From:      ...

Sent:      Sunday, April 01, 2012


Subject: "Make them days of feasting and joy, and of sending portions one to another, and gifts to the poor!" - Happy Purim!



יהוה אלהים

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Written with a beginning on 5924[((*??*))] 12[1] 09 2028


The First Day [of the week,]


The 9th day of month #12, 9 Adar,

in the 5924th[(??)] year following the beginning recorded in Genesis 1

and in the 2028th year following the beginning recorded in Luke 1:26-33


[The 7th day of the month per ancient Rabbinical reckoning,

9 Aviv (month #1) per more recent Jewish reckoning

(based upon a decimal error in Hillel II’s directives causing a wandering of the seasons!),


[Sunday, the 7th day of the Pope’s week (as revised in Sweden from 1973 A.D.,)

April 1 in the 2012th year of Caesar Tiberius

(per current Gregorian reckoning in Europe and elsewhere,)

Cf. Daniel 7:25…]





Beloved Brethren and Sisters in the Seventh-day Advent movement,



Happy Purim!


The within will serve as my portions and as my gifts to you in accord with the word of the Lord as found in Esther 9:22. I hope that you will find in this message of mine something that you value and appreciate, and that it will serve to bring all of us a little bit closer to our Maker and a little bit closer towards that Kingdom of His into which He wishes to bring each and all of us.

Yes, I know, many, perhaps most, consider this next Sabbath Aviv 15 and the First Day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, or else Easter Sabbath… The reasons for my different stand re this being Adar and not Aviv may be found within the footnote provided above. Perhaps (?) I am in error… I am writing to you with the assumption that you are honestly doing whatever you are doing, and that you are truly standing up for your convictions, be such whatever they may be. That last thing is important! Very important! How else would anyone ever be able to learn and to safely proceed upon the path of his or her own certain experiences and lessons learnt?!! So far, over these 18 months of my following this different reckoning, I’ve been blessed with a number of valuable Scripture discoveries which I believe I would not otherwise have found. That will be my firsthand witness in confirmation of the truth and value re this particular stand of mine at this time…

I find it truly wonderful to be allowed to safely rest in the hands of my Maker every moment of my life. It is surely a blessing to begin my day each morning by committing my will, my desires, my being, and all of mine, into His hands and under His protection alone. He is the Maker and owner of all, and He alone has the power to do with any and all of us whatever He will. To me that, and that only, is true security and real safety. My wish is for each and all to experience the same! And that goes for you too!

Times are not always easy… There is plenty of suffering and death in this world of ours. I have no doubt but that many, even most, of those who perished in the Flood of Noah were honestly mistaken… As the prophet Hosea puts it:

Hosea 4:6 KJV  My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.


Yet, we know that when we are willing to repent, even as the people at Nineveh at the time of Jonah did, then there is salvation to be had. That too remains true today and always. God is good and He is truly the God of Love, as none other. But never forget: There is also the concept of the closed door. The truth inherent in the words “too late…” Remember Jesus’ parable re the ten virgins at the wedding! Remember the people that perished in the Flood of Noah!

In my life I too have had to go through some hard times and I too have had to learn my lessons the hard way. No doubt you have too…

During these last few months I’ve become aware of some most interesting and valuable things in the Holy Scriptures of which I have not been aware before. I’ve never heard of anyone else making a connection between pole shifts and Joshua’s long day, or between pole shifts and the time in Hezekiah’s 15th year when the shadow on Ahaz’s sundial reversed its steps ten degrees. Perhaps you have and I have missed it? At any rate, to me, seeing the consequences of that reality, has not been without a tendency to put fear in my heart and to scare me into being paralyzed with fear, that is, to stop short of proceeding with the job that I perceive the Lord of Hosts as having laid upon my table to work upon. As I said, it is truly a blessing to be able to enjoy the security of the Almighty! Without Him I could have accomplished none of the results I am now able to share with you…

