
Skickat:                           Saturday, October 15, 2011 01:26 PM

Till:                                  'Toby Joreteg'

Ämne:                             SV: Newsletter #55: The Laodicean Problem


יהוה אלהים

Without recourse. All Rights Reserved. Gunnar Anders Smårs Jr ©






Sweden Republic ©




Written with a beginning on 5923[((*??*)] 06[[[1]]] 16 2027


The Seventh Day Sabbath, God’s own Day of Rest


the 16th day of month #616 Elul,

in the 5923rd[(??)] year following the beginning recorded in Genesis 1

and in the 2027th year following the beginning recorded in Luke 1:26-33


[The 15th day of the month per ancient Rabbinical reckoning,

17 Tishrei (month #7) per more recent Jewish reckoning

(based upon a decimal error in Hillel II’s directives causing a wandering of the seasons!),


[Saturday, the 6th day of the Pope’s week (as revised in Sweden from 1973 A.D.,)

October 15 in the 2011th year of Caesar Tiberius

(per current Gregorian reckoning in Europe and elsewhere,)

Cf. Daniel 7:25…]







Dear Toby,



Thanks for your Newsletter #55! Another valuable letter to carefully read and consider!



A dream of mine


I had a dream. This was quite a few years ago. Let’s see if I can remember some of the particulars. There was a feast. I believe it was a wedding feast. I walked into the room where all the guests were seated at the table. I was dressed in nothing but my birth day suit. The one God had given me from the very beginning. I felt no shame. Everything seemed to be in order.


Well, that was the dream so far as I currently remember it. Then there was a real time event sometime later. I met one of the local elders of the church who was a friend of mine. Oh, it is possible that he had not even at that time as yet become an elder in our local church. I don’t remember exactly. What I do remember is that after I told him my dream his attitude towards me seemed to suddenly change. Whereas before that time I had felt that he was warm and friendly and one of the few in our church who were truly willing to stand up and be counted even in the midst of opposition and when the majority were not willing to accept some important messages of truth, after that time I seem to perceive that he turned his coat and sailed along with the majority while no longer standing up for the cleansing messages of God that we had both been thus far doing our best to stand up for. Or at least that was my perception of it. I may be wrong. I’ve had very much to learn from that time onwards, indeed, ever since my life began… And I have no doubt but that God have been able to use and to lead that friend of mine to many most valuable insights and that He has been able to use him as an instrument for some very important purposes, and no doubt my attitude and my character has been in need of very much change as well, and still is…


Well, in some ways the above experience of mine is very much reminiscent of the Laodicea message. At least to me…





About gold


What is gold? What does gold represent in the Laodicea message? Well, surely you are familiar with the fact that Ellen means ‘light’ as in ‘eye salve,’ that Gould means what it sounds like, and that White is the color of the ‘white cloths’ being offered us per that message, are you not? But more than that, What else may ‘gold’ represent?


You are familiar with the obvious truth in the saying ‘Time is money,’ are you not? Well, if time is money, then certainly money is time, or isn’t that likewise obvious? But, and this is a very important thing to realize, what is ‘money?’ Real money? Looking it up in my e-Sword Webster Dictionary I find the following definition:


MONEY: 1. Coin; stamped metal; any piece of metal, usually gold, silver or copper, stamped by public authority, and used as the medium of commerce.


Accordingly I find, or don’t you agree, that money, real money, is gold and gold is money…


Well, it follows that if time is money is gold, then the converse is likewise true: Gold is money is time, or simply: Gold is time.




Now, consider this: You are familiar with the Scripture usage of the concept described by the word chiasm, are you not? If so you are familiar with the importance of recognizing the focal, or middle, point within each particular passage or story of the Holy Scriptures, are you not? Now, think about that for a moment!


Next, apply that chiasm concept upon the name Ellen Gould White, or Ellen Gould Harmon. Gould, or gold, or time, is Ellen’s middle name. Gold, time, is at the very heart of that chiasm being constituted by Ellen’s name…


Next, do the same little trick with the things created within each of the seven creation days… What do you see? Which day is the middle day? Which day is at the center of the chiasm? What things were created on the day? What was the stated purpose of those things?


