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[Belated edit 5925[(*??*)] 01 20 2029 [2013-04-30] – 3 added links to cashed 2000-Nov-13 Time sub articles, and one ref re false allegations. ]


Sent:                               Monday, March 18, 2013 01:09 PM

To:                                   'Bill Knott'; 'Bill Knott'; ''; 'Ted N.C. Wilson - President of the Seventh-day Adventist Church'

Cc:                                   'Larry Yeagley - Author & Pastor'; 'Sibusiso B. Khumalo - Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries, and Youth Ministries'; 'Goodwell Nthani - Treasurer/Chief Financial Officer'; 'Caroline Chola | Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division'; 'Caroline Chola | Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division'; 'Denise Hochstrasser | Euro-Africa Division'; 'Raisa Ostrovskaya | Euro-Asia Division'; 'Cecilia de Iglesias | Inter-America Division'; 'Carla Baker | North American Division'; 'Sally Lam-Phoon | Northern Asia-Pacific Division'; 'Wiliane Marroni | South American Division'; 'Erna Johnson | South Pacific Division'; 'Pramila Masih | Southern Asia Division'; 'Helen Gulfan | Southern Asia-Pacific Division'; 'Omobonike Adeola Sessou | West Central Africa Division'; 'Heather-Dawn Small - Director'; 'Clair Sanches | Trans-European Division'; 'Raquel Arrais - Associate Director'; 'Rebecca Timon - Administrative Assistant'; 'Judith Mwansa - Departmental Secretary'; 'Debbie Maloba | East-Central Africa Division'

Subject:                          Thank you!... And a prayer on behalf of all our children, spouses, and families!


יהוה אלהים

                                                                                                    Adamah Republic ©

Non-negotiable. Private between the parties.


Written with a beginning on 5925[((*??*))] 12[1] 04 2029


The First Day [of the week,] 

The 4th day of month #12, 2 Adar,

in the 5925th[(??)] year following the beginning recorded in Genesis 1

and in the 2029th year following the beginning recorded in Luke 1:26-33,


just a few days before the Feast of Purim, Adar 14 & 15 [March 26 & 27, 2013,]




[the 2nd day of the month per ancient Rabbinical reckoning,

6 Nissan (month #1) per more recent Jewish reckoning

(based upon a decimal error in Hillel II’s directives causing a wandering of the seasons!),


[the 5th day of Jumada Al-Awwal (the 5th month) of Year 1434 of Hijri (the Islamic calendar,) and


[Sunday, the 7th day of the Pope’s week (as revised in Sweden from 1973 A.D.,)

March 17 in the 2013th year of Caesar Tiberius

(per current Gregorian reckoning in Europe and elsewhere,)

Cf. Daniel 7:25…]






Dear Bill Knott & al.,




Is Our Seventh-day Adventist Church Standing with the Wisdom of Solomon[1]

upon Truth Alone?

Or Do We Satisfy Ourselves By Being a Tail and Not a Head

By Joining the Social Workers, the “News” Media,

the Worldwide Chorus of Blind Abusers of Our Children, Spouses, and Families,

and All Those Who are Seemingly Satisfied,

while Standing Upon Little, or Nothing!, More than Hearsay[2]?




I am writing to you in response to two articles in the March 2013 issue of Adventist World; “Tears - Longing to go home”,[3] and “In Southern Africa, Adventists Stand Against Child Abuse:”[4]


Our world is full of suffering people, abused as we all are, to various degrees, in consequence of sin and rampant ungodliness.

Some among the most stricken victims among us do their best to climb the ladders of hierarchy in a hopeless effort towards regaining lost control over problems they are each experiencing. Unfortunately, being blind, and unwilling, to see our own part in causing the continual problems of abuse that we perceive that we are suffering from, we are all apt to point that proverbial finger elsewhere. That is, we project each our own unfortunate reality upon someone close by, a spouse, a neighbor, anyone, very commonly upon someone very close, someone who has gone the second mile to help us because they really care, someone whose uprightness and love seems too good to be true and whom we therefore have begun to question and distrust.

