
The Samoan Sabbath Dilemma — 241 Comments

  1. It must be mentioned that Alaska used to be on Asian dating (during Russian administration), and the Philippines used to be on American dating (before Mexican independence which cut off Spaniards traveling through America). French Polynesia was on Asian dating. In a modern world this would be chaotic. So when transpacific travel/trade became developed in the 19th century, there needed to be a common longitude for changing dates. Many nations came together to recognize the 180th, just like the Council of Jerusalem, a gathering of everyone involved. The IDL is not an international agreement, but the reckoning of longitude is. We as a body of worldwide believers should be in harmony amongst ourselves regarding where to draw the line, not blindly submitting loyalty to any one nation’s government. Date change decisions are simply the act of politicians, not a referendum or international conference.

  2. Talofa Lance & All,

    I commend you & the believers who have made a stand for God in Samoa
    Most folks only talk but dont walk the talk.

    If God is with you who can be against you.

    At the end of the day its between you & God, none else.

    Just reading through some of the posts, no wonder people are lost with all these theories that are not biblical .

    I also read the SPD & SM’s official releases & their reasons are very weak. Im thankful that people like yourselves have made a stand.
    Rest assured it will only be a matter of time before more folks both from the SDA’s & other christians will join you.

    Samoa’s case is not the same as Tonga & other Pacific countries
    & as Samoans we not only talk but we are doing something about it.

    Join the Sabbath Keepers Network.

  3. When a person as an individual or with their family is traveling and crosses the date line, they don’t worry that they have 6 or 8 days in their week, they worship on the Sabbath as it is where ever they are at. Why not think likewise of this situation as if the whole nation of Samoa has “traveled” or “moved” (in an odd sense it sort of has, hasn’t it?) and treat it likewise?

    Makes sense to me…

  4. Lately, a couple of folks here have talked about the 180th meridian as an international convention, as derived from the prime meridian running through Greenwich. These have suggested that there is an international consensus that should carry more weight with us than the decisions of individual governments. My research does not show any real international consensus, except for having a standard way of measuring time.

    It is true that, for the sake of comparison, time is generally kept in relation to GMT. However, we have all kinds of time zones in this world, and they don’t usually follow the meridians that one sees on a globe, every 15 degrees around the world. An extreme example would be China, which is all in one time zone. Malaysia is too, although Borneo is far to the east of the Malay peninsula. Even North American time zones are marked out with strange lines, according to local choices and custom.

    We see the same thing with the so-called International Dateline. I say “so-called” because this is generally regarded as having been a misnomer from the start. There was one international convention in regard to a date line, in 1884. At that time, no exact line was marked out for dividing one day from another. Individual governments were explicitly allowed the right to affect (and to collectively determine) where the date line would actually end up. So it would seem that, while the 180th meridian may have seemed ideal as a date line, to many minds, it never actually became an international convention. The best I can determine, the date line has always passed to the east of Tonga, for instance, putting Tonga on the same day as New Zealand.

  5. I sincerely hope that difference can be resolved, but in case it is not, I strongly don’t want to see any “disfellowshipping” like the SDARM fiasco that started in Germany. May I suggest a back-up solution of dual missions, like black conferences in the U.S. which share overlapping geographic area as “white” conferences. It can be a solution so anyone could follow their conscience and where unity remains outside of this issue.

  6. There are continued references to the original Creation Week series of seven days as it relates to Samoa. All scriptural references to Sabbath or the 7th day where we can place the location are based around what is now Israel, Palestine or Egypt.
    We do not know how the original Creation week relates to post flood week except for a reference to manna not falling on that day pre-Sinai.

    History does indicate that the Jews have kept a standard 7 day week cycle ever since the Babylonian captivity. That cycle of days was accepted by Jesus as he worshiped on the 7th day “as His custom was.” That implies that we must accept that God agreed that their 7th day of the 1st century was the “correct” one. Other than that, we have no knowledge of how it relates to the original week of Creation. But, believing that God does not change lends credibility to an unchanged cycle of 7 day weeks from Creation to the time of Christ.

    Our problem is that the 7 day cycle of Sunday through Saturday did not come into common usage until early in the fourth century A.D. That is the same time-frame in which the Catholic church claims to have the authority to change the day of worship from the 7th day to Sunday.

    However, there is a large body of evidence that the 7 day cycle we call Sunday through Saturday is in sync (as practiced in Israel and Egypt) with the Jewish cycle of the 7-day week of Christ’s time. That is, the day we call Saturday (in Israel/Palestine) is the same day the Jews identify as the 7th day Sabbath.

