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Statement of belief: “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.” (John 17:17 KJV)


Created with a beginning on Sabbath 5939[v2016-12-14-21:32] 14 06 2036 [Saturday 2020-02-29] when Toby Joreteg held the sermon at Nyhyttan and asked the question ”How long was the door of the Ark shut before the rains of the Flood began (Gen 7:4, 10?,)” and I suggested that the ”the seven days” may be a date stamp referencing the 7th Day...

This article begun on 5939[v2016-12-14-21:32] 14 17 2036 [Wednesday 2020-03-11 thru 5939[v2016-12-14-21:32] 14 23 2036 [Saturday evening 2020-03-14.]







Noah’s Flood Date Stamps

Is there a hidden exact date for this event?



Is there an exact date for Noah’s Flood hidden in the Bible? If so, How may we discover it?

In his sermon at Nyhyttan SDA Church on the 7th Day Sabbath ”February 29, 2020” Toby Joreteg challenged his listeners by throwing out the question ”How long was the door of the Ark shut before the rains of the Flood began (Gen 7:4, 10?)” After his sermon I suggested to him that ”the seven days” is most likely a date stamp referencing ’the 7th Day... Shortly thereafter the thought came to me that the 7th day references in Genesis 7 might serve as a double dated calendar when added to the more familikar day of the month dates of that Flood record in Genesis chapter 7.

From Google Earth Pro I derived the present day coordinates of the apparent Noah’s Ark remains located on the other side of the valley south west from Mt Ararat: 39.6 N 44.0 E.

From my autocad model avi-file I gathered the corresponding coordinates prior to the first of the three pole posithions discovered by Charles Hapgood et. al as recorded in his books: 13.7 S 104.0 W (Yellow cross vs. red grid and yellow text in the map below.



Earth coordinates prior to the 1st of 3 past poleshifts as discovered

by Charles Hapgood et. al. (red grid & yellow text,) vs. current coordinates (blue grid & red text.)

Showing also the location of the remains of Noah’s ark in the mountains of Ararat (yellow cross.)

(An excerpt from my autocad model.)



Seeing that said 1st poleshift must be an event after the end of the Flood and prior to Joshua’s Long Day, or else no maps would be extant showing a polar location prior to that which was immediately prior to Joshua’s long day. No map from prior to the Flood would be likely to show any semplance at all to the post Flood geography.

 Our first challenge will be to determine the time zone difference between said location in the mountains of Ararat before and after said 1st of 3 past poleshifts. From the above map we have the before poleshift #1 location 13.7 S 104.0 W identified.



Earth coordinates following the 1st of 3 past poleshifts as discovered

by Charles Hapgood et. al. (red grid & yellow text,) vs. current coordinates (blue grid & red text.)

Showing also the post 1st poleshift location of the remains of Noah’s ark in the mountains of Ararat (yellow cross) at 40 N 40 E.

(An excerpt from my autocad model.)



From the last picture above we may identify the post poleshift #1 location as approximately 40N 40E. This represents a transfer of 144 degrees in an easterly direction, or else a 216 degrees transfer in a westerly direction, or, as expressed in terms of time zone difference, 9.6 hrs added, or else 14.4 hrs lost. Seeing that at the time of King Hezekiah a similar situation was solved by giving King Hezekaih the choice as recorded per 2 Kings 20:9-11, and that King Hezekiah’s choice resulted in a move within the same date zone without passing our current international date line in the Pacific, that poleshift is fairly easily dealt with in terms of Julian Day reckoning etc.. At the time of Joshua’s long day, on the other hand, it appears as though the transfer involved a move above the polar circle at midsummer time resulting in a very long day, which is to say the same as saying that clock hours were being lost, as when moving in a westerly direction across the international date line. Based on the route of transfer suggested per my autocad model, I see no indication of any similar above the polar circle route, but without any certain eye witness record of that 1st of 3 poleshift as to a very long or short day or night, without more information I do not see how one may determine this issue at the present time. That is, unless an answer may still lay dormant within the account of Noah’s Flood as per the record provided for us in Genesis chapter 7? Might such an answer be suggested by means of including one or more of the several ”seven days”, or rather 7th Day, events at the end of the record of Noah’s Flood, within my present test seriest XXVI.1... within my file GateWayToTheSacredCalendarOfTheCreatorInProgress....htm?

Nevertheless, for purposes of determining the Julian Day options, the pre- vs. post poleshift day of the week should be either the same, or else minus one day. That is, considering the minus one day of Joshua’s Long Day, the pre 1st of 3 poleshift dates should be either minus two or else minus one weekday.






“Great truths which have been neglected and unappreciated for ages will be revealed by the Spirit of God, and new meaning will flash out of familiar texts. Every page will be illuminated by the Spirit of truth. The Bible is not sealed but unsealed. The most precious truths are revealed; the living oracles are heard by wondering ears, and the consciences of men are aroused into action.” [CSW 34.3]









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