Without recourse. All Rights Reserved. Tree of Life©

 Statement of belief: “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.” (John 17:17 KJV)


Created 5942[v2016-12-14-21:32] 12 21 - 01 12 2039 [2023-03-14 thru 2023-04-19]

Created 5942[v2016-12-14-21:32] 12 21 - 09 13 2039 [2023-04-30] – As excerpted from my Reformation file…

Further work 5942[v2016-12-14-21:32] 01 24 2039 [2023-05-13 eve]

Update 5942[v2016-12-14-21:32] 01 25 2039 [2023-05-15] – Added figs. #103 & #119, and edited fig. #104.

Addition 5942[v2016-12-14-21:32] 02 04 2039 [2023-05-29] – Added a reference link to my 3D AutoCad page

Addition 5942[v2016-12-14-21:32] 03 04 2039 [2023-06-23] – Added a section re the dating of the Sphinx and more.




Ice Ages vs the Very Recent Pole Shifts






Fig. 1: Tomb painting from c. 1700 BCE in Beni Hassan, Egypt, showing Israelite immigrants. Notice the colorful dresses and their noses!

Fig. 2: The Ipuwer papyrus that describes the 10 plagues in Egypt.

Fig. 3: Grave stone on the island of Mycenae, Greece, depicting a scene from the parting of the Red Sea.

Please watch for 2 minutes beginning at this link!


The author of the above linked video makes a good case for a major eruption of Mt. Santorino, Greece being at the cause of the 10 plagues,

but could it be that that eruption was also associated with a pole shift, or perhaps as an adjustment prior to, or at the end of, a pole shift?





A Little Background History from far beyond:

Many important, yet hidden, and forgotten archeological discoveries from the grave mounds in Sweden are reported in this book, printed in 1874:

Fig. 4 & 5: [English translation of book title: ‘Stories from the Swedish History’ by C. Georg Starbäck; printed in the year 1874!]

The Swedish book “Berättelser ur Swenska Historien”, af C. Georg Starbäck; Stockholm. F. & C. Beijers förlag;

Printed in Norrköping 1874 by M. W. Wallberg & Comp. Boktryckeri.

In the above book I read that - based upon the finds within said grave mounds - around 700 BCE people immigrated from the east into Scandinavia. These immigrating people (bringing in the so called ‘Bronze Age’) were very tall in comparison to the Eskimo (the so called ‘Stone Age’) people previously inhabiting the southern and western coast lines of Scandinavia, at a time when most of Scandinavia was still largely covered by glaciers. That is, the land ice of the so-called Ice Age - as evidenced also by ancient Arabic maps of Scandinavia dated to c. 200 CE.

The culture, tools etc., of the Eskimo people buried in said grave mounds are described as being identical to those of the Eskimos on Greenland up until at least 1950. In contradistinction, said immigrants from the east were skilled artisans in the making of tools, weapons, and art using bronze craftmanship (cf. “the Bronze Age”). These immigrants arrived traveling in Viking ships reminiscent of the ships buried next to the pyramids in Egypt. The Church boats being used in Dalarna, Sweden are also very much of the same design and architecture. These immigrants from the east came from the Black Sea through the river Volga and more, at a time when said east was really north and towards the equator (sic! More below…). Another source reports that the traditional national dresses still being used in Sweden today are very similar to those traditionally used within Israel. Indeed, there are many characteristics indicating that Scandinavian people are descendants from the ten tribes of Israel.

 Khufu Boat And Unique Boat-Building Technique Of Ancient Egyptians -  Ancient Pages


1: Viking ship; 2: Ship at Giza, Egypt; 3: From the Hecht Museum in Haifa, Israel; 4: A church boat on Lake Siljan at Rättvik, Dalarna, Sweden.

[Notice: Click any photo within to see its source!]



“These new ships carrying travelers from the east. They were different… had their roots in Lebanon and Israel…”


“Evidence of travelers from the Levant has been found all along the Mediterranean and beyond…”

Notice in particular the green areas of “Frequent Viking Raids” That is, documented travel routes at the time! 