    Returning to Genesis we find that the first sunset would have happened at the end of the 4th day and heralding in the 5th day (since days are “evening and morning”). Therefore, it is the sunset of the 6th day that is of most interest to this discussion since that would have heralded in the 7th day.

    But that is in Israel/Palestine. How to we translate this to what happens in Samoa? I know of two ways and it boils down to a simple decision – but I don’t know the correct answer and see nothing in scripture to use as a guide. Sunset in Samoa either happens before or after sunset in Palestine. I don’t know when during that 4th day of creation week that the sun and moon came into existence. Nor do I know what part of the sky they would occupy when created.

    Does anybody else have evidence to indicate whether the first sunset in Samoa happened before or after the first sunset in Israel/Palestine?

    If the first sunset happened before, that would correspond to Sabbath (7th day) corresponding to Saturday as practiced to the east side of what we currently call the IDL. This is the same day called Friday to the west of the IDL (the “American” side).

    If the first sunset happened after, that would correspond to Sabbath (7th day) corresponding to Saturday as practiced to the west of what we currently call the IDL This would be the same day called Sunday to those east of the IDL.

    I just check the local sunset time and GMT offset for Jerusalem, New Zealand, Samoa, and my location (near Seattle, WA, USA).

    Jerusalem – sunset 5:23 PM local Time Zone: GMT+2

    Seattle – sunset 5:22 PM local Time Zone: GMT-8 (or 10 hours behind Jerusalem or 14 hrs ahead!)

    Apia Samoa – sunset 7:59 PM local Time Zone: GMT+14 (12 hours ahead of or 12 hrs behind Jerusalem)

    Auckland, New Zealand – sunset 8:22 PM local GMT+13 (11 hours ahead of or 13 hrs behind Jerusalem

    Is Samoa 12 hrs ahead of or 12 hrs behind Jerusalem for the first sunset of the 4th day of Creation week?

  7. Well, I forgot to adjust for the actual sunset times and used only the GMT offsets. Probably not that critical as sunset here in Seattle varies by several hours. Earliest if 4:18 pm and latest is 9:11 PM.

    The main question is whether the first sunset happened in Samoa before or after the sunset in Jersusalem. [Which according to Revelation will be God's throne in the new earth.]

  8. The Sabbath, according to Scripture, is the day between Friday and Sunday (Luke 23:52-24:1)

    The Samoan Mission leadership decision to keep Sunday and the Division recommendations in favour of that are both based on the false premise that there has been a calendar change in Samoa resulting in the renaming of the days of the week. This is not true. The nation will use the same calendar as it did before. The change is in their relationship to the dateline. People are ignoring the fact that each day is observed around the globe covering a period of 48 hours. From the time the Adventists in New Zealand open the Sabbath till the time the Adventists in Tahiti close it, the earth has been through almost two complete rotations. All that Samoa has done is to move their time reckoning from the last to the first part of the 48 hours, which requires the so-called “skipping a day.” This is no different to what travellers do when they cross the dateline.

    The leaders’ decision is a double standard. These same leaders do not observe the so-called “original seven day time sequence” when they fly across the dateline to another country but they expect the Samoan Adventist Church to do it when their government moves the whole country to the other side of the dateline. It has made a mockery of our beliefs and it reflects on the whole church. The implications are very wide ranging: Does this mean the rest of the nations in the Eastern hemisphere are out of sync and should now keep Sunday? Can the same day have two different names? On whose authority? Should a person studying with a Samoan or Tongan person in Australia or New Zealand recommend that they keep Sunday? Is Samoa the place to move to when Sunday laws are introduced in America? How will our evangelists in Samoa preach about the mark of the beast? Will Samoan SDAs follow a different day sequence to the rest of Samoa when they do business, fill out forms, record their births and celebrate their birthdays, etc? Of course they won’t. So they have only made themselves look foolish in the eyes of the world by carrying on life as usual for the rest of the week, but calling Sunday the Sabbath, while the rest of the nation call it Sunday. Sunday keepers are not now keeping the Sabbath; Adventists are now keeping Sunday. Incredible!

    How disappointing that the wider church was not invited into the dateline discussion that leaders have been having over the past few years. Did they think the lay people have no good ideas or did they think it was a Samoan problem? This may be a result of so-called “multi-culturalism” which is dividing the church into racial groups.