Now, suppose you do the same trick once again, this time upon the five books of the Torah, the five books of Moses. Which of the five is at the heart of the chiasm? Do you see any relationship between the things outlined in chapter 23 of that book at the center of the chiasm, that somehow or other has any ties to the center point of the Genesis 1 chiasm?...


From another point of view, knowing that you yourself, since years back, have been spending considerable time studying and carefully considering the Holy Scriptures under the personal guidance of the Holy Spirit of God, don’t you realize the importance of the time factor in this commitment of yours? I am sure you do. And don’t tell me I am wrong in that!?






Now, about those glossy ‘black’ cloths of the Laodiceans?


A few years back I happened to comment to a police man about his black uniform… He immediately responded: “It is not black, it is dark!” Later I came to think about the significance of those words of his. The color of the uniform is representative of the Powers of Darkness.


I wonder whether the people of Laodicea were looking at this color thing as did the above said police man?




Justification vs. Sanctification?


I am curious as to what real time difference you see between those words? Could it be that justification is closer to the cause of things, while sanctification is closer to the consequence of things, that is, as in sanctification being the continual cleansing in consequence of a justified or corrected way of thinking?




How rich and wealthy are we?


Is it really true that we have the correct understanding of God’s Sabbaths? Or, could it be that we’ve only taken the very first step in that direction? What about the remainder of the Sabbaths defined for us in Leviticus 23?


Do we have the correct understanding of Daniel and Revelation? Then how is it that our official SDA stance has become as dead as a fossilized bone while stopping dead in the tracks pretty much at the point unto which our Bible studying pioneers had been able to reach by the time of their relatively short life spans?


How about ‘end time events?’ To what extent have we lost track of the connection between the very first words recorded of Jesus’ and John the Baptist’s messages, the first angel’s message, and all of those messages pointing, not so much to the end of things, but to the point of the beginning, most especially that point in time which is forever being described by the word ‘now?’


What about the Sanctuary message? To what extent do we ever hear anything being taught re the most intimate connections between the particulars of the Sanctuary on the one hand, and, on the other hand, the ‘family’ as in ‘the image of God,’ and as in ‘male and female created They them?’


The Health Message? To what extent has this message become more of a nominal designation than a living and growing reality among our own beloved Seventh-day Adventist brethren and sisters?... While the reality is that we’ve allowed ourselves to become more and more of the right hand of the drug companies, that is, as in being professional ‘drug dealers.’


What about ‘etc.?’




How is it that so many SDAs are no longer considering the above messages of salvation ‘a salvation issue?’


Are we truly willing to lend Jesus an ear every now and then?





May we humble ourselves and begin paying attention to what the words in the Word of God really do mean, such that there will hopefully sometime be a reality in words such as…


May the peace of God rest over each our families and homes forever more,


Shabbat Shalom,


Gunnar ©









Från: [] För Toby Joreteg
Skickat: Friday,
October 14, 2011 2:05 AM
Till: undisclosed-recipients:
Ämne: Newsletter #55: The Laodicean Problem


Dear Friends,

This weeks Newsletter comes very close to home. How often have we not heard that we belong to the Laodicean Church. Since this Church is mentioned in the Book of Revelation, we are almost proud of being part of it. But, please take a second look!

I pray that God will be glorified by this Newsletter and that we will be inspired by the Holy Spirit.

Toby Joreteg MD, PhD







Without recourse. All Rights Reserved. Gunnar Anders Smårs Jr ©

יהוה אלהים


[1] After having focused closely upon Scriptural chronology based upon the most original references and using the best tools available to me, I see little or no reason not to consider Scripture month #1, aviv (as used and applied in Biblical times,) as being based upon the aviv found on Mount Jerusalem, or perhaps more accurately, upon the current location of the Ark of the Covenant (while not upon the aviv found at hotter and lower altitudes, albeit within the boundaries of Israel, e.g. in the Jordan valley or in the Negev desert.) Cf. this link!