While pointing that proverbial finger we fail to realize the impossibility, for even the very best among us, to perceive the hidden realities of life behind a neighbor’s closed doors. However, “being caught between the rock a hard place,” that is, between our own unwillingness of seeing the naked truth re ourselves, and between the impossibility of seeing the real truth of our neighbor, we insist upon seeing evil in the private life of that neighbor, whomever may be at the bottom of the pecking order... Whomever may be elected as the black sheep of today… Yes, we turn our attention to the hearsay of the mob, to the hearsay being propagated by and through the news media! To the hearsay that is being magnified, and thus hidden as to its true nature, behind the false façades of the “authorities” of our own making. Thus we work for - as in worshipping - the false gods that we have been taught to idolize and trust.

Thus we, each one of us and collectively as a society, fail to realize the naked truth about our own misplaced accusations re the ongoing problems with child and wife abuse in our society, as variously perceived from each our own point of view.

Who then? Who is that one victim – and victimizer - standing behind that proverbial finger of accusation? Please cf. Jesus’ words per Matthew 7:1-5 and Luke 6:41-42!


I very much treasure and value our Seventh-day Adventist heritage and, likewise, I treasure most everything I read in Adventist World, which I read cover to cover most all the time. Thanks!



But I find myself greatly disappointed, even appalled, when I come across articles, such as the ones above referenced, which blindly give credence and support to the scourge of ungodly violence, and trespasses carried out across sacred family boundaries... That is, by blind, albeit well-intentioned, social workers all over the world. Victims, as those social workers certainly all are, to the family destructive propaganda being propagated and published, and which is influencing most all of our thinking, and feelings, and actions, and lives…


There is no space here for me to provide the needed proof in support of the reality[5] that I am seeing, here briefly referencing, and reporting upon. But I have no doubt but that anyone with a keen eye towards the truth, and with a willingness to listen, and to be guided by the Holy Spirit, will sooner or later realize the wealth of truth that stands in support of these very few words of mine. Rev 3:20, 21.



A fundamental reality is this:


The Problem: What you look for, you’ll see!...

Any one among us can choose to look for faults in each our spouse or in each our neighbor. The longer I or you choose to dwell on such thoughts the darker things will seem. Most of the time, we remain blind to the fact that that which we are seeing is merely a reflection, a projection, of each our own way of doing things, and of each our own past experiences in life. Or how could anyone among us fail to be anything but a product of such patterns as we have each learned, inherited, from others, from our society, since each our own childhood?

When we act upon such thoughts of our own making, that is, when we act upon the gossip and traditions forming and shaping each our society, we will soon likely be doing violence across boundaries that belong to another, that is, we will, our selves, trespass and commit violence and abuse against yet another innocent victim. And another… And another… If not directly, well, we pass the buck! We’ll let the police do the job! Or the social worker! We shun each our own responsibility! Cf. Matt  11:29, 30! We fail to accept the simple acts of love and tender care that we may each be called upon to do by that still small voice…

Won’t it ever stop? Who is responsible? Me? I? Someone else? Am I satisfied to remain merely a passive bystander just waiting, yes passively!, for the Second coming of Christ?

What can I do to stop my part in keeping that proverbial treadmill of our society spinning?



The Solution – Simple and Most Effective: Look for such things as you value!

The obvious, and very powerful, solution to this problem is given to us by means of nothing less than the testimony[6] of the life and words of Jesus, our Messiah and our Savior:

When I choose to look for and to perceive, in my spouse and in my neighbors, such things as I find valuable, such things as may open my eyes to bigger and better things… Well, when I do, that’s what I will always find. And, when I do this, I grow to appreciate and value the ones near me more and ever more. As I do this, my children and my spouse and my neighbors feel increasingly secure in my presence and while realizing that they have no reason for fearing an evil or accusing eye. When this reality grows in our midst, what will the consequences be if not an abundance of peace, and a relief from this scourge of child abuse and spousal abuse that is carried out and incensed by means of blind, albeit well-intentioned, social workers?... Which abuse most of us are responsible for blindly believing in, and thus creating, and supporting…

I believe it is time for each one among us to ask ourselves questions such as:

·         “What part responsibility do I have for supporting the evil I am seeing?”

·         “What can I do, within my own realm, towards withdrawing my continued support of child abuse, of wife abuse, and, last but not least, of husband and father abuse, that is, anything that contributes to the scourge of family destruction that is going on in our midst?”