    The Sabbath School lessons for the first quarter, 2012, are very timely.

  9. Dear Steve,

    Thank you for your input. You have pointed out that the time difference between Apia and Jerusalem is 12 hours. I’ve checked on this information, and found it to be true but incomplete. Apia and Jerusalem are actually only 11 time zones apart. The 12-hour time difference is due to the fact that Apia is on daylight saving time, which does not affect the actual setting of the sun. Thus, Apia’s current sunset-Friday-to-sunset-Saturday Sabbath has more hours in common with Jerusalem’s Sabbath than does Apia’s current Sunday “Sabbath.”

    I believe that the teachings of Jesus have the answer to this whole question. As an illustration of how we should observe the Sabbath, He used the example of David and his men unlawfully, but correctly, eating the showbread.

    Jesus’ disciples had been harvesting, threshing, and winnowing grain in their hands, in order to satisfy their hunger. According to the scribes, if that wasn’t work, what is? True, it wasn’t much work. Would a violation of the Sabbath commandment be O.K. just because it was a small one? Jesus pointed out that “the Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath.” In other words, when it comes to Sabbath keeping, human necessity trumps technical correctness. The disciples had not violated the true intent of the law, and the Pharisees had condemned the guiltless.

    I see nothing in these teachings of Jesus to flatter human pride. In any given society, is it not a necessity that Seventh-day Adventist Christians observe Saturday (the generally accepted 7th day of the week) rather than Sunday (the generally accepted 1st day)?

    So, if we are going to listen to Jesus, I have concluded that we must conform our Sabbath observance to the weekly cycle recognised by our local government and society, within reason. Someone has privately suggested that I may need to explain more clearly what I mean by “within reason.”

    In Syria, for instance, no change in the weekly cycle would be within reason. So near the true Orient, where man and the Sabbath were created, only one day could be traced back to the Sabbath of creation in an unbroken weekly cycle.

    Not so in British Columbia, where I live. Here we can trace our weekly cycle back to creation in either of two ways, depending on our choice of orientation. Do we look eastward, following the European week, or westward, following the Asian week? Either choice would seem to be within reason. The British Columbia government could put us on the Asian week tomorrow, turning our current Friday into Saturday, and my conscience would require adjusting my personal Sabbath observance with a one-time 6-day week (“which is not lawful” — Mark 2:26), because it is imperative that my fellow British Columbians see me keeping Sabbath on what they regard as the 7th day of the week, not on what they call Sunday. After all, the Sabbath was made for their benefit, too! I believe that Samoa’s Sabbath Keepers are following the true intent of the Sabbath commandment.

    • Hi Mr. White,

      I have recently been having discussions with a face book friend in America about whether Christians should have guns. To me, I could never imagine Jesus owning a gun. Yet in America the gun lobby is so strong that even Christians believe they need them. In truth, death has no sting because when we are in Christ and are killed the next thing we will see is Christ returning, and to own a gun and actually kill some one (even in self defence) would be a big hurdle for our eternal marriage to Jesus Christ.

      Then a few months ago a mate of mine was telling me that it is okay to watch porn and have an affair because King Solomon had 700 wives, not to mention the concubines. He felt that as long as he had his faith in God it didn’t matter.

      Our God is an amazing God, and when we live our lives in human nature and understanding we cherish our favourite sins and the sins of the community that we live in. Satan knows that he can’t get most christians to leave the light and live in the dark, so he is quite happy to create situations where we live in the grey — where in living our lives, our actions can’t be seen as salvation destroying, yet they place us in situations not out of reach of the adversary. How do you stand for Christ when there is no difference between you and the world?

      [MODERATOR Note: Replies to this comment should address the Samoan problem as Lance does in discussing the gray areas between right and wrong with respect to the main issues raised under this topic, not the issues of gun ownership or sexual sins.]

      • Dear Lance,

        I hear you. I’ve been thinking similar thoughts lately, myself. We certainly know that professing Sabbath keepers are to be tested, but we may not know just how things are going to play out. It appears most of us know that, if we were to leave Adventism to join a Sunday keeping church, that would be tantamount to apostasy. So, it seems that Sunday keeping has come to us instead.

        Of course, we have no interest in judging the sincerity or Christian experience of anyone. However, we certainly do know our own duty in this matter. Who would ever have thought it would come to this? One comment on this post actually suggested that, since God is in control of His church, we had better not differ with its official course of action. I had heard of the “infallible” church before, but this was never a part of Seventh-day Adventist doctrine!

