Tour Guide - Join us in...

"Tuning into the Frequency
of the Creator..." 



Eating from the

Tree of Life©


 Lord, teach us!



Our Father in heaven,

   You alone are our source and our beginning. You are our only king and master. The time and time reckoning is yours, and no one else's. You have told us from the beginning to be attentive to your instructions but we have lost touch with your appointed time keepers. Please alert us! Please wake us up in time such that we may recognize you, as once did Peter on the stormy sea, and that we not mistake you for an unclean spirit!

"An Invitation to Join Our Scripture Calendar & Biblical Chronology Tour..."

Dear Seventh-day Adventist Brothers and Sisters,

     I am a fourth generation Seventh-day Adventist. My sons and daughter are fifth generation. That first generation of ours actually discovered the 7th Day Sabbath truth by studying the bible for them selves and began heeding the message before anyone else they knew kept the Sabbath. Makes me kind of proud of them... 
     What values have we inherited from our pioneers and from our ancestors? What do we have that is really worth something, something we may truly be proud of?
     In recent years there has been much strife and contention among descendents of Seventh-day Adventists, many of whom may still very much identify with being SDAs - while perhaps not yet necessarily having perceived all of the treasures discovered by our ancestors or by our pioneers. All too many are leaving our ranks, some even taking contrary stands - some even insisting that they are doing so for the sake of truth! 
     At times it may seem as though our beloved church is going to fall apart either by apostasy or by splintering off into various factions.
     Are there solutions to these serious problems? Does the Scriptures and our Creator have real time solutions for us in the here and now? Or, are all true and lasting solutions to be deferred until some undetermined future time when we will all see the Savior coming on the clouds for to bring us our long desired salvation?
     I am seeing many unanswered questions being thrown around in many different SDA forums all around our planet. Many of those questions have to do with time and timing:
     We are all deeply ingrained with the lesson we learned from "the great disappointment" in October 1844. None of us are willing or likely to repeat that mistake, are we?
     And then there are some who believe that because of the importance placed by Jesus upon the sign of Jonas, the crucifixion must have taken place on Wednesday or Thursday...
     Most are still going along with Sunday keepers in believing that the resurrection happened at the first dawn on Sunday morning...
     Although few SDAs may be falling back to Sunday keeping, others may still be reverting to keeping Sabbath from six to six - perhaps as a matter of convenience especially at latitudes closer to the poles...
     And then we have Daniel the prophet who taught us so many things about time and timing and who warned us in advance re all that which is represented by the Daniel II statue and re someone who "shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws..."
     The Contemporary English Version even has this last quote as "He will try to change God's Law and the sacred seasons," thus apparently indicating other seasons besides the weekly Sabbath. There seem to be more and more serious Seventh-day Adventists beginning to consider whether Passover, Pentecost and the Feast of Tabernacles ought not also to be observed and remembered - lest we should lose out on some valuable blessings of the Lord. - Reminiscent to the situation that occurred when after some ten years of keeping the Sabbath from six to six, more and more members of our church began realizing that perhaps the correct timing should be sunset to sunset, isn't it?
     So there is much to this matter of time and timing besides attempting to foretell exactly when or how certain yet to be fulfilled prophecies are going to take place, isn't there?
     Do these questions have clear answers? Can the serious problems our congregations and our families are facing be solved once and for all? Are the answers available in the Scriptures? Can God show us what they are? Are we applying the answers and the light already given?
     Has something been lost in the translation of the Bible into English from the Greek? Is perhaps the Greek itself a translation from an older Aramaic, or perhaps even from an Aramaic text that was itself translated from the Hebrew?
     There are many questions, but are we willing to pursue the answers? Are we truly comparable to the brethren in Berea?  Or, are we perhaps
more like those in Thessalonica? Are we, any of us as Seventh-day Adventists truly "receiv[ing] the word with all readiness of mind, and search[ing] the scriptures daily, whether those things [are] so?" Acts 17:11.
     Are we heeding the admonitions of Ellen G. White to seek for truth in the Bible? Are we experiencing the reality of seeing ever more meaning flashing out of familiar texts? (Cf. quote overleaf!) Or do we resist and denounce such new light from God, even as Ellen White herself did on at least two occasions? You may recall her 50 bible texts and her initial resistance to changing her Sabbath keeping from a constant six o'clock year around to the Scriptural sunset to sunset, or do you?
     Are we taking to heart the lessons Ellen G. White and our other pioneer brethren and sisters had to learn the hard way? Are we learning the object lessons we might learn through their experiences?

"Previously Hidden Treasures for me and mine to Discover in the Ancient Scriptures..."

     Did I ever wish or pray for something really important? Am I willing and eager to learn like a child? One tiny step at a time?
     Over the last several decades the Lord has blessed me by showing me a large number of hidden treasures that apparently no one else has discovered until now. Or at least I've found no one else who has.
     In my daily bible studies I keep discovering firsthand ever more and more that is, as far as I can tell, previously unknown or else forgotten since ancient times. I also keep noticing how my choice of time reference impacts upon the quality of my life, my health and my friendships...
     Did you ever consider whether there might be a better calendar option than the one we are using in our society today, even an ultimate option? Is such a calendar available even now? Is there a Scriptural calendar forgotten many centuries in the past? How can I find it if it exists?
     How can I find my own exact relationship in time relative to the events in the Scriptures? How can I find the exact dates for the events portrayed in the gospels, in the New Testament, and in the Old Testament? How can I know for certain what dates are reliable and which ones are not?
     Are these things important?
     - Is it important for my relationship with my loved ones whether or not I know what time it is?!
     - What impact might my being oriented to God's time and calendar have upon the quality of my relationship with my Creator?