It is becoming ever more clear to me that, based upon the Holy Scriptures, and based upon solid scientific evidence recognizable from similar events of the past, there will be additional pole shifts in the future. These will be quite sudden and very rapid and, unless properly prepared, most people on this planet will be drowned and buried under horrendous tsunamis that will likely traverse major portions of most every continent… I have no certain or scientific evidence as to the exact point in time when such future pole shifts will occur. They could begin even this minute, or they could be delayed for yet thousands of years. That is, unless our Maker provides for each of us an escape according to His design. Who knows, perhaps He has already provided a means for stopping such repeated pole shifts? If He has, then that could be the reason for there being already more than 2,700 years since that last pole shift in Hezekiah’s time... But I have no evidence showing me that future pole shifts are already stopped short in their tracks. Quite the contrary… Thus, I believe we would all be wise to commit ourselves even more into His hands than we ever have before!

At any rate, and regardless of which calendar you may be honoring, we all know that God certainly saved His People out of Egypt on the First Day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and that God likewise saved His People from the hands of Haman on the days of Purim. I have no doubts but that He is able and willing to save His own People whatever time it truly is, and regardless of which calendar we happen to be using. As usual, we ourselves are the ones to choose whether or not to accept the saving hands of our Maker. Unfortunately, as always, our blindness tends to stop us short from receiving and accepting that which is, from time to time, being offered unto each of us for the purpose of saving us from disaster… Becoming ever more familiar with the Creator’s own calendar has certainly been an eye opener to me in more than one respect. It has certainly made me able to perceive and to accept some most valuable Scripture treasures that otherwise I would certainly still be rejecting. Perhaps the same may be true to you in your situation?

If you are interested in learning more re the reality of pole shifts behind said Scripture records, even in the format of computer simulations of the same, then please accept this link to another page of mine and enjoy this as my portion and as my gift to you this Purim.


May the Lord of Hosts, each our Savior and Maker, bless each of our families and homes, and each one among us, with the peace and security that He alone is able to provide,


Gunnar ©


PS. As an additional gift, if you will accept it as such, and if we happen to survive the Passover of the Jews and the weekend of April 6, 2012, you will then realize firsthand that such as may be, by some, interpreted as a prophecy, or as a warning from the Lord, by means of something called “the Bible Code,” may not necessarily be anything beyond that which is to be found in the eyes of the beholder searching for and finding exactly that which he is looking for.

Yet… It is always good to be reminded of such things as our Creator has designed for us to remember and to learn! Regardless of the source! And, it is not always easy to distinguish between one source and another, is it? At any rate, none of my Scripture findings, re chronology or re the polar shifts, is ever based upon such a Bible Code, nor is it based upon any mere authority of men. For me to rely and build upon something, it must be based upon real events in real time as recorded by a firsthand witness in the original language, or as close to that as one can get, and upon the best available scientific tools, e.g. astronomy software of recognized and verifiable quality.



PS II. Here is yet another gift I wish to share with you, and which gift arrived to me even as late as yesterday. I have not yet have time to look at it very much, but I have no doubt but that it may be the closest thing to the original that is available to us. I am talking about the DuTillet Matthew. In the pdf-file entitled “The Lost Hebrew Gospels” you’ll find 1) a copy of the original DuTillet Matthew, 2) a Hebrew transcription of the same into more easily recognizable font, 3) a Greek text for comparison, and 4) an English translation of the DuTillet Matthew. Enjoy and be blessed!





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יהוה אלהים












[1] After having focused closely upon Scriptural chronology based upon the most original references and using the best tools available to me, I see little or no reason not to consider Scripture month #1, aviv (as used and applied in Biblical times,) as being based upon the aviv found on Mount Jerusalem, or perhaps more accurately, upon the current location of the Ark of the Covenant (while not upon the aviv found at hotter and lower altitudes, albeit within the boundaries of Israel, e.g. in the Negev desert (2012,) in the Jordan valley (2011,) in the Jordan valley (2010) or in the Negev desert (2010.) Cf. this link!