        I believe that those who wish to follow a particular course of action will be furnished with plausible excuses to do so. God knows those who are His, and no one can snatch them out of His hand. Those who are honestly deceived by the enemy of souls will have opportunity to see the light. Those who are maligned will be kept under the shadow of His wing.

        As for grey areas, I don’t think it’s as hard to determine the true Sabbath day as some would have us believe.

        By the way, is Noeline a relative of yours?

        • Hi Mr. White,
          Yes Noeline is my mum, and she was living with us over here in paradise, but sadly she could not handle us going against the change of date decision. The church is everything to her, so I can understand that!

  10. Could someone please send me a photograph or give me a link to pictures of the old calendar and the new calendar so I can compare them?

  11. Dear RG,
    Your comments regarding Christ’s statement in Matthew 12 are interesting given this week’s SS Lessons. The conclusion reached is the same I reached via a different route. We can’t know whether Samoan sunsets precede or follow the sunset in Jerusalem. Therefore either one should satisfy the demands of the fourth commandment.

    But, having half the members following the 7th day that precedes Jerusalem and the other half following the 7th day that follows is a recipe for disharmony. We must dig deeper into the scriptures (as you have done).

    I found that scripture holds that all the commandments are summed up into two –“Love to God and Love to Fellow Man.” [Luke 10:26-28] Paul goes even further and claims the whole law is all about Love [Romans 13:10]. He also indicates that doing something for the right reason isn’t enough if it causes a fellow member to stumble [Romans 14:13]. Peter also indicates that interpretation of scripture is not a private/personal matter [2 Peter 1:20].
    Finally, Paul indicates that wherever possible we should obey the local authorities [Titus 3:1] and Peter agrees [1 Peter 2:13]. So long as their authority doesn’t force disobedience to God.

    To my mind, the Samoan government didn’t change the weekly cycle nor did they change the names of the days in the week. They simply decided to be the start of the day (begin it for the entire globe) rather than the end of the day (end it for the entire globe).

    Yes, the Sabbath was made to meet the needs of man. Man was not made to meet the needs of the Sabbath.

    • Does the sun rise in Samoa at the same time it rises in New Zealand?

      Are New Zealand and Australia worshiping within the creation week cycle?

      Why was Samoa 24 hrs. away from New Zealand?
      Because an extra Monday was added in 1892

      Wouldn’t adding a Monday in 1892 put Samoa outside the 7 day creation cycle?

      Why do a majority of Samoans believe that by keeping the Sabbath on Sunday they are staying with the 7 day creation cycle?
      Because a task force of learned scholars told them so

      Didn’t they tell them about the extra day added at the instigation of the dateline?

      If a day was added, wouldn’t a day subtracted in Dec. 2011 put Samoa back in line with the 7 day creation week?

      Why did the church stick with worshiping on Saturday in 1892?
      Maybe because the church was in its infancy back then

      Was the Samoan church in error for the last 120 years?

      Being aware now of this error, what should be done????

    • Dear Brethren,

      I am a 1st generation New Zealand born Samoan and through the SSNET website, I came across the ‘The Samoan Sabbath Dilemma’. I have family living in Samoa whose lives are impacted by this situation, not to mention those of us outside of Samoa, trying to make sense of living in Samoa, practising Seventh Day Adventism but worshipping on Sunday, and the wider implications of this situation.

      The International Dateline in the context of ‘The Samoan Sabbath Dilemma’.

      I have closely followed the subject and sought to understand the ‘The Samoan Sabbath Dilemma’ caused by the Samoan Government decision on the 30 December 2011, to align Samoa time-zone west of the IDL, whereas prior to the change, it was east of the IDL since 4 July 1892. However, it is very important to note that before this period, Samoa original time-zone was west of the IDL. So, I completed some online research to learn about the IDL and also to understand the reason for Samoa decision to change the time-zone in July 1892 and then again in December 2011.

      International Date Line – Definition (source Wikipedia).

      An imaginary line on the Earth’s surface that is internationally agreed upon as the place where each new calendar day begins. The line extends from the North to the South Pole through the Pacific Ocean, roughly along the 180th meridian. The calendar day to the east of the line is one day earlier than it is to the west of the line. The International Date Line was established at the International Meridian Conference in 1884 in order to standardize time, especially for the purpose of travel.

