months I’ve been privileged to assist some friends of mine towards accepting certain important portions of God’s own Health Message – that is, as far as I myself have been prepared to receive it – and to implement that message into each their own lives such that within a couple of weeks or so those friends of mine have been able to significantly reverse the progress of - by removing the fundamental causes of - serious diseases such as 1) Diabetes Type 1,  2) serious heart disease (including angina requiring previous coronary bypass and then insertion of stents, arrhythmia, and mitral insufficiency,) Rheumatoid Arthritis, etc..

God is good and I feel blessed to be privileged to be somewhat of a tool in His hand while in the meantime realizing also how that I myself is being blessed with a transformation towards ever better health!

Well, the good news that I’d like to share with you today may be expressed by means of this one term: “Green smoothie.” To be a little more specific I should add the name “Victoria Boutenko.” You’ll easily find her videos, and those of her son Sergei Boutenko, on YouTube. If you prefer something that may have a little more of the taste and smell of accepted science, then please study also the details of the China Study, which study is based on no less than a detailed record of some 880 million Chinese people…

Indeed, I find the above – let’s call it the Green Smoothie Revolution – a giant step towards the solution of some most grievous threats to each our lives and health here and now. Yes, regardless of where we happen to find ourselves upon this little planet of ours. The one chief question is, however, to what degree is each one among us, I and you, willing to accept these health bringing lessons of our Savior, and to implement them into each our life? To what degree is my faith and my conviction of a nature such as makes me truly willing to hear and to do???      


. . . . . . .


Now, towards the bad news… But please notice that even where there is overwhelming darkness, one may even now perceive light at the horizon, good news, and solutions unto problems such as may, at the outset, seem hopelessly complex, overpowering, or even unsolvable. Please notice that the ultimate solutions always come in consequence of such ones among the people, me or you, who are willing to stand up for their convictions without being intimidated by anyone or by anything – even in the face of losing everything!

First I’d like to focus your attention upon yet another video (which is freely available for viewing by pressing this link until November 10, 2012, and…) which adds more light and insight into the seriousness and into the realities behind this matter of GMO foods. Indeed, I believe that to some extent most everyone upon this planet is at this present time likely to have eaten of GMO foods. (Cf. the term “Biological processing” as defined and used under the subheading “Results” under this link at!) Unfortunately, while most of us have remained unaware of these facts, many of us are now beginning to wake up to a realization of the key role that GMO foods have in the causation of much of the bad health and deaths that is occurring in our midst.

And what is the true situation in Europe, or in the Scandinavian countries? Yes, even at each our most frequented favorite food store?:

1)    Please notice the term “biological processing” as defined and used at Lantmannen’s website at this link! Notice that this is a term pointing to such processes which result in GMO foods! Notice especially these words:

“Biological processing has already been used… [and] is the first-line option for all common seed…”

But how can I protect myself from being contaminated by such products as are being harvested in consequence of such “biological processing”???

2)   Under this link at I find these words: “Lantmännen SW seed’s… activities include the breeding of 15 different plant types.” Said quoted words may seem benign enough by themselves, but on the Swedish version of that same web page I find that the word ‘breeding’ is a translation of the Swedish word ‘förädling’ which Swedish word is generally (within this same website of Lantmannen) pointing to the above quoted term “biological processing,” that is GMO production. Accordingly, I seem to find cause for concluding that Lantmannen in Sweden, and in Europe generally, are producing and marketing – as their standard – GMO foods!!! But which are these “15 different plant types” that are being referenced? I do not find a precise specification within Lantmannen’s web site in answer to that question. Lacking such an answer, how can I possibly protect myself from the corresponding GMO foods if I do not even know which these “15 different plant types…” are?

3)   Searching a little deeper I find the web-site of what appears to be a daughter company of Lantmannen, that is, the company under which research and development of GMO products is being done. Under ‘Växtförädling/Stråsäd’ at this same website (I find no English version of that website) I find that all four of the common Swedish grains are being listed under such terms as point to the above said “biological processing,” that is, all four of the traditional Swedish grains seem to be subject to GMO processing!!! Furthermore, the Swedish text is using language to the effect that such GMO products are being used to a great extent for making bread and muesli… To me this does not seem too reassuring, and I certainly am not seeing any clear labeling upon the corresponding products that I encounter on the shelves of the Swedish food stores. In light of the above said I find it hard to make sense of the words written under this link of Lantmannen: “Lantmännen’s food products contain no raw materials from genetically modified crops.” What then, if anything, do those words mean? Please cf. also the info provided in the article under this link!

Who or what may stand behind the overall design and development of this dire and most terrifying situation of this day and age?

Well, I am convinced that some of the most important and meaningful answers to questions such as these must be found, not by pointing my finger at any others, but by each one of us asking questions directed to each our own self. That is, questions such as: “What portion do I have in the responsibility for the situation at hand [e.g. by buying the products of companies such as Lantmannen; cf. this link!]?” “To what extent am I cooperating in activities that makes this situation possible?” “To what extent am I in the habit of turning over my God given responsibilities unto the table of another?” “To what extent am I asking my Creator and my Savior for more instructions as to how I may better use the resources He is providing me from day to day?” “To what extent am I realizing that the words of the Scriptures, such as Revelation 18:4, are being directed first and foremost unto me in the here and now?”



May the peace and health of our God and Savior rest over each our families and homes for ever,

Gunnar ©




Without recourse. All Rights Reserved. Adamoh Republic ©

יהוה אלהים





[1] After having focused closely upon Scriptural chronology based upon the most original references and using the best tools available to me, I see little or no reason not to consider Scripture month #1, aviv (as used and applied in Biblical times,) as being based upon the aviv found on Mount Jerusalem, or perhaps more accurately, upon the current location of the Ark of the Covenant (while not upon the aviv found at hotter and lower altitudes, albeit within the boundaries of Israel, e.g. in the Negev desert (2012,) in the Jordan valley (2011,) in the Jordan valley (2010) or in the Negev desert (2010.) Cf. this link!