Please consider carefully:

What is the relationship...: 

     1) between time, timing, tuning, frequency, my
of calendar; on the one hand, and...
between the quality of my most 
         valued friendships in life on the other hand?

         Re time & timing:

              * When I agree on a date with someone
How important is it for us to 
                 have our watches and our calendars 

              * What happens when time references 
                 are not in sync?

         Is tuning important...?

              * When playing a musical instrument 

              * When finding my desired radio or TV 

              * When getting together with my loved 
                 ones? "Vibes..."

              * When tuning into the still small voice 
             of my creator? 

         Tuning & frequency vs. calendar:

              * Have I recognized the parallel between 

                     1) tuning into my desired frequency;
                     2) my choice of calendar? 

              * Is it important to be oriented to time, 
                 place and person? I am thinking of 
                 someone with Alzheimer's disease...

              * Did I ever stop to consider how my 
                 choice of calendar may impact the 
                 quality and contents of my life and 
                 my ability to perceive clearly and
                 with no uncertain sound my messages
                 from God?

         Re time vs. matter:

              * Can matter exist without time?

              * What about: "First in time is first in 
                 line?" Ownership?

              * Do I know of anything more 
                 fundamental, anything more essential, 
                 anything more necessary to my very 
                 existence than time itself?

              * How important is it for me to know 
                 where I am coming from and from 
                 whom? be in touch with 
                 reality? understand the causes of 

              * More re "First in time is first in line:" 

                   - Who am I claiming as my owner 
                      when asked for and showing my 

                   - Which god or what powers (the
                      Hebrew word for god means powers)
                      does my ID represent?: 

                       *  The Creator OR a State 
                           represented by the Daniel 2 

                       *  What Babylon are God's people 
                           being called out of today per 
                           Revelation 18:4? 

                   -  Am I one with myself re whom I 
                       am and to whom I belong? Am I a
                       citizen of a State or am I truly 
                       One among the People of God? 
                       Am I honest to myself if I claim 
                       to be two opposite things at the
                       same time?

                   -  If I know I may have many steps 
                       to go before I arrive at my desired
                       destination, am I wise to consider
                       the road too long or too uncertain 
                       and to give up before I even take 
                       step number one? Is it wise for me 
                       to be expedient or is it not? Should 
                       I prefer my government given 
                       benefits and my rights to buy and 
                       sell over the many exciting 
                       uncertainties and adventures of 
                       a road I've never traveled before?

     Will you join us for an adventure tour of the Scriptures where our primary focus is time?

     Will you join us in discovering even more treasures among the Creator's markers of time?
     Will you join us and experience firsthand how those markers of time when applied in each our daily life blesses us ever more abundantly?
     Will you travel through time with us as we all become more aware of the differences our choices of time reference and our choices of calendar make from day to day in each of our lives!

     Join us right now by completing the two boxes in the small pop up window before pressing the "Yes... Please!" bar and we will send you our weekly Tour Guides "Tuning into the Frequency of the Creator..."

                                         Father and Son

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Eating the Leaves of
the Tree of Life

     "In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. Rev. 22:2.

     "Must we wait until we are translated before we eat of the leaves of the tree of life? He who receives into his heart the words of Christ knows what it means to eat the leaves of the tree of life. . . .

     "The knowledge that comes from God is the bread of life. It is the leaves of the tree of life which are for the healing of the nations. The current of spiritual life thrills the soul as the words of Christ are believed and practiced. Thus it is that we are made one with Christ. The experience that was weak and feeble becomes strong. It is eternal life to us if we hold the beginning of our confidence firm unto the end."

                 Thompson, Darryl, 
                 Our Father Cares, p. 272




"New Meaning in Familiar Texts

"As soon as the seeker for truth opens the Bible to read the utterances of God with reverence, possessing an earnest desire to know "what saith the Lord," light and grace will be given him, and he will see wondrous things out of God's law. He will not regard the law of Jehovah as a yoke of bondage, but as the gracious commands of One who is all-wise and full of compassion. He will make haste to fulfill His requirements. Great truths whichs have been neglected and unappreciated for ages, will be revealed by the Spirit of God, and new meaning will flash out of familiar texts . Every page will be illuminated by the Spirit of God, and new meaning will flash out of familiar texts. Every page will be illuminated by the Spirit of truth. The Bible is not sealed but unsealed. The most precious truths are revealed; the living oracles are heard by wondering ears, and the consciences of men are aroused into action." 

    (White, Ellen G., Testimonies on Sabbath School Work, p. 30; Counsels on Sabbath School Work, p. 35.)







Discover Firsthand How the Scripture's Own Calendar Just May Be Your Key to the Time of God's Kingdom!

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