Without recourse. All Rights Reserved. Tree of Life©

 Statement of belief: “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.” (John 17:17 KJV)


Created 5942[v2016-12-14-21:32] 10 20 2039 [2023-01-13 eve]

Edited 5942[v2016-12-14-21:32] 10 23 2039 [2023-01-17] – Added photos into jpg diagram, and entered new diagram into older formatted Word document

Edited 5942[v2016-12-14-21:32] 10 24 2039 [2023-01-18] – Added photos and more into jpg diagram

Edited 5942[v2016-12-14-21:32] 10 28 2039 [2023-01-22] – Added Footnotes with links re 536 CE Disaster, and EGW’s description of the Great Lisbon Earthquake






Footnotes – 6 separate items!:  - Press the links, please!


1.    490 years



2.    2,300 years – Yet another double fulfillment of the Dan 8:14 prophecy!  1844/45 + .60 yrs. = 1904/05

-      Please notice the many correlations between the Tabernacle and God’s own Family!

-      Has Satan been successful in hiding this correlation, or not?!



3.    The Jan 1 1837 Great Galilee-Safed-Tiberia-Watchtower-Sentry Earthquake

vs the Stone that hit 9 year old Ellen Gould Harmon within days of that earthquake…



4.    The Lisbon Earthquake in 1755:

Ellen G. White’s description of the Great Lisbon Earthquake [GC88 304.1-305.2]

Etymology of ‘Lisbon’:  Another claim repeated in literature is that the name of Lisbon could be traced back to Phoenician times, referring to a supposed Phoenician term Alis-Ubbo, meaning "safe harbour" or "pleasant haven". [Wikipedia]



5.    The 536++ CE Climate Disaster YouTube Links:

                                                I.         536 AD: The Worst Year In History?  [1:38:43] - Dendrology findings…

a.     The Mystery Of 536 AD: The Worst Climate Disaster In History  [49:21; identical to the beginning of the above!] – Prof. Mike Bailey pioneered the science of dendrology… Record going back 7 ½ x 10^3 years…

b.     The Volcanic Winter Of 536 AD: When The Sun Disappeared [49:15; identical to the above!]

                                              II.         Year 536 Was the Worst Year to Be Alive - What Happened? [11:39] - Historical sources

                                            III.         Recreating The Volcanic Eruption That Led To The Dark Ages [49:37] - Modeling the Krakatoa eruption…

a.     Why 536 AD Was The Worst Year To Be Alive [49:28; identical to the above!] - David Keys, Ken Wohletz,

                                            IV.         536 AD - Worst Year in History [16:18] – Procopius (under his General Belisarius) writes that in the “10th year of Justinian’s reign… a most dread portent took place for the sun gave forth it light without brightness, like the moon, during this whole year… war… pestilence… death… ” (536 CE)…. (Explosion of Tambora in 1815)… worst decade in 2,300 years… 7 severe volcanic eruptions in the last 2,000 years: 44 BC, 536 AD, 626 AD, 934 AD, 1258 AD, 1783 AD…

                                              V.         The Mystery Volcanic Eruption in 536; The Year of Hell [5:05] -   -66% less sunlight for 18+ months… Procopius quoted… 536-537 AD… Global mean AOD at 550 nm diagram… ScrnPrnt of several dated volcanic eruptions…

                                            VI.         A Day In The Worst Year To Be Alive: Year 536 AD [8:18] – Scanning 536 events worldwide…






Unless we stand on the elevated platform of eternal truth, we shall be swept away by the tide of delusive error that is sweeping over the world. .Satan is coming down with great power to work miracles, and unless we are abiding in Christ, we shall be deceived. God’s people are not the only ones who will have miracle-working power in the last days. Satan and his agencies will work “with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish.” [2 Thessalonians 2:9, 10.] It is not miracle-working power by which our faith is substantiated. We must rely upon the power of God. We must stand upon His platform of eternal truth. His Word, the Bible, is the foundation of our faith. Unless we plant our feet upon this foundation, unless we substantiate our faith “by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God” [Matthew 4:4], we shall be deceived by .Satan. when he .comes in glory, claiming to be Christ..  [17LtMs, Ms 169, 1902, par. 64]












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