“Tin… a rare metal… one of the main components of bronze making… Still mined… in Baratanac, the Land of Tin…”







Fig. 6 thru 46: ”As early as 445 BC Herodotus speaks of the British Isles as the Tin Islands… The Greek explorer Pytheas of Masilia, writer of the now lost earliest account of the North Atlantic mentioned the tin trading… Polybius… Diodorus… as early as 1500 BC… The Phoenicians…” Tin mines of 1500 BC Iberia (Spain)... “The walled Copper Age metropolis Los Millares c. 3200-2300 BC… Canaan writing [ancient Hebrew]… There is no known instance of a Phenician ever calling themselves a Phenician or any other collective term… they describe themselves in terms of their individual names and cities…[Notice the large noses and the evidence of circumcision!]… Why did they call themselves Phenicians?... They didn’t… It’s a Greek word… a dye… may have had red hair… ? Their origin… Baalbek Lebanonimmense size [from the time of Solomon’s building activities]… King Ahiram of Byblos… [2 Sam 5:11; 1 King 5:1-12; 7:13-45; 9:11-27; 1 Chr 14:1; 2 Chr 4:11]…  22 letter alphabet… The Siege of Tyre…”






Important, But Forgotten – or Hidden - Background

For Better Understanding

the Migrations of the 10 Tribes Taken Captives by the Assyrian King

Around 700 BCE. That is,

the Roots of Some of the Scandinavian People:



Fig. 47 thru 49: Until the pole shift of around 1420 BCE the North Pole was located about 100 km west of the Norwegian coast (just below the ‘g’ in “Floating Ice” in the above map). After said pole shift of 1420 BCE the above Ice Cap would have been diminishing quite rapidly until the pole shift of 699/698 BCE, after which it would have continued to diminish at a considerably slower rate. As you can see in the map above, the southern edge of the land ice (commonly known as the ‘Ice Age’) is forming a half circle around the point of said North Pole location near the Norwegian coast. No doubt there would have been floating ice over most of the ocean within the other half of said circle at that time. The above may be a fairly accurate map showing the Ice Cap around the North Pole at the time of Joshua’s Long Day around 1420 BCE, some 3,450 years ago. Interestingly, the narrator in the video is stating “It may have been a single day that sealed its fate… [the fate of Doggerland]”






Atomic Time vs. Solar Time


Documented Decay of the Speed of Light


Decay in the Ages Reported by Atomic Clocks


18 Billion Atomic Years = 6,000± Solar Years


Fig. 50. Title page.


Fig. 51: Conversion of Radioactive Decay years to Solar Years.

Notice in particular that Noah’s Flood (c. 2345 BCE) corresponds to 70 million Atomic years ago!

This is useful for a better comprehension of the thousands and millions of years typically referenced by such as are still being fooled by evolutionist teaching.

Please remember this when looking at the BC dates provided in the “Ice Age” maps below!

This is based upon the fact that c, the speed of light, has decayed over time, and is not constant.

For more details, please consider the research report below:


Fig. 52: Title page of Stanford Research Report.


Fig. 53.



Fig. 54.

Fig. 55.


Fig. 56.


Fig. 57: The above diagrams (Fig. 56 & 57) show how the measurements of the speed of light have decreased since the earliest known measurements in 1700 CE.

It is important to understand that the greater the speed of light, the shorter the half-life of radioactive atomic particles. Thus the diagram in Figure 51 above!











The Polar Ice Cap [of the Last Ice Age]

Rapidly Melted Off Following the Long Day of Joshua in 1420± When

Scandinavia Was Located Much Closer to the Equator

 At Between 40 and 50 Degrees Latitude

Until 699/698 BCE When Scandinavia Moved to its Present Latitude:



Below you may study various maps showing common understanding of the last so called “Ice Age”, and the migrations-repopulations following in the wake of the rapidly melting polar ice caps subsequent to said ice cap trans locations to much warmer areas some 45 degrees closer to the equator. For more detailed descriptions, please click the picture you are are studying! Remember that the thousands of ‘bp’ years indicated on the pictures below are based, not on solar years, but on atomic years, as referenced above!:





Figures 58 thru 91.