      A traveler crossing the International Date Line eastbound subtracts one day, or 24 hours, so that the calendar date to the west of the line is repeated. Crossing the IDL westbound results in 24 hours being added, advancing the calendar date by one day. The International Date Line is necessary in order to have a fixed, albeit arbitrary, boundary on the globe where the calendar date advances in the westbound direction.

      Samoa International Date Line Changed in 1892 – Samoa and American Samoa aligned with California (source Wikipedia).

      The Samoan Islands today divided into Samoa and American Samoa —were west of the date line until 1892, when King Malietoa Laupepa was persuaded by American traders to adopt the American date, being three hours behind California, to replace the former Asian date, being four hours ahead of Japan. The change was made by repeating Monday 4 July 1892, American Independence, (therefore an 8day week, to align the time-zone east of the IDL).

      Samoa International Date Line Changed Back in 2011 – Samoa and American Samoa Separated again (source Wikipedia).

      In 2011, more than 119 years after that change was made, Samoa shifted back to west of the date line by skipping Friday 30 December 2011, (therefore a 6day week, to align the time-zone west of the IDL). The International Date Line now passes between Samoa and American Samoa, with American Samoa remaining aligned with the American date.

      Samoa Government Reason for the Change of the Date Line, (source Wikipedia).

      Samoa made the change because Australia and New Zealand have become its biggest trading partners, and also have large communities of expatriates. Being 21 hours behind made business difficult because having weekends on different days meant only four days of the week were shared.

      My Conclusion.

      Based on these facts, I have come to the conclusion that before the decision to change Samoa time-zone on July 1892, from west to east of the IDL, adhering to the 7day cycle principle, the Sabbath fell on Saturday. If, I accept the logic of the 7day cycle and remain consistent to its application east of the IDL, this would have resulted with Friday being the 7th day and therefore the Sabbath Day. However we know this was not the case, because Sabbath worship from July 1892 until 30 December 2011, was on Saturday. I cannot confirm when the Seventh Day Adventist movement started in Samoa but assuming it was active from 1892, they would have had to accept a one-time 8day week to align Sabbath worship with Saturday. To remain consistent with the 7day cycle principle after the 30 December 2011 time-zone change west of the IDL, would require a one-time 6day week to align Sabbath worship with Saturday; please bear in mind that this was Samoa original time-zone before King Malietoa Laupepa decision to change it.

      I accept the Scriptures as my guide, 2 Timothy 3:16, and so as a Seventh Day Adventist, the Sabbath Day is central to my relationship with God. It is also a material difference that sets me apart from Christians and non-believers that do not accept His instruction and purpose for the Sabbath, and to those who choose to worship on the Sunday. Therefore, I believe my worshipping on the Sabbath, the 7th Day (and according to the IDL), is Saturday. It is a powerful witness to those that have yet to come to know Him and within the context of the 7day week as we know it today, Sunday – Saturday and wherever we live according to the IDL, the Sabbath has always been on the 7th day of the week, Saturday, (the only exception I am aware of is Tonga).

      Unless you do not accept the principle of the International Dateline, a Samoan Seventh Day Adventist travelling abroad, using their prevailing 7day cycle as the reference point, their Sabbath observance would fall on any day of the week depending on which country they are in, to be consistent with this principle. Conversely, any Seventh Day Adventist foreigner visiting Samoa that accepts the principle of the International Dateline, would not worship on Saturday with other Samoan Seventh Day Adventists, because it is not recognised by the Samoa Seventh Day Adventist Conference as the Sabbath Day.

      Given that the IDL was established in 1884 as the global benchmark for the calendar and time for each country in the western and eastern hemisphere, it does call into question the validity of the Samoa Seventh Day Adventist Conference decision to apply quite correctly a 7day cycle, but that which is not aligned to the IDL, which is contradictory and undermines the fundamental of the order of day and time that the IDL was designed to accomplish globally.

      Finally, my understanding of the Samoa Government reason for making the time-zone change, Samoa predominant trading partners and related commercial activity is west of the IDL, Australia and New Zealand, therefore it is a logical commercial decision to promote the country where it will receive the most economic benefit. I do not believe it is a cynical attempt to undermine 7th Day Sabbath worship.

      I trust my understanding based on the aforementioned facts will help clarify your thoughts about the situation, as it has done for me personally. Praise God for His Everlasting Love and Mercy. May the Holy Spirit continue to agitate within us and may His will prevail resolving The Samoan Sabbath Dilemma.

