What evidence is there of People from the Stars?

The following Crop Circles and videos present some evidence that we have visitors from other planets among us. Take some time to look at the crop circles and the 4 videos below totalling 26 minutes.


  C R O P    C I R C L E S  

According to Wikipedia 26 countries reported approximately 10,000 crop circles in the last third of the 20th century. Most of these were located in southern England.

Some of these circles are several 100 meters wide. Below is a selection of crop circles I found on the net.

Click on the circle-arrows below to view crop circles. They are uplifting!

of 54  

This past winter, I held a presentation on crop circles for a small group of people. Most were unaware of how advanced, how large and how many crop circles have been made. In my view these are some of the most fantastic pieces of art work and deserve more attention regardless if they are man-made or made by Star People.

Below is a video of a woman telling her story of a Space Craft hovering over her house. She was terrified, petrified! For this reason I believe that the Star People are very careful to show their crafts in the sky. Crop circles on the other hand do not evoke fear. For this reason they have chosen a geometrical symbolic language as a means of communication which will not induce fear.

  5   V I D E O S   T O T A L L I N G   4 4   m i n u t e s   

Paul Hellyer, the ex-Canadian Minister of National Defense, says he is convinced that UFOs are real, aliens have visited Earth and alleges that the U.S. government has and is covering up information on them.

'People keep talking about transparency and still not telling the truth, and this applies in various other areas as well as UFOs' says Mr. Hellyer.

He also says that he is the first person of cabinet rank in the G8 group of countries to state unequivocally "UFO’s are as real as the airplanes flying overhead".

This video features people around the world, some in prominent positions saying:
"I Know My Galactic Family Is Here, Do You?" (UFO Disclosure)

There are many clips of Space crafts.

A Woman tells her story of seeing a Space Craft hovering over her house:

Here is a clip of several Crafts flying over London.

There are hundreds of clips of flying Crafts on YouTube.

Welcome Us As Friends - The Galactic Federation Of Light.
A message from the Star People.

The Galactic Federations of Light have a Prime Directive of not directly interfering with us until enough of us are aware of their presence so that they can appear more openly and without us fearing them. That is a reason why there are increasing UFO sightings all around the world during recent times like the one shown in the clip above.

The following book published in the fifties, is an interesting account of the author visiting several space ships. In the exerpt below he discribes small discs that are sent out to collect data etc. There are videos on YouTube showing balls of light zipping around forming crop circles. These are probably similar to the discs described in the book.


Click to read this book online.

Inside the Space Ships by George Adamski

An exerpt:

Now, to my great excitement, I saw here twelve small disks lined up in two rows on opposite sides of the ship. I guessed immediately that these were the registering disks or small, remotely controlled devices sent out by the mother ships for close observation. They were about three feet in diameter, of shiny, smooth material, and shaped rather like two shallow plates, or hub-caps, turned upside down and joined at the rims so that the central part was a few inches thick. I learned, however, that such disks varied in size from about ten inches to twelve feet in diameter, depending on the amount of equipment carried. As I have stated elsewhere, they contained highly sensitive apparatus which not only guided each little Saucer perfectly in its desired path of flight, but also transmitted back to the Mother Ship full information on every kind of vibration-rate taking place in the area under observation.