Thanks Ruth!


I wish to join you in your wish and prayer...


The psalms authored by David and others, as available to us in the Bible, are saturated with most important messages from our Creator and Redeemer. Yet, in some countries, Sweden being one, our popularly elected leadership has been enticed into forcing the Vatican II initiated Ecumenical songbooks upon our beloved Seventh-day Adventist congregations. Many of those Psalms and Songs are deceptively similar to the songs we have chosen for our very own songbooks in years past, yet I find many of the most essential messages within those Psalms and Songs, as originally designed by their original authors, being removed, changed, or watered down into oblivion. It is absolutely impossible to choose Psalms or Songs out of those Roman Catholic songbooks that are not certain to influence the thoughts and the lives of our beloved Brethren and Sisters in accord with the designs of the powers that be behind the Roman Church. The undesirable consequences, albeit certainly in line with the intent of the initiators of those Vatican II songbooks, have not been long in becoming ever more obvious to those of us who are willing to perceive the obvious...




My prayer is that I will become ever more willing to perceive my own share of responsibility for making these undesirable consequences a permanent feature in the lives and families of even my very own children... and to do what I can towards changing my own ways accordingly... One simple little thing that I've learnt not to do, is not ever to blend my own voice into the chorus of those who chose to lend their strength and support into singing those songs of deception.


May the Lord of Hosts protect us from our selves such that we will be removed from the curse inherent in 1 Sam 8:18...


Blessings to all our beloved Brethren and Sisters among the Seventh-day Adventist movement