
Skickat:                           Thursday, October 25, 2012 11:52 AM

Till:                                  ''

Ämne:                             Woe, woe, woe! - A warning message following the Scriptural Day of Trumpets and preceding the Scriptural Day of At-One-Ment in the Year "2012"...



יהוה אלהים

Adamah Republic ©

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Written with a beginning on 5924[((*??*))] 07[1] 07 2028


The Fourth Day [of the week,]


The 7th day of month #7, 7 Tishrei,

in the 5924th[(??)] year following the beginning recorded in Genesis 1

and in the 2028th year following the beginning recorded in Luke 1:26-33


[The 7th day of the month per ancient Rabbinical reckoning,

8 Cheshvan (month #8) per more recent Jewish reckoning

(based upon a decimal error in Hillel II’s directives causing a wandering of the seasons!),


[Wednesday, the 4th day of the Pope’s week (as revised in Sweden from 1973 A.D.,)

October 24 in the 2012th year of Caesar Tiberius

(per current Gregorian reckoning in Europe and elsewhere,)

Cf. Daniel 7:25…]






Beloved Brothers & Sisters in the Lord of Hosts,


At this time and before the upcoming Sabbath, which Sabbath this year happen to coincide with the Biblical Day of Atonement (per my own findings; cf. the above footnote,) I wish to turn your attention to a most serious threat against all of our lives, a threat which may indeed have been realized to a lesser or greater extent already in many of our lives as well as in many of our families – whether we are aware of the reason for it or not! What will be my choice? How will you choose?: 1) The pay check you and I have become dependent upon, and certain common conveniences that each of us has become used to, or else 2) each our own life?


This matter may or may not be news to you, but to me this very week has been a real eye opener so far as realizing the very serious threat that GMO foods are posing against each our health and longevity. Upon realizing the extent unto which GMO fodder is being used for feeding the cattle which is producing the meats and the dairy products that are being sold and served in many, if not most, of our local stores and restaurants, I have become really concerned for my own future, for that of my own family, indeed, for all of us…


It has been claimed that gene manipulated (GMO) foods have been prohibited or are not being sold in our European countries, but is this really true???...


I took a look at the website of the one major Swedish corporation, Lantmännen, from which most Swedish farmers buy a large share of the various things needed for their farming. What I found is most alarming to me, to say the least! This corporation is very active in openly promoting, developing, and selling GMO products. To what extent am I responsible for supporting the gene manipulation efforts of that corporation by means of buying or eating foods that are being produced on the basis of products from that corporation? What can I do to stop being responsible for all the dis-ease and death that are the unavoidable consequences of such abuse of science?


Considering the central role being played by Lantmännen in Sweden (cf. Lantmännen re "GMO and genetic engineering" and Lantmännen re "Plant protectants" [please press the links!]) – I have no doubt but that the situation is much the same in the rest of the European countries, as in most countries on this planet… – What guarantee do I have that the various food additives (often hidden behind the various E-numbers) and other ingredients, that I buy from my local food store, are not gene manipulated (GMO foods)? For instance, having learned that Canola oil is one of the most widely spread GMO products sold on this planet, do I truly have cause for believing that this is not likewise the case in the Scandinavian countries? Recognizing also that the ingredients listed as “vegetable oil” and “vegetable fat,” as found within most items in my local food store, is most often a reference to Canola oil etc. is certainly not too reassuring to me!


Here is a list of some of the most widely spread GMO products being or having been grown and sold world wide (cf. the movie Genetic Roulette at 1:10:32!):

1)    Soy

2)   Corn

3)   Cottonseed (cf. E466)

4)   Canola (for oil)

5)   Sugar beets (for sugar)

6)   Papaya (Hawaiian and Chinese)

7)   Zuchinni

8)   Yellow Crookneck Squash

9)   Alfalfa (for hay)

10) Potatoes

11)  Tomatoes


Well, perhaps you are still as ignorant as I was until this very week re the GMO product’s consequences in terms of death and disease? If so you may appreciate some of the following links. Considering the seriousness of this very real threat to each and all our lives, please notice especially the movie (item #3 below) which is made freely available for viewing until October 31 of this year!:


1)    Seeds of Deception,

2)   Responsible Technology,

3)   Genetic Roulett movie (se gratis t.o.m. 31 oktober!)


It seems to me that it is high time for each one of us to accept and to heed the calling of the Great Physician, our Deliverer and Savior, and to allow Him alone to lead us along the Way to Truth and to Life in the here and now. Cf. John 14:6!



May the peace being offered unto each one of us, by God, each our Creator and Savior, in consequence of each our willingness to accept His teaching, guidance, and consequent blessings, reign over each our family and home,



Gunnar ©



PS. Perhaps this PS will seem as overwhelming you with too much at one time, but I’d like to call your attention also to some of the hidden realities behind the powerful incentives by the pharmaceutical industry and by our various States towards forcing upon the general public any number of vaccines (Please press each of the links below!:)


1)     The Vaccine Empire has Collapsed

2)    ‘Biofarms’ to Integrate Vaccines, Pharmaceuticals into GMO ‘Biopharmaceutical’ Crops

3)    Leading World Bank Demographer: Vaccination Campaigns Part Of Population Reduction Policy



PS II. Last, but not least, let’s not forget the good news!: Remember how exceedingly easy it is to perform any number of specific nothings, all at the very same time. For instance:


1)    You don’t have to kill – for instance for the purpose of getting meat on your plate for dinner…

2)   You don’t have to spend your money on meat, milk, dairy, eggs and a host of other things that you are truly eating only because that’s the taste you are used to and because you have too much money in your wallet. - There is absolutely no truth to the concept that you need such things for nourishment! The nourishment available from the plant kingdom is far better!

3)   You do not have to keep kidding yourself or your children that you must receive vaccines in order to protect your selves from such diseases as are being falsely prophesied by the pharmaceutical industry…

4)   You don’t have to ingest GMO products if you are careful to inform yourself…



You may free yourself from all of the GMO induced illnesses – thanks to the Lord of Hosts!  Such illnesses will more than likely leave you within days or months after eating nothing but non-GMO foods! That is, so long as you are still alive and breathing… Be sure to buy and eat only Organic and Non-GMO foods – most especially so far as the foods found in the list above!







Without recourse. All Rights Reserved. Adamoh Republic ©

יהוה אלהים

[1] After having focused closely upon Scriptural chronology based upon the most original references and using the best tools available to me, I see little or no reason not to consider Scripture month #1, aviv (as used and applied in Biblical times,) as being based upon the aviv found on Mount Jerusalem, or perhaps more accurately, upon the current location of the Ark of the Covenant (while not upon the aviv found at hotter and lower altitudes, albeit within the boundaries of Israel, e.g. in the Negev desert (2012,) in the Jordan valley (2011,) in the Jordan valley (2010) or in the Negev desert (2010.) Cf. this link!