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 Statement of belief: “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.” (John 17:17 KJV)


 Updated 5927± 02 11 2023 [2007-04-29]












To What Extent does

the Writings of Ellen White

Harmonize with the Within Study

Re the Timing of the Supper at Simon’s House,

the Triumphal Ride into Jerusalem,

the Cursing of the Fig Tree, and

the Second Cleansing of the Temple?




A brief summary from the quotes below which as such fits into the within timeline, except that I find that the gospel narrators seems to indicate that the second visit to the fig tree occurred on a day subsequent to the second cleansing of the temple:


A Friday, Sixth Day event?:

From the quotes below it appears that “the triumphal ride of Christ into Jerusalem” ended when “Jesus passed unnoticed to the temple,” where “all was quiet,” and “then He withdrew with His disciples, and returned to Bethany.


The Sabbath events:

The entire night Jesus spent in prayer, and in the morning He came again to the temple.” On this day Yeshua cursed the fig tree, and then…


The Sunday events:

The next morning, as the Saviour and His disciples were again on their way to the city, the blasted branches and drooping leaves attracted their attention. "Master," said Peter, "behold, the fig tree which Thou cursedst is withered away."  The next chapter after these quotes is Chap. 65 - The Temple Cleansed Again.






More from the context quoted above:



Chap. 64 - A Doomed People


     The triumphal ride of Christ into Jerusalem {DA 580.1} …There were Roman officers in the throng, and to them His enemies denounced Jesus as the leader of a rebellion. They represented that He was about to take possession of the temple, and reign as king in Jerusalem.  {DA 580.3}

     But the calm voice of Jesus hushed for a moment the clamorous throng as He again declared that He had not come to establish a temporal rule; …The Roman officers were silenced and subdued. …Instead of arresting Jesus, they were more inclined to pay Him homage. Turning upon the priests and rulers, they charged them with creating the disturbance. These leaders, chagrined and defeated, turned to the people with their complaints, and disputed angrily among themselves.  {DA 581.1}

     Meanwhile Jesus passed unnoticed to the temple. All was quiet there, for the scene upon Olivet had called away the people. For a short time Jesus remained at the temple, looking upon it with sorrowful eyes. Then He withdrew with His disciples, and returned to Bethany. When the people sought for Him to place Him on the throne, He was not to be found.  {DA 581.2}

     The entire night Jesus spent in prayer, and in the morning He came again to the temple. On the way He passed a fig orchard. He was hungry, "and seeing a fig tree afar off having leaves, He came, if haply He might find anything thereon: and when He came to it, He found nothing but leaves; for the time of figs was not yet."  {DA 581.3}

     It was not the season for ripe figs, except in certain localities; and on the highlands about Jerusalem it might truly be said, "The time of figs was not yet." But in the orchard to which Jesus came, one tree appeared to be in advance of all the others. It was already covered with leaves. It is the nature of the fig tree that before the leaves open, the growing fruit appears. Therefore this tree in full leaf gave promise of well-developed fruit. But its appearance was deceptive. Upon searching its branches, from the lowest bough to the topmost twig, Jesus found "nothing but leaves." It was a mass of pretentious foliage, nothing more.  {DA 581.4}

     Christ uttered against it a withering curse. "No man eat fruit of thee hereafter forever," He said. The next morning, as the Saviour and His disciples were again on their way to the city, the blasted branches and drooping leaves attracted their attention. "Master," said Peter, "behold, the fig tree which Thou cursedst is withered away."  {DA 582.1}


Chap. 65 - The Temple Cleansed Again


     At the beginning of His ministry, Christ had driven from the temple those who defiled it by their unholy traffic; and His stern and godlike demeanor had struck terror to the hearts of the scheming traders. At the close of His mission He came again to the temple, and found it still desecrated as before. The condition of things was even worse than before. The outer court of the temple was like a vast cattle yard. With the cries of the animals and the sharp chinking of coin was mingled the sound of angry altercation between traffickers, and among them were heard the voices of men in sacred office. The dignitaries of the temple were themselves engaged in buying and selling and the exchange of money. So completely were they controlled by their greed of gain that in the sight of God they were no better than thieves.  {DA 589.1}







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