  12. L Manu O’Uiha,
    I am in New Zealand but believe me, we share the pain our Samoan brethren feel. There is some Scripture many seem to be ignoring – Luke 23:52-24:1 where the time for Sabbath is most clearly defined in Scripture as the day between Friday (Preparation) and Sunday (First day/Resurrection Day). Your Sabbath School lesson and your calendar clearly say that this Sunday is Feb 19, yet you will observe it as Sabbath, Feb 18. How will you record this in historical documents?
    Could someone please let us know what the non-Adventists in Samoa are saying about all of this?

  13. RG. Remember that it took a decade for the church to resolve the sunset versus 6 pm issue. Even EGW was in the 6 pm camp for a long period of time (while serving as a prophet). It was not until Andrews published a research paper that EGW changed positions on the subject.

    To expect a quick resolution on the IDL issue will lead to frustration for some and may be a stumbling block for others. I see how each reached their decision. While I disagree with their conclusions I understand their convictions and must respect them for their position. The Lord let the SDA church wrestle with Friday sundown versus 6 pm for many years.

    I do appreciate Ian’s first-hand comments and research. It is presented very thoughtfully and thoroughly.

    On a side note — this morning the sunrise happened @ 7:16 AM (PST) in Seattle. If I’m doing my conversion correctly that would make it 3:16 PM UTC on Wednesday 2/15/2012. At that time it was 4:16 AM in Auckland, NZ. But their date was already Thursday 2/16/2012. That same sun rose for them just 2 hrs and 36 minutes later.

    It is now noon in Seattle on Wednesday the 15th. I’m looking at the same sun that the folks in NZ are seeing but for them it is 9 AM on Thursday the 16th. This is a “benefit” of living on a round planet.

    In just over 3 weeks I’ll travel to the Philippines and will experience a 6 day week followed 2 weeks later by an 8 day week. This is so I can worship with my brethern in Pagudpud, Philippines for those two Sabbaths. It is now 4 AM on Thursday the 16th and the sun will rise for them in 2 hours and 21 minutes from when this was written.

    • Good Morning Steve,

      I am sitting here in Malaysia and reading your side note comments and they illustrate the point of the effect the IDL has on the fundemental order of day and time in different time-zones according to whether one is either located in the western or eastern time-zone. I travel frequently on business across the IDL and as you mention, you will soon experience, an adjustment of 6 day week travelling from east (USA) to west (Philippines) of the IDL and then when you return home 2 weeks later, make another adjustment of an 8day week, why, to get into sync with the prevailing 7day cycle in that hemisphere. The other important to note here is, the 7day cycle remains unbroken, the adjustment is the time-zone according to the IDL, to whichever side you are on.

      Upholding the guidance of the Scripture, I do not believe any one of the contributors to this subject are disagreeing with God’s commandment regarding the Sabbath Day, the 7th day cycle and that the Sabbath is recorded in His word between Friday and Sunday. So we know, the Sabbath is God’s sacred day of rest, it was on the 7th day and it is Saturday, as we know it to be called today. We also know that the world is round and therefore depending wherever you find yourself in the world, if it is sunrise where you are, it is going to be sunset at the opposite side of the world. Herein lies the function of the IDL that provides the fundemental order of day and time and the impact it has on our global calendar and time.

      When I consider this in the context of keeping the Sabbath Day as I understand the Lord God has instructed me through scripture, it does provide me with a peace and joy that my God is a God of Order and Purpose. This is the reason why I believe the IDL and 7day cycle are linked as it provides logical order to Sabbath keeping whether I am located west or east of the IDL and as it relates to the global time-zone. To isolate a time-zone from the rest of the world results with the situation now experienced by the Samoa Seventh Day Adventists that live west of the IDL but choose to remain on east of the IDL and worship on Sunday, when in fact is should be Saturday.

      I pray the Lord continues to agitate within us to seek His Light and His will prevail. God Bless.

      • Although we have been offered the Gov’t prayer house for another few weeks, the Lighthouse group have decided to move to home base. This Saturday we will be worshiping at Moanamo Okasene’s house in Vailima, the big new house oppisite Norman Paul’s house. If you reach the 3 Sisters Catholic Church you have gone to far.

        Next week we move to Tulaele Rd., Vailoa Faleata. Look for the blue marquee inside the big rock wall in behind Westend Motors.

        Everyone is welcome. Just bring a plate as we have combined lunch every week. If you wish, come for the day and spend Bible studies at 2 pm after lunch and stay for closing Sabbath from 6:30.

