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The 3rd Commandment – What names are being referenced?




The 3rd Commandment:


- What blessings and what powers are inherent in the 3rd Commandment?


- What name or names is/are being referenced in the 3rd Commandment?





Exo 20:7 KJV+  Thou shalt not3808 take5375 (853) the name8034 of the LORD3068 thy God430 in vain;7723


Exo 20:7 (1917 Swedish bible)  Du skall icke missbruka HERRENS, din Guds, namn


Exo 20:7 לא תשׂא את־שׁם־יהוה אלהיך


The Hebrew name for "the LORD thy God" isיהוה אלהיך. The genitive form is indicated by this name following the word meaning "a name," i.e. the Hebrew word "שׁם."

There is no definite article attached to this Hebrew word, thus the KJV translation "the name" is in effect a mistranslation, as is also the Swedish "HERRENS, din Guds, namn," which likewise is written in a format indicating a definite name.







Perhaps the KJV and the Swedish translations could be more accurately translated as follows?:


Exo 20:7 TLT[IaWIa1]   "a (or any) name of the LORD thy God," and

Exo 20:7 TLT-Sw  "något namn tillhörande HERREN, din Gud."


Perhaps the significance, and the importance, of this matter is somewhat better understood when one considers the real and/or formal status of one's own name: If, and when, there exist no man made authority who is claiming you as their subject, then there is a reality in you claiming the LORD thy God, i.e. Yahweh Elohim, as your one and only superior and owner, and thus your name is truly "a name of the LORD thy God." Do you see that? If on the other hand you use e.g. an ID card, passport, etc.. where you do in effect identify yourself as a subject of one man made State or another, then isn't it true that you have voluntarily chosen yourself another king? Compare 1 Samuel Chapter 8, and also Genesis 1:28 and Exodus 20:2-6!


Do you now see a little more of the power and freedom inherent in being formally outside of the land out of which the LORD thy God is leading each one of us – that is, if and when any one among us is willing to follow Him step by little step in that direction?












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