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What about 57 CE vs. Acts 20:6-7?



Looking at my NASA tables I find that in all likelihood Aviv 1, 57 CE, occurred Friday March 25, 57 CE. Looking next at a pertinent calendar for that year I find that the 7th Day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread occurred on the Fifth Day of the week and not on the Seventh Day Shabbat as required by Acts 20:6-7 Textus Receptus. This effectively rules out April 57 CE as a possible month satisfying all the criteria found in the Textus Receptus version of Acts 20:6-7.


April 24 (or less likely 25,) 57 CE are possible, albeit very unlikely, alternative dates for Aviv 1, 57, provided there was in that year a very late spring and aviv ripening. The corresponding 7th Day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread would then be the Seventh Day of the week, May 14, 57 CE, (or less likely Sunday  May 15.) Because the 14th falls on the Seventh Day of the week this date would satisfy said criteria of Acts 20:6-7. You may have noticed that the solution I have arrived at dates Paul’s last visit to Jerusalem on Pentecost Saturday May 9, 44 CE. This too is an unusually late date. Obviously such late Aviv 1s do exist, albeit rarely. Each added day in that range makes such an event considerably more unlikely, and thus May 14 should be considered even much less likely than the May 9, 44 CE date, albeit in and of itself still possible.


Accordingly, the sole criteria given in Acts 20:6-7 cannot be used to rule out 57 CE as a year for Paul’s last visit in Jerusalem as suggested by Riesner. However, as you will find if you study my published web pages, there are numerous other criteria from the Bible, from verifiable astronomical events recorded by various authors of those days, from Josephus, Tacitus, Suetonius, and much more, that obviates 57 CE as a possible alternative for Paul’s last visit to Jerusalem.





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