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 Statement of belief: “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.” (John 17:17 KJV)


 Updated 5927± 02 08 2023 [2007-04-26]














What “tribute money” and What “penny” did Jesus Ask to See?


A Study of the Original Hebrew MS as per Shem Tov’s Hebrew Matthew 22:19








Show me the seal of the obligation. And they brought it to him.” Matt. 22:19 (TLT©)






The words “the seal of the obligation” certainly applies to a signed tax return, does it not?


Whose logo and name are found upon the four corners of a signed and sealed tax return, if not those of IRS (top) and those of something identifying itself as a subject of IRS by its Tax Identification Number (TIN [cf. § 7701 (a) (41) & (1) & (14) and § 6109 (a) (1) & (h) (1)]) and by its Zone Improvement Program (ZIP) code?





Considerations re the code and re the wordplay used extensively for creating said code:


Notice this about the number 1040 used as a logo on Form 1040: In the Hebrew language the word for “man” is “Adam” or “אדמ.” Well, those three Hebrew letters are also the Hebrew digits 1-4- 40, or 01-04-40.


Well, in Hebrew writing it is not unheard of to compress two consecutive letters into one, e.g. “אב” (father) + “בן” (son) = בן” + “אב = “אבבן” = “אבן” (stone) [cf. Judges 9:5,18; 2 Chron. 2:14, and Luke 11:11!]


Likewise 01-04-40 could probably be written 010440 or 01040 or 1040 as in Form 1040. When this is done by some “man” or “woman” is such a man not then voluntarily conforming into being a “1040” subject of IRS? That 1-4-40, “אדמ,” is then effectively transforming or conforming him or her self into being a numbered creature, an it, using instead the numbers “10-40” which in Hebrew is written “ים” meaning “sea” or “water.” (cf. Strong’s H3220 & H4325.) Now, isn’t that the same as being “liquidated?”


So now, whose seals do you see on the top and bottom of your Form 1040?


Who is responsible for liquidating him or herself into being an item, instrument, or individual, of Mammon? I.e. into becoming a “current” or “currency?” And where is that current or river flowing from? Cf. Revelation 22:1 and notice the direction of flow! Can water eat the fruit of the tree of life? Or, is water used for irrigating the tree of life? Who are getting the benefit of the tree of life being irrigated? Is it the “sea,” or is it Adam, mankind, as in living men and women made of flesh and blood? Is there a difference between “flesh and blood” and “paper and ink?”


And what is the procedure for returning the water to its source? Is it “re-venue” or is it by means of distilling it through natural processes that are in effect making the water become humidity while ascending towards the heavens hence it originally came? Isn’t such a distilling procedure very much a procedure of purification? And isn’t the true meaning of the word “sanctification” “cleansing or purification?” (Cf. Strong’s H6942 and G37!)


And what is the procedure for transforming water into being part and parcel of “man?”




Now, did I create these constructions, or were they there already? Who is being conned and by whom? And who is playing word games with whom?


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Let’s briefly consider the letters “EZ” as in Form 1040EZ:


The letter E is the 5th letter and Z is the 26th letter of the English alphabet, are they not? Well, the fifth letter of the Hebrew alphabet is “ה” and is, when used as a prefix, the definite article “the.” The number 26 has some very strong associations with the Hebrew letter “א” meaning “one” or “first,” not only by rotating the letter z 90 degrees. Thus, the letters “EZ” could be read as “the first” as in order of priority, could they not?


Another wordplay using these letters goes as follows:


In Hebrew the sound of the letter E is written “י” which means “steady hand” and also “10.” The Hebrew letter representing the sound “ts” or “z” is “צ” meaning “fish hook” or “90.”


Now, who is caught on the fish hook and who is the steady hand holding on at the other end?


You may also consider the above associations with the number “90” and the preferential use, since ages past, by the Roman Catholic Church of numbers being multiples of 3, such as 3, 6, 9, 90, and 6+60+600=666, do you see that?


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More considerations:


Now do you see why Jesus sent Peter fishing for a coin for the satisfaction of Peter’s [inappropriate] promise to the tax collector as per Matt. 17:27?


You did know that Matthew was a tax collector before he choose to follow Yeshua, did you not?


Are you aware of the name of the chief Bank of the Vatican? It is Banco di Spirito Sancto! Better known as Bank of America.



Are you starting to get the gist of this con game yet?








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