        We have plenty of spaces to have a nap when the sun gets too hot, come as you are and share Sabbath blessings with us!
        If anyone requires a ride up the hill, this Sabbath, contact Merita at 7598629.

  14. Kiaora All,

    Talofa, Ian Letele or (shall I say?) Big Chief Leiataua of Samoa, thanks for your easy to understand research & it will be very helpful for our Samoan folks in Samoa & abroad as a lot of our people are confused.

    Brother Lance Cutts, we pray for you & the team at the Lighthouse faamalosi. I have a suggestion. Why not request the Samoa Mission to make the Youth Hall available for your meetings on Sabbath? After all, your offerings & tithes are still going to the Samoa Mission, & besides, the facilities belong to the people (members) and you are Seventh – Day Adventists, whereas the SM is First Day Adventists.

  15. Talofa Lance n Merita,
    It’s been great knowing that you are still standing firm in regards to our Creator’s 7th day Sabbath. We are with you all and praying for God’s interceding Power to break thru’ and reveal His Mighty ways to your faithful group. Don’t give up, Jesus is coming soon!
    I agree with Bro. Tesese’s suggestion, if Samoa Mission won’t let you use the hall then there’s a lot of Sunday Churches that will let you use theirs on Sabbath for a love offering…and it’s a good way to reach out.

  16. I have really appreciated reading through the various posts to this discussion as we have for a long time been on a journey as a denomination to grow in our understanding of Sabbath.

    Personally, to have experienced the gradual transition from Sabbath being a rigid letter-of-the-law matter to one of responding to the incredible grace and mercy of God with “How can I best respond, Lord, in a way that is meaningful to You?” has been a life-changing blessing.

    The Sabbath, as I have been coming to understand it, is more about engaging honestly and vulnerably with God on His terms. In approaching the question faced by our precious Samoan brothers and sisters, it seems that key issues revolve around what best honours God.

    Choices that result in a clearer, worldwide recognition of the “Saturday” Sabbath (sunset to sunset of course) would reflect God’s Unity of purpose more than a letter-of-the-law response.

    The whole issue of keeping Sabbath on a round world has challenged us for a long time. For example, those who live closest to the North and South poles, face the challenge of 6 mths of twilight and 6 mths of daylight, and have to define Sabbath by their clocks rather than by a visible sunset. Yet their honouring of God is the best option thanks to the possibility of flexibility. If they were to be bound by Sabbath being each 7 sunsets, it would be a very different outcome.

    I know this is very different to what is being faced in Samoa, however, the challenge to be adaptable so that the best outcomes can be reached is similar.

    I hope that pride will not get in the way of a resolution that will have to involve a recognition of a mistake having been made – “Sorry, we made an ill-informed choice. Let’s make the change that will be for the better outcome for all concerned, including God.”

    May the Lord give those involved the necessary courage…

  17. I’ve been concerned about how the Samoa issue has been handled ever since I saw the article in The Record. I have to agree with Brian Holland and John Wallace on this issue – it is not a renaming of days, it’s to do with which side of the IDL the country is considered to be on. Whenever anybody ever crosses the IDL, they worship on the Sabbath according to what is considered to be the 7th day according to the local government. People are regularly experiencing 6 day or 8 day weeks whenever they cross over the line. What date are Samoans calling today? – Currently it’s about 5:50 Sabbath afternoon Feb 18 in Qld Australia – yet in California it would still be Fri evening 17 Feb. Are they calling it Feb 17 or 18 in Samoa? If Adventists are calling it Feb 18 as per government regulations – then it’s currently late Sabbath afternoon there (or if the sun has already set, then the Sabbath has passed). What date do they use for baby’s births and all sorts of other regular work-related records. Obviously the actual date they have to use is the recognised date the government has declared. Saying that tomorrow is 19 Feb yet at the same time calling it Sabbath only would make them a laughing-stock. It’s just a subtle way of bringing Sunday-keeping into the church

  18. As a former resident of Samoa, although many years ago (I even did my last two years of High School at Samoa College), I have to concur with the Sabbath Keepers. First of all, Saturday did not exist in Samoa until the 19th Century and then it was the same day as it is today. Then in 1892, American merchants persuaded the the Samoan government to move Samoa to the other side of the dateline to make things more convenient for those whose main trade link was with San Francisco. The new change has only restored Samoan date keeping to the previous case.

    I believe Samoan Adventists should still keep Saturday for all the reasons alluded to in the preceding arguments, particularly the Biblical ones, but if that is not enough, then surely following the same day as originally established as the Sabbath in Samoa is another good reason. I, personally, when I am next in Samoa (sometime soon, I hope) will be keeping Saturday as the Sabbath.

