
Skickat:                           Friday, September 09, 2011 11:46 PM

Till:                                  'Toby Joreteg'

Ämne:                             SV: Newsletter #50: Moses and Jesus


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Written with a beginning on 5923[((*??*)] 05[[[1]]] 10 2027


The Seventh Day Sabbath,


the 10th day of month #5, 10 Av,

in the 5923rd[(??)] year following the beginning recorded in Genesis 1

and in the 2027th year following the beginning recorded in Luke 1:26-33


[The 10th day of the month per ancient Rabbinical reckoning,

10 Elul (month #6) per more recent Jewish reckoning

(based upon a decimal error in Hillel II’s directives causing a wandering of the seasons!),


[Friday evening, the 5th day of the Pope’s week (as revised in Sweden from 1973 A.D.,)

September 9 in the 2011th year of Caesar Tiberius

(per current Gregorian reckoning in Europe and elsewhere,)

Cf. Daniel 7:25…]





Shabbat Shalom Toby,


Thanks for your 50th Newsletter! That number is reminiscent of the Day of Sabbaths, that is, God’s own special annual celebration of His own 7th Day Sabbath meetings with His own People throughout the year, that is, His own Pentecost… in contradistinction to that Sunday celebration by the same name as ordained by the Pope and by Caesar Constantine in the 4th century…


Nevertheless, thanks again for your Newsletter! As always I enjoy them and value them, and this time is certainly no exception. Two or three days ago I happened to read an article in the August issue of the Adventist World on the very same theme. Perhaps you read it too? It was an interview with Ted Wilson, and the title is Rediscovering True Worship. I shed a few tears of joy when reading that interview. Perhaps you did or will too? Also in the same issue you truly must read the cover story The Hiroshima Miracle! I don’t know about you, but to me I find it significant that this story is being published 66 years, as in 666, after the event in Hiroshima, and the very different mark that those Adventists in Hiroshima must have been carrying, that is, per Ezekiel 9:4… No doubt you are familiar with all of chapter 9, are you not?


Anyhow, these last twenty plus years of my life have been very eventful years. Years of studying God’s word with an interest that is only growing by leaps and bounds, and those events written in Ezekiel 9:4 seems very much to meet Yeshua’s own words of advise per John 13:19; 14:29. As you know, the name Nyhyttan is a name pointing to a very hot oven heated for the purpose of melting the metals out of the ores. Well, to me that name is more than symbolic of much of that which has been, and is, taking place here over these years. God has indeed been using that oven for cleansing my life in more ways than one, and I am very happy for having been privileged to be blessed by God in those ways, even though a great deal of my experiences have been exceedingly traumatic to say the least.


Well, perhaps you are thinking that I’m giving you a hard time, and, as you say, that I’ve been picking apart your Newsletters? May be I have, but that is certainly not my purpose. Let me turn the tables between us just for a minute. Think about it! Not that you’ve said very much or been very specific about anything that I’ve written to you, but look at the results. Thanks to your Newsletters, as used by the Holy Spirit of God as a special teaching tool of His, that I spent so much time commenting on for some time, I’ve been able, over the last year or so, to refine my prior work considerably in many ways: For instance, whereas I used to be convinced that the crucifixion took place in 18 CE, I’ve now discovered that in reality it did take place one year later, in 19 CE, and in the process most everything in the New Testament has been falling into place such that exact dates are now available for most of the events recorded in each and all of the gospels.


I don’t know what kind of experiences you’ve been having, but as I was reading this 50th Newsletter of yours I was hoping I’d find also some first hand experiences of your own to exemplify the subject matter that you are focusing upon. Sounds to me like your words towards the end may be promises towards that end… You see, I am being evermore impressed with the importance of realizing that the witnessing spoken of in the last couple of verses in Matthew are intended to be in the nature of firsthand witnessing re each our own experiences while walking along the ever more narrow path towards the Kingdom of God? Thus, I’ll truly be looking forwards to your next Newsletter #51!



Shabbat Shalom,


Gunnar ©



Från: [] För Toby Joreteg
Skickat: Thursday, September 08, 2011 10:36 PM
Till: undisclosed-recipients:
Ämne: Newsletter #50: Moses and Jesus


Dear Friends,

This newsletter is a very important stepping stone for the next one. I pray that you will be inspired by it and start to ponder and pray what OUR problem might be.

For newcomers, please go to my website:, click on "Newsletters" and there you can read and print the previous ones.

To His Glory!

Toby Joreteg MD, PhD

[1] After having focused closely upon Scriptural chronology based upon the most original references and using the best tools available to me, I see little or no reason not to consider Scripture month #1, aviv (as used and applied in Biblical times,) as being based upon the aviv found on Mount Jerusalem, or perhaps more accurately, upon the current location of the Ark of the Covenant (while not upon the aviv found at hotter and lower altitudes, albeit within the boundaries of Israel, e.g. in the Jordan valley or in the Negev desert.) Cf. this link!