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Statement of belief: “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.” (John 17:17 KJV)




Created 5930± 12 20 2026 [2010-03-07]

Last edited  5924[(*??*)] 05 27 2028 [2012-09-15]











The Lord’s Prayer


An interlinear TLT © translation

based upon Shem Tov’s Hebrew Matthew[i] 6:9-13


(Re Shem Tov’s Hebrew Matthew,

a transcript of an original Hebrew text from which the Aramaic

and then the Greek manuscripts are translated, please

cf. the last portion of this video presentation by Nehemiah Gordon,

a Dead Sea Scrolls scholar from Jerusalem:)



Grammar notations[ii]

Strong’s Hebrew numbers


Word for word English translation

English translation (TLT © Tree of Life Time version)

Swedish translation (TLT © )





The Red Line

of the Lord’s Prayer:


– A prayer for the transfer of a clear title from the State to the Creator of all things…


– A prayer for taking back One’s power of responsibility


– A prayer for the return of proper respect for the original boundaries


-          A Prayer for the redemption of God’s property














your name


Our Father/origin


- Our Origin / original Father / Creator in verity, clear your title [to me and mine!]

-Vårt Ursprung / Fader vår / Du som verkligen är Skaparen, rengör Din titel [till mig och mitt!]


*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *





pp, masc pl[iv], nn

























And bless/create




of delight

your kingdom

in accord with the names


let it be



but also with the substance








- Create your Kingdom of Delight! Take title to it and let it be shaped [not only] in name, but in action and substance!

- Skapa ditt underbara Konungarike! Tag titel till det och låt det formas [inte bara] i ord [eller tanke,] men i akt och i påtaglighet!


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towards us heat (us bread)

And give







- Teach us our lessons continually [such that we may come to recognize each our part of the responsibility!]

- Lär oss våra lärdomar, kontinuerligt och oavbrutet [på det att vi måtte uppmärksamma vars och ens vår delaktighet i ansvaret!]


*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *
























before us

And dance/display





as stand

our crimes/trespasses/offences

those that crimes/trespasses/offences






towards us









- Forgive us / Give us advance healing, as we give healing to others that are trespassing upon us and ours.

- Förlåt oss / Giv oss förebyggande läkedom, likasom vi ger läkedom till andra som överträder oss och vårat.


*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *



























And not/power/mighty





to know

let come to us



But/And guard

experience /trial



from all






So be it!/Amen!

bad/evil (destruction of life)/superficiality (the head of the eye)


- And let us not [be forced to] come into knowledge by [our own] experience, but guard [us by means of teaching us how to accept your advance warning; by means of making your word of truth be our head] us from all destructive power and authority.

Let it be so! Amen!

-          Och låt oss inte [tvingas] komma till kunskap genom [våra egna] misstag, men skydda [genom att lära oss ta varning i förtid; genom att låta sanningens ord vara vårat huvud] oss från all destruerande makt och myndighet.

Låt det så vara! Amen!

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *












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[i] Howard, George, Hebrew Gospel of Matthew (1995,) p. 24.


[ii] With a most fundamental footnote entry… (cf. footnote iv below: “Re ‘shamajim’ vs. ‘shemim,’ that is re ‘heaven’ vs. ‘names’ ”)


[iii] Pointed Hebrew written by means of http://www.lexilogos.com/keyboard/hebrew.htm.


[iv] Re ‘shamajim’ vs. ‘shemim,’ that is re ‘heaven’ vs. ‘names:’


The general rule for Hebrew gender is that “words indicating males are masculine… and words indicating females are feminine…” (cf. Menahem Mansoor, Contemporary Hebrew 1, p. 37.) The exceptions to this rule, as used in the Holy Scriptures, are probably more of an apparent nature than of a real nature. That is, considering that words and names in Hebrew are very much intended to convey the fundamental nature and descriptive characteristics of things. Thus, a thing that may superficially appear as being a male while yet behaving, or being treated in real life and in fundamental aspects, as a female, is properly treated as a female thing also as reflected in the words describing or naming the thing. Most importantly, in consequence of the definition found in Genesis 1:28, and as emphasized especially in the first three of the Ten Commandments, a thing being treated as property of a created thing, or being, is thereby appropriately referenced among such things as God has authorized as being within the dominion of men per Genesis 1:28; and 3:16. That is, in contradistinction to a being respected as a sovereign Son or Daughter of God under none but the Creator of all.


It follows that a name referencing the Father within a true Family of God, and most especially the names of the Father of that original Family of God of which the male and female two-in-oneness is created an image (Genesis 1:27,) must be properly treated as a masculine word: ‘שמימ.’ That is, in contradistinction to a name of the Father of a family that is being registered within the trusteeship of a State created by men. Accordingly it should come as no surprise that the Hebrew word ‘shem,’ when used in reference to a human being registered within a State, is being generally treated as a female word, that is, with the typical female plural ending: ‘שמות’.


No wonder then that men on earth perceive and translate the Hebrew word ‘שמימ,’ not as the plural of the Hebrew word for ‘Shem,’ meaning ‘name, title, characteristic…,’ but as ‘heaven,’ that is, as a thing beyond their reach. – That is, while yet not realizing that each one’s descent and entry into a State of men is a voluntary action and not, as commonly believed, something one is naturally born into, or a matter in which one has no choice. Cf. the un-Scriptural concept of “being born in sin!”


It should be added here that the point of voluntary choice and action is a very early one. In fact, the very first within each chain of events! It is being done for each new born infant when a parent signs his or her name upon a form or document of the State which is being used for creating and assigning a social security number and a typically ALL CAPS NAME very similar to the name created by the parents and subsequently associating these similar sounding names (cf. the term ‘idem sonans.’) This event typically happens very shortly after the delivery of the infant, but commonly also at the very beginning of the prenatal care being provided to the pregnant mother. At the age of majority the maturing child will later be offered various benefits in return for their signature upon forms being used as proof of his or her voluntary consent and confirmation of said prior action of his or her parents. Among such documents the alert child will recognize e.g. Forms from the Selective Service Office, Forms used for applying for a Drivers License or any other State ID, Forms used for applying for an employment with a State registered company, Forms for self-assessment of Taxes, or, indeed, each and any Form issued by the State.


The easiest way for anyone to not fall into this trap and temptation is to recognize the power of doing nothing and never to sign any of said documents and forms. That is, in consequence of the “Thou shalt not…” commandments of permanently resting under the protection of God alone. For those that find themselves already trapped, the situation may not be quite so easy. Yet, so long as one is yet alive, there is always a way provided for realizing true redemption. That is, such that one’s proprietorship is truly and effectively being transferred back into the Kingdom of God. This is a step by little step process of undoing, rescinding, effectively and ab initio, each and all of those initial contracts one has formerly signed.


The good news is that the laws of every State are very carefully written for the purpose of safe guarding the above referenced boundaries of proprietorship, and once one has effectively recognized and acted upon the above referenced principles one will be recognized and respected accordingly. Yet, One’s one to one relationship under the guidance of none but our Savior must not be perceived as a passive waiting for the action of someone else while doing nothing one self, that is, by not even being willing to accept the guidance and teaching of God and per the Holy Scriptures, re these things! Cf. Daniel 2:35, 44; Philippians 2:12; the Three Angel’s Messages; and Revelation 18:4!


[v] Cf. New Comprehensive Shilo Pocket Dictionary, Edited by Zevi Scharfstein (1995,) pp. E-H: 76, 246, H-E: 236.