
Sent:                               Sunday, March 24, 2013 03:37 PM


Subject:                          Thanks for all the good and valuable things that I may learn from, and think about, You!


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יהוה אלהים

Adamah Republic © TreeOfLifeTime

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Written with a beginning on 5925[((*??*))] 12[1] 11 2029


The First Day [of the week,] 

The 11th day of month #12, 11 Adar,

in the 5925th[(??)] year following the beginning recorded in Genesis 1

and in the 2029th year following the beginning recorded in Luke 1:26-33,


just a few days before the Feast of Purim, Adar 14 & 15

[beginning at the sunsets of Tue March 26 & and Wed 27, 2013,]




[the 9th day of the month per ancient Rabbinical reckoning,

13 Nissan (month #1) per more recent Jewish reckoning

(based upon a decimal error in Hillel II’s directives causing a wandering of the seasons!),


[the 12th day of Jumada Al-Awwal (the 5th month) of Year 1434 of Hijri (the Islamic calendar,) and


[Sunday, the 7th day of the Pope’s week (as revised in Sweden from 1973 A.D.,)

March 24 in the 2013th year of Caesar Tiberius

(per current Gregorian reckoning in Europe and elsewhere,)

Cf. Daniel 7:25…]






Beloved fellow travelers along the Way of Life!

Beloved Brothers and Sisters in the Family of our Creator!


This morning [March 24] I came  to read the following Bible passage out of Ellen White’s book That I May Know Him:

Remember the days of old, consider the years of many generations: ask thy father, and he will shew thee; thy elders, and they will tell thee.Deut 32:7. {TMK 89.1}


Perhaps you come to focus upon something else, but the above words remind me of ancient reckoning of time and of calendars long forgotten, that is, to such as has been very much my own focus for well over a decade by now…

Be that as it may, and regardless of whether you are choosing to celebrate Easter or Passover this week, as most Foreigners do, or to celebrate Purim with me… That is, whether you choose to accept this mail of mine as a sacrifice pertaining to the Feast of Unleavened Bread etc., or as a portion being shared at the Feast of Purim in commemoration of the event that took place 490 years prior to the Crucifixion of Yeshua, the Messiah, well…



Thank you for the treasure inherent in allowing me somehow to mirror myself in you! Thank you for giving me an opportunity to perceive, and to correct, my own faults!

What if God had not blessed me with other people, with you! How would I then ever be able to wake up to my own portion of responsibility for the suffering and for the undesirable consequences that I see, or believe that I see, in today’s world?

I am thinking in particular upon such reports of violence against children and women as we are all being bombarded with through TV, radio, the press, through the Internet, and more…

Reminds me of a sentence in Our Lord’s Prayer: “Forgive me my trespasses, as I forgive the trespasses of my neighbor…”

Or isn’t it true that whenever I do my best, somehow or other, to help my neighbor, well, then there is usually a valuable lesson in it for me? Or isn’t that also your experience?

Ok, this mail is already longer than I had planned, but if you are curious to know a little more re the hidden – and most acutely valuable - treasures of God that I do wish to share with you and yours at this particular time, then please do search for such treasures within the link that I also shared above!


Shalom, yes, may the peace of our Creator and Redeemer rest over each our families and homes today and ever more,


Gunnar ©





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יהוה אלהים

[1] After having focused closely upon Scriptural chronology based upon the most original references and using the best tools available to me, I see little or no reason not to consider Scripture month #1, aviv (as used and applied in Biblical times,) as being based upon the aviv found on Mount Jerusalem, or perhaps more accurately, upon the current location of the Ark of the Covenant (while not upon the aviv found at hotter and lower altitudes, albeit within the boundaries of Israel, e.g. in the Negev desert (2013) and in the Jordan valley (2013,) in the Negev desert (2012,) in the Jordan valley (2011,) in the Jordan valley (2010) or in the Negev desert (2010.) Cf. this link!