
Skickat:                                      Friday, November 25, 2011 10:25 AM


Ämne:                                        RE: New Obama Law Warned Will Jail 500,000 Americans | Pakalert Press


יהוה אלהים

Powers of Life ©

Non-negotiable. Private between the parties.



.Here's a link to another version of this mail....  ]




Sweden Republic ©

[Outside the State of Sweden]




Written with a beginning on 5924[((*??*))] 07[1] 27 2028


The Fifth Day [of the week,] 

the 27th day of month #7, 27 Tishrei,

in the 5924th[(??)] year following the beginning recorded in Genesis 1

and in the 2028th year following the beginning recorded in Luke 1:26-33


[The 25th day of the month per ancient Rabbinical reckoning,

27 Chesvan (month #8) per more recent Jewish reckoning

(based upon a decimal error in Hillel II’s directives causing a wandering of the seasons!),


[Thursday, the 4th day of the Pope’s week (as revised in Sweden from 1973 A.D.,)

November 24 in the 2011th year of Caesar Tiberius

(per current Gregorian reckoning in Europe and elsewhere,)

Cf. Daniel 7:25…]


Dear Lois,


Thanks for your always very valuable and appreciated feedback!

There is much apparent reason for worrying these days, isn’t there?!

Some of the watchmen and guards at the prisons I’ve attended told me that part of their ongoing education consists of learning methods designed for intimidating people, that is, intimidation classes are given to government representatives such as police, military, etc. for the purpose of making their subjects more docile and more willing to comply and consent to being governed…

Every time I listen to any of the broadcasts of the media designed for the masses I notice a sense of fear approaching my way, which, if I’d allow myself to submit to it, and not resist it, would, no doubt, soon engulf me and make me, in effect, one of their compliant subjects… fearful as most of saying or doing anything contrary to that which most others around me are doing… Accordingly, I rarely, if ever, turn on any of the public media for me or mine to soak in. Indeed, I have not even had a TV or as radio set hooked up for use even for decades by now. So there is a place for resistance… That is, on the level of controlling myself within the boundaries that belong to me, myself, and I alone…

But how should I deal with powers and entities on the outside of my domain who may seem to threaten my security? Is there a place for resistance? Didn’t the Savior tell us once and for all not to resist Evil? Cf. Matt 5:39! Well then, Is there a place for compliance? Isn’t it true that by complying we become one with the enemy while being likewise responsible for all of our co-operative actions? Cf. Rev 18:4! Or, is there a third option, vastly more effective perhaps? Yet, all too often entirely forgotten and rarely taught?...

You might be interested in watching the link in the below email copy that was sent my way some time ago… It may be perceived by some as an attitude of resistance, might it not?

Yet, I wonder why so few are taking to heart the really powerful tools provided by the Almighty, that is, by none less than the Creator of the entire universe? Think about it: 1) If you give the Enemy your support, then you have in effect made yourself the Enemy, have you not? 2) If you resist the Enemy who has all the power and all the guns, then they have the power to mow you down any time and any which way they prefer, but 3) if you do neither of the above, that is, if you neither assist, nor resist, then they will soon give up as proven by Gandhi in India, and as likewise proven by the lives of innumerable people throughout all times who have tested this method for themselves, most of which experiences have never been publicly recorded. Think about it, if the Jews in Nazi Germany had laid down passively when herded out of their homes towards the concentration camps, that is, rather than carrying themselves on each their own two legs, do you think the individual Nazi soldiers would have been willing to carry them the distance? Do you think they would have been willing to begin mowing people down en masse while they were still in the free zone, out in the public? Likewise today… As for myself, well, I’ve used this method a number of times when approached or attacked by aggressive police men and others such like… and, lo and behold, I’ve found it exceedingly effective. The method is so powerful that the powers that be do not desire to keep anyone using it anywhere within their domain or within their various prisons and other campgrounds. The method, when used in front of their fearful guards, is teaching their own guards true methods of fearlessness that they do not wish for their own guards to know anything about lest they won’t be as willing as before to blindly obey their orders… Thus, they do everything they can to get me out of their hairs, that is, out of their compounds, as soon as they possibly can… Consider it! Selah!

So that’s one most powerful tool you can use! Another, even more powerful tool, is removing yourself officially out of their jurisdiction. That is, by stopping to volunteer your responsibility and your decision making powers, to those who see themselves as the trustees of the people and as the representatives of the State, you effectively move yourself out of the slave plantation… That is, by removing your name you effectively remove also the corresponding collateral out of the power and control of the State representatives! In effect, you remove the responsibility previously placed upon the shoulders of the State, and by thus removing their responsibility you remove their incentive and willingness to even look your way… Much less touch you, or otherwise do anything against that which is not within their area of interest or jurisdiction! In effect, by so doing you’ve been accepted the tool that God alone can provide, that is a tool for deflecting the will and desire of another man… Have you not?!!!  Come to think of it, isn’t that tool very much at the very heart of the first three of the ten Commandments? Cf. Exodus 20:2-7 and Deuteronomy 5:6-11!

You see, that’s why there are caveats provided in various Petitions, such as this one: “All signatures are welcome, though ones without all requested information may not be counted and non-[State] signatures will not be counted.” Just in case you didn’t know before…


May the peace of our Creator and Savior rest over each our families and homes for ever,

Powers of Life ©



PS. Feel free to share this email with others, perhaps by simply copy/pasting and thus sharing this link…








Från: ice blog []
Skickat: Sunday, January 09, 2011 12:38 PM
Till: ice blog
Ämne: Gun Control


Found an excellent documentary regarding Gun Control. Share this with everyone you know.

Innocents Betrayed

 Just Say No to Gun Control!!

The Ice Blog






----- Original Message -----

From: …
Sent: Sunday, November 20, 2011 4:05 AM
Subject: Fw: New Obama Law Warned Will Jail 500,000 Americans | Pakalert Press


Be glad that you live in Sweden!!!  Lois


----- Original Message -----

From: …

To: …

Sent: Saturday, November 19, 2011 5:22 PM

Subject: New Obama Law Warned Will Jail 500,000 Americans | Pakalert Press



I thought perhaps you might be interested in reading this. Did you know

about this? INTERESTING!









Without recourse. All Rights Reserved. Powers of Life ©

יהוה אלהים

[1] After having focused closely upon Scriptural chronology based upon the most original references and using the best tools available to me, I see little or no reason not to consider Scripture month #1, aviv (as used and applied in Biblical times,) as being based upon the aviv found on Mount Jerusalem, or perhaps more accurately, upon the current location of the Ark of the Covenant (while not upon the aviv found at hotter and lower altitudes, albeit within the boundaries of Israel, e.g. in the Jordan valley or in the Negev desert.) Cf. this link!