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Statement of belief: “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word
is truth.” (John 17:17 KJV)
Created 5926[(*??*)] 12 24 2030 [2014-03-27]
Updated 5926[(*??*)] 12 24 2030 [2014-03-27]
Parsing the Akkadian of BM
Re Col.i, line 7:
Mercury’s positioning relative to δ Leonis may be compared to a very similar positioning of Venus on June 20, 568 BCE (cf. obv. l. 13, VAT 4956 where the Akkadian words “KUN UR-A” meaning “the rump of δ Leonis” appear.)
Accordingly, and after conferring also the following
Re ‘-is’ meaning “fiery:” The Akkadian
Dictionary, searching for “ ic*
” / “10. išātu : 1) fire,“ I find “-is” being a likely
reference to the brightness of Mercury, that is, “fiery;”
Re ‘GU4-UD”
being a certain reference to Mercury: Cf. BM 32312
Col.i, l. 7; Col.iii, l. 5’;
Col.iv, l. 7’; VAT 4956
Obv. ll. 9, 10, 12, and 13; Rev. ll. 17’ and 20;
Re “ina
NIM” meaning “in the east:” Cf. BM 32312
Col.i, ll. 7 and 12; Col.iv,
ll. 7’ and 17’;
Re “ár”
meaning “after:” Cf. BM 32312
Col.i, ll. 7 and 8; Col.iv.
l. 15’;
Re “mulxKUN” meaning “the Rump star:” Cf. BM 32312
Col.i ll. 7 and 8. More particularly re “mulx” meaning “star:” Cf. BM 32312
Col. ll. 7, 8, 11, 12, 16, and 17; Col.ii, l. 2; and Col.iv, ll. 1’, 15’, and 16’; and re “KUN” meaning “the Rump…:”
Cf. BM
32312 Col.i, ll. 7 and 8; and VAT 4956 Obv.
Re “me ŠÚ” being
meaning “not seen due to atmospheric conditions, e.g. overcast, clouds, etc.:” Cf.
BM 32312
Col.i ll. 7 and 8; More particularly re “ŠÚ” meaning “sunset,
overcast, evening, etc.:” Cf. the references provided in Ann
O’Maly’s work, at [p. 40,] [p. 42,] [p. 46,] [p. 72: #19,] and [p. 73:
I find a better translation of the transliteration of
Obv. l. 7 of BM 32312, that is,
is: “Fiery
Mercury stood in
the east after
the Rump star
of Leonis was no longer visible in the atmosphere of dawn.”
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