Fig. 92 & 93. Showing the geographical coordinates applicable to the pre-Hezekiah pole shift. Notice in particular the location of Fennoscandia (Finland + Scandinavia) is located between 40th and 47th latitude. That is, the last prior location of the North Pole (≈70 miles outside of the Norwegian coast line) has been transferred from 90° N to ≈50° S, or ≈40° closer to the equator.


To study my.3D Autocad animations.and analysis of past Pole Shifts and prior polar cap locations, please enjoy this link!






Re the Dating of the Sphinx vs. the Recent Pole Shifts

Notice these words (from about 16:25-19:25 in the video) re the dating of the sphinx vs the above positioning of Egypt from 1420± - 699/698 BCE! But 12°S± is well within the djungelbelt around the Equator, where heavy rain-periods regularly occur!

[Re Antarctica vs. Google Earth “pixeling”, i.e. fudging the facts.]

[Re “the Younger Dryas” as named from the flower ‘Dryas octopetala’ that blooms in June and July at high elevations in polar regions of the Earth]

Dryas Octapela. Did these bloom at the time of the Pole Shift in the year 699/698 BCE?



Did the last Pole Shift take place in the autumn?









The Melt Off of the Pre-1420± BCE Ice Cap

In the Years Since 1420± BCE


Contemporary Migrations

And Viking Raids



Fig. 94 thru 101: Notice in particular how that the coastlines, and the size and shape of the Bothnic Sea, rapidly changed during the 700+ years between the 1420± BCE pole shift and the 699/698 BCE pole shift! As reported in the video (between fig. 94 and 95 above) “a cooler climate…” slowed down the rate of ice cap melt off after the 699/698 BCE pole shift when the South Pole moved from Hudson Bay, Canada to its present position in the Arctic Sea, at which time Fennoscandia was alse moved closer to the pole and placed between the 55th and the 70th latitude where it currently remains. Nevertheless, during the next 3-4 centuries the remainder of the ice cap disappeared, such that in the 4th century BCE Pytheas was able to sail freely between the North Sea and the Bothnic Sea (cf. fig. 107 thru 110 below!)

Although not shown in the above maps, I would not exclude the possibility that at some point in time there was also an outlet from the Bothnic Sea into one or both of the Caspian Sea basin and/or the Black Sea basin. Be that as it may, Fennoscandia was easily circum navigable through waters located well below the 50th latitude until said 699/698 BCE pole shift!


Fig. 102: Notice in particular the green area of “Frequent Viking raids…” reaching from the Caspian Sea and Black Sea basins all the way to the Arctic Sea, and from then onwards along the Norwegian coast and into Fenoscandia. Seems to me like powerful evidence of open water ways along all of those green areas of “Frequent Viking raids…”!


Fig. 103: Notice in particular that the ice cap edge is draining through the Volga river into the Black Sea (i.e. from the right side of the ice cap in the map). Per the within Bible based pole shift scenario, the above situation would correspond to the time of Joshua, before or shortly following the 1420± BCE pole shift.


Fig. 104: “At the time, Scandinavia’s climate may have been comparable to that of central Germany…” [Listen for about 25 seconds to the embedded link!] Notice the atomic year date “2700 BC”! Please compare fig. 102 above 109 & 110 below, which maps must surely represent the situation in the 4th century BCE (solar year time) when Pytheas traveled those areas.



Fig. 105: Notice the direction of the “amber route” from north to south!



Fig. 106: Grave mounds are found along the west, south, and east Swedish coast lines and around lake Mälaren, but not much north of there. On the west and south coast those contain remains from Eskimo cultures (“stone age people”), whereas on the east coast and in Mälaren the people from the east are found, that is the “Bronze Age” people.



Fig. 107: These type of rock engravings are found along the coasts of Sweden, and even along the northernmost coastline of Norway! Powerful evidence of the water routes being traveled in those days! That is, during the 700+ years between the pole shifts of 1420± BCE and 699/698 BCE. I find it likely that the northernmost areas would have rapidly diminished following the last said pole shift of 699/698 BCE.