·         “What can I do, in order to turn off the powerful propaganda – focused as it is upon all the blind and evil suspicions and accusations imaginable - that is bent upon destroying the reputation of fathers, husbands, and anyone that dare to stand up in defense of each our family, and thus in defense of each our child, and in defense of each our wife?”

·         “What can I do in order to stop maintaining that treadmill of evil gossip?”

·         “What can I do, in order not to give to Caesar such things as belong to my Creator alone?” Cf. Matt 22:21; Mark 12:17; Luke 20:25. What did Caesar create? Time? Life? My work? The strength I am given to live?

·         “Will I too dare to call the obvious bluff? The truth re Caesar’s nakedness? Re the shameful activities behind the scenes of the “authorities” of my own making? Re my own support towards keeping the Church and State one?” Cf. Rev 17:2-6!

·         “Do I dare to let no be no and yes be yes?” Cf. Matt 5:37…

·         “Am I willing to stand up and be counted?” Cf. Matt 16:24; Mark 8:34; 10:21; Luke 9:23… And Matthew 25:34-36!: “I was in prison…” As in: “I was a child in the prison of a foster home!” Or, “I was a father taken prisoner and put in a cell for doing my best towards keeping my family together…” Or as in “I was doing my best to hide myself in a corner…” Or “I just wanted to forget a reality which I felt unable to control…”


Selah! Consider it!

(Cf. Jonah 3:7-9, and Esther 4:1-3 [in consideration of the upcoming Purim feast!])


Perhaps too, some of you will enjoy, as I did, after having carefully considered some of the above, how that the message of Ellen White’s article “Now is the Time to Shine…” (in the same issue of Adventist World) is adding further strength, support and understanding to this same message re the sanctity of each our family boundaries… While pointing out also that one and only effective solution towards these self-perpetuating problems! Thank you, Bill, for your part in publishing such blessed messages from heaven!


May the peace of God, our Creator and Savior, rest upon, and within, each our families and homes, and may He be able to protect us from each our own part in support of each and all of such abuse as is being widely reported, and thus supported, by media all over our world, yes even by our own publications [more…,]


Gunnar Smårs © [M.D.]

LLUSM Class of 78 A







Without recourse. All Rights Reserved. PowerfulChoices ©

יהוה אלהים

[1] After having focused closely upon Scriptural chronology based upon the most original references and using the best tools available to me, I see little or no reason not to consider Scripture month #1, aviv (as used and applied in Biblical times,) as being based upon the aviv found on Mount Jerusalem, or perhaps more accurately, upon the current location of the Ark of the Covenant (while not upon the aviv found at hotter and lower altitudes, albeit within the boundaries of Israel, e.g. in the Negev desert (2012,) in the Jordan valley (2011,) in the Jordan valley (2010) or in the Negev desert (2010.) Cf. this link!

[1] Solomon knew the impossibility of knowing whether the accuser or the accused was telling the truth. He refused to take a stand, either for or against, either one of the women before him, that is, based upon words or suspicion alone. Cf. 1 King 3:16-28!

It is obvious, today just as in Solomon’s time, that what goes on behind the closed doors of most every home, is impossible for any outsider to know. It is not merely difficult! It is impossible! To take a stand upon mere suspicion, regardless of the name or quality of the titles behind anyone’s name, is nothing less than idiocy. It is certainly not wisdom. Yet, professionals today, all over our planet, are encouraged to report even the least suspicion of abuse against a child or against a woman. Yes, they are even being threatened to do so at the pain of prison sentencing if they don’t…

No one has the qualifications for knowing the impossible! No one among men! No one among women! No one but God alone. The God of Love who metes out appropriate and timely consequences as no one else ever can…

Let’s stand back and be satisfied with that which God alone can know and do! Or isn’t that the essence of the Second and Third Angel’s messages of Rev 14?

[2] Did you ever consider the meaning of the words and names in the Holy Scriptures meaning “hearsay,” “traducer,” “gossipmonger,” “devil,” and “Satan?” (Cf. Strong’s ##G1228, G2635, H7854.)

[3] Quote from page 12:  “A 7-year-old boy cries in the back seat of a social worker’s car. He was taken from his abusive home and now is going to a place unknown to him. Alone, forsaken, trembling, and afraid, he cannot hide his tears.”

