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Trosbekännelse: “Helga dem i sanningen; ditt ord är sanning.” (Johannes 17:17)


Skapad (i svensk version) 5941[(?)] 09 23 2027 [2010-12-29]

Uppdaterad 5941[(?)] 09 24 2027 [2010-12-31]







Är det detta de vise männen såg?



Förlåt mig, men jag har inte hunnit översätta denna sida helt ännu… Kom ihåg Uppenbarelseboken 14:12!


In the 5th month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy; Luke 1:24, 36:

On July 31, 16 BCE there was at 1:52 AM rising above the eastern horizon a conjunction of Jupiter and Venus in the constellation Gemini, the Twins, and two days later at the same time the two of them, the planets, were joined by the aging moon. This would be at the time of the (4th or) 5th moon of the Scripture year and also at the time of the (4th or) 5th month of Elizabeth's pregnancy. Cf. Luke 1:24, 36!



Two days later… being joined by the aging moon:








One month later…   

At the time of the angel Gabriel’s visit with Mary in the sixth month of the Scripture year…


Venus in conjunction with Regulus and the aging moon close by:


At the time when the cock crows, about 3 AM, on Sept 1, 16 BCE, Venus could be seen rising over the eastern [Jerusalem] horizon while in conjunction with Regulus, in the constellation Lion, while also in conjunction with the Moon. This would correspond to the 26th day of the (5th or) 6th month of the Scripture year, and thus also with the time when Mary got her message from the angel Gabriel as recorded in Luke 1:26-38. While the last of the stars were disappearing in the dawn of the morning, Mercury, “the messenger star,” could be seen rising above the eastern horizon while trailing behind Jupiter, Venus, and the Moon:






A close up to the conjunction between Venus and Regulus (showing also the Moon in its correct proportional size:)





About 1 hour later, at the first dawn, Mercury, “the messenger star” may be seen rising above the horizon in pursuit of Venus, Regulus, and the Moon. Remember, the word “angel” means “messenger!:








The star that the wise men had “seen… in the east,” correlating, as it was, with…

Yeshua’s delivery…

nicely timed with Jupiter’s becoming visible over the eastern horizon shortly before sunrise:

After the middle of July, 15 BCE, within (a few days, or) a month of Yeshua's delivery[1], Jupiter became visible rising over the eastern horizon shortly before sunrise (thus becoming the ruler of the day, so to speak) while located quite close to the mouth of the Lion, the mouth of the Hydra, and the mouth of the Crab (cf. Rev 12:4!) and while on its way towards Regulus…:





Notice Jupiter’s position right close to the mouths of the Lion, the Crab, and the Hydra [the head of the Hydra, not seen here, is located a little to the right of the moon in this picture:]







3 months later, and 3-4 months after Yeshua’s delivery


The time when the wise men came to visit with King Herod in Jerusalem?


Jupiter came in conjunction with Regulus on Oct 6, 15 BCE…


Did the wise men realize the significance of the conjunction in Gemini? The Twins, who are they representing? Jacob and Esau? Or even Isaac and Ishmael? What is the extent of the boundaries of the kingdom of their father? Only Judah, or something much greater than that? Does salvation belong to the Jews only, or to each and every One willing to claim it for him or herself… as the offspring of Noah, or even as the offspring of Adam? Yeshua did: He used to call himself “the son of man,” but the true meaning of his original Hebrew words are “the son of Adam!”


Think about that! Selah!:







Eclipses were being strongly associated with kings being deposed and a new king coming…

On the very same evening, Oct 6, 15 CE, there was also a 60% partial lunar eclipse with its maximum at the time of moonrise.[2]







Zooming in… Notice the very close conjunction between Jupiter and Regulus!:








41 days later, just prior to dawn on November 17, 15 BCE… (Yeshua being now 4 or 5 months post-delivery:)


As the wise men left Jerusalem for Bethlehem:


Jupiter “stood…,”that is, Jupiter stopped before beginning its retrograde journey upon the sky…


The star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was…” Matthew 2:9 KJV


Notice that at this exact time Jupiter is located 12 degrees directly south from the zenith of the sky!:





In the evening of the same day…

Jupiter again rising above the eastern horizon…:






Prior to dawn of the same night as above…

Notice the relative positioning of Jupiter, Leo, and the Virgin while still rising upwards on the sky from the eastern horizon!

[I am thinking of Revelation 12:1:]







At 4:37 AM Jupiter has reached its highest position on the sky…
Notice that at this point Jupiter is located directly south of the zenith, in the direction of Bethlehem [as perceived from Jerusalem:]







54 days after the morning when Jupiter “stood…,”

54 days after the wise men left Jerusalem for Bethlehem early on November 17, 15 BCE…

Yeshua being now 6 or 7 months post-delivery…


Jupiter again in conjunction with Regulus…


Notice that this is quite a significant event from the point of view of a typical Babylonian astronomer: Typically, upon the Babylonian clay tables, were being recorded, as dusk was coming on and the stars were gradually becoming visible, the most prominent and noteworthy stars or planets that were being seen near the horizon. Timing relative to sunset is of great significance! I believe the same may be said for astrologers as well…:






Later the same evening…

Notice that the distance between Jupiter and Regulus is considerably greater at this pass, that is, as compared to the Oct 6, 15 BCE conjunction!

Could it be that the wise men from the east took this as a cue from the almighty not to approach King Herod as closely as they did before?






Same night, an hour after midnight…


Jupiter at its highest point that night, again directly south from zenith:




Continuing its journey on the sky…






Same night, towards the hour of dawn…





At dawn of the same night…

Jupiter in conjunction with Regulus is the last star seen on the western sky…

This too, is a notable event sometimes being recorded on those Babylonian astronomer’s clay tablets!:










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Känn dig fri att använda, och att i form av en fri Guds gåva dela med dig till andra, av sådana sanningar och välsignelser som tillhör ingen utom Gud, alltings skapare, allena. Själv förbehåller jag mig all copyright till allt sådant jag själv skapat, nämligen så att ingen annan lagligen äger att hålla mig tillbaks eller förhindra mig att själv använda och dela med mig till andra av mina egna alster. Detta gäller givetvis i synnerhet varje fel och missuppfattning som jag själv är upphov till. Jag är oerhört tacksam för all feedback som bidrar till att göra mig medveten om varje slags fel och missuppfattning som presenteras inom ramarna för mina egna verk! Jag behöver din feedback för att kunna rätta till fel som kanske du allena lagt märke till! Det finns ingen anledning för andra att få sin uppmärksamhet riktad på fel och missuppfattningar som tillhör mig allena. Var vänlig och respektera detta mitt anspråk och, än en gång, tveka inte ett ögonblick att låta mig veta om varje slags fel du lägger märke till!


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[1] I’ve estimated the due date for Yeshua’s delivery to either June 11 or July 11, 15 CE. As a matter of fact Jupiter’s conjunction with the sun fell on July 11, 15 CE.

[2] SNB Oct 6, 15 BCE sunset: 17:23:18 with the moon 0° 24’ 30” above the eastern Jerusalem horizon; moonrise: 17:20:07 in eclipse, first visible portion: 17:20:40.