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Statement of belief: “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.” (John 17:17 KJV)




Created 5941[(?)] 09 07 2027 [2010-12-14]

Last edited 5941[(?)] 11 10 2027 [2011-02-13]






ספר הישר


The Book of Jasher

in Hebrew


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Sefer HaYashar:

            Audio files: http://wn.com/Sefer_haYashar (cf. my listing of each chapter of the Book of Jasher!)

            Hebrew books:  http://www.hebrewbooks.org/advanced.aspx (Copy/paste “ספר הישר” into the Title Field and press Search!)




These are the versions of the Book of Jasher that I found at hebrewbooks.org:

Click here!




As to real hard copy books I’ve found one certain source at jasher.com (as published 1625 in Venice.)


Additionally, James Trimm says, re his own translation, Sefer HaYashar, vs. the Hebrew text that “It is not included.  It can be found commonly in Israel.”











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