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Statement of belief: “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.” (John 17:17 KJV)



Created 5925[(*??*)] 01 06 2029 [2013-04-17]

Edited 5925[(*??*)] 01 06 2029 [2013-04-17]




What Does this Word Mean?




An etymologic study of the word “Pentecost” provides that a more proper translation of the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek versions of that word would be in terms of “the 50 day Reckoning of Omer.” At least so far as it applies to Acts 2:1!

Given also the Hebrew emphasis upon the “cutoffs” identifying any given time period, it becomes obvious that the words of Acts 2:1 is pointing to an event at the time immediately following the sunset at the beginning of the 50th day that constitutes the Seventh Day Sabbath ending the 50 days of the Reckoning of Omer. More…





First, consider the terms “the Waving of the Sheaf” and “the Sacrifice of Omer” as also reflected in Strong’s:


Strong’s H6016: עמר; ‛ômer; o'-mer; From H6014; properly a heap, that is, a sheaf; also an omer, as a dry measure: - omer, sheaf.


Strong’s H2563: חמר; chômer; kho'-mer;  From H2560; properly a bubbling up, that is, of water, a wave; of earth, mire or clay (cement); also a heap; hence a chomer or dry measure: - clay, heap, homer, mire, motion, mortar.


Obviously, sheaves may be counted. Measures, such as an omer may likewise be counted.



Now, let’s consider also the English word “pot.” A pot may be designed and used as a measure, e.g. for measuring a number or fraction of omer.




Exo 16:33 KJV  And Moses said unto Aaron, Take a pot, and put an omer full of manna therein, and lay it up before the LORD, to be kept for your generations.



While keeping the sheaf, the omer, and the pot, these three, in mind, let’s now consider the word “Pentecost.”


“Pente-“ is obviously a word meaning “five” or “fifty,” as in “Pentateuch” or as in “Pentecost.” So what about the remainder, “-cost?”


In Acts 2:1 we find the word “Pentecost.” Considering that the Syriac Peshitta may be the closest to the original I have currently available, let’s look at how the word “Pentecost” appears in Acts 2:1 as seen in the Aramaic. Using Davar3 I was able to find the similar ending “-קסטא” of Mark 7:4, 8 as found also in “-קוסטא” of Acts 2:1:


 Acts 2:1 וכד אתמליו יומתא דפנטקוסטא כד כנישין הוו כלהון אכחדא:


 Mark 7:4 ומן שוקא אלא עמדין לא לעסין וסגיאתא אחרניתא אית אילין דקבלו דנטרון מעמודיתא דכסא ודקסטא ודמאני נחשא ודערסתא:


 Mark 7:8 שבקתון גיר פוקדנא דאלהא ואחידין אנתון משלמנותא דבני אנשא מעמודיתא דכסא ודקסטא וסגיאתא אילין דלהלין דמין:





As seen from the above script, the ending “-cost,” when taken as a word of its own, is translated into the English word “pots.” But, as seen above, the word “pots” means much the same as the Hebrew “omer,” as in the Counting of Omer. Thus, the word Pentecost could literally be translated as “fifty pots” or, paraphrasing, “a Reckoning of the 50 days of Omer.”


Now, considering the fact that Hebrew time reckoning puts a very heavy emphasis upon the beginnings that identify any given time period: At what point in time is it true that, as phrased in Acts 2:1 KJV, “the day of Pentecost was fully come?


Or, more accurately, considering the Aramaic text and Younan’s translation, as also seen above, “And after were fulfilled the days of Pentecost…” Please notice the plural in the word “days!” Obviously, in the Aramaic, the word Pentecost applies to more than one day! A more accurate translation of the word “Pentecost,” at least so far as Acts 2:1 i concerned, would be “the Reckoning of Omer.” That is, the word “Pentecost” properly applies to the entire 50 days of the Reckoning of Omer.


I find that the proper answer to my above question re Acts 2:1 is that “the day of Pentecost was fully come” at the sunset beginning the 50th day within the 50 days of Omer, that is, on Friday night at the beginning of the Seventh Day Sabbath constituting the 50th day of the Reckoning of Omer. Cf. this link!


Perhaps someone is concerned about the missing letter ‘waw’ when comparing the “pots” of Mark 7:4, 8 with the corresponding portion of “Pentecost” of Acts 2:1? The answer is that, generally speaking, the letter ‘waw’ does not change the fundamental meaning of a Hebrew word. If anything, when used as letter number two within a verb, the letter ‘waw’ makes that verb appear in its present tense. That is, as in the word “now.” Thus, if you will, we might consider the word “Pentecost” a word referencing 50 consecutive measures of nows! Cf. Matthew 3:2; 4:17 re the Kingdom of Heaven!


For consideration of the corresponding Hebrew word. Remember “-cost,” as in Pentecost…:


H7189: קשׁט    קשׁט; qosheṭ  qoshṭ; ko'-shet, kosht; From an unused root meaning to balance; equity (as evenly weighed), that is, reality: - certainty, truth.


H7083: קסת; qeseth; keh'-seth; From the same as H3563 (or as H7185); properly a cup, that is, an ink stand: - inkhorn.


Now, if you stop to think about this just a little: How many steps are there for me or you to take until we acquire a clear title to a piece of land? How many cups of ink will be used up before then? And not just mere “equity title,” but “allodial title.” That is, sovereign title such that no one has the right of claiming a property tax, or a building permit etc.! Consider Ezekiel 9! And do not forget Ezekiel 8!!!


As for me, well, it took quite a few years of focusing my mind upon the things the Lord of Host was laying before me. But let me tell you, it is worth it! Whatever it cost…!


Remember Matthew 13:44 and Jeremiah 41:8!


http://www.personal.utulsa.edu/~marc-carlson/horn/hink.gif               http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT_5-yBOyAfN8k19cIx0jdzIx28PL6V4xGfvdCqupDYJS_10GZ6               http://www.marysrosaries.com/collaboration/images/1/17/Inkhorn_(PSF).png        Inkhorn.jpg (1695 bytes)







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