[4] This applies to the entire article under this title on page 5 of the March 2013 issue of Adventist World. More…

[5] One significant statistic that I have discovered is that for each child that might possibly be “rescued” - from a situation of true abuse - by the actions of the social workers among us, five other children – whose parent(s) are being falsely accused – are being victimized by the actions initiated by the social workers themselves. That is, the cost of saving even one child from true abuse is – at the very least - five children and five destroyed relatively happy and functional families, many of which are very good Christian families, yes, even Adventist families!

At the Second World Congress of Family Law in San Francisco in 1997 it was reported that studies had repeatedly shown that between 10-20% [cf. p. 4 of 10 at this link / Belated edit “2013/4/30”] of all accusations of child or spousal abuse are “intentionally false accusations.” Another lecturer at the same congress reported that some 95% of all accusations of abuse are based upon little or nothing more than cultural differences re proper care and upbringing of infants and children. For instance, such things as pertain to the changing of diapers, and such things as pertain to religious teaching and training. 

Unfortunately, at the point in time, when such a reality (in favor of the accused) is being finally discovered - if it is ever being discovered - the hasty and premature actions of the social workers are long past. The injury is done – though still going on! And the Department of Social Work is rarely, if ever, willing, or able, to correct its own errors and abuse.

Furthermore, it is a known fact (cf. Times Magazine, Nov 13 2000; cover; text! [Cashed articles: 1) Main Feature Story; 2) Fifteen Years In Foster Hell; 3) Is Adoption the Solution? / Late edit “2013/04/30”]) that some 10% of foster children are being severely abused in their foster homes. Thousands even to the point of death. In comparison, the “abuse” suffered by a child in the hands of his or her own biological parents is generally much less severe, much more likely to be nothing more than that which is culturally acceptable and recommended in one culture or another… The numbers of more severe abuse by biological parents is likely well below 1%.

Thus it is easy to perceive that a child being “saved” by an emergency action of the social workers, when kidnapped from his or her own biological parents, while being removed from one situation, is, in fact, being cast into a situation that is, statistically speaking, at least 10 x worse.

Thus, as I see the situation, the actions performed by the social workers is nothing less than a mob action resulting in these children being brought “out of the pan and cast into the fire…

. . . . .

You are not likely to believe this, but regardless of what you believe, you and your little ones could well be next in line. Are you be prepared? What will you do when the violence of our society kidnaps you and your loved ones from one another? Or, if it already did happen, are you able to handle the situation to your liking? Truly?

TIME Magazine Cover: Foster Care Crisis -- Nov. 13, 2000

And yes, there is lately a small remnant of social workers that do dare to stand up and be counted towards something better. But notice, the direction that remnant is working in for success is reconnection of biological families! Yet, the greater majority of social workers is still sticking to their old guns… and to their old traditions of family destruction… their old traditions of child abuse in the extreme! Look at the statistics!!!

[6] Cf. Revelation 14:12!

Though largely suppressed by the hierarchy and by the powers that be today, it is quite clear from a personal study of the Scriptures that Yeshua himself, in his teaching as well as in his own life and action, knew how not to be part of, and not to support, the forces of evil in the midst of his society.

On three occasions were his position relative to the State being compromised. Each time Yeshua’s life was saved from bondage and eternal death due to a willingness to listen and heed the small voice of God:

1.      Yeshua’s parents were fooled into being taxed by Caesar Augustus, but heeding the angel sent by God Yeshua was rescued as Joseph fled with his family to Egypt until the death of Herod the Great.

2.      Peter mistakenly consented to an agreement with the tax collectors that his Master was obligated to pay a tax to Caesar. Afterwards, in harmony with his own teachings per Matthew 18, Yeshua took Peter aside to correct him, and to teach Peter how to promptly remedy the situation by means of satisfying the temporary bondage that Peter had created on behalf of himself and his Master.

3.      Judas stole for himself, and then sold Yeshua into the jurisdiction of the hierarchy. There are a host of details for each of us to learn from Yeshua’s interaction before the various courts, re how to effectively deal with a treacherous situation such as this, that is, without himself consenting to the crimes against him that were being committed by others.