  19. I should also mention that when I lived in Samoa, I regularly travelled back and forth to New Zealand, crossing the International Date Line as it then was. Whichever place I was in I kept the local Saturday as the Sabbath and still consider that to be the sensible (and Biblical) thing to do.

  20. Some Jewish thoughts.

    “Rabbi Yechiel Michel Tucazinsky says that the date line runs 180° east of Jerusalem. He explains that because Jerusalem is considered the center of the land given to the Jewish people, it is also considered the center of the world according to Jewish law. Therefore, the date line would be located exactly 180° opposite Jerusalem, which would also enable every Jew in the world to observe at least 12 hours of the Sabbath together with those who live in Jerusalem.” (Sefer Hayomam B’Kadur Ha’aretz, ch. 23.)

    In other words — the line 0′ passing through Greenwich, this rabbi places as passing 35′ earlier, through Jerusalem.

    180 degrees either way from Jerusalem would place the “Biblical” ???? IDL in Alaska at about 145′W. Islands like Hawaii and of course Samoan would all be on the western side of IDL in harmony with the lands east of Jerusalem– (like Australia)

    So if this is a “Biblical” based explanation (well at least based on the Biblical Land) then the present (new) Saturday in Samoan is the true Sabbath.

    And we can also take into consideration that the New Jerusalem will descend where the present Jerusalem is now situated, so it could well be the “center point” in God’s reckoning.

  21. I spent quite some time reading through pages of comments on this thread. While I can understand the confusion concerning the IDL situation for the people, and found some excellent information being presented, there was something that was mentioned that greatly concerns me.

    It appears the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Ind. Samoa is using a little too heavy a hand in enforcing Sunday worship on its members?

    Correct me if I’m wrong.
    I realize there are many who have accepted the decision as right and willingly accept and support it, yet there there seems to be a degree of force being used to get the people to worship on Sunday.

    For example —

    1. It was stated that a one sided presentation was made to the churches explaining the decision to embrace Sunday as the day of worship based mainly on a supposition that Sunday in Samoa actually dates back to creation’s 7th day, while “shelving” information that may have led to a different decision.

    2. Pastors felt pressured to accept the decision or possibly lose their jobs. That a number of them are not comfortable with the decision.

    3. People who wanted to worship on the 7th day (Saturday) as recognized by NZ and Aust. and now Samoa, have been denied the use of Seventh-day Adventist church facilities.

    4. People opposed to worship on Sunday fear disfellowship?

    This sounds like coercion which greatly disturbs me.

    • Ulrike you had been misinformed about the situation in Samoa if these are the information you got. You were poorly advised. None of the 4 things you mentioned were happening in the island as i am in Samoa and witnessed everything. You need not to be poisoned by a few members who opposed the decision of the main church. Rely on God and his leading Hand not from few individual opinions. God Bless.
      [Editorial Comment: If "Boss" wishes to have credibility on this blog, this commenter will provide his real name, as requested by the moderators and as other Samoans posting here have done.]

      • Hi Boss,

        Are those worshiping on Saturday, outside Samatau, allowed to use church buildings for their worship?

        Are all pastors for Sunday worship?

        Was the report, that we still are not allowed to mention on here, shelved by the mission executive?

        Please explain about the rumours that Sabbath keepers will be disfellowshiped, if they don’t keep Sunday, after a 6-month period. The executive met on Feb. 11th to decide our fate, and as yet only rumours abound.

        It would be great to know your real name, and if an error has been detailed on this board, please answer it — or explain why the “7-day creation cycle” is still embraced, when it is obviously error. God bless in your stand.

        I just hope pride does not keep error in place of what is right! The Sabbath and our end-time message are under threat because of present circumstances.

        It is amazing how easy it was for the devil to get God’s church to embrace Sunday worship!

  22. Dear Staff Member,

    To what extent are you yourself aware that by your censorship activities within you are in fact a most powerful instrument in the hands of the Bible suppressing powers behind the Vatican?

    Are you a willing tool being directly paid by the Vatican? Or else, are you merely being influenced by your own training and indoctrination under the Vatican infiltrators of the Seventh-day Adventist church?

    To put it a little more succinctly, that is, in terms of the Scriptures own terminology: Is your 666 mark being placed on your forehead, or merely on your right hand?

    Cf. this link:


    Andy (c)

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