Fig. 108 thru 111: As also referenced at the beginning of the book Swenska Historien (Fig. 4 & 5 above) Pytheas book ‘On The Ocean’ is lost, leaving only fragmentary references to his 4th century BCE travels (as mapped in figures 108 thru 110 above. Cf. fig. 102 above!).



Fig. 112 thru 114: Did Pytheas travel in ships like these?



Fig. 115 thru 118. Notice the southbound migrations from Ferroscandia to southern Europe following the last pole shift (699/698 BCE) as the Fennoscandia climate suddenly became much colder. Apparently this southward migration continued through the first few centuries CE, while people from the south migrated northward from the Roman Empire.


Fig. 119: Click the above photo to watch a 1-minute movie showing a DNA-based correlation between migrations into Scandinavia versus melt off of the polar ice cap. Based upon the within Bible based pole shift scenario, said video should be more properly timed beginning at 1400± BCE, i.e. 3,400 years ago, not 9,000 years ago as stated in the video.





Two Consecutive,

Differently Distributed,

Polar Ice Caps / “Ice Ages”

Including Greenland Only


Fig. 120: Notice the circular ice cap (including N. America and Greenland), as forming around the Hudson Bay South Pole, while the Fennoscandia portion of the prior ice cap is rapidly melting off. Thus leaving Greenland alone as part of two distinctly separate, but consequtive, polar ice regions.


Fig. 121: This shows the “Glacial Maximum” at both polar areas of our planet. Cf. fig. 119 above!


Fig. 122: Notice the areas pointed out with the red arrows! The lecturer in the linked video behind the above pictures has his own explanations for this phenomenon based upon his “One Age Only” scenario (cf. fig. 127 below), but I would insist that the within pole shift scenario is a much simpler and obvious explanation.


Fig. 123: Following the 1420± BCE pole shift, the N. American ice cap began building up, while the north European ice cap rapidly melted off during the 700+ years prior to the 699/698 BCE pole shift. Again notice please how Greenland remains within both of said distinctly separate, but consequtive, polar ice caps.


Fig. 124: For comparison, “Global Ice Today”. That is, glaciers located on land.


Fig. 125: “How Big Were the Glaciers?” This pictures shows the land marks left behind at the edges of previous glaciers. I would be interested in knowing more re wheter or not the formations are different if left behind when the edge of the retreading glacier is extending into the open sea, versus when this event occurs above the coast line?


Fig. 126: “Glaciers in Kentucky” shows one typical exampel of where land marks of maximum ice caps are found. Cf. fig 125 above!


Fig. 127: A comparison between common “Secular View” versus the “Biblical View” held by the authors of th video behind the above picture. I would rather suggest a scenario using the above “Biblical View” time frame, but with different ice cap distributions for each of at least three different pole placements since Noah’s Flood. Each new placement following a very rapid pole shift of about 150 degrees north to sount within little more than about 72 hours from start to finish. This would certainly explain the extreme weather situations necessary for almost instant freezing of the animals found in the permafront and in the Alaskan muck. Cf. also fig. 130 and 131 below!




Fig. 128 thru 129: The ’Mammuth Steppe’. Cf. fig. 92-93 above!


Fig. 130: I notice in particular the words “Mammoth… Was chewing buttercups and grasses when it died”. To me this is an obvious sign of the season when this sudden event occurred. That is, this event happened during the summer season. Seeing that, prior to last pole shift, the Siberian land area was located between latitude 20 S and latitude 40 S (cf. fig. 92-93 above!), said summer season would correspond to October 699 BCE thru February 698 BCE. Presumably said “buttercups and grasses” have already been identified in great detail, and getting access to that information should facilitate a much more exact date and season for said event!


Fig. 131: Buttercups


Fig. 132: The “Oard Model” is a well supported model for a process such as the one that buried the Mammoths in the permafrost so very quickly. Even more so when applying the superextreme weather contidions associated with a 72 hour 150 degree Siberian area move from latitude 30 ±10° S to the current latitude 70 ±5° N at the time of the 699/698 BCE pole shift. Click the picture to listen to the lecturer’s description of the event!


Fig. 133: Current temperature distribution



Fig. 134: The above map mirrors the extent of the so-called Ice Age that covered northern Europe. That is, the land ice covering the polar cap prior to the Pole Shift that took place around 1420 BCE. The enormous weight of said land ice depressed the Earth’s crust at that time, most especially, all of the red area above, and extending from there through the yellow, the green, and into the blue area within the above map. That is, more forceful depression closer to the North Pole of pre-1420 BCE. As the immense weight of said ice covering disappeared over the subsequent centuries, the entire area that had previously been depressed was now lifted up, like an empty soup dish floating upon the melted magma underneath. This would initially have allowed the melting waters from those inland glaciers to flow eastward towards the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, which seas may even have extended to and included, around 700 BCE, the present Bothnic Sea area. Eventually however, as those ice masses disappeared, the crust of Earth covering that entire area was slowly lifted up such that the blue areas in the above map effectively dammed up the Bothnic Sea depression in the middle until the predominant outlet of the Bothnic Sea was towards the west south west direction, presently through Öresund between Denmark and Sweden. Given more time, eventually only the red, yellow, and green areas in the above map continued to rise, as they still do, thus diminishing the central lifting power and causing the surrounding blue areas to slowly sink downwards again towards the initial pre-ice, and pre-polar, non-depressed, flat land it once was.

Accordingly, the immigrant Vikings from the East around 700 BCE may well have been able at that time to travel by ship all the way back and forth between the present day Bothnic Sea and the Black Sea. Then, gradually, as the ice disappeared and as the land slowly rose up along the present-day watershed between the Bothnic Sea and the Black Sea areas, and as the Vikings’ previously established travel routes required from time to time, the Vikings adapted, by whatever means, to get their ships across the resulting watershed-embankment between the Baltic Sea basin and between the Black and Caspian Sea basins.

Notice, please, that said events around 700 BCE were concurrent with the capture of the 10 tribes out of Israel, and their displacement throughout the Assyrian kingdom. The Assyrian kingdom at that time reportedly extended all the way to the headwaters of the river Volga, which headwaters at that time, as we may recognize from the above said, were likely extending to the Bothnic Sea! Re the bronze used extensively by those eastern immigrants, please remember also the abundance of metals available during the time of Solomon around 1000 BCE! 1 Kings 10:21; 2 Chronicles 9:20; Ezra 8:27.

Somewhere [?] I remember reading also that, at the time when Ansgar brought Catholic “Christendom” to Sweden (in the 9th century CE), the “heathen” people inhabiting the deep woods of Scandinavia were keeping the Seventh Day Sabbath. Apparently, their conversion to ‘Christendom’ involved changing their Sabbath keeping habits from the Seventh Day to the First Day [of the week.][1] That is, in accord with the Sunday Laws introduced May 7, 538 CE by the 3rd Council of Orléans, a synod of the Roman Catholic Bishops of France. [Cf. the time line diagram within this link!]



Fig. 135: Click the picture to listen to a Creationist explanation of how new species may come into being! Most interesting indeed! Valuable information!
















Feel free to use, and for sharing freely with others, any of the truth and blessings belonging to God alone. I retain all the copyrights to the within, such that no one may lawfully restrain my use and my sharing of it with others. Including also all the errors that remain. Please let only me know about those. I need to know in order to correct them. Others don’t need to be focused upon the errors that belong to me alone. Please respect that, and please do not hesitate to let me know of any certain error that you find!


Without recourse. All Rights Reserved. Tree of Life©


[1] Notice that the Swedish name for ‘Saturday’ is ‘lördag’, which is old Swedish, and which means ‘lögardagen’, which name may be translated ‘the Day of Washing’ or ‘the Day of Cleansing’. That is, as in ‘the Holy